How to draw a train of the future. A few words about how to draw a train

Good afternoon, today we are returning to the topic of perspective and will study How to draw a train in perspective. This lesson will help you draw not only moving objects such as a train, car, etc., but also other objects located in the distance.

Linear perspective is represented by lines. These lines extend from the top and bottom of the object and converge at one point in the distance. We can see this in the lines of the rails, which, going into the distance, converge at one point.
When depicting the world on a flat surface, we must draw it as we see it; We see distant objects less than those that are closer to us.

Vanishing point
We have all undoubtedly seen a hot air balloon. When the ball is next to us, it is huge, but the further the ball flies, the smaller it becomes, in the end, it turns into a speck, and then completely disappears from sight. It is precisely the point where the ball disappears from the field of view that is called the vanishing point. On the horizon line, this point is where the sky and earth meet.
So let's draw the train in perspective.

Step 1
First, let's draw a horizontal line.

Step 2
Now let's draw a point (vanishing point) on the left side of the horizon line.

Step 4
Let's draw another line a little to the left for the railway tracks.

Step 5
Let's start drawing a steam locomotive. Using a ruler, draw two horizontal lines.

Step 6
Now let's connect the vertical lines with two horizontal lines as shown below.

Step 7
Draw a line from the left corner of the rectangle to the vanishing point and darken the line coming from the bottom left corner.

Step 8
Draw a circle in the rectangle, and draw a vertical line just below the circle.

Step 9
We mark the middle of the line we just drew, the point of the lower left corner of the train, connect these points with a straight line and draw a triangle.

Step 10
Now let's do the same on the other side.

Step 11
Using a ruler, draw vertical lines.

Step 12
Let's draw several lines to the vanishing point as indicated in the figure.

Step 13
To get the shape of a cylinder, draw two lines to the vanishing point from the top and bottom of the circle.

Step 14
Close the cylinder by drawing a semicircle. Next, draw a vase-shaped figure at the bottom of the circle.

Step 15
Now let's draw two vertical lines above the cylinder. Then draw a line from the center of the vase shape to the bottom point of the triangle at the front of the train.

Step 16
Let's draw a curved line to cover the cylinder we just drew, then draw two diagonal lines outward and connect these lines with another curved line.

Step 18
Our horizontal line is green. Let's draw several curved lines from the horizontal line, as indicated in the figure.

Step 19
Now let's draw cylinders on both sides of the vase.

Step 20
Erase unnecessary lines and darken the main ones. You can experiment with the design to give it a personal touch.

Our lesson has come to an end. After all, it was not difficult to learn and drawing objects in the future will not be difficult. Good luck!

People have been asking me to draw a train for a long time, but it turned out that it is not so easy. Do you know why? Because I - like most people - tried to draw a steam locomotive with one large wheel and several small ones, as in “The Little Engine from Romashkovo”:

...but in fact it turned out that there are only one or two such locomotives all over the world. It’s easier to draw and looks more like a real locomotive with all the same wheels. Like the one on the sign:

And it turns out (which is typical!) even prettier. Okay, you and I are chatting, it’s time to take up the markers, stretch your fingers.

Let's draw three wheels that look like donuts - plump and with a tiny little circle in the middle. Side by side, almost close to each other.

Let's make a cart out of wheels. The top line goes almost immediately above the wheels, and on the sides it protrudes by about half a wheel.

Steam boiler. Please note: it is approximately equal in height to a “cart” with wheels. The right edge of the boiler goes exactly above the edge of the right wheel.

Let's draw the cabin. Does it turn out crooked? Soooo, let's explain in more detail. Our cabin is twice as high as the steam boiler. It looks like it consists of two squares. On the right, the cabin “hangs” a little (don’t worry, this won’t cause the locomotive to tip over). The bottom edge of the “cutout”...

...together with the lower edge of the window it is in line with the steam boiler. Now it worked? So that's great.

To prevent the locomotive from frightening passers-by with its square face, we will make the nose more rounded.

But this triangular thing is called a “blizzard”. The snowstorm is not needed for beauty, but to throw everything extraneous out of the way. It is also called “cow catcher”, I won’t go into dramatic details of the origin of the name, you can figure it out for yourself. By the way, you have seen a similar device a hundred times on jeeps. Many years ago it was very popular in Australia, which is where the name “kanguryatnik” (in English - roo bar) came from.

Without a chimney, the locomotive is clearly uncomfortable. Let's draw it exactly above the wheel. The shape of the pipe can be any, from triangular to eight-pointed, at your choice. The main thing is that the pipe is higher than the cabin, otherwise the driver risks getting smoked.

Let's draw such a pumpkin above the second wheel. Do you know what this is? As it turned out, there can be several of these things on a locomotive: the words “suction tank” and “nutrition cap” are unlikely to tell you anything, but they also put there, imagine, a SANDBOX. If the wheels slide on the rails (in the rain or on an incline), sand is poured onto the rails directly in front of the wheels through a special tube. By the way, the same sandboxes are located in all trams.

In order not to go astray at night, we will attach a spotlight to the locomotive. Although on the rails it’s probably hard to take a wrong turn.

The locomotive itself is ready! But the locomotives need to be fed with something, so we will need a tender - a special car with coal. Drawing the body...

... and the same wheels as those of a steam locomotive. Let's draw a hitch.

How to draw a train with a pencil step by step

It is known that the law of natural selection sincerely laughed when it gave the fragile and feeble human body a brain. He would look much better in a jaguar, which rushes at breakneck speed, or in a lion, at least they sleep 22 hours a day. But all our body can do is whine about how the emu doesn’t like everything. But the brain is a weighty thing in such topics, it will not allow itself to be offended. To move around without making any movement, he came up with transport, and today we will learn how to draw a train.

The train is a means for quickly moving loin and other body parts in especially large sizes; looks like a caterpillar. He moves on rails, since there are no roads in Russia (although there are fools). It’s cheap, which means it enjoys incredible popularity among poor mere mortals. A favorite place for carrying out terrorist attacks, singing gypsy songs and selling rotten food, seeds, socks, screwdrivers, newspapers, crosswords, playing cards, notepads, pens, for 3 rubles a bunch, and in a pile there are three things.

It smells bad, hisses all the time and scares away animals. It evokes the entire possible range of emotions, from anger and internally suppressed aggression due to the arrival of the mother-in-law from distant lands, to sincere happiness and a dance of victory from successfully pushed contraband. Previously, he moved with the help of coal and slaves, then suddenly he switched to electricity and diesel, and all the slaves went to America to do the same favorite thing.

The train allows you to:

Get a good night's sleep, as I get motion sickness and knocking monotonously.;
Wave goodbye to people from the window;
Easily reach your destination;
Go to the toilet.
Discover that this is not a toilet, but a hole in the floor into which you can fall, and leave to endure until you stop.
It's ridiculous to die with your head out the window.
Pull the stop valve and pretend to be ignorant, blind, or a fan of elephant racing.
Forcibly meet people in a confined space.

In addition, it can be depicted on paper, which is what we will do now.

How to draw a train with a pencil step by step

Step one. Using long, drawn-out lines, we will create the figure of a train in motion with a small chimney on top.

Step two. Let's add a lot of wheels, headlights in front and other accessories of the locomotive.

Step three. Let's carefully draw every detail, especially taking a closer look at the wheels. Let's remove the extra lines.

It is known that the law of natural selection sincerely laughed when it gave the fragile and feeble human body a brain. He would look much better in a jaguar, which rushes at breakneck speed, or in a lion, at least they sleep 22 hours a day. But all our body can do is whine about how the emu doesn’t like everything. But the brain is a weighty thing in such topics, it will not allow itself to be offended. To move around without making any movement, he came up with transport, and today we will learn how to draw a train. The train is a means for quickly moving loin and other body parts in especially large sizes; . He moves on rails, since there are no roads in Russia (although there are fools). It’s cheap, which means it enjoys incredible popularity among poor mere mortals. A favorite place for carrying out terrorist attacks, singing gypsy songs and selling rotten food, seeds, socks, screwdrivers, newspapers, crosswords, playing cards, notepads, pens, for 3 rubles a bunch, and in a pile there are three things.

It smells bad, hisses all the time and scares away animals. It evokes the entire possible range of emotions, from anger and internally suppressed aggression due to the arrival of the mother-in-law from distant lands, to sincere happiness and a dance of victory from successfully pushed contraband. Previously, he moved with the help of coal and slaves, then suddenly he switched to electricity and diesel, and all the slaves went to America to do the same favorite thing.

The train allows you to:

  • Get a good night's sleep, as I get motion sickness and knocking monotonously.;
  • Wave goodbye to people from the window;
  • Easily reach your destination;
  • Go to the toilet.
  • Discover that this is not a toilet, but a hole in the floor into which you can fall, and leave to endure until you stop.
  • It's ridiculous to die with your head out the window.
  • Pull the stop valve and pretend to be ignorant, blind, or a fan of elephant racing.
  • Forcibly meet people in a confined space.

In addition, it can be depicted on paper, which is what we will do now.

How to draw a train with a pencil step by step

Step one. Using long, drawn-out lines, we will create the figure of a train in motion with a small chimney on top.
Step two. Let's add a lot of wheels, headlights in front and other accessories of the locomotive.
Step three. Let's carefully draw every detail, especially taking a closer look at the wheels. Let's remove the extra lines.
Step four. Now let’s sketch everything thoroughly with a pencil, and most importantly, create a beautiful, lush smoke that comes out of the chimney.
See drawing lessons for other vehicles.