Why is World of Tanks thrown out of the game?

World of tanks is a popular online project that has won the love of many users. More than a dozen updates and additions have already been released for this exciting game, and every day players are increasingly asking one question - why is World of tanks being thrown out of the game? Well, this problem occurs quite often and there is no exact answer why this happens, but today we will try to answer this question, and also identify the main recommendations for resolving the problem.

So why is WoT crashing?

Some gamers suggest that this problem in the game is caused by mods that players like to install in order to simplify and speed up the gameplay.

There are also frequent cases when a malfunction occurs in the game client itself. Today, both the creators of the game itself and gamers are puzzling over how to get rid of crashes, but, unfortunately, there is no 100% solution to all kinds of crashes.

It is important to know: if you have mods installed for the game, then the main evil lies in them, so it is recommended to completely remove them from your gaming device.

Throws it on the desktop

This crash occurs even if you do not use mods. To solve this problem, you can try to completely remove the game client from your computer, since it is possible that a serious malfunction in its operation can lead to a similar case.

It is important to know: on the Internet you can find many versions of the client for World of tanks, as well as other patches. For reliable operation of the application, it is strongly recommended to download and install the client from the official website of the game.

If you have reinstalled the client, but the problem is not solved, then you can try another more complex and time-consuming method. You can manually delete Java scripts that store information about the old version of an application. In order to do this, go to the Control Panel, then, programs and components (starting with Windows 7, this menu item is called – Add or Remove Programs), find Java and completely remove it. Now you will need to download the new version of Java again and install it on your personal computer.

Crashes on startup

This crash is due to the presence of mods for the game. Below is a list of mods that disrupt the program (if desired, you can update them or even completely remove them from the computer’s file system):

  1. XVM mod - you don’t have to delete it, since a newer build has been released. Important: Before installing updates, completely clear the application cache.
  2. Jove Modpack - you can also refrain from deleting it, because the developers quickly released an update that eliminates game crashes.

Simply download and install the new version, first deleting the old one.

It is important to know: even if you use any other mod that is based on Jove Modpack, and you have problems with crashes, you can also update this mod and continue to use the game safely.

You already know the solution to the problem - just remove them or update them, and your favorite game will begin to function fully again.

Throws out during battle

This is not due to poor client performance or the presence of any mods. Most likely, the problem lies in an intermittent or missing Internet connection; this factor is critical for any online game. To resolve this problem, do the following: disconnect and reconnect your Internet cable, after which the connection will be established (if this does not help you, then contact the provider that provides you with these services).

Also, an overly high graphics level may be to blame for crashes and brakes. It is enough to delete the preferences.xml file, which is responsible for WoT settings, including graphic options. After deleting and starting the game for the first time, all your settings will be reset, so it is recommended to make a backup copy of the file (in case the crashes do not disappear).

You can find this file in the following directories:

Windows 7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Crashes after update

Often, patches are released to fix game bugs and add new features. But there are times when updates only bring disappointment in the form of crashing from an online game. Similar things can be found in World of tanks. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to remove the already installed client and reinstall the game. Please be patient and wait for the latest update.


As you can see, there are many problems that can ruin the gaming experience, but there are also many solutions that can fix this or that problem.

The World of Tanks game does not start - the "play" button does not work.

One of the common problems logging into World of Tanks is related to the “Play” button in the launcher. It is this button that must be pressed every time you start the game. But what to do if it doesn't work. You click and nothing happens - World of Tanks does not start? To answer this question, we have collected the most common errors when logging into WOT and described solutions for each problem. Let's look at each one in order, starting with the launcher not working.

If you cannot enter World of Tanks when you enter the game, you need to open the launcher, click “play” and see what happens. If you wait for a long time, the problem with logging into WOT is often hidden behind the inability to connect to the Wargaming servers serving your chosen cluster. In this case, you should check for a problem on your PC, namely:

Is the port through which data is exchanged between the World of Tanks client and the server blocked by your firewall?

If yes, you need to add an exception to the firewall. If this is a regular Windows firewall, just go to the control panel, select "Firewall" and add the file worldoftanks.exe, as well as the launcher executable file wotlauncher.exe to the list of exceptions. You can do this by double-clicking on the “Firewall” icon and going to the “Exceptions” tab, then adding there the above files with the .exe extension from the folder with the World of Tanks game.

Setting up the World of Tanks launcher

Is the application (game) blocked by your antivirus?

If you have installed anti-virus software and have not configured it properly, by default all connections from previously installed programs, including the World of Tanks game, will be blocked. To unlock, add an exception in the control shell of your antivirus (Kaspersky, Dr.Web, Nod32, Eset and others) according to the principle described for the Windows firewall (above).

Mods for World of Tanks are used

Very often, mods can cause the "Play" button in the World of Tanks launcher to not work. Usually, even the best and most time-tested mod fails, especially after its update, which was released immediately before the release of the next patch for WOT. Often, mod developers are in a hurry to release a release that supports a new update for World of Tanks, creating a patch for the mod based on a test version of the game. Using such a “quick” update for a popular mod leads to problems with logging into the game both after the release of the next version of World of Tanks, and after the release of micropatches, 1-2 weeks after the main release.

I press the "play" button and it doesn't go into World of Tanks

To check whether the use of modifications interferes with entering the game, disable them for a while. To do this, just rename the res_mods folder and restart your PC before attempting to log in.

Can't log into World of Tanks: I click "Play" and it doesn't log in

Among the problems with the "Play" button, the second place is occupied by errors related to the Internet connection. Check this category of game login errors using our instructions:

Find out what IP address is used when connecting your PC to the Internet, static or dynamic?

  1. With a static IP address, you are allocated the same address every time you connect to the Internet, and it will be credited to you when you log into World of Tanks. If your static IP address is banned in tanks, every time you try to click on the "play" button in the launcher you will not be able to connect. To solve this problem, contact your provider with a request to replace the static IP address assigned to you with another one. Some providers charge a fee for this service, while others offer it free. Occasionally, replacing an IP address may require a specialist to visit your home. Even more rarely, this service is not provided at all.
  2. In the case of a dynamic IP address, problems are also observed when the launcher does not enter wot when clicking on the “play” button. This happens when you are assigned an IP address banned by Wargaming when connecting to the Internet. This does not mean that you were banned, someone else playing under this dynamic address in World of Tanks was banned by IP. To solve this problem, simply reconnect to the Internet (disconnect and connect again).

Solving the problem with the "play" button in World of Tanks

Not included in World of Tanks

In addition to the problems described above related to your network or Internet connection, as well as your PC settings, there is a category of problems related to the game itself. Let's consider these errors when logging into World of Tanks:

You updated the game and some files were not updated. Error during update.

If after the update you cannot enter the game, and after clicking “play” the launcher freezes for a long time, then the World of Tanks update was unsuccessful. The game will not always tell you about this. However, when connecting, the server will definitely check whether the hash of the client files installed on your PC matches the current game update. If even one file differs even by 1 byte or is missing, the server will not allow you to enter World of Tanks and will send a command to the launcher to try to update again.

Solving the problem with the game not working

The launcher will again not be able to update, and the game will freeze when you click on “play” and here’s why: some directory or separate file (less often many files) in the game folder is not writeable for the current Windows user. That is, the user under whom you logged into Windows to play World of Tanks cannot overwrite old files for some reason. There may be several reasons:

  • the user does not have enough rights to control the computer;
  • the user's rights have been limited by another user;
  • the user himself has limited the rights to the World of Tanks game files, intentionally or not;
  • The antivirus manages files at its discretion on your PC.

Each of these points needs to be checked separately and find out whether the update is causing problems when launching World of Tanks through the launcher.

What to do if World of Tanks doesn't work

The simplest solution to the problem when the game does not enter can be to reinstall World of Tanks. Don't be afraid to erase all files to make sure they don't interfere with entering the tanks. The client version of WOT that you install on your PC does not contain any personal data that may be lost when you uninstall World of Tanks, with the exception of files with your replays and mods you previously installed. We have already found out about mods - it is better not to dwell on them if you want to solve a problem with the game. Feel free to reinstall the game, it usually takes about half an hour.

If reinstallation does not help, there is a high probability that the problem with the “play” button is related to the network or Internet connection (solution above).

World of Tanks freezes when entering the game

Particular attention should be paid to the drivers used for the video card and the availability of a license for the operating system. The error I click on the play button and it doesn’t open can be caused by a lack of a Windows license, as well as outdated drivers for your video card. To solve these problems, start by updating the drivers for the video adapter by going to the manufacturer’s website, downloading from there and installing the latest version of drivers that corresponds to your operating system and its bitness (32 or 64 bit). To solve problems with Windows, it is recommended to purchase a license (at your discretion). This will save you from most potential problems with logging into World of Tanks and the launcher.

Many people are interested in computer games. But not every computer can easily handle any modern games. One of the most common problems that can occur when running demanding games is sudden reboots. The computer simply turns off during the game. This happens unexpectedly and the user loses unsaved gameplay. In this article, we will talk about why the computer turns off during the game, and also give some tips to help fix this problem.

Insufficient or faulty power supply

If the computer turns off while playing, then in most cases the problem is in the power supply. Most likely it cannot cope with the load, which leads to a sudden reboot of the computer.

If everything worked fine before, but after installing new components (for example, a video card), the computer began to reboot, then the reason is definitely in the power supply. In this situation, this can be stated with almost one hundred percent certainty.

If no new components were installed, but the computer began to turn off during games, then problems with the power supply also cannot be ruled out. But, in such a situation, you must first prevent overheating of the processor and video card.

In order to test the stability of the computer in general and the power supply in particular, you can use the S&M program. This program contains a number of tests that create a heavy load on the computer. Thus, a test called “Power” is designed specifically for testing the power supply. If your computer turns off during this test, then most likely the problem is in the power supply.

CPU overheating

Another fairly common reason for your computer turning off during a game is the processor overheating. during the game is quite simple. To do this, download and install the HWmonitor program.

After starting the program, launch the game and play for a while. After that, switch to the HWmonitor program and check the processor temperature.

The HWmonitor program displays three temperature values: Value (current temperature), Min (minimum temperature recorded during the program's operation), Max (maximum temperature recorded during the program's operation). Naturally, we are interested in the maximum temperature.

If your processor heats up to 65 degrees Celsius under load, then you have overheating problems. It’s not a fact that this is why the computer is overloaded, but the processor temperature needs to be lowered. To do this, you can install an additional fan in the system unit.

There are situations when the computer turns off so quickly that it is simply not possible to measure the temperature using programs. In such a situation, you need to immediately reboot your computer immediately after. In BIOS you can see the current temperature of your processor.

As mentioned a little above, there can be many reasons. However, out of the whole ocean of problems that affect the appearance of a black screen in games, we were able to identify the most common ones.

  • Lack of necessary software. Many people forget to update video drivers or do not install/update DirectX, Net Framework, and so on.
  • Technical problems. For example, overheating of the video card or one of the bridges of the motherboard.
  • Incorrect monitor connection.
  • The problem with the game itself is a bug that can be fixed with a patch, or by performing certain actions to remove the black screen.

We have figured out the reasons for the appearance of a black screen in games, so now let’s move on to practical recommendations and tips on how to remove the black screen. All recommendations will be written in a list below, starting from the simplest solutions and ending with more and more complex ones.

  • So, if you see a black screen at the very beginning after launching the game, first check the version of your video driver. It is quite possible that you are trying to play a modern game, for example, ARK: Survival Evolved or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with old wood, which is not recommended. Update or NVidia drivers.
  • If you already have the latest drivers for your video cards installed, or the advice above did not help, proceed with installing the necessary software - , Net Framework, Microsoft Visual C++.
  • If updating drivers and installing software does not produce any visible results, try the following: launch the game, after launch, when a black screen appears, press Alt+Enter to switch to windowed mode. Often, if the problem is in the game, it will help to display the main menu. After switching to windowed mode, try changing the screen resolution in the graphics settings. If this does not help, contact the game manufacturer for technical support.
  • Black screens in games can also be a result of problems at a technical level. Overheating of the video adapter or one of the bridges on the motherboard can cause a decrease in the power consumption of the video card itself. Without going into unnecessary technical details, we recommend disassembling your laptop or desktop PC and thoroughly cleaning it from dust, replacing the thermal paste.

Of course, there are dozens and dozens of other problems that in one way or another affect the appearance of a black screen when entering games, but they are all too individual and it is not possible to list them. If you are experiencing a similar problem, but did not find a solution in our article, write in the comments or