Drawing autumn trees senior group. » GCD (drawing) in the senior group “What autumn brought us”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 34

villages of Leningradskaya municipality

Leningradsky district

Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group on the topic “Autumn Tree”

Prepared by the teacher

Pelikh Oksana Nikolaevna

Art. Leningradskaya


Goals: Strengthening the ability to draw trees. To develop cognitive interest in nature, to develop children’s imagination and memory. Love for Russian nature.

Software tasks: 1. Educational: - Help consolidate knowledge about autumn, remembering its signs;- develop children’s skill to draw trees using paints;- stimulate children's creative activity, develop the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.2. Developmental: - To develop the artistic and aesthetic taste of children.- train memory and attention.- develop the ability to compare and generalize, highlight the essential signs of autumn,select precise words to describe the phenomenon.3. Educational - Form children’s friendships, joint interaction,- Foster a love for Russian nature- Learn to notice beauty.Material. Illustrations depicting trees with foliage. Brushes, paints, napkins, jars of water, sketchbook.

OOD progress.

On the board there are illustrations of trees at different times of the year.Educator:

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

There are aspen trees in purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer.

Look - the grove is dressed in gold."

- Guys, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year.Educator:

- That's right, autumn. Pay attention to the pictures. How do trees differ from each other? Choose images that are suitable for the current time of year.Educator:

Today we will draw autumn trees. Look at the pictures and see what colors you see. What's interesting about them?( Childrengive their answers: the leaves are yellow, red, green, brown, very beautiful).Educator:

- Look at the colors in front of you.

The teacher demonstrates how to draw a tree using paints on an easel.

One two three four five

We will collect leaves.They clench and unclench their fists.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.“Walking” on the table.


- Now try it. First, let's draw the trunk. To do this, I'll put enough water and paint on my brush. I’ll draw an oblong stick on a leaf with branches from it. What color will we draw the trunk?


- Brown.


- Now try it.

(the teacher provides individual assistance and encourages in every possible way)Educator:

- Well done boys. What a great fellow you are. And now, while the paint dries, we’ll play the game “Owl”Educator:

- Well done, let's see if the paint has dried. (if yes, then the children sit in their seats).

To depict a tree with foliage, I put yellow paint on my brush and paint leaves on the branches. (apply the selected color with dots). This is how the tree gets a crown (foliage). Guys, I end up with a tree with leaves.Children:

- Yes.


- Well done, now you try it.

Choose what color your foliage will be. (Then the children begin to work independently. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance. The children choose the color independently).

After the children have drawn. Children's work is viewed and discussed. The teacher notes that all children are very talented and diligent.

Summary of a drawing lesson in a senior group on the topic

"Autumn tree".

Target: To evoke in children an emotional response and interest in the beauty and diversity of autumn nature, and a desire to depict trees. Develop the ability to create an image of a tree using the “Step by Step” method, work with algorithmic schemes; see and convey the characteristic features of a tree in a drawing, draw its parts correctly; follow the sequence of image creation. Develop an artistic vision of the structural features and shape of trees, their color characteristics, and individual characteristics. Strengthen the ability to depict a tree with graphic materials. Develop your eye. Cultivate perseverance.

Facilities: slightly tinted sheets of paper, a technological map of the sequence of drawing a tree, colored pencils, pictures depicting autumn trees of different species.

Methods: practical, verbal, problematic questions.

Methods: artistic expression, discussion, examination, display, individual work, encouragement, reflection.

Integration of areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”.

Preliminary work:excursion to a park, square; examination of various trees, shrubs, their structure, shape, colors; conducting d/i.

Motivation: signs of autumn.

Reflection: the result of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

In front of the children are several paintings depicting different autumn trees. The teacher invites the children to look at them carefully, reads a poemG. Sorenkova “Autumn Beauty”:

The sun is shining from the sky.
The day says goodbye to summer.
We're going to wonderland
To the beautiful autumn.
Autumn in fabulous beauty
Meet us soon:
Yellow ribbon in a braid
The birch tree is glowing,
Bunches of berries near rowan trees -
Bright lanterns.
There's a ruby ​​in every berry
Precious little one.
And among the thin aspens
Autumn is a paint store.
Miracle colors are different.


Guys, on a walk in the autumn park we admired the beauty and diversity of trees. What trees do you remember?(Oak, maple, aspen, birch, pine, spruce...)What trees are depicted in the paintings in front of you?(Children's answers.) How are these trees different from each other?(Shape of the crown, thickness of the trunk, arrangement of branches, shape and size of leaves, height.)

Tell me, what can you call trees covered with leaves in one word?(Deciduous.)

What deciduous trees do you know?(Poplar, birch, maple, aspen, oak, linden...)

How can you define in one word all the trees covered with pine needles?(Conifers.)

Name coniferous trees.(Spruce, pine, fir... The teacher accompanies the children’s answers by showing images of all the trees called children.)

Now tell me, what do all trees have in common? What they have?(Trunk, branches, small twigs, crown - leaves or needles.)

Basically, what color is the trunk of trees?(Brown.)

And now I suggest you forget for a while that you are children and turn into autumn leaves.

Physical education lesson: “Leaves.”

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.(sit down)

The wind blew and we flew,

We were flying, we were flying(easy running in a circle)

And they sat down quietly on the ground.(sit down)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.(easy running in a circle)

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.(sit down)

Children are returning to work.


So today, guys, I propose to draw the trees that you liked most during our walk through the autumn park. You will draw according to the technological map, which is on each table. Pay attention to the sequence of images of any tree, be it birch or spruce, oak or pine.

What should you draw first?(Trunk.)

At the second stage, what do we draw?(Branches.)

Where do the branches of deciduous trees grow?(Up.) What about conifers? (To the sides.)

After you draw the branches, what should you draw?(Small branches.)

How are they located on the trees?(In different directions on large branches.)

Look carefully at the diagram, what does it tell you to do next?(Draw leaves.)

What is the last stage, what do we do at the end?(We paint over the tree with colored pencils and create a composition.)

The children get to work. As the work progresses, the teacher individually reminds the children about the structure of a tree and offers help if necessary.

Finished works are put on display and analyzed.


Well guys, you did a great job. Look what a beautiful park has now formed in our group. What different trees are there? In winter, when all the trees stand without leaves, if we feel sad, we can again plunge into the beautiful fairy tale of the autumn forest, looking at your work.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5" of the Engels municipal district

Saratov region

Summary of a drawing lesson in a senior group on the topic"Autumn landscape".

(Unconventional technique)


Yalalova Zoya Anatolyevna

Engels, 2015

Lesson notes

Program content:

1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

2. Introduce a new type of fine art technique – “plant printing”. Learn to create various images of trees, bushes and grass using the proposed technique

3. Develop in children a vision of artistic image and design through natural forms.

4. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.


Leaves of different tree species (4 – 5 species).

2 landscape sheets, size A 4.

Set of gouache paints.


A glass of water.


Reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Basket for collecting leaves.

Preliminary work:

Observing autumn nature while walking, learning poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature, collecting leaves from different types of trees that differ in shape, size and color.

Musical accompaniment:

“September” from the album I.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"


1. Organizational moment

Guys, we have guests today. Say hello to your guests.

Now I suggest you listen to a fairy tale, sit down comfortably:

In one old park there was a lonely tree. Autumn has come and all the leaves have flown to travel. And on one branch there was a very small leaf. He was so small that he was afraid to fly alone. So he was bored, bored, thought, thought and came up with an idea. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and jumped onto the hat. The passer-by did not notice anything, brought it home, and the house was warm, and the leaf began to dry out and get bored. He missed his friends and the tree. Then the leaf shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. The wind heard a cry, flew into the house, picked up a leaf and carried it to the park. At parting, I told him: “No one can live without a home; they will get bored and dry up.” Since then, the leaf has not parted with its native park house.

Here's an interesting story that happened to one of the autumn leaves.

2. Conversation about leaf fall.

Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when the leaves fall? (Leaf fall)
- That's right, why does a tree shed its leaves in the fall?

(Trees shed their leaves in the fall because it gets cold; the trees fall asleep; snow can stick to the leaves, brancheswill break and the tree will die.)
No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. There are a number of reasons for this: first, various substances enter the leaves with water and air, which are not always useful for the tree; the tree could poison itself with them and get sick, therefore, by shedding leaves, the tree is freed from harmful substances; the second reason is that the water in the soil freezes in winter and does not reach the branches and leaves; Well, the third reason for leaf fall is to protect the tree branches from the weight of snow that has fallen in winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year new leaves appear on the tree.

What color do the leaves turn in autumn?
(red, yellow, gold, orange)
- What determines the color of the leaves?
(depending on the weather)

A lot of sun means bright colors: red, yellow, etc.

If it’s cloudy, the colors are dull: brown, purple, black.

Well done! Let's look at the screen.

Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. When many colors occur simultaneously in nature. I just want to admire these landscapes. Today I want to bring to your attention a reproduction of the painting “Golden Autumn” by artist Isaac Levitan. The very name of the painting indicates what time of year the artist depicted in it.

Looking at this picture and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn is a great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

What a shame.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!...

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!..

I. Mikhailova

/The teacher invites the children to fly with the leaves in the breeze./

Physical education minute.


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

/ Children swing leaves in their hands above their heads./

The wind blew and they flew.

We flew, we flew.

/ Running in different directions./

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

/ Squatting./

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

/They stand up, raise their hands with leaves and shake them./

Spun and flew

/ Running in different directions./

And they sat down on the ground again.

/ They return to their places./

Teacher. There are many different leaves in our autumn collection. Look at them; I think that you are unlikely to find two completely identical, each leaf is always different from the other in some way: size, shape, color.

/ Children look at the leaves and choose the ones they like./

Teacher. If you look at the leaves carefully, you can see a small tree in each of them. There is a vein running through the middle of the leaf, from which thinner veins—twigs—extend to the sides. The leaf resembles the crown of a tree. At the bottom of the leaf, the main vein turns into a stalk - a stick, with the help of which the leaves are held on the branches. The stalk resembles a trunk.

Today we will draw an autumn tree, but in a somewhat unusual way, our leaves will help us with this - we will print with them.

3. Practical part.

1. Take any leaf you like, cover it with paint (yellow, red, etc.) with a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. It is better to do this on a separate sheet of paper.

2. With the painted side, place the leaf on a clean landscape sheet with the handle down and press it tightly to the paper, trying not to move it, otherwise the print will be fuzzy and smeared.

3. Then take the leaf by the stem and carefully remove it from the surface of the paper sheet.

4. Take the next piece of paper, paint it a different color and print it somewhere else in the composition. The leaf can be coated not with one color, but with different ones, then the print will turn out to be two-color.

You can reuse an already painted piece of paper by applying a different color to it, then when mixing different paints you can get an unusual shade.

5. When the drawing is filled with imprints of leaves, use a brush to complete the tree trunks; the imprinted leaf veins will resemble twigs in a colored crown.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Round dance game “Fly, leaf, to my box”

/The selected leader goes into the middle of the circle with a basket and says: “Maple leaf, fly into my box.” Children with maple leaves in their hands run up and put them in the basket. The driver is the one who was the first to place his piece of paper in the basket without making a mistake./

Autumn has come to visit us, /Children hold hands and walk in a circle./

Brought rain and wind.

The wind blows, blows, /They raise their hands up and shake them from

The leaves are blown off the branches.side to side./

Leaves are spinning in the wind /They run in different directions, spin around and


And they fall under our feet.

Well, let's go for a walk

And we'll collect the leaves. /They gather in a circle again./

Teacher. We have a wonderful autumn grove with beautiful trees. These leaf imprints, leaving their mark, helped us create such fancy crowns and draw such unusual trees.

Subject: "Gold autumn. Printing with leaves."

Educational area:artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Target: Teach children to see the beauty of nature through the means of visual activity, to continue to develop the ability to figuratively perceive the beauty of nature and convey it using color, shape, and composition.



  • Strengthen children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn.
  • Introduce children with non-traditional visual arts“leaf printing” technique.
  • Teach children to convey the structure of a tree in a drawing - a trunk(brush) , crown - with a leaf imprint.


  • Develop mental activity, memory, coherent speech, imagination and creativity.
  • Develop multidirectional, united, smooth hand movements


  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards nature and a desire to take care of it.

Material: musical accompaniment by P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, reproduction - painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, basket with leaves. Easel,leaves of different types of trees (3-4 types); album sheets for children, format (A-4), watercolor paints, brushes, oilcloth, napkins, water.

Methodical techniques:- demonstration and explanation by the teacher, questions to the children, a riddle, the drawing technique “printing with leaves”, observation of the children’s work, listening to the music of P. Tchaikovsky, examination of paintings, illustrations, analysis of the work by the children and the teacher.

Preliminary work:

Observing autumn nature while walking, collecting leaves, looking at paintings, illustrations, photographs depicting autumn trees, autumn nature, repeating, memorizing poems about autumn.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.

The music of P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds, the children enter the group and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello children!

Educator: Guys, you are so nice today, you smile so beautifully, you are all so joyful and beautiful. Let's show everyone how joyful you are?

The sun woke up and sent out its rays. Show me how the sun wakes up? (With facial expressions and gestures, children depict the sun, smile). The gentle sun sends warm rays to us. Let's raise our hands, they are rays - affectionate, kind, gentle. Let's carefully touch each other with our ray-like hands, stroke them and smile. From the touch of a ray of sunshine we became kinder and more joyful.

Educator: Guys, did you like the music that is playing now?

This is a fragment of P. Tchaikovsky’s music “The Seasons”.

What time of year was featured in the music?

Is autumn here late or early?

What music?

What color is autumn?


Listen to the riddle and determine what time of year it says:

What kind of sorceress took the paint?

I painted the leaves, took them off the branches,

I hid the midges to sleep until spring,

What kind of sorceress, you tell me?



Right. What changes in the forest with the arrival of autumn? By what signs do we recognize autumn?



Guys, do you know poems about autumn? (4 children recite poems)

Look guys. Autumn is a very beautiful time of year. Many artists love to draw nature in autumn.

Today I want to bring to your attention a reproduction of a paintingartist Isaac Levitan “Golden Autumn”(any).

Children describe the picture they saw and answer the teacher’s questions:

What time of year is shown in the picture?

How did we know it was autumn?

What colors was used to paint the picture?

What is the mood of the painting?

What did you like about her?

Physical education minute

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Tell me at random!

Well, of course... leaf fall

Leaf fall, leaf fall (swinging hands from side to side)

Yellow leaves fly (rotating around themselves)

Red leaves are flying (in the other direction)

Right under the guys’ feet (we lower our hands to our feet).

We are leaves, we are leaves (tilts to the sides)

We are autumn leaves

We sat on branches (crouched)

The wind blew - we flew (we blew, we whirled)

The breeze has stopped blowing

We sat down on the meadow (squatted down).

II. Main part


Among the maples and aspens

The cart costs one

Decorated with leaves

And rowan berries in tassels,

It is neither big nor small...

Who sent it to us?

Asks you to guess -

Who is this? (autumn)


What's in the chest? (children's answers)

Educator: There are many different leaves in our autumn collection. Let's look at them.

The teacher takes the piece of paper in his hands.

Educator. Guys, what tree is this leaf from?

Children's answers.

Educator. . Well done, you recognized all the leaves. All leaves are different. They differ from each other in shape, color, and size.In summer, what color are all the leaves?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, in summer all the leaves are green. But the sorceress autumn came and painted them in different colors. Which?

Look at them; I think that you are unlikely to find two completely identical, each leaf is always different from the other in some way: size, shape, color.

If you look at the leaves carefully, you can see a small tree in each of them. In the middle of the leafa vein passes throughfrom which thinner veins—twigs—extend to the sides. The leaf resembles the crown of a tree. At the bottom of the leaf, the main vein turns into a stalk. It resembles a trunk.

Educator: In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, red, orange and even brown. What will happen to them in winter?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, guys, in winter all the leaves will freeze and disappear, and you and I will only have to remember what they were like. ButI have an idea. Let's take an unusual photo of the leaves as a souvenir. Do you agree?

Today you too have to become artists and paint your own picture. We will draw autumn trees in an unusual way,Our leaves will help us with this -we will print them.

Take any leaf you like, cover it with paint using a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. Place the leaf with the painted side on a clean landscape sheet with the stem down and press it tightly to the paper, trying not to move it out of place. Then take the leaf by the stem and carefully remove it from the surface of the landscape leaf. The leaf can be coated not with one color, but with different ones, then the print will turn out to be two-color.

When we print the leaves, we will paint the tree trunks with a brush; the imprinted leaf veins will resemble twigs in a colored crown.

During the explanation, the teacher clearly demonstrates to the children how to complete the task.

Educator. Let's stretch our fingers before work.

Finger game "Leaves"

(massage each finger)

1,2,3,4,5 - we will collect leaves.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Oak leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect poplar leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.

(we show a bouquet of palms: the wrists are joined, the fingers are spread out in different directions).

Educator. Get to work and take your photos - leaf prints. Be careful and attentive.

Children perform a creative task.

Educator . What a great fellow you are, what bright photos and prints you got! Now in winter, when we feel sad, we can always look at our bright and colorful memories of autumn. Guys, are you probably tired?

Children's answers.

Children print and draw trees, then the teacher asks:

What else can you add to your drawing to make it complete? (children finish drawing)

III. Final part. Analysis of works.

Let's see what we got? What beautiful trees!

These leaves - imprints, leaving their mark, helped us create such fancy crowns and draw such unusual trees. What time of year did you depict in your drawings?

What paints did you use?

How did you draw?

Who was better able to convey the image of an autumn tree?

Exhibition of works by students.

Thank you everyone, class is over.

Drawing with palms in the senior group: autumn still life. GCD summary, pictures for children, examples of children's work.

Drawing with palms in the senior group: autumn still life

Drawing with palms is an unconventional drawing technique that is usually used with young children. But its capabilities are much wider. Today we will look at how you can use this non-traditional technique in teaching drawing to children of senior preschool age (senior and preparatory kindergarten groups).

Palm painting technique. You will need paints with the consistency of liquid sour cream. The paint is either applied to the child’s palm with a wide brush, or poured into a flat plate into which the child dips his palm. Next, palm prints are made on the paper and they are completed to the desired image. You can finish painting with your fingers or with a regular brush.

Author of the summary: reader of "Native Path" and participant in our competition "Autumn Workshop of Children's Crafts -2015" Elena Nikolaevna Lebedeva, additional education teacher and teacher-organizer (Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 324 "Firebird" DP kindergarten No. 215 and No. 179).

Hand drawing in the senior group: GCD summary

Theme: autumn still life


- introduce children to the warm colors of autumn still life,

- teach children to create an unusual still life using warm and cold colors,

— encourage children to use their knowledge and creativity to create a still life, to develop independence in choosing a color scheme.


— introduce the work of artists who depicted autumn still lifes,

- introduce the basics of color science, teach how to identify cold and warm colors and use shades in your works, introduce the term “saturated colors”,

- strengthen children’s ability to mix watercolor paints, obtain shades of colors and use them in drawings,

— develop children’s compositional skills: learn to place a composition on a non-standard sheet of paper, independently build a composition of a drawing and work it out in color,

— encourage children to boldly experiment, using a palette to mix colors, to find their own vision of the beauty of shapes and objects.

Materials and tools

- pencil or markers, eraser,

- double sheet of paper for watercolors (two horizontal sheets of A4 format),

– watercolor paints (12 colors),

- brushes (squirrel No. 5 and No. 7),

- a jar of water,

- napkin (paper or cotton),

- palette for watercolors.

The first part of the GCD summary: theoretical.

Preparing to paint an autumn still life

The teacher asks the children what time of year there are many bright and rich shades of warm colors in nature; nature literally breathes warmth. This time of year has always attracted artists, poets, composers with its luxurious beauty; they admired this time of year and conveyed their admiration for people through your vision of the beauty of nature. How many famous people have left us their masterpieces in painting, poetry and music! What time of year do you think it might be? (autumn). What time of year is it now? What autumn months do you know?

What is the difference between early autumn and golden autumn? (In September, autumn is just beginning. The first yellow leaves appear on birches, maples bloom with yellow and red foliage. They say about such an autumn - early autumn. In October, all the trees dress up in autumn outfits, the leaves begin to fall. They say about such an autumn - golden, lush autumn ).

How do we know that late autumn has arrived? (In November, there is almost no foliage on the trees, there are frequent cold rains, frosts set in, and the first snow falls. This is called late autumn).

Autumn has its own colors. Which golden autumn colors You know? (Red, yellow, orange, green, purple, warm, crimson, golden).

The teacher invites children to draw an autumn still life and shows how adult artists and children who are learning to be artists draw still lifes.

How to analyze these still lifes with children: The teacher shows the children a table with warm and cold colors and asks the children to think about the color palette through which the artist tells us about autumn in his still life. Does this painting have more warm or cool colors and shades?

At the end of the conversation the adult asks: “What colors will you use to tell your story about autumn in your future still life? Think about it, and you and I will begin to draw an unusual autumn still life.

The still life will consist of maple leaves that stand in a vase. Maple We will draw the leaves using our palm.”

The second part of the GCD: practical. Still life drawing

Step 1. Find the center of the sheet. In the center of the sheet, draw with a pencil a vase or container in which our unusual autumn leaves can be located. .

Examples of vases of different shapes - see the picture below .

Step 2. Draw the surface on which the vase stands (table or other base).

Step 3. Place the palm of your left hand on the sheet, spread your fingers and outline the palm. We begin to trace: the thumb, moving smoothly in a line to the index finger, then to the middle, ring and little fingers.

We close the beginning of the stroke and the end point of the hand stroke with a zigzag line. Then we add a leaf stalk to the leaf, which ends up in our unusual vase.

Step 4. Draw another one - two leaves in a vase. The result is a composition: a vase and two sheets, turned in different directions opposite each other, stand on a table or on any other surface. If the composition suits the child, he traces all the lines with a felt-tip pen and erases unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Physical education minute. We are ready to work with paints and will conduct a short physical education minute to the music.

We are leaves, we are leaves
We are maple leaves.
We were sitting on a branch,
The wind blew and they flew.
The wind suddenly blew again
And he quickly blew away the leaves.
All the leaves have flown
And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Children move freely while listening carefully to the text. When they say “sit down quietly,” the children take their places.

Step 5. Paint with watercolors.

Working with watercolors will be similar to painting with gouache. We will not use soft transitions from color to color. Something else is important to us today - the creation of rich, bright autumn color in a still life and the color relationship of different colors to each other.

The child looks for the color himself, the teacher guides the children and helps them cope with color solutions. For example, if the tonality and color coincide in the object and in the background and therefore the object merges with the background, then the adult invites the child to use the palette again and find a new solution in tone.

Step 6. Analysis of children's work.

It is very important to teach your child to accept his work and the drawings of other children, to understand that we are all different and different from each other. The pictures we draw depend on our behavior, tastes, relationships with other people, and mood. For example: if we paint with joy, with inspiration, admiration for nature, then the color in the paintings becomes loud - bright and warm.

In conclusion, the teacher tells the children that they have just penetrated the magic of kindness and love of the autumn mood and transferred it to an unusual still life created using an unusual technique of drawing with palms.

You will find another master class on drawing an autumn still life with children in the article