Bosom code. Sacred rules of conduct for men living in a society of their own kind

5 points from the code of chivalry:

1. The knight despises monetary reward for the deed.

2. Respects women, protects the weak and defenseless, helps widows and orphans.

3. Never runs from the enemy.

4. Does not refuse and is not afraid of a fight with an opponent of equal strength.

5. Fears God and supports the covenants of the Church.

5 points from the gentleman's code:

1. Do not borrow money from a friend, unless absolutely necessary. Money borrowed is a debt of honor that must be repaid as soon as possible. An honest person takes upon himself the debts of deceased parents, brothers, sisters or an adult child.

2. Do not lose your temper, do not show anger, fear, hatred, embarrassment, excitement and fun in public places.

3. Don't slap strangers on the back or touch strange ladies.

4. In conversation, do not mention names or how much things cost.

5. Do not take advantage of another's helplessness or ignorance and do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of by another gentleman.

5 points from the scout code:

1. A scout's duty is to be useful and help others.

2. Every Scout is a friend and brother to other Scouts, no matter what social class they belong to.

3. The Scout unquestioningly obeys the orders of the patrol leader.

4. The scout does not lose heart and smiles, no matter what difficulties come his way.

5. Scout is polite and thrifty.

5 points from the dueling code:

1. Having received an insult, the insulted person must declare to his opponent: “Dear Sir, I will send you my seconds.” If the opponents do not know each other, they exchange cards and addresses.

2. In the event of a grave insult, the insulted person, in addition to the right to choose a weapon, has the right to choose between legal types of duel. During a pistol duel, he has the right to choose one of the six legal types of pistol duels. When dueling with swords or sabers, he chooses between a continuous or periodic duel, and in the latter case he has the right to determine the duration of the fights and breaks.

3. An insult inflicted on a woman does not concern her personally, but directly falls on her natural defender, who becomes the insulted person, and the severity of the insult increases by one degree.

4. The reliability of defamatory facts does not give the offender the right to evade satisfaction, except in the case where the consequence of the attributed and proven fact is the dishonor of the offended person.

5. Having received a weapon, opponents must remain silent throughout the duel. Any comments, ridicule, exclamations, screams are absolutely not allowed.

5 points from the mafia code:

1. Never look at your friends' wives.

2. You must always be available for family affairs, even if your wife is pregnant.

3. Family members are obliged to tell each other the truth.

4. Money of other families should not be misappropriated or stolen.

5. No one can personally call himself a friend of the family and speak to one of us - a new person must be recommended by a family member.

Translated into everyday language: a warrior, the head of his family and a worker for the good of society, which he associates with the Motherland.

The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries slightly adjusted this gender order, unshakable for tens of thousands of years. In biological terms, the population’s defense mechanism was activated: “real men” were simply no longer needed. Humanity is on the brink of a catastrophe caused by overpopulation of the planet. Exactly the same mechanisms are activated in the animal world when the population grows greatly and a lack of food resources becomes obvious. It's time for non-traditional sexual relationships, equality and even matriarchy, and other gender fantasies.

The issue of national security is that this planetary regulatory mechanism should not operate at the expense of us, our kind, our nation. This sounds somewhat selfish, but your own family, your own country, whether you want it or not, it’s closer...

In this sense, raising adequate, mentally normal, and generally normal men becomes a matter of the survival of states. Liberal Europe is already reaping the benefits of so-called gender equality. It would be nice for us to learn from the mistakes of others.

Here we must keep in mind that a man becomes a man as a result of some tension, first of all, of the brain (to lay down one’s life in battle for one’s neighbor, to make a difficult decision, to become worthy among one’s fellow tribesmen is the area of ​​work of the brain, and not at all of the muscles). And this organ is very energy-consuming. It consumes between a quarter and half of all the energy required by the human body. Therefore, being a man is very expensive. It is not surprising that men all over the world so easily give up their evolutionary rights (or rather, responsibilities). Why bother? Finally, there are those who want to do our work for us! And the men readily withdrew. And the women fell into a trap made by their own hands. General female naivety, if not stupidity, has fed the eternal male laziness to its fill. Everything has grown together.

The problem, of course, did not go away on its own. Well, biologically different creatures cannot have the same rights and responsibilities. Nothing will work out this way, even penguins understand this. But the mechanism has already been launched. In numerous blogs of Western European origin, I read women whining: guys don’t even want to go to the other side of town for sex! They say, if you can’t bear it, then come yourself. And we'll split the bill for dinner in half. And in general, enlightened European people with male primary sexual characteristics argue, prostitutes are much cheaper than wives...

And I don’t even want to mention our “Russian” “the men are gone.”

Unfortunately, this circle is vicious. “Real” men do not appear because there is clearly a shortage of “real” women who could raise them. Hypothetically, trying to break the biologically justified vector for the destruction of traditional gender values, I would go back more than a century ago. I should have listened to our great-grandfathers. When it comes to preserving the population, conservatism is by no means the refuge of cowards, but quite the opposite.

Now on the Internet, among conservative-minded bloggers, the “Code of Honor of the Russian Officer of 1904” is being actively copied. Perhaps this is a “fake”, but as an amateur historian, I admit and even insist that this Code contains very important, fundamental provisions for decent, handshake men of that time. If we assume for a moment that a set of these rules will be instilled in men in elementary school (with an age-appropriate interpretation of the provisions), middle school (with examples from our rich history in this regard) and high school (with full-fledged Courts of Honor), perhaps in 30 years our state will receive a generation of men who, through their honest work, will endure a society that is exemplary for the whole world. And the whole way of our Russian life, our whole history suggests that the future of the Russian nation lies in following the call of conscience, the common message, the call of honor. At least we have all the prerequisites and a genome tailored specifically for this mission. The cartridge is already in the chamber, the firing pin spring is tense. Who or what will pull the trigger?

Also philosophically, a priori, I try to imagine this shot extended over 30-50 years. I see how the neo-capitalist scum will fall off by itself from the hot spiral of the “neglected”. Some sprouts of this new world are visible even now. Thanks to the unifying power of the Internet, people are becoming humanized, and this is happening in parallel (scary to say!) with the state. They, on their own, raise money for the terminally ill, find missing people, seek justice in the courts, and help the disadvantaged.

You will be surprised, but this new society is beginning to educate for itself and women. On the Internet, two years ago I was offered participation in a closed intimate club with the motto “Sex is the fulfillment of natural needs.” And the first rule of this club was: “If you meet a club member on the street, just pass by.”

But I didn't want to sleep with a woman and then just walk past her. Back then my sexual position seemed archaic. But now Internet advertising banners offer me something completely different: “Serious relationships for life,” “Only for marriage,” etc. The organizers of these sites follow the needs. But the needs of Slavic men and women, oddly enough, remain the same: they want love to be one and for life. Well, that’s how we are built, what to do now!

I would like to ask, why then is a state needed if modern society is capable of self-organizing on humanistic principles of the highest standard?

When raising “real” men, as I already said, you cannot do without “real” women. It seems to me that they never disappeared. We simply stopped noticing them. They don't know how to behave in this hectic world. They are waiting for their evolutionary chance. Perhaps, when there are more real men among us without any quotes, maybe real women will catch up.

Code of Honor of a Russian Officer 1904

If you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, do not promise.

Conduct yourself with dignity, simply, without foppishness.

We must remember the line where politeness full of dignity ends and servility begins.

Do not write rash reports and letters rashly.

To avoid regret, be less frank. Don't forget: my tongue is my enemy!

Don’t play around - you’ll compromise yourself, but you won’t be able to prove your valor.

With a person you haven’t gotten to know enough, don’t rush to get on friendly terms.

With a friend, avoid money bills. Money ruins relationships.

Don’t take personally offensive witticisms, remarks, or ridicule said after you, which often happens in public places and on the streets. Be above it all. By leaving, you will not lose, but will get rid of the scandal.

If you can’t say anything good about someone, then don’t say anything bad, even if you know.

Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow this advice or not will remain with you. Knowing how to use good advice from another person is no less an art than giving good advice to yourself.

An officer's strength does not lie in impulses, but in unshakable calm.

Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is.

There are moments in life when you need to force your heart to be silent and live with your mind.

A secret that has been communicated to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

Always be alert and don't let yourself go.

Try to keep your arguments firm and your words soft in a dispute. Try to convince your opponent, not annoy him.

It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.

If you enter a society in which there is a person with whom you are having a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without drawing the attention of the owners or those present. The offered hand will not oblige you to anything and will not give rise to unnecessary conversations.

Nothing teaches you more than realizing your own mistake. This is the foundation of self-education. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

If two people quarrel, both are to blame.

There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than inaction or hesitation. A lost moment cannot be returned.

The one who is not afraid of anything is stronger and more powerful than the one whom everyone fears.

The heart is for a woman, the soul is for God, duty is for the Fatherland, honor is for no one.

What is the code of a modern man?

As can be seen from history, each subsequent century made new demands on the image of a perfect man, sometimes completely opposite to the previous one, and what demands does modern society make on men? And what, strictly speaking, is the code of a modern man.

❧ Previously, violating a man’s code was expressed in refusing to shake hands, throwing down a glove and challenging a man to a duel; today, constant violation of the code of conduct can cause ridicule, and ultimately even lead a person to complete isolation and loneliness.

A code is a set of rules and norms of behavior, formed under the influence of historical, social and cultural preferences of society, adherence to which causes social encouragement and acceptance, and violation - public disapproval and censure.

Knowing the basic rules of behavior for a real man and actively using them in your daily life is the key to success in any society, the respect of your comrades and the love of the beautiful race of humanity.

A few simple rules from the modern code of conduct for men:

. trybe stylish. This does not mean that you need to dress up in a formal suit every day - you can be stylish in a regular T-shirt and jeans. But, as they say, a suit must be in your wardrobe, just like jeans. More detailed instructions on how to develop your own individual style while remaining within the bounds of decency, as well as how, where and what to wear, can be found in the next chapter;

. watch your figure and appearance. First of all, visit your hairdresser on time, clean your nails and be sure to take care of your skin and teeth. An unkempt appearance speaks of disdain for the people around you, which means that they will inevitably respond in kind. Be sure to go in for sports - it develops dexterity and flexibility, which means you are not in danger of being branded clumsy, secondly, it builds muscles and a beautiful body, which is considered very fashionable today, and thirdly, it strengthens character, without which a modern man is unthinkable. Therefore, follow the rule of a true gentleman - sports for the sake of health of body and spirit;

. strive to be respectful and attentive to others. And this means - don’t play music loudly in public places, even if it seems to you that the whole world should go crazy over a new hit. For the same reason, never talk loudly on the phone; if you have an urgent call, leave the room and talk, it will be much more decent than introducing others to your personal problems;

. under any circumstances, stick to the basicsrules of etiquette . Say hello not only to those you know, but also to people you constantly meet on the way to school: neighbors in the building, fellow travelers. At the same time, always greet elders and girls first. Don’t forget to give up your seat on public transport, carry someone’s heavy bags or open a heavy door for someone - this always characterizes a young person on the positive side;

. value friendship. This means, always remember that a photograph of a friend with a funny face, accidentally taken during a fun holiday, in an album and the same picture, carefully posted by you on the Internet, are far from the same thing: if the first only amuses your friend, then the second could end the friendship. It can be nice to be the butt of a good joke among close friends, but it can be frustrating to be the butt of ridicule from complete strangers. For the same reason, never put captions under photographs, respect others' self-esteem;

. never judge others - criticism is very similar to gossip. Moreover, it is not proper for a gentleman to pay too close attention to people with whom he, in general, has nothing to do;

. in relationships with the weaker sex, always show sensitivity, sincerity and honesty. If you like a girl, then you can win her respect and affection by openly admitting your sympathy or by giving her a surprise (for example, a beautiful flower or card, a poem or a trip to the cinema), but not by pulling her pigtails or tripping her up. Such military actions, of course, evoke emotions, but only negative ones. Girls like knights: always support your chosen one, stand up for her, walk her home from school, help carry a heavy bag, and your attention will be rewarded with a first date, and how to conduct it correctly - read in one of the final chapters.

As you can see, the modern code of men makes many demands on the stronger sex, but the reward for all these efforts is worthy - not only success with girls, but also the recognition of comrades, the love of parents and the respect of adults, and this is worth fighting for.

1. When sitting down at a table in a restaurant, first pull out a chair for your companion, then sit opposite her. And if you want to stun a lady with your knowledge of etiquette, then get up from the table every time a woman does this to go to the ladies' room or somewhere else.

2. When sitting at a table, it is rude to rest your elbows on its surface. This can only be done in between, if food has been cleared from the table, or if you are sitting in a bar or pub.

3. Before lighting a cigarette, you should ask the lady’s permission.

4. A well-mannered man will not discuss the sources of income of his acquaintances, their family troubles, appearance and organization of everyday life.

5. Hair should be neat, regardless of profession. Men mostly wear regular classic short ones. The exception is representatives of creative or communication specialties. The presence of a mustache and beard requires careful care, and it should be taken into account that these attributes of masculinity do not suit everyone.

6. The ancient tradition of bowing low in front of ladies or superiors has smoothly transformed into the modern nod of the head. Here we must take into account that ignoring a nod from a stranger is regarded as a sign of disrespect or even insult. Therefore, nodding discreetly in response to a greeting will not be difficult for any well-mannered man.

7. In a cafe or restaurant, you can handle dishes using ordinary forks, spoons and knives. Therefore, you should not get confused when you see a large number of cutlery.

8. Remember that it is acceptable for a woman to be 10-15 minutes late for a date, so don’t despair. When meeting, offer your companion a bent right arm so that she is on the more comfortable side of the sidewalk and is not subject to pushes from passers-by.

9. When opening the door to the room, let the lady go first.

10. A sign of good taste is to use cologne or eau de toilette in moderation. For every day, the subtle aroma of a good deodorant or soap is enough.

11. When you come to a company, it is rude to leave the girl alone to say hello to everyone and have a drink. By the way, if the company is more than 10 people, only one person needs to shake hands! Otherwise it will look ridiculous.

12. Scarlet or pink roses are given only to women they love. Therefore, do not get into trouble by instilling shaky hope in your employee or neighbor!

13. You should sneeze or cough into a handkerchief, not into your hand.

14. Laugh too loudly, communicate noisily, stare
staring at people is offensive.

15. When leaving public transport, give your hand to your companion.

16. Hats and caps can be left on your head on the train, bus, subway, or hallway. Head coverings should be removed before being photographed, entering a home, in the presence of women, and when the national anthem is played.

17. Despite all the dislike for shaving, in certain situations it is necessary - if you are going to a wedding (even someone else's!), a business meeting or an interview.

18. Do everything possible not to refuse people who invited you to a ceremony or funeral. This is sacred, especially if your help is needed.

19. It is very important to match the situation in terms of clothing, especially if you value your reputation. T-shirts and shorts of any length are appropriate only for a family dinner, barbecue or country hike. For an informal setting, a sports jacket or cardigan is suitable. For an informal meeting, informal wedding or breakfast, a suit would look appropriate. A business meeting, an interview, a formal wedding require a jacket and tie.

20. The most important thing is not to strain yourself, be as natural as possible. Following the rules of etiquette and obsessing over them are two different things. If you memorize them little by little, you will behave accordingly without realizing it.

5 points from the code of chivalry:
1. The knight despises monetary reward for the deed.

2. Respects women, protects the weak and defenseless, helps widows and orphans.

3. Never runs from the enemy.

4. Does not refuse and is not afraid of a fight with an opponent of equal strength.

5. Fears God and supports the covenants of the Church.

5 points from the gentleman's code:
1. Do not borrow money from a friend, unless absolutely necessary. Money borrowed is a debt of honor that must be repaid as soon as possible. An honest person takes upon himself the debts of deceased parents, brothers, sisters or an adult child.

2. Do not lose your temper, do not show anger, fear, hatred, embarrassment, excitement and fun in public places.

3. Don't slap strangers on the back or touch strange ladies.

4. In conversation, do not mention names or how much things cost.

5. Do not take advantage of another's helplessness or ignorance and do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of by another gentleman.

5 points from the scout code:
1. A scout's duty is to be useful and help others.

2. Every Scout is a friend and brother to other Scouts, no matter what social class they belong to.

3. The Scout unquestioningly obeys the orders of the patrol leader.

4. The scout does not lose heart and smiles, no matter what difficulties come his way.

5. Scout is polite and thrifty.

5 points from the dueling code:
1. Having received an insult, the insulted person must declare to his opponent: “Dear Sir, I will send you my seconds.” If the opponents do not know each other, they exchange cards and addresses.

2. In the event of a grave insult, the insulted person, in addition to the right to choose a weapon, has the right to choose between legal types of duel. During a pistol duel, he has the right to choose one of the six legal types of pistol duels. When dueling with swords or sabers, he chooses between a continuous or periodic duel, and in the latter case he has the right to determine the duration of the fights and breaks.

3. An insult inflicted on a woman does not concern her personally, but directly falls on her natural defender, who becomes the insulted person, and the severity of the insult increases by one degree.

4. The reliability of defamatory facts does not give the offender the right to evade satisfaction, except in the case where the consequence of the attributed and proven fact is the dishonor of the offended person.

5. Having received a weapon, opponents must remain silent throughout the duel. Any comments, ridicule, exclamations, screams are absolutely not allowed.

5 points from the mafia code:
1. Never look at your friends' wives.

2. You must always be available for family affairs, even if your wife is pregnant.

3. Family members are obliged to tell each other the truth.

4. Money of other families should not be misappropriated or stolen.

5. No one can personally call himself a friend of the family and speak to one of us - a new person must be recommended by a family member.