Basic norms of pronunciation of the Russian language. Basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation

Orthoepic rules cover only the area of ​​pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms, in groups of words or individual words.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

The differentiation of styles in the literary language in the field of vocabulary and grammar is also manifested in the field of pronunciation. There are two types of pronunciation style: conversational style and public (book) speech style. Conversational style is ordinary speech, dominant in everyday communication, stylistically weakly colored, neutral. The absence of a focus on perfect pronunciation in this style leads to the appearance of pronunciation variants, for example: [pr O s "ut] and [pr O s"ът], [high O ky] and [high O k"ii]. Book style finds expression in various forms of public speech: in radio broadcasting and sound films, in reports and lectures, etc. This style requires impeccable linguistic design, strict preservation of historically formed norms, and the elimination of pronunciation variations. In cases , when differences in pronunciation are due exclusively to the area of ​​phonetics, two styles are distinguished: full and conversational (incomplete). The full style is distinguished by a clear pronunciation of sounds, which is achieved by a slow pace of speech. The conversational (incomplete) style is characterized by a faster pace and, naturally, less thorough articulation of sounds .

In the Russian literary language, due to certain sound laws (assimilation, dissimilation, reduction) In words, the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations was established, which did not correspond to the spelling. We write what, whom, went, studied, but we must pronounce [ what ], [cavo ], [hadil ], [student ], etc. This is generally considered to be the pronunciation norm of the literary language, which was established long before the appearance of the rules of orthoepy. Over time, pronunciation rules were developed that became mandatory for literary speech.

The most important of these rules are the following:

1. Vowel sounds are pronounced clearly (in accordance with their spelling) only under stress ( conversationAND li, xABOUT dim, cmE ly, bE ly, nABOUT Sim). In an unstressed position, vowel sounds are pronounced differently.

2. The vowel o in an unstressed position should be pronounced as a sound close to a [ VA Yes], [XA RA sho], [ToA force], [mountainsAT ], and write - water, good, mowed, city .

3. Unstressed e, i should be pronounced as a sound close to i [ VAND sleep], [passAND private], [plAND satiate], [PAND RAND smatreli], and write - spring, sowing, dance, reviewed .

4. Voiced consonants (paired) at the end of words and before voiceless consonants in the middle of a word should be pronounced as their corresponding paired unvoiced [ duP ], [mountainT ], [breadP ], [MaroWITH ], [daroSh ka], [grisP ki], [aboutZ bah], [smallD bah], [reWITH cue], and it is written - oak, city, bread, frost, path, fungi, request .

5. The sound g should be pronounced as a plosive, except for the word God, which is pronounced aspirated. At the end of words, instead of r, there is a paired voiceless k [ otherTO ], [booksTO ], [bootsTO ], [moTO ], and it is written - friend, books, boots, could etc.

6. Consonants s, z before sibilants zh, sh, ch should be pronounced as long sibilants [ AND burn], [AND feverish], [beLJ worn out], but it is written burn, with heat, lifeless . At the beginning of some words sch sounds like sch [SCH astier], [SCH no], [SCH italy], and it is written - happiness, counting, counting .

7. In some words the combination chn pronounced like [ caneShN A], [boredShN A], [Me andShN itza], [squareShN IR], [NikitiShN A], [SavvySh on], [laundryShN and I], but it is written of course, boring, scrambled eggs, birdhouse, Nikitichna, Savvichna, laundry . In some words, double pronunciation is allowed - bakery -[buloShN and I], lactic - [moloShN th], but only bakery, dairy is written. In most words, the combination chn is pronounced in accordance with the spelling (eternal, dacha, durable, night, stove).

8. Words that should be pronounced as [ what], [shtoby].

9. When a series of consonants collide - rdc, stn, stl, etc., usually one of these sounds is not pronounced. We write: heart, honest, stairs, happy , and we pronounce [ seRC e], [whatCH th], [leCH itza], [nowSL willow].

10. The endings -ogo, -it should be pronounced as ava, iva [ redAVA ],[synWILLOW ], [kavo], [chIVO], and write red, blue, whom, what.

11. Endings -tsya,-tsya(study, studies) are pronounced like - tsa [teachCC A], [daringCC A], [meetingCC A].

12. Letters at the beginning of words uh - e are written in accordance with pronunciation (this, echo, standard, experiment; ride, eat, huntsman).

In a number of foreign words after consonants and And is written e, although pronounced uh(diet, hygiene, atheist, atelier, muffler, coffee, pince-nez, parterre), exceptions: sir, mayor, peer. After other vowels, e is more often written and pronounced (poetry, poet, silhouette, maestro, but: project, register).

In a number of foreign words, after consonants that are pronounced softly, it is written and pronounced e(museum, technical school, academy, dean, decade, cologne, plywood, tempo).

In Russian words after f, w, c pronounced uh, but it is always written e(iron, even, six, quieter, whole, at the end).

13. Double consonants, both in native Russian words and words of foreign origin, are in most cases pronounced as single consonants (that is, without their extension).

We write : Russia, Russian, eleven, public, made, chord, cancel, accompaniment, assistant, carefully, balloon, Saturday, gram, flu, class, correspondent, tennis, etc., and we pronounce these words without doubling these consonants, for with the exception of a few words in which double consonants are written and pronounced (bath, manna, gamma, etc.).

In orthoepy, there is a law of reduction (weakening of articulation) of vowels, according to which vowel sounds are pronounced without change only under stress, and in an unstressed position they are reduced, that is, they are subject to weakened articulation.

In orthoepy, there is a rule according to which the voiced consonants B, V, G, D, Zh, 3 at the end of a word sound like their paired voiceless P, F, K, T, Sh, S. For example: forehead - lo[p], blood - cro[f"], eye - eye[s], ice - le[t], fright - fright[k]. (The sign " denotes the softness of the consonant).

In orthoepy, the combinations Зж and Жж, located inside the root of the word, are pronounced as a long (double) soft sound [Zh]. For example: I’m leaving - I’m leaving, I’m arriving - I’m coming, later - it’s burning, reins - reins, rattling - rattling. The word “rain” is pronounced with a long soft [SH] (SHSH) or with a long soft [ZH] (ZHZH) before the combination ZhZH: dosh, dozhzha, dozzhichek, dozhzhit, dozzhem, dozzhevik.

Combinations of MF and ZCH are pronounced as a long soft sound [Ш"]: happiness - happiness, count - schet, customer - customer.

In some combinations of several consonants, one of them falls out: hello - hello, heart - heart, sun - sun.

The sounds [T] and [D] are softened before the soft [V] only in some words. For example: door - door, two - two, twelve - twelve, movement - movement, Thursday - Thursday, solid - solid, branches - branches, but two, courtyard, supply.

In the words “if”, “near”, “after”, “unless” the sounds [S] and [Z] are softened and pronounced: “if”, “took”, “posle”, “razve”.

In the words ordinary, majestic, especialN-Nyn and others, two “Ns” are pronounced.

The reflexive particle SY in verbs is pronounced firmly - SA: washed, boyals, dressed. The combination of ST sounds before the soft sound [B] is pronounced softly: natural - natural, majestic - majestic.

In ordinary colloquial pronunciation, there are a number of deviations from orthoepic norms. The sources of such deviations are often the native dialect (pronunciation in one or another dialect of the speaker) and writing (incorrect, letter pronunciation corresponding to spelling). So, for example, for natives of the north, a stable dialect feature is okanye, and for southerners - the pronunciation of the [g] fricative. Pronunciation in place of the letter G at the end of the family pad. adjectives sound [g], and in place h(in words of course that) sound [h] is explained by the “literal” pronunciation, which in this case does not coincide with the sound composition of the word. The task of orthoepy is to eliminate deviations from literary pronunciation.

There are a lot of rules in orthoepy and to master them you should consult the relevant literature.

Word stress

Russian stress is the most difficult area of ​​the Russian language to master. It is distinguished by the presence of a large number of pronunciation options: loop and loop, cottage cheese and cottage cheese, rings and rings, beginnings and beginnings, means and means. Russian accent is characterized by diversity and mobility. Variability is the ability of stress to fall on any syllable of Russian words: on the first - iconography, on the second - expert, on the third - blinds, on the fourth - apartments. In many languages ​​of the world, stress is attached to a specific syllable. Mobility is the property of stress to move from one syllable to another when changing (declension or conjugation) of the same word: water - water, I go - you walk. Most words in the Russian language (about 96%) have movable stress. Variability and mobility, historical variability of pronunciation norms lead to the appearance of accent variants for one word. Sometimes one of the options is sanctioned by dictionaries as corresponding to the norm, and the other - as incorrect. Wed: shop, - incorrect; the store is correct.

In other cases, the options are given in dictionaries as equal: sparkling and sparkling. Reasons for the appearance of accent variants: The law of analogy - a large group of words with a certain type of stress influences a smaller one, similar in structure. In the word thinking, the emphasis moved from the root thinking to the suffix -eni- by analogy with the words beating, driving, etc. False analogy. The words gas pipeline, garbage chute are pronounced incorrectly by false analogy with the word wire with the emphasis on the penultimate syllable: gas pipeline, garbage chute. Development of the ability of stress to differentiate the forms of words. For example, with the help of stress, the forms of the indicative and imperative moods are distinguished: restrain, force, take a sip and restrain, force, take a sip. Mixing stress patterns. This reason operates more often in borrowed words, but can also appear in Russian ones. For example, nouns in -iya have two stress patterns: dramaturgy (Greek) and astronomy (Latin). In accordance with these models, one should pronounce: asymmetry, industry, metallurgy, therapy and veterinary medicine, gastronomy, cooking, speech therapy, drug addiction. However, in living speech there is a mixture of models, as a result of which variants appear: cooking and cooking, speech therapy and speech therapy, drug addiction and drug addiction. The effect of the tendency towards rhythmic balance. This tendency appears only in four- to five-syllable words.

If the interstress interval (the distance between stress in neighboring words) turns out to be greater than the critical interval (the critical interval is equal to four unstressed syllables in a row), then the stress moves to the previous syllable. Accent interaction of word-formation types. The variants in the cases spare - spare, transfer - transfer, platoon - platoon, push - push, tidal - tidal, otvodny - otvodny are explained by the accentual interaction of denominal and verbal formations: transfer - from transfer, transfer - from translate, etc. Professional pronunciation: spark (for electricians), mining (for miners), compass, cruisers (for sailors), boy (for salesmen), agony, bite, alcohol, syringes (for doctors), armhole, leaves (for tailors), characteristic (for actors), etc. Trends in the development of stress. In two- and three-syllable masculine nouns, there is a tendency for stress to shift from the last syllable to the previous one (regressive stress). For some nouns this process has ended. Once upon a time they said: turner, competition, runny nose, ghost, despot, symbol, air, pearl, epigraph. In other words, the process of stress transition continues to this day and is manifested in the presence of options: quarter (incorrect quarter), cottage cheese and additional. cottage cheese, contract and extras. contract, dispensary (wrong dispensary), catalog (catalogue not recommended), obituary not recommended (obituary). In feminine nouns also of two and three syllables, there is a shift of stress from the first word to the next (progressive stress): kerza - kerza, keta - keta, foil - foil, milling cutter - milling cutter. The source of the appearance of variants can be stresses in words with different meanings: linguistic - linguistic, developed - developed, chaos - chaos, flap - flap. Insufficient mastery of exotic vocabulary: pima or pima (shoes), high boots or high boots (shoes), shanga or shanga (in Siberia this is what they call cheesecake). Thus, the norms of modern Russian literary pronunciation are a complex phenomenon.

Competent oral speech is the key to successful communication. The ability to correctly express your thoughts will help not only when applying for a job or in business negotiations, but also in everyday life. But in order to perfectly master oral speech, you need to know and follow the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. This is what our article will be devoted to.

What is orthoepy?

The word "orthoepy" consists of two Greek roots - "orthos" and "epos", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of correct speech is what orthoepy is.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic abbreviations include initials next to the surname, designations of volume or distance, for example, liters (l), meters (m), also pages (s) and other similar abbreviations that serve to save space in printed text. When reading, all these truncated words must be deciphered, that is, the word must be pronounced in full.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which may only be appropriate in certain circumstances.

First names and patronymics

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the pronunciation of names and patronymics. Note that the use of patronymics is typical only for our language. In Europe, such a concept does not exist at all.

The use of a person's full name and patronymic is necessary in various circumstances, both verbally and in writing. Such addresses are especially often used in work environments and official documents. Such an address to a person can also serve as a marker of the degree of respect, especially when talking with elders and elderly people.

Most Russian-language names and patronymics have several pronunciation options, which can vary, among other things, depending on the degree of closeness with the person. For example, when meeting for the first time, it is advisable to pronounce the interlocutor’s name and patronymic clearly, as close to written form as possible.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation norms) provide for the historically established method of use in oral speech.

  • Patronymic names ending in “-evna”, “-evich”. In female versions, it is necessary to comply with the written form, for example, Anatolyevna. For men, a short version is also acceptable: Anatolyevich / Anatolyich.
  • On “-aevich” / “-aevna”, “-eevich” / “-eevna”. For both male and female options, a short version is allowed: Alekseevna / Aleksevna, Sergeevich / Sergeich.
  • On “-ovich” and “-ovna”. In the male version, contraction of the form is acceptable: Alexandrovich / Alexandrych. For women, full pronunciation is required.
  • In female patronymics, formed from names ending in “n”, “m”, “v”, [ov] is not pronounced. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce loanwords

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules of pronunciation of foreign words. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases the laws of use of Russian words are violated in borrowed ones. For example, the letter “o” in unstressed syllables is pronounced the same way as if it were in a strong position: oasis, model.

Also, in some foreign words, the consonants preceding the softening vowel “e” remain hard. For example: code, antenna. There are also words with variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce “e” both hard and soft: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words the stress is fixed, that is, it remains unchanged in all word forms. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to turn to a spelling dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now we will take a closer look at the orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian language. First, let's figure out what an accentological norm is. This is the name for the rules for placing stress in a word.

In the Russian language, stress is not fixed, as in most European ones, which not only enriches speech and increases the possibilities of language play, but also provides enormous opportunities for violating the accepted norm.

Let's consider the functions that a non-fixed accent performs. So here it is:

  • provides an opportunity for stylistic coloring of words (Silver - Serebro) and the emergence of professionalisms (Kompas - Kompas);
  • provides for a change in the etymology (meaning) of the word (melI - meli, Atlas - atlas);
  • allows you to change the morphological features of the word (sosny - sosny).

Also, placing stress can change the style of your speech. So, for example, the word “maiden” will refer to the literary, and “maiden” will refer to the neutral one.

There is also a class of words in which the variability of stress does not carry any semantic load. For example, Butt - butt, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a unified norm and equal existence of the dialect and literary language.

Also, the placement of stress in some words may simply be an outdated form. For example, music is music, an employee is an employee. In essence, you are only changing the stress, but in fact you are starting to speak with an outdated syllable.

Most often, the placement of stress in a word has to be remembered, since existing rules do not regulate all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation of a literary norm can become an individual author's technique. This is often used by poets to make a poetic line sound smoother.

However, one should not assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. Stress and its correct placement is too broad and complex a topic, so it is usually placed in a special section and studied separately. Those who want to familiarize themselves with the topic in more detail and eliminate violations of the norm of stress placement from their speech are recommended to acquire an orthoepic dictionary.


It would seem that what could be difficult about speaking your native language? In fact, most of us have no idea how many norms of the Russian language are violated every day.

Everyone at least several times in their life doubted how to pronounce a word correctly, where to put the emphasis, because the Russian language is one of the most difficult languages.
Difficulties arise for several reasons.

In the Russian language there is no general rule for preserving stress; it can appear in any part of the word, unlike, for example, the French language, where the stress is always placed on the last syllable.

Stress plays a semantic role. Depending on the stress, the meaning of a word changes; this can be observed in homonym words, or rather, in homographs (words that are spelled the same but sound differently): p A smoke and steam And yeah, A tlas and atl A s, cr e dit and cred And T.

Our language has a lot of foreign words borrowed from other languages. This, on the one hand, enriches the language, but, on the other, creates difficulties in pronunciation and writing. Particularly often, difficulties arise with the letter “e”: it is written “e” and pronounced “e” (parterre, sex, dash).

There are many territorial varieties of the Russian language - dialects - which also affect pronunciation. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow they call meat cooked on a spit differently: shawarma and shawarma.

Communication with Slavic “brothers” has a huge impact on Russian speakers. Even television announcers began to pronounce many words in the Ukrainian manner, thereby making speech errors. Most often I hear such errors in verb stress: n A chala instead of started A, P O nyala instead of understood A etc.

But despite the many factors that negatively affect the language, we must strive to speak correctly, since speech is the calling card of every person. By the way a person pronounces words, you can tell a lot about his origin, upbringing, and education. And if native speakers, those for whom Russian is their native language, do not treat it with care, then who will preserve the language?

Let's speak correctly!

With this article I open a series of texts devoted to correct pronunciation.

For starters, here it is a set of words that cause difficulty in stress.

One of the most common mistakes is the emphasis on feminine past tense verbs (I already wrote about this above, but I’ll repeat it):

Wrong: began, understood, took, took, created.
Right: began A, Understood A, took A, took A etc. But in the masculine gender: n A chal, p ABOUT nyal, with ABOUT built

It is considered bad form to say they are calling, they are calling. Correct: ringing AND ugh, ringing AND t, ringing I T.

You can buy wed E dstva and use wed E by means, but not by means.

A child in childhood needs balls A t.

In Kyiv they speak Ukrainian AND nskoy language.

The confectionery shop sells t ABOUT mouths, and the data is entered into the directory ABOUT G.

And what the key is hung on is called keychain, not a keychain.

And another 40 words:

apostrophe aristocracy bows genesis
denim dispensary contract napOta
envious CONSPIRACY become moldy seal
serrated Spark quarter whooping cough
flint more beautiful kitchen hunk
crowbar briefly (glimpsingly) garbage chute naked (naked)
intention security facilitate wholesale
funeral (at funeral) reward force plum
in-depth dead phenomenon (phenomenon) Cotton robe
hosts scoop scarves sorrel

Tell us about which words cause you difficulty in pronunciation. Maybe some words once or now surprised you with their emphasis?

You can learn about what orthoepy is from dictionaries and reference books of the literary language. All languages ​​of the world have certain lexical norms, which are examples of the correct use of words.

The science of spelling

Orthoepy studies the laws and rules of pronunciation of words. It is very similar to spelling, which deals with the laws of the correct spelling of words. The term "orthoepy" includes two Greek words: orthos - "true", "correct", "straight" (direction) and epos - "speech", "conversation". Therefore, to the question of what orthoepy is, one can give an answer directly translated from Greek: correct pronunciation.

Orthoepy rules

Various deviations from the norms of use and pronunciation interfere with communication, distract the listener from the meaning of the spoken speech and significantly complicate the assimilation of the spoken text. Following the rules of pronunciation of words is just as important as adhering to the rules of spelling. Orthoepy will tell you the correct pronunciation of a particular lexical unit. The rules of this science make it possible to determine how to pronounce a particular word and the scope of its lexical application. Indeed, in a world where oral speech is a means of widespread communication, it must be impeccable, from the point of view of the rules of spelling.

History of Russian orthoepy

Russian orthoepy took shape already in the mid-17th century. Then the rules for pronunciation of certain words were approved, and standards for constructing phrases and sentences were laid down. Moscow became the center of the new literary language. Based on North Russian dialects and southern dialects, Moscow pronunciation was formed, which was taken as the basis of the lexical norm. The science of how to correctly pronounce this or that word came from Moscow to the remote hinterlands of Russia.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the new capital of Russia, the city of St. Petersburg, became the center of the political and cultural life of the country. Gradually, pronunciation norms changed, and clear, letter-by-letter pronunciation of words became the rule among the intelligentsia. But among the general population, Moscow pronunciation continued to be considered the norm.

Orthoepy studies such norms of pronunciation of the Russian language as stress, norms of pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations, melody and intonation of spoken language.


What orthoepy is can be discussed using the rules for placing stress in Russian words. The question is not as simple as it might seem. In French speech, in the vast majority of cases, the stress is placed on the last syllable. In Russian, the stress is movable, it can fall on an arbitrary syllable, and change its location depending on the gender and case of a given word. For example, city, but cities, train, but trains, will accept, but accepted.

Sometimes incorrect pronunciation is so ingrained in spoken language that it takes a lot of effort to eradicate the error. For example, everywhere we hear calls instead of calls, contract, instead of the correct contract. The orthoepy of the word insists on: catalog, necrology, quarter instead of the established incorrect versions of these words.

Sometimes surprise helps correct stress. For example, in the mid-50s of the 20th century, the use of the word “youth” instead of the correct “youth” was widespread. The widely popular song “Anthem of Democratic Youth” helped correct the mistake. The song was created by composer Novikov based on poems by the poet Oshanin. The chorus of the anthem contained the words: “Young people sing this song.” The widespread “youth” did not fit into the rhythm or text of this musical work, so the incorrect pronunciation of the popular word was replaced by the correct one.


The spoken word can be written down using transcription. This is the name given to recording the audible words and sounds of a language. In transcription, along with ordinary letters, special letters are also used, for example, the letter [æ] denotes an open stressed vowel, something between “a” and “e”. This sound is not used in Russian speech, but is often found when studying languages ​​of the Germanic branch.

Nowadays, special dictionaries will help you put the correct stress in a word.

Pronunciation of individual sounds

You can explain what orthoepy is using the example of the pronunciation of vowels in words of the Russian language. For example, the norm in the Russian language is reduction - weakening of the articulation of vowels in some words. For example, in the word “box” only the third sound “o” is clearly heard, and the first one is pronounced muffled. The result is a sound that resembles both [o] and [a] at the same time.

If an unstressed [o] is at the beginning of a word, it is always pronounced as [a]. For example, in the words “fire”, “window”, “glasses”, [a] is clearly pronounced in the first case. The stressed [o] does not change its meaning: the words “cloud”, “island”, “very” are pronounced with an expressed [o] at the beginning.

The sound of some consonants

The existing rules of orthoepy say that voiced consonants at the end of spoken words sound like their paired voiceless ones. For example, the word “oak” is pronounced [dup], “eye” - [voice], “tooth” - [zup], and so on.

The consonant phrases “zzh” and “zhzh” are pronounced as a double soft [zhzh], for example, we write I’m coming, we pronounce [priezhzhyayu], rattling - [rattling] and so on.

The exact pronunciation of a particular word can be found in special spelling dictionaries.

For example, Avanesov presented quite a serious work on orthoepy. The deeply researched publications by linguists Reznichenko, Abramov and others are interesting. Spelling dictionaries can be easily found on the Internet or in special departments of libraries.


The norms of oral speech include accentological, orthoepic and intonation norms.

Accentological norms of the Russian literary language

Accentological norms- these are the rules for placing stress in words

Word stress- this is the selection of one of the syllables of a non-monosyllabic word. The stressed vowel in a syllable is distinguished by greater duration and strength.

As a rule, a Russian word has one stress. But in complex words, especially in professional speech, there are often two stresses: main and secondary, i.e. collateral (on the first part of a long compound word): With at peroblO zhka, en e rgosiste ma, n e fteprovO d, mash And nostroe tion and etc.

Mastering Russian accentological norms causes difficulties not only for foreigners, but also for native speakers. This is due to some peculiarities of stress in Russian:

1. Russian accent is free and varied. It can fall on any syllable in a word, any morpheme: ribbons, documents, medicines.

Unlike the Russian language, in some European languages ​​the stress is fixed: for example, in Estonian, Latvian, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish the stress falls on the first syllable, in Polish, Spanish, Georgian - on the penultimate, in Armenian, French the last syllable is stressed .

2. Russian stress can be mobile (in different forms of the same word, stress can move from one syllable to another: I understand, I understand, I understand) and motionless (in all forms of the word it falls on the same syllable: pa"rta, at pa"rta, behind pa"rta). This specificity of Russian stress makes it possible to distinguish between the grammatical forms of both the same word and two different words, for example: hands And hands" And shelf".

Russian accent is characterized by variability. Accentological options– acceptable ways of placing emphasis. There are about 5,000 words in the Russian language that have fluctuations in stress.

Accentological options can be:

1) equal: a loop" And a loop;

2) stylistic: contract "r - do" agreement(colloquial);

3) professional: syringes - syringes(in the speech of doctors); and "skra - spark"(in the speech of drivers);

4) semantic: a "tlas - atla"s; mu "ka - flour";

5) chronological: Ukrainian(neutral) – Ukrainian(obsolete).

So, Russian accent is described by several signs at once:

· power and quantity according to phonetic type;

· different location in a word;

· mobile according to the criterion of attachment to a specific morpheme (in the formation of grammatical forms and in word formation).

It is impossible to give general rules for placing stress. When determining the place of stress in a word, we recommend using the following dictionaries:

Zarva M.V. Russian verbal stress: Dictionary of common nouns.
M., 2001.

Ivanova T.F. New spelling dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms. M., 2007;

Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / ed. R.I.Avanesova. M., 2001.

Orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language

Term orthoepy(from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech, i.e. literally correct speech) is used in two meanings:

1) a branch of linguistics dealing with the study of normative literary pronunciation;

2) a system of pronunciation norms.

Orthoepic norm- this is the only possible or preferred option for correct, exemplary pronunciation.

Orthoepic options– differences in the pronunciation of one phonetic element that are within normal limits. The emergence of pronunciation variants is due to the development of pronunciation norms, the struggle between the new and the old. In this regard, the concept of “younger” and “senior” orthoepic norms appeared.

“Senior” orthoepic norm- this is a pronunciation typical for people of the older generation, as well as for theatrical and oratorical speech (for example, battle[With], alone[k]y, bulo[shn]and I and etc.).

"Younger" pronunciation norm, characteristic of people of the middle and younger generation, common in everyday and official speech (but not stage or oratory): battle[With'], alone[k'i]y, bulo[ch'n]and I and etc.

The following groups of orthoepic norms are distinguished: 1) rules for pronunciation of vowels (we will not consider them in detail); 2) rules for the pronunciation of consonant sounds and their combinations; 3) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms; 4) rules for pronunciation of foreign words.

Rules for the pronunciation of consonants and their combinations

1. Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word are deafened into paired unvoiced ones: zu[P], warehouse[T], Moro[With], side[w]. Sound deafening [ G] to unpaired [ X] is a literary norm only in words God. Pronunciation of the voiceless fricative [ X] at the end of other words is unacceptable as a dialect (a feature of southern Russian dialects).

2. Voiced consonants before voiceless ones change (become similar to each other) into paired voiceless ones: about[P]ka, but[w]ka.

3. Voiceless consonants before voiced ones, with the exception of sonorants ( r, l, m, n) And V are similar to them in terms of sonority: about[z']ba, ta[G]same.

4. Softening of hard consonants before soft ones (assimilation, i.e. assimilation) is most often observed before a suffix or inside a root: th[n']shield,[z'd']Yes.

Mitigation is not allowed [ h]in words starting with - change in all cases: in mechanism, about materialism.

5. In place of letter combinations zzh, szh pronounced long hard hissing [ LJ]: lifeless - no[LJ]worn out, burn -[LJ]eat.

Combination LJ can be pronounced like [ LJ]And [ w'f']: in[LJ]and and in[w'f']And.

6. Combinations US And zsh pronounced as a long hard [ shh]: the highest is you[shh]y, lower - neither[shh]yy.

7. Combinations dch And tch pronounced as a long sound [ ch'ch']: translator - translation[ch'ch']ik, pilot - le[ch'ch']IR.

8. Long soft sound [ sh"sh"] is pronounced in place of letter combinations zch, sch, zhch, shch, zch, stch(carver, happiness, man, freckled cutter, tougher).

9. In place of letter combinations ts, ts pronounced [ cc]: little gold - gold[cc]e , fights - fights[cc]A .

10. When three or more consonant phonemes are combined in the Russian language, a process of simplification of groups of consonants (dieresis) occurs: one of the consonants, usually the middle one, is not pronounced. This applies to combinations stn , stl, zdn, rdc and etc.: local – meh[sn]oh, happy – happy[sl']yiv, holiday - right[z'n']ik, heart - se[rc]e and so on.

11. In some cases, the Russian language presents dissimilation (dissimilarity) of consonants according to the method of formation. Sound [ G] in combinations gk , hh pronounced like [ X]: softer - me[X]what, it’s easier – le[x]che.

12. Combination Thu in words it is most often pronounced as [thu]: me[thu]a. In a word What and its derivatives ( to, nothing, anything etc.) the old Moscow pronunciation is preserved: in place Thu pronounced [PCS] except the word something.

13. Pronunciation of the combination chn often causes difficulties caused by the interaction of the rules of Old Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation. According to the old Moscow norm, the combination chn pronounced like [ shn] in words of course, boring, on purpose, poor student, scrambled eggs, birdhouse, trifling etc., in female patronymics on - ichna : Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna and so on.

In many words in modern Russian literary language the combination chn pronounced like [chn]: Christmas tree, summer resident, eternal, precise, night.

Some words with combination chn have acceptable pronunciation options [ch'n] And [shn]: decent, bakery, penny, dairy etc. Pronunciation option [shn] in such words is assessed as outdated. But in some cases the pronunciation is different chn performs a semantic distinguishing function: And he, my heart, still suffers with his heart disease.