Exercises for the face: home gymnastics. Exercises to tighten the muscles of the face and neck

Fatigue, lack of sleep, eating disorders, bad mood, vagaries of weather - all these circumstances have a bad effect on our appearance. The face especially suffers: the skin becomes flabby, loses its healthy color, becomes covered with wrinkles, areas of swelling and dark circles appear under the eyes. It is not always possible to protect yourself from the effects of aggressive factors, but we are able to minimize its consequences. For this purpose, cosmetics are usually used and procedures are performed to help moisturize the skin, nourish it with useful substances, and increase elasticity and firmness. Unfortunately, such care is often not enough: superficial procedures do not give the expected effect due to a decrease in the tone of the facial muscles. However, there is no need to despair. There is a set of simple exercises that any woman can tighten her facial skin by doing regularly.

Source: depositphotos.com

Circular eye massage

Make fists with your hands so that your thumbs are on top. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fists in a circular motion (several times clockwise, then several times in the opposite direction). Touching the eyelids should be very gentle, without applying pressure.

Exercise helps increase blood flow and tone the muscles around the eyes. As a result, the skin tightens, dark circles and bags under the eyes disappear.


Try to open your eyes as wide as possible and even bulge them for a few seconds. Then close your eyes tightly. Alternate these movements at a fast pace for 2-3 minutes. After finishing, relax your facial muscles and sit quietly for 3-4 minutes, closing your eyes.

Exercise helps tone the muscles of the upper half of the face and relieves eye fatigue.

Cheek puffing

Inhale deeply through your mouth and hold your breath, puffing out your cheeks. Slowly release air from your mouth through half-closed lips. Repeat 10-12 times.

This is exactly how the facial muscles work for musicians who play wind instruments and, due to their occupation, are forced to constantly strain the muscles of their cheeks. With such training, the oval of the face retains clear contours even at a very advanced age; the cheeks do not sag or become covered with wrinkles.


Smile as wide as possible, and then quickly draw out your lips. Repeat the movements 20-25 times.

The purpose of the exercise is to increase the tone of the muscles that control lip movements. In addition, according to scientists, there is not only a direct relationship between the production of so-called happiness hormones and facial expression, but also an inverse one. Moving your lips to create a smile triggers the release of serotonin and actually improves your mood.

Surprisingly, facial gymnastics can work wonders. A set of simple exercises can not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also reduce the imperfections that already exist. For example, correct the facial contour, reduce sagging skin, remove the “double chin”. The effect is achieved by tightening and strengthening the muscles, restoring their tone. Exercises to tighten the oval of the face are a harmless and safe way to restore beauty. This kind of gymnastics is especially useful for ladies after 40 years of age, however, it is better to start at the turn of the third decade. This will save you from possible problems in the future.

Before performing exercises for the shape of the face, neck and cheeks, the skin needs to be prepared. A short, light massage with rich baby cream or oils will help. Warm skin absorbs stress better, and the risk of stretch marks is reduced.

A set of facial exercises begins from the area between the eyebrows. Using your index fingers, lightly press the points at the beginning of each eyebrow at the bridge of the nose. After this, try frowning for a couple of seconds and relaxing your face. Do 10-15 repetitions.

The next exercise is against wrinkles on the forehead. Place your palms on your forehead and pull the skin upward. At the same time, overcoming the resistance of your fingers, try to frown and move your ears back. Do 10 repetitions at a leisurely pace.

Key exercises for the facial contour

The following gymnastics allows you to strengthen the muscles that are located in the lower part of the face. They are the ones who form the outline. Due to the load, the oval is leveled, the cheekbones become more defined.

  1. Lower your lower lip so that your teeth are exposed. Try not to lower the corners of your mouth or unclench your teeth. If you feel the muscles on the sides of your chin tighten, then you are doing everything right. Do 5-7 repetitions.
  2. Take a deep breath to get as much air into your mouth as possible. Puff out your cheeks and keep them in this position. Then begin to slowly press with your hands. The cheeks should resist pressure while remaining in the same puffy state. Hold the position for 15 seconds, then exhale and repeat 4 more times.
  3. Pull your chin out and lower your lower lip until your teeth are exposed. Say “X” out loud 10 times. This will make your chin muscles tense and ultimately help tighten them.
  4. Rest your chin on your fists and open your mouth so that pressure is felt. Leave your mouth open for 15 seconds, then relax your muscles. Repeat several times. This exercise, in addition to the oval, has a good effect on the neck and gets rid of the “double chin”.

You can complement the effect that exercises give for the oval of the face with the help of an elastic bandage. Cosmetologists advise wrapping the contour with it for several hours a day. In this case, you need to make sure that the bandage does not put too much pressure on your head. You can do this at night or in your free time at home.

Reduction of jowls and double chin

As a person ages, his cheeks gradually drop down, taking on the appearance of bulldog jowls. Similar age-related changes can be observed as early as 40 years of age. The following gymnastics will help reduce unnecessary sagging:

  1. Clench your teeth tightly. In this position, open your lips as much as possible. Hold them for 20 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Exercises for the cheeks: lightly press the upper area of ​​the cheeks with your index fingers and strain them, trying to overcome the resistance. To do this, stretch your lips into an oval, but do not pull them forward. Do ten repetitions at a leisurely pace. After this, change the movement of your lips. Try not to open them, try to smile. You will feel the middle part of your cheek tense. This means that you are doing everything correctly. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  3. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and tilt your head back. As soon as you feel that your neck is tense, stretch out your lips and try to kiss something invisible above. Freeze for a couple of seconds. Then relax and repeat the exercise 8-10 times. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the neck, making it smoother and more toned.

Cosmetologists assure: attitude is an important factor. In the process of performing the exercises, you need to mentally imagine how wrinkles are smoothed out, the “double chin” disappears, and the contour of the face is leveled. This does not just diversify the monotonous process - such fantasies have very real practical significance. They speed up the restoration of facial muscle tone and allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

According to reviews, the first improvements occur a few weeks after the start of gymnastics. Exercises for slimming your cheeks can have an effect even earlier. It is important not to stop the procedure for at least three months. It’s better not to stop further, but if you still decide to stop, cancel “facial exercises” gradually.


Facial muscle training is considered absolutely safe. Restrictions are minimal. It is not recommended to perform these exercises for people with hypertension during a crisis. And also for those who have recently undergone plastic surgery for a spinal or jaw injury. For skin problems (for example, acne), it is better to first consult a dermatologist.

Photo from the site: anisima.ru

Clearly defined and beautiful cheekbones, slightly sunken and smooth cheeks, as well as a non-blurry chin - this is exactly what is required for an excellent oval face, because this is how a sophisticated and sleek appearance is formed. Unfortunately, not every girl and woman can maintain such indicators with age. After thirty, the skin loses its natural elasticity, the muscles relax and weaken, causing the clarity and sharpness of the lines to be noticeably blurred. Modern cosmetology provides many opportunities to correct the matter, and the most desperate beauties even agree to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel in order to restore their former beauty. But this is not at all as necessary as it might seem, and simple and accessible exercises for everyone to lift the cheeks and contours of the face will help solve the problem without resorting to drastic measures.

Gymnastics for the chin and oval of the face: what and why

Photo from the site: AntiRodinka.ru

Over time, unfortunately, we are not getting any younger, the muscles of the face begin to noticeably weaken, lose tone, and the muscle frame simply changes shape. While the surface of the dermis is still elastic and taut, it somehow restrains the sagging of the cheeks, prevents the appearance of a double chin and the final deformation of the oval of the face, but age is merciless and it simply cannot withstand the load. There are many new-fangled cosmetic and even surgical procedures that can help deal with sagging muscles and skin, but they are not available to everyone. And not every representative of the fair sex is ready to resort to such operations.

If you regularly train the muscles and skin by doing simple exercises to tighten the oval of the face and neck, then the condition of many problem areas will significantly improve, this has been proven by the experience and practice of many thousands of women who have already tried gymnastics on themselves. At the same time, the dermis is smoothed out, the muscles become toned, and the appearance becomes much better, allowing you to look a good ten years younger.

An additional bonus to the exercises for tightening the oval face is that you don’t have to spend a penny to get a great result. It will become noticeable within two weeks from the start of classes. Honestly, it doesn’t take much time; it’s enough to spend ten to fifteen minutes in the morning and evening to get significant changes in your appearance.

Photo from the site: TutKnow.ru

Today there are many methods and techniques of facial gymnastics, and how to reduce the oval of the face can be quite difficult to figure out. Let's try to figure out the most popular and effective ones, but first you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of training, so as not to cause harm, but to actually achieve significant results.

Rules for performing exercises for facial contours

It’s rare that a modern girl doesn’t use decorative cosmetics, so any manipulation of her face should always begin with washing, so that dirt, dust and bacteria do not penetrate the pores during exercise. This can be done in any way, from the usual washing with water to removing traces of cosmetics with special means.

Photo from the site: estet-portal.com

  • Most exercises are performed in a sitting position. Your position should be extremely comfortable, but you need to sit straight, your shoulders are relaxed, and if your hands are not involved, it is better to put them on your knees.
  • All proposed exercises, from any chosen complex, should be done slowly and leisurely, tensing the necessary muscles as much as possible.
  • Ten to fifteen minutes of practice per day will be enough not to overdo it, but to get good results.
  • It is recommended to do the exercises so thoroughly that you feel a slight burning sensation due to the release of lactic acid.

Another useful tip is that those exercises that involve throwing your head back should be done with extreme caution. Few modern people do not suffer from age-related salt deposits, osteochondrosis and other similar diseases, and sudden and prolonged loads on the area at the base of the cervical vertebrae can lead to disastrous consequences.

Universal exercises for the face and neck: the perfect oval

Photo from the site: polzavred.ru

When you yourself understand that you most likely will not accomplish most of what you have planned, then you should try doing exercises to strengthen the oval of your face; even if not regularly, they will definitely not cause harm, but will only help. Of course, it’s worth being consistent and finishing the job, especially since thousands of women have already tested the results on themselves and were very satisfied. This simple and absolutely affordable complex will get rid of premature and unsightly “bulldog” cheeks and eliminate even a hint of a double chin, tighten the skin and give it tone, and form beautiful sculpted cheekbones.

Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks

Stand or sit straight, looking ahead, this is the optimal position for performing all the exercises of this complex. Take in more air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks, while trying to close your lips as tightly as possible. Fix your position for a few seconds.

Photo from website: pinimg.com

Place your palms on your swollen cheeks and press lightly until you feel the muscle tension, then release. Repeat pressing on your cheeks twenty times, if at the end you feel a burning sensation in the muscles, this is normal, it means lactic acid is being released, which is what was required. For those who are planning to tighten their face shape, the exercises are just right, and the video below will help you figure out the details.

American smile: lips, cheekbones and cheeks work

Gymnastics for the oval of the face implies regularity of exercises, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for the result. However, after ten to fourteen days you will definitely notice how your face changes, becomes fresher and younger, and its contours acquire clarity and beauty. Purse your lips tightly and, without exposing your lips, try to smile as widely as possible. It is necessary to stretch your lips in a smile until you clearly feel all the facial muscles. Freeze for a few seconds.

Photo from website: HeaClub.ru

Pull your lips forward, gathering them as if to blow a kiss. Fold the tube, closing your lips as tightly as possible, while stretching your head forward while your body remains in place, and freeze again for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise two dozen times.

We tighten the muscles of the cheeks

In order for the gymnastics to tighten the oval of the face to work, do not forget about constant tension and fixation of each movement. It is necessary to freeze for a few seconds after each action in order to work the muscles well. Fold your lips as if you were about to say the letter “O” and hold in this position. Tighten your lips as much as possible and press them against your teeth.

Photo from the site: OnlineNews.ru

Move your tongue in a circle, first along the left and then along the right cheek from the inside, as if doing a kind of massage of the internal surfaces. You can write letters or symbols, you can make patterns and ornaments, the main thing is that at this moment you clearly feel the tension.

Chin, neck, lips: working on ourselves

It wouldn’t hurt to include in this universal complex also exercises for the oval of the face and the double chin, that is, just so that it never appears in your life or disappears from it forever. This is a complex and multi-step exercise, so you should read the instructions very carefully on how exactly, what and when to do, and be extremely careful, since it involves throwing your head back, which we have already mentioned.

Photo from the site: polzavred.ru

  • Sitting straight on a chair, raise your head up, look at the ceiling, and stretch out your lips like a tube, as if you are reaching out to kiss someone. Freeze in strong tension for a couple of seconds and relax.
  • Tilt your head, smoothly moving the top of your head in semicircles, either to the left or to the right shoulder. Freeze at each extreme point, clearly recording the movements.
  • Throw your head far back, and then return it to the starting position again.

If you do everything regularly and correctly, then in the second week you will already be able to notice significant results. However, this is just a basic universal complex, and there are also special exercises aimed at training certain muscles. You should never stop there, you should always move forward so that even at fifty you look like you were twenty-five.

Gymnastics for the oval face: video and comments

To perform these exercises, you need to sit comfortably and place your hands on your knees. You need to keep your back straight and your shoulders back as far as possible. This will completely eliminate the hint of a double chin, tighten the cheeks and create beautiful and clear cheekbones, which is what many modern girls and women strive for.

Photo from the site: colady.ru

  • Lift your chin as high as possible, without throwing your head back, but keeping it straight. At the same time, try to push your lower jaw forward as much as possible, and make movements with your eyes as if you wanted to look behind a high obstacle, for example, behind a fence or wall. Do not forget to record body position and muscle tension at all extreme points.
  • Place your little fingers on the corners of your lips, and place the rest of your fingers along your cheekbones. Fingers should only lightly touch the dermis without injuring or putting pressure on it. You need to clench your teeth tightly, and move your lower lip forward and stick it out as far as possible. At the extreme point, fix the position for three to five seconds and relax. Repeat up to ten to fifteen times until you feel a distinct burning sensation.
  • Position your fingers almost as in the previous exercise, but move them slightly downwards, touching the corners of your mouth with your little fingers. Forcefully stretch your lips into a smile without opening your mouth, then stick out your tongue and stretch it down to your chin. Relax and repeat all over again, only stretch upward, towards your nose. Twenty repetitions of the movement are required.
  • Sitting straight and looking in front of you, place your folded fist on your chin and begin to slowly move your lower jaw even further down, while at the same time offering resistance with your fist. At this time, the tongue should be pressed tightly against the palate, or even better, press it with force until you definitely feel a strong tension, and possibly a burning sensation.

In order to significantly increase the effectiveness of any exercises for the oval of the face, the guidance for which is most easily obtained from the video, try first performing five to six repetitions, eventually increasing this number to twenty, or even thirty. But keep in mind that it is also not recommended to overdo it, as this can be harmful. One more thing needs to be remembered - it is better to take care of your own face at twenty years old, and at forty to remain as beautiful and young, than to start exercises when it has already become necessary. Although you can achieve results in any case, it is not without reason that many women, and men too, today do similar gymnastics, celebrating excellent results.

The older a person gets, the more the body ages, and the body and face change for the worse. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, the ability to quickly regenerate cells, and becomes susceptible to dryness and sagging.

The facial muscles become less elastic, and therefore the oval of the face loses its ideal shape over time. Modern methods of aesthetic cosmetology and medicine can slow down the processes of aging and fading of the skin.

One of the most effective and affordable methods of facial rejuvenation is the face-building complex. These are specially designed effective exercises for face lifting at home.

Gymnastics trainers for facial muscles assure that if you perform the exercises regularly and correctly, a positive result can be expected within 7-10 days after the start of classes.

General rules for performing pull-up exercises

There are a number of general recommendations that need to be followed in Facebook building. the recommendations were developed by experienced specialists in facial gymnastics in order to maximize the effect of the procedures. Among the basic rules are the following:

1. Practice in a sitting position, as this is the most relaxed position for the body. At the same time, it is important to look in the mirror to eliminate the possibility of incorrect execution.

The sitting position is considered the most relaxed for a person. That is why during the massage she will strain to achieve the most positive results.

2. The complex that you have chosen should be repeated daily. Doing the exercises daily will ensure maximum effectiveness.

3. During the execution, it is important to tense the muscles strongly, to achieve better results. The more the muscles tense during the procedure, the more beneficial the training.

4.Before starting gymnastic exercises, you should clean your face and apply cream to your skin. All exercises are performed in such a way as to achieve a slight burning sensation.

A slight burning sensation in the muscles indicates that everything was done correctly. Exercising less than 10 minutes a day is unlikely to give quick and visible results, and there is little point in doing hour-long exercises.

5. On average, the duration of the daily complex should be 10-15 minutes.

Self-massage of the face

Self-massage of the facial muscles and neck will help restore the correct tightened contour and oval of the face. A few weeks of self-massage will help tighten your face and rejuvenate your skin by improving blood circulation in these areas.

Note! Facelift exercises at home will not get rid of existing deep wrinkles, but they will take care of skin tone and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

It is recommended to perform facelift exercises at home daily at a specific time.

Additionally, you can use cream or oil, selected individually depending on your skin type.

Eg, Baby powder is a good option for oily skin. Vegetable oils should be used for dry skin, and for normal skin, you can choose a cream with plant extracts and nutrients.

Self-massage techniques include:

  • rubbing;
  • stroking;
  • light pressure.

Exercise "Glasses"

The exercise involves stroking the upper eyelid, starting the movement near the inner corner using the ring and index fingers. Repeated 3 times.

Exercise “Stroking along the contour of the face”

The starting point is the middle of the chin, the end point is the earlobe. The second line, starting in the middle of the forehead and ending at the temples; then move from the edges of the mouth to the earlobes.

Facelift exercises at home allow you to save a significant amount of money and time on visiting beauty salons, being only slightly inferior in effectiveness to salon procedures.

Another line starts at the bottom of the nose and reaches the ears, moving along the cheekbones. Finally, stroke the neck with the palms, moving from the collarbones to the chin. Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

Spiral rubbing

You can use spiral rubbing. The lines of this massage are similar to stroking. Each movement is repeated 5 times. Then they do it like this - perform massage movements on the outer corner of the eye using the middle and ring fingers, as if making a figure eight. All movements are performed 8-10 times.

Light pressure

You can also apply light pressure under the eyes, in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and in the main places of the folds, using light pressure with your fingertips. Enough 3 times for each area.

Exercise "Staccato"

The last effective exercise is staccato, which is often called “piano playing.”

It involves lightly patting under it, starting in the center of the face, moving along the main massage lines already indicated above.

First, pats are performed with the inside of the hand, and then with the back. 5-10 repetitions are enough.

For lifting the cheeks and contouring the oval of the face

This set of effective exercises was developed by professional face builders. It must be performed in the morning every day to tone the facial muscles and fight skin aging.

  1. You need to mentally create a balloon in your mouth and roll it in all directions.
  2. You should squeeze your lips tightly and press on your cheeks, mentally counting to 10.
  3. Next, you need to open your mouth slightly and slightly move your jaw forward, moving it left and right, increasing speed.
  4. Next, you need to extend your tongue and pull it down with the sound “a”.

Exercises for eyelids and lifting the skin around the eyes

You need to put your fingers on your temples, as if pulling the skin back. The eyes remain open. The exercise itself involves opening and closing them in turn so that the fingers remain in one place and the skin is stretched. Repeat 40 times.

Next, you need to rub your palms well until you feel warm, close your eyes and place your palms on top. The exercise itself is like this - the head is thrown back, the eyelids are lowered down, and the eyebrows are raised up. Must be done 10 times.

To strengthen the lip muscles

To do exercises for tightening the face and lip muscles at home, you need to stand like this - sitting, leaning on the back of a chair or armchair, arms down and relaxed. Exercise 1 – inhale sharply to widen the nostrils and puff out the cheeks. Next, the air is exhaled in parts, tightly closing your lips. 3-4 reps.

The next exercise is to pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “i”, “s” 5-6 times. Exercise 3 - open and close the mouth slowly, staying in the open position. Exercise 4 – lift the corners of your mouth one at a time, and then together. Exercise 5 – lips are pressed tightly, as if turning inward.

To reduce jowls and eliminate double chin

Exercises for a facelift and getting rid of jowls at home are as follows:

  1. The face should be patted with the back of your fingers along the line from the midpoint of the chin and along the cheeks.
  2. The index fingers are placed in the depression at the bottom of the jaw, and the left one should be under the right one. Perform massaging sawing movements.
  3. Acupressure is performed along the main massage line.
  4. Rub the cream or massage oil into your palms and rub it into the skin with strong sliding movements, moving along the contour of the face from the chin.

Strengthening the brow muscles on the forehead

Brow muscles can look very unsightly, but they can be eliminated with at-home facelift exercises. To begin with, raise and lower the eyebrows. For force, fingers are placed above them. Next, the eyebrows are drawn together.

For force, place the middle and index fingers of both hands between them, and place the ring fingers under the eyebrows. At the same time, an upset expression is made so that the bridge of the nose wrinkles.

Now you need to raise the corners of your eyebrows. The center of the forehead is fixed using the palms to provide additional force. The last exercise is aimed at working the bridge of the nose.

The palms should be placed in a triangle, leaving a small space above the bridge of the nose. The point of the exercise is to raise your forehead upward.

To tighten the skin of the neck

To tighten the skin on your neck, you can choose the following actions:

    1. The head should be thrown back, relaxing the jaw, then it should be slowly strained, as if trying to cover the upper jaw with the lower jaw.

  1. Hands should be clasped, placed under the face and slowly throw your head back until a feeling of tension appears.
  2. Your shoulders should be straightened, your fingers should be placed on top, your neck should be pulled up, holding your shoulders and holding your breath. Just count to 10 and relax by exhaling.
  3. Arms and shoulders are relaxed, the head is lowered to the chest, the exercise comes down to circular rolls of the head.
  4. The exercise is represented by turning the head in different directions alternately without raising the shoulders.
  5. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but the task is the following - the head should touch the shoulders.

Gymnastics for the nose

By constantly performing exercises for the nose, it is possible to tighten the skin, which will have a positive effect on its shape.

The starting position is the same - the stomach should be pulled in and the buttocks should be tense. The optimal number of repetitions is about 40. Purpose
PerformanceExercises to shorten your nose.
Using your thumb and index finger, apply pressure and compression to the bridge of your nose. Using the index finger, fix the tip of the nose. The exercise involves lowering the tip of the nose and lip down, fixing in this position and relaxing.Exercises for a facelift at home and for straightening the nose.
The fingers are positioned similarly to the previous exercise. The difference is to push the nose with them in the direction opposite to the crooked one.Exercise to thin your nose.

Using your index finger, you should fix the tip of your nose, pressing it upward, as well as pulling up your upper lip and opening your mouth slightly. The ideal position is to pull it over your teeth.

We wiggle our ears

  1. Exercises for the ears are known to everyone:
  2. You should pull the ears, holding the earlobes with your fingers, moving from top to bottom. The force should be moderate.
  3. You should grab your ears with your fingers, tugging your ears left and right.

It is necessary to rotate the ears and then pull them back.

All are repeated 15-20 times.

You can also perform gymnastics for the tongue. They are simple but very effective:

  • lick your lips in a circle, trying to extend your tongue as much as possible;
  • roll nuts or an imaginary ball out of the air using your tongue in your mouth, focusing on your cheeks;
  • smile with tension, exposing your teeth, stick out your tongue, giving it the shape of a cup;
  • brush your teeth with your tongue;
  • drum on your teeth with your tongue with your mouth open.

If performed every day, these exercises will be enough to see the first results of rejuvenation and tightening of facial contours within a week or two.

Of course, an instant tightening will not happen; it is imperative to keep the muscles toned so that the skin and muscles do not relax and wither.

Additionally, it is necessary to nourish the skin with nourishing moisturizing creams and lotions to prolong youth for many years.

Useful videos about gymnastics for facial muscles against skin aging

Exercises for a facelift (strengthening the facial muscles) at home (basic exercise):

Exercises for tightening the oval face at home:

It is no secret that any woman wants to maintain the attractiveness of her image for many years. Especially if it concerns a person who so often attracts the attention of others.

In order to improve your appearance, cosmetologists recommend regularly doing facial skin exercises that tighten the oval well and smooth out wrinkles. What gymnastic warm-up complexes exist will be discussed in this article.

How tightening exercises affect the skin

An interesting fact is that various exercises for facial skin have a good tightening effect, and it’s not for nothing that even experts recommend them. Therefore, it is necessary to understand which complex effects have the best effect on the areas of the face and how this happens.

Gymnastics for the face allows you to tighten your skin and make it more elastic.

You need to know that the developed complexes and systems of exercises allow you to use every problem area of ​​the face that needs transformation.

The effect on the skin can also be achieved through massage.

All exercises are divided into several types.

And they allow you to work with the necessary areas of the face, for example:

  • a system of exercises for tightening and correcting the shape of the oval face;
  • upper face exercises that activate the muscles in the forehead and around the eyes;
  • exercises for the lower part of the face, namely the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, lips and chin;
  • a set of exercises for the neck area.

Exercises of this kind have the following effects on the skin:

  1. Maintains and preserves muscle tone and elasticity.
  2. Improves blood circulation, saturating skin cells with oxygen.
  3. Help complete metabolic processes on the surface of the skin.
  4. Increases the elasticity of areas of the face that have lost it.

Contraindications: who should not perform facial gymnastics

Please note that even the ease and simplicity of performing exercises to tighten the skin of the face does not mean that gymnastics is completely safe. Before choosing a good technique, you need to read the reminder about what contraindications are typical for this cosmetic procedure.

Before you begin facial skin exercises, you need to check your blood pressure (see contraindications)

These include the following warnings:

  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • facial nerve disorders;
  • performed facial plastic surgery.

In addition, it is worth considering that you can start facial gymnastics only after the recommendations and tips of cosmetologists. This system of approach to exercises will be as correct and safe as possible.

General rules for performing pull-up exercises

Any procedure requires a number of rules that explain the essence of their effect on the body. The same applies to performing gymnastic exercises. Before you understand what exercises will tighten your facial skin well, it is extremely necessary to familiarize yourself with the general rules for the technique of performing them.

Exercises should be done in front of a mirror

It is important to know these basic rules:

  • Before performing exercises, it is necessary to wash your hands well and cleanse your facial skin of cosmetics in order to achieve maximum impact on the skin and saturate it with oxygen. During the procedure, you can use a small amount of moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
  • It is recommended to perform a set of all exercises in front of a mirror in good lighting. It's better if it's daylight.
  • It is necessary to monitor the position of your body when performing gymnastics. Your posture should be straight and your head should not be tilted. Maintaining this position will ensure proper blood circulation.
  • When performing exercises on a specific group of facial muscles, it is recommended to strain this particular area. The remaining muscles should be kept relaxed.
  • Before each repetition of the exercise system, it is necessary to allow the muscles that are tense from work to relax. This way there will be no unnecessary stress, which may be unusual for the face.
  • Increasing the number of repetitions of any exercise is important over time. At first, minimal load will be enough for the muscles.
  • Lack of haste and smooth breathing are the key to high-quality cosmetic gymnastics for the face.
  • After completing a set of tightening exercises, you need to refresh your face with cool water, and also apply a suitable nourishing cream to your skin.

An important condition for all exercises is regularity.

Sets of exercises against wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles on the face can appear not only due to age-related changes, but also due to fatigue, exhaustion and stressful situations. In addition, there are facial wrinkles that appear in those women and girls whose emotions are actively expressed on their faces.

Exercises for facial wrinkles

In cases where this course of events is not satisfactory, you can choose a suitable set of exercises for the facial skin that will tighten problem areas and improve your psychological mood.

Now you need to figure out exactly what exercises help eliminate wrinkles.

The simplest complex specifically for the area around the eyes, where “crow’s feet” form. To eliminate wrinkles, it is necessary to make rotational movements with the eyes, close and open the eyes with effort in the muscles.

This exercise will not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but will also improve vision. If you lift the outer corners of your eyes with your fingers. This is how muscles are strengthened. Exercises for the area around the eyes are recommended to be performed from 7 to 10 repetitions.

To strengthen your lip muscles:

  • pulling the lips forward, with their subsequent opening;
  • raising the corners of the mouth with the index fingers and stretching the lips into a smile;
  • tightly compressing the lips until you feel tension in the muscles.
  • Such exercises will help create the effect of tightening the muscles around the lips, which will directly improve their tone and elasticity.

Exercises to tighten the muscles around the lips

The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10 times.

To lift the cheeks and oval face:

  • puffing out the cheeks followed by exhalation;
  • puffing out the cheeks with air rolling inside;
  • massaging the inside of the cheeks with the tongue;
  • tapping fingers on the outside of the cheeks.

These exercises help improve the shape of the face in the cheek area and prevent skin aging.

For the chin muscles:

  • pulling the chin forward a little to make movements from side to side;
  • performing chin resistance with hands clenched into fists.

It is recommended to perform these exercises from 5 to 10 times to improve the tone of the chin muscles and skin elasticity.

The skin on the chin needs tightening just as much as other areas.

Against forehead wrinkles:

  • rotational movements with eyes closed;
  • raising the eyebrows as high as possible;
  • placement of the thumbs on the temples, and the palms on the forehead. Move your eyebrows while pressing on your forehead with your hands.

These exercises allow you to work out the muscles located on the forehead well. Number of repetitions – 10 times.

Exercises for tightening facial skin in the forehead area

For the neck:

  • stretching of the neck when tilting the head back;
  • slow turns of the head to the right and left with a feeling of tension in the neck muscles;
  • circular movements of the head;
  • tilting the head in turn to the shoulders.

Such exercises for the neck will not only strengthen the main muscles, but will also serve as a preventive measure for various types of scoliosis.

Because rotational and oblique movements bring the shoulder area to work.

Aerobics for skin and facial muscles from Carol Maggio

It should be noted that in addition to such general strengthening exercises against wrinkles on the face, there are programs developed by famous cosmetologists for individual lessons.

They are aimed at facial rejuvenation and are performed several times during the day, for example in the morning and before bed. The facial gymnastics program is quite simple to perform at home.

Here are some exercises that are good for tightening facial skin, according to the professional opinion of American cosmetologist Carol Maggio:

  • You need to lie on the floor, put your hands on your neck and, making light pressing movements, raise your head. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax and return to the original body position.

Lifting gymnastics for the face from cosmetologist Carol Maggio
  • Place your fingers at the base and end of the eyebrows, applying light pressure. During this exercise, you should try to move your eyebrows together without removing your hands.
  • Press your fingers on the areas in the corners of the eyes, directing your gaze upward.
  • Press your fingers on the corners of your mouth when trying to smile with your lips parted. The exercise actively engages all working muscles.

The main rule is to maintain a slow and measured pace.

The number of repetitions of each exercise should be 10.

Japanese gymnastics Asahi (Tsogan)

Japanese gymnastics, which well tightens the skin of the face, includes both a description of the technique of performing the exercises and recommendations on what preparatory measures are required.

Stages of preparation for gymnastics using the Tsogan technique:

  • Cleansing the skin of decorative cosmetics and using a scrub to remove dust particles from the face.

  • Washing with an alcohol-free facial tonic.
  • Applying a rich cream or cosmetic massage oil to a damp face.
  • Maintaining an even posture is important.

It should be borne in mind that Asahi gymnastics is aimed at working with the lymph nodes, so the exercises are not recommended for women who have inflammation in this area.

Techniques for performing gymnastics from Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, founder of Tsogan:

  • It is necessary to place your index fingers in the area of ​​the lymph nodes near the ears. The thumbs should be held down towards the back. From this position, you need to lower your hands lower to the neck and to the collarbone. After which the exercise can be considered completed. This method improves the movement of blood throughout the body.
  • For the next step, you need to press the skin in the center of the forehead with several fingers. The thumbs are pointed upward and held in this position for several seconds. Next, move towards the temples.

A set of exercises according to the Japanese system
  • To get rid of puffiness in the eye area, you need to run your fingertips along the lower eyelid, moving from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. Afterwards, you need to close your eyes and draw along the eyebrow growth line towards the temporal region. It is recommended to perform this exercise up to 4 times.
  • To improve the oval of the face, it is recommended to rest your chin on your palm and, lightly grasping the muscles, make movements towards the ear. A couple of reps are required.
  • In order to prevent wrinkles around the mouth, it is necessary to place your fingers in the center of the chin, and then apply pressure on the points for several seconds. Make movements towards the corners of the lips.

Chinese gymnastics for facial wrinkles

Chinese gymnastics also explains which exercises are good for tightening the skin of the face. It is based on recommendations for exercises that are carried out along the massage lines of the face.

Movements during such gymnastics should be carried out smoothly, slowly and without stretching the skin.. Additionally, it is important to work your way through the areas to be massaged from top to bottom. It is believed that each zone for gymnastic exercises should be worked only until 9 repetitions of the action are completed.

Chinese cosmetologists advise performing exercises, imagining the desired effect of the procedure. They highly value visualization and mental representation of the movement of energies.

The essence of gymnastics is the calm movement of the arms while performing the exercises. It is necessary to prepare for such a cosmetic procedure by cleansing the skin and using massage oil. Then you should take a comfortable position in the lotus position and lightly touch areas of the skin of your face directly in front of the mirror.

Thus, in order to look young and beautiful, you need to know what exercises tighten the skin of the face, have a beneficial effect on its condition and improve muscle tone. The choice of the necessary set of exercises depends on the woman’s personal preferences and the recommendations of experts in the field of cosmetology.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for face and neck. Details in a useful video:

No to the fringes! How to improve the shape of your face? Find out in the following video:

Exercises to rejuvenate your facial skin in just 10 minutes a day! Watch an interesting video: