Educators during the Great Patriotic War. Conversations about war

Badly Great

Preschool education during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Among the heavy losses that our country suffered during this war, unprecedented in history, was the destruction of numerous institutions, culture, schools and preschool institutions.

Despite the difficult military and economic situation, the Communist Party and the Soviet government continued to show concern for the normal functioning of schools and educational institutions. The party and government paid special attention to ensuring normal living conditions, education and training of hundreds of thousands of children who lost their parents and were resettled in the eastern regions of the country. At the beginning of 1942, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a special resolution on the fight against child neglect, according to which special commissions were created at the regional executive committees, and the positions of inspectors for patronage and combating child neglect were introduced in the regional departments of public education, a network of children's foster homes and orphanages was created, and measures for the employment of older adolescents.

The whole country took part in saving the children. Supported by the state, a movement to adopt orphans began. In Tashkent alone, 643 families took in orphaned children, and throughout the Union as a whole, thousands of families did this. A wide network of orphanages, boarding schools and after-school groups was organized. In Uzbekistan alone, over 100 thousand children left without parents received proper care and education. A whole system of measures was carried out to protect and strengthen the health of children, children's canteens were opened, and numerous pioneer camps and playgrounds operated in the summer. In the spring of 1944, a government decree was adopted and then fully implemented to cover 2 million 500 thousand children of school and preschool age with various forms of organized summer recreation.

During the Great Patriotic War, the work of preschool education became extremely complicated. Many preschool institutions were destroyed by the Nazi invaders; The evacuation of significant masses of the population to the eastern regions and the high employment of women in production sharply increased the need for kindergartens and nurseries. New preschool institutions were usually opened at evacuated enterprises. The time children spent in them was increased, and groups with round-the-clock stays for children became widespread. A new type of educational institutions arose - preschool boarding schools, in which children who had temporarily lost contact with their parents were brought up. Preschool orphanages have become widespread.

Preschool institutions in besieged cities and those areas that were in the zone of action of fascist aviation operated in particularly difficult conditions. Here, teachers and children were forced to stay in bomb shelters most of the time.

Of great importance for the development of preschool education was the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, adopted in 1944, “On measures to expand the network of child care institutions and improve medical and consumer services for women and children.” The resolution provided for a whole range of measures to improve the work of various types of preschool institutions, such as nurseries, kindergartens, orphanages and consultations.

As a result of a set of measures taken by government agencies, by the end of the war the number of preschool institutions in the USSR and the number of places in them even exceeded the pre-war level.

In preschool institutions, much attention was paid to the physical development of children, as well as to instilling in them a sense of patriotism, internationalism, and love for the Soviet Army.

Scientific and practical conferences, which began in the pre-war years, played an important role in the development of theoretical and methodological issues of education. In the period 1941-1945. 16 such conferences were held, devoted to various issues of the theory and practice of preschool education.

In December 1944, a new “Kindergarten Charter” was adopted, which covered in detail the most important issues in the activities of kindergartens and played a major role in the organization of preschool education in the post-war years. Of particular importance was the development of the “Manual for Kindergarten Teachers,” which contains programmatic and methodological instructions for working in various age groups, which contributed to the improvement of practical work.

The adoption of the new “Charter” and “Guidelines,” the active use of which began after the end of the war, was evidence of the significant development of the theory and practice of preschool education in the USSR.

Nadezhda Sasina
NOD "For preschoolers about the Great Patriotic War"

Summary of OD in the senior group

« For preschoolers about the Great Patriotic War»

Target: creating conditions for children to develop ideas about Great Patriotic War.


To form an idea of ​​how women and children took part in Great Patriotic War.

Contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about historical facts and phenomena.

Develop cognitive interest in historical events, the ability to listen and draw conclusions.

Cultivate patriotism among elders preschoolers, a sense of pride for one’s people, respect and gratitude for veterans Great Patriotic War.

Activities: perception of fiction and folklore, communicative, musical, motor, gaming, visual.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation: saying proverbs, reading poems, outdoor games, unconventional drawing (with crumpled paper, viewing slides.

Equipment: Photographs, multimedia, model of the Eternal Flame, carnations, poster, with a painted bouquet, gouache, paper, bandages, caps, skittles, hoops, model of a military vehicle.

Preliminary work: Conversations about Great Patriotic War, about Victory Day, about veterans. Looking at illustrations and photographs about war. Learning proverbs and sayings, reading stories and poems. Listening to war songs. Drawing on a theme "Victory Day". Didactic and outdoor games on military themes. Making eternal flame, war machine, carnations.

OD progress

Educator: In a few days our country will celebrate great holiday - Victory Day. When is it celebrated? What holiday is it? (children's answers)

Educator: For 70 years now we have lived in peace thanks to our WWII veterans. Who are the veterans? (children's answers)

Guys, do you want to use our car to go back to that distant past and see how everything happened? (children's answers) Then let's go (get in the car).

Educator: June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia, a day that cannot be forgotten. On this distant summer day, people were doing ordinary things. And no one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be crossed out by one terrible word - war(song "Sacred war» )

Suddenly a huge force moved towards our Motherland: tanks, infantry, planes, artillery. German planes bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs rained down on hospitals, residential buildings, kindergartens, and schools.

The most important battle was the battle for Stalingrad. This battle was a turning point in war. From that day on, our troops only advanced, and the Nazis retreated.

During wars one of the best commanders was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Where he commanded the front, the army always defeated the fascists.

Both men and women went to the front (slide show).

What did the women do? war? (children's answers)

Let's imagine that we are back in 1941. Girls are nurses, boys are wounded soldiers.

A game "Bandage the wounded man".

Educator: Let's continue on our way (get in the car). Soviet troops showed miracles of heroism and resilience. Many cities heroically defended their freedom and defended our Motherland. After wars these cities were awarded the titles "hero cities". What hero cities do you know (Volgograd, Moscow, Tula, Orel, Smolensk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Kyiv, Leningrad) On war many proverbs and sayings were composed by the fighters. Let's remember them.

Children: The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully.

Stand for each other and you will win the fight.

Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle.

If you die from your native land, don’t leave!

Where there is courage, there is victory.

He who trembles flees from the enemy.

Educator: How could children help their parents? (children's answers)

A game "Move the shells"

Educator: War lasted four long years. Our valiant army not only drove the Germans out of our land, but also liberated the peoples of other countries captured by Nazi Germany. Our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the very main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted. Horror and loss Great Patriotic War united all people in the fight against fascism and therefore the joy of victory in 1945 swept not only Russia, but the whole world. It was a holiday for the whole people with tears in their eyes. Everyone rejoiced at the Victory and mourned the dead (slide show).

Educator: The Great Patriotic War was the hardest of all wars. In this terrible war More than 20 million of our people died, including our fellow Saratovites. The memory of the fallen heroes will forever remain in our hearts. Monuments were erected throughout the country to all those soldiers whose names remained unknown. In Moscow, such a monument is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Eternal Flame always burns there (show photo).

Children: For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Burn, candle, don’t go out,

Don't let the darkness come.

Don't let the living forget all those

Deaths on war!

Quiet guys, a moment of silence

Let's honor the memory of the heroes.

Who went to the front and never returned,

Let's remember in centuries, in years.

About those who will never come again,

Let's remember.

Minute of silence (music metronome)

Dance "About that spring"

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today? (children's answers) We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves from the trenches under hurricane fire, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards and honors, but so that we can now live, study, work and be happy. Guys, how did people preserve the memory of this terrible time in our city of Saratov? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, be sure to go to the Victory Parade. Don’t forget to congratulate the veterans, thank them for today’s peace on Earth. Do you want to give a gift to veterans? (children's answers) I suggest drawing a bouquet of carnations.

Drawing a bouquet of carnations with crumpled paper (song "Victory Day")

Publications on the topic:

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection in order.

The wall newspaper contains stories from children (Maryana Kholova, Alexey and Maria Nazarovs, Ivan Selivanov, Fomina Albina) about their great-grandfathers who participated.

Every year the victorious May of 1945 moves away from us. But this sacred day remains in the memory of generations as an example of perseverance and courage.

No matter how much time has passed since the Victory Day, the events of the forties of the twentieth century are still fresh in the memory of the people, and not least of all.

Summary of the GCD “Victory, Victory, Victory!” - dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the war. Goal: Intensifying work to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the history and feats of the people in the Great Patriotic War.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 for children of our time - the unknown past. We, the parents of today's children, have a great responsibility to pass on bit by bit our own knowledge about the difficult years of our grandparents. Help preserve history for centuries and generations. To be remembered... to be proud...

George Ribbon

The St. George's ribbon is an indispensable holiday attribute. It personifies victory and universal celebration. It is worn to show respect for the memory of fallen heroes, thereby making it clear that they remember and are proud of the accomplished feat of respected veterans. The tradition is quite recent, but it has already taken root. Every year before the holiday, ribbons are handed out on the streets of the city so that you and I think about helping veterans and be sure to congratulate them.

It is no coincidence that the St. George's ribbon has exactly these colors. Previously, such a ribbon was issued along with the medal “For Victory over Germany.” Orange is the color of fire, and black represents smoke. This medal is for the bravery, courage and valor of a soldier!

Here are simple tips for adults on how to make a story about the Great Patriotic War memorable and interesting:

  1. In order for a child to understand your story and draw conclusions for himself, your story must, first of all, be adapted to the child’s age. If the child is small, then it is better to minimize scenes of horror and bloodshed; you should not talk in detail about concentration camps, the torment of children and animals, hunger and death. And although these concepts cannot be avoided, try to place a subtle emphasis on them. But you can tell an older child more fully.
  2. Don't give children false information. Yes, the Russian people turned out to be the winner in this difficult battle. But at what cost! Explain to your children that not everything was so simple and smooth. We were not ready for war; at some point we were even close to surrendering Moscow to the enemy. But thanks to courage and valor, perseverance and the desire to defend ourselves, this did not happen.
  3. Show your emotions when telling your story, don’t be shy. Let the children understand that the topic of war is unpleasant, that it is quite normal even for a fearless dad to be afraid of war, but at the same time you need to be ready to defend the Motherland at any time, if necessary. This will make a lasting impression and help understand the significance of this war.
  4. It’s good if you have an old family album with relatives who went through the war. When telling the story, mention who and how of yours participated in the hostilities.
  5. It will be useful to learn poems about the war, learn how to fold in a triangle, and make crafts on a military theme, for example, a memorial “”.
  6. You can watch documentaries. Be sure to discuss what you saw.
  7. Go to any museum accessible to you related to the events of 1941-1945, you will probably find the most interesting exhibits, photographs of the war years, military equipment, ammunition, etc. there. Visit Victory Squares. My family and I always visit the park every year.
  8. On Victory Day, take a walk with the whole family as part of the Immortal Regiment in your city. This is an indescribable atmosphere and memorable emotions...
  9. It would not be amiss to name the hero cities, as well as briefly talk about military professions and weapons.
  10. Show your child 125 grams of bread, which at that time was given out for the whole day. This was a daily ration, it was impossible to get anything else, but every day you had to work hard and stand in defense of the Motherland.


The war became a particularly severe and difficult test in the life of our country and in the lives of our grandparents, which required from all our people the strength of spirit and the ability to stand together in united ranks to resist the enemy. Victory in this war was difficult and cost millions of human lives. This is truly one of the most important dates in the history of our country.

Many years have passed since the end of the war, there are almost no veterans left, but we will always remember their heroic deeds and the sacrifices they made so that you and I could enjoy the peaceful blue sky above our heads...

With love,


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts occur in which people die, residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared to what World War II was like.

The Second World War- the largest war in human history. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were drawn into this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people or 80% of the total population of the Earth took part in the war, i.e. out of every 10 people, 8 took part in the war. That’s why such a war is called a world war. 110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. World War II lasted 6 years - from September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. A blow of unknown force was struck. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (that’s what our Fatherland used to be called) immediately over a large area - from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost along our entire Western border). His troops crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy planes began to bomb railways, train stations, and airfields. For the war with Russia, Germany prepared a huge army. Hitler wanted to turn the population of our Motherland into slaves and force them to work for Germany, he wanted to destroy science, culture, art, and ban education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The Great Victory that our grandparents won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the people's memory.

This year 2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. It's called "A great victory" because this is a victory for sensible people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which was imposed on him by fascism.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR - the largest war in human history. The word "great" means very large, enormous, huge. In fact, the war occupied a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted for four long years, and victory in it required an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual strength from our people.

It is called a Patriotic War because this war is fair, aimed at protecting one’s Fatherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, elderly people, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front line.

Now you know that one of the most brutal and bloody wars in Russian history was called Great Otehonest war. The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century!

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. During these June days, tenth graders were finishing school, and schools were holding graduation parties. Boys and girls in bright, elegant clothes danced, sang, and greeted the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war cruelly destroyed these plans!

On June 22 at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov spoke on the radio and announced an attack on our country by Nazi Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went to war straight from school, becoming fighters in the Red Army. The soldiers who served in the Red Army were called Red Army soldiers.

Every day, trains carried soldiers to the front. All the peoples of the Soviet Union have risen to fight the enemy!

But in 1941, the people wanted with all their might to help their country, which was in trouble! Both young and old people rushed to the front and enlisted in the Red Army. In the first days of the war alone, about a million people signed up! Lines formed at the recruiting stations - people were trying to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, this war surpassed all wars that have happened on our planet. A huge number of people were killed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany.


1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

2. Why is it called that?

3. Which country started the war?

4. What did Hitler want to do to our people?

5. Who stood up to defend the Fatherland?


Difficult, hungry and cold war years are called dashing, evil years of war. It was hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for young children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during bombings, others lost not only their relatives, but also their home, others found themselves in enemy-occupied territory, and others were captured by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism.

War is no place for children

War is no place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

Explosions of mines and roar of guns,

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War is no place for children!

The child needs a warm home

And mothers tender hands,

And a look filled with goodness

And lullaby songs sounds.

And Christmas lights

A fun ride down the mountain

Snowballs and skis and skates,

And not orphanhood and suffering!

Here is the story of two little girls whose fate was affected by war. The girls' names were Valya and Vera Okopnyuk. They were sisters. Valya was older, she was already thirteen years old, and Vera was only ten.

The sisters lived in a wooden house on the outskirts of the city of Sumy. Shortly before the war, their mother became seriously ill and died, and when the war began, the girls’ father went to the front. The children were left completely alone. Neighbors helped the sisters enter a vocational school at a tractor factory. But soon the plant was evacuated beyond the Urals, and the school was closed. What was to be done?

Vera and Valya were not at a loss. They began to stand guard on the roofs of houses, extinguish incendiary bombs, and helped the sick and old people go down to the bomb shelter. A few months later the city was captured by the Germans. The girls had to see and experience all the horrors of the occupation.

One of them recalled: “They kicked people out of their houses, drove them on foot, and took them away in cars. Some never returned to their home. The Germans herded people into the square and forced them to watch as our people were hanged. There was hunger, cold, and no water in the city.”

The sisters decided to flee to Kyiv. They made their way along paths along the highways, collecting spikelets that had fallen from cars during transportation. We spent the night in haystacks. The girls wandered for a long time until they finally found themselves on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Some kind old woman took pity on the hungry, ragged and dirty children. She warmed them up, washed them, gave them boiling water to drink, and treated them to boiled beans. The sisters stayed to live with this grandmother. Her sons beat the enemy at the front, the old woman lived alone.

But then our troops entered the city. There were so many tears and joy! All the young people - boys and girls - ran to the military registration and enlistment offices. The sisters also ran, but they were told that they were still too small. However, they had such a bitter childhood that the girls considered themselves completely adults. They wanted to work in the hospital, but they refused here too. But one day many wounded soldiers were brought to the city, and the doctor told the sisters: “Come on, girls, help.”

“That’s how it turned out that we stayed in the hospital,” Vera recalled.

The girls began to help the orderlies, learned to make bandages, and fed the wounded Red Army soldiers. If they had a free hour, the sisters organized a concert for the soldiers: they read poetry, sang songs with a guitar, and danced. They wanted to cheer up and amuse the wounded soldiers. The soldiers fell in love with girls!

One day, Vera, among the soldiers walking through the city, saw her uncle, her father’s brother. She rushed towards him. And soon the girls received their first letter from their father. The father thought that the sisters had died, and was infinitely glad that Vera and Valya were found, asked them to take care of themselves, wrote that when the war ended, they would be together again. The whole hospital cried over this letter! Vera recalls.

The war distorted the fates of not only the children who found themselves at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree, happy childhood with fun games and amusements, small children worked ten to twelve hours on machines, helping adults make weapons to defeat the enemy.

Everywhere in the rear, industries were created producing defense products. Women and children aged 13-14 worked on the machines. “The kids, poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never getting enough sleep, they worked equally with the adults. As the head of the workshop, my heart sank when I saw them warming themselves by the stove or napping at the machine,” recalled a veteran of a military plant in Korolev, Moscow Region. V.D. Kowalski.

Another veteran, N.S. Samartsev said: “We couldn’t reach the workbench, and they made special stands for us from boxes. They operated by hand - hammer, file, chisel. By the end of the shift, we were off our feet. If only I could sleep 4-5 hours! We didn’t leave the workshop for two weeks at a time, and only at the beginning of the month, when the stress was less, did we sleep at home.”

The schoolchildren tried their best to help the front-line soldiers raise their morale, instill faith in victory, and encourage them with kind words.

They wrote letters to the fighters and collected parcels for them. They sewed and embroidered tobacco pouches, knitted warm woolen mittens, socks, and scarves.

The song “Little Valenka” plays, music. N. Levi, ate.V. Dykhovichny.


1. Tell us about the life of children during the difficult war years.

2. How did children help adults in the rear?

3. What did schoolchildren send to the soldiers at the front?


On the way to the Great Victory of the Russian people there were defeats in battles and many important victories and events: the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow, the liberation of Russian cities, allied countries, but one of the main ones was the signing of the act of unconditional surrender between Nazi Germany and the victorious countries ( Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States of America and France).
This happened on May 9, 1945 in the capital of defeated Germany - Berlin. From that day on, the whole world knew that Nazi Germany was completely defeated.

Every year on May 9, people solemnly celebrate this date. In our country, May 9 is a public holiday dedicated to Victory Day. On this day, people do not work, but congratulate war veterans and celebrate.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves from the trenches under hurricane fire, who lay down with their chests on the embrasure, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you and I, guys, can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the people's memory.

Alexander Matrosov sacrificed his life, covering the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with himself. Alexander Matrosov saved the lives of his comrades.

General D.M. Karbyshev, finding himself in the clutches of the enemy, did not give up, did not betray his Fatherland and was brutally tortured by the Nazis. After much torture, he was taken naked into the bitter cold and doused with water until the general turned into an ice statue.

The young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was brutally tortured by the Nazis, but did not betray her comrades.

There are a lot of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But the names of many thousands of soldiers who accomplished feats and gave their lives for their Motherland, unfortunately, remained unknown.

To preserve the people's memory of them, in many cities where fierce battles were fought, there are graves of the Unknown Soldier, memorials and monuments... Near them the “eternal flame” burns, and flowers are laid at them by those whose peaceful life they defended in battle.

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

A great victory

Great War victory

We must not forget!

Grandfathers fought in battles

Sacred Motherland.

She sends for battle

Your best sons.

She helped with prayer

And with your righteous faith.

Victory in the great war

We must not forget,

Our grandfathers stood up for us

And life, and the Motherland!

On May 9, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place in Moscow. Thousands of people with bouquets of flowers took to the streets of the capital. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. This, in fact, was a holiday for the entire people “with tears in our eyes”! Everyone rejoiced at the greatest victory over the enemy and mourned the dead.

Victorious warriors walked along the streets of the capital in orderly rows. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy to Red Square and threw them onto the paving stones of the ancient square.

Women, children, youth and elderly people greeted the brave fighters with tears of joy, gave them flowers, hugged them, and congratulated them on their victory.

On this day, a ceremonial parade of troops took place on the capital’s Red Square, and in the evening the sky over Moscow flashed with the bright lights of a victorious fireworks display.

The streets of the capital bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balloons, and solemn music sounds.

In memorable places of the capital - on Poklonnaya Hill, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, front-line veterans gather. Their chests are decorated with orders and medals received for their exploits in the Great Patriotic War. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing wartime, and meet with their military friends. Celebrations take place in all cities of Russia!

Years go by. Sixty years have passed since the Great Victory. Alas! The war veterans have grown old, many of them are over eighty years old. There are fewer and fewer living participants in the war.

Dear friends! Let us be grateful to them for winning a fierce battle with the enemy and defending our native land and peaceful life for us. Let us be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

The song “Victory Day” plays, music. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics. V. Kharitonov.


1. When do we celebrate Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War?

2. Tell us about the heroes of the war.

3. How is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

4. What monuments and memorials to fallen soldiers do you know?


In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, the Great Patriotic War surpassed all the wars that took place on our planet. A huge number of people were killed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of World War II united people in the fight against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory swept not only Europe, but the whole world in 1945.

In the battles for their Motherland, Soviet soldiers showed amazing courage and fearlessness. The battle was fought for every piece of land.
The enemy has been defeated!

On May 9, 1945 we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany. This is how a war veteran remembers this day: “It was Victory Day. It's truly joy with tears in your eyes. Everyone jumped out of the dugouts because there was shooting all around. But then shouts were heard: “The war is over!” All strangers to each other, strangers, we hug, cry, laugh.” Our soldiers marked the end of the Great War with fire from thousands of guns, machine guns, machine guns, rifles, like a fireworks display. And then there was amazing silence. Not a single shot... This peaceful silence was so awaited by millions of people, already accustomed to bombings, explosions, the howl of sirens, the roar of guns.

Listen to how a Russian soldier who found himself in a foreign land, not far from a German city, celebrated the first day of peace.

First day of peace

Fragrant thick silence,

There is no shot or explosion.

This morning the war ended

And even though there is a foreign side all around

I miraculously survived, I'm alive!

Friends I remembered those who never

Will not go out to mow at dawn

Who does not throw a net into the river,

Who will not be showered with dew in the spring?

I didn't want to kill or burn,

I felt only the call of my native land,

But in my memory I swore to save my Friends,

that they died in a foreign land!

The song “We need one victory” by B. Okudzhava is played.


1. When we celebrate Victory DaySchist Germany?

2. Ask mom, dad, grandma to tell youlet you know who is from your familytook part in the Great Patriotic Warwar.

3. What is their fate?

Project direction: natural - scientific
Project type: creative, group, short-term.
Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of a long, targeted educational influence on a person, starting from childhood. In this regard, the problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children becomes one of the most pressing.
As a result of systematic, targeted educational work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in children.
You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended it.
We should also not forget that war is one of the most important historical experiences and practices in the formation, reproduction, education and perception of a real man. The image of the warrior remains one of the key symbols of masculinity. This is especially important for modern children. For normal development, boys and girls need the vague image of a real man to gradually become a reality, finding its embodiment in specific people.
That is why we considered it necessary to highlight for children the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War.
Problem: The modern generation knows nothing about the Great Patriotic War.
Objective of the project: educating children of senior preschool age with moral and patriotic qualities and a sense of pride in their Motherland.
Project objectives:
expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the Second World War.
to form moral and patriotic qualities: courage, courage, desire to defend one’s homeland.
encourage children to show interest in the history of their country.
instill in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation.
careful handling of family photographs and awards,
Project participants: senior children, parents, teachers.
Project duration:
3 months.
Project implementation timeframe:
February, March, April.
Main forms of project implementation:
viewing presentations about the war;
consultations for parents.

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage (informational - accumulative, organizational)
collection of literature on this topic;
drawing up a work plan;
development of project content
conversations on the topics: “The Great Patriotic War”, “Why the war is called the Great Patriotic War”.
Main stage (practical)
reading works of fiction:
- poems and stories about the Great Patriotic War “Victory will be ours”,
- S. Alekseev “From Moscow to Berlin”,
- K. Paustovsky “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”,
- N. Khoza “The Road of Life”

V.N. Sementsova “Ficus leaf”
listening to music about the war:
- “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov,
- "Cranes"
- “Holy War” lyrics. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha,
- “Katyusha” by M. Blanter,
- V. Alkina “Farewell of the Slavic woman”,
conversations with children on the topics:
“Children and War”, “Feats of Children - War Heroes” (from the series “Children of War”); "Holiday. Victory Day";
thematic classes on the topics: “Children about the war”, “Victory Day”, etc.
The story of the great-grandfather, one of the pupils, Melnik Ivan Ivanovich, about the difficult years of the war.
Showing children presentations on the topics: “Children are heroes”, “Heroes of the Second World War”, “We are proud of you”.
Consultation for parents: “How to tell your child about the war?”
Exhibition design: “Thank you for winning!” (military uniform, photographs, photo albums of brothers, fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers who served in the armed forces of the Soviet and Russian armies), (responsible parents of pupils and educators).
Carrying out the physical education festival “Zarnitsa” (participants: children, parents)
Exhibition of crafts dedicated to the Second World War.
Excursion: to the eternal flame, monument to G.E. Sobyanin, laying flowers to the fallen heroes of the Second World War.
excursion to the village library.
Productive activities with children on the topic: “Technology of the war years,” making holiday cards for veterans and home front workers.
Final stage (summarizing):
GCD on the topic: “What do I know about war?”
defending a project in kindergarten;
an exhibition of crafts (together with parents) on the theme: “In memory of the war”;
creation of the album “You are our pride” - war participants and home front workers in the Second World War in our village;

Expected outcome of the project:
1. Children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded.
2. The skills of productive activities were consolidated when creating and designing the album “You are our pride.”
3. A respectful attitude has been formed towards war participants, home front workers, and careful attitude towards family photographs and relics (medals, orders, etc.).
4. Continue to develop the moral and patriotic qualities of students.
Project activity product

Creation and design of the album “You are our pride” - war participants and home front workers in the Second World War in the village of Igrim

Summary of the thematic lesson in the senior group “Children about the war”

Goal: To acquaint children with the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, with the Victory Banner that was hoisted over the Reichstag; to cultivate respect for the military exploits of soldiers and commanders, pride in their people, and love for the Motherland.
Equipment: collection of stories “Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”; stand with photographs of orders and medals; image of the Victory Banner, visual didactic guide “The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists” (Mosaika-Sintez publishing house), reproductions of paintings by O. Ponomarenko “Victory”, V. Bogatkin “Storm of the Reichstag”, musical recordings of songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment
At the beginning of the lesson, we listen to a fragment of the song “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov).
Educator: What holiday is this song talking about? (This holiday is called Victory Day.) What kind of victory was this? (It was a victory in the war.)
What is this war called? (This war is called the “Great Patriotic War”.)
What do you think the word “fatherland” means? (The country in which we were born and live. The country of our parents - fathers and mothers and our ancestors. Our homeland is Russia.)
2. Learning new material
Educator: Children, soon our country will celebrate Victory Day. On this day, on the streets of the city you can meet veterans - warriors of that distant war. The May holiday - Victory Day - is celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers wear them. Military orders. Today we will see awards - orders and medals that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. (Looking at photographs with orders.)
Educator: The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years.
It brought a lot of troubles and grief to the Russian people - many cities and villages were turned into ruins, thousands of people died. Defending their homeland, soldiers and commanders fought without sparing their lives.
Educator: Why do you think a warrior could receive an order or medal?
In the first years of the war, fighters and commanders were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Star, and medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.” (Look at the illustrations.)
During the battles, it was necessary to highlight the exploits of the fighters and celebrate the art of the military leaders. Then the Orders of the Patriotic War, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and others were approved.
For the valiant defenders of the hero cities, special medals were made “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol”, “For the Defense of Moscow”.
Even children were awarded orders and medals (photos of children).
Educator: Guys, do you think awards were given only at the front? And those people who worked in the rear also performed feats? Were there any female heroines among the defenders of the Fatherland? Today we have learned a lot about the awards that were used to honor heroes during the Great Patriotic War. We will preserve the memory of these people forever.
3. View the presentation

Victory Day is one of the most revered holidays in our country. MAY 9, 1945 is moving further and further away from us, but we still remember at what cost this victory was achieved for our people.
It is on MAY 9 that all residents of our vast country celebrate the great holiday Victory Day. On this day, military parades are held in all cities, flowers are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, veterans are congratulated, and festive fireworks are given. (Slide 1-2).
But why are the veterans, participants in that great war, so sad, why do tears blur their eyes? What do they remember on this day? What kind of war was this? At what cost did our people get the victory? (Slide 3).
Our story today is about that great war. This was when our country Russia was called the USSR, when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were young, beautiful, full of strength. They were happy, dreamed about the future, thought that everything would be fine in their lives. But their dreams did not come true.
A terrible force has appeared in the world - fascism. The tank tracks began to grind and bullets whistled. Step by step, the Nazis captured one country after another, destroyed cities, blew up monuments, robbed and killed people. And they were getting closer and closer to our Motherland. (Slide 4).
On June 22, 1941, without declaring war, the Nazis attacked our Motherland. Bombs fell, enemy soldiers set foot on our Earth, and the Great Fatherland War began. (Slide 5).
All residents of our country took up arms and stood up to defend our Motherland. (Slide 6) - song “Holy War”.
The enemy was very strong. It was difficult for our soldiers. The soldiers of our army beat the enemy in the air, on water and on land and drove him from the vastness of our land. The fighting took place both in the summer heat and in the winter cold. They fought along with men (Slide 7-8-9).
Children had the hardest time during the war. Kindergartens and schools did not work. Many children were left completely alone, their parents died. And some boys became “sons of the regiments,” their hungry and unhappy ones were taken in by the soldiers, and the children went into battle with them, fighting very bravely. The war taught children not to cry. The children clearly learned their lesson - if you cry, they will shoot you. The weight of military adversities and disasters fell on their fragile shoulders. (Slide 10, 11, 12). And they really dreamed of a peaceful life. Poem "I'm playing with soldiers."
And in the far rear, women and children worked in military factories, made airplanes, weapons, shells, dug trenches, tried to help their fathers, sons, husbands, and the front. (Slide 13, 14).
But no matter how hard it was for our people at the front and in the rear, there was always time for music and songs. It was music that raised the morale of our soldiers and led them into battle; it was songs that added strength and raised the morale of our people. (Slide 15). Chatushki, song "Katyusha".
This bloody war lasted for four long years. During this time, a huge number of not only soldiers, but also civilians died. (Slide 16-17).
And then this long-awaited day came - MAY 9, 1945. On this day the war ended. Our troops defeated the fascists not only on the territory of our country, but also liberated residents of other countries. (Slide 18). Our soldiers performed many feats during the Second World War. Poem by G. Rublev “It was in May...”

The whole country rejoiced at the victory, but this joy was with tears in its eyes, because in every family, in every home, someone died in this terrible war. Every year people bring flowers to the monuments of the defenders of our Motherland, to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Poem "Victory Day"
No one will ever forget the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. Song "Victory Day".
4. Physical education lesson “Our Motherland is strong”
5. Consolidation of new material
Q: To preserve the memory of war heroes, monuments have been erected in cities and towns.
At the Kremlin wall in the capital of our Motherland, the hero city of Moscow, the Eternal Flame burns at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is the fire of our memory, a symbol of what we remember about those events.
There is another very important symbol - the Victory Banner.
Educator: Let's look at the image of the Victory Banner.
What color is the Victory banner? (The Victory Banner is red.)
What is shown on the banner? (The Victory Banner depicts: a star, a sickle and a hammer, inscriptions.)
In those days, our country Russia was part of a state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The national flag of the Soviet Union was red with a gold star and a gold hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle are symbols of labor and workers, those who work in factories and factories, grow bread, the star is a symbol of the defenders of the Fatherland. These symbols are also depicted on the Victory Banner, only they are painted on the panel with white paint. The inscriptions on the Victory Banner indicate which military unit this banner belonged to.
Events related to the Victory Banner took place at the very end of the Great Patriotic War. And before that, in difficult battles, Soviet troops liberated their homeland from cruel invaders. They liberated many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria, and finally took the capital of Nazi Germany, the city of Berlin, by storm.
In the center of the city, battles broke out for every house, for every street. The storming of the fascist government building, the Reichstag, was especially difficult. To overcome the stubborn resistance of the Nazis, we had to fight for every floor, for every room. And finally, the assault groups of Soviet soldiers climbed to the roof. The Victory Banner fluttered over Berlin - this meant that the war was over and the long-awaited victory had been won. Then the Victory Banner was transported to Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade.
I propose to draw the Victory Banner.
The song "Dark Night" is playing