Founder of the Blue Berets group. History of the Blue Berets ensemble

The original composition of the group ">

One of the first members of the Blue Berets group.

BLUE BERETS, concert ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces. Formed on November 19, 1985. On this day, the first concert took place in the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment in Kabul, which became the ensemble's birthday. The first composition of the ensemble included: the leader of the ensemble - senior lieutenant Sergei Yarovoy, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov, sergeant Sergei Isakov, privates Igor Ivanchenko and Tarikh Lysov. Subsequently, with numerous changes in the composition, the principle of selecting participants remained unchanged - only real paratroopers who know the service not from songs perform on stage.

From November 1985 to February 1987, the group performed concerts in front of units of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The concerts took place during breaks between hostilities. All members of the ensemble were awarded state awards: captain Yarovaya - two Orders of the Red Star, warrant officer Gontsov - two Orders of the Red Star, private Ivanchenko - the Order of the Red Star, sergeant Isakov - the medal "For Courage". During the two years the group was in Afghanistan, S. Ufimtsev, M. Abashev, A. Rogachev appeared on stage as part of the Blue Berets, and V. Turkin, V. Panchenko, A. Pikulik, V. took an active part in the group’s work. Belous.

Many of the works written at this time became the best examples of the so-called “Afghan” song. These are “Memory” by Oleg Gontsov, “At the Dangerous Line”, “Landing Forces Enter the Breakthrough” by Sergei Yarovoy and many others that still remain the “calling cards” of the group. In March 1987, the group took part in the third round of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing” and became its winner. The ensemble's performance via teleconference from Kabul became a sensation and brought the group enormous popularity. In the summer of the same year, the group's first album of the same name was released. At this time, senior lieutenant Yuri Slatov came to the group at the invitation of Sergei Yarovoy, who took first place among singer-songwriters at the competition for his song “Orders are not for sale” and later became the author of the music and lyrics of almost all the Blue Berets songs of the post-Afghan period.

A year later, in February 1988, the ensemble won the final of the First All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing”, made a month-long tour of formations and units of the Airborne Forces and became a generally recognized cult group of the Airborne Forces. But, despite its popularity and recognition, the group is on the verge of collapse - the military service of the ensemble members is coming to an end. In the Political Department of the Airborne Forces, a decision is made: the ensemble will be based in the Moscow region in one of the units of the Airborne Forces, Captain S. Yarovoy is entrusted with selecting new members of the ensemble. All participants will be engaged not only in creativity, but also in fulfilling their official duties. In May 1988, in the communications regiment in Bear Lakes (Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region), a new stage began in the life of the Blue Berets ensemble, which included: Laureates of the All-Union competition, political officer of the battalion captain Sergei Yarovoy, regiment propagandist senior lieutenant Yuri Slatov, privates B Rimsha, E. Serdechny and E. Rozhkov.

For the period from September 1988 to June 1990. the group participated in the filming of various television programs, in competitions and festivals, and toured the entire Soviet Union with concerts. Proceeds from the concerts were sent to local organizations of internationalist soldiers for the construction of monuments, assistance to the disabled and the families of the victims. At the same time, the ensemble’s tour schedule included the first business trips to “hot spots”: Nagorno-Karabakh, Yerevan, Baku, Tbilisi, Vilnius. By 1990, the ensemble's repertoire had changed significantly. The result of the work of the third generation of the ensemble was the release of the disc “The War Is Over” by the Melodiya company.

In June 1991, the ensemble received “professional” status; the group began to be called the Concert Ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces. Before this event, G. Razumov, A. Khamizov, M. Gurov, D. Kalmykov managed to play in the group. Creativity becomes the main thing in the life of the members of the Blue Berets ensemble; The battalion's political officer, Major Sergei Yarovoy, became the full-time artistic director of the group, the regiment's propagandist, Captain Yuri Slatov, became his deputy. Denis Platonov and Dmitry Bakhrushin join the group, Egor Serdechny remains. Work on a new program is combined with active touring activities - the group has repeatedly visited Germany, Poland, the former republics of Yugoslavia, performed concerts in front of US Army personnel, in the Far North, Arctic, Far East, as well as in “hot spots”: Transnistria and Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Chechnya, Bosnia and Kosovo.

In 1994, the group recorded their fourth album, “From War to War,” and in December 1995 a CD of the same name was released. The group’s fifth album, which absorbed everything they experienced during business trips to “hot spots”, was recorded in 1996 and was called “Eh, Share...”. In March 1997, at the request of veterans of various wars, the group recorded their sixth album with old songs called “The Desk Calendar is Sad.” In 2000, on the day of the 15th anniversary of the Ensemble, Sergei Yarovoy (Colonel) and Yuri Slatov (Lieutenant Colonel) were awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia”. Composition of the Blue Berets group at the beginning of the 2000s:

Sergey Fedorovich Yarovoy (b. April 22, 1957, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) (vocals, guitar), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Blue Berets Airborne Forces Concert Ensemble, colonel. In 1975 he was called up for military service and served in the Kirovograd special forces brigade. In 1977 he entered the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political School at the airborne department, participated in the course ensemble "Combustion". After graduating from college, he was sent to the Ryazan airborne regiment. In 1985, he arrived as a replacement in Afghanistan, in the 350th Parachute Regiment as secretary of the Komsomol Committee, and participated in the regiment’s combat operations from 1985 to 1987. In 1985 he organized an amateur ensemble of the Blue Berets regiment. S.F. Yarovoy is a holder of two Orders of the Red Star, a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, an Order of Honorary Veteran's Cross, and many medals of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the UN.

Slatov Yuri Alekseevich (b. May 28, 1962, Ordzhonikidze) (vocals, guitar), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, concert director of the group, author of more than 200 songs, lieutenant colonel. In 1979 he entered the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political School. For three years he was the leader of the amateur ensemble of the Rusichi school. After graduating from college (1983), he served as a company political officer in the disciplinary battalion of the North Caucasus Military District, and in 1984 he was sent to Afghanistan (1984-86). In 1987 he became the Winner of the All-Union television competition “When Soldiers Sing” among singer-songwriters, performing his song “Orders are not for sale.” He joined the airborne troops and from June 1988 became a member of the Blue Berets Concert Ensemble. Yu.A. Slatov is a holder of the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of the Honorable Veteran Cross, and has 11 medals from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the UN.

Sergechny Egor Evgenievich (b. March 21, 1969, Kharkov) (keyboards, vocals). He has a musical education - he graduated from a music school in the drum class in Mozyr (Belarus). During his studies, he worked in the rock group “Gong” and became a diploma winner at the 1st Belarusian Rock Festival, receiving a 3rd degree diploma. He was drafted into the Airborne Forces and sent to serve in the Moscow region. He joined the group when recruiting new members in September 1988. He remained in the ensemble for long-term service. Senior Warrant Officer. Today he occupies the position of sound engineer in the Ensemble.

Platonov Denis Yurievich (b. June 4, 1971, Saratov) (keyboards, vocals). He studied music since childhood, studied at a music school, then entered and successfully graduated from a music school in the violin class. Immediately after studying, he was drafted into the Airborne Forces and served in Bolgrad. At the invitation of S.F. Yarovoy, he remained for long-term service in the group from August 1991. Senior warrant officer. Songwriter and main arranger in the group.

Vakhrushin Dmitry Alexandrovich (b. February 18, 1972, Perm) (guitar, vocals). From the 8th grade I became interested in playing the guitar and organized a group at school. He was drafted into the Airborne Forces. Came to the group on the recommendation of D. Yu. Platonov in November 1991. Senior warrant officer.

Ivanenko Oleg Vladimirovich (b. May 28, 1974, Yalta). Came to the ensemble in mid-2003. Senior Sergeant. Engaged in arrangement and computer support.


MEMORY (1988)
EH, SHARE... (1996)

With numerous changes in composition, the principle of selecting ensemble members remained unchanged - only real paratroopers who know the service not from songs perform on stage. Band members in the 1990s.

Is it still possible to find in Russia a reconnaissance paratrooper, an “Afghan” medal bearer, the founder of a popular musical group, a poet and musician? All this came together in one person - Rostov resident Oleg Gontsov.

The reward has found a hero

“Afghan” Oleg Gontsov received his first Red Star in 1985. Two years later he was again awarded this military order. Then there was the medal "For Courage". And the scout-bard was awarded the third “star” almost 20 years later.

In Afghanistan, 45-year-old Rostovite, reserve senior warrant officer Oleg Gontsov served twice. In 1981-82 he served in military service. Then there was a school for warrant officers and again Afghanistan, blazing with heat and pouring blood. From 1984 to 1989, he served as a sergeant major in an airborne reconnaissance regiment. Until the withdrawal of Soviet troops.

In addition to the awards, Oleg had two wounds and two shell shocks as a souvenir of the Afghan war. But he remained alive, although there were countless military operations in which the brave paratrooper took part.

Why did the third order come so late? - Gontsov asks again. - All these years he didn’t look for me, and I didn’t look for him. On January 4, 1989, I left with my company for the mountains. We ensured the withdrawal of our troops. The former head of the political department, Salnikov, told me about the award. On January 17 of that year, a decree was signed awarding me the third “star”. But I didn’t know anything: the Afghan mountains, terrible confusion.

The third military order was presented to him by the commander of the 103rd Airborne Division, Major General Alexander Skachkov. This belated ceremony finally took place last year in Vitebsk.

The true father of "berets"

Today, many in the country believe that the popular group “Blue Berets” was created by now honored artists of Russia, Colonels Sergei Yarovoy and Yuri Slatov. They still perform with young musicians. In fact, everything was not like that.

The Blue Berets were born thanks to Oleg Gontsov and two paratroopers.

In August 1985, I was strumming my guitar and singing in my quarters. Two privates of my company, Igor Ivanchenko and Sergei Isakov, came up and suggested: “Let's get together, we are musicians too.” That’s how it all started,” recalls Oleg.

Using simple guitars, we recorded several cassettes on a tape recorder, using matchboxes for effect. Immediately these tapes went for a walk around the regiment, and then throughout Afghanistan.

In the fall of the same year, a new secretary of the Komsomol Committee, Senior Lieutenant Sergei Yarovoy, arrived at the 350th Parachute Regiment, who later joined the team.

As part of his duty, Sergei helped us with organizational issues and conducted amateur artistic activities. He came up to me and admitted that he sings, although he has never played anything. And Yura Slatov came to us from the infantry, already in the Union,” said Oleg.

His song “Memory” became the anthem of the Afghan paratroopers. However, the “berets” sang all his songs - “Silver Airplane”, “War is not a holiday”. There are more than fifty in total. In 1987, he rightfully became the winner of the all-Union competition “When Soldiers Sing”.

A stranger among his own

In 1996, Oleg returned to his small homeland and formed the ROSTOV group. With double meaning. According to documents, this is an abbreviation for the Russian Creative Association of Veterans. But many, and they are right, believe that the name of the group came from the city. Only Rostovites perform: Oleg Gontsov, Asvatur Sagiryan, Alexander Volkonogov and Andrey Savin.

In Rostov, the attitude of the authorities towards us is cool. Although, name me at least one Rostovite who has released vinyl records with a circulation of about 15 million! We are getting full houses,” says Oleg.

Messengers and his comrades do not like to engage in commerce. They don’t even set ticket prices; they are invited mainly by veteran organizations. “Yes, we have our own studio and equipment. But we do not set a goal to get rich, to become “stars.” The goal is one: military-patriotic education. So that all sorts of civilians do not throw mud at the army by talking about it, although many of them have been there for one day didn't serve.

The group "ROSTOV" is shown on TV extremely rarely; not even all Rostov residents know about its existence. Recently, pirated discs were released in Ukraine with the words “Blue Berets”, the city of Rostov-on-Don...

Cossack grave

Gontsov and his comrades wander not only around the country. This year alone they have been to Afghanistan twice. They gave a two-hour concert at the Russian embassy in Kabul, and Oleg also took part in the filming of a film dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops.

Our hero again, as in the old days, traveled from the border with Tajikistan to almost all of Afghanistan, saw the rest of our burned military equipment, now standing like monuments to that undeclared war.

In Kabul, while walking through the local, by the way, English cemetery, Oleg accidentally came across the grave of a Don Cossack buried in 1942.

Apparently, he is from that still white emigration. On the monument is inscribed: "G.S. Gerasimov" and below - "Thank God that we are Cossacks!" The cemetery caretaker cares for this grave, like the others. I also found the grave of Count Samoilov and his wife there. I was told that there is a burial place of another Don Cossack near Kabul. “I will definitely visit her on my next visit to Afghanistan,” says Oleg.

Gontsov managed to establish that G.S. Gerasimov is a native of the village of Gundorovskaya, Donetsk district, Rostov region. He is soon going to meet with the ataman of this village and with his help find the relatives of the Don Cossack buried in distant Afghanistan.

In the fall, Oleg is going to Afghanistan again. He has an agreement to give a concert for Afghans who know Russian. Our embassy promised to help him with this.

There are no former intelligence officers

Oleg Gontsov calls himself a reservist and believes that there are no former intelligence officers. He accompanied humanitarian aid throughout Chechnya many times, both during the first war and the second. As part of a private security company, he stood at checkpoints.

Once, the “Czechs” offered my partner, also an “Afghan,” 50 thousand dollars to allow him to let a car with RDX pass through. He desperately needed money, but my comrade did not commit this crime when he thought about the consequences of a new explosion in Russia. That's how we were raised.

Gontsov is skeptical about the numerous Afghan associations, both on the Don and in Russia in general. He says that sometimes they are led by random people who did not fight in Afghanistan.

Until a state structure is created, a committee for the affairs of “Afghans”, all these current public organizations are equated to interest clubs, beekeepers, for example, or dog breeders, Oleg is convinced.


Dmitry Marsak, chairman of the board of the Rostov regional organization "Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans":

In total, 256 natives of the Rostov region died in Afghanistan. Seven more people are missing. The regional organization of Afghan veterans does a lot to perpetuate their memory. Thus, two monuments were erected to those who did not return from the Afghan war in Rostov, and 12 in the region. One of them was installed by the chairman of the Tatsinsky regional organization of the Russian Union of Afghan Veterans, Sergei Martynov. Six “Afghans” and six “Chechens” were killed in this area. Martynov himself lost both legs in Afghanistan and uses a wheelchair.

In the Rostov region, only Oleg Gontsov was awarded three Orders of the Red Star. Several combatants in Afghanistan have two of these orders. Posthumously, the country's highest award - the title of Hero of Russia - was awarded to Sergei Yesterday from Belaya Kalitva.

22 natives of the Don who fought in Afghanistan have only now found their military awards.

The main problem of the "Afghans" is the midlife crisis. Not everyone managed to find themselves in life, get an education, or find a well-paid job. About 10 percent are unemployed. Many are in demand in security agencies. True, there are two “Afghan” deputies in the Rostov City Duma - Pyotr Kulinchenko and Yuri Panfilov. About 1,000 more people in the region (about 100 in Rostov) are on a waiting list to receive housing or improve their living conditions.

Participants in the Afghan war have benefits according to Federal Law No. 122. In addition, regional and municipal authorities establish additional benefits. For example, by decree of the governor of the Rostov region, “Afghans” were provided with free travel on suburban transport. And the mayor of Rostov, in his resolution, provided them with land benefits - “Afghans” do not pay land tax. In addition, according to the Tax Code, Afghans do not pay income tax. We also note that the state budget reimburses this category of beneficiaries for 50 percent of the maintenance of the housing stock.

The history of the creation of the Blue Berets ensemble

Military unit 54164-S. Since 1991, this alphanumeric letter has hidden an unusual military formation of the Russian army. It was then, in the 91st, that the amateur vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Berets,” formed during the Afghan war in the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment, received the status of a professional musical group of the Ministry of Defense.

And for the first time the entire Soviet Union learned about the Blue Berets group in October 1987. The country saw singing paratroopers on TV screens in the popular All-Union competition “When Soldiers Sing.” I saw it not on the stage of the Dynamo Sports Palace, from where the concert was broadcast, but directly from Kabul. Soviet television organized a live teleconference from Afghanistan. The victory of the guards who performed the song “At the Dangerous Line” was unconditional!

The first performance in front of his fellow soldiers in the form of a “vocal and instrumental ensemble” took place on November 19, 1985. From that concert to this day, the permanent artistic director of the group is Sergei Fedorovich Yarovoy. Then - captain, and now - colonel. Knight of two Orders of the Red Star. Honored Artist of Russia. The number of concerts given by the Blue Berets Airborne Ensemble by 2014 is approaching three thousand.

For six years, the so-called “amateur” stage of the group’s creativity, more than thirty people appeared on stage as part of the group. Since the fall of 1991, the Separate Concert Ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces “Blue Berets” has been operating with the same composition. These are Colonels Sergei Yarovoy and Yuri Slatov, senior warrant officers Yegor Serdechny and Denis Platonov, as well as warrant officer Dmitry Vakhrushin. For almost a quarter of a century they have been honorably carrying the creative banner of the legendary military ensemble, honoring the traditions laid down in the first years of the ensemble’s existence. This is a song story about a soldier’s feat of arms, a memory of those who did not return from wars, a bow to mothers who lost their sons. This is a celebration of the heroism and romance of service in the Airborne Forces.

The ensemble has attended concerts in all the “hot spots” and combat zones fought by Russian troops since the early 90s. The group constantly performs for military personnel of all branches and branches of the Armed Forces in far and near garrisons on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. The geography of “civilian” tours of military musicians is wide. This is Russia, countries near and far abroad.

The group is constantly developing creatively. Since 1990, seven full-length song albums and three video versions have been recorded and released. The ensemble's musicians participate in various individual projects: they release solo albums, write books and music for films, and collaborate with radio stations.

For many years of creative activity, the ensemble was awarded the Main National Prize "RUSSIAN NATIONAL OLYMPUS", the Special National Prize "KREMLIN GRAND", awarded the Highest Russian public award - the golden order "PRIDE OF RUSSIA", the highest award of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans - the Order "FOR MERIT", Orthodox Order “SAINT SOPHIA. FAITH, HOPE, LOVE”, the Order of the National Security Agency “FOR HONOR AND DIGNITY”. The ensemble became the laureate of the 2011 Chanson of the Year Award.

The Blue Berets concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces is the only musical group in the Armed Forces where all participants are Honored Artists of Russia.

  • 1975-1977 - served in the Kirovograd special forces brigade.
  • After graduating from college, he was sent as a company political officer to the 137th Parachute Regiment, Ryazan.
  • In 1985, he arrived as a replacement in Afghanistan, in the 350th Parachute Regiment, as part of OKSV, as secretary of the Komsomol Committee. Participated in almost all combat operations of the regiment from 1985 to 1987.
  • In 1985, he organized an amateur ensemble of the Blue Berets regiment, which he still leads today.
  • Since October 1991 - artistic director of a separate concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces "Blue Berets". "Blue Berets" is a hobby that has turned into a life.
  • Currently time (at the same time) - deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble.


  • 2 Orders of the Red Star
  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class with swords
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
  • Badge of the Komsomol Central Committee "For Military Valor"

Family status

  • Married, wife Elena; two children - daughter Maria and son Artyom.

Yarovoy Sergey Fedorovich(born April 22, 1957, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) - artistic director of the Blue Berets ensemble, colonel.


On Saturday, August 4, 2012, a celebration dedicated to veterans of local events was held in the village of Balezino. At the holiday, already traditional for our village...

Sergei Yarovoy was born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In 1975-1977 he served in the Kirovograd special forces brigade. In 1977-1981 he studied at the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School at the airborne department. After graduating from college, he was sent as a company political officer to Ryazan, to the 137th Parachute Regiment.

In 1985, he arrived as a replacement in Afghanistan, served in the famous 350th Guards Parachute Regiment as part of OKSV, and was secretary of the Komsomol Committee. Participated in almost all combat operations of the regiment from 1985 to 1987. One of the most famous songs - Banner of the Guards Regiment - is dedicated to the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment.

The 350th Guards Parachute Regiment, along with the fact that it was the most “fighting” during the Afghan war, also became known as the most “singing”. It was here that the famous Blue Berets ensemble was born. The first concert took place on the evening of November 19, 1985 at the soldiers' club of the 350th Guards Parachute Regiment. The founder of the ensemble was a holder of three Orders of the Red Star, company sergeant major, warrant officer Oleg Gontsov. In 1985, Yarovoy joined the amateur ensemble of the regiment

“Blue Berets” (since October 1991) is a separate concert ensemble of the Airborne Forces, whose leader is to this day Sergei Yarovoy. At the same time, he is the deputy head of the 47th Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble. (Film-concert "Blue Berets" (selected 1985-2005)

Sergei Yarovoy is married, his wife Elena, two children - daughter Maria and son Artyom.


  • 2 Orders of the Red Star
  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class with swords
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
  • Badge of the Komsomol Central Committee "For Military Valor"