American literature of the first half of the 20th century. American literature and art in the 19th - early 20th centuries Little-known American prose of the 19th century online


Perhaps the first American writer who managed to gain worldwide fame was the poet and, at the same time, the founder of the detective genre, Edgar Allan Poe. Being a deep mystic by nature, Edgar Allan Poe was not at all like an American. Perhaps that is why his work, without finding followers in the writer’s homeland, had a noticeable influence on European literature of the modern era.

Adventure novels, which are based on the exploration of the continent and the relationship between the first settlers and the indigenous population, occupy a large place in the United States. The largest representatives of this trend were James Fenimore Cooper, who wrote extensively and fascinatingly about the Indians and the clashes of American colonists with them, Mine Reid, whose novels masterfully combined a love story and detective-adventure intrigue, and Jack London, who glorified the courage and courage of the pioneers of the harsh lands of Canada and Alaska.

One of the most remarkable American of the 19th century is the outstanding satirist Mark Twain. His works such as “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court” are read with equal interest by both young and adult readers.

Henry James lived in Europe for many years, but did not cease to be an American writer. In his novels “The Wings of the Dove”, “The Golden Cup” and others, the writer showed Americans who are naive and simple-minded by nature, who often find themselves victims of the intrigues of insidious Europeans.

Standing apart in the American 19th century is the work of Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose anti-racist novel Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed greatly to the liberation of blacks.

The first half of the 20th century could be called the American Renaissance. At this time, such wonderful authors as Theodore Dreiser, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway created their works. Dreiser's first novel, “Sister Carrie,” in which the heroine achieves success at the cost of losing her best human qualities, initially seemed immoral to many. Based on a crime chronicle, the novel “An American Tragedy” turned into a story of the collapse of the “American Dream”.

The works of the king of the “Jazz Age” (a term coined by himself) Francis Scott Fitzgerald are largely based on autobiographical motifs. First of all, this applies to the magnificent novel “Tender is the Night,” where the writer told the story of his complex and painful relationship with his wife Zelda. Fitzgerald showed the collapse of the “American Dream” in his famous novel “The Great Gatsby.”

A tough and courageous perception of reality distinguishes the work of Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway. Among the writer’s most outstanding works are the novels “A Farewell to Arms!”, “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and the story “The Old Man and the Sea.”

“The Rider on a White Horse” (1888) is the result and pinnacle of T. Storm’s work, a true pearl of German prose of the 19th century. The story of the courageous and talented dam builder Hauck Heyen, whimsically combining the features of the romantic tradition and realism, reveals many parallels with the dramas of Ibsen and, first of all, with Goethe's Faust. The legends and superstitions of Friesland, one of the northern lands of Germany, are so skillfully woven into the complex fabric of the novel that this author’s work is itself perceived as a folk story full of poetry and drama...

Who touched my BlackBerry? Lucy Kellaway

A stunning satirical novel based on the most notorious “helpful advice column” in the history of American “corporate culture”! Epistolary prose of the 21st century in emails! "Martin Lux", the virtual ideal of the modern yuppie, the Internet incarnation of Lucy Kellaway, gives advice to readers and admirers on all imaginable and inconceivable occasions. But what if this character one day takes on a life of his own? How will he survive in the “harsh reality”? Of course, non-standard!

The Dark Side of the Sun Emilia Prytkina

Emilia Prytkina became famous as the author of witty novels about the adventures of resilient city women on the path to love, family and career. The socio-psychological drama “The Dark Side of the Sun” will surprise fans of the writer. This is a fascinating story of a large family and at the same time the history of an entire country, the path to forgiveness and liberation from the past, the life of besieged Armenia in the 90s of the last century. By reading this book, everyone will understand something important ABOUT THEMSELVES! The secret of birth... It poisons the lives of Arev and Lusina. In the first days of their lives, the twin sisters were separated and given away...

Villages John Updike

John Updike. Classic of world literature. Author of the legendary “Centaur”, “The Witches of Eastwick”, “Let’s Get Married”, “Rabbit, Run” and many more works included in the golden fund of 20th century prose. For the first time in Russian - a bright and controversial novel by the great American writer, which caused a lively discussion in the world press. The story of a man who loved sex more than anything else in the world, but at the same time treated the female body with truly religious worship... The story of an unusual personality - from her formation to the last hour. Story…

House of the Spider PAUL BOWLES

The heroes of the novel - the cynical writer Stenham, the American tourist Lee and the young apprentice potter Amar - find themselves at the center of a political hurricane - the uprising of Moroccans against the French colonialists in the ancient city of Fez. Soon there will be no trace left of their measured life. Recognized as one of the most important achievements of American fiction of the 20th century, the novel by Paul Bowles (1910–1999) has acquired particular relevance today because it demonstrates the origins of the Islamic extremism that has captivated the world.

Batya's invasion. The story of the death of the Russian... Viktor Porotnikov

If the merciless Horde stands at the gates of your city, if the prince and his retinue have already fallen in battle, when Mongol arrows obscure the sun, battering rams destroy the walls, and countless enemy hordes, like locusts, climb into the gaps and climb ladders - they rise to defend their homes both old and young, and even women take up the sword. There will be no people running, no people begging for mercy, no people surrendering. This city will fight to the last drop of blood and die with honor - just like its princess, who threw herself with her baby son in her arms from the bell tower...

This is us, Lord!... Konstantin Vorobyov

The stories of Konstantin Vorobyov can be called the first big truth about the war that broke through to us through literature. Vorobyov's war stories are written in the tradition of the great Russian prose of the 19th century, and with the terrible, unvarnished truth they turn the soul upside down.

Rat King China Mieville

"The Rat King" is one of the most striking debuts in English prose at the turn of the century. One morning, Sol Garamond is awakened by the sound of his door being kicked in. The police take him to prison and accuse him of murdering his own father. But the ghost of city dumps penetrates Sol’s cell like an elusive shadow and leads him to freedom. The ghost introduces himself as the Rat King and tells him that Sol also has royal blood in his veins. And that the almighty Pied Piper is on his trail...

Blade Stephen King

Killer - or victim? Kidnapper - or savior? A humble student of a famous criminal - or a hero capable of bringing his teacher's work to true genius? A novel that, according to critics, is not inferior in psychological depth and plot tension to the best masterpieces of American prose of the twentieth century!

Russian fantastic prose XIX - early XX... Alexander Kuprin

This collection includes fantastic works by classic writers: Osip Senkovsky, Nikolai Polevoy, Konstantin Aksakov, Vladimir Odoevsky, Alexander Kuprin, Mikhail Mikhailov, etc. Their fantastic stories revealed a whole gallery of themes, images, plots, which in one way or another explore the relationship between two worlds - otherworldly (irrational, elemental-sensual, metaphysical) and existing material, material. The reader is forced to constantly choose between the rational and the supernatural, but it is interesting that the conflict...

Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

The famous literary historian of the 20th century, a world-famous expert on Bulgakov’s work and the author of his “Biography”, as well as the author of the most fascinating detective story for teenagers “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina” talks about books that, at any cost, should be read before the age of 16 - under no circumstances later! Because the books on this Golden Shelf, collected for you by Marietta Chudakova, are so cunningly written that if you are late and start reading them as adults, you will never get the pleasure that is contained in them just for you -...

Volume 1. Prose by Ivan Krylov

This publication of the Complete Works of the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov is carried out by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 15, 1944. During the life of I. A. Krylov, the collected works were not published. Many prose works, plays and poems remained lost in periodicals of the late 18th century. Only collections of his fables were published many times. Several attempts were made to publish the Complete Works, but it was not possible to achieve this completeness due to a number of...

Why was Stalin killed? Crime of the century Sergei Kremlev

The fact that Stalin was killed is now recognized even by many complete anti-Stalinists. There is much more debate about why this was done. “Liberal” history cheaters are trying to reduce everything to a banal struggle for power. In his new book, Sergei Kremlev irrefutably proves the falsity of their arguments. This book reads like a gripping documentary detective story. It is impossible to tear yourself away from this book. Investigating the circumstances of Stalin's death, the author not only exposes his killers, but also reveals the true motives of this crime of the century.

My century, my youth, my friends and girlfriends Anatoly Mariengof

Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof (1897 - 1962), poet, prose writer, playwright, memoirist, was a prominent figure in the literary life of Russia in the first half of our century. One of the founders of the poetic group of imagists, which had a certain influence on the development of Russian poetry in the 10-20s. He had a close personal and creative friendship with Sergei Yesenin. The author of more than a dozen plays performed in the country's leading theaters, numerous collections of poetry, two novels - "The Cynics" and "Catherine" - and an autobiographical trilogy. His memoir prose for many years...

The end of the nylon age Josef Skvorecki

Josef Škvorecký (b. 1924) is a classic of modern Czech literature, prose writer, playwright and music critic living in Canada. The collection "The End of the Nylon Age" is made up of the writer's most famous and controversial works, created in the strange and eerie time between Hitler's occupation of the Czech Republic and the Soviet invasion. Shkvoretsky’s short novel “Bass Saxophone” was recognized as the best literary work of all time about jazz. Musical prose by Josef Shkvoretsky - for the first time in Russian.

“The Worlds of the Strugatskys: Time of Students, XXI Century” is a unique project that allows you to once again plunge into the unique atmosphere of the works of the Strugatsky brothers. The first collection of the project, “The Most Important of the Arts,” is a kind of response from modern science fiction writers to restless filmmakers and is dedicated to the release of the film “Inhabited Island.” A dozen films have already been made based on the books of the Strugatsky brothers. Their work was addressed by such famous film directors as Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Sokurov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Alexey German and...

Prose from the Observatory of Julio Cortázar

Preface by the translator for the online publication Realizing that the translation of “Prose from the Observatory” will not be published in any publishing house in the near future, since the era of copyright and format currently determine publishing policy, the translator decided to publish it online. He will be glad if this little-known work by Julio Cortazar finds its reader. The text of this publication differs slightly from the text posted online. First of all, the presence of a short author’s preface and photographs of the observatory in Jaipur,…

At the turn of the century. Diary of the rector Sergei Yesin

Esin Sergey Nikolaevich is a famous writer, playwright and publicist. His stories and novels: “Imitator”, “Memoirs of a Forty-Year-Old”, “R-78”, “Types”, “Gladiator”, “We Only Live Twice”, “Running in the Reverse Direction” are widely known to readers. His Diaries cover the last three years of the 20th century. Here is the life of the country, the life of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, of which he is the rector, the life of the author himself and many people around him. The diaries published in thick magazines were in demand by readers as greedily as the writer’s prose.

American Tragedy (Abridged Retelling)

Theodore Dreiser Classic prose A classic retold

"An American Tragedy" is the most famous novel by the classic of American literature Theodore Dreiser. The book tells the story of the tragic fate of the talented young man Clyde Griffiths. Between sincere love and big money, he chooses the latter, passionately wanting to fulfill his cherished “American” dream - at any cost to make his way from a low social stratum to the elite of society.

And on the way to achieving this goal, Clyde stops at nothing - he goes to kill the girl he loves.

Little men

Louisa May Alcott Children's prose World book

Private school for boys does not have strict rules of behavior. However, this is where real men grow up. Wise and loving mentors They instill in their pets honesty, courage, hard work and self-confidence. The story is written by the world famous American writer Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888).


Washington Irving Classic prose Missing No data

Washington Irving (1783–1859), called the “Father of American Literature,” was the first great master of mystical storytelling in American history. This book contains one of the central stories from his first book, "History of New York" (1809) - "The Remarkable Deeds of Peter Hardhead", the most famous short story writer Rip Van Winkle (1819), as well as the novel Life prophet Muhammad" (1850), which for many years remains one of the best biographies founder Islam written by Christians.

Irving’s work successfully embodied a combination of fantastic and realistic principles, soft transitions from the magical world to the world of everyday life. Many of his works, decorated with majestic descriptions of nature and unusual characteristics of the heroes, rethink already known ancient and medieval plots, introducing novelty and mystery into them.


Konstantin Stanyukovich Classic prose "Sea Tales"

This is a story about a touching friendship sailor military steam clipper“Bully” - Ivan Luchkin and a dark-skinned man boy from the American ship "Betsy", which the sailors picked up in open ocean and named Maksimka Zabiyakin. Read by: Alexander Kotov ©℗ IP Vorobiev ©℗ Publishing House SOYUZ.

The most terrible troops

Alexander Skutin Humorous prose Absent

An American instructor at the Marine Corps training center explains to recruits: “The Russians have such an airborne assault force.” One of their airborne paratroopers can handle three of you without weapons. But that is not all. The Russians also have a naval landing force. These are complete scumbags.

One of their naval paratroopers will kill five of you, without weapons, like babies. But this is not the worst thing. They have such a construction battalion. These are like this animals that they are generally afraid to give them weapons.

An inconspicuous bachelor

Pelham Woodhouse Classic prose Absent

Young British gentleman decides to invest money in the production of a play, the success of which should surpass even the masterpieces of Hollywood... A rake and womanizer suddenly finds himself in the center of a sensational story of kidnapping and robbery... Tortured by a grumpy wife, an American tycoon tries to flee to England - but he is drawn into a whirlpool of intrigue and blackmail... Any For another writer, such stories would have turned into dramas, detective stories and even thrillers.

Wisdom of the Heart (collection)

Henry Miller Foreign classics Absent

Most Prominent representative experimental trend in American prose of the 20th century, a daring innovator whose best works were banned for a long time in his homeland, Henry Miller became famous not only for his confessional autobiographical novels, but also with memoirs and journalistic essays, in which he continues to talk about many of his friends and acquaintances, without whom it is impossible to imagine modern art and literature.

We present to your attention one of the collections of his stories and essays, “Wisdom of the Heart,” translated into Russian for the first time. The book also includes the polemical story “The World of Sex,” presented in a new edition, in which Miller proves that the contradiction between his “scandalous” and “philosophical” works is only apparent...

Little Princess. The Adventures of Sarah Crewe

Francis Burnett Children's prose Absent

The heroine of the story by the famous American writer Frances Burnett was orphaned early, she was excommunicated from home and generally deprived of human love. But despite everything, Sarah Crewe easily endures rough treatment children at the boarding house. The girl believes that the “princess,” as she is mockingly called, “should be polite.”

Forgives a lot of things to the offenders this "princess". Because she is courageous, endowed with a pure and generous heart, and besides, she dreams of her crystal slipper. Will her dream come true? Read this wonderful book and then you will find out for yourself.

The Great Gatsby

Francis Scott Fitzgerald Classic prose 100 main books (Eksmo)

“The Great Gatsby” is the most famous novel by Francis Fitzgerald, which became a symbol of the “Jazz Age”. America, 1925, the time of Prohibition and gang wars, bright lights and a vibrant life. But for Jay Gatsby the embodiment American dream turned into a real tragedy.

And the way up, despite glory and wealth, led to total collapse. After all, each of us primarily strives not for material wealth, but for love, true and eternal...


Michael Chabon Great novel

For the first time in Russian - the newest novel by a recognized masters modern American prose, Pulitzer Prize winner, author of such international bestsellers as “The Incredible Adventures of Kavalier and Clay”, “The Union of Jewish Policemen”, “Pittsburgh Mysteries”, “Wunderkinds”, etc.

This is a novel about truth and lies, about great love, about family legends and about a great existential adventure. Chabon's hero pursues Wernher von Braun in the last days of World War II and hunts in Florida for a giant python that ate the cat of a retired neighbor, mines a bridge near Washington, builds models of rockets and a lunar city and hides from his wife, known to television viewers as the Night Witch Nevermore, old tarot deck...

One Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain Classic prose Absent

We present to your attention an audio recording of the book. classic world literature, American writer Mark Twain (1835-1910) “A Bank Note of One Million Pounds Sterling” performed by People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Garkalin. The young American Henry Adams, as a result of an unfortunate combination of circumstances, found himself on the other side of the Atlantic penniless.

Wandering around London, he caught the eye of two eccentric brothers who had recently made a very unusual bet, and after feeding him, they gave him an envelope with money. It's just bad luck - what was in the envelope was not money in the usual understanding, and it was impossible to exchange or buy anything with this bank note.

Moon Valley

Jack London Classic prose Absent

Novel by a famous American writer J. London (1876–1916) “Valley of the Moon” is a story young worker, defeated by the “iron heel” of the industrial city - octopus and finding peace and joy in life close to nature on a California ranch.

Tropic of Capricorn

Henry Miller Counterculture ABC Premium

Henry Miller - the most prominent representative experimental direction in American prose of the 20th century, a daring innovator, whose best works were banned for a long time in his homeland, a master of the confessional-autobiographical genre. The trilogy composed of the novels “Tropic of Cancer”, “Black Spring” and “Tropic of Capricorn” brought him scandalous fame: it was these books that reached the general reader for decades, overcoming court injunctions and censorship slingshots.

“Tropic of Capricorn” is a story of love and hate, the story of an incorrigible romantic, always balancing between animal instinct and a powerful spiritual principle, it is a reflection of philosophical quests writer, which, according to him in my own words, was a “philosopher from the cradle”...

Stories, humoresques. Volume 1

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Classic prose Absent

The first volume of the complete works of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov includes his early humorous stories and humoresques, published under the pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte. Contents In the carriage Meeting of spring (discussion) The sinner from Toledo Additional questions for personal statistical census cards proposed by Antosha Chekhonte Wives of artists Life in questions and exclamations You chase two hares, you won’t catch either For the apples Forgot!!! Problems of a mad mathematician Green braid (to a drawing by the artist Chekhov) Both this and that - letters and telegrams And this and that - poetry and prose Confession, or Olya, Zhenya, Zoya (letter) Alarm clock calendar for 1882.

March-April Vacation work of schoolgirl Nadenka N Comic advertisements and announcements (Reported by Antosha Chekhonte) Announcement office of Antosha Ch. My anniversary At the wolf cage Dad Before the wedding Peter's Day Letter to a learned neighbor In American style Salon de variety shows Temperaments Court A thousand and one passions What is most common found in novels, stories, etc.

Humor stories. Humorous stories

Collective collections Humorous prose Absent

The collection includes humorous stories by famous English and American writers Robert Charles BENCHLEY, James Grover THURBER, Alexander Humphreys WOOLCOTT, Stephen Butler LEACOCK. The text of the stories was read in English and Russian.

The audiobook will be of interest to anyone who knows the basics of English and is improving their skills in it. 1. Robert Charles Benchley – Kiddie-Kar Travel 2. James Grover Thurber – The Spreading “You Know” 3. Alexander Humphreys Woollcott – Capsule Criticism 4.

Stephen Butler Leacock – Mrs Newrich Buys Antiques 5. Robert Charles Benchley – Travel is not like a child 6. James Grover Thurber – That ubiquitous “you know” 7. Alexander Humphreys Woolcott – Mini review 8. Stephen Butler Leacock – Mrs Nouveau Riche Buys Antiques .

Adventures of the Little Lord

Francis Burnett Children's prose Absent

'The Adventures of the Little Lord' is a wonderful work by one of the greatest American children's writers, Frances Eliza Burnet. We can repeat many times about the significance of the works of this famous writer, who, in her own words, tried with all the strength of her soul to “make the world happier,” but let’s just say that Burnet’s works were republished many dozens of times, repeatedly filmed, and exhibited in the Central Park of New York statues of characters from her children's books.

Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises)

Ernest Miller Hemingway Classic prose Absent

Ernest Hemingway's debut novel Fiesta was first published in 1926 in the USA. And who knows, if Hemingway had not written his “Fiesta,” perhaps the feast of Saint Fermin, taking place from July 6 to 14 in Pamplona, ​​would not have become such a popular event as it is today.

Paris 20s of the last century. American journalist Jake Barnes spends every night with friends in a bar on the Boulevard Montparnasse, hoping that alcohol will help him heal the mental and physical wounds inflicted by the First World War. This continues until he gets to a fiesta in Pamplona, ​​Spain... Copyright © 1926 by Charles Scribner`s Sons Copyright renewed © 1954 by Ernest Hemingway © Translation by V.

Topper (heirs) ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V. A. ©&℗ ID SOYUZ Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov.

Stringer. Russians forever. Action-packed prose

Alexander Yarushkin Adventure: other Missing No data

The owner of a car repair shop in San Francisco, Oleg Kupriyanov, worked in the criminal investigation department in his previous, pre-American life. With the light hand of stringer journalist Denis Grebsky, helping him in his investigations, Kupriyanov received a private detective's license... The kidnapped American husband of a young Russian woman, kidnappers who suddenly spoke Russian, missing 3 million dollars and accusations of their theft.

This is what Oleg has to face when he takes on his first big case as a detective.

All new fairy tales (collection)

Lawrence Block Horror and Mystery Missing No data

These are not the good Christmas stories that are so good to read to children at night. These are scary stories about the darkness that stands behind the threshold and waits for you to take one wrong step, about strange and creepy creatures that wander outside the window and sometimes peer into your soul.

Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio have collected the best stories in the genre of horror and suspense, written by recognized masters of American prose (Chuck Palahniuk, Michael Moorcock, Walter Mosley, Michael Swanwick...). Before you is a collection of smart, subtle, exquisitely intelligent, exciting and truly scary stories: the door through which the Abyss peers into a person.


Pelham Woodhouse Classic prose Absent

A young British gentleman decides to invest money in the production of a play, the success of which should surpass even the masterpieces of Hollywood... A rake and womanizer suddenly finds himself at the center of a sensational story of kidnapping and robbery... Tormented by a grumpy wife, an American tycoon tries to flee to England - but he is drawn into a whirlpool of intrigue and blackmail ... Any other writer would have turned such stories into dramas, detective stories and even thrillers.

But if Pelham G. Woodhouse gets down to business, then we are talking about sparkling, unparalleled humor!

Responsible task

Vladimir Gorban Humorous prose Missing No data

On instructions from the US leadership and the President personally, in the context of the outbreak of the global economic crisis, the famous American journalist Diana Rose goes to Russia with the goal of finding out what Russian indifference is. In the Russian outback, events of incredible intensity happen to her; in a remote province, she meets very extraordinary people.

The main events unfold in the village of Bolshaya Lobotryasovka, famous for its desperate indifference...

Jim from Piccadilly

Pelham Woodhouse Classic prose Absent

The magnificent Jimmy Crocker, a young American heir obsessed with the desire to turn into a British aristocrat, is forced to admit that in the elegant Piccadilly, unlike his native Broadway, nothing but trouble awaits him...

Gene Webster Children's prose Absent

Jean Webster (Alice Jane Chandler) is an American writer and great-niece of Mark Twain. She lived only forty years and died during childbirth. Her stories in letters brought her worldwide fame. The play based on these works was staged on Broadway and the film versions created over the years were a resounding success.

In the first film adaptation, the role of the heroine was played by the famous silent film actress Mary Pickford. "Daddy Long Legs" is a very famous work by Jean Webster. Who is he, Daddy Long Legs? The young college girl saw him only once, from behind.

He got her into college on the condition that she would write letters to him without expecting an answer. And he disappeared from her life... Trying to unravel the mystery of Daddy Long Legs, in reality, a teenage girl discovers the world and her own soul. This touching work, full of humor, leaves a feeling of freshness and warmth.

Webster's easy and accessible language makes the book attractive even to those who are just beginning to learn English.

Women in love

David Herbert Lawrence Classic prose Absent

David Herbert Lawrence (1885–1930) was an English novelist, poet, and essayist, whose work evoked polar opinions among readers, critics, and the public. His novels "Lady Chatterley's Lover", "Sons and Lovers", "Rainbow" and "Women in Love" were included in the list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century.

They were read and at the same time condemned as obscene. The novel "Women in Love" was published in 1920 in a limited edition. The story of two passionate sisters Gudrun and Ursula and their beloved men Gerald and Rupert, disillusioned with life and love for women, caused a flurry of indignation among the conservative part of English society.

In 1922, a high-profile censorship process took place. Subsequently, the novel was filmed by the famous American director Ken Russell. The lead actress, Glenda Jackson, was awarded an Oscar in 1970. The novel was first published in Russian in 2006 by the Institute of Soitology together with the ABC-Classics publishing house.

Martin Eden

Jack London Classic prose Absent

The famous novel by the outstanding American writer Jack London (1876-1916) “Martin Eden”. In many ways, autobiographical, which is one of the most widely read works of the writer, the novel tells about the life of a man from the very bottom who became a famous writer.

Having achieved a lot in life, Martin Eden decides to die...

Stories of the fairyland of Mo and its magical king

Lyman Frank Baum Children's prose Missing No data

We bring to the attention of young readers a book translated into Russian for the first time by the greatest American storyteller, Lyman Frank Baum, better known to us as the author of The Wizard of Oz. The book about the incredible country of Mo was written a year before The Wizard and did not receive as much popularity.

It is known mainly in English-speaking countries. This happened because the book turned out to be too difficult to translate - it is all filled with puns, its characters are too phantasmagorical and too unreal to take them seriously.

Martin Eden

Jack London Classic prose Absent

The twenty-first volume of The Complete Works of the outstanding American writer Jack London (1876-1916) includes the novel Martin Eden. In many ways, the autobiographical novel, which is one of the most widely read works of the writer, tells about the life of a man from the very bottom who became a talented and even famous writer.

Having achieved a lot in life, Martin Eden decides to die... Martin struggled in the darkness, without light, without approval, already beginning to experience despair. Even Gertrude began to look askance at him; at first she, like a good sister, encouraged it; which seemed to her childish nonsense; but then she, again like a good sister, began to worry.

It began to seem to her that childish stupidity was already turning into madness. Martin, noticing her anxious glances, suffered from them even more than from Mr. Higginbotham's rude and outright ridicule. He continued to believe in himself, but he was alone in his faith.

Books in my life (collection)

Henry Miller Foreign classics Absent

Henry Miller is the most prominent representative of the experimental trend in American prose of the 20th century, a daring innovator whose best works were banned for a long time in his homeland, a master of the confessional-autobiographical novel. All of his books represent a kind of polemic, a conversation on equal terms with those whom he considered his teachers, and nowhere is this felt more clearly than in the works included in this collection - “Books in My Life” and “The Time of Assassins: Sketch about Rimbaud."

“This book... aims to complete the story of my life,” Miller writes in the preface. – Books are considered here as life experiences... When seeking knowledge or wisdom, it is always better to go straight to the source. The source is not a scientist or philosopher, not a master, saint or teacher, but life itself - the direct experience of life.”

And even today the novel has not lost its relevance: oligarchs, terrorists, secret agents... They say that sooner or later the truth always comes out. I kind of doubt it. Nineteen years have passed now, and despite all our efforts, we have not been able to discover who threw the bomb.

Without a doubt, this was some protege of the Iron Heel, but he somehow surprisingly managed to evade the searches of our secret agents. They never picked up his trail. And now, when so much time has passed, there is nothing left to do but classify this incident as one of the unsolved mysteries of history.

Henry Miller Counterculture Rose of the Crucifixion

Henry Miller is the most prominent representative of the experimental trend in American prose of the 20th century, a daring innovator whose best works were banned for a long time in his homeland, a master of the confessional-autobiographical genre. The "Paris Trilogy" - "Tropic of Cancer", "Black Spring", "Tropic of Capricorn" - brought him scandalous fame; These books reached the general reader for decades, overcoming court injunctions and censorship slingshots.

Miller's next largest work was the trilogy “The Crucifixion of the Rose,” which began with the novel “Sexus,” continued with “Plexus,” and ended with “Nexus.” Yes, before these books shocked, but now, when the scandal has long subsided, what remains is the power of words, the power of genuine feeling, the power of insight, the power of enormous talent.

In the novel, which became Miller's last major work, the modern classic explores his favorite themes with new fervor: friends and people as living books, Dostoevsky, Hamsun, Rimbaud, painting, criticism of consumer society, the contrast between the USA and Europe, love and art on the eve of leaving for Paris... Contains obscene language.

Life on borrowed time

Erich Maria Remarque Classic prose Absent

The novel was first published in 1959 in the illustrated edition “Crystal” as a “novel with a continuation.” In 1961, after revisions and editing by the author, a longer version of the novel was published in an American translation, but under the title “Heaven has no favorites.”

The German version of the novel, Der Himmel kennt keine Gunstlinge, was a great success among readers in Germany, but received negative criticism. Remarque was accused of sentimentality and lack of style. And yet, despite all the complaints and comments, the same critics could not help but note that “the novel is exciting and impossible to tear yourself away from.”

Early 50s. Race car driver Klerfe comes to visit his old friend at the Montana sanatorium. There he meets a terminally ill girl, Lillian. Tired of the strict rules of the sanatorium, of routine and monotony, she decides to run away with Clarfe to where there is another life, a life that speaks the language of books, paintings and music, a life that beckons and arouses anxiety.

Both fugitives, despite all their differences, have one thing in common - a lack of confidence in the future. Clairefe lives from race to race, and Lilian knows that her disease is progressing and she has very little time left to live. Their romance is developing very rapidly, they love each other on the verge of doom, as only people can love, whose every step is accompanied by the shadow of death... The publication was carried out within the framework of an agreement with the Late Paulette Remarque Foundation c/o Morbooks Literary Agency and Synopsis Literary Agency © E.

Edgar Allan Poe Classic prose Missing No data

Edgar Alan Poe is a legend of American literature. It seems that all its genres and directions grew out of his work. It is his dark, mysterious figure that runs through all the masterpieces born in the New World. His own works are full of darkness and mysticism. Mysterious dead people, mysterious animals, the Sphinx, King Pestilence and the Devil himself - these are his favorite heroes.

But no, no, let his kind, sly smile peek through all this devilry. Such is the mysterious creator of the “Golden Bug”! The Golden Beetle King Plague A Few Words with the Mummy The Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade The Stolen Letter Four Beasts in One.

Best american stories

Absent Classic prose Absent

The best stories of American writers Mark Twain, Jack London and O. Henry are heard in English, performed by native speakers. For ease of perception, the disc contains the texts of the stories: you can not only listen to the text, but also read it. Each story is accompanied by listening exercises that will help the listener check how well he perceives the text.

Texts and exercises are adapted for Intermediate level. Mark Twain. The ?1,000,000 Bank-Note Mark Twain. The Million Pound Bank Note A humorous account of the adventures of a poor young man with a million pounds in his pocket.

Jack London. Brown Wolf Jack London. Brown Wolf The story of a dog who came from the vast expanses of Alaska to a rich house in California. O.Henry. While the Auto Waits O. Henry. While the car is waiting A story about love, illusions and desires, written in typical O.

Henry in a romantic-ironic manner.

Freeze like a hummingbird (compilation)

Henry Miller Contemporary foreign literature Absent 1948, 1962

The most prominent representative of the experimental trend in American prose of the 20th century, a daring innovator, whose best works were banned for a long time in his homeland, Henry Miller became famous not only for his confessional-autobiographical novels, but also for his memoirs and journalistic essays, in which he continues to talk about many of his friends and acquaintances, without whom it is impossible to imagine contemporary art and literature.

We present to your attention one of the collections of his documentary stories and artistic essays, “Freeze Like a Hummingbird,” translated into Russian for the first time. The book also includes two stories presented in a new edition: “A Smile at the Foot of a Rope Ladder,” written by order of the famous artist Fernand Léger and designed to accompany a collection of his works on the theme of the circus, and “Insomnia, or the Devil on the Loose,” a love story of an already elderly man. Miller to his last wife, a Japanese film actress and jazz singer.

Iron steam

Pavel Krusanov Contemporary Russian literature Prose of our time (AST)

Pavel Krusanov is a prose writer, a native St. Petersburger, in his youth he played rock and roll, in adulthood he became one of the leaders of the “St. Petersburg fundamentalists”, the author of the books “Angel Bite”, “American Hole”, “Bom-Bom”, “Dead Language” , "King of the Head". Finalist of the National Bestseller Award.

The heroes of the new novel “Iron Steam” are twin brothers. One is a restorer of ancient books, obsessed with the idea of ​​​​breeding a new, sinless human breed. In order to interest the powers that be in his project, he needs to bind his treatise using miraculous material, the natural elements of which can only be obtained in Tajikistan, in the burning mines of the Yagnob Valley.

His brother will help him bring these ideas to life: he assembles an expedition and sets off on a journey that will change their destinies, and, perhaps, all of humanity...

American short stories

Collective collections Classic prose Absent

The collection presents the works of three famous American writers who have made significant contributions to world literature. It will be of interest to people who know the basics of English and are improving their skills in it. Frank Norris. The ship that saw a ghost Jack London.

To build a fire Edgar Allan Poe. The pit and the pendulum NORRIS Benjamin Franklin was an American writer and journalist of the Progressive Era, one of the first to bring French naturalism to American literature. LONDON Jack is an American writer of adventure stories and novels.

The Son of the Wolf: Tales of the Far North

Jack London Classic prose Absent

Jack London (real name John Griffith) is an American writer. In his youth, he changed many random professions, traveled and even spent a month in prison for vagrancy. In northern stories, London contrasts civilization with a world of untouched nature, but, believing in the beneficent nature, it never ceases to admire the technical and cultural achievements of civilization.

In his works, life is simple and cruel, requiring from people endurance, courage, willpower and endurance. The writer poetizes the right of the strong, admires the manifestations of the anarchic principle in his heroes. The audiobook was read by professional American actor Adam Maskin in English.

Sister Kerry

Theodore Dreiser Classic prose Absent

Theodore Dreiser (1871–1945) was an outstanding American writer and public figure. The trilogy “Titan”, “Stoic” and “Financier” brought him worldwide fame, and the pinnacle of his creativity was “American Tragedy”. “Sister Carrie” (1900) is Dreiser’s first novel.

The book tells the story of how the notorious “American Dream” is actually realized, when a person from the bottom of society, overcoming obstacles, moves towards his goal and reaches the heights of success. The main character of the novel is Caroline (Kerry) Mieber, an eighteen-year-old provincial girl from a poor family.

Arriving to visit her older sister in Chicago, she is forced to take a hard, low-paid job in a factory: they won’t hire her anywhere else. Exhausting poverty pushes a fragile girl onto the path of a kept woman - the mistress of successful men who manipulate her, seducing her with false promises.

Meanwhile, Kerry dreams of becoming an actress. You will find out whether her dream will come true by listening to the audio version of the novel. © & ℗ OOO "1C-Publishing" Translation - Mark Volosov Music - Vyacheslav Tupichenko.