School musical script. Script of the musical "Fly-Tsokotukha" for a theater studio

I OFFER A Script for a Hip-Hop Musical - Parodies of modern morals for adults "FLY-CHAUGHTER".


Musical (for nightclubs) - two parts, with discos, in poems, songs, remixes, soundtracks, with games and fun. Time - 2-3 hours.

The cost of the Script is 30 thousand rubles.

Hip-Hop Musical - A parody of modern mores

(for nightclubs)

Fairy tale parody for adults

"Laughing Fly"

(Presenter from behind the scenes):

Funny parody

Great melody!

Super show - relaxation!

Party, chaos,

Disco and striptease,

Kitchen - for every whim,

"Hot Potion"

And great fun!

Laughing Fly

A modern fairy tale for adults is a parody of modern mores.

(Performed in the style of rap. Pauses - inserts of disco melodies. The style of the Presenter - from a cheerful folk style to the dialect of the “new Russians”)

Presenter (behind the curtain): As children, we all loved birthdays, good poems and fairy tales from wonderful classics of children's literature. And, of course, a special place in this series was occupied by the wonderful poem by Korney Chukovsky - “The Tsokotukha Fly.”

But time passed, we grew up, birthdays began to turn into anniversaries, and morals and life itself changed. And along with them, the heroes of our fairy tales changed and grew up.

And now, for you, a modern, funny, parody version of this fairy tale:

Musical for adults - “Laughing Fly”!

Beginning: a cheerful melody at a tempo.

“Flight of the Bumblebee” with inserts of buzzing and mosquito squeaking.

At the very peak, Mucha comes out to applause (she begins to clap) and, dancing to the music, walks through the hall.

Fly, Laughing Fly,

Having decorated the belly with piercings,

Once I went around the city,

I found the money right away.

Song(to the tune of “Genghis Khan”):

Mu-ha, Mu-ha,

Fly walks with grandmas,

Scratching the piercing with his paws,


Mu-ha, Mu-ha,

Manicure with scratches,

He eats armfuls of chips,

Looking for a groom!


I won’t tell you where the money is from,

Nowadays everyone forges them,

And into furry paws,

Who takes and who gives.

Did Mukha have a sponsor?

Was it the boss who was nice to her?

Or some other monster

Just fucked her off...

In a word, Mukha has money,

With them, she doesn't care about rumors.

With grandmothers it’s not life, it’s life!

And Mukha walks around in high spirits.

Fly's Song (Rap):

Hi all! I am Laughter!

Decorates the belly piercing.

And under my belly -

Passionate Fire Zone!

Mischievous, long-legged,

And I'm not strict with men.

I go where I want,

I buzz what I want.

I dance what I want,

And I kiss whoever I want.

And, besides, with money,

In pearls, and in brains.

Well, you'll think it's a Fly!

I am beautiful, young woman.

In a word, fly in,

Hurry up and grab me!

I make anyone rich

Lots of happiness!

Presenter: Rap (background music):

The fly sang a song

Immediately I became bolder,

I crashed into a restaurant,

I felt as if I had just come out of a bathhouse.

Insert: Oh oh oh! My God!

From the cognac, immediately - into battle!

(Other characters slowly appear in the hall: cockroaches, beetles, butterflies)

Right there, right away, from relaxation,

Mukha began to bleed.

A fly is like a drunken hussar,

Suddenly there was a market.


What kind of restaurants are these?

Where there are only old men,

Dirt, unwashed glasses,

And, besides, Cockroaches

On show-offs they will tar the terry cloth,

And do they move their mustaches?


And along the way, our Fly

She stuck it in Flea's ear,

And to the blacksmith-tape artist -

Slap in the face

Dashingly, on the move, she dunked it.

And then she jumped up on the table,

Belly with piercings - go ahead,

And how he yells at everyone:


Oh, you pathetic creatures!

Not fish, not animals.

Insects! Bugs!


Shameful aphids and midges,

Unsavvy Fleas!

And, in addition, they are poisonous!


Louse says to her with a grin:

Well, you, Mukha, damn it!

Apparently, the grandmothers have appeared!..

Here everyone immediately disagreed:

(in chorus)

Oh yes, Laughing Fly!

Beautiful young woman!

Look, and she has piercings -

A real redhead!


They climb to Mukha with a pretzel,

They draw glasses of cognac.

Someone with vodka will rush towards her,

Like, let the birthday girl laugh!

Musical insert - rhythm, noise, screams.

Musical insert (phonogram "LIFEISLIFE! ensemble "Opium"):


And for everyone's birthday -

A complete celebration!

Day of goodness and fun,

And just mischief.

Let's take a walk from the heart,

Let's have a wild DRIVE!

Let's play the fool

After all, you have to live like this in full KIFE!



The fly drank a glass,

I spat on the floor three times!

With grandmothers, they say, whatever I want,

I'm either spinning or spinning!

Fleas approached the Fly,

They kissed Mukha's feet.

Hands were also kissed,

Vodka was poured into the glass.

They clapped their hands together,

They offered her boots

Stir up for a gift,

If you have something to pay.

Fleas were praised for an hour

These same boots:

Like, the boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

They also received slippers as a gift...

And they ripped off the money from Mukha.

And behind them, next - a fat Bee,

Tsokotukha also cheated her out of money:

Here, for weight loss

Fresh brew.

This is not throwing

Just a treat

Two hundred dollars...

Full of flattery

I grabbed the swill

The money paid.

Night butterflies

They flap their wings,

Near Tsokotukha

The naked ones are dancing.

They dance a striptease for her,

They stroke and kiss

They whisper in her ear:

Here you go, Laughter,

Women's services -

Sweet friends,

Dark-skinned butterflies,

Just hooligans.

(Short dance of two butterflies - striptease - topless).


The fly scolded them

She kicked her foot

Although it scared me away,

But she unfastened the money.

And then she sat down on a chair,

I started singing a song when I was drunk.

Song of the Fly (To the tune of the romance “I remember when I was still young):

I remember I was a buzzing young man,

I once cheated a spider into money.

Although he was rich, young and not bad,

But he got caught like the last greedy sucker.

He didn't let me out of the webs,

Poisonous drooling everywhere,

I just thought with an important look, like a turkey:

What and how to stuff your fat fat tail?

He loved nothing but money,

I entangled him in the web,

He screamed, he paid off and suffered

Until I gave all the money.

And when she cheated him out of money,

Then I began to live as a free fly,

And although I haven’t gotten married since then,

But, on the other hand, I’m cheating everyone out of money.



Mukha, Mukha, here he gives!

And dances and sings!

Yes, I'm buzzing, buzzing,

I'll show you anything you want!

Leader - shout:

What does a person need here?

Well, of course,



Continued - 24 pages.

The Bremen Town Musicians. Musical script


  • Jester -
  • King-
  • Princess -
  • Detective -

Princess's friends:

  • First girlfriend -
  • Second friend -
  • Third friend -
  • Fairy Godmother –

Court ladies:

First lady of the court:

Second court lady:


  • Boss -
  • Security guard -

The Bremen Town Musicians:

  • Cat -
  • Dog -
  • Donkey -
  • Rooster -
  • Troubadour –


  • Atamansha -
  • The first robber -
  • Second robber
  • The third robber -

City residents:

  • The owner of the pastry shop -
  • Blacksmith –
  • Seller at the fair -

Before the performance, while the audience is gathering.

1 Music

2 Music

Action 1.

1 Slide with a view of the city.

3. Music. Exit of city residents.

City residents come out and dance. Some are holding decorations, a “Welcome to Bremen” banner. Three people dance. They freeze.

4. Music. Fanfare for the jester's entrance. He runs out.

Jester: Ladies and gentlemen, you have no idea what kind of performance awaits you! I am the Jester of the King and the King of Jokes! There will be a lot of fun in what you are about to see: the cheerful young Troubadour and his friends; there will be many beautiful things: a beautiful Princess; there will be a lot of scary things: terrible forest robbers; there will even be something brilliant: a brilliant Detective; but of course, a lot of good things - our good king, for example.

But While I was speaking, musicians and singers from all over the area came to the Bremen city square. There's already a show going on.

5.Music. Singing a song (1st issue) “This city.”

At the end of the performance, the performers bow and leave along with the city residents

Jester from behind the scenes... “here comes His Majesty!”

6. Music. On the King's Exit

The King comes out. The jester pulls him back. Your Majesty, what shape are you in? (Places a robe and crown on him.) That's better.

King: Listen, the princess went for a walk a long time ago and still hasn’t come back. He's probably walking around here somewhere. (dials the number) She always doesn’t answer the phone, either it’s empty or the money has run out. Well, when he returns home, he’ll cut his ears.


7. Music from the film “Girls”.A princess appears on stage with her friends, dressed like a commoner. They sing a song. The blacksmith and the owner of the confectionery stand from behind the scenes to the side.

The friends and the princess look at each other's outfits.

1st friend: - I don’t understand why such a masquerade. I like my French dresses better.

2nd friend: - Annette, you won’t walk through any door in this city in a French dress, the crinoline is too wide.

Princess: dear friends, it’s not about the outfit. Look how fun it is! Not like in our palace. There is a city bazaar here, and a concert is taking place on the Main Square. Buffoons, troubadours, trained animals!..

A seller runs by with a basket of goodies.

Salesman: " Tara-bars, rastabars, there are good goods. Not a product, but a real treasure, grab it in great demand! Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - gather in reserve."

The princess and her friends are buying something. Girlfriends put it in baskets. The seller runs away.

Princess: Look, there's a forge. Let's ask the blacksmith to make us a horseshoe for luck. I really want to fall in love, maybe a horseshoe will help me. They approach the blacksmith.

Princess: Dear, I want to order a horseshoe from you. Just tell me, do the horseshoes you make bring happiness?

Blacksmith: it depends on you, Your Highness!

Princess surprised: How do you know that I am Highness?

Blacksmith: The most talkative girl in our kingdom is our Princess

Princess: walking away with a horseshoe in her hand, thoughtfully... That’s it, I’ll be silent.

1st friend: Your Highness - I see a pastry shop, there are such delicious cakes, let's go in.

Princess: I have to be silent, but I want some cakes, let's go.

Friends choose cakes and argue about who likes which one.

Slide 2. Cakes.

Princess: I will break my vow of silence to say, we take this cake.

Slide 3. Cake(points to screen)

Confectionery owner: I'll wrap it up now, Your Highness!

Princess: But where?...

The owner of the candy store - everyone knows that the biggest sweet tooth in the kingdom is our Princess.

Princess: That's it, it's time to go on a diet!

2nd friend: Your Highness, let's go to the concert. You will be silent and try not to chew anything.

Princess: Well, we persuaded you... (they leave, sit on the steps of the stage and watch the next number)

8.Music. Song “You, me and you and me”.

Act two.

Slide 4: palace.

9 Music. 2nd exit of the king.

The princess and her friends walk on one side and the king meets the guards.

King: Daughter!

Princess: Dad!

King: Don't folder! Where were you?

Princess: I went to the people.

King: And what do people say?

Princess: Well, they say that season 3 of Attack on Titan will be released, that Cristiano Ronaldo will come to Russia to choose a bride, that the glaciers are melting, and much more. They also say that AC/DC is coming to Russia with a concert, I have to go, so I need to book tickets now! Oh, maybe invite them to my sixteenth birthday...

King: Shut up! Is our domestic music worse?! Come on, find me some musicians! Urgently!

There is a knock on the door.

King: Come in!

The doors open and the Jester announces.

Jester: Your Royal Majesty, the musician Trumpet with the group “Dur” has arrived!

The king immediately assumes a friendly look and greets the guest.

Troubadour: Hello, Your Majesty, did you call?

King: Hello, hello, I called! We should play for fun, can you handle it?

Troubadour addressing his group: Shall we pull?

Group in chorus: Let's pull!

The king whispers: Where will you go?!

Princess: But dad! I want AC\DC!

The musicians begin to tune their instruments, the Troubadour begins to sing.

10. Music. Troubadour sings.

The princess listens to the Troubadour's song in fascination and falls in love.

The king is shocked.

King: Come on, guards!! Take this Romeo away, he will spoil my daughter!

The guards take the Troubadour and his friends away.

The princess is crying. Her friend consoles her.

1st friend: Your Highness, don’t cry, everything should end well, you will definitely meet him.

11 Music. The song sounds: “Where the sky ends...” The princess and her friend leave the stage.

Act three.

Slide 5 – dense forest.

12. Music. Night forest.

The Bremen musicians walk dejectedly through the forest.

Cat: We've lost our way. We got lost.

Rooster: I would like to warm up by the fire, eat, and go to the side.

Troubadour: I can’t sleep now, friends... I can’t forget the beautiful Princess.

Rooster: I see a fire!

All: Hurray! We are saved!

Cat: I wonder who got into such a wilderness?

Rooster: Why guess? I'll go have a look. What if there’s ko...ko...ko...

Rooster: Smugglers!

All: Robbers!!

Troubadour: Hurry up and follow me! I think I've come up with something.

They leave.

Act four.

Slide 6 – hut in the forest.

13 Music. The chieftain's exit. While she speaks, the music plays muffled.

The Atamansha appears from the hut (from behind the door). There are three sleeping robbers under the tree.

Chieftain: Hey, you byaki-buki! Get up, it's already night!

A friendly snoring is heard.

Chieftain: You don't want it, as you want. I'll eat alone.

The snoring stops.

Chieftain: First - pilaf

The first robber jumps up.

Chieftain: For the second course - dumplings

The second robber jumps up.

The third robber is awake: What about compote?

14 Music. ATAMANSH'S SONG (the robbers sing together)

Suddenly the Bremen musicians appear. They scare the robbers.

BM: Everyone stay put! We are State Drug Control!

The robbers run away. Bremen musicians pick up weapons thrown by robbers.

Troubadour: Tomorrow the King will pass here, We will be on the alert...

They confer in whispers.

All: Cool idea! It should work!

They leave.

Act five.

Slide 7 “Forest”.

15 Music. The king circles the stage and the music turns off

The King, the Jester and the guards appear. The king is riding in a carriage, with guards dragging suitcases behind...

They are walking through the forest.

King: Halt!

Jester: Let me lean against this log!

King: Jester!

Jester: The fool is with you, Your Majesty!

King: Listen, today I dreamed that we were sitting in the forest at the edge of the forest, and suddenly someone whistled... Why would that be?

16 Music. Whistling.

A robber whistle is heard.

16.1 Music of the King's Capture.

Robbers jump out of the bushes. The security raises their hands and runs away. The robbers grab the King and tie him to a tree. The music ends.

King: Let me go now! I am your king!

First robber):We are our own kings!

King: What are you going to do to me?

Second robber. Now let's cock!

King: (whispers) Guard! For help! They decided to kill me!

BMs run out. Troubadour:This should not happen!

17. Music. Battle.

Troubadour and BM get into a fight with the robbers and drive them backstage, frees the King, and he hugs Troubadour.

Troubadour: Meet, Your Majesty, my artist friends!

King: I ask everyone to the palace!

They leave.

Act six.

Slide 8 – palace.

The guards, courtiers and the Princess run out.

Princess: Poor daddy!

He throws himself into a hug.

The Jester and Troubadour appear.

King: Daughter, here is my savior.

The princess notices the Troubadour, approaches and takes his hand.

Princess: Thank you!

Troubadour: Princess!

Princess: Brave young man! His Majesty the King is giving a ball in your honor!

King: Daughter?

Princess: Dad!

They start dancing.

18. Music. Country dance.

General dance. The king sits on the throne, next to the jester and court ladies. Dancing: The princess and the troubadour, the princess's friend and the detective, the fairy and the guard. Afterwards everyone moves to the back wall. The cat passes in front of the audience.

Cat: Ah, friends... Cats are scratching my soul. It seems to me that our Troubadour has forgotten us. Apparently, love is stronger than friendship. Our free bird is caught in a golden cage. Leaves.

19. Music. According to the godmother.

Jester : The ball is over. The troubadour and the Princess decided to run away from the palace. The fairy godmother gives them parting words.

Fairy Godmother: I don't want to hold you back, but a troubadour could become a prince.

Troubadour: No, dear Godmother! I feel cramped and stuffy here. We'll go on a trip. Only my friends will help us, we need to find them as soon as possible!

The troubadour and the Princess run away from the palace. The dancing couples leave.

Castle. The king is on the throne. Nearby stands the jester and the ladies of the court.

King: I just had a dream. I dreamed that my daughter ran away from the palace with this wandering artist.

Security guard: Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I was now making my evening rounds of the palace chambers.

King: So what?

Security guard: There is a note on Her Highness's bed.

The guard passes the note to the Jester.

Jester: (reading) Goodbye, forgive me, don't look for me!

20. Music. The king is fainting.

King to the music:So and so escaped from the palace! This and that upset my father!

Music off

Gather all the smartest courtiers!

The courtiers come out and begin to argue.

King : think, think about how to get my unlucky daughter back. You speak:

First lady of the court:we need to post notices around the city: “The princess, fair, pretty, capricious, has disappeared. Urgently return it to the finder for a decent reward.” And the photo is on the city gates.

King: What-o-o? Princess - at the city gates??? What nonsense. Any other suggestions?

Second lady of the court: I suggest calling the “Wait for me!” program, I heard they are looking for missing people.

The king is interested: And what do they always find?

Lady: Well, not always...

King: how is this? Maybe I’ll find it, maybe I won’t? This does not fit! Everything is out of sight. I'll think alone. ABOUT! Invented!

21. Music. from James Bond, the Sleuth appears.

King: Brilliant Detective! My Majesty begs you to return Her Highness to the palace. My daughter has fallen into bad company...Beasts, not people!

Detective: Understood. I’m starting the search, I’m confident of success, I hope for a decent reward.


Act seven.

Slide 9 (forest)

A troubadour and a princess walk through the forest

Music 22.

Princess: How scary it is in the forest... and cold... I'm tired, Troubadour... I'm hungry, I want to go to my dad, home...

Troubadour: My friends must be here somewhere, we will definitely find them... Your Highness, would you like me to sing you a song?

The princess stomps her foot:I don't want songs. I'm thirsty!

Troubadour: Your Highness, I’ll bring some water now, there’s a stream flowing nearby. Leaves. The princess, saddened, sits down on a tree stump.

Robbers come out from behind the scenes.

Music 23.

Chieftain: What a present! Princess!

Grab her, don't sleep...

The robbers grab the princess and go backstage.

Chieftain: I’m already dreaming of getting a ransom, and then going to the Australian Opera and becoming a singer! (Leaves)

Troubadour runs out with a glass of water, looking for the princess. Not finding it anywhere, he sits down on a stump and says in despair: “What have I done!”

Music 24. Here the detective’s music plays, then he runs across the stage, looking at the marks on the floor...passing the Troubadour, he says:

Detective: Why are you sitting here, gather a team, let’s go rescue the Princess...

They leave together.

Slide 10 – palace

Music 25. The king enters with his guard and jester. Sits on the throne. The guard reports that a detective has arrived.

The king is excited: yes, yes, where is he? Let him come...

Detective enters

King: Well, did you find it? Found?

The detective whispers something in his ear.

The king is shocked...

King: How about the robbers? Ransom? Give me everything I have, just give me back my daughter.

Detective: Your Majesty, there is a person here who can help you.

King: Who is this? Let's get it here

The Troubadour enters with a sad look and bowed head.

King: It is he? How dare you come here. Guards, capture him and send him to prison.

Troubadour: wait, Your Majesty. I promise I will find it and you won't lose a single stamp...

The king thought: oh well, fine, go.

The troubadour leaves.

Music 26. The sound of battle is heard.

At this time, the king shows impatience and tries to spy on the progress of the battle...

27. Music. Until the end of words.

The troubadour and the princess enter the stage. BM is with them.

The Princess rushes to the King: Daddy!

King: My good-for-nothing daughter!

King Troubadour:For the release of my daughter, ask whatever you want.

Troubadour: I don’t need anything except the heart of the Beautiful Princess. (Takes her hand)

A jester in the ear of His Majesty: They love each other...

King: Wow, I never would have thought...

Rooster on the other hand:it's time to have a wedding.

King: Yes, of course, I agree, I really want the fairy tale to end happily!

They freeze on stage.

A jester appears on stage.

Jester: A long time ago, as now, in this world there lived good kings, beautiful princesses, terrible forest robbers, cheerful troubadours who lived, fought, suffered, but at all times, true love and friendship always won!

All participants come out and sing the final song.

28. Music. Final song.

There is nothing better in the world,

Why friends wander around the world,

Those who are friendly are not afraid of worries,

Any road is dear to us.

La-la-la-la... (The First Robber skips across the stage)

We will not forget our calling,

We bring laughter and joy to people!

The palaces offer us tempting vaults

Freedom will never be replaced.

La-la-la-la...(The Second Robber skips across the stage)

Our carpet is a flower meadow,

Our walls are giant pine trees,

Our roof is a blue sky,

Our happiness is to live such a destiny.

La-la-la-la...(The Third Robber skips across the stage)

Final bow.

Here are scenes from the works of E. Schwartz, A. Griboyedov, E. Asadov, A. Exupery. They are given in abbreviation and with some changes, which allows them to be staged on the school stage in a fairly short time.




1st presenter

2nd presenter

Young woman


There is a forest scenery on stage. A goblin sits on a stump. The presenters are either in front of the stage, below, or along the edges of the stage (it’s better if they are guys, otherwise you’ll have to redo the text a little at the end).

The characters - the girl and the forest man - not only pronounce their lines, but also use pantomime (plastically expressive body movements, gestures, facial expressions.)


On an old aspen tree in the middle of the forest

There lived a goblin, big-eyed and hairy.

(The goblin may make sounds similar to the cry of monkeys, scratch itself, etc.)

For the devil he was still young -

Three hundred years, no more. Not at all evil

Thoughtful, quiet and unmarried.

(The goblin sighs.)


Once upon a time near the Black Swamps, in a ravine,

He saw a girl above the stream...

(A girl with a basket appears on the stage. She gets lost, looks fearfully first to the right, then to the left, then peers into the distance, she can say “ay”. The goblin is shocked. He gets up and looks at the girl in admiration, not daring to approach.)

Beautiful, with a basket full of mushrooms

And in a bright city dress.

(The girl sits down on another stump and cries bitterly.)

GOBBLE (to the side.)

Apparently, I got lost. How bitterly he cries!


And the goblin suddenly seemed to feel sad!


So how can I help her out? Here's the challenge!


He jumped off the branch and, no longer hiding,

He bowed down before the girl and said...


Do not Cry. You confused me with your beauty.

You are a joy! And I will help you!


The girl shuddered, jumped back,

But I listened to the speech and suddenly decided...

GIRL (aside.)

OK. I'll still have time. I'll run away.


And he handed it to her in his shaggy paws

Bouquet of violets and chrysanthemums.

And their fresh smell was so beautiful,

That the girl’s fear disappeared completely.

And the goblin said...


So charming

I've never met anyone's eyes before...


He kissed her hand quietly.


He wove her a hat from moss and straw,

He was affectionate, smiled welcomingly,

And, although he had not hands, but paws,

But he didn’t even try to “grip” it.


He brought her mushrooms, walking her through the forest,

Walking in difficult places ahead,

bending each branch,

Bypassing every hole.


Saying goodbye at the charred clearing,

He looked down sadly, hiding his sigh.

And she suddenly thought...

GIRL (aside).

Leshy. Leshy.

But it seems, perhaps, not so bad.


And hiding embarrassment in a bouquet, beauty

Suddenly she said quietly as she walked...


You know, I really like this forest...

I'll probably come again tomorrow.

(The girl and the goblin leave the stage together.)


Guys, be alarmed! Well, who doesn’t know

What a girl with her tender soul

Sometimes a hundred thousand sins will be forgiven us,

But it doesn’t forgive inattention.


Let's return to chivalry in good time

And to the caress that we forgot,

So that our dear ones sometimes leave us


Don't start running to evil spirits!

(Characters come out to bow.)




Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in a state-owned house.

Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.

Lisa, maid.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov’s secretary, living in his house.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

The action takes place in Moscow, in Famusov’s house.


(Liza is sleeping in the middle of the room, hanging from an armchair or chair. Suddenly she wakes up, gets up, and looks around.)


It's getting light! Ah!.. How quickly the night passed!

Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.

"Waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,

Don't sleep until you roll out of your chair.

Now I just took a nap,

It’s already day!.. Tell them...

(Knocks on Sophia's door.)


Hey, Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.

Your conversation went on overnight;

Are you deaf, Alexey Stepanych?

Madam!.. - And fear does not take them!

What time is it now?


Everything in the house rose.

(Sophia from her room.)

What time is it now?


Seventh, eighth, ninth...

(Sophia from the room.)

Not true!

Lisa (moves away from Sophia’s door.)

Ah, damned cupid!

And they hear, they don’t want to understand,

Well, why would they take away the shutters?

I'll change the clock, at least I know: there will be a race,

I'll make them play.

(Lisa stands on a chair, moves the hand. The clock strikes and plays.)

Famusov enters.


(Lisa, Famusov.)

Lisa (standing on a chair.)

Oh! Master!


Master, yes.

After all, what a naughty girl you are.

I couldn’t figure out what kind of trouble this was!

Sometimes you hear a flute, sometimes like a piano;

Would it be too early for Sophia?..


No, sir, I... just by chance...


Just by chance, keep an eye on you.

(Approaches Lisa and flirts.)

Oops, potion! Pampered girl!


You are a spoiler! Do these faces suit you?!

Famusov (embracing Lisa.)

Modest, but nothing but

Mischief and the wind are on your mind.

Lisa (breaking free.)

Let me in, you little windbags,

Come to your senses, you are old...




Well, who will come, where are we going?


Who should come here?

After all, Sophia is sleeping?


Now I'm taking a nap.


Now! And the night?


I spent the whole night reading.


Look at the whims that have developed!


Everything is in French, aloud, read while locked.


Tell me that it’s not good to spoil her eyes.

And reading is of little use:

She can't sleep from French books,

And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.


What will rise. I report

Please go; wake me up, I'm afraid.

It's time, sir, for you to know that you are not a child:

Girls' morning sleep is so thin,

You creak the door a little, you whisper a little,

They hear everything.


You're all lying.

Hey Lisa!

Famusov (hurriedly)


(He sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)

Lisa (alone)

Gone... Ah! Get away from the gentlemen,

They prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,

Pass us away more than all sorrows

And lordly anger, and lordly love!


(Lisa, Sophia with a candle, followed by Molchalin.)


What, Lisa, attacked you?

You're making noise...


Of course, it’s hard for you to break up.

Locked up until daylight, and it seems like everything is not enough.


Ah, it really is dawn!

(Puts out the candle.)


People have been pouring down the streets for a long time,

And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.


Happy hours are not observed.


Go; We'll be bored all day long.



(Lisa and Sophia.)

My stupid judgment

You never regret...

I kept repeating: there will be no good in love.

Like all Moscow people, your father is like this:

I wish he had a son-in-law with stars and ranks

And money to live on, so he could give points.

Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.


I don’t care what goes into the water.


And Alexander Andreich Chatsky?!

He is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp!

I remember, poor thing, how he parted with you!


The desire to wander attacked him;

Oh! If someone loves someone,

Why search for the mind and travel so far?

The one I love is not like this:

Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,

The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid...

Someone you can spend the whole night with like that!

He will take your hand and press it to your heart,

He will sigh from the depths of his soul

Not a free word

And so the whole night goes by.

(Lisa giggles.)

Hand in hand, and doesn’t take his eyes off me.

Laugh! Is it possible? What reason did you give?

Do I make you laugh like that?


I wanted this stupid laugh

I might cheer you up a bit.


(Sophia, Lisa, servant.)

A servant enters.

Alexander Andreich Chatsky is here to see you!



(Chatsky, Sophia, Lisa.)

Chatsky (almost runs in.)

It's barely light and you're already on your feet!

And I'm at your feet!

(Kisses his hand.)

Well, kiss me! Didn't you wait? Speak!

Well, are you glad? No? Look at my face.

Surprised? But only? Here's the welcome!

It's like not a week has passed!

It feels like yesterday together

We're tired of each other!

I'm forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,

More than seven hundred versts flew by - wind, storm!

And here is the reward for your exploits!


Oh, Chatsky, I’m very glad to see you.


You are happy?

Let's say so.

Blessed is he who believes: he is warm in the world!

At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,

Inimitable, and you know it.

Aren't you in love? Please give me an answer!

Without thought, complete embarrassment.

Sophia (loudly, with irritation and resentment.)

At least someone will be embarrassed

Questions are quick and curious!

(She leaves, Chatsky follows her.)


Sofya Pavlovna! Wait!


Well, here's some fun for you!

However, no, it’s no laughing matter now. (Leaves.)


Chatsky comes out.

Chatsky (in thought.)

Oh! Sophia!

Has Molchalin really been chosen by her?!

I'll be back here at night, later,

I'll stay here and won't sleep a wink

At least until the morning. If it's hard to drink,

It's better right away!



(It’s twilight on the stage. Chatsky is hidden, Lisa is with a candle.)

Liza (knocks on Molchalin’s door.)

Listen, sir. If you please, wake up.

The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.


(Chatsky is behind the column, Liza, Molchalin yawns and stretches, Sophia is hiding on the other side of the stage.)


You, sir, are stone, sir, ice!


Ah, Lizanka! Are you on your own?


From the young lady, sir.


Do you only want to be on the errands?


And to you, bride seekers,

Don't bask or yawn.

Handsome and cute, who doesn't finish eating

And he won’t sleep until the wedding.


What wedding? With whom?


What about the young lady?


Come on,

There is a lot of hope ahead,

We are wasting time without a wedding.

I don’t see anything in Sofya Pavlovna

Enviable. May God grant her a rich life,

I once loved Chatsky,

He will stop loving me like he did.

My little angel, I would like half

Feel the same way about her

What I feel for you;

No, no matter how much I tell myself,

I'm getting ready to be gentle

And when I meet, I get a sheet.

Sophia (aside.)

What baseness!

Chatsky (to the side.)



And you are not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:

First, please all people without exception -

The owner, where he will live,

The boss with whom I will serve,

To his servant who cleans dresses,

Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,

To the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.


Let me tell you, sir, you have great care!


And now I take the form of a lover

To please the daughter of such a man.


Let's go, we've talked enough.


Let's go share love with our deplorable theft.

Let me hug you from the fullness of my heart!

(Lisa is not given.)

Why isn't she you?!

(Molchalin wants to go, Sofya won’t let him.)


Horrible man!

I'm ashamed of myself, the walls!


How! Sofya Pavlovna...


Not a word, for God's sake,

Keep quiet! I will decide on anything!

Molchalin (throws himself on his knees, Sophia pushes him away.)

Ah, remember! Don't be angry, take a look...


Don't be mean, stand up

I don't want an answer, I know your answer,

You'll lie...


Have mercy...


No no no!

May I never hear from you again!


As you order.



I myself am pleased that I found out everything at night:

There are no reproachful witnesses in the eyes,

Just like before, when I fainted,

Chatsky was here...

Chatsky (rushes between them.)

He's here, you pretender!

Sophia and Lisa.

Oh! Oh!


Here is the solution to the riddle at last!

Here I am donated to!

Sophia (all in tears.)

Don't continue, I blame myself all around,

But who would have thought

May he be so cunning!

(Noise behind the stage.)


Knock! Noise! Oh my god! The whole house is running here!

Let's go quickly!

(Liza and Sophia leave in a hurry. The noise subsides.)


(Chatsky alone.)


Get out of Moscow!

I don't go here anymore!

I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,

Where there is a corner for the offended heart.

Carriage for me! Carriage!


A curtain.


(Abridged and with some changes.)


The Dragon.

Lancelot, knight errant.

Charlemagne, archivist.

Elsa, his daughter.




(Lancelot, Cat. Spacious kitchen. Cat dozing on the chair.)

Lancelot (enters, looks around, calls.)

Mister owner! Madam hostess! No one... The house is empty, the doors are open. It's good that I'm an honest person. (Sits down.) Let's wait. Mister Cat, will your owners be back soon? You are silent?


I'm silent.


Why, may I ask?


When you are warm and soft, it is wiser to doze and keep quiet.


Well, where are your owners anyway?


They are in danger of great grief. I rest my soul when they leave the yard.


Tell me, Cat, what happened? What if I save your owners? This has happened to me. What is your name?




I thought you were a cat.


Yes, I'm a cat, but people are so inattentive sometimes. My owners are still surprised that I have never lambed yet. They say: what are you doing, Mashenka? Dear people, poor people...


Who are they, your masters?


Mr. Archivist Charlemagne and his only daughter Elsa, who has such soft paws!.. She is in danger, and, consequently, so are we all.


What threatens her?


It has been 400 years since the Dragon settled in our city. Every year he chooses a girl for himself, and without a meow we give her to the Dragon. He takes her to a cave and we never see her again. Meow! And so he chose our Elsa.


(Lancelot, Cat, Elsa, Charlemagne, footman.)

Elsa and Charlemagne enter.


Hello, good sir and beautiful young lady!


Hello Young man.


Your house looked at me so welcomingly, and the gate was open, and the light was on in the kitchen, and I entered without an invitation. Sorry.


No need to ask for forgiveness. Our doors are open to everyone.


Sit down please. With us you can have a good rest. We have a very quiet city. Nothing ever happens here.




Never. Last week, however, there was a very strong wind. One house almost had its roof blown off. But it's not such a big deal.


And the Dragon?!


Mr. passer-by.


My name is Lancelot.


Mister Lancelot, forgive me. I ask you: not a word about this.




Because there's nothing you can do about it.


Yes. Tomorrow, as soon as the Dragon takes her away, I will die too.


I want to help you.




How can you help us?


I will challenge the Dragon to a fight!


No no! He will kill you, and it will poison the last hours of my life.




I will challenge the Dragon to a fight!

(Behind the stage there is noise, roar.)


Easy to remember.

(A footman enters.)


Mister Dragon is here to see you. (Leaves.)


(Lancelot, Charlemagne, Elsa, Cat, Dragon.)

The dragon man enters.

The Dragon.

Hello guys! Elsa, hello, baby! Do you have a guest?! Who is this?


This is a wanderer, a passer-by.

The Dragon.

Fine. Wanderer! Why aren't you looking at me? Why are you staring at the door?


I'm waiting for the Dragon to come in.

The Dragon.

Ha ha! I am the Dragon!


You?! And they told me that you have three heads, claws, enormous height!

The Dragon.

Today I am simply, without ranks. Elsa, give me your paw. Cheat... Minx... What a warm paw! The muzzle is higher. Smile! (To Lancelot.) What are you, a passer-by?


I admire it.

The Dragon.

Well done! Admire! Why did you come?


On business.

The Dragon.

For what reasons? Well, speak up! Maybe I can help you. Why did you come here?


To kill you!

The Dragon.



No no! He is joking! Do you want me to give you my hand again, Mr. Dragon?

The Dragon.



I challenge you to a fight! Do you hear, Dragon?

(The dragon is silent, turning purple.)

I challenge you to fight for the third time! Do you hear?!

The Dragon.

We will fight tomorrow morning!!! (He leaves. A terrible roar is heard in the distance. Everyone surrounds Lancelot.)


(Lancelot, Charlemagne, Elsa, Cat.)


Why did you start this?


We will pray for you, valiant knight!




I love all of you, my friends! I will defeat the Dragon! And after much worry and torment, we will all be happy, very happy!

A curtain…


Scenes from a fairy tale

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



A little prince.





(The curtain is closed. The presenter-storyteller is on the proscenium.)


Once upon a time there lived a Little Prince. He lived on a planet that was slightly larger than himself, and he really missed his friend. One day he decided to travel with migratory birds.

The closest to the planet of the Little Prince were asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330. So he decided to visit them first: he needed to find something to do and learn something.

On the first asteroid there lived a king.


(The curtain opens. The king sits on the throne.

Suddenly the Little Prince appears in front of him.)


Ah, here comes the subject! Come, I want to look at you!

The Little Prince (aside.)

How did he recognize me? After all, he sees me for the first time!


He did not know that kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them all people are subjects

(The little prince looks around, wondering where he should sit, but the king’s robe takes up too much space; suddenly he yawns.)


Etiquette does not allow yawning in the presence of the monarch. I forbid you to yawn!

A little prince.

I accidentally... I was on the road for a long time and didn’t sleep at all.


Well, then I command you to yawn. I haven't seen anyone yawn for years. I'm even curious about this. So, yawn! This is my order.

A little prince.

But I'm shy... I can't take it anymore... Can I sit down?

King ( picking up one half of his robe.)

I command: sit down!

The Little Prince (sits down.)

Your Majesty, may I ask you?


I command you: ask!

A little prince.

Your Majesty... where is your kingdom?

King (throwing out his hands.)


A little prince.

Everywhere? And this is all yours? (Points into the distance.)



A little prince.

And the stars obey you?


Well, of course! The stars obey me instantly. I don't tolerate disobedience.

A little prince.

I would like to watch the sun set. Please, do me a favor and command the sun to set...


If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, or to compose a tragedy, or to turn into a sea gull, and the general does not carry out the order, who will be to blame for this - him or me?

A little prince.

You, Your Majesty.


Absolutely right. Everyone must be asked what they can give. Power must first of all be reasonable.

A little prince.

What about the sunset?


You will also have sunset. I will demand that the sun go down, but first I will wait for favorable conditions, for this is the wisdom of a ruler.

A little prince.

When will the conditions be favorable?


Today it will be at seven forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.

A little prince.

But it's time for me to go.


Stay! I will appoint you as minister.

A little prince.

Minister of what?


Well... justice.

The Little Prince (looks around.)

But there is no one to judge here!


Then judge yourself. This is the hardest part. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

A little prince.

I can judge myself anywhere. For this there is no need for me to stay with you. And if your Majesty wants your commands to be carried out unquestioningly, you could give a prudent order. For example, order me to set off without hesitating for a minute... It seems to me that the conditions for this are the most favorable.


I command you to hit the road. I appoint you as ambassador!..

(The little prince waves his cloak and comes to the front of the stage. The curtain closes.)

A little prince.

These adults are strange people. (Leaves.)


On the second planet there lived an ambitious man.


(The curtain opens. A fashionably dressed ambitious man appears on stage. The Little Prince appears.)


Oh, here comes the admirer!


Vain people imagine that everyone admires them.

A little prince.

Good afternoon. What a funny hat you have!


This is to bow when greeted. Unfortunately, no one comes here.

A little prince.

That's how!


Clap your hands!

(The little prince claps his hands. The ambitious man raises his hat and bows.)

The Little Prince (aside.)

It's more fun here than at the old king's.


Are you really my enthusiastic admirer?

A little prince.


A little prince.

But there is no one else on your planet!


Well, give me pleasure, admire me anyway!

A little prince.

I admire, but what joy does this give you?


On the next planet there lived a drunkard. The little prince stayed with him for only a short time, but after that he felt very sad.


(The curtain opens. On the stage, a drunkard sits at a table covered with bottles. The Little Prince appears in front of him.)

A little prince.

What are you doing?

Drunkard (gloomily)


A little prince.

For what?


To forget.

A little prince.

What to forget?

Drunkard (hanging his head.)

I want to forget that I am ashamed.

A little prince.

Why are you ashamed?


It's shameful to drink. (Drops his head on the table.)

(The curtain closes.)

A little prince.

These adults are strange people!.. (Leaves.)


The next planet was very interesting. She turned out to be the smallest of all. It only held a lantern and a lamplighter.


(The lamplighter turns the lantern on and off. It could be a lamp or part of the stage lighting. The Little Prince appears. He watches the lamplighter.)


The little prince could not understand why on a tiny planet lost in the sky, where there are no houses or inhabitants, a lantern and a lamplighter are needed.

(The lamplighter turns off the lantern.)

A little prince.

Good afternoon Why did you turn off the lantern now?


Such an agreement. Good afternoon

A little prince.

What kind of agreement is this?

Lamplighter (turns on the flashlight.)

Turn off the lantern. Good evening!

A little prince.

Why did you light it again?


Such an agreement.

A little prince.

I don't understand.


And there is nothing to understand. An agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon (He turns off the lantern and wipes sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.) My job is hard. Once upon a time it made sense. I turned off the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I had a day to rest and a night to sleep.

A little prince.

And then the agreement changed?


The agreement did not change. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster every year, but the agreement remains the same.

A little prince.

So what now?


Yes, that's it. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to rest. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

A little prince.

That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!


There's nothing funny here! We've been talking for a month now!

A little prince.

Whole month?!


Well, yes. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening! (Lights the lantern.)

The Little Prince (aside.)

Maybe this man is ridiculous. But he is not as absurd as the king, the ambitious and the drunkard. His work still has meaning. When he lights his lantern, it’s as if another star or flower is born. And when he turns off the lantern, it’s as if a star or a flower is falling asleep. Great activity! It's truly useful because it's beautiful. This man is true to his word. I wish I could make friends with someone! But his planet is very tiny. There's no room for two. (To the lamplighter.) Farewell!



(The curtain closes.)


The little prince visited many planets, including Earth. (The curtain opens. The performance participants are on stage.) The Earth is not a simple planet. There are one hundred and eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand businessmen, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred and eleven million ambitious people, four hundred and sixty-two thousand lamplighters - a total of about two billion adults.

You will learn about what happened to the Little Prince on planet Earth by reading the amazing fairy tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(together) "A little prince"!

(They bow, holding hands. The curtain closes.)

MDOU "Arsky kindergarten No. 2"
Musical script. Fairy tale with the author's element "Little Red Riding Hood"
teacher – Ganieva Rezida Zavdatovna,
musical director - Abdullina Yulduz Ildusovna,
senior teacher - Galiyakhmetova Gulusa Faukhutdinovna.

- expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the world around them;
- continue to introduce children to the forest and forest inhabitants;
- teach children how to behave in the forest;
- develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;
- stimulate mental operations;
- activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech,
pace, expressiveness of speech;
- improve motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability,
- develop the emotional-volitional sphere;
- develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other, create experience
moral behavior;
- bring joy to children, arousing active interest, captivating them.

Rules for preparing for the performance:
- do not overload children;
- do not impose your opinion;
- provide all children with the opportunity to try themselves in different roles.

Stages of working on a performance
1. Selecting a play or dramatization, reading, discussion.
2. Dividing into episodes and retelling them by children.
3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.
4. Search for musical and plastic solutions for individual sketches, staging dances, songs, creating sketches of scenery and costumes with children and parents.
5. Transition to the text of the play: work on episodes (expressiveness of speech, authenticity of behavior in stage conditions).
6. Rehearsal of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (possibly conditional), with musical accompaniment.
7. Rehearsal of the entire play with costumes, props, scenery. Premiere of the play. Discussion with children and spectators.

Little Red Riding Hood, Forest Fairy, Lesovichok, Goat, Wolf, Bear, Masha, Fox, Malvina, Frog Princess, Tsokotukha Fly, Mom (Little Red Riding Hood), Grandmother, Baba Yaga.

Musical numbers:
1. “Dance of Flowers”, music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
2. “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”, music. A. Rybnikova, words by Mikhailova Yu.
from the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”
3. “Song of the Goat”
4. “Song of the Fox”
5. “Song of the Wolf”, music. A. Rybnikova, sl.Yu. Entina
6. Song “An animal in the footsteps of any…”
7. “Dance of the Hares” (“Old Polka”
8. “Dance of the Mushrooms”, music. A. Samonova, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya.
9. “True Friend”, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Savelyeva.

The Forest Fairy comes in to the music and says:
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all.
I'm kind, not evil -
Forest fairy.
I want about the forest
Conduct a story
May your meetings make you happy.
We want the birds to sing
So that the forests around make noise,
Dove skies,
The river flowed beautifully
And a silver fish
Splashed in a clean river.
Along with good music
Magic comes to you
Be careful, be careful
Don't scare him away.

Baba Yaga:
Check this out? Book on a stump
Someone left it for me
I'll read you a fairy tale
And I’ll turn everything around in it!
Come on, open the book
My fairy tale begins!

Music is playing.

There lived in one village a little girl: she was so pretty that there was no one better than her in the world. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more.
On one of the most beautiful days on her birthday, her mother says:
- Daughter, accept this gift from your grandmother!
- Thank you, mommy!
Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap.
The neighbors said this about her:
- There goes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day my mother baked pies and said to her daughter:
- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, take these pies and a pot of honey, and find out if she is healthy.
- Okay, mommy! Well, I'm off!
- Go, go, daughter, have a nice journey!
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother in another village. She walks through the forest and sings her favorite song ("Song about Little Red Riding Hood")
From the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”, composer: Rybnikov A. Lyricist: Mikhailov Yu.
1. If it's long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa!
And in Africa the rivers are this wide!
And in Africa the mountains are so high!
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
A-ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ahh, and a green parrot!
Ahh, and a green parrot!
2. And as soon as, only, only,
And as soon as on the path,
And once on the track
I'll meet someone
Then to the one I meet -
Even the beast, - I believe, I believe, -
I won’t forget, I will, I will,
I will say “hello.”
3. But, of course, but, of course,
If you're so lazy
If you're so shy
Stay at home, don't go out.
You don't need roads for anything,
Slopes, mountains, mountains,
Gullies, rivers, crayfish.
Take care of your hands and feet!

Suddenly Lesovichok appeared.
Forest birds, animals
Meet the old man.
Bushes, trees, grass
The name is Lesovik!
And grandfather with sharp eyes
Looks at the sensitive forest.
I have been living in the forest for a long time.
I keep a close eye on the forest
So that the forest does not get sick.
So that the branches are strong,
So that the roots are strong,
So that the beetle does not eat the bark!
Lesovik: “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, who are you?”
Lesovichok: “I’m an old man – Lesovichok. Lord of the forests. The forest is called the “kingdom of trees” and I protect everything that lives in this kingdom. Why did you pick so many flowers?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “For my grandmother. She is sick, I wanted to please her.
Lesovik: “Do you know that flowers feel pain and cry? Do forest flowers fade very quickly?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Strange, I didn’t notice that?”
Forester: “Take a closer look at the stems: do you see them wet?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I won’t do this again, forgive me!”
Lesovik: “Well done!” I realized my mistake!”
(Goat enters to the music)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, oh, what fairy tale are you from?”
Goat: “I, I ... “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”!??
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, I know the wolf. But I just don’t remember you in this fairy tale? Anyway! And why are you so sad? Did someone offend you?
Goat: “Yes, the Wolf took my kids. Keeps them locked up. But I don’t know how to drive away the Wolf and free the kids (cries)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Don’t worry, we will help you. I’m not alone, look how many guys are around. We'll figure something out! In the meantime, help yourself to some pies!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Guys, who do you think the Wolf is afraid of? (hunters and dogs) Let's help: half of the room will be hunters, and the other half will be dogs. Hunters: clap and stomp; dogs bark.
(Meanwhile, the wolf is sitting in the hut and watching what is happening, frightened by the noise, he runs away)
Wolf: “Well, Little Red Riding Hood, wait!”
Goat: “Thank you Little Red Riding Hood and your friends!” Here's some delicious candy for you."
Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you!”
Our Little Red Riding Hood set off further and suddenly met...
Little Red Riding Hood: “Oh, who is it?”
Fox: “I, Elizaveta Patrikeevna. Who else? Almost crushed my paw!
Little Red Riding Hood: “How clumsy I am!” Excuse me. You're not really looking for a bun, do you want to eat it?
Fox: “Me? Eat? How can you say this about me? It's all in an old fairy tale. And we’re in another!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, don’t be angry, Elizaveta Patrikeevna! I did not want to offend you. Better yet, tell me how I can correct my mistake?”
Fox: “It smells like something very tasty. Al pies?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Yes, I’m bringing pies and a pot of honey to my grandmother. Oh, please, help yourself!”
Fox: “Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hey!!” Well, I have to go!! Goodbye!!"
(hares dance)
Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the forest, admiring the flowers, and the pies were cooling in her basket. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Gray Wolf appeared...
Wolf Where are you from and where?
Driving a Red Panama Hat?
What are you carrying in the basket?
Beautiful madam?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I’m bringing the pies to grandma, help yourself!!”
Wolf: “How far does your granny live?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house, on the edge”
Wolf: “Okay, I ran, I want to make your grandmother happy, first.” Don’t rush!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you!!”
(The Gray Wolf has a plastic bottle in his hand, walks and listens to music loudly, drinks water and throws it away) Here Lesovichok appears.
Lesovik: “Don’t rush, Gray!! Have you forgotten the rules of conduct in the forest?
Wolf: “What other rules of behavior?”
Forester: “Guys, let’s remind you what rules of conduct in the forest you know?
(answers from children from the audience) Well, as I remembered! Well, if you don’t follow these rules, then I will drive you out of the forest!!”
Wolf: “Okay, I’ll correct myself, I’ll follow these rules of yours!!!” (runs away)
Lesovik: “You know the rules of behavior in nature quite well! You just need to always do them and remind others to do them. Guys, what do you do if you come to a clearing, and someone has already left all sorts of garbage behind?”
Children: “We will collect it and take it with us”
(mushroom dance)
The Bear appears on the stage.
Bear: “Little Red Riding Hood, have you seen a stump nearby? Why am I tired of walking and carrying a backpack. Masha told grandpa and grandma to take it to her. Oh, I should sit down and rest.
Little Red Riding Hood: “Yes, here’s the stump!” Sit down, Mishenka, take a little rest!”
Bear: “I’ll sit down, sit on a tree stump, and eat at least one pie!”
Masha's voice comes from behind the scenes.
Masha: “I see everything, I hear everything, and even Misha don’t even think about eating a ruddy pie!!!”
Bear: “Where is the girl sitting that looks so far away?”
Masha runs out and says:
Masha: “Well, Misha! I thought you couldn’t be trusted with anything!”
(The song plays from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” “An animal in the footsteps of any…”)
Beast in the footsteps of any
I know how to recognize
And a giraffe and a cow,
And the beetle and the sparrow!
Whose traces are these meandering?
Near forest roads?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Don’t be sad, Mishenka, help yourself, ( holds out a box of sweets) I know you love sweets!!”
Masha: “What’s that there? And this is all for me? Tasty, but not enough!! More more. more... Share with your child! (takes a box of candies out of the bear’s hands. Masha eats the candies and throws the candy wrappers on the ground, Lesovichok looks out from behind the scenes)
Lesovik: “Well, Masha, we need to teach you everything!! Mischief"
(Hearing Lesovik’s words, Masha quickly cleans up after herself)
Masha: “I won’t do this again!!”
(Masha and the Bear leave)
Our Little Red Riding Hood goes further, and then Malvina, Tsokotukha the Fly, and the Frog Princess come to meet them, and they cry bitterly, bitterly.
K.cap: “What happened? Why are you crying?
Malvina: “We walked in the forest, it was hot, we swam in the river and forgot who we are?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “It was probably the river of oblivion. Well, don’t be upset, the guys and I will definitely help you. Do you remember anything about yourself?”
Fly-Tsokotukha: “I remember how I once found some money, went to the market and bought a samovar, and then invited guests, a huge spider attacked me, and a brave mosquito saved me. So who am I? (audience responds)
Malvina: “And I was the puppeteer’s most beautiful doll with a long, long beard. He is very angry, and one day I ran away from him along with my poodle friend Artemon. And then I met the wooden nose. His name was Buratino. What's my name?
Frog Princess: “And I lived in a swamp. And one day I caught the arrow of Ivan the Tsarevich, and he took me as his wife. At night I could turn into a beautiful girl. Who am I?
All three: “Thank you guys for helping us remember our names!”
Fly-Tsokotukha: “Where are you going, such a beautiful Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I’m going to grandma, bringing her pies!”
Malvina: “What about the jam pies?
Frog Princess: “Oh, they must be delicious???”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Help yourself, please”
Together: “Goodbye!”, ( run away holding hands and laughing merrily)
(Wolf Dance with Hares)
The Wolf comes to the door and knocks
Grandma: “Who’s there?”
Wolf: “I’m the plumber!”
Grandmother: “Pull the string and the door will open”
Wolf: “Great, grandma, get ready, I’ll eat you now!” Hungry, no strength, haven’t eaten anything for three days?!!”
Grandmother: “So sit down, my dear, will you drink tea and pies when you’re hungry?”
Wolf: “And what about the pies?”
Grandmother: “With meat, of course, your favorite!!”
Then Little Red Riding Hood arrived and knocked.
Wolf: “Pull the string and the door will open!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, grandma!” I came to visit you and brought you pies. (wants to get it) Oh, grandma, are there any pies left?!! ( crying)
Grandmother: “Don’t cry, granddaughter, we haven’t eaten all the pies yet, there’s enough for everyone!” Sit down and help yourself!”
It's time to part ways
And say goodbye to the heroes.
But let's not be discouraged
We will invite Skazka to visit.
All were artists today
We showed you a fairy tale
Everyone tried, they were great,
Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!
The farewell song “True Friend” sounds. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Savelyeva.
1.A strong friendship will not break,
Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble, will not ask too much,
This is what a true true friend means.
2. We will quarrel and make peace,
“Don’t spill water,” everyone around jokes.

This is what a true true friend means.
At noon or midnight a friend will come to the rescue,
This is what a true true friend means.
3. A friend can always help me out,
If something happens suddenly.

This is what a true true friend means.
To be needed by someone in difficult times -
This is what a true true friend means.