Cavo you see in the picture. The illusion of our eyes

Today we will have a little fun and deceive ourselves... We bet that over the next 10-15 minutes you will deceive yourself several times and see something (or not see it) that is not really there. All this will happen if, of course, you read the entire text below. Today we will talk about optical illusions or, in other words, optical illusions.

you need to relax and look at 4 points in the center for 30 seconds, then turn your gaze to something monochromatic, for example, at the ceiling and you will see a white circle, blink several times, a picture should form, what do you see?

2 Illusion of movement

If you move your eyes over the picture, the drawing begins to move. This is not animation. Try printing this image and then moving your gaze over it, it will rotate. The blame for this is your eyes, which deceive you.

these are the weird things our eyes do))

3 Drawing on the wall or asphalt

These are drawings on asphalt, depicted according to the rules of 3D illustration. People with poor coordination, walking through such a drawing and looking at it, can simply fall, losing their balance)) the author of these drawings is Julian Beaver, you can see his other works

4 Marilyn Monroe/Jesus

the effect of these paintings will be different. If you now see Marilyn Monroe and Jesus in the picture, then move closer to your monitor, the image should disappear. If you don't see anything other than dots in the image, move a few meters away from the monitor. What did you see?))

5 Distance effect

the image should change if you move a couple of steps away from the monitor, the first illusion is very cool, I like it))

6 What's in the pictures?

Those who are very attentive will find a dog in the first picture, horses in the second, and pandas in the third))

7 Drawings:

Dual or polysemantic images, as the Big Psychological Dictionary tells us, are explained by the fact that when perceiving such drawings, a person has different ideas that are equally consistent with what is depicted.

How many women do you see?

At first glance, 90% of people see an attractive girl of 20-25 years old, the remaining 10% see an old woman over 70 with a huge nose. For those who see the picture for the first time, it is difficult to see the second image.

Clue: The girl’s ear is the eye of an elderly woman, and the oval of a young face is the old woman’s nose.

The first impression, according to psychologists, usually depends on what part of the picture your gaze fell on at the first moment.

After a little training, you can learn to order yourself who you want to see.
Psychiatrist E. Boringou used the portrait in the 1930s as an illustration for his work. The author of such an image is sometimes called the American cartoonist W. Hill, who published the work in 1915 in the magazine “Pak” (translated into Russian as “elf”, “fairy-tale spirit”).

But back in the first years of the 20th century, a postcard was issued in Russia with the same picture and the inscription: “My wife and my mother-in-law.”

The picture with two ladies can be found in many psychology textbooks.

Hare or duck?

Which character did you see first in the modern version of The Ehrenstein Illusion? The very first "duck-hare" drawing was published in Jastrow's book in 1899. It is believed that if children are shown the picture on Easter Day, they will be more likely to see it as a rabbit, but if shown to them in October, they will tend to see a duck or similar bird

Clue: In the picture you can see a duck, which is directed to the left, or a hare, which is directed to the right.

Singing Mexicans or old men?

Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo is the author of rather unusual paintings with hidden meanings. If you look closely, you will see another, hidden image in each of his drawings. He has designed sets for more than 120 Mexican and American films. He created several portraits of famous people of the Western world in a surreal style (“Portrait of the singer Cher”, “Portrait of the actress Jane Fonda”, “Portrait of Jimmy Carter”, etc.).

Clue: The old man and the old blonde woman look at each other. Their eyebrows are the hats of Mexican musicians, and their eyes are the faces of musicians.

Just Rose?

At first glance, yes. An ordinary flower and nothing more. But it was not there. The author of this image, Sandro del Pre, formed a new direction in art, which he called “illusorism,” focusing on creating optical illusions when painting.

Clue: In the center of the rose you can see a couple kissing.

Old man or cowboy?

This painting by Ya. Botvinnik, first half of the twentieth century, USA, is called “My husband and my father-in-law.”
Who did you see first? A young man in a cowboy hat or an old man with a big nose?
Psychologists say that a person’s attitude towards himself influences the choice of image: with a positive attitude, people are more likely to perceive a young image in the first seconds.

Clue: The cowboy's neck is the old man's mouth, the ear is the eye, the chin is the nose.

What do you see in the sixth picture?

Leave your options in the comments to this article. The answer will appear at 13:00 on October 8, 2013.

Answer: Skull or young couple

Incredible facts

This psychological test was developed at Harvard University.

It will help you look into a person’s subconscious and reliably describe some of his character traits.

Thanks to him, you can get the answer to what you do best.

Rorschach blot test

The so-called Rorschach test is one of the most popular tests for determining the human psyche.

The Rorschach inkblot technique was invented in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach.

The essence of the test is to determine the associations that arise in the subject when viewing 10 ink blots.

Each of these ten outlines evokes different associations with a particular image, word or phrase.

The test is based on the fact that a person’s associations determine the characteristics of his personality.

Take a Rorschach test

1. Picture one

The answers allow the psychologist to determine how a person copes with stressful situations and emerging problems.

The most common answers when viewing the first picture are a bat, a butterfly, a moth, an angel.

For some, a bat is a symbol of evil spirits and something unpleasant. For others, it is overcoming a difficult path and rebirth.

Butterflies indicate a transitional period in life, hinting at transformation and the desire to change, grow and cope with the difficulties that arise.

A person who sees a moth in an ink stain is most likely dissatisfied with his appearance; he also believes that his talents are not appreciated by others.

He is prone to bouts of irritability and weakness.

But the outline of an animal’s muzzle can signal a serious problem within a person, an unwillingness to resolve these difficulties, and the fears that haunt him.

This could also be a sign of paranoia.

2. Picture two

The second picture is presented in the form of a black and red inkblot.

As a rule, people see something sexual in this blot.

How a person reacts to this spot describes their ability to control their feelings, including anger, resentment, and physical pain.

Most respondents associate red spots with blood.

As a rule, people look at the following objects in an inkblot: two figures, a person in the process of prayer, their own reflection in a mirror, or some kind of animal.

If a person sees two figures in the spot, this means that, most likely, he is very addicted to sex or is obsessed with his partner.

If someone saw a person reflected in a mirror in an inkblot, this means that the subject is not devoid of narcissism. He is also characterized by egocentrism and selfishness. For him, his own “I” is above all.

Seeing a dog means that the person is a wonderful and loyal friend, ready to do a lot for the sake of friendship, even to the detriment of himself.

If the subject saw an elephant, this means that the person is endowed with a good memory, a sharp mind and an excellent sense of humor.

If you see something negative and repulsive in the spot, this indicates the need to face your own fears.

The bear is associated with aggression, competition and the desire for independence.

Rorschach test, pictures

3. Picture three

The third picture helps to identify the attitude of the test taker towards the people around him. Thanks to the black and red spots, you can determine how well he is adapted to social interaction.

The most common answers are two human figures, a person seeing his reflection in a mirror, a butterfly or a moth.

Two people symbolize a fairly active social life, and society plays a huge role in his life. This means that the person has a very high level of social interaction.

If a person sees two figures in the picture that are involved in the game, this means that he is competing with someone in real life.

But if the patient suddenly saw people washing their hands in the ink stain, this indicates his insecurity, as well as possible paranoid tendencies.

Looking in the mirror means that a person sees only himself and is deprived of the ability to understand others. As a rule, he tends to neglect the opinions of others, focusing solely on his own Ego.

But the rest, on the contrary, look at either two women or a person of indeterminate gender in the ink stain.

However, it is impossible to say with complete confidence that this picture can be used to determine a person’s sexual orientation. Psychologists have differing opinions on this matter.

Rorschach ink test

4. Picture four

In the fourth drawing, the patient is presented with an image shaded in black ink.

Associations with this picture are related to a person’s upbringing and his perception of authority.

As a rule, people see a large male figure, a monster or an animal, its skin.

A large animal or monster is a symbol of intense fear of authority, representatives of power, or people who exceed you in physical or moral strength.

The animal's skin indicates that the patient experiences a feeling of discomfort when it comes to authoritarian people.

In this blot, the majority of respondents, as a rule, see something scary, unpleasant and masculine.

Psychologists also pay attention to how a person describes this picture and what adjectives he uses.

This helps specialists understand what a person’s attitude is towards authoritative people, in particular males.

5. Picture five

The fifth card is a black ink blot. Associations with this picture are similar to those caused by viewing the first card.

What a person sees in the picture describes his inner world and attitude towards emerging problems. As a rule, the patient is able to discern a bat, butterfly or moth in this blot.

Unlike previous cards, people do not see something scary and threatening here.

If a person’s associations with this drawing differ from the associations that arise when viewing the first inkblot, this may indicate a lack of tension and discomfort.

If the patient sees moving figures in the blot, this may be a sign of paranoia or schizophrenia.

6. Picture six

The associations with the blot in this picture are related to the perception of a sexual nature.

The most common answers are: a hole, an animal's skin, a ship, or human facial features.

The animal symbolizes the love of touch. Most often, the animal is seen by connoisseurs of tactile contact.

If a person saw a ship or facial features, this means that the person being tested is inclined to superiority over his partner. As a rule, he dominates in relationships.

The carpet symbolizes a certain level of dependence on the opinions of others, as well as the fear of being left alone. He is strongly attached to his partner and is afraid to let him out of sight even for a short time.

The skin of an animal indicates that, most likely, a person is afraid to enter into close relationships and does not strive to communicate with other people. As a rule, such a person is characterized by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

If a person sees a person’s genitals in a spot, this means increased sexuality.

Psychological Rorschach test

7. Picture seven

The ink spot on the seventh card is completely black. This drawing is associated with the feminine principle, and the picture itself is called maternal.

The card will help identify your relationship with your mother and tell you about her role in your life.

Therefore, the most common answers are women and children. There are those who see heads or kisses in the drawing.

If the patient finds it difficult to answer what is shown on this card, this means that, most likely, he has problems with female figures in real life.

The women's heads symbolize the relationship of the test taker to the mother.

If a person sees the heads of children, this means that he needs care. This vision of the picture also suggests that perhaps he needs to improve his relationship with his mother and analyze his relationship with her.

A kiss speaks of desire and need for love. It may also indicate that the person had a very close spiritual connection with his mother, and that at the moment he wants to find himself in another relationship, regardless of whether the interaction is romantic or social.

If an inkblot is associated with clouds, this means that the person is anxious and confused.

There are also those who see not the inkblot itself, but the space that they associate with some object.

For example, seeing an oil lamp means that the person has a schizophrenic disorder.

8. Picture eight

The colors in this picture are different from the previous ones. There are gray, pink, orange, and blue shades here.

This is the most complex associative map among all the pictures in the Rorschach test.

If a person has difficulty identifying what is shown in the picture, this means that he is experiencing difficulties with how he reacts to various life situations, as well as to people who annoy him.

The most common answers are butterfly, moth, animal.

If the patient finds it difficult to create a meaningful picture in his perception, this means that, most likely, he has an increased level of anxiety.

9. Picture nine

The ninth picture is also distinguished by the abundance of colors. Here you can see green, orange and pink.

The spots in the image are blurry, so it will be quite difficult to quickly determine and formulate your associations.

As a rule, most people find it difficult to immediately answer what is shown in the picture.

For this reason, card number nine helps determine the ability to overcome uncertainty and cope with a lack of structure and sufficient information.

Most often, patients answer that the picture shows a person or an incomprehensible figure.

Seeing a person means the ability to cope with disorganization and lack of information.

But if the stain is associated with the demonic image of evil, this suggests that for internal comfort a person must have an orderly life with a clear schedule and schedule. He copes poorly with uncertainty and disorder.

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Psychological tests are often based on interpreting what the first image your brain recognizes in a picture.

website invites you to take a similar test: although it is not serious, it can tell you something new about you.

  • If the first thing you saw was young woman, then most likely you are an optimistic and slightly impulsive person. You boldly call yourself happy.
  • If you saw first old lady, this speaks of your great life experience. You are prone to critical thinking and consider life situations from all sides.
  • Did you think that cat rises? You don't pay attention to details. Most likely, you are absent-minded or naive. You believe in what you see, but this is precisely what makes you a cheerful person without problems and cynicism.
  • Did you think that is the cat coming down? Pay attention to the shadow of the animal and the position of the paws. You've probably noticed the thresholds of steps that you could trip on if they led up. Either you are a very attentive person, or you have excellent intuition. Most likely, you know how to pay attention to details and scrupulously analyze all important issues, without counting on chance.