Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd: comparison of breeds. Why are Caucasians stronger than Russians? Why are Caucasians stronger than Russians

Both shepherd dogs - Caucasian and Central Asian - have the same security functions and are able to scare off a potential intruder with just their appearance. The dogs are large, powerful, hardy. When comparing breeds, it is difficult to accurately determine who is stronger, the Alabai or the Caucasian Shepherd. Each variety has its own advantages.


Comparison of Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs makes it possible to identify similarities between them. They primarily concern the exterior of animals and their purpose.

In appearance, the dogs are similar in large dimensions, which is clearly visible in the presented photos.

  • alabai 0.65 -0.80 m and 40-80 kg;
  • Caucasian 0.60-0.75 m and 45-75 kg.

Both shepherds are guard dogs. They were bred to look after flocks of sheep in pastures, escort trade caravans, and guard homes. Life in the natural environment has developed in animals unpretentiousness, the ability to quickly adapt to conditions, endurance and immunity to disease.

The need to protect the owner’s property determined the style of behavior - wary, attentive. One of the names of the dogs is wolfhound, which indicates their ability to engage in open combat with the gray predator and defeat it.

Caucasians and Central Asians are distinguished by self-esteem, nobility and self-will.


Differences between representatives of the breeds are noticeable in the character and behavior of individuals. The Caucasian wolfhound is a self-sufficient individual who does not like to be subordinated. The owner must show will and restraint in order to force him to respect himself and unquestioningly carry out commands. At the same time, the Caucasian’s devotion extends exclusively to the owner; other people are perceived by him as strangers.

Alabais are also used to living in freedom, but they are more attached to people and not only to one owner, but to the whole family. The dog is tolerant of children and other pets in the house. He is not inclined to show aggression unnecessarily. It is difficult for Alabai to be alone; he misses his family.

On average, the lifespan of the Central Asian Shepherd is slightly longer than that of the Caucasian: 13 and 11 years, respectively.

Thus, if we compare the two breeds, then the Alabai is better suited for living in a house with a family. But the Caucasian will prove himself to be an unrivaled watchman for protecting the territory. He is more aggressive and independent.

The advertisements for sale also offer crossbreeds. A mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd Dog inherits the external features of its parents. He is large, shaggy, adapted to life on the street. However, with a mixture of two different breeds, the character of the cub may be unstable.

In the photo is a mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd

Who is stronger?

Large, powerful dogs with similar characteristics are attracted not only for security activities. They are often forced to take part in dog fights. The confrontation between a Caucasian and an Asian is considered the most unpredictable, since it is difficult to predict in advance who will be stronger.

Both dogs have the same benefits.

  • The Caucasian wolfhound is fearless, aggressive, lightning fast, and smart.
  • The Central Asian wolfhound is decisive, brave, fast, rational.

The Caucasian is the first to enter the fight. It is easier to anger him and set him on the enemy. In the heat of battle, he quickly loses his head and acts more instinctively than deliberately.

Alabai strives to win the battle in order to gain the approval of his master. He thinks through his actions. His main tactic is to harass the enemy with constant attacks, and then show an iron grip.

Which breed do you like best?

A lot of exciting and relevant things have been written recently on the topic of interethnic relations, but nevertheless this does not rid Russian society of completely childish stereotypes and myths regarding its southern fellow citizens.

For example, this: Caucasians are a humiliated, powerless social stratum.

Let's understand this thesis by comparing and interpreting visual, obvious facts.

1. Biological factor. Take a look at the standard habitus of a Caucasian: he is a born warrior, a predator and a male. Complete absence of recessive genes, pack instinct, unique masculinity. The overwhelming majority of biological females of this species of homo sapiens also possess it to a large extent. Even a complete, short, weak-minded Caucasian degenerate evokes pure animal fear among the aborigines of the Central Russian Upland. As befits a more adapted and stronger species, the area is being populated at lightning speed and its genes are spreading exponentially in the gene pool of the Russian Federation.

On the other hand, let's take a typical representative of the so-called. "Russian nation". This is, on average, a degenerate, almost sexless bastard who has lost the connection of centuries and the minimum necessary channels of communication. Problems with the opposite sex, health, a wide range of bad habits. 100% endangered species.

2. Social factor. Caucasians are a strong, cohesive group. Clanism is woven in from birth. An Avar will always find a common language with a Chechen, but a Russian will never find a common language with a Pole. Exceptional passion and mutual assistance: even an Ingush will intervene in a street conflict for an Ossetian, and a Russian will maliciously watch how the unfortunate Little Russian is beaten. What Russians mistakenly perceive as a relic of the primitive communal system is the most important condition for the long-term survival and prosperity of this stratum. Short-term benefits, such as fighting off their guilty members from the so-called. “law enforcement” and penitentiary systems also exist, and this phenomenon is very widespread.

Russian serfs do not have such a social system, social elevators are closed to them, family ties are practically lost, moreover, many of them are literally in slavery to a higher race, the Caucasians.

3. Economic factor. Yes, it’s absolutely true that Caucasians are still well discriminated against in many sectors of the national economy, but this is a very short-sighted view. Caucasians occupied mainly those economic spheres that Russian aborigines consider “dirty”, “unclean”, “shameful”: street trading, pimping, drug trafficking, domestic crime, banditry. Fi. For a standard clerk in a Hugo Boss corporate suit, bought at the expense of food savings and future digestive problems, a dirty, smelly greengrocer will always evoke feelings of disgust and superiority. If you don’t know a small detail: the average monthly salary of a trader, excluding bribes and extortions, is 80-100 thousand rubles. A good place in season (the same watermelons) brings 500 thousand rubles. per month. The person did not graduate from college or, perhaps, from school. He knows perfectly four arithmetic operations, three dozen Russian words and three or four elementary psychological techniques. Yes, dressed like shit and sleeping in a room with fifteen others just like him. But is there not that same Protestant spirit and asceticism in this? Isn't this a sign of a Man? Sacrificing yourself for future generations?

Trade is just that, little flowers; both this and everything else are EXTREMELY attractive sectors of the economy for capital with sky-high rates of return and prohibitive barriers to entry for Russian fraters and sufferers. As for appearance, this is mimicry and is evolutionarily justified in a (still) hostile environment. In principle, a merchant, on a bet, right on the spot can throw off the mask of obsequiousness and businesslike efficiency and have a choice - either kill the snob with one blow, or buy it completely with a mortgage and other consumer debts in a heap of crumpled and dirty tens and fifty rubles.

This is just one aspect. Let's consider something else - subsidies to the republics of the North Caucasus. Yes, it has become common place to call this not subsidies, but tribute. And indeed it is. I beg you, subsidies are for the Pskov region, where there are old people, old women and disabled people. And those cash flows that are sent to the North Caucasian republics, where healthy, beautiful black-haired children are born many times, living in the most picturesque place on earth, breathing fresh mountain air, where their parents en masse build two-three-story houses with huge garden plots cultivated by Russian slaves, where even their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are alive, receiving $200-300-400 state pensions, where the population literally basks in the bliss of idleness (as if “unemployment” is 20-25%), where sport is religion, and religion is sport... No, gentlemen, these are not subsidies, these are reparations. Yes, we live poorly, a Caucasian friend of mine complains to me, I’ve been servicing the Urus market for two years without a vacation, I can’t humanly finish the whole sauna in my homeland in Kabarda, I’m ashamed of my neighbors who have swimming pools in their yards.

You see, gentlemen, these Caucasian households are the economic type of the Roman villa, with distilleries and oil presses, with its agriculture, which has always been considered the occupation of noble patricians.

I won’t go into detail about the all-encompassing shadow tax system (“by buying shawarma, you are sponsoring jihad”), about the parallel economy that sucks in young, strong, healthy guest workers from all over the area, the founding fathers (in the literal sense) of Russian society of the 22nd century - we ourselves everyone must understand.

4. Let's turn to sports. Not to filthy chess and other tabletop rubbish, which, due to their feeble-mindedness, are recorded in this category by feeble-minded Russian “Luzhins,” but to natural animal acts of will and violence: Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, taekwondo. Look at the tournament tables - and everything will immediately become clear to you. Did you understand why three Dagas, placed in an army company, instantly crystallize the Russian environment around them from pale, slender bodies, and the company becomes “Dagestan”? You don’t have any questions for the so-called. Caucasian “junior” wrestlers (according to documents), bearded and with broken ears, whose real age is approaching 30 years old and literally bending 17-year-old Russian dunces in the rings? Any questions for their sports patrons?

Caucasians easily perceive Aristotle's ideal society with its three castes: military, priests and slave workers and take their rightful place with dignity. Therefore, you can’t blame Caucasians for spending all day in the gym while you spend your days and nights balancing the annual balance sheet or making the fifteenth version of a presentation for some bullshit. Just understand: everything is in its place.

5. Religion crowns the above factors with a valuable moral quality - a fair sense of one’s own superiority and contempt for the herd surrounding the predator. Those same migrant workers do not experience the slightest complex of a stranger and a guest. Although they feel humiliated, they feel like masters. For them, everything is “the land of Allah.” Everything for them is subject to conquest for the glory of Islam. And what about our society? It respects this civilizational choice. Even in Europe, Muslims are treated with trepidation, but very respectfully; large Islamic families are often placed on welfare and protected by law. I won’t talk too much about Russia with its official state Islamic educational programs, the construction of mosques at state expense, and Islamic programs on state channels. What benefits are you entitled to if you declare your Orthodox affiliation? Stupid question. Obviously.

It's time to take stock. Everything is before your eyes: the facts are objective, all-encompassing, without distortion or cheating. Therefore, I ask you to accept the following calmly, without hysterics, as an objective, iron law.

You need to accept one simple and self-evident fact: you are a trembling little shit in the face of the great Caucasian race. You have no future, and the only decision that remains for you is to quickly choose a Caucasian owner, serve him, seek the right to raise his children, eat from the same bowl with his livestock and pets. Only in this capacity can you be useful to a Caucasian. And perhaps then you will be allowed to mate with a Russian female servant and have serf children. I have no other choice for you.

The Caucasus still remains a troubled point on the map of Russia. In this regard, the question of the coexistence of Russian culture and the culture of the North Caucasian peoples does not lose its relevance.

The life together of two peoples is always the coexistence of their cultures. Within the borders of the Russian Federation, Russians coexist with a multitude of peoples, and in the North Caucasus with a whole cluster of peoples whose cultural orientation, at least in some aspects, does not coincide with that of the Slavs.

The culture of the Caucasian peoples is characterized by the dominance of the masculine, courageous principle over everything else. At different stages of historical development, this both helped and hindered the bearers of this principle.

Slavic culture, including Russian, is a combination of femininity (femininity) with masculinity (masculinity), and sometimes it is difficult to clearly draw their boundaries. In general, femininity dominates in the culture of the Slavs, and the losses of Russians in clashes with Caucasians on a personal, street level are evidence of this. But femininity has one remarkable quality - to win on a larger scale, at the state level. Therefore, the Caucasians did not win against Russia in a single collective confrontation.

Femininity should not be directly identified with weakness. “Feminoid” Russians more than once defeated the Teutons and Swedish knights, as well as the Turks - prominent representatives of masculine culture. Just as in a philosophical context the words “freedom”, “strength”, “essence” carry a different connotation than in everyday speech, so with the concept of femininity in ethnosociology. Feminoidity does not mean the absence of masculinity, but the absence of its dominance. In North Caucasian culture, unlike Russian culture, femininity is completely suppressed by masculinity (energetic and warlike dances, the cult of physical strength and military valor, rigid patriarchy, etc.).

The predominance of masculinity makes peaceful dialogue with opponents difficult. The history of relations between the Germans and neighboring peoples is a history of destruction at the root. The most recent examples are the Great Patriotic War, the Ost plan and the genocide of Russians in Chechnya under Dudayev. Masculinity only knows how to push; it is almost incapable of integrating into itself. The history of the conquest of America by the Anglo-Saxons, also carriers of masculine culture, is another example of building a state on the bones of autochthons.

I dare to suggest that it was precisely the overflowing masculinity of the North Caucasian peoples that was the main obstacle to the emergence of persistent statist traditions among them. When you are surrounded by masculinoids like yourself, a state will not work. The result will only be an endless and meaningless war, because... each masculinoid will strive for dominance over others, while the state presupposes a strict hierarchy and vertical of power.

Since Caucasian society is archaic and largely static, it does not always have time to adequately respond to the historical challenges facing it (the Caucasian War of the 19th century, the intoxication of “national sovereignty” due to the collapse of the USSR, etc.). Therefore, the “feminoid” Russians built the largest empire, managing to subjugate the “masculine” Caucasians and include them in this empire. Femininity, as a kind of softness, allows one to absorb alien elements and integrate them. The idea of ​​building a state by the people who bear feminoid culture is based not on the destruction of neighbors, but on their “digestion,” turning them into “our own,” but while preserving their ethnic appearance.

For the Russian state, it is unthinkable that national minorities would be forcibly forced to renounce their native language in favor of Russian (Russification of Poland is a separate topic, more related to attempts to reverse the centuries-old polonization of Western Rus', and the integration of Poles into the Russian imperial-state body, rather than destruction Polish culture). Meanwhile, in Turkey in the 1930s, the “Speak Turkish!” campaign was carried out, when the use of Circassian, Kurdish or Arabic in everyday communication was punished, including arrest (1).

Ethnosociologist Wilhelm Mühlmann introduced the concept of ethnocentrum. Ethnocentrum is an ethnos’ awareness of itself within the space where this ethnos lives. This is a form of ethnic thinking, where the ethnos includes everything that surrounds it: from the terrain (mountains, rivers, forests) to highly differentiated concepts (state idea, wars, alliances, economic ties, cultural and diplomatic contacts). Each ethnocentrum strives to remain intact. Ethnocentrum is afraid of conceptual split, bifurcation, because a split in the ethnocentrum would mean a split in ethnic self-awareness and modifications in the internal life of the people. The relations between Caucasians and Russians can also be described in ethnosociological terms. The Caucasian ethnocentrum subconsciously feels the power of the Russian ethnocentrum, as a more numerous imperial people.

The Caucasian ethnocentrum is afraid to “let in” those who are more numerous. As the ethnocentrum of a less numerous people, the Caucasian ethnocentrum is afraid of “drowning” and dissolving in the Russian ethnocentrum, afraid of being absorbed by it or split in two, i.e. accept both your own and Slavic identity at the same time. The ethnocentrum of the Caucasians sees only one salvation - building such relations with the Russians that it would be impossible for an excessive amount of Russian and Slavic influence to penetrate into the Caucasian ethnocentrum. This is a subconscious mechanism of ethnic protection, in practice expressed in prohibitions on daughters marrying Russians, absolutization of one’s own ethnic principles, etc.

“Feminoidity” becomes a disadvantage during periods of weakening state power, when peoples who are accustomed to living in a state without having state traditions become ethnically united. Here masculinity begins to crush femininity, unprotected by the power of state power. The most obvious example is the Chechens, who have lived their entire history without their own state. When the state foundations of Russia are shaken, Chechens are more guided by the centuries-old principles of existence outside the state, but within its borders (folk traditions are absolutized, placed above state laws, etc.). Outside the framework of the state, the winners are the carriers of masculine culture. Within the state, they are carriers of both feminine and masculine culture.

Exaggerating a bit, we can say that the culture of the North Caucasian peoples is “ethnic Nietzscheanism” with its cult of heroic death, iron will, and the theses “push the weak if he stumbles.” Excessive, ossified masculinity expels femininity from itself, pushes that which falls from weakness (hence the excessive and inexplicable, from the point of view of Russian culture, aggression of young Caucasians against their Slavic peers with a clear numerical superiority of the former, i.e. when the Slavs are clearly weaker) .

Russian culture is an eclectic mixture of Tolstoyanism (when non-conflict is seen almost as the main virtue) with Carlyleanism (the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle considered heroes to be the engine of history, whom he praised). Moreover, the latter, i.e. Carlyleanism is rather a tribute to circumstances when “Tolstoyism” does not allow us to adequately respond to the challenges of the time.

And here a stalemate arises: on a subconscious level, Russians find a rational explanation for the excessive masculinity of Caucasians (the laws of the mountains, military traditions), and begin to perceive this disapprovingly only at a certain level, namely: when the so-called the threshold of strength of the Slavic peaceful perception of a foreign culture (in other words, when uncontrolled masculinity turns into a danger to femininity, and “Tolstoyism” does not save, but aggravates the situation).

Russians are not always able to respond to emerging challenges. Firstly, the thousand-year tradition of living in a state that is strictly subordinated hierarchically, and the multimillion-strong number of the Russian people, have atrophied the sense of ethnic solidarity. It can only arise during periods of serious testing (for example, the Great Patriotic War). Among small nations, ethnic consolidation is at the highest level, as an indispensable condition for the survival of the small in the face of the large, especially if the state is not a spiritual and historical value for the former.

Secondly, Russians are not allowed to show their “Nietzscheanism” and Carlyleanism, i.e. masculinity hidden under the veil of femininity, crushed from above by legal norms, which, I repeat, in Russian society, accustomed to living within the state, is a priori given preference.

But the problem is that masculinity is always looking for a way out. The riots at Manezhnaya are an explosion of Slavic masculinity that flouted legal norms, or the well-known “Russian riot, senseless and merciless.” But if these trends continue, the peaceful coexistence of Russians and Caucasians will really come into question.

Every state, for the sake of political correctness, talks about peacefulness (there is always a Ministry of Defense, but not a single state has a Ministry of Attack), although everyone knows that for the survival of an organism, and a state is a geopolitical organism, it must have a certain amount of aggressiveness. Excessive femininity is just as bad as excessive masculinity. At least for the state-forming people. Eras when states were built on masculinity alone, i.e. the complete cleansing of the territory allocated for the future state of the “superfluous” remains in the past (the destruction of the Polabian Slavs by the Germans, the appearance of the United States on the bones of the Indians, etc.).

In conditions of coexistence of masculinity and femininity, a balance is needed, skillfully maintained by state institutions. The Russians acted as the locomotive of Russia's modernization, and while modernizing themselves, they lost, to a large extent, what hinders modernization - masculinity, loyalty to tradition, positive archaism. Exaggerating, we can say that Russians need to increase masculinity, and Caucasians, on the contrary, need to reduce it, giving it a constructive direction. This is what was done in the Russian Empire and the USSR. Both states participated in wars either with the enemy, or with economic backwardness, or were preparing for a real confrontation, and there were a lot of points of application for masculinity (participation of Caucasians in wars on the side of Russia, when service in the Armed Forces was prestigious, participation in construction projects of the century, etc.). under a unifying, supranational idea).

Nowadays, the normalization of relations between Caucasians and Slavs, in addition to the well-known reasons of clanism, social vulnerability of the population, unemployment, etc., is hampered by ideological turmoil, the absence of a complete supranational idea capable of consolidating the peoples of Russia without taking into account ethno-religious differences.

The lofty theses preached about unity, and even more so their information support in the mass media, smack of excessive secularism and democracy, destroying traditional values. This is not at all what Russians and Caucasians need. Russians need to once again become carriers of their own high culture, and not the ideological leftovers of Western liberalism. In the 19th century Russians attracted other peoples to themselves through Dostoevsky, Griboyedov, Chekhov, Tolstoy. At the beginning of the twentieth century. - Yesenin, Blok, Berdyaev, Mendeleev. Science and culture were held in high esteem, and the ability of a people to control space was proportional to the degree of development of its culture.

Liberalism, the unreasonable emancipation of women, consumerism are fundamentally opposed to Caucasian traditions, and if Russians, as the engines of modernization, understood in a Western manner, today en masse pick up consumer ideology and become its bearers, a split will arise between the ugly “modernized” Russian society and the “archaic” Caucasians go deeper. Caucasian culture will view secular liberalism as a threat to its masculine foundations, and Russians as the bearers of this threat, as those who have abandoned their roots and preach the same to other peoples.

The integration of the Caucasian peoples into Russian society should take place within the framework of cultural mutual enrichment, by introducing the Caucasian peoples to the fruits of Russian culture and introducing Russians to the culture of the Caucasus. However, this is a complex process, the success of which depends on many factors, including the degree of demand for a cultural product in the state. In the meantime, high culture, and not mass culture, as its primitive surrogate, is bracketed and hung with the labels “unprofitable,” “unprofitable,” and “does not pay off.” If this continues, the Caucasus will move away from Russia at the cultural and psychological level, and Russia’s departure from there can be considered largely voluntary.

1) Pavel Shlykov “Turkish nationalism in the twentieth century: the search for national identity” (“Issues of Nationalism”, No. 5 2011).

Recently, Prokopenko’s program “Military Secret” showed two interesting stories. The first one showed about hazing with a “Caucasian face”. The spectacle, of course, was pitiful: several hefty Caucasians terrorized a whole crowd of downtrodden Russians. They mocked them, beat them and filmed these obscenities in photos and videos. And they dejectedly endured all this bullshit. One of the reasons for such shame was that these Caucasians are all candidates for master of sports in wrestling and boxing, and ours are candidates for schmucks or even masters of shabbyness.

We can partly agree with this. Even for the most part. I remember that our army was also full of Caucasians. I also found the Soviet army. We had Lezgins, Laks, Chechens, Adygeis, Dargins... There were many Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Armenians, and various Central Asians. The part was quite large. But our hazing was based on age, not nationality. There was no question of any national group crushing everyone else. And the Russians behaved without nationalism, quite correctly. Like Soviet cement.

Why is this so? But because we were all strong guys, we were involved in many sports and hard physical labor. We wouldn’t have been so easily screwed over - we wouldn’t have given in. Personally, I was engaged in freestyle wrestling, at that time I had the first category. I fought with Caucasians and often defeated them, despite the fact that some of them were masters of sports. I became a master after the army at a weight of up to 90 kg. I studied the history of wrestling in Russia and knew a lot about this topic. I knew that the leading wrestlers of the beginning of the last century were Russian or Ukrainian. Poddubny, Zaikin, Shemyakin, Chufistov, Vakhturov... There were wrestlers of other nationalities. I remember watching a film about the wrestler Weiland-Schultz, who, in my opinion, was a Baltic and lived to be over a hundred years old. In his youth, he traveled throughout the Caucasus and did not know defeat, defeating all the local Pahlavans there. And this Schultz was of average weight, he was just very healthy. Like this. They could, therefore, beat all the vaunted Caucasians. There, in the Caucasus, there were glorious heroes too. For example, Kazbek Mountain, Ossetian. Or Kazakh Hadji-Mukan. But these were not champions of the first row, but of the second or third. They did not pull against Poddubny.

Russian and Soviet sports are famous for their famous names. There were people of different nationalities there. Russian wrestler of Senators, Ukrainian Kuksenko. This is before the war. After the war, the Estonian Kotkas, the Ukrainian Mazur, the Russians Parfyonov, Ivanitsky, Roshchin, Kolchinsky, Karelin, the Belarusian Medved, the Ossetian Andiev... These are just strands. and how many names there were in lighter weights. For example, the Olympic champion, in my opinion, the Jew Gurevich, served as the prototype for the famous statue “Let’s beat swords into plowshares,” standing in front of the UN building in the USA. Wrestling was shown a lot on TV during Soviet times. The famous wrestlers were written about in the press.

And now? Now shush with butter. Even at the Olympics, neither boxing nor wrestling are really shown. Nowhere. It’s as if these courage-building sports don’t exist for TV people. They throw balls and balls everywhere. So we caught up! In the above-mentioned program they showed some weakling. He turned out to be Russian, naturally, from modern Russia. Well, how can a powerful and arrogant mountaineer not bother such a thing. Yes, he will kill 10 of them! Just give them some slack. Slave owners, abreks in the past, all sorts of kazbichi...

We need to revive interest in courageous sports among the Russian people. And now the national teams are full of Caucasians, whether in freestyle, classics or judo. Even in weightlifting. This is wrong. How many of these Caucasians are there - and how many are Russians? A man should be strong, and not run after some Klinsky. Caucasians have a cult of strength, they are great. But in our country, quite recently, strength was held in high esteem. Because without strength, all our bright dreams will turn out to be unfulfilled.

By the way, in the second story they showed an episode from the Chechen war. And there the Russian guys behaved heroically. They defeated a superior group of militants and behaved courageously and courageously. This means that the Russian spirit has not been lost at all. He turned out to be only packaged in a weak bodily shell, which was not conducive to allowing this spirit to manifest itself as it should.
And, believe me, strong Russians will not bend and bare their hair in the face of violence. This is completely undeniable.

And our guys will be strong - and Russia will be strong!


It’s hard to object and I don’t want to. And yet, I believe that strength of spirit can be cultivated not only in sports. Ignorance often wins in life even without physical strength; even MARX wrote about its particular danger. Remember the Soviet “I stood here”? Well, what can a cultured person do with her... She jumps in line impudently. In the army, for the tricks of “dashing” soldiers, their “fathers” - officers - should be punished with whips. Take charge, work, answer. Civilian professionals are sent to prison for such mistakes. And in the army there is some kind of fuss of irresponsibility.

In civilian life, shouldn’t you contact the police as well? I had to manage a large production team and a driving school, where there were men, but I did not allow hazing, using pedagogical techniques, it was possible. Makarenko taught others too. I know about the problem, I was in retraining at the Academy, twenty-five “partisans” were in the barracks... But our commander slept with us. And nothing. I don’t believe that the soldiers are guilty, even if it kills them. Today hazing is natural, Mercury rules the roost in the Army too. Soldiers with machine guns should sleep. Then the jocks will only understand the essence. There was hardly any hazing on the front lines.

Fans of large dogs are wondering how the Alabai differs from the Caucasian Shepherd. These two breeds are similar in appearance, but there are still some differences between them. We will try to compare the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Alabai, examining in detail the most notable discrepancies.

Caucasian Shepherd or Alabai: the difference

The comparison shows that the differences between the Alabai and the Caucasian Shepherd appear primarily in the temperaments of both animals. The Caucasian is an independent creature who values ​​his freedom and is not used to being submissive; he often allows himself to ignore everyone except his master. He needs a lot of space for physical activity. He makes a good watchdog, because he is smart and has a tendency to protect his owner from any dangers. Can be aggressive, rush at strangers and bite painfully.

Caucasians do not require special care; they live quietly on their own, without additional care. The average lifespan of such a dog is 11 years.

Alabai also needs freedom. He is much more obedient, eager to receive his master's attention. He loves not only the person who tamed him, but also the entire family in which he lives. Gets along well with other pets and does not offend small children. Patient and quite flexible, not prone to aggression. Loves to demonstrate all his dexterity and courage. Lives for about 13 years.

The difference between the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai is obvious: the first breed is much more aggressive, impetuous and freedom-loving than the second.

Who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian?

Alabai is a dog of impressive size, with a height of as much as 65 cm. Some adult dogs reach 80 cm. They weigh from 40 to 80 kg.

The Caucasian is slightly smaller: his height is approximately 60 cm, rarely exceeding 75 cm. Weight ranges from 45-75 kg.

So who is bigger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd? Overall, Alabai. Much is determined by nutrition, intensity of exercise and regularity of walks. It is important to note that bitches are shorter and thinner than cables.

Who is stronger: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd?

It doesn’t matter whether an Alabai or a Caucasian lives with you: each of the breeds will protect you if necessary. If you compare the Caucasian Shepherd and the Alabai, it turns out that the dogs have almost the same strength indicators. The difference is noticeable only in the manner of their behavior. The Caucasian quickly gets angry, attacks the enemy without hesitation, and acts fearlessly. In intelligence he is superior to the Alabai, he can understand and even predict the tactics of the offender.

Alabai is somewhat larger, and this is its advantage. He reacts with lightning speed and is ready to do anything to earn praise. Thinks through his actions in advance, hits powerfully, bites hard.

Alabai outperforms his no less worthy opponent, but not in strength, but in thoughtful tactics that help him win even the most brutal fights.

Alabai or Caucasian: who to choose?

It is impossible to say for sure which is better: the Alabai and the Caucasian are completely different dogs in character. If you are going to raise your pet alone, you can safely choose a devoted Caucasian. Be careful when buying it for a home with children: they may not be able to make friends. If your family also wants to take part in raising a new pet, consider purchasing a more friendly Alabai. Your own behavior also plays a role. Alabai people tend to want to show off. They get used to doing rash acts if they are constantly provoked to do so. Remember: imbalance can lead to tragic consequences.