Master class "gold mines". Master class "gold mines" Game "Fairytale riddles"

The reading program for elementary school provides that children in the 4th grade get acquainted with the works of Leo Tolstoy, reflect on the human actions of the heroes of the fable “Two Comrades” and look for the answer to the question of what is the main idea of ​​the fable “How a Man Removed a Stone.” These works are small in volume, but deep in content; they teach children to think about how to act correctly.

The moral of this story is

Why are fables studied? What it is? Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova defines a fable as “a short allegorical moralizing story.” Getting acquainted with this genre, children learn to understand its features, the main one of which is the presence of morality. What is it and what is meant by this word?

The fable not only makes fun of shortcomings and vices, but also forces one to draw some instructive conclusion about how one should (or should not) act. A story about some rules of behavior or communication, the author’s instructions constitute morality. For example, 4th grade children, in search of morality, must answer the question of what is the essence of L. Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” or “Two Comrades.”

Features of the fable genre

A fable can be recognized not only by the presence of a moral; it also has other distinctive features. It is always a short story that is entertaining and interesting. The author manages to present a deep instructive story in an easy, concise form. For example, the events themselves and the main idea of ​​Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” are expressed in just eight sentences. The small volume makes the work accessible to children; they read, analyze and retell it. Tolstoy uses the genre form of fable to express his thoughts; morality is expressed not by specific teachings, but allegorically. The reader must draw a conclusion for himself.

Fables have few descriptions and a lot of dialogue. This is how the “vitality” of the situation presented is achieved. The main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” lies in three statements by different people on the same issue. Each of the characters gave the answer that they considered necessary, and the conclusion was suggested to the reader by the author in the last sentence.

A fable usually has several characters, each of which carries some kind of semantic meaning. In one of the fables studied by fourth-graders, these are two comrades, in another, two learned engineers and one simple man. The behavior or statement of one of the characters usually expresses the main idea. Tolstoy's fables “How a Man Removed a Stone” and “Two Comrades” are a vivid example of this.

The main idea of ​​one of the fables is expressed by a comrade abandoned in trouble to his “friend,” who at a difficult moment chose to flee, leaving his partner in danger. The main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” was expressed by the author, but the bearer of the original idea for getting rid of a stone is a simple man who, by the way, embodies this idea, for which he receives a well-deserved reward.

The difference between the fables of Krylov and Tolstoy

In his works, Ivan Andreevich Krylov often makes animals, fish, and birds heroes, ridiculing human vices through their behavior. Of course, there are human characters in his fables. Leo Tolstoy expounds his teachings through the mouths of people; his fables are like short stories, incidents taken from life.

For his fables, Ivan Andreevich Krylov chose a poetic form; in Leo Tolstoy, the main idea of ​​the fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” and the fable “Two Comrades” is expressed in prose. Krylov's fables present to our attention comical situations; humorous characters end up in trouble because of their shortcomings.

Leo Tolstoy, without departing from the natural tone of the narrator of an everyday situation, creates for readers a terrible picture of a comrade left to be devoured by a bear or a city street in the middle of which lies a stone, which only a savvy man can remove.

Are fables needed today?

The fables were written by Leo Tolstoy a long time ago, many years ago. Do modern people who use taps, navigators, computers and mobile phones need them today? Does the main idea teach them anything? The fables “How a Man Removed a Stone” and “Two Comrades” make you think and be smart, be kind and value friendship, and not abandon a friend in trouble. And in our century there are many human vices, so instructive stories - fables - are more relevant than ever; a person needs them for self-development, to become better, to get rid of bad qualities. A fable is an opportunity to see yourself from the outside and work on your shortcomings.

Everything ingenious is simple

Tolstoy's fables are similar to folk tales; they are close to folk wisdom, expressed in short sayings and proverbs. You can pick up sayings in Russian folklore that explain what the main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” is. For example, “Where an ax doesn’t take you, ingenuity will take you.”

Leo Tolstoy, with the help of a short story, conveys to the reader the idea that in any business you need to be smart, then the most difficult task will become easy to accomplish.

Reading Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone,” a person understands that in any matter it is necessary to consider several possible solutions. These methods can be expensive and unsafe. For example, one of the engineers suggested that it would be rational to blow up a stone, but in this case city buildings could be damaged.

A simple man turned out to be smarter than the learned engineers, proposing a simple way - to dig a hole in the square. Contrasting folk ingenuity and everyday experience with rational scientific methods, Tolstoy shows that sometimes it is not worth complicating the task too much and it is worth paying attention to the search for the shortest and simplest way to solve the problem.

The wonderful world of classics.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, “How a man removed a stone.”


Many wonderful books
Books that are smart, interesting,
Exciting, funny
In cities, towns, villages...
You're going to the library
To read more,
A real person
Books help you become.

Today we will study Leo Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone.” Let’s remember what a fable is, what its features are, and draw up a plan for the work. Let's try to determine the moral of this fable and work on proverbs.

What is a fable?
This is the definition given by Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary:

1. A short allegorical moralizing story, poem.

2. Usually fiction, fabrication, empty talk (from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov)
- What is the peculiarity of the fable? ( That there is morality.)
- What other features of the fable do you know?

-an interesting short entertaining story;

-few descriptions;

-lots of dialogues;

-there are usually several heroes;

-the main character expresses the main idea;

-heroes are animals, plants, things, birds, fish, people;

- human vices are ridiculed.

-short narrative in poetry or prose;
- presence of morality;
- comedy;
- instructiveness;

What is commonly understood by the word morality? (An instructive conclusion, instruction, some rules.)

What do fables make fun of?








What do fables teach?


-hard work







-gain knowledge

You and I know that the fables were written more than 150 years ago, why should we children of the 21st century, in the age of mobile communications, computerization, study the work of Krylov, his fables?

Yes, because even now there are human vices and his fables are more relevant than ever to improve one’s traits. Look at yourself from the outside and get rid of your shortcomings.

A fable is a fictitious incident, an invention, a story for the sake of a catchphrase. An allegorical, instructive narrative, a parable, where it is customary to depict animals, and even things, in words; lies, idle talk. For example: It’s too much to say, get down to business (from V. Dahl’s dictionary)

Where did fables come to us from?

A little history

The fable genre has its roots in the folklore of many peoples. Scientists attribute the first written signs of “fable” to Sumerian-Akkadian texts.

The fable acquires a stable genre form in Greek literature. The most prominent representative of this time is the semi-legendary Aesop (6th century BC). .

The first who began to use the technique of allegory, and allegory is when animals are depicted, but people are meant, was Aesop.

He lived in Ancient Greece about 3000 years ago, Aesop was a slave and could not openly laugh at people with power, he told stories that allegedly happened to animals. And although everyone understood that we were talking about people, no one could blame Aesop for tracking down the unsightly actions of a certain person.

Until now, allegorical speech is called Aesopian language. By reading fables, we will learn to understand Aesop's language. Many of Aesop's fables became known to Russian readers thanks to Krylov's translations. He endowed them with Russian traits, put Russian folk speech into their mouths.

In Russia, the main stages in the development of the fable genre were the fables of M.V. Lomonosov and A.D. Kantemir, the amusing fable of A.P. Sumarokov, the didactic fable of I.I. Khemnitser, the graceful fable of I.I. Dmitriev, the slyly wise one of I.A. Krylova, colorful everyday life by A.E. Izmailova.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy also wrote a fable. And as A.M. said Gorky: “Without knowing Tolstoy, you cannot consider yourself to know your country, you cannot consider yourself a cultured person.”

Listen to a recording of Leo Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone.” Try to determine the moral of this fable. Please note that there is a question in the title of the fable. Try to understand How the man did it.

Vocabulary work

Engineer - specialist with higher technical education.
Powder - explosive compound or mixture.
Big skating rink - machine for compacting and compacting soil,
Artifice - fiction, invention.

Reading with commentary
Read part 1. (In a square in one city there was a huge stone. The stone took up a lot of space and interfered with driving around the city. They called in engineers and asked them how to remove the stone and how much it would cost?)
-What does it say?
-Where was the stone? How did he bother the townspeople? What did the engineers ask?

What would you suggest if you found yourself in a group of engineers? Title (Stone in the square).
Read part 2.
-What does it say? ( One engineer said that the stone should be broken into pieces with gunpowder and then transported piece by piece, and that it would cost eight thousand rubles; another said that a large roller would have to be brought under the stone and the stone would be transported on the roller, and that it would cost six thousand rubles.)
-What did 1 engineer suggest? (... the stone must be broken into pieces with gunpowder and then taken away piece by piece...)
-What did the 2nd engineer suggest? (... you need to bring a large roller under the stone and roll the stone on the roller...)
-What shall we call it? (Dispute)
Read part 3. ( And one man said: “And I’ll remove the stone and take a hundred rubles for it!”)
-What did the man suggest? (. ..“I will dig a large hole near the stone itself; I will scatter the earth from the pit over the area, throw the stone into the pit and level the ground.”...)-Why did they give him another 100 rubles?
-How to title this part. (Good idea

What is the moral of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s fable? (It's not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity.)

What lesson can you learn for yourself? ( It's not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity. You need to think carefully: perhaps there are non-standard solutions to the problem)

Where an ax does not take, ingenuity will take.

The stupid man turns sour, but the wise man sees through everything.

Achieve everything with your abilities.

The mountain is red with its rock, and the man with his head.

Intelligence is more valuable than wealth.

There is little to want, you need to know and be able to do it.
Lazy hands are no match for a smart head.
As is the master, so is the work.
It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.
Strength breaks everything, but the mind breaks strength.


We got acquainted with Leo Tolstoy's fable "How a Man Removed a Stone." They noted that fables teach us to be hardworking, honest, and fair. That is why they are called moralizing works.
The moralizing meaning of the fable is in the words of the author at the beginning or end of the fable. This is the moral of the fable


“The work of the school library” - The main directions of work on the formation of information culture. Use of ICT in school libraries. The main functions of a modern school library also follow from the main task of the library: Structure of the library collection. Sometimes school libraries are called media libraries. Determining the theme and main idea of ​​the text.

“Typology of libraries” - Typologies of the early twentieth century. Special libraries. Basic meanings of the concept “type”. The first scientific attempts to create typologies of library institutions. Offer. “type”, “typical”, “typology”. Types of libraries of the twentieth century. Types of typologies. Type is an essential, not a status or formal characteristic.

“Library Day” - The National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan has a long history. Republican Youth Library of Tatarstan. In 2008, the library celebrated its 30th anniversary. Lost in the notes People without tomorrow and people without memory." Or concentrate - create the Great. In the silence of libraries, the most important work is going on. But only on January 10 (24), 1865, the city public library was opened.

“The role of the library in the educational process” - The main functions of the library. The subscription is always crowded. Great importance is attached to conducting library and bibliographic literacy lessons for schoolchildren. Celebration “Initiation of first-graders into readers.” Readers' Awards. Library readers take an active part in city competitions and Olympiads.

"Education of School Librarians" - Journal Evaluation. Library budget. Required courses for certification. Continuing education of school librarians. Certification program. Educational service centers. Certification of school librarians. Functioning of the library. Computer applications. Recommended sequence of program courses.

We often forget that there is something in life that is much more important than money. Here are 15 things to remember:

1. Relationship experience

Kiss someone, write someone a letter telling them how you feel. Take your time on your day off and prepare an interesting, tasty dish. Have a candlelit evening for your loved one.

2. Teaching Wisdom

If you think you know the answer, then you are not wise at all. Learn to be wise. Wisdom comes from knowing how little you really know.

3. Marriage

Your life will change greatly when you deeply and wholeheartedly accept another person into it. Striving to be the best will come from revealing every part of you directly to another loved one.

4. Friendships

Regular friendships and a friendly atmosphere are a wonderful proof of life. Friendship has nothing to do with the things you own or the actions you can do - the things and actions themselves revolve around people and their relationships.

5. Healthy body

6. Psychological health

Physical health cannot be perfect without psychological health. Expressing your feelings should be done in a healthy way. Problems that bother you need to be solved, not avoided.

7. Passion

What actions make you feel excited and fulfilled? The dish of your life will be poor and bland if you do not season it with spices that add pungency and taste.

8. Communication

The talent of expressing your thoughts and emotions to an impressionable audience is truly priceless. This allows you to share shades of the spiritual world with others. This is something that cannot be achieved with all the material benefits on this earth.

9. Self-reliance

Money comes and goes. And the ability to survive, or even thrive, without money means that it becomes less important.

10. Security

Focus all your efforts on creating a safe place where you can be protected from failure. By building the foundations of your security now, you can reap real rewards in the future.

11. Supporting others

The nature of most people providing support to other people brings a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, and this is something that cannot be replaced by any type of material wealth.

12. Self-development of personality

There are countless opportunities for improvement of each individual person as an individual - his actions, faith, etc. By improving your personality today, you improve your future.

13. Gratitude

There is an expression: “Happiness is when you thank God more often than you ask.” If you begin to thank life more often for what you have, your satisfaction with life will soon increase.

14. Hobbies

Many people, caught in the routine of life, do not know that true happiness does not depend on the state of capital or the number of things purchased. Move away from this. Learn new things, find something that will bring you sincere pleasure. Often, this is hidden in the most basic things - games, long walks, communication, favorite activities.

15. Spirituality

Spirituality, by and large, is the purpose of our life. By understanding yourself through reading, analysis, reflection, prayer, you can acquire incredible serenity, harmony, joy, which are sometimes very difficult to find in other places, and impossible to find with money.

Location : Class


To clarify children’s ideas about traditional manifestations of goodwill and hospitality.

To develop social skills in children: sociability, the ability to cooperate, friendly behavior, the desire to share impressions of what they saw and felt, ethical standards.

Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.


Manuals for didactic games “Character qualities”, “Neighbors”, “Fairy tale riddles”, cartoon “Porridge from an axe”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.


Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity

We forget about her

Let's remember Russian customs

Let's remember our old days.

Older girl:

According to ancient customs

Everyone wore long dresses

And they knew how to greet guests

They didn’t spare their outfits

With honey, surrounded by intoxicating

Bowing low to them

Lightly touching the floor with your hand

And smiling pleasantly!


Well, Mashenka, it’s time for us to meet the guests.


Guest come in!

We will not break traditions

And we’ll always drink tea

Everyone knows Russian hospitality

Hospitality and open house!


Good evening! And bow to you

Well, welcome guests:

Girls and boys,

Guys and girls

Neighbors and neighbors

If you call it so

Meet us at the door!


And now you are welcome to the house!

II. Setting up for the lesson.


Come in, have a seat.

We've gathered, we're going to talk

Good and foldable

And let's lead it according to the rules:

(Read the rules of the lesson on the board).

Peace and harmony, mutual respect.

Speech smoothly, speak one at a time.

Active participation in conversation and games.

Instead of comments and praise, there are marks of good and bad behavior.

Everyone gives themselves an assessment based on the marks they receive.

III. Main part.


I wanted to read you a proverb, but almost all the letters in it disappeared. So you will have to say only the part that remains.

******** – more expensive than wealth


Well, guys, let's solve the missing letters? And for this we will play a game.

Game "Fairytale riddles".


Cards with riddles.



You need to solve riddles. Then, from the first letters of the resulting words, form a word.

(Children take turns guessing riddles).

1. Baba Yaga’s vehicle in Russian folk

fairy tales (Mortar).

2. What is the name of the Russian folk tale about kindness and politeness

No cold can freeze Nastenka. (Morozko).

3. In fairy tales, she is sometimes called a gossip. (Fox).

4. In Russian folk tales he is called the Immortal. (Koschei).

What was the flower that Nastenka’s father brought? (Alenky).

Sister Ivanushka in a Russian folk tale. (Alyonushka).

7.What was the name of the hero of the Russian folk tale who loved to ride on the stove? (Emelya).

Russian folk tale, the main character of which is a bakery product? (Kolobok).


What word did we get?




Therefore, the proverb reads:

Ingenuity is more valuable than wealth


And to understand the meaning of this proverb, let's turn to a fairy tale.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

(Children's answers).

And indeed, all people in the world love fairy tales. Magical, funny and even scary, fairy tales are always interesting. Read or listen, it takes your breath away. But there is not only interest, not only entertainment in fairy tales: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Tell me, please, what kind of “lesson” is this? What does a fairy tale teach?

(Children's answers).

And indeed, in a fairy tale there is always a lesson, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, most often it is friendly advice: how to do the right thing so as not to end up in a stupid position.

IV. Watching a cartoon


But all this is a saying,

And the fairy tale will be ahead

Just listen and watch.

We turn off the lights and watch the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe. You can listen to the soundtrack of a fairy tale if you can’t watch the cartoon

V. Discussion.


Did you like the fairy tale?

Tell me, please, how do you understand the title of the fairy tale?

What is fabulous in a fairy tale, and what could happen in real life?

Who is being hunted down in the fairy tale?

What is ingenuity? How did she help the soldier?

What lesson or advice is given in the fairy tale?

(Children reflect and try to justify their conclusions).


The fairy tale teaches you to act kindly, to be friendly, so as not to end up in a stupid position. Try to find a way out of a difficult situation, be smart and resourceful.

VI. Consolidation.


Now let's divide into groups. To do this, I give everyone letters of different colors. Those whose letters are the same color are united near the table of the corresponding color.

(as a result, we get two groups of equal strength, composed taking into account age and individual characteristics).

Game "Character Qualities".

To reinforce in children the idea that fairy tales always contain wise advice on how to live, that the actions and desires of the heroes of fairy tales reveal different qualities of a person.


A set of canvases with fairy tale characters, a set of cards with different human qualities - patience, anger, friendliness, cunning, resourcefulness, pride, friendliness, etc., a set of proverbs: “No matter how cunning you are, everything will come out”, “The stingy locks tightly, let him treat you strongly” “Looks like a simpleton, but at heart he’s a cunning person.” “A stingy man makes boots from a flea”, “You can’t beg snow from him even in winter”, “If strength doesn’t take you, ingenuity will help you out”, “Intelligence and ingenuity are like brother and sister”, “Guess is as good as intelligence”, “Not a handsome guy , yes resourceful”, etc.

Progress of the game:


Well done! All qualities were explained correctly.

Guys, tell me, what kind of hospitable hosts should be?

(Children's answers).


And now the next task:

Game "Neighbors".

Teach children to express their attitude towards the actions of their comrades and evaluate their qualities.

Develop observation and attention to others.


Paper model of a sofa, paper figures of family members.

Progress of the game:

We have a large sofa in our playroom; almost our entire family fits on it. Now look: here, too, there is a sofa drawn on paper, the seats of which have slits, and here are paper figures that represent all the members of our family. I suggest you “plant” yourself and everyone else as you would like.

(Children place the figures and explain why they placed these particular “children” next to them).


I see that you are good owners. There was a place for everyone in your home.

Tell me, guys, when we are visiting, how should we behave?

(Children's answers).


Yes, it is important to be polite, attentive, and be able to carry on a conversation. And most importantly, be able to thank and praise the hosts for their hospitality.

Now, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, and play a game.

Game "Praise in a circle".

Encourage friendly relations and awareness of one’s behavior.

Progress of the game:

We all take turns saying something good about our neighbor. He thanks, agrees or adds something about himself that seems important to him.

(After the game, it is important to ask the children the following questions:

What did they expect when they treated their neighbors politely?

What was more difficult: to say praise, or to wait for what they will say about you?


What I learned from this game is that you need to try to act in life in such a way that people have something to thank you for.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher: This is where our lesson ends. And I would like to ask you a few more questions:

What did you enjoy most during the class?

What is the moral or lesson of the story "Axe Porridge"?

(Children's answers).


You are right, you need to act kindly so as not to end up in a stupid position like the old woman. Because Russian people are characterized by breadth of soul, openness, hospitality, and the ability to find a way out of any situation.

Thank you, dear guys, for your answers and reasoning. They made me happy. And you worked according to the rules. Let's evaluate our behavior in class.

(It is important that the child can evaluate himself based on the marks received).