I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy and was nursing him. Giving birth to a son in a dream: what dream books say

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about giving birth to a boy in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! I dreamed that I went to the toilet and contractions started and I was giving birth. I make excuses to everyone that I was not pregnant and my periods were regular. Then my sister-in-law took the child in her arms, because I couldn’t be carried by my own arms. They asked the gender of the child, I looked and saw the boy’s handwriting. I felt joy. this is where the dream ended

    Hello! I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, the birth was easy. and it was as if they were helping me at first, the injection was all painless, and when the baby was born, I delivered him myself. there was a lot of blood. the child was crying.

    Well, in general, I dreamed that I walked around pregnant for some time, my belly was small, no one knew, and at some point I gave birth. The boy was born calm, his mother helped. I remember that I called him Nikita

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a son weighing 4.550, for some reason I hid from my husband during childbirth and for some reason had to give the child to my sister and did not answer her phone calls. And the doctor also told me after giving birth that the child had something wrong with his furniture. I saw my son in his crib in white clothes and really admired his beauty.

    I dreamed that my appendix supposedly became inflamed, and I was pregnant and the doctors were deciding what to do: cut out the appendix and at the same time a cesarean section or just the appendix, and then my stomach suddenly began to hurt, I got out of bed, and the baby fell out of me. I carefully picked him up, and the doctors took him into a ditch because he was premature.

    I gave birth to a boy easily and quickly, I was in seventh heaven. the ex-husband from whom he has a son in reality said in a dream that he would not raise his son. and I thought, why do I dream about you if I’ve been living with another man for a year already?

    Hello! I dreamed that I was pregnant, and a child was pushing in my stomach, my man and I could touch his hands through the skin. Then I arrived at the hospital and, without having time to explain anything to the doctors, I gave birth to a boy. A healthy, beautiful boy. I carried him. in my arms and was very happy. Then I dreamed of a ward, how I was sitting and expressing milk from my breast, the milk was running in streams, then I fed my boy, he suckled at the breast and fell asleep. I dreamed that I gave birth to a seven-month-old child, but he was strong , healthy. And the doctors talked about this in a dream with surprise.
    For some reason I also didn’t know what weight and height my son was born with.

    Hello. I had a dream that, without knowing I was pregnant, I gave birth in the hospital to a child (boy) weighing 7,115 kg. (But I had not seen the child yet) I was very happy. then I went outside to answer the call. When I wanted to return to see the child. I couldn’t find a hospital.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I gave birth to a healthy boy with dark hair, and I clearly saw his face and even his name for some reason was Edik, and I seemed to see that I gave birth to him through a caesarean section. After giving birth, I saw myself with the child in my parents’ house and Mom helped me with the child.

    I dreamed that I gave birth to 6 boys at home early in the morning, all with dark long hair. I was perplexed, surprised, overwhelmed by a feeling that was incomprehensible, what to do now? My husband looked and went to bed, and in the evening I started calling the hospital to come and tell him about what was happening.

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a child because my boyfriend asked me about it, he needed it for some reason so that I could give birth, and then the baby in the dream became so big, it seemed like he was 7 years old and I didn’t understand anything, we weren’t in the dream for a long time they could make out his gender when they realized that it was a boy and began to hiccup his name. My choice was the name Yan. why is it interesting?

    I am 58 years old and I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, and completely painlessly, at first the obstetricians said that he was dead, but he came to life, and he was so cute. And my late husband took him straight to the delivery room (he was so happy)

    Today, Sunday, I dreamed that I was pregnant, my belly was big, I was in some kind of medical institution (there were women nearby). Walking down the corridor, I feel my stomach sinking. The man who happened to be nearby (it felt like a doctor) began to scold me so that I would walk faster. And then I see that there is a baby below me, I see his very cute face and two pools of blood (no pain), no fear. Awoke. I am 57 years old, married, have a son.

    Hello, I had a dream that I gave birth to a boy and named him Artem. She loved him very much, carried him in her arms and breastfed him. a dog wanted to attack us, but I drove it away and there were many more children around and it didn’t bite anyone

    I see a pregnant woman. And then I give birth to a boy. A large healthy one, and my friend gave birth to a girl, everything happens somewhere at home, we are waiting for an ambulance to cut the umbilical cord of the children and examine them and us

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy. I am 61 years old, and at my age..
    But I gave birth to him easily and quickly, he immediately screamed.
    Everyone asks, how are you doing this, and I answer, it’s the 4th birth.
    And then I saw the baby already grown up, curly and golden-haired.

    I am 59 years old. From Friday to Saturday I saw in a dream that I gave birth to a son (boy) 3,900. I gave birth to a young guy whom I know but don’t communicate with. And I never had any thoughts about him. Why sleep?

    Hello!! First, life circumstances - we haven’t lived with our ex-husband for almost a year. The divorce process is currently underway. Last night (07.27) I had a dream that I gave birth to his third child - a boy and named him what my husband wanted in reality (when we were together). in a dream, we both don’t understand how this happened!! After all, we haven’t lived together for a year now. but I'm glad about it!! the boy is very calm and with intelligent eyes (like an adult’s) I hold him in my arms all the time and don’t give him to anyone. all this happened in an unfamiliar room. the husband was in a dream somewhere far away. and rather did not recognize this as his child, since then he would have to pay more child support.

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy and named him Yura. I didn’t see my birth, but when my son was given into my hands, I was happy. My son was bundled up and had a small light green hat on, then I gave it to my beloved (we are not married) and he was happy too. Then we saw that a friend had a girl at the same moment.

    In a dream, I was pregnant, and today I had to give birth. It was so hot. And I was thirsty. My girlfriend seemed to be familiar in the dream, she gave birth very hard, and I seemed to be next. But I didn’t have contractions. And my husband and I walked and They asked everyone if this was normal. I sent my husband to bring me something to drink. I sat down on the bench and I suddenly felt sick. My water broke, my hand was in the blood. And I fell off the bench from powerlessness. And I realized that I was giving birth and the baby was already wanting to get out, but I endure and don’t let him get out. And I scream at the doctor, call the doctor. And I can’t hold back any longer, I relaxed and the baby flew out so easily. My husband runs up and takes him in his arms and says he needs to be covered or something. Then the nurse comes up and calmly sits down opposite us, and I shout at her, I say call the doctor, I gave birth here on the floor. And my husband begins to hug him tightly. And I begin to understand that the child is suffocating. I shout at my husband, don’t squeeze him like that, and the nurse says squeeze him, squeeze him. and I woke up. .

For many people, procreation is the main goal of life. This is the reason why dreams about childbirth remain in the memory. Women and men can give birth to a child in a dream. In such a dream, details and little things are important.

In a dream, boys or girls can be born. And the birth itself can be difficult and easy. All information taken together will answer the dreamer’s question about the meaning of the dream.

If you dream about the birth of a child, what does it mean?

In many dream books to give birth- means to get rid of a burden. There are other explanations.

  • For a man who delivered a baby, the dream is a sign that the dreamer is able to think sensibly, be responsible for his actions and take responsibility for things. It is quite possible that in reality all these qualities will come in handy in the near future.
  • An unmarried girl can also dream about the birth of a child.. The dream foreshadows changes in life. Most likely on the personal front.
  • For married people the dream often has a literal meaning and foretells pregnancy. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then the birth in reality will go smoothly.

Giving birth to a girl in a dream what does it mean

According to Vanga's dream book, giving birth to a girl in a dream- to pleasant chores. A difficult and difficult birth will mean that in reality the dreamer will face difficulties in her work, but they will be surmountable. In addition, the result of the efforts made to solve them will be simply amazing.

According to Tsvetkov the meaning depends on who the dreamer is:

  1. unmarried you will have to take care of your own reputation, it may be spoiled by the girl;
  2. married women should wait for some news that promises joy;
  3. for pregnant women a dream of a good course of labor in reality.
  4. stillborn girl- to illness or loneliness in reality.

Give birth to a boy in a dream

Miller's Dream Book for the dreamer who gave birth to a boy in a dream, promises changes for the better.

If a girl dreamed about this, then she should take care of her honor. For a guy, a dream in which he gives birth to a boy means a reluctance to take on extra responsibility in business.

According to Vanga's dream book the appearance of an heir in the family of a daughter or one of the relatives means financial gain and changes for the better.

Why dream of having a baby if you are not pregnant?

If a woman does not expect a new addition to the family, then the dream may turn out to be prophetic and indicate an imminent or even an existing pregnancy, which the dreamer is not yet aware of.

There are other interpretations:

  • Give birth to a girl in a dream if you are not pregnant- to the opportunity to start life from scratch and positive changes.
  • For a girl to give birth to a boy in a dream if she is not pregnant- to quick changes in life. There is a high probability of marriage, increased income, and fulfillment of desires.
  • It's a bad sign stillbirth. It is interpreted as a harbinger of a difficult period in life, illness, and troubles.

If you dream that you gave birth in a dream, what does this mean?

In most cases birth of a child in a dream portends a woman's well-being.

Breastfeed your newborn- get the opportunity to implement what you have long planned in reality.

Childbirth itself is not an ordinary occurrence in reality. They prepare for them and worry about the outcome of the event. Partly related to this are interpretations that promise the woman in labor changes in her affairs, improved material well-being, the opportunity to achieve her goals and carry out her plans.

What does it mean to have twins in a dream?

  • If in a dream you happen to give birth to twins in a dream, then it is important to remember how many there were.
  • Get twins instead of one child- double the significance of everything you see.
  • Triplets- already at three. Conclusions about the importance of what you see must be made taking this information into account.
  • Generally birth of twins- is interpreted favorably in all dream books. In this case, you may have to make difficult choices for yourself, but you will have to choose from pleasant things.

Twins symbolize harmony and prosperity, fulfillment of desires and unexpected joy. For those who are married, it promises peace and harmony in relationships, and for those who are in search, it promises the meeting of their soulmate.

The birth of a child in reality is a joy for some, but for others it causes a lot of trouble. Before settling on a specific interpretation, you need to remember the details of the dream, the setting, the emotional background and your own feelings. Only having all the information can one draw final conclusions.

Man has always been interested in something mystical and unknown, which is why the topic of dream interpretation has remained relevant for decades. Today there are a huge number of dream books for this. To use them, you should try to remember as many plot details and emotional load as possible. In addition, you need to take into account that numerous dream books offer different interpretations of the same dream, so it is worth comparing the resulting transcripts with real life events.

Why do you dream about the birth of a boy?

Many dream books consider such a dream to be a good symbol, meaning that everything in family relationships will be fine. For those wishing to become pregnant, the birth of a boy promises a quick addition to the family. If a representative of the fair sex who is pregnant sees a dream, this predicts a good and quick birth for her. A dream about the birth of a boy's child before the wedding serves as an indication that you should take care of your reputation. In some cases, such a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news that will relate to close friends or relatives. This may also mean that new ideas and plans for the future will soon appear. The dream book says that they are definitely worth implementing, as they will bring success.

A dream about the birth of a boy promises improvement in business and work. You can count on significant results in matters in the financial sector. There is also information that such a dream is a recommendation that you should reconsider your life positions and set your prerogatives in a new way. If a boy is born to the dreamer, it means that soon there will be a chance to radically change his life and start over with a clean face. It can also mean the fulfillment of your most cherished desire. Seeing in a dream the birth of a boy without any problems or complications is a good sign that predicts the retreat of troubles. If the birth was difficult, prepare for worsening problems and the onset of a “black” streak.

If you give birth and a boy is born, it means that in the near future you will have to participate in a difficult task. Everything went well, which means we will be able to overcome all the trials and problems. Such a plot may also foreshadow the receipt of unexpected news from a forgotten person. The interpretation of dreams about the birth of a boy depends on where exactly it happened. If the birth took place at home, then you don’t have to worry, because everything will be fine in your relationships with loved ones, and the house will be full. Watching the birth of a boy in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected news. A dream about the birth of an unwanted child prophesies empty troubles. Seeing the birth of a sick boy is a bad sign, meaning the approach of minor troubles and family scandals.

If you dream about the birth of a boy and a girl, this is a good sign indicating that the right choice has been made in life. This may also mean the existence of a powerful patron who will help in solving financial problems. A night vision where two boys were born at once promises wealth in the near future. This also means increased authority. In some dream books, the birth of twins indicates that your career is the most important thing for you at the moment. For a girl getting ready to marry, such a plot indicates a moral readiness to start a family. This interpretation is valid, if childbirth brought joy, but if it caused unpleasant sensations, then it is worth putting off thoughts about for a while. A night vision where a mother gave birth to a boy indicates that she needs help and support in some important matter.

Why did you dream about having a boy (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The birth of a son means good luck, making a profit, and fulfilling your desires, but only if you are active and interested. You will be able to improve your financial situation.

Seeing the birth of a son - in any case - is a positive symbol, which means that the dreamer will experience only good events.

Why dream of having a boy in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

What dreams of giving birth to a boy are mostly interpreted in a positive way. The dream predicts career growth and increased social status. For an unmarried girl without children, such dreams promise to receive a marriage proposal. The birth of a sick child indicates problems in the family, minor squabbles and troubles. Why dream about having a boy if he is unexpected and unwanted - to a bad mood, empty worries, causeless panic.

Giving birth to a boy is very often interpreted as the emergence of some idea or plan. An unexpected event may occur in your life; when you give birth, in reality you create a plan and bring it into reality. This dream foretells the onset of a favorable period in your life. Why dream about giving birth to a boy - this is a sign that you need to act now, your future fate and financial condition depend on your activity and resourcefulness. Perhaps right now the implementation of the project will bring profit, and the idea proposed to the authorities will allow you to move up the career ladder.

Why dream about having a boy (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

Giving birth to a boy indicates a competitive spirit. All male representatives are breadwinners by nature, so the dream means that to achieve success you need to loudly declare yourself, not sit idly by, but work hard and fate will reward you as you deserve. Perhaps unforeseen circumstances will arise in life, it is important to take advantage of them, not to miss the moment, and then everything will be fine in the financial sphere.

Giving birth to a boy - dreams of some changes in your life. Your emotions and feelings during sleep play a significant role. If you are upset or dissatisfied with something, in reality your plans will not come true or everything will not go as originally planned. Everything is fine, the birth went easily and quickly, you are in a great mood - in reality you will be able to achieve your goal. Dream Interpretation Giving birth to a boy to an unmarried girl means that subconsciously she is ready for motherhood; in the future she will actually give birth to a boy.

Giving birth to a boy means that you will be very lucky; success and luck will accompany you in business. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to remember the details from the dream, what the child was like, how you felt about it, what emotions you experienced. The dream is considered favorable for beginning businessmen; it predicts quick profit, material well-being, and expansion of the enterprise.

According to the dream book, do you dream that you gave birth to a boy at home? Your home in reality will turn into a full cup, peace, peace and prosperity will reign in the family. You see how someone gave birth to a boy - soon expect pleasant and useful meetings, good but unexpected news. The dream predicts a successful resolution of the problems that bother you, the appearance of a rich and influential patron, and the improvement of affairs.

The meaning of a dream about the appearance of a baby (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: What an unmarried girl dreams about giving birth to a boy predicts material well-being, success in her personal life, friendly relationships with others. For a married woman, this is a sign that prosperity and happiness await her; there will be many positive moments and good emotions in family life. There will come a period of measured, calm life without scandals and squabbles. Why dream about having a boy - the dream indicates well-being not only in the personal sphere, but also in business.

If you gave birth to a boy who immediately began to talk, it means that you will not need anything, there will be no place for worries, worries and meaningless troubles in your life. The dream book Giving birth to a boy predicts the well-being of the woman in labor; if this is your mother, she will have success in her career, but she will not achieve it without your help; if this is your daughter, everything will be fine in her family life.

Interpretation of the dream book: Why dream about giving birth to a boy - this is a sign from above, indicating that good luck and success will accompany you in your business. The outside world will show favor to you, all problems will be solved easily and quickly. The dream interpretation of giving birth to a boy does not promise the absence of obstacles or instant enrichment; in order to get what you want, you need to work hard. The dream only gives a hint - now is a favorable moment for the implementation of plans in all areas of life, you need to take advantage of the situation.

For a woman to give birth to a boy, a dream may hint at her relationship with male representatives: father, brother, lover, friend. Perhaps one of them will help implement the plan. You should pay more attention to men, because with their help, changes for the better will occur in your life.

Giving birth to a boy - what does it mean in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Giving birth to a boy to a young girl is still a long way from marriage, but now you can enjoy complete freedom. Such a dream for a pregnant woman predicts an easy and quick birth. An illegitimate boy is a sign that others do not respect you and you have a bad reputation.

Of course, a dreaming baby will not leave anyone indifferent. Especially if this is a promising, so desired and long-awaited son. Why do you dream about the birth of a boy? The interpretation of such a dream can be found in dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: Why do you dream about the birth of a boy?

According to Miller's dream book, the birth of a child in a dream means changes for the better in the near future. This is directly related to improved life circumstances. It is possible that very soon you will actually be expecting the birth of a baby. Such a dream foreshadows:

  • joyful events,
  • passing the exam,
  • receiving a bonus, etc.

A boy is a son, heir and successor of the family, so seeing his birth means an improvement in your affairs.

But the birth of a child in a dream of an unmarried girl serves as a kind of warning to preserve her dignity and reputation. While a man giving birth is afraid of responsibility. Therefore, a dream about a boy can cause a certain shock or negative emotions.

Interpretation of the birth of a boy in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Such a meaningful dream encourages you to reconsider your life positions, values, think or comprehend your purpose. In general, the process means gaining freedom, the most important changes in a person’s life. If the dreaming boy is born to you, it means that you are given a chance to start life from scratch. A successful birth means the retreat of troubles, but seeing the pain of a woman in labor means the situation is worsening.

If you dreamed about the birth of a boy according to Loff’s dream book

According to Loff, a woman who sees childbirth in a dream either passionately desires it, or is trying in every possible way to avoid imminent motherhood. Thus, a thought that is constantly at the subconscious level is displayed in the form of certain images in dreams.

Interpretation of a dream about the birth of a boy according to Freud

Freud claims that giving birth in a dream is a sign of an upcoming meeting with your life partner. The person will suit you in almost all respects, including expected sexual harmony. If you give birth, be prepared for a quick conception. If a man is nearby during the birth of your son, you can be absolutely sure of his devotion to you, he is your wall and support.

The birth of a boy according to the dream book of Nostradamus

For innocent girls, such a dream foreshadows the loss of virginity, but for a married lady this dream will be prophetic. If a man dreams about the process of giving birth to a baby, one should expect a major life discovery, learning something new.

Why dream about the birth of a boy according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Since seeing the birth of a baby in a dream means an improvement in a given life situation, the birth of two babies for a girl predicts a future happy family. If a man had such a significant dream, he will certainly overcome his fears and all sorts of concerns.

Dreaming boy according to Menega's dream book

Seeing the process of giving birth to a boy in a dream means that you will soon leave your mark, do the main thing in life, and the option of realizing your purpose is also possible. If a child was born to a man, you should re-evaluate your plans and goals; it is likely that you have your head in the clouds and your intentions are not feasible.