The importance of articulatory gymnastics for preschool children, consultation on speech therapy on the topic. Articulatory gymnastics and its importance for the speech development of children with speech disorders The role of articulatory gymnastics for preschool children

Of course, the indisputable fact is that the timely acquisition of correct, clear speech is invaluable for the full development of a child. A person with well-developed speech easily enters into communication, can clearly express his thoughts, ask questions, and negotiate with a partner. Conversely, unclear speech greatly complicates relationships with others and often leaves a heavy imprint on a person’s character.

Speech is not an innate ability; it develops gradually. One of the conditions for the normal formation of sounds is the full functioning of the articulatory apparatus. There is an opinion that a child’s speech sounds develop independently, without special influence or help from adults, but this is a deeply erroneous opinion. And it is mainly the reason that a child’s speech develops by itself, without proper attention from parents, and therefore a significant number of preschool children have one or another speech impairment.

Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of articulatory and facial movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (mumbling, babbling). These movements are the first stage in the development of a child’s speech. They are the first articulatory gymnastics of the speech organs in natural conditions of life. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develop in the child gradually. For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including chewing, swallowing, and facial muscles; the process of voice formation occurs with the participation of the respiratory organs: larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles. Thus, when talking about special speech therapy gymnastics, one should keep in mind exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, mouth, neck, shoulder girdle, chest

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of organ movements. Participating in the speech process.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds and the correction of sound pronunciation of any etiology. It includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

Of course, there are certain requirements for performing articulation exercises. The principle for selecting articulation exercises each time will be the nature of the pronunciation defect and the appropriateness of the recommended movements for the correct pronunciation of a given sound. Exercises should be targeted: it is not their quantity that is important, what is important is the correct selection of exercises and the quality of execution.

For each child, a set of exercises is selected individually. It is not enough to select exercises, you need to teach the child to correctly use the appropriate movements, to develop accuracy, purity, smoothness, and strength. Tempo, stability of transition from one movement to another. We perform movements accurately, smoothness and ease of movement imply movements without jolts, twitching, trembling of the organ, without rushing. The transition (switching) to another movement and position must be made smoothly and quickly enough. When selecting material for articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence - go from simple exercises to more complex ones. Gymnastics must be done emotionally, in a playful way, but still do not forget that we are learning. First, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror, i.e. self-control is used to achieve the final result. The child must learn to control his movements, learn to determine the location of the tongue, what type of tongue it is (wide, narrow), etc. The speech therapist performs the exercise in front of the mirror together with the child. If the child is unable to make any movement, you need to use mechanical assistance, for example, a spatula (disposable) or a cotton swab.

The dosage of the number of repetitions of the same exercise should be strictly individual both for each child and for each given period of work with him. In the first lessons you have to limit yourself to doing the exercises twice. Articulatory gymnastics is usually performed while sitting, since in this position the child’s back is straight, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm state. The child must be positioned so that he can see the speech therapist’s face.

Articulation gymnastics itself is divided as follows:

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

Exercises for neck muscles

Gymnastics of the masticatory articulatory muscles

Gymnastics of facial and articulatory muscles

Exercises to stimulate movements of the lower jaw

Gymnastics of the muscles of the pharynx and pharynx

Tongue exercises

An approximate set of exercises for developing articulation patterns for whistling sounds

An approximate set of exercises for developing articulatory patterns for developing articulatory patterns for hissing sounds

An approximate set of exercises for developing articulation patterns for the sounds L, L R, R

Gymnastics for the tongue with rhinolalia

Svetlana Dubova
The importance of articulatory gymnastics for preschool children

People correctly pronounce various sounds due to good mobility and differentiated functioning of organs articulatory apparatus: tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, vocal cords. Work on the development of basic organ movements articulatory the apparatus is carried out in the form articulatory gymnastics.

Good speech is a clear indicator of a child’s comprehensive development and his readiness for school.

Almost all children preschool age(up to 60% of all preschool children) have speech defects, pronounce one or more sounds incorrectly, most of which are temporary, non-permanent. The exception is children under 4 years of age with normal age or physiological tongue-tiedness, after 4 years - pathology sets in.

Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of speech disorders, their correction, starting from the youngest preschool age, it is necessary to use games and exercises in work aimed at developing hearing, breathing and speech apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening muscles articulatory apparatus, development of strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of organs involved in the speech process.

The importance of classes articulatory gymnastics for kids it is difficult to overestimate the thread. In addition to the fact that the child learns to pronounce sounds and words correctly and clearly, similar activities contribute:

Improve blood circulation articulatory organs and their nerve conduction;

Improve mobility articulatory organs;

Strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks;

Teach your child to hold a certain articulatory posture;

Increase range of motion;

Reduce tension articulatory organs;

Prepare your child for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Development of flexibility of the organs of the speech apparatus;

Indications for classes articulation gymnastics for kids:

As a rule, there are a number of reasons and indications for carrying out articulation gymnastics for preschoolers:

Timely classes articulatory exercises to develop speech hearing and articulatory gymnastics contribute to that many children can independently learn to speak clearly and correctly. This allows you to subsequently not have to resort to the help of a speech therapist;

Against the background of complex sound pronunciation disorders, such classes will help prepare the muscles for subsequent sessions with a speech therapist, which will speed up the process of eliminating speech defects;

With correct but sluggish sound pronunciation articulatory gymnastics helps to quickly develop clarity of pronunciation and expressiveness of speech, as well as get rid of "porridge in the mouth".

Exercises can be static (stationary, aimed at maintaining a certain position of the lips, language: cup, tube... and dynamic (movable): horse, watch, swing... - require rhythmic repetition of movements, coordination of movements and switchability.

All exercises are combined into complexes, each of which has a specific focus:

1 group of exercises – develop the basic movements and positions of the OAA,

2nd group of exercises – contribute to the development of movements and positions for pronouncing certain groups of sounds (whistles, sibilants, sonors, back-lingual).

3rd group of exercises – specific exercises aimed at producing sounds, contributing to the development of certain movements: mobility of the tip of the tongue, soft palate, to stretch the hypoglossal ligament.

Classes are conducted as follows scheme: first, rough, diffuse movements of the exercised organs are developed, where the tongue does not perform constant movements, but only occupies one position or another; as children master them, we move on to developing more subtle, differentiated movements. Lip exercises can be done in any case. Requirements for conducting articulatory gymnastics and to children performing exercises at every age stage will be different.

When conducting articulatory gymnastics it is important to take into account the characteristics of age articulatory motor skills. For children of younger groups, exercises are carried out in a playful way. The volume of requirements is small. It is necessary for children to learn the simplest skills, without which it will be difficult to further develop and improve organ movements articulatory apparatus.

In the middle group for articulatory gymnastics gaming techniques are used. Based on the simplest skills of organ movement acquired by children article number-tion apparatus is gradually developing and improving. Accordingly, the requirements for quality of execution are increasing articulatory gymnastics. In older groups, we monitor the smoothness and precision of movements, the ability to quickly and clearly switch organs articulatory device from one position to another.

1. Conduct articulatory gymnastics is needed daily, so that those produced from children's skills were reinforced. It is better to perform the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 2-3 exercises at a time - we divide the complex over the whole day.

Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new; the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation.

Control complex We plan for a week. Next week, a well-executed exercise. We replace it with another, new one, and fasten it throughout the second week. Thus, children get acquainted with a new exercise every week. and work it out in articulation gymnastics.

2. The complex should contain 2-3 exercises. static and 2-3 exercises dynamic. They're starting gymnastics from static exercises, they are performed for 10-15 seconds (hold articulatory poses in one position, then move on to dynamic ones.

3. In the first classes, the exercise is repeated 2-3 times due to the increased exhaustion of the exercised muscle; in the future, each exercise is performed up to 10-15 times.

4. When selecting exercises for articulatory gymnastics you need to follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones.

It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way. Each exercise has its own name, its own image. This makes it easier for the child to remember the movement. And so that children do not get tired of repeating the same movement for a long time, you can come up with several names for one exercise.

For example ex. "tube"- come up with several names. (proboscis, giraffe’s neck, pipe, trumpet)

5. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.

6. The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, at the speech center, a child and an adult during articulatory gymnastics should be in front of the wall mirror. In a group, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), and the teacher should be opposite the child, facing him.

It is best to carry out articulation gymnastics for preschoolers in a playful way what poetry is used for and Pictures. Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers in verse is not only significantly increases the child’s interest in exercises, but also determines the rhythm of their implementation. It is important that during the poem you can repeat the exercise 3-5 times. After this, you need to give the child time to relax and unwind. Serves the same purpose articulation gymnastics for preschoolers in pictures. Bright Pictures, which depict the correct position of the lips and tongue for a particular exercise, greatly simplify the specialist’s task and make the exercises themselves more exciting.

When introducing a child to a new exercise, it is necessary to give the children a plot sketch. On the- example: how to present ex. "Delicious jam"? - Carlson has a sweet tooth and loves jam. In order for the child to find the correct position of the tongue, for example, to lick the upper lip, you can spread it with jam, chocolate or something else that the child likes. You can use non-traditional forms - dragees, water, bioenergoplasty - a combination of movements of the organs of speech and hands.

There are a great many gaming techniques. Any story, objects, the picture is illustrative, with the help of which the child’s attention is maintained, as a result of which all speech processes are activated. Elements of competition, colorfulness, novelty of attributes, entertaining plots of games arouse interest and emotional return, thereby solving educational tasks and goals set in the lesson.

The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution -

monitors the quality of the child’s work movements: precision of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another.

It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ articulation were performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise articulation gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

At first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of organs is observed articulatory apparatus. Gradually the tension disappears, movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

In progress gymnastics It is important to remember to create a positive emotional mood in the child. You can't tell him what he's doing wrong, it's better to encourage him.

Thus, dear educators, the sooner we begin to develop children's articulatory apparatus and involve parents in this, the more we will have in the future children with correct sound pronunciation and developed speech.

This complex articulation gymnastics intended for speech therapists, educators, as well as parents. All material is presented in poetic form, which is in the younger preschool age, the most favorable perception, and arouses the greatest interest among children.

IMPORTANCE OF ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS. This is important to know! Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is of great importance for the formation of a full-fledged personality. Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school. Speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure and give rise to a child’s lack of self-confidence, and this will have far-reaching negative consequences. Therefore, you need to start taking care of your child’s correct speech as early as possible. Unfortunately, the number of children with speech defects, including problems with sound pronunciation, is not decreasing from year to year, but is growing. Speech is not an innate ability; it is formed gradually, and its development depends on many reasons. One of the conditions for the normal development of sound pronunciation is the full functioning of the articulatory apparatus. The prevailing opinion that the sound pronunciation side of a child’s speech develops independently, without special influence and help from adults - as if the child himself is gradually mastering correct pronunciation - is deeply erroneous. But it is precisely this that is often the reason that the development of the sound side of speech, especially at an early age, occurs by itself, without proper attention from parents, and therefore a significant number of preschool children have certain pronunciation defects. And since these shortcomings do not correct themselves, every hour we hear more or less defective speech from both children and adults. Non-interference in the process of formation of children's speech almost always entails developmental delays. Defects in sound pronunciation, having arisen and become established in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years and can persist for life. Only qualified assistance can compensate for the defect. The role of gymnastics in correctional and speech therapy work. Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs - kinema. The development of one or another kineme opens up the possibility of mastering those speech sounds that could not be pronounced due to its absence. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to strength, good mobility and differentiated functioning of the organs of the sound-pronunciation apparatus. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill. Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of diverse articulatory and facial movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with sounds (mumbling, babbling). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child’s speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the speech organs in natural conditions of life. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develops in the child gradually. For clear articulation, you need strong, elastic and mobile speech organs - tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs involved in the speech process. The principle for selecting articulation exercises each time will be the nature of the pronunciation defect and the appropriateness of the recommended movements for the correct pronunciation of a given sound. You need to exercise only the movements that need correction, and only those necessary for the sound being developed. It is not the quantity of exercises that is important, but the correct selection of exercises and the quality of execution. When selecting material for articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence - go from simple exercises to more complex ones. Gymnastics must be done emotionally, in a playful way. In any exercise, all movements are carried out sequentially, with pauses before each new movement, so that the adult can control the quality of the movement, and the child can feel, realize, control and remember his actions. First, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror, after the child learns to perform the movements, the mirror is removed, and the control functions are taken over by the child’s own sensations of movement and the position of the organs of articulation. Consolidating any skill requires systematic repetition of the action, so articulatory gymnastics must be done daily, preferably 2-3 times a day, so that the skills developed become more durable. The exercise should not bring the organ to overwork. The first sign of fatigue is a decrease in the quality of movement, which serves as an indication for temporary cessation of the exercise. RULES FOR PERFORMING ARTICULATION EXERCISES: 1. The child must be prepared for work, since his conscious desire to correct sounds is of great importance. 2. When producing the appropriate sound, no attention is paid to other defective sounds. So, if when making the sound l the child came across the word Laura, then you cannot correct the sound r along the way. It should be corrected later. 3. The material must be processed sequentially and in no case selectively. You cannot skip individual stages of work, as omissions and shortcomings affect the quality of the correction. 4. The transition from one stage of work to the next should be carried out only after mastering the material covered. 5. Each sound introduced must be immediately introduced into everyday speech. 6. The child should study daily for 30-45 minutes. In one or two steps, and perform all preparatory and partially speech exercises (pronunciation of syllables and words) in front of a mirror - to control the position of individual parts of the articulatory apparatus. 7. While working on making sounds, parents should actively help the child (even if he is a schoolchild) and require him to complete tasks. Articulatory gymnastics in verse. Games with tongue. “Proboscis smile.” “Smile” - Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible. “Proboscis” - Pulling the closed lips forward. Smile people, Then lips - forward! And we do this six times. All! I praise you! It's a start! "Fence". - Mouth closed. The upper and lower teeth are exposed. The lips are stretched into a smile. The driver pulls up, and there’s a fence ahead. It also brakes backwards. And so eight times in a row. "Spatula". - The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. Show your tongue wide and hold your spatula. "Watch." - The mouth is slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach to the corners of the mouth at the teacher’s count. The pendulum goes back and forth and does this: “One – two.” "Swing". - The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or the upper and lower teeth. And now the swing is up, we pull, we pull to the sky. Down is their flight now, and no one is lagging behind. "Snake". - The mouth is open. The narrow, tense tongue is pushed forward. Beware, people: A snake lives in a cave. Whoever does not praise her will be stung by her. "Cup". - The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue out. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, bending towards the bottom. In this position, hold your tongue from 1 to 5-10. Our tongue has grown wiser. He managed to make a cup. You can pour tea there. And drink it with sweets. "Delicious jam." - Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue (the tongue is wide, its side edges touch the corners of the mouth), moving the tongue from top to bottom, and not from side to side. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger). Top sponge in jam Oh, I ate sloppily. You'll have to lick it like there's nothing else to do. "Tube-groove." - The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are curved upward. Well, do it, my friend! Tongue into groove. Don’t puff out your cheeks, press with your lips! The air is released smoothly. The groove is not destroyed. "Slide". - Open your mouth. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth and lift the back of your tongue up. The kids brought the sled to the slide and everything is fine! "Painter". - The mouth is open. Using the wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we move from the upper teeth to the soft palate. Our tongue is a tassel, our palate is the ceiling. Brush after brushstroke whitens the palate. A lot has been done, the brush is tired. "Horse". - Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click your tongue. Click slowly and firmly, pulling the hyoid ligament. Here is a horse galloping skillfully, The horse has skill! Many, many years in the circus, And hello to all the guys! "Fungus". - The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. A mushroom grew on a thin stalk, It is neither small nor big. The tongue is stuck! A few seconds - silence! "Harmonic". - The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the upper jaw. Naughty tongue Does this - keep quiet! Lower jaw down. This is not a whim at all. Let's continue making the accordion! We close our mouths and open them. "Steamboat". - Bite the tip of your tongue and pronounce the sound “Y” for a long time (like the hum of a steamship). The steamer Y-Y-Y-Y is sailing and is gaining momentum. Y-Y-Y-Y He blows the horn, buzzes Y-Y-Y-Y “The happy path says” Y-Y-Y-Y “Chatterbox - a turkey.” - The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Move the wide front edge of the tongue back and forth along the upper lip, trying not to lift the tongue from the lip, bend the tip slightly, as if stroking the lip. First, make slow movements, then speed up the tempo and add your voice until the sounds of bl-bl are heard. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow (the tongue should lick the upper lip, and not move forward), so that the upper lip does not stretch over the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move. The turkey walked around the yard. Bl-Bl-Bl. His tail spread out like a fan. Blah-Blah-Blah That's how beautiful I am, Blah-Blah-Blah Look at me! "Drummers are woodpeckers." - Smile, open your mouth and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound “D-D-D...”. First, pronounce the sound “D” slowly, then gradually speed up the pace. Make sure that the mouth is open at all times, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue is working. The sound “D” should have the character of a clear blow. Woodpecker, woodpecker knock-knock-knock. D-D-D-D Why are you knocking, my friend! D-D-D-D - It’s not for nothing that I knock in my mouth D-D-D-D I teach the correct sounds. D-D-D-D

to form correct sound pronunciation.

In order for a preschool child to correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language, he needs to learn to control his speech organs. The main speech organs include the lower jaw, soft palate, lips, cheeks and tongue. Recently, more and more often, children are experiencing insufficient mobility and switchability, which means they are unable to hear sounds that require complex, coordinated movements of the lips and tongue to pronounce. That's why, beginningfrom 2 years of age, it is useful to carry out specialcial articulatory gymnastics. These are special games and exercises that help relieve muscle tension in the organs of the articulatory apparatus, form the ability to feel and control their movements.

A positive effect is only possible inwhen the exercises are performeddaily, and most importantly - correctly. Therefore, an adult must not only show the child a new exercise, but also monitor the quality of its implementation. If your child finds it difficult to complete the exercise, It is necessary to massage the lips and tongueka and passive articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy massage should be performed by a specialist, and self-massage (the so-called light massage) can be performed by the child himself (following a model).

Speech sounds are formed as a result of the passage of an air stream through the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity at the moment of speech exhalation. If the child cannot take a deep enough breath, then the air stream on exhalation will be weak, which means that many sounds (whistling, hissing and the sound P) will not be produced by the child even with correct articulation. This problem most often occurs in children who often suffer from colds.


Active articulation gymnastics is gymnastics for the lower jaw, lips, cheeks and tongue. The child performs it himself, repeating the movements shown by the adults. Articulation exercises can be static (holding organs - articulation in a certain position for 2-5 seconds) and dynamic (the child repeating the same movement multiple times). To help a child perform static exercises, an adult counts out loud or gives him the following commands: “One, two, three - rest!” or “One, two, three, four, five - now you can rest!” Dynamic exercises are necessary to develop the ability to switch from one articulatory pose to another, and therefore are performed at a faster pace. They are also performed on a count (“One-two, one-two...”) or at the command of an adult. For example, when performing the “Swing” exercise, which involves raising and lowering the tongue, the commands can be as follows: “Up-down, up-down...” Articulation exercises are performed slowly and always in front of a mirror so that the baby can see your face and movements whom he copies, and himself, and the adult monitored whether he was doing everything correctly. If the child cannot repeat an action, help him by performing an appropriate passive exercise (using his fingers or a teaspoon).

A set of exercises for children

junior preschool age

(up to 4 years)

With a child of younger and middle age, you should learn a set of general strengthening articulation exercises aimed at developing the speech apparatus as a whole. These exercises can be considered an excellent prevention against speech defects in children.

First, invite your child to examine his organs of articulation in front of the mirror and name them: “Lips, teeth, cheeks, tongue.” Notice to the child that he has upper and lower lips, upper and lower teeth, and only one tongue. Say that the tongue is very mobile and dexterous. He can perform a variety of movements.

First of all, offer your child games for the lips, cheeks and lower jaw, and only then move on to exercises to develop tongue mobility.

Articulation gymnastics should not turn into a series of tedious exercises, so it is carried out in the form of a fun game. A child, carried away, will not notice that he is being taught. This means that the process of developing speech motor skills will proceed faster and more successfully.

During one lesson you should not try to complete all the exercises; it is better to practice several times a day, performing 2-3 exercises each time.

Exercises for the development of articulation organs.

1. "Fence"(smile, show closed teeth).

You close your teeth exactly and you get a “fence” .

2. “Baby Elephant’s Trunk”» (pull closed lips forward)

I imitate an elephant, pulling my lips with my proboscis.

3. "Ball"(puff out your cheeks and hold them in this position for 3-5 seconds)

Inflate the balloon, don't let the air out.

4. "Spatula""(smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your lower lip).

Place your tongue with a spatula and hold it calmly.

5. Hide and Seek» (stick your tongue out and put it back in your mouth)

We're playing hide and seek, where's your shovel?

6. “Needle”» (open your mouth and, smiling, stick out your long, narrow, sharp tongue as far as possible)

Here it is, a needle, both sharp and prickly.

7. "Horse"(smile, open your mouth slightly, slowly click the tip of your tongue; make sure that the lower jaw does not move)

Take a ride with your horse and learn to click loudly

Demonstration of speech gymnastics in preschool age groups. Gymnastics were conducted by kindergarten teachers.

Purpose of display:

Transfer of experience through direct and commented demonstration of the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity when conducting articulatory gymnastics.


1. Familiarization of educators with methods and techniques of work when conducting speech (articulation) gymnastics.

2. To give an idea of ​​the diversity of speech gymnastics, depending on the age and speech capabilities of children.

3. Show the possibility of using speech gymnastics in the development of cognitive and speech activity of children.


Multimedia projector, screen, presentation “Finger gymnastics “Wild Animals”. Picture material: silhouettes of wild animals, early and late autumn, baby wild animals, sound track “Help the dragonfly fly to the lake”; wild animal toys.


Psychological and pedagogical work in preschool institutions is carried out in 5 educational areas, one of which is “Speech development”. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts; the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Speech development is a very complex, long-term process.

Today we will talk about the sound culture of speech. Whether there is a speech therapist in kindergarten or not, the group’s teachers are required to work on the sound culture of speech, in accordance with the educational institution’s program.

Normally, children should pronounce all speech sounds by age 5. It’s not for nothing that a speech therapist, according to the regulations on the “Preschool Speech Center”, works with children from 5 years old. In practice, impairment of sound pronunciation (of varying degrees of complexity) by the age of 5 in children ranges from 65% to 95%, depending on the number of children in the group.

Unfortunately, work on the sound culture of speech is not popular among teachers. Educators prefer to do work that is more understandable to them and quickly results in results. This does not apply to sound pronunciation. You often hear from teachers:

“It was worse before. These are the characteristics of a child. Yes, what to do with him, you correct him, you correct him, but he says the same thing. I do not have time".

Today we will show practical, effective techniques for working with children to develop speech sound culture.

The sound culture of speech is taken as part of GCD; while working, you try to bring good to children. But if you repeat pure phrasing in the NCD, teach to identify sounds, but the majority of children in the group do not pronounce them, this is not only useless work, it is work with a minus sign, you are putting effort into reinforcing the defective pronunciation of sounds. This is not good, this is evil.

The very first, simplest, most effective, bringing visible results is speech gymnastics.

We are accustomed to morning physical education exercises, where the knowledge acquired at GCD is consolidated, for example, formation, formation, the ability to march, and perform movements on command.

Articulation gymnastics will serve the same function. How many times a week do you plan speech sound culture?..

Here you and the guys will work on it every day.

Main part.

The structure of gymnastics can be different. Kindergarten teachers will show you several speech gymnastics, which are currently regularly held at the preschool educational institution.

2nd junior group.

Theme "Animals"

Development of speech motor skills /exercises to develop mobility of the lips, lower jaw, tongue/, breathing exercise and exercise to develop logical thinking, knowledge of wild animals.

Finger gymnastics + vocabulary work, knowledge of baby animals.

Gymnastics progress.

1. Development of speech articulation

- “Bunny”, lifting the top sponge,

The bunny froze, clenching his teeth.

(Raise your upper lip, exposing your upper teeth, lower it back - 5-7 times.)

- “Wolf” Toothed wolf

Teeth click and click

(Open your lips, show your teeth, click your teeth, strongly throwing back your lower jaw.)

- “The Squirrel and the Fox” A squirrel jumped up from above,

Hello fox, she said.

(Smile slightly, open your mouth slightly, place the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip, hold for 3-5 seconds, put your tongue in your mouth – 5 times.)

- “The Squirrel and the Hedgehog” The squirrel looked around,

and then said hello to the hedgehog.

(Reach your tongue wide (towards your chin), then remove your tongue into your mouth.)

- “Fox” It’s like a bun is lying on your lip,

I’ll lick it “cup” into my mouth.

(Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom.)

2. Breathing exercise.

A breeze blew (light inhale, long exhale), a snowball began to fall (wavy movements of the arms) and covered the animals.

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, bend their fingers into a fist, starting with

This is a fox cub, this is a wolf cub, little finger

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily rotate with thumb

Brown, shaggy,

Funny little bear.

4. Exercise to develop thinking and attention.

Help, guys, guess what kind of animals these are.

Middle group.

Theme "Autumn"

Mimic exercise /expressiveness of perception, knowledge of the difference between early and late autumn/,

Development of articulatory motor skills, breathing exercises,

Finger gymnastics + vocabulary work – baby animals,

Word formation – baby animals /complication/.

Gymnastics move

1. Facial exercises

Depict Early Autumn. Early Autumn has a light gait and a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful. Depict Late Autumn. Late Autumn is sad, sad, driven by winter. Depict a crying Autumn.

Our mood. Show what your mood is on a bright, sunny autumn day and on a rainy, gloomy autumn day.

2. Development of articulatory motor skills.

Fat hamster. Pull in your cheeks.

We inhale the aroma of the forest. Inhale through your nose, pause, counting “one”, “two”, “three” and exhale through your mouth.

3. Finger gymnastics “Cubs of wild animals”

Application of ICT. Gymnastics using the presentation of Lutova E.Yu. "Wild animals"

4. Working with a dictionary.

For the hare - ... For the hedgehog - ...

For a squirrel - ... For a moose - ...

The she-wolf has...

The fox has...

The bear...

Senior group.

Working on diction, breathing exercises,

Development of fine motor skills, preparation for learning elements of literacy,

The development of articulatory motor skills/exercises are the same as in the middle group, i.e. The same exercises can be taken into different speech gymnastics complexes. You shape the gymnastics to suit the needs of the group.

Gymnastics progress:

We sing together on one exhale. Take a short breath through your nose.

We accompany the singing of vowels with the movement of the right hand.

There are 2 sounds for one gymnastics.

Sounds are short and long. Short sounds must be sung elastically, abruptly, loudly. We help with a gesture: “shake off the droplets from the brush.”

Take a short breath through your nose.

2.Development of articulatory motor skills, facial muscles “How animals prepare for winter”

They walked and walked and came to the bear’s den. Open your mouth wide, show how the bear yawns, he wants to sleep in the fall. Open and close your mouth.

Fat hamster. Show how thick the cheeks are on a hamster that carries supplies into its burrow. Inflate both cheeks at the same time. The hamster spilled grain in the hole. Pull in your cheeks.

The squirrel is making supplies for the winter. A squirrel's tail flashes.

The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn your tongue, which sticks out strongly from your mouth, to the right and left so that its tip touches the corners of your mouth. The jaws and lips are motionless.

A squirrel pricks mushrooms and berries onto a twig. The mouth is closed, alternately pressing the tip of the tongue into the cheek.

/After learning the complex, encourage children to convey the mood of animals./

Preparatory group.

Theme "Insects".

Breathing exercises + distinguishing between sounds Z and Zh,

Development of articulatory motor skills,

Elements of literacy training.

Gymnastics move

1. Breathing exercises:

- "Komarik" Stand up straight, take a full breath, and as you exhale, quietly, with a raised voice, say “z-z-z-z-z-z” for a long time.

- "Bug" Standing, inhale calmly, and as you exhale say “w-w-w.”

I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here. (Smoothly swing your arms.)

I'm buzzing, buzzing, buzzing :( Step your feet rhythmically.)

2 .Development of articulatory motor skills:

- “Proboscis.” Pull your closed lips forward.

- “Bumblebee”. Open your mouth. Lift the cup-shaped tongue up and press the side edges against the molars. The leading edge should be free. Release a stream of air in the middle of the tongue, connect your voice, pronouncing with force: “dzzzz”, “jzhzh”.

- “The mosquito bites.” Push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible and retract it deep into the mouth.

- “A butterfly flies around a flower.” Open your mouth slightly and lick your lips with your tongue in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

-"Grasshopper". Open your mouth wide and smile. Using the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately touch the base (tubercles) of the upper and lower teeth.

- “Bee.” Smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up to the tubercles (alveoli). Try to pronounce “jzhzh”, but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds.

3. “Help the dragonfly fly to the lake”

Reading syllables. If possible, select words for syllables.

Final part.

We formulate speech gymnastics according to the needs of the group, in this particular case it is:

  • Junior and middle groups - development of mobility of articulation organs + development of thinking, speech attention.
  • Senior group - development of mobility of articulation organs, diction / to speak clearly you don’t have to shout, you need to clearly pronounce sounds, i.e. work with lips, tongue/, development of cognitive processes - introduction of creative works.
  • Preparatory group - development of initiative, speech attention, teaching the elements of literacy: distinguishing sounds, isolating sounds from words, the ability to compose words with a certain sound or syllable, teaching the elements of reading. Working on diction.

And all this from 3-5 to 8 minutes, but every day. In addition to speech, you will solve cognitive, organizational and other problems. And all in 5 – 8 minutes.


1. Fomicheva M.F. “Education of correct pronunciation in children.” - M: From – to “Enlightenment”, 1998.

2. Ovchinnikova T.S. "Speech therapy chants." – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2010