Unrecognized artists during their lifetime. At the wrong time: why geniuses are not recognized during their lifetime

In a fit of generosity, give to the world

Well, not the whole world, of course, but just shout in a crowded bar: “I’m treating everyone!” Believe me, there is more heroism and courage in this act than in the boring fight against hunger in Africa. This is male maximalism!


Splinter a tool

A valuable instrument, not a Chinese foam ukulele! Ruthlessly crush the electric guitar in the final solo or better yet at the beginning of the song - then no one will guess that you didn’t even know how to play it.

Jump from a height

With a parachute. Or on a flimsy elastic band tied to the bridge railing with an elegant feminine knot with a bow. It's hard to say which is better. With an elastic band - faster and easier. But when you fall with a parachute, no one sees your face or hears your screams.


Climb into a cage with an animal

But before you jump over the zoo barrier, carefully study the instructions for the rhinoceros resting in it. Make sure that the rhinoceros's poisonous teeth are removed and that he will not blindly mistake you for a basket of delicious cheesecakes. After all, unlike parachutes and bungees, animals are really dangerous!

Dating two girlfriends

And what could be more dangerous than secretly dating two women who know each other well? You will develop the discipline of Stirlitz, the will of Rambo, the desperation of the three hundredth Spartan, as well as insomnia and paranoia like no one else has had before. Well, maybe Woody Allen.


Walk in the favelas

Third world countries seem to be made for you to fall off the tourist bus and head into the slums in search of adventure. You will be amazed how, contrary to stereotypes, the poor native population is educated: they know how to say with gestures “Get your money and your mobile phone” in 120 languages!


Spend money on your business dreams

This is how life works: the more interesting the business, the more hopeless it is. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Vice versa! Invest all your money in a falconry store or a jazz club for snowboarding enthusiasts. It will burn out - and God bless it! Nobody kicks Napoleon for Waterloo!

Hitchhike to Bobruisk

True, if you are a resident of Bobruisk, we don’t even know what to advise. Sorry.


Start a bar brawl

It only seems illegal and antisocial from the outside. In reality, bars are specially created so that, without taking a cigarette out of your mouth, you can exchange slaps in the face, make destructive changes to the interior and entertain onlookers. Now that's what they exist for computer games, but there are also eternal male traditions! Moreover, at night you will already make peace with the offender, and by the morning you will become the favorite client of the establishment.

There is such a thing as a crazy act. It can be expressed in anything. For example a guy to show Love jumps into the river from a tall bridge to see his girlfriend. Risky. I witnessed such a jump. There was a shallow in that part of the river and the guy hit the bottom painfully. In my opinion, this is a little stupid, but people go to great lengths to prove their Love. It’s worse when the girl herself forces: “Do you want to prove your love for me? Jump off this bridge! »
- But it’s very high here...
- For me! What can't you do? Well, you're a coward!
In general this stupid girl who can say that.

Once I was drinking tea with my sister and she asked me if I was capable of doing a crazy thing for the sake of my beloved?
“Yes,” I answered. – I haven’t done anything crazy yet, but I could do it. Yes.
The sister said that her boyfriend would like to do something crazy for her, but he hasn’t figured out what yet. Whether this is his invention, or whether his sister herself is egging him on to this, I don’t know. Well, for example, what crazy thing can you do? Well, buy a bunch of red roses and cover the yard or the road in front of her house with them. Expensive. Or write on the asphalt with paint: “I love you! "in huge letters. And when she goes out onto the balcony, this inscription will catch her eye. Damn, somehow childish... Gather friends and play a serenade on guitar, trumpet and drums under her balcony. And sing. Cool! Rent a long Lincoln VIP-Car for the evening and ride around the city in this limousine.

Or a yacht. No, the yacht is much more expensive, but it gives more impressions.

And on the first of May we were walking in the center and my sister’s boyfriend wanted to ask the organizers of the street event for a megaphone to shout to the whole street about love, but they didn’t allow it. My sister also applied, but they explained that it was impossible. So he didn’t do anything crazy. And I didn't. It’s true that I got married already, and crazy things are usually done during the candy-bouquet period, but who knows. Maybe I’ll surprise my wife somehow. In a way she never expected.

, Yes, I understand…
By the way, BRILLIANT, you shouldn’t say that writing a confession under the window is stupid! It’s very surprising, pleasant, emotions after that are over the edge!! for a very long time... until it is erased!))
You can also have a date on the roof of the house. Bring her there, and there will be champagne, fruit, etc. But this better in summer. It’s possible during the day, better at dusk...)) But the house must have at least 9 floors. And the view from it is beautiful. Romanantikaaa...)))

05.03.2009 10:17

But I wrote near the house and shouted with my friends that I love her, that she is the best, I even threw rose petals at the entrance and there were just a lot of flowers. In the morning she brought out 2 fifty-liter bags of flowers. When they shouted, the neighbor cold water didn't pour it on. But she doesn’t care... She didn’t even pay attention and didn’t say anything! I just don't know whether to do anything else or not! Please tell me what else can be done
07/04/2009 14:25. Answers: