Satellite map of Ufa. Satellite map of Ufa - streets and houses online Gulrypsh - a summer cottage for celebrities

Map of Ufa from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Ufa online in real time. A detailed map of Ufa was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Ufa allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Ufa. The map of Ufa from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Ufa- a city in Russia, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the population of which has exceeded 1 million people since 2008, thanks to which Ufa received the title of a millionaire city. In Ufa, only 50% of the residents are Russian. The rest are representatives of other nationalities: Bashkirs, Tatars, etc.

The continental climate of Ufa is characterized by long winters, when the temperature drops to an average of -13...-14 C. Summers are warm, sometimes hot, with an average July temperature of +19 C.

Ufa is a big city, so it also has a lot of attractions. The main and most majestic of them is the Bashkir State Academic Drama Theater named after Gafuri. It is unique primarily in that all performances are held there only in the Bashkir language.

IN Ufa There are many museums, each of which is ready to present unique exhibits to its guests. One of the main museums is the house-museum of the writer Asakov, which will tell about the life and work of this man. On Komarov Street there is another museum building - the Republican Museum of Military Glory, which opened its doors relatively recently, 55 years after the USSR’s victory in the Second World War. There are also unusual museums that you will not find in any other Russian city. These are the Rock Museum, the Communications Museum, the Forest Museum, the Cinema Museum, etc.

Of the numerous monuments and sculptures in Ufa, the most interesting monument is the Friendship Monument, which was erected in the city in honor of the reunification of Russia and.

Ufa is also a very religious, spiritual city with a large number of Orthodox churches and mosques. Of the mosques, the Lyalya-Tulpan mosque-madrassah, which fascinates with its unusual architecture, deserves special attention. The largest Orthodox churches in the city are the Church of the Intercession, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Church, etc.

On the page there is an interactive map of Ufa from a satellite. More details on +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time Google Maps search, photos of the city and the republic of Bashkortostan in Russia

Satellite map of Ufa - Russia

Interesting places and attractions - address

select: Bus station South Railway Station McDonald's Airport Waterpark "Planet" Bogorodsko-Ufa Church Cathedral of St. Sergius of Radonezh Ikhlas Mosque Khakimiya Mosque Friendship Monument Lenin Park Cathedral Mosque Planetarium Spassky Church

We observe on the satellite map of Ufa (Ufa) exactly how the buildings are located on Parkhomenko and Aksakov streets. The ability to see on the map the entire territory of the area, highways and alleys, banks and stations, search for an address.

The online map of the city of Ufa presented here from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the streets are. Kuvykin and Aurora. Using the Google search service, you will find the desired address in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the diagram +/- and move its center in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Revolutionary and Shafieva streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all objects. To find the house you need in real time on the map of the city and the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia.

A detailed satellite map of Ufa and the region is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 54.739,55.967

Ufa is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. On the map of Ufa you can see that the city stretches between the Belaya and Ufa rivers. Today it is the third longest city in Russia.

Today Ufa is the greenest and most spacious millionaire city in the Russian Federation. The city is widely known for its oil refining and machine-building enterprises: the Ufa and Novo-Ufa oil refineries and the Ufa Engine Production Association.

Ufa is a large cultural and shopping center. There are shopping centers, universities, research institutes, 8 theaters, a philharmonic society, libraries, cinemas, parks, a botanical garden, banks, stadiums and sports complexes.

Ufa claims to be one of the oldest cities in Russia. On the territory of Ufa, the remains of an ancient city - large and rich - were found. To date, it has not been determined which people lived in the territory of this city.

Historical reference

Founded in 1574 as a fortress, Ufa already received city status in 1586. In 1773-75, the city was besieged by peasant troops led by E. Pugachev. They failed to take the city. In 1865, the Ufa province was created. During the Civil War at the beginning of the 20th century, there were a large number of anti-Bolsheviks in the city. In 1910, the Autonomous Bashkir SSR was created. In 1990 it was transformed into the Republic of Bashkortostan.


It is worth taking a river walk along the Belaya River, seeing numerous Orthodox churches and mosques, and visiting one of the tallest buildings in Russia - the building of the UralSib Bank. It is recommended to visit the house museums of Mazhit Gafuri, Sh.A. Khudayberdina, A.E. Tyulkina, S.T. Aksakov and the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Must-sees include the Aksakovsky Garden, the “Sell Everything, Buy Kurai” fountain, the Friendship Monument, the Lyalya-Tulpan Mosque and the time machine monument.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.