Prayer for a drinking son. Strong prayer for my son's drunkenness

- the real misfortune of our people. This destructive passion constantly destroys families, crimes occur, and people die. A person suffering from alcoholism has poor control over his actions and, after intoxication ends, often regrets what he did.

Relatives of addicted people also endure a lot of suffering. In any church at every service there will be people who fervently pray for deliverance from the sin of drunkenness. Who can you ask for spiritual help from?

You can turn to any saints, but many Orthodox Christians claim that the prayer to Matrona against drunkenness has special power.

How to pray to Matrona of Moscow for deliverance from alcoholism

Unfortunately, the sin of drunkenness can take over a person so strongly that he himself will be completely unable to cope with his condition. Often a person does not even realize that he is seriously ill.

Alcoholism is a disease of both soul and body, therefore the approach to healing must be comprehensive. Very often, all the burdens of getting out of a difficult old condition fall on the shoulders of the relatives and friends of the sick person.

This is a heavy cross for the whole family, and bearing it without God’s help can be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

Prayer to Matronushka against drunkenness has long been considered an effective aid in healing.

  • close relatives of the patient;
  • Friends;
  • spiritual father, priest;
  • monks upon request in the monastery;
  • the suffering person himself.

It is good if a person himself realizes that he is sick and needs help. In this case, it is very good to go to the relics of Saint Matrona and pray there. It is also very advisable to regularly visit church, confess and receive communion, and attend services.

All external actions must be supported by a firm internal intention to improve and put an end to sinful addiction forever. This is a very difficult path on which a person can expect repeated falls and breakdowns. Temporary failures should not lead to despondency and lead a person away from the intended path of salvation.

A much more common situation is when the person himself does not want or cannot understand the need for treatment. In this case, all worries about such a person fall on the shoulders of loved ones.

More prayers for drunkenness:

Many wives read a prayer to Matrona of Moscow because of their husband’s drunkenness and received consolation and effective help. Close relatives can pray both in church and at home.

Of course, it is preferable for any Orthodox Christian to pray in church in front of the image of the saint. The power of common congregational prayer will always be greater. But it is not always possible to go to church, and at such moments it is quite acceptable to pray at home.

It is advisable to have an icon of St. Matrona in the red corner.

If a person praying is just beginning his journey in Christianity, the words of the prayer may seem complicated or incomprehensible. In this case, it is quite acceptable to address the saint in your own words.

It is important to understand that prayer is not a conspiracy, not a ritual, but a form of conversation with God. Ready-made texts are given to us to help, because a person is not always able to correctly formulate his thoughts and feelings during prayer.

But It is completely unacceptable to read a text like a spell without delving into its essence. Doing this will never bring the desired result.

The Life and Miracles of Blessed Matrona

Why is the prayer to Matrona against drunkenness considered so strong? This saint is very close to us in time; even photographs of her during her lifetime have been preserved. Having gone through difficult years of persecution of the church, she managed to maintain a living faith in God. Possessing the gift of healing, she devoted her entire life to serving God and helping people.

Born into a large family, the future saint turned out to be blind. In my youth I also lost the ability to walk. But physical inferiority was more than compensated for by spiritual gifts - from early childhood Matrona possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

Miracle of the Birth of Saint Matrona

The special child always avoided the company of her peers, who often teased her for her physical differences. The little girl spent all her free time in a nearby temple. Matrona's mother always knew where to look for the girl - if she was not at home, it meant she was in the temple.

About Saint Matrona:

Having moved from the village to Moscow, blessed Matrona led a truly ascetic life. Miraculously escaped prison for professing the Christian faith. Already during her lifetime, people constantly came to her for help in various troubles, and she did not refuse anyone. Prayer to Matrona from alcoholism saved many families from a serious illness. At the same time, the blessed saint always repeated that it is not she herself who saves a person, but only the Almighty Lord God.

Other prayers to Matrona of Moscow:

To this day, the flow of pilgrims to the relics of the blessed old woman has not decreased. She bequeathed during her lifetime that after her death many people would come to her. Even now you can talk to the saint in front of the icon, as if she were alive, and receive effective help.

Text of the prayer to Blessed Matrona of Moscow

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow for protection and healing

If a mother sees her son die due to alcohol abuse, she will definitely try to find out what the most powerful prayer is for her son’s drunkenness. This becomes especially necessary when the person himself does not see the problem, is not going to fight it and gradually slides down the social ladder, losing health and common sense.

How prayer can help

First of all, you need to understand that in the family of an alcoholic, all its members suffer. But this especially hits the mother’s heart. Some women even try to turn a blind eye to this problem, since it is very difficult to believe that the person you raised has taken the wrong path.

It is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, to recover from alcoholism. Even if a man realized his real situation, agreed to drug treatment, help from psychologists, there is a very high chance that a weak will will again return him to his old addiction.

In the struggle for a healthy lifestyle, faith is very necessary, strong and working miracles. For many centuries, faith has instilled hope in a person, the strength to live on against the backdrop of misfortunes and losses; it has given lonely people a family in the person of people just like them.

Faith in a Higher Power and the help of saints can work wonders in the fight against alcoholism. However, the obligatory requirement in this case is purity of faith, sincerity, unconditional confidence that it will definitely reach the addressee, will be heard and help will not be long in coming.

Even people who are not particularly religious, in hopeless situations, begin to ask God for help. First of all, this has a psychosomatic effect: a person subconsciously feels invisible support and begins to act more boldly and confidently. You should not miss the fact that the abuse of alcoholic beverages is considered a great sin, and the fear of fiery hell can become a very convincing factor.

If we consider a situation where an alcoholic is not going to admit his illness, then the mother, caring for her son, is left with the problem alone and really needs confidence that something depends on her, that she can do something for her beloved child .

In this case, prayers for her son’s drunkenness give the mother the strength to endure adversity, not give up, and continue to fight for the soul and body of a loved one.

How to pray and what else needs to be done

Simply reading the words of the prayer will not be enough. A person must believe in the power of the words he speaks. If meaning is not invested in them, even the mother’s prayer said in church in front of the holy faces will have no meaning. Therefore, you should first of all learn the words of the prayer by heart, so that nothing distracts you while reading it. At the same time, you need to clearly imagine your son as healthy, successful, and has long overcome his addiction.

  1. Before prayer, you should visit a church or temple and repent of your sins, in particular the sin of drunkenness. It is very important to convince a person who drinks alcohol to attend and defend the All Saints prayer service, and it is advisable to do this three times.
  2. This is followed by the priest’s blessing and a forty-day cleansing fast. Every day of fasting you need to fervently pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and drink holy water. If the patient himself prays, it is enough to say the words of the prayer “Our Father.”

If the mother herself takes this thorny path, in addition to confession, it is necessary to light candles in the church for the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. It is necessary to order a service for the health of your son and yourself, in order to thus receive additional strength from above.

Appeal to the Mother of God

A woman who wants to save her son from drunkenness should pray to certain icons and say special words. The most powerful icon, which has been helping to overcome drunkenness for many centuries, is considered to be the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” There is a lot of evidence that this particular icon helped many to heal. A mother can pray for her son on the face of the Holy Mother in church or at home.

The power of this icon is spoken of in the legend. A heavily drinking man dreamed of an angel who told him to go to a monastery and there pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. The man ignored the dream. Then the second time he dreamed of an angel, and the second time the man did not listen. After the third time, so weak that he could not even walk, the drunkard crawled to the indicated place.

Upon arrival there, he asked the monks to show him this icon. But there was no such thing. Only a little later, one of the ministers remembered that he had seen something similar in the basements. The icon was brought, on the back was the name “Inexhaustible Chalice”. Immediately after the prayer, the drunkard discovered that the craving for alcohol had disappeared.

Over time, the icon disappeared; sources claim that it was destroyed. Its power was restored in the icon painted later, copies were distributed throughout the world.

Other Powerful Prayers

One of the most powerful appeals is a request to three saints at once: Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker. The words of this prayer should be read at home, in solitude. In advance you need to purchase icons with the faces of these saints, 3 candles and collect holy water.

  1. The conversion should take place in front of displayed icons and lit candles. You need to say the words 3 times, crossing yourself and drinking water each time.
  2. It is important to remember that the one who asks must also give. Therefore, during the period of struggle, you need to help the suffering, feed the hungry and do not forget to thank God for your strength.

In the fight against your son's drunkenness, turning to the Son of God Jesus Christ can help. This can be done by attending church daily or by acquiring the face of a saint and praying to him at home. There is a special appeal to the saint, but you can also use the “Our Father” prayer. If you want to drink, you need to take a sip of holy water and pray additionally.

As is known from the Holy Scriptures, the martyr Boniface himself suffered for a long time from an addiction to wine. But a strong desire and faith helped him get rid of this addiction. Therefore, the saint helps the same unfortunate ones in their struggle. Turning to it gives you self-confidence and significantly reduces the craving for alcohol.

Among other things, you need to remember that you should distract the patient as much as possible from thoughts about alcohol. This is done by being fully occupied with current affairs and organizing active pastimes. In addition to the help of saints, a person also needs the support of loved ones. It is necessary to show him that he is not alone in this struggle, he has someone to rely on, someone to turn to in difficult moments of doubt.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaves (she said it was good for the heart), but within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

Alcoholism brings a lot of grief to a family. Addiction affects all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age category. An alcoholic may not realize that he is sick and may refuse any help.

If the patient has no desire to be treated, prayer for the alcoholism of the husband or other family members can help get rid of the bad habit. It can help no worse than medications and coding. In order for the prayer service to bring results, you need to know who to pray to and follow the ritual.

Petitions for female alcoholism must be made on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. It is necessary that the woman does not have a menstrual cycle these days. A prayer for a spouse’s alcohol addiction should be read in the remaining days. The prayer service is not performed on Sundays or major Orthodox holidays.

It is advisable to read prayers against alcoholism during the full moon or during the waning period of the month. Words spoken in front of images give more effective results. Strong prayer against drunkenness can help even from a distance.

Prayers against excessive drunkenness and alcoholism will not have any effect if you read them once. The ritual must be performed for several weeks or months. After reading the plot, be sure to bow and thank the Saints.

Holy Mother of God

A prayer against drunkenness to the Most Holy Theotokos is said in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon:

"Holy Mother of God! We call for your help! Do not refuse us sinners, hear our wives, daughters, sons, mothers. Do not abandon him in troubles, deliver the son of God (...) from the intoxication of intoxication. Just as the Saints did not know vodka, did not try it, so let the son of God (...) turn away from it. So that nothing else would go down his throat except clean water. Give him holy water to drink, cleanse him of destructive addictions.”

2 prayer for healing:

“Merciful Most Holy Mother, touch their hearts, guide them to healing abstinence, lead them. Ask Jesus Christ to forgive us our sins and strengthen us in chastity and sobriety. Hear, O Lady of Heaven, the requests of mothers, wives, children, those who are lost, those who drink nasty alcohol, those who are abandoned, those who fall at Your feet. Let the cry of our souls and our tears, through Your prayers, reach the Throne of the Most High.”

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayers against alcoholism can appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He saved Rus' more than once with his intercession. Strong prayers addressed to his image can get rid of alcohol and lead to a sober life.

Praying relatives must have faith that their loved one is truly being healed. Otherwise, the ritual will not produce results. You need to appeal to the Saint sincerely, with a great desire to help you recover from your illness.

In front of the image of the saint, you need to light a candle and place blessed water in front of you. Pronounce the text in silence, calm and solitude. You need to say the text 3 times, each time crossing yourself and taking a sip of consecrated water.

“Nicholas the Wonderworker!
I appeal to You with a request.
Have pity and come peace
From the “Green serpent accursed to the servant of God (...).
They found him disgusted with the “green snake”,
Free yourself from the terrible addiction to all alcohol.
So that I couldn't even look
To alcohol without disgust, disgust.
Let him not drink at any time of the day,
Neither alone nor in company,
Neither on a weekday nor on a holiday.
Your Holy Word will protect him from alcohol,
How the Saints did not know hops
So let the Son of God (...) not drink.”

Appeal to Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a miracle worker, a helper in various sorrows. Saint Matrona never saw the white light; her eyes were missing from the moment she was born. Matrona's mother had a wonderful dream before her birth. She saw a snow-white bird with tightly closed eyelids. Just like a bird, the Saint’s eye sockets were tightly hidden under her eyelids.

Matrona of Moscow did not become bitter, did not begin to hate people. On the contrary, her whole life was aimed at serving God and the people. Millions of people pray to her to get rid of sorrows. Prayers to her for sobriety are the most effective and powerful.

“Mother Matronushka, hear and accept us, sinners, calling to you. Listen to the suffering, the grieving, those who call with faith and hope for your protection, asking for compassion.

A speedy, miraculous cure has arrived. Your mercy will not disappear even now for the unworthy, toiling in the vanity of this world and nowhere finding consolation, compassion in the sorrows of our souls and help in diseases of the body: heal us, deliver us from temptations, the torments of the devil, help us carry the heavy Cross, endure all the hardships and not to lose the Holy Face in them, to preserve faith until the end of our centuries, to have unshakable trust and hope in God, to have love without hypocrisy for loved ones.

Help us after death to enter the Kingdom of God with all those who are acceptable, glorifying the cordiality and mercy of Our Father, glorified in the Trinity.”

Conspiracy against drunkenness on yourself

If you are addicted to alcohol, are aware of your illness and want to be healed of it, a prayer said over water will help you with this. You need to ask for sobriety sincerely, with all your feeling. Before performing the ritual, go to the bathhouse. If this is not possible, take a hot bath, preferably with herbal tea. It is important to read the prayer purified.

For the ritual you will need clean, non-drinking water from a well or spring. If it is not possible to get it, let it sit in the dark with ordinary boiled water for 7 days. You need as much liquid as you can drink per dose.

The text is pronounced three times over the water:

“In the name of the Holy Trinity. Alcohol and malt! Until the end of time, depart from me, the son/daughter of God! The attraction to alcohol leave me! The wind is dashing, take your destructive addiction with you! There’s a craving for the deep thicket, get away from me, where people don’t walk, birds don’t fly, animals don’t come. My word is strong. As he said, so it will be.”

After this, the water is drunk in one gulp. Without leaving a drop. The ritual must be performed daily until the disease subsides.

A powerful ritual for alcoholism

This conspiracy is not only possible, but also necessary to be read on any Orthodox holiday. For the ritual you need a table, a large mirror, 3 church candles, 3 glasses, a liter of non-drinking water (preferably from a natural source). You will also need alcohol that the alcoholic loves and a small container.

Place a mirror on the table, in front of it are three candles, glasses and a jar of water. Be sure to wear a dark scarf on your head and black clothes on your body. Stand in front of the mirror, pick up a container of alcohol, and read the “Our Father.”

After this, you must say the following text three times:

I will arise, daughter of God (...), I bless myself with the Holy Trinity,
I’ll cross myself and leave the house through the door,
I’ll run out of the gate through the gate, my dear.
I'm going east
I'll look into the river.
There is a huge stone in that pond.
Next to him is a fish whose eyes are burned with flame.
Her cheeks are made of gold, her teeth are made of silver.
She will come to the son of God (...)
In silver teeth, a harmful addiction will be carried away.
Her craving for alcohol will not return from her cheeks,
Never again will the son of God (...) drink alcohol!

After pronouncing the text, open the bottle of alcohol and pour it into the first glass. Close the vessel and read the “Our Father” again, the spell three times. Open the bottle and pour the alcohol into a second glass. Repeat the same for the third time.

Pour the contents of the glasses and non-drinking water from the jar into a container prepared in advance. This mixture must be added little by little to the food or drink of the dependent person. It is very important that he does not know anything about this.

You will immediately understand that the drug has begun to act. An alcoholic will experience symptoms similar to a cold. Don't be alarmed, there's nothing wrong with this. This only indicates that the conspiracy has begun to operate. Poor health will quickly pass and the person’s craving for alcoholic beverages will disappear. The ritual must be repeated until it begins to take effect.


If one of your family members suffers from alcohol addiction, you can't just sit idly by. If you have tried many remedies, but nothing helps, seek help from God. You need to turn to the Saints with a sincere desire to help and faith in their intercession.

Healing from drug addiction* * * Since 1994, I started using drugs. But I couldn’t even imagine how soon and how it would be! February 8, 2003 I suddenly get sick with the flu with a high fever and brittle bones and muscle pain. Sveta, 40 years old: “My son started drinking - a terrible grief in the family.

And quite often the patient himself is unable to cope with this problem. The prayer also helps to stop drinking, and it is recommended to read it in church - at daily or Sunday services. Not only is the monastery collection a 100% natural remedy, but it also helps in 99 cases out of 100 after just 3 weeks.

Close people leave us along the path of misfortune. In October 1996, I came to the Vladychny Monastery for the first time to pray at the miraculous icon. In the dark hour of the full moon, secretly from your husband, lock yourself in the bathroom. At sunset during the waning moon, light the candles and place them in a row. Only suffering is brought by intoxicating drink, and I will pray for deliverance from a need that is unnecessary for me, and my vitality will return when I stop swallowing the poison, and with it the joy of renewal will come, flow into me, life will be illuminated with a new meaning, and by the miracle of the Lord’s rebirth I will move away from I have a thirst for alcohol. I bought oils from lamps from 4 shrines: from the miraculous icons of the Inexhaustible Chalice and the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Holy of Holies, from the tombstone of St. Alcoholism in our age is a gigantic problem at the level of the state and the unit of family society. In this case, the conspiracy that the wife reads so that her husband stops drinking is akin to a prayer that acts on the subconscious of the drinker and without his knowledge. O Lord! Truly, I resort to You so as not to go astray and not be led astray, so as not to make mistakes myself and not be forced to make mistakes, so as not to act unfairly myself and not be oppressed, so as not to be ignorant and so that in relation to me did not act ignorantly.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for his son to stop drinking: in more detail

If alcohol doesn’t let your husband go, try doing the dare on full moon days. In Islam there are prayers for all occasions. In some cases, the plot begins to work only after the third attempt. You can still serve a prayer service to St. At the end of December, her question was also successfully resolved. If nothing changes, repeat all occult activities again, waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon. Allahumma innii a"uuzu bikya minal-hammi wal-khazan, val-"adzhi val-kyasal, wal-bukhli wal-jubn, wa dola"id-dein va galabatir-rijaal. A foul-smelling potion, a terrible potion, he does not need!

You pacify him, our healer! He will listen to you and stop drinking! Amen. Rituals against alcoholism begin to take effect almost immediately after completion.

Therefore, along with medical therapy, you should regularly attend church and turn to God. He will never know toil and melancholy, from this moment to the grave. Muslim prayers if danger threatensAllahumma innaa naj "alukya fii nuhuurihim, wa na"uuzu bikya min shuruurihim. It is not necessary to use the “correct text”; you can ask for help in your own words, which spontaneously arise in your head.

After all, this disease not only makes the patient suffer, but also causes a lot of inconvenience to everyone around him. Buy several candles and place them in front of any icon depicting the Savior. My man was in no hurry to sign with me, we just lived in love and harmony and, of course, talked about the future from time to time.

No matter how much he drank on the day of the conspiracy, one cannot scold him. A good friend of mine recommended me a conspiracy against drunkenness. thanks to him, she saved her husband from alcoholism and now lives in a happy family. To fulfill this spell of the Siberian healer you will need a photograph of the patient, three church candles and holy water. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Amen” Another prayer against alcohol addiction, directed to Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Take the cinders to the trash. Find the exact image

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for his son to stop drinking: what you didn’t know

Conspiracies to prevent a person from drinking have been known in Rus' since ancient times. Amen!

Amen! Amen! Blow out the candles. Since the problem of alcoholism negatively affects the child’s health, it is recommended to read prayers for health, which you can order from the church. If a man has stopped drinking, you should not talk about it, since everything said in vain can destroy the miraculous power. Amen" This prayer read before the icon of St. Laurus and Florus. We entered in the name of the Most High and went out in His name. * * * Dear mother!

Please accept my maternal gratitude and low bow to you and all the sisters of your monastery for your bright life and blessed work for the glory of the Lord. So that every time a bad thought comes to you, you forget it, you hate vodka! Amen!” You need to repeat the words of the prayer nine times. It is this powerful face that can help a patient fight against alcoholism.

You can add herbs that bear “masculine” names, for example, St. John's wort. * * * February 10, 2002 - the day of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, an excursion came from Tula. I understood what was contributing to my return to my past life: the reason was adultery. Saint Nicholas, pray to the Lord for us sinners and ungrateful people! Prayer to the miracle worker to stop drinking After the death of her husband, 26-year-old Ksenia chose for herself the hard path of foolishness. For the new soap, read the words of Vanga’s prayer: “Oh, don’t drink, servant of God (name), don’t walk around in a stupor, don’t wander around drunk. “I ask you, Mother of God! Help!

Deliver the Slave (name) from the bitter illness of drunkenness and riotousness, from fear, from the evil one and from a dissolute existence! I ask you, give him faith in purification, put knowledge in his heart, take him away from the desire to drink wine! Amen." Passionate car enthusiasts may respond to the magical call to stop drinking, as this will turn away their luck on the road. It is best to use not tap water, but well or spring water. And if this is not the case, then it is worth analyzing the situation and finding out why the man is touching the bottle. Please don’t despair and don’t fall for the bottle yourself. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. How to stop your son from drinking?

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). And then she stood up, took my hand and told me: You will now come with me. Cover and protect us from evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, and in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the air without stumbling ordeal, through Your prayers, deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us forever and ever. And don’t remove apple cider vinegar and honey (any kind) from the table. After reading the conspiracy against drunkenness, the patient should be given water to drink. All day long, pour this water into the alcoholic’s food and drink. In December 2002 At the Orthodox fair in Moscow, I purchased a brochure about the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent. One of these preparations is monastery tea, which is based on natural ingredients.

Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, Moon, stop the slave (name) from wine, Stars, stop the slave (name) from wine. And if You think that the name of a girl or a man is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me in making her my wife (husband). My life and destiny, my family and my Beloved person depend on this. Such persistence and frankness will not go unnoticed, and the person who drank, unexpectedly for everyone, will come out of the binge and will finally come to his senses. O Allah Almighty!

I am Your servant, the son of Your male servant and Your maidservant. Thanks to prayer, mothers successfully fight against alcoholism, but they are required to have real faith that heavenly forces are able to provide help and support. Now, thank God, he doesn’t smoke or drink.

So that the husband stops drinking... Today, coding is considered the most effective remedy. Everyone who smokes knows that when he gets sick, his need for smoking decreases. On February 11, I understand that an unexpected illness was given to me by God to help me quit smoking. * * * I, G.I.A. I would like to express my gratitude to the Inexhaustible Chalice for quickly providing me with assistance in exchanging my apartment.

To save a person from alcoholic drinks, the magpie for health helps, which is announced in the church for 40 days from the date of order. And quite often the patient himself is unable to cope with this problem. This spell against drunkenness is quite strong, but if the situation does not improve, then repeat the reading of the words of the spell two weeks later on the same soap, if it is not completely used. When making petitions to God's Martyrs, try to concentrate on every word. You can pray directly to the Lord for your son to win the battle against drunkenness. Before you start, go to church, confess, cleanse yourself. * * * Peace to you and low bow, Mother Alexia! Due to my ignorance, I don’t know if I’m addressing you correctly.

First of all, it is necessary to convince the alcoholic to undergo treatment; specialist narcologists have gained quite a lot of experience in getting rid of alcohol addiction using medications and psychotherapeutic means. It was some kind of anniversary with my mistress, and it was difficult for me to refuse her, so as not to drink. To save a loved one, husband, son or mother from drunkenness, you will have to patiently follow all the recommendations. May his drunken illness and the damned disease pass away. I thank the Lord for leading us to faith through sorrows. in order to relieve a person of alcohol dependence and make sure that he does not drink, you need to believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy against alcoholism. How to get your husband to stop drinking?


The question of how to wean your husband from drinking is very complex and does not have a clear answer.

I ordered the Inexhaustible Chalice for a prayer service to the Mother of God. And he himself is glad that this miracle happened to him. 06/14/2000. Allahumma baariq lyanaa fikh, wa at" ymnaa khairan minkh. Most often, monastery tea is recommended for alcohol addiction, which Elena Malysheva talked about in the Health program. And while reading the akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, I realized that drunkenness and smoking the root (demon) is one, which takes over the will of a person.

If you have expressed a desire to cure yourself of alcoholism, you should serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, and Saint Boniface with the blessing of water. Every woman knows what is most valuable in her husband’s life. In order to defend a person before God, to give him a second chance at a full life, you need to pray for him with the whole family, and turn to the strongest martyr. Muslim prayers are the basis of a Muslim’s life

Also, unlike Muslim prayer, there are prayers in Islam (in Arabic they are called “dua”, and in Tatar – “doga”) - this is an opportunity to communicate with the Lord of the worlds. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help free your husband, son or other loved one from one of the most destructive addictions. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Love him even in his absence (mentally).

Below are examples of Muslim duas, most of which are taken from the Koran and Sunnah, as well as from sheikhs and auliya (close people - friends of Allah). To perform the ritual, you will need a bar of soap, which will then be used to wash your hands. I turned to you and my sisters with my misfortune, and the Lord helped us through your prayers. Before the tombstone of the Monk Varlaam, I asked the Rev. Father Varlaam to help me, including quitting smoking. To completely cleanse the soul and thoughts of the drinker, it is necessary to let the candles burn out to the end. This really helps, and “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is on everyone’s lips.

A woman who drinks regularly, even if it seems to her that she does not abuse alcohol, will not be able to rid her husband of drunkenness. Before the obligatory prayer there is a call to it - Azan. Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary.

And then I asked in our other churches, but they weren’t there and haven’t appeared for a long time. Alcoholism is a serious disease, so don’t just stop at a conspiracy against drunkenness. Be sure to consult a specialist, good luck to you! Traditionally, spells and prayers are used in folk medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. Doctors will help you find an approach to a man and return happiness to your home. Boniface.

Attention. Thank you for your support and patronage! Prayer from Natalia Stepanova for reconciliation with her son or daughter.

On top of that, by this time all the places where people sold heroin to our children had closed. Therefore, it is best to do the rituals of the Siberian healer, the rituals of Vanga and other prayers for treatment of alcoholism during these lunar phases. Lord have mercy. Thirdly, before you choose which prayer to read against drunkenness, take care of the details. Petitions are made for father and mother with lit candles. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. As you know, these truly powerful words can fight all difficulties and failures. After a month of prayer, the binges stopped, the son found a job, and arranged his personal life.” That's why I sent the power of attorney to my aunt. I am 50 years old, I smoked for 10 years.

Praying for my son in my own words, every time I began to get confused and remember my (!) sins, and meanwhile my son drank even more heavily. All the bottles that are there are ordered to be drunk no more. Together with the conspiracy, this will be a good option for help for a patient with alcoholism. Pray for your son with lighted candles while attending church in a similar way. * * * I, God’s servant Nina, would like to describe a miracle that happened to me after visiting the Vladychny Monastery in August 2000. Follow the same pattern and secretly add the charmed water to your son. By following these simple rules for performing rituals against alcoholism, you will be able to wean your son, husband or other relative from drinking alcoholic beverages and will do a good deed not only for the patient, but also for his entire family.

Water ritualMagical treatment of alcoholism may involve the use of ordinary water, which will need to be spoken with prayers. Thy will be done. I acknowledge the blessings You have given me and I acknowledge my sin. Ritual with a photo

Many conspiracies against alcohol involve the use of a photograph of the patient. So that the husband does not drink, the wife asks God morning, noon and evening, and does this openly and sincerely. After reading the conspiracy against drunkenness, the patient should be given water to drink.

Do not leave her in trouble and suffering and release all your punishments. In order for the husband and son to recover, qualified assistance from narcologists and psychologists is mandatory. Lately he has been drinking heavily every day. This is how much patience you must have so as not to break down yourself. For him to hear, you need to contact him, sincerely ask. * * * Around the end of the summer of 2002, my sister, RB Tatyana, and I were at your monastery at a service on the feast of the Mother of God. What you should not do is give the patient medications or folk remedies that cause an aversion to alcohol, without the patient’s knowledge. As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say these charming lines to yourself: Just as a living person is cold in the cold, so will a husband feel sick from drinking. How can I help my husband stop drinking?

Often men start drinking during difficult periods of life. Thy will be done. Using simple ingredients such as water, candles, wax, and soap, you can wean a loved one from drinking alcoholic beverages. Girls, don't have abortions. Order soracaust for him. This is a strong aid in speedy healing. Say: “You stand in my house, a bottle of wine.

Let it be so. The main disadvantage is that to remove the patient from this condition, it is necessary to visit the clinic. Let him feel sick with a sip, everything inside is spinning mercilessly. After each appeal to the face, you should cross yourself three times. This can be done at home or in church. During prayer, the believer must stand in the direction of the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba; clothing. Healing magic is very popular in modern society: various diseases and ailments can be overcome with the help of a simple spell, and treatment does not involve the use of any medications. At first a little bit, and then more and more.

How hard it is to live with a dear but drinking person. To treat with drugs, you can resort not only to medical drugs, but also to natural ones based on herbs. No one but him should touch this thing. And he started drinking. Reciting any incantations is allowed only after ablution. To solve a problem, you can turn a person to God. It is worth resorting to them if the disease progresses and you cannot cope with it on your own. Bring holy water with you. * * * Dear sisters of the monastery!

I am very grateful to you that you sent me the icon of the Mother of God of the Inexhaustible Chalice for blessing, I gave it to my son Anatoly and I am very happy for him that he now does not drink and works and everything is fine in the family. Dua to Allah should always be pronounced confidently, because we know: Allah created us and our difficulties, and He has the power to change this world and solve any problem without difficulty. At the very beginning, the performer will have to collect a broom from masculine trees in the nearest forest or grove: ash, oak, maple and any others. It wouldn’t hurt to order a prayer service or magpie for health. Having seen her, you should say in a clear whisper: “Just as a dead person should not be among the living, so my husband, the Servant of God (name) should not take drunken things into his mouth. The dog must not swim across the ocean, and the Servant of God (husband’s name) must not drink wine forever. That is why, when deciding to take such a step, take full responsibility and know that there will be consequences, but they depend on the correctness of your actions. The next morning I was given a letter from your monastery.

Preferably try Minimize contact with your husband’s drinking friends and try to keep him occupied as much as possible. It is used in a certain dosage, and when mixed in the body with alcohol, it causes attacks of nausea and vomiting. If this is not possible, tap water must be left in a dark place for seven days, after which it can be used for the ritual. God bless you, mother, for your work and your prayers. RB Marina, RB Tatyana.

If a wife understands that drunkenness is not just a whim and treats her husband with love, then the words acquire greater weight and effectiveness. Stars, pacify the Slave (name) from the sinner. The intensity of your desire should be very strong. Choose a suitable prayer

Almost every believing mother knows about the existence of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. The green serpent is capable of destroying the body in the shortest possible time, destroying the soul, thanks to its harmful influence, entire families are destroyed, terrible crimes are committed. First, visit an Orthodox Church and buy 13 candles. Muslim prayer read at the entrance to the house. Saying these words, the one entering greets the one in it:

PRAYER FOR SON. (video on the topic)

Bismil-lyahi valyajna, wa bismil-lyahi harajna va "alaya rabbinaa ta-vakkyalnaa. You should not experiment with healing magic and try out of curiosity, so that the consequences of these rituals are not the opposite.

O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will endow us with! Muslim prayer read in case of loss of any thing First, a ritual ablution is performed (taharat, abdest), after which one must perform two rakats of additional prayer and say: Bismil - lyah. Last year I had a correspondence with you. Now I was able to visit this monastery again and thank Mother Theotokos. And no matter what language you use to address the Creator, let your soul whisper in the language in which it is easiest for you to express yourself. I will speak to you so much that the Servant of God (name) will not want to drink anymore. Sunny, take away Slave (name)’s craving for alcohol. We separated from my ex-husband, who, being engaged in debauchery, did not want to leave and exchange the apartment, but wanted to drag me into the abyss of dirty deeds.

In your monastery we ordered magpies and gave the sick person water from prayer services. Therefore, for the sake of her son, the mother will have to know all these prayers by heart, turn to God’s help every day, and read with all her heart. Conspiracies against drunkenness Conspiracies differ from prayers in that they must be carried out together with certain actions.

Let him feel sick with a sip, everything inside is spinning mercilessly. Wait approximately 2 weeks. Help them, God's servant Bonifatius, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, establish their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their spiritual addiction, entailing excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, were honored with a shameless peaceful death, and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory, they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. * * * I, M.N.I. Born in 1952, living in Moscow, I have a son, Andrei, born in 1973, who has been addicted to wine since 1995. Other miracles* * * In August 2002, I was on an excursion while passing through the city. My father stopped drinking. But I felt that this was the last chance to remain human. To be honest, it is difficult to find a more effective product in terms of price/quality ratio.

Sometimes a man cannot cope with addiction on his own. The prayer of the Siberian healer is read over the prepared water: “How Jesus Christ did not know and did not know alcohol, How the Holy Mother of God and all the apostles did not drink alcohol, So that the servant of God (name) did not drink and did not drink. Your decision is unquestioningly carried out in relation to me and is fair. You should not burden your spouse with monotonous work; it is much better to come up with minor tasks of various types - from walking with the children to helping with homework. Strict adherence to all recommendations and unshakable faith in the result of the entire event - and your son, husband or other loved one can be saved.

What a wonderful feeling when your mind is not darkened and free! For me, it’s like I just graduated from school and my whole life is open to me! I once read that faith and healing are given to me now, I know that for sure! I praise and thank the Lord God, the Queen of Heaven for this monastery and St. Barlaam for the prayers for us sinners, for the corrections and healings given to us. After I tried Cahors, I began to increase the dose over time and returned to my previous binges. For mothers living with a son who drinks alcoholic beverages, in order for drunkenness and drunkenness to stop as quickly as possible, it is advisable to undergo baptism in the Orthodox Church, if this has not been done previously. Neither persuasion, nor tears, nor requests helped. For the prayer to work, the alcoholic must drink a glass of holy liquid every morning - this is not easy for a drinker.

I just ask you to pray not for someone who is sick from drinking wine, so that the Lord and the Queen will help in God-pleasing work. If the petition is carried out at home, then silence is an integral part of the prayer process. As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say to yourself these conspiratorial lines: I dare my husband from the cravings of alcohol and from an indecent life. Yaa haadiyad-dullyayal va raaddad-doollyati-rdud "alaiya dool-lyatii bi" izzatikya va sultaanik, fa innahaa min "atoikya va fadlik. Features of rituals of this type Alcoholism is rightfully considered one of the most terrible diseases of modern society. However, like other rituals of healing action require repetition. Do not leave a single sin that You would not forgive me, not a single anxiety from which You would not deliver me, and not a single need that, being correct, would not be satisfied by You.

Amen.”What outcome to expect? A correctly selected prayer, focusing on the desire for the son not to drink, will allow you to solve the problem in a short time. Help. Don’t think that reading the plot once will help. And I thought that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, would help in getting rid of smoking. Ritual on a towel

If your husband suffers from alcoholism, then you can solve the problem by using an anti-alcohol spell on a towel. The prayers of a mother, son and daughter who have started drinking and cannot get rid of such a destructive habit alone are considered especially powerful. I thank Mother Abbess Alexia and all the nuns who pray for all of us sinners. 04/17/2003. A strong conspiracy from a photograph for a husband against drunkenness. Reverend Varlaam, our father, pray for our souls to be saved! Marina. April 13, 2003 d. In addition to the conspiracy, for the Orthodox, it is good to go to the Temple and order a prayer service to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Xenia of St. Petersburg. Until a man sees the real negative consequences of his drinking, the arguments will not have an effect on him. Take off all your clothes.

Protective spell You can perform a magical ritual that will form a kind of shield around the body, protecting the physical and etheric body from negative influences. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. Prayer should be performed only in a clean, undefiled place (free from najasa - uncleanness); qibla.

If you ask for the healing of a man, read prayers on Tuesday, Thursday and Monday, if we are talking about a woman - on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. By pronouncing it, the performer seems to attach a bad habit to the deceased, who goes into the ground in order to bury her once and for all. But addiction to smoking is not only a sin, but also a demon that controls us - reading the brochure, I realized. January 31, 2003 I arrived in Serpukhov to the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent just in time for the akathist to be read before the icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice. Hear this prayer and save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. All skeptics should note that prayer for drunkenness acts as powerfully as medical coding for alcoholism.

Amen” In addition to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, the face of the Holy Matrona of Moscow is also capable of fighting alcoholism. So...Conspiracy for holy water This conspiracy should be performed only on the 19th. He will stop drinking forever, joy will come in his soul.

Often people try to help their loved ones with spells, and when everything works out, they joyfully tell people on every corner that magic works. Amen. This spell against drunkenness is quite strong, but if the situation does not improve, then repeat the reading of the words of the spell two weeks later on the same soap, if it is not completely used.

These methods help some, but other patients do not improve. It is best to use not tap water, but well or spring water. But I was not alone. You can make tea or coffee from this water. Even if there were alcoholic relatives in the family, it is still not only a genetic predisposition; there will always be a moment when a person lost his temper and started drinking for some reason. Holy water must be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

They take her with them and go to the cemetery. The release of works by the specified author without the permission of the publishing house is considered illegal and is punishable by law. Stock up on love, patience and kindness. Is your husband's mother a person of strong character?

Prayers against fornication (video on the topic)

If you answered yes to the last two questions, and I am sure that this is so, then we must admit that you do not have an answer to the first question. And then I go on maternity leave and my husband and I don’t have enough of his salary, and I started reading the akathist again, I read it for 40 days, and lo and behold, after a while my husband was promoted and his salary increased. This will not help your grief! Trust in God's help must be sincere. Conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness

Of course, drunkenness is one of the most terrible diseases of humanity. Conspiracies against drunkenness make up a large group of rituals and are very effective in the fight against this scourge. It is also necessary to create comfortable conditions and surround your loved one with care and attention. If this is not possible, you are allowed to pray almost anywhere, for example, at a university or in an office. I start with the name of Allah.

Amen." It is advisable to use a proven ritual that someone you know has successfully used. Spells on water or household items Magic works according to the same principle by which man was created according to natural science, it’s just that the time has not yet come to give it a scientific explanation. You need to pronounce words in complete silence, with pure ambassadors and an open heart. Forgive us, Lord, Your sinful and unworthy servants, honor us with Your mercy and Glory to You, Lord, for everything. The father turned out to be unnecessary.

Help with housing issues* * * I, God’s servant Anna, want to talk about the miraculous help of the Mother of God after praying in front of Her icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. By the way, if at the same time your husband is also fornicating, you can try to commit a conspiracy to remove your rival. It is difficult, but the result will exceed expectations. To stop binge drinking, you will need to cleanse the body and relieve hangover symptoms - all this can be done using the latest generation of pharmacological agents. You can call this doctor at home. I knew that punishment from the priest awaited me, that I was living in a civil marriage, and all the time I was thinking about confession and communion, but I understood that I would return to the old ways. If your husband continues to drink, try to talk to him again. How much effort must be expended in order to achieve results? The effect of prayers is almost instantaneous, but in order to consolidate the result obtained, a prayer for alcoholism must begin and end a new day. My recommendations: Become a woman.

Add a teaspoon (or even a tablespoon) of apple cider vinegar to all his dishes: soups, main dishes, tea, coffee. And may this cry of ours come, through Your prayers, to the throne of the Most High. Prayer for your husband’s drunkenness to Nicholas the Wonderworker Secluded in a cozy room, light church candles. If you are planning to carry out treatment and remove addiction from a person who does not want to recover, then he should also not know about the upcoming ritual. I couldn't meet you. If this data is not specified, then the plot must be read 3-5 times. Place the photo in front of you, sprinkle it with holy water and read the words of the spell three times. The better you can imagine a happy image of a child who has gotten rid of alcohol addiction, the better.

I had a dream that I was in church, and a kind priest who looked like St. Nicholas told me to buy an amulet with the image of this saint. It should be noted that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is the most powerful in the fight against addiction to alcoholic beverages. You are the leader in the family. 3. Stealthily pour a small amount of holy water into his drinks. It's difficult, but it's necessary. To read the plot, the wife needs to prepare in advance a bottle of that alcoholic drink that her husband especially likes and which he drank regularly in the past. O Almighty, make it blessed for us and feed us with what is better than this.

To fulfill this spell of the Siberian healer you will need a photograph of the patient, three church candles and holy water. Rituals against alcoholism begin to take effect almost immediately after completion. This is the only way the mother’s help will be felt for her son, the wife’s support for her drinking husband. What to do if alcoholism has overcome your husband? “Miracle Worker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Moscow. 03/23/2002. And if the spells are cast secretly, then you should not stop trying to clearly influence the alcoholic in order to convince him to be treated with medications.

Before this, go to the Orthodox Church for 12 candles. Thy will be done. Just as a fire glows brightly, just as candles burn to cinders, so my husband will give up alcohol and will not perish from the light first. Volzhsky. 2003 “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and prayer service are effective methods to stop your son and husband from drinking anymore.

This is very important for every person to finally take the righteous path of correction and repentance. Don’t lean against icons, don’t get ready to be baptized. Buy a new towel in the store and read the spell on the full moon: “I spell a new towel, clean and beautiful! So that, just as God’s servant wiped his hands with this towel, so he went into a new life! Without alcohol or other bad addictions, With pure thoughts and intentions!” When the towel is spoken, have the man wipe his hands with it and immediately put it away. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19 from drunkenness.

If a person values ​​his work, then it is possible to plot a significant relationship that could go to ruin due to the fact that the man drinks. Light all the candles. I was taken aback by her greatness and did not immediately kiss her hand, but she seemed to mentally say to me: Look, what pride! And also through the prayers of the Mother of God. 05/19/2001. Words must be spoken repeatedly and with an open heart. His birthday was June 11, and I was very afraid that he would get drunk, but they only drank a bottle of Cahors, which I gave him. If you are a loving wife, then I understand you perfectly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the enemy’s machinations, and in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us through the airy ordeals without stumbling, through prayers.” Closely watching how the flame glows, imagine a sober husband, building a solid brick wall between him and alcohol.

And since that time my son has not drunk. You should not experiment with healing magic and try it out of curiosity, so that the consequences of these rituals are not the opposite. If it is possible to attract a drinking person (son, husband) to the faith, then the martyr from alcohol addiction will suddenly receive insight and a new path will open. Such powerful tools should not be taken lightly.

If you pray to the icon every day, you will no longer want to drink. By turning to it daily, you can get rid of even the most severe addiction. Under no circumstances should you pronounce phrases in a hurry while thinking about something extraneous. I attended the Akathist of the Inexhaustible Chalice and from that time on I lost my craving for alcohol and, I don’t know which is worse, smoking, because I suffered from smoking for more than 20 years. What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking? Alcoholism is one of the most serious problems facing modern society. Your nearly two-year prayers and mine have been answered. Learn spells from sight, not from the monitor. If getting rid of a bad habit is carried out in relation to a man, then the slander should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

The most insidious thing about alcoholism is that you don’t die from it. As a rule, until the first “calls” appear, a man does not realize his problem. You know everything that is hidden from us. A popular question among wives of addicts: my husband drinks heavily, what should I do? The correct answer is to consult a narcologist. I could drink spring water, pure and cold, but I didn’t drink vodka or wine, I didn’t know! Amen!”Treating close relatives, husband or son in this way is considered very effective. When I arrived back home, my son was no longer a drug addict.

In 2001, he became a drug addict. Rodion. d. So, a person who has become a husband is good in himself and is simply spoiled by his addiction? It is important to understand that alcoholism is not a personal choice, but a serious disease. Earth, you are my mother, order me the servant of God (name), from this please take the good herb zarahel, for you Mother Earth to stand, and for me for slaves and slaves, to treat their drunkenness.

Do not ask questions through prayer. As you leave the walls of the Temple, turn around and say to yourself these charming lines: Just as a living person is cold in the cold, so will a husband feel sick from drinking. She shared her misfortune with Father Gennady and Deacon Dionysius. However, like other healing rituals, they require repetition. It is necessary to stand in front of the icon and sincerely read about the healing of your mother. It is important to approach solving the problem comprehensively, not limiting yourself to words.

The trial lasted 2.5 years, we were all very worried: whether we would go to jail or not, whether he would get drunk or not. A person (father, husband), if he wishes, can be pulled out of this state so that in the future he can return to a normal life. Allahumma jannibnash-shaitaane wa jannibish-shaitaana maa razaktanaa. Conspiracies against alcoholism, like any other magical rituals, have a number of features when carried out: rituals against drunkenness must be performed on certain days.

Among other things, in the temple you should purchase the icon “The Untrustworthy Chalice”, the face of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. I ordered a prayer service in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and a thanksgiving service to our Lord Jesus! The life of believers is full of miracles - this is the pure truth. So as not to drink, this is a strong prayer for a mother, husband, father and son, which helps to quickly get rid of alcoholism and get out of binge drinking. I broke off all relations with my mistress, stopped cheating on my wife, and in 2002 came to your monastery again. Drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages after coding can cause serious harm to the patient’s health. Practice shows that it is over this icon that mothers and wives most often pray, wanting to save their sons and loved ones from the problem of drunkenness. You can do a conspiracy against drunkenness using a photograph for yourself. Spell text on photo

Everyone knows what a disaster it is if a relative or loved one drinks. So, buy his favorite drink. It is advisable to pronounce the text of the conspiracy before sunrise or at sunset: “The church bell is ringing and ringing, the abbot cannot sleep since dawn.

Do not despair if changes do not yet occur, because healing a drinking soul is a long process. Spit over your left shoulder. For the ritual, it is better to use spring water, and if this is not available, then water from the tap should be infused in a dark place for several days. The ritual will work if you remember that magical influence is impossible without trust in the higher powers of light. Important: spells or prayers so that the husband does not drink should be kept secret from him.

You can read the conspiracy to stop your husband from drinking on your own or order it from a healer. If the husband is an alcoholic, then treatment can only occur with the consent of the patient, and many factors influence how recovery from addiction will proceed, and it would not be out of place if the wife secretly uses a conspiracy at home to make her husband stop drinking. Famous prayers

Saint Nicholas, archbishop, wonderworker, saint, - memory of December 19 (video on the topic)

Prayer to the Holy Mother of God: “Most Holy Mother of God, listen to my request, save my mother from the drunken Datura. It is recommended to read such prayers at dawn, when the house is a full cup. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen! Put out the candles.

Light 3 church candles and place them opposite the icons. Place a photo of your husband next to it. Amen" These words are read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Thyme is also used for alcoholism; it gives a stable, positive result in addiction treatment. My boyfriend and I lived in a civil marriage, before that I constantly went to church to confess and take communion and pray for my wife, and the Most Holy Theotokos, Quick to Hear, helped me meet my husband, but now about Nicholas... so I met my groom, I’ve long dreamed of love, oh happiness and fell in love so much that they began to live in a civil marriage, I was always against it, but the feelings were stronger, I just breathed it!

Of course, I went to church, but not to confession, but just to light a candle and pray. What kind of drinks does your spouse usually drink? Somehow, on the occasion of a holiday or having found the most convincing reason, treat him to a previously charmed drink. This prayer is so unique that it allows you to pacify the craving for alcohol even for a person with a chronic phase of addiction. Ask Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn away His mercy from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Lord, with the light of Your radiance preserve me in the morning, and at noon, and in the evening, and in the sleep of the future, and by Your power, thank me, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Do not abandon her in difficult times, misfortune and suffering; release the punishments. To perform the ritual, you will need a bar of soap, which will then be used to wash your hands. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down.

And here is another prayer with which you can turn to the Lord, begging him to grant you salvation. Before this, go to the Orthodox Church for 12 candles. During the waning month at sunset, light candles and place them in a row on the table. If the situation does not improve after a month, then it is best to do the ritual again, and you need to reuse the old photo. When you put away the towel, tie it in a knot with the words: “It will be this way, but no other way!” You need to store the enchanted towel in a secret place and under no circumstances ever untie the knot. If it runs out, use a new piece. It was he who blessed me for a pilgrimage trip to Serpukhov to the icon of the Mother of God of the Inexhaustible Chalice.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. May the water be glorified to them and may their faith remain forever. It should be read several times a day. Some of them are carried out only with the participation of the patient, while others require hidden influence on him - for example, giving him water to drink or carrying out some manipulations with personal belongings. If spells against binge drinking need to be done regarding a woman, then it is best to give preference to Saturday, Friday or Wednesday. But let's not talk about the worst, but immediately move on to the announced actions. There are also rituals performed based on the patient’s photo; a simple conspiracy that must be read in compliance with certain conditions can help. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You blow out the candles. Conspiracy to keep your husband from drinking (Effective) The problem of alcoholism today is recognized as one of the most serious problems that almost any woman faces. And, by the grace of God, I stopped smoking. strong prayers and other rituals against drunkenness should be done without anyone knowing about it. Just as a candle burns and melts, so the drinker begins to cry. The drinking mother will soon come to her senses if you patiently go through the difficult path to saving the most dear person on Earth. Alcoholism is a problem not only for the person who suffers from it, but also a problem for all his loved ones and relatives. Don't forget the Lord's Prayer. You can receive this task from a mother, especially since maternal love can work true miracles.

Thy will be done. Muslim prayer, if you want to repent of your sins, you should read with sincere repentance: Allahumma ante rabbi, laya ilyayahe illya ant, halyaktanii wa ana "abduk, wa ana "alaya "ahdikya va va"dikya mastato"tu, a"uuzu bikya min sharri maa sona "tu, abuu"u lyakya bi ni"matika"alaya va abuu"ulakya bi zanbii, fagfirlii, fa innehu laya yagfiruz-zunuube illya ant. I ask you all to support the servant of God Nicholas, so that he will strengthen himself on him. Astrakhan. After excursions went to the bell tower to the place of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, the group stood in front of the lattice doors to the bell tower, while singing the glorification of the Mother of God, three women from the group and a little girl felt warmth in their feet. There were a lot of problems. Akathist was read 3 times a day , 150 times in the morning prayer to the Mother of God and 40 times in the morning and 40 times in the evening.Husbands drink out of licentiousness and because of inherited tendencies.

Muslim prayers read when leaving the house Bismil-layah, tavakkyaltu "alal-laakh, wa laya havla wa laya kuvvate illya bill-layah. Prepare a vessel with holy water.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker Quit Drinking Spiridonushka, Father, help us in our endeavors, help us in the new business that we plan to stop drinking in this new year 2016, don’t leave us, support us, as you did before. I began to perform the morning and evening rule, once a month, to the Inexhaustible Chalice. My son Anatoly and I went to the convent on September 7, ordered a prayer service, held a prayer service with an akathist, took holy water, venerated the icon, and ordered ourselves a magpie for health.

That is why, if your son, husband or other loved one is faced with such a problem, then doing a ritual to avert alcohol or performing a ritual so that the patient stops drinking is the optimal solution, the consequences of which will help improve the life of not just one person, but the whole family. Text of the plot: “The herbs are ants, the trees are green, strong and fragrant! From now on you won’t see the golden sun, you won’t drink rain, you won’t rustle leaves. A person must have a sincere intention to perform prayer (niyat); sobriety of mind. I ordered a magpie for the sisters to read the psalter. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. Prayer to Jesus Christ “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy angels, the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other ethereal Heavenly powers, the holy prophet John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord, Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, St. Zo Sims and Savvatiya Solovetsky, the Venerable Seraphim the Wonderworker of Sarov, the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, the holy martyr Tryphon, the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints, help me, Your unworthy servant (name of the person praying), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and from evil people, may they not be able to cause me any harm. So, the conspiracy of Ibnu Alwan sounds like this: “Allahumma salliimnaa buumi valmundhiiri valkanuuni valbunduuki wassilaahi vanahvihaa muddata hayaaa tinaa, allahumaial kulla maa askhaabanaa minal-hadiido maaan saailan vamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa.” The faces of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona of Moscow and the “Inexhaustible Chalice” must be standing nearby. First I left the garages, and then the construction site.

When talking your husband out of drunkenness, do not tell him anything, hiding the magical act from others. So that nasty vodka doesn’t go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water comes into his mouth! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). It is this powerful liquid that is the main attribute of the church ceremony. O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. And she also left money for the next 40th.

There will be vomiting, hostility and fear of the potion. Concentration on the burning flame will help you with this. I also hope that it will help me get rid of the sin of smoking. It is better to carry out incantations to stop drinking several times. Although no one knew that I was drinking except my wife. Please don’t despair and don’t fall for the bottle yourself. When reading conspiracies and prayers for water, after each reading of the conspiracy you should gently blow on the water. A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink, the spouse will stop drinking in 13 days. The medicine constantly enters the blood in small quantities. Let the noxious smell make him feel bad, and the sip make him sad.

Concentration on the burning flame will help you with this. I send the lapel to a drinking session and a noisy party. Amen. Ritual on a towel If your husband suffers from alcoholism, then you can solve the problem by using an anti-alcohol ritual on a towel. And never, never insult or reproach a man! Change and your husband will make you happy. Less than a month later, they called me from the Urals and said that they had bought my apartment. And even when a person stops drinking, you should not tell him or others about the ritual performed. She prayed, reading an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for 4 hours a day, and so on for 40 days in a row. Some rituals may require the use of photography.

But there are many other drugs that need to be selected strictly on an individual basis, taking into account all the features sick. As you are our Master Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Your Servant (husband’s name). At the liturgy and prayer service, we tearfully asked the Mother of God to correct my dear nephew Alexei, to save him from drunkenness, prison, trial and investigation. I won’t even separately emphasize the importance of a sober lifestyle. All the people left the temple, but the icon case still stood. Inga, 31 years old: “My father drank, and the whole family suffered from his drinking. You will have to pray intensely and often visit the Orthodox Church. Take the cinders to the trash.

Getting a divorce and forgetting about your unlucky spouse is the easiest way out of the situation, but why not at least try to save the marriage and help the person closest to you recover? There are many ways to stop your husband from drinking alcohol. That’s how it happened, no one knew what icon would be in this icon case, but the Mother of God had already healed the man. For the evil indulgences and for all the humiliation, forgive me. Specialized medical clinics successfully cope with alcohol addiction. Spell on a towel Take a drunkard's towel, wash it thoroughly, dry it outside in the fresh air and give it to him, but so that no one else uses it.

If you ask at home, then the face of Jesus Christ, Motrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, as well as the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” should be placed around. And let him eat honey more often. They are able to overcome even the most advanced cases. So who can be entrusted with such an important mission to pull a person, for example, a father, from the abyss?

Prayer for alcoholism and schizophrenia on a scarf (video on the topic)

Saints against alcoholismPrayers against drunkenness are well known to the adult generation; for example, fathers and mothers can read them to protect their troubled children. I speak, I conjure! So that just as you wash your hands, you forget your addiction. First of all, I express my deep gratitude to you and the sisters entrusted to you for your prayers for my son Alexander. To decide means to find an approach to your husband in order to act on the psyche, and not just on the body with the help of drugs.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker For prayer to have an effect and discourage a person from drinking, you must sincerely believe in what is said, rely only on yourself. By the grace of God and your prayers, my son took the righteous path.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not drink, the spouse will stop drinking in 13 days | Prayers and spellsOnly 13 days you will need for your husband to stop drinking forever. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help free your husband, son or other loved one from one of the most destructive addictions. I prayed that the Lord and the Queen of Heaven would instruct me to leave work. In an open field, in the blue sea and a key and a lock.” Don't give up, even if there are no visible changes. Don't ask questions by prayer. Among them are prayers for good luck.

Place a photo of the patient in front of you and sprinkle the photo with holy water with the words: “Lord God, Holy, help me! I want to remove the dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy against drinking, wean him off drinking, win him away from alcohol. And he hasn’t drunk for about a month. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Prayer for drunkenness to the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. If you are a son or a daughter, then turn to the Virgin Mary with a prayer. Conspiracies against alcoholism 1. Moreover, he worked as a foreman at a commercial construction site, the high salary contributed to him being drawn into this terrible illness. Send Heavenly Light, Lord, I have no joy in life anymore.

If nothing changes, repeat all occult activities again, waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon. If Rustam and I are destined to be together. get married and have kids. help.. send me a sign. Amen". Free sun, rise into my yard; and in my yard there are no animals or people. Amen” You should ask for your son with lit candles. The prayer must be read while standing over the sleeping patient. But I want to turn him away from the potion. Subsequently, coffee or tea is prepared from it, and the drinks are given to the patient.

If a woman knows how to convince her husband to stop drinking, she can start taking medications that reduce cravings for alcohol. In the name of Almighty Allah! I trust only in Him. So that every time a bad thought comes to you, you forget it, you hate vodka! Amen!” You need to repeat the words of the prayer nine times. strong prayers and other rituals against drunkenness should be done without anyone knowing about it. I sincerely express my gratitude to the sisters and all those serving for the glory of our Lord in the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent of the City. And if you do not listen to me, damned wine, you will no longer live here freely. If getting rid of a bad habit is carried out in relation to a man, then the slander should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Amen!"

You need to repeat the words of the prayer against this addiction three times, after which the photo must be put away in an inaccessible place. After all, it so often happens that a wife begins to drink alcohol, looking at her lost husband. Strong prayers for deliverance from drunkenness, 3 prayers against drunkenness | Prayers and conspiracies I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for deliverance from drunkenness, addressed to the Holy Saints. The more clear and simple the message, the better the result you should expect. This ritual will help wean your loved one from drinking and save him from alcoholism. I realized that God will help anyone who really wants to get rid of sin and addiction, just ask. You can help your loved ones with conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness, just be sure to adhere to the rules below. To read namaz, the following conditions must be met: ritual purity.

All words must be pronounced clearly and out loud. This is a difficult matter, but possible if Fine know your husband or spend effort to understand why he started drinking. And I went. We recommend reading:

Articles on the topic: Mother's prayer against her son's alcoholism Problems, misfortunes, grief are an integral part of human life. A person in a state of defilement must perform a ritual ablution (full or partial, according to the degree of defilement); a clean place.

Before you start, understand the following rules: Do everything exactly according to the instructions Don’t forget a single step Don’t quit what you started halfway. Let's try to use conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness - one of the most terrible “scourges” of humanity. Then the spell will work as a voice of conscience, asking a person not to drink alcohol, because it can bring grief to loved ones. But, before reading the prayer to the Mother of God and the martyr Boniface, you need to prepare holy water for yourself. If your husband comes drunk, then you should act more carefully and in no case raise a scandal. If pray at home, nothing should distract you from your thoughts.

Conspiracy for husband's drunkenness. Strict adherence to all recommendations and unshakable faith in the result of the entire event - and your son, husband or other loved one can be saved. Andrei, rector of the Church of the Intercession on the Moat (I go to this temple), and he gave his blessing to write to you.

They carefully examine the situation, trying to determine what needs to be changed in the relationship so that peace and tranquility come to the spouses’ home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages! Amen! The exclusive right to publish books N. He could drink spring water, clean and cold, but he didn’t drink vodka or wine, he didn’t know! Amen!"

Treating close relatives, husband or son in this way is considered very effective. If possible, righteous Muslims should strive to pray in a mosque. It is very important to ensure that the person drinks it completely. Stop teaching him - he is smarter than you. I sent some to Togliatti and will send more to Makhachkala. Some rituals may require the use of photography. If spells against binge drinking need to be done regarding a woman, then it is best to give preference to Saturday, Friday or Wednesday.

Prayer of drunkenness and every passion (video on the topic)

If you still cannot get rid of alcoholism, it is additionally important to take communion, repent, and trust in the Holy Mother of God. Amen. Since February 1, every time after smoking a cigarette, I asked God to help me quit smoking, and at night I smeared myself with oil. The greatest effect is achieved by methods based on sewing ampoules with drugs under the skin. As soon as the husband drinks some water, his drunkenness will immediately stop. Possess him dead and wean him from drinking heavily. There are no statistics of deaths from alcohol or smoking, but this could terrify and discourage many patients. Wrap the photograph in a spell and hide the bag away.

With God's help, a once-drinking person has a real chance to return to worldly life and get rid of alcohol addiction. No one but him should touch this thing. Likewise, the Servant of God (husband’s name) should not drink wine either in the morning, or during the day, or at night! Amen!"

An important condition when casting a spell over alcoholic beverages is that the wife, who wants her beloved husband not to drink, is herself absolutely sober. Light all the candles. The above is described in detail and very clearly. I am very sinful before the Lord. During the waning month at sunset, light candles and place them in a row on the table. It is especially difficult when mothers are faced with their son’s alcoholism. It is important to understand that everyone is equally susceptible to drunkenness, and your child is no worse or better than others. These may include injuries due to alcohol intoxication, loss of valuables, damage to a car or other property, problems at work, or serious health problems. Near put decanter with holy water.

This is the organization of recreation, a reminder of an abandoned hobby, the introduction of family traditions and the search for new hobbies. Serpukhov. First, read the following conspiracy over the water: “Just as Jesus Almighty did not know wine, did not accept it, just as the Most Holy Theotokos did not drink vodka, just as the Holy Saints did not touch alcohol, so you, the Servant of God (name), will turn away from him and turn to him more you won't touch it.

Extinguish the candles and discard the stubs. Forgive me for my evil indulgences and for all humiliations. My boy is 9 years old. It is best to pray to both the Lord God and St. Spyridon, since it is St. Spyridon who helps most quickly in financial and housing issues. If a woman decides to fight for her family, she should be patient.

Now the trial and investigation are over, and Alexey does not drink. Men's days for utterances Spells Spells as active forces in magic have a number of features that involve the execution of a ritual. This must be done once every 10 days. Banish all extraneous thoughts. Using a very powerful prayer for drunkenness should remain a secret for the rest of your life. I am filled with joy that your prayers and my prayers and tears were heard by the Lord and the Queen of Heaven! My son leads a sober lifestyle. And I really hope that you will be able to save your loved ones from drunkenness not only through prayer, but also through your own faith in holy Orthodoxy. If drinking is prevented, as a rule, a man becomes aggressive and refuses to listen to even the most calm and logical arguments, not to mention shouting and scandals.

When in August 2002 I was at the Optina Pustyn courtyard in Moscow, a woman unexpectedly came up to me and said that in Serpukhov there was a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, which helps not only in healing from the disease of drunkenness, but also helps in solving apartment problems. question. The inexhaustible prayer against drunkenness has been passed on from mouth to mouth for many years; moreover, it has helped more than one generation in the fight against such a destructive habit. You will talk to the drinker at the most appropriate time, when your husband is not at home. The healing liquid should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. O holy one of God! Just as through your prayer wine was increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessedly, reduce it where it causes harm, deliver from addiction to it the servants of God (names) who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine, heal them from a serious illness, free from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them weak strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in order to show that Azan is a manifestation of piety, said: “If the time for prayer has come, let one of you read the Azan to you.”

Even if an alcoholic wants to stop drinking, he cannot cope with this “serpent” on his own. * * * Svetlana is writing you a letter from Pyatimors

Prayers for drunkenness and alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that affects both the patients themselves and their loved ones. A person stops living a normal life, he degrades - he loses his job, family and himself as a person. It’s painful to watch, especially if he is your father, son or husband, so your relatives are looking for different methods to get rid of this disease. Prayers help many people.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”

The prayer said in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon has enormous power, which must be read for 5 weeks on men’s days to the eldest woman in the family.

“Oh, Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us: wives, children, mothers and those obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, the orphaned and wretched, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer before the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon for my son’s alcoholism

The mother of the drinker must get up at dawn and pray in all four directions. Then take a photo of the alcoholic and apply it to your left breast. Now you can read the prayer:

“Our most blessed Queen, our hope, Most Holy Theotokos, friend of the orphaned and strange, Intercessor, help for the needy and protection for the embittered. See our misfortune, see our sorrow: we are overwhelmed by temptations everywhere, but there is no intercessor. You Yourself, help us as we are weak, nourish us as we are strange, guide us as we are lost, heal and save us as we are hopeless. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all the sorrowful and burdened. Look upon us, sinners and those in bitterness, cover us with Your Honest Omophorion. May we be delivered from the evils that have befallen us, especially drunkenness. May we always praise Your Most Holy Name. Amen".

The photo should be wrapped in a white scarf and hidden in a secluded place. Read this prayer for 40 days without unfolding the scarf.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from her husband's drunkenness

If the head of the family starts drinking the bottle, then this is a disaster for everyone - both for the wife and for the children, who constantly see the father in a terrible state. Therefore, the spouse should, starting from the first day of the month, pray daily to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, secluded in the room in which to light the church candle purchased on Thursday. Place icons of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker near her. Behind them, place a glass container with water collected on the holy holiday; it will need to be added to the drinker’s food. Read the prayer three times.

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libations. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drink without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen".

Then go to church and order a magpie for your husband’s health. The course of treatment is 40 days, so the enchanted water needs to be extended over this period.

Prayer to the Lord God against my son’s drunkenness

For every mother, her child will always be the best, so it is difficult for her to endure such grief when he begins to drink too much. To rid her son of alcoholism, the mother must perform such a ritual. Collect water from three different sources and say the following prayer over it:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. Forgive me for my evil indulgences and for all humiliations. Eliminate addiction vile and bring upon your son a daring will. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. May the water be glorified to them and may their faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen".

Pray with a lit church candle. Then go to church and light a candle for health at the icon of the Virgin Mary. Do this for 10 days, and during this time add the charmed water to the alcoholic’s food and drink. He may feel unwell - nausea, dizziness, etc. But don’t worry, this condition will pass quickly, but it will scare the drinker.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for father's drunkenness

If there is a tragedy in the family - the father takes to drinking, then it is the children who suffer first of all. It is they who can turn to Matrona of Moscow for help, who will always come to the rescue. You need to get up at dawn on the day of your father’s birthday week and say these words, looking at the lit church candle:

“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my trouble (name of the person asking). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (father’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Put out the candle and hide it until next week. Do this for 8 weeks.

Prayer for father's drunkenness

“Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal merriment. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen".

Leave without turning around and without talking to anyone until you get home. On this day, do not give anything to anyone, it is advisable not to even take out the trash. Repeat the ritual 9 times.

Prayers against alcoholism

Alcoholism is a huge grief that affects almost all families of our vast country. Unfortunately, many simply do not know how to deal with this terrible disease. It should be noted that the effectiveness of prayers for drunkenness is no less than for medications. Therefore, along with medical therapy, you should regularly attend church and turn to God.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen"

This strong prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Words must be spoken repeatedly and with an open heart. After each appeal to the face, you should cross yourself three times.

At the same time as reading prayers for alcoholism, do not forget to attend church and submit notes about the health of the sick person.

It should be noted that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is the most powerful in the fight against addiction to alcoholic beverages.

What to do if alcoholism overcomes your husband?

These words are read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If the petition is carried out at home, then silence is an integral part of the prayer process. Among other things, in the temple you should purchase the icon “The Untrustworthy Chalice”, the face of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. Light 3 church candles and place them opposite the icons. Place a decanter of holy water nearby. It is this powerful liquid that is the main attribute of the church ceremony.

To carry out a prayer aimed at combating your husband’s alcoholism, you should carefully look at the carafe of water.

At the same time, do not forget to attend church, pray in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and submit health notes once every 10 days.

The charmed water should be added to the husband's food and drinks secretly.

How to stop your son from drinking?

Prayer to Saint Boniface the Merciful:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen"

Another prayer against alcohol addiction directed to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For the evil indulgences and for all the humiliation - forgive me. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen"

You should ask for your son with lit candles. In addition to the icon of the Martyr Boniface the Merciful and Jesus Christ, acquire the face of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice”, St. Nicholas the Pleasant and the Matrona of Moscow. Proceed according to the same scheme - secretly add the charmed water to your son.. Do not despair if changes do not yet occur, because healing a drinking soul is a long process. Stock up on love, patience and kindness.

Believe me, these prayers for alcoholism are unique in their kind. They are able to overcome even the most advanced cases.

What if the disease of drunkenness seized the father, mother?

This prayer is read in front of the icon of St. Laurus and Florus. The faces of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona of Moscow and the “Inexhaustible Chalice” must be standing nearby. Petitions are made for father and mother with lit candles. To completely cleanse the soul and thoughts of the drinker, it is necessary to let the candles burn out to the end.

Another prayer against the alcoholism of the mother and father before the face of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary. Hear this prayer and save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. Do not leave her in trouble and suffering and release all your punishments. Have mercy and send salvation from reckless drunkenness. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. Thy will be done. Amen"

These words are powerful. Read them daily and with faith.

How to cure yourself from drunkenness?

Prayer to St. Moses Murin against alcoholism

“Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but, horrified by your sins, you grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your former iniquities and in difficult feats of fasting and prayer, you spent your days until your death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles. Oh, reverence, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servants of God who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction by the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, holy Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, will not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, perishing from the passion of excessive wine drinking, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, for we all, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours. Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions, deliver them from the harm of excessive wine drinking, so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the Savior The All-Good God is always His creation, and to Him belongs glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen"

This prayer is read in front of the icon of Saint Moses Murin. If you ask at home, then the face of Jesus Christ, Motrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, as well as the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” should be placed around. Don't forget about candles - they should become the main attribute when asking for a cure. You should ask for yourself to get rid of alcohol addiction every day and several times. You need to pronounce words in complete silence, with pure ambassadors and an open heart.

If you have expressed a desire to cure yourself of alcoholism, you should serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, and Saint Boniface with the blessing of water. Holy water must be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. The healing liquid should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

At night, prayers against drunkenness should be performed several times in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It is this powerful face that can help a patient fight against alcoholism.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness

In addition to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, the face of the Holy Matrona of Moscow is also capable of fighting alcoholism. By turning to it daily, you can get rid of even the most severe addiction.

When making petitions to God's Martyrs, try to concentrate on every word. Under no circumstances should you pronounce phrases in a hurry while thinking about something extraneous. This will not help your grief! Trust in God's help must be sincere. All words must be pronounced clearly and out loud. And faith that the Lord will help must be complete.

Don't forget the Lord's Prayer. It should be read several times a day. As you know, these truly powerful words can fight all difficulties and failures.

Happiness to you and your family!

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December 19, 2017 2nd lunar day – New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Strong Orthodox prayer for husband's drunkenness

Most women in our vast homeland have to deal with their spouse’s alcohol addiction. A destructive addiction to alcohol is a huge problem that can unsettle anyone, especially if all means to eliminate it have already been tried, but there has been no result. A strong Orthodox prayer against a husband’s drunkenness often becomes the last saving straw for wives who want to pull their life partners out of the suffocating noose of the green serpent.

The role of Orthodox prayer in the fight against alcoholism

It is not for nothing that the symbol of alcoholism is the green serpent. According to the Bible, it was the serpent who once acted as the tempter and directed humanity onto the path of sin. And the fruits of this are being reaped to this day. An example of this is widespread drunkenness, which has captured and ruined many good and kind human souls in its tenacious clutches.

Alcoholism does not even think of stopping its hunt for souls and continues to doom people to suffering. Moreover, it is unknown to whom else drunkenness causes more grief - the alcoholics themselves, or their relatives and friends. I sincerely feel sorry for those courageous, patient and at the same time unhappy women who have to carry a heavy cross in the form of a drunkard spouse.

Passion for alcohol over time takes away everything human from a person and turns him into a weak-willed and cruel animal. The alcoholic does not notice anything except his addiction, which is gradually killing him. He does not want to admit his illness (and this is nothing more than a disease of the soul), he does not want to be treated. In such cases, sometimes faith in God becomes the only way out of the situation.

A person who sincerely believes in the Lord will always be able to overcome hopelessness and despondency (and they invariably follow any drunkard), will be able to find peace of mind and rise to a level that will allow him to win victory on the green serpent. A powerful and effective means on the path to this victory is Orthodox prayer against drunkenness.

Icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and a strong prayer against drunkenness

Drunkenness has a detrimental effect on all aspects of the human personality: it exhausts the body, damages the mind, and destroys the soul. The Orthodox Church interprets alcoholism as a demonic influence and believes that it requires special help. To provide this help, the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is most often used, in front of which a prayer for drunkenness is said.

The image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” differs from other icons of the Mother of God in that on it the Mother of God does not hold the Baby in her arms, but extends them over the sacred Chalice of the Lord’s Communion, in which the Baby Jesus is located. This cup has the amazing property of giving a person joy and consolation, and quenching his spiritual thirst.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” is addressed to the face of the Mother of God with a request to heal relatives and friends from drunkenness. The prayer with which it is customary to appeal to this icon for deliverance from alcoholism sounds like this:

This prayer, which can help save a husband, son and other relatives from drunkenness, is one of the most powerful and effective. It must be said several times and, preferably, with the blessing of the priest.

It is necessary to offer prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon sincerely, with an open heart. While reading it, it is also recommended to undertake a feat in the form of a strict fast of 40 days. Be sure to regularly visit the temple all this time and submit notes on the health of a person obsessed with alcohol addiction.

From the history of the appearance of the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

The prototype of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” appeared to the Orthodox world in 1878.

In the Efremov district of the Tula province lived a drunkard peasant. Possessed by the green serpent, he drank away all the property in his house and came to a miserable existence. Because of alcohol, his legs were paralyzed, but he did not give up his habit. Exactly until he had a dream in which an old man appeared to him and suggested to him a remedy for healing from a destructive addiction: go to Serpukhov, to the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, find there the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and serve a prayer service in front of it. However, the peasant did not dare to follow the elder’s advice - because of his sore legs and lack of outside help.

The dream was repeated 2 more times, the third time the old man in it already gave the drunkard a threatening order. Frightened by him, the peasant set off on the road on all fours, stopping along the way in one village for the night. The old woman, whose guest the traveler was, saw his suffering, took pity on him and rubbed his feet at night and put him to sleep on the stove. At night, the peasant felt relief, was able to get up, and then continued his journey on his feet, first leaning on 2 sticks, then on just one.

Having reached Serpukhov, he came to the indicated monastery and told about his dreams, but it turned out that no one had heard about the image of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Then someone suggested looking at the icon hanging in the passage from the church to the sacristy - what if this is it? Having examined the icon, everyone was extremely surprised to see the inscription “Inexhaustible Chalice” on its reverse side. And in the old man from his dream, the peasant recognized the man who built this monastery - Father Varlaam.

The face of the Mother of God was immediately taken to the temple and a prayer service was served in front of it. The peasant returned home completely healthy - on healthy legs, cured of his craving for alcohol.

The news about the newly appeared icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the peasant’s miraculous recovery very soon spread beyond the monastery. Suffering people began to flock to the image of the Mother of God from everywhere. They offered their prayers to her, asking for deliverance from drunkenness, and were convinced of her mercy and miraculousness.

Other prayers for husband’s drunkenness - effective and proven

A prayer against a husband’s drunkenness can be addressed not only to the image of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”. With a request to help her husband cope with his harmful addiction, a wife can turn to:

  • Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Powerful prayer against her husband’s drunkenness to Matrona of Moscow

Prayers for healing from addiction to alcohol, addressed to Saint Matronushka, have enormous miraculous power and help to cope with even the most severe forms of alcohol addiction.

The text of the petition, which is erected before the face of the Matrona of Moscow in order to receive assistance in the fight against the green serpent, reads like this:

A prayer against drunkenness directed to Matronushka can be read both in church and at home. It is important that it, like all prayers for alcoholism, is said regularly.

Prayer for husband’s alcoholism to Nikolai Ugodnik

Another strong prayer for a husband’s drunkenness is to turn to God’s Pleasant Nicholas. The prayer process can be carried out in a temple or at home.

Home use of the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker against alcoholism requires a special ritual, for which you must purchase:

  • icons: St. Nicholas the Pleasant , The Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” , Lord Jesus Christ , Holy Matrona of Moscow. In general, these icons should be in any house where there is a person addicted to alcohol;
  • 3 church candles;
  • holy water.

Nicholas the Pleasant needs to conduct a prayer ceremony at home in absolute silence. Procedure:

  1. Place all the icons on the table.
  2. Light 3 candles in front of the images and place a container of holy water next to them.
  3. Peering into the vessel with consecrated water, say the text of the prayer against drunkenness to St. Nicholas the Pleasant:

Let the candles burn out completely.

During the ritual, the consecrated water receives a healing charge from prayer. The charmed liquid should be regularly added to your husband’s food and drinks - so that he does not notice or suspect anything.

An indispensable condition for this prayer ritual is daily visit to the temple for a 10-day period. On each of these 10 days, you need to pray to the holy elder and submit notes about the health of a person suffering from alcoholism.

Listen also to prayers against drunkenness in this video:

Any prayer against drunkenness must be said sincerely, with the prayer’s concentration on every word. At the moment of turning to higher powers, you need to think only about the problem (your husband’s drunkenness - in this case) and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. The text should be spoken in a whisper or out loud, clearly and clearly, with expression. There must also be a deep faith in the help of God and His saints.

My husband used to drink heavily all the time. They treated him in a drug treatment clinic, but it was difficult to persuade him to go there. At the same time, she went to church secretly from him and prayed in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. With God's help and the help of doctors, we were able to overcome alcoholism. Now he doesn’t even drink on holidays.

My father has been drinking for several years, and stubbornly refuses to get treatment and code. There is no strength to see how his mother suffers next to him... Thank you very much for your prayers! I’ll definitely tell you and show my mom.

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