Lyrics (words) Jubilee (Nikita Kondratenko). Jubilee - biography, photos of the rapper, songs, personal life, albums, videos, height, weight Jubilee rapper biography

Childhood and adolescence Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist Nikita Kondratenko, better known under the pseudonym Jubilee, was first released on February 26, 1992 in St. Petersburg. Jubilee began his activities in the field of hip-hop when he was 15 years old. The guy was a frequent participant in freestyle battles on the streets of his hometown, here he honed his recitative and made new acquaintances.
During the same period, our hero tries to record his debut tracks, posting them in the public domain. These works began to slowly but surely gain their first listeners, and even then Jubilee enjoyed some fame on the Internet. The boy chose his bright pseudonym in honor of a fictional character from the Marvel universe, since Kondratenko himself is a big fan of comics.

Music career

In his first songs, Jub tried to confidently go against the grain, including expressing his negativity regarding online battles that were popular at the time. According to him, rap competitions on the Internet are not full-fledged, and if a person calls himself a battle ms, he should take part in street verbal fights, because this is the only way to truly demonstrate his true battle skills.
In 2009, Jubilee often appeared in public with his childhood friend Dima Gambit (real name Dmitry Kuznetsov). Officially, they were not a tandem then, but they performed together.
The following year, rapper and grime artist Miron Fedorov, better known as , invited Nikita to warm up his joint concert with Schokk. Thanks to Oksimiron, the general public learned about Jubilee, especially since he suddenly announced that Nikita was his protégé. Feeling recognizable and well-known, Jubilee in the same 2010 created his own freestyle battle "HUYAKS", which was held not only at special venues, but also on the streets. Everything was allowed: profanity, insulting the enemy, his relatives, etc. similar Here Nikita met such personalities as, and many others.
In 2011, Nikita, together with Dima Gambit, created the group “Sins of the Fathers”. Its composition, which was formed very quickly, included: Mic Chiba, ASTMA, Cripple, Speedball, and a little later Galat joined.
Jubilee was not the official leader of the group, but was considered its "founding father". He did the main work of filming and editing videos. The team was slowly gaining fame; on November 11, 2011 (11.11.11) the mixtape “New Testament” was published, consisting of 14 compositions.

Jubilee - I Play with It (2011)

However, in the second year of the group’s existence, an incident occurred that later backfired painfully. In one of their performances, “Sins of the Fathers” allowed themselves rude statements against some Russian rap artists (Johnyboy, D.Masta, H1GH, Eric Vice and others).
One of the insulted, D.Masta, could not let such dirt in his direction go unnoticed and came with a crowd of men to their performance at the end of December 2012. D.Masta forced everyone to apologize in front of the camera, then posted this video on the Internet as promotional material for his album “#TURN OFF THE RAP.” After this incident, the group did not last long and was disbanded in the first half of 2013. After the collapse of the association, Jubilee did not perform for a long time and did not appear on social networks.
In the fall of 2013, after a long lull, the artist took part in the rap competition "VERSUS BATTLE", our hero's opponent was the Underground Prince Hutt, whom Jub easily defeated.

On November 11, Nikita released a film adaptation of the single “Home, Sweet Home,” which marked his return to the “big game.”

Jubilee - Home, Sweet Home (2013)

At the beginning of 2014, he presented a video for the track “Until the End”.

Jubilee - Until the end (2014)

On March 1, Jubilee's verbal duel with his old friend was published on the official Versus channel. The judges unanimously gave their preference to Nikita, noting that his rounds had more of a battle component.

VERSUS #1 (season II): Johnyboy VS Jubilee (2014)

November is marked by a music video for the song “Dance of the Seven Seas”.

Jubilee - Dance of the Seven Seas (2014)

In April 2015, fans had the opportunity to listen to the joint release of old friends - Jubilee and Galata. The mixtape "Enigma" included fourteen tracks, in the composition "Light-Heavy" Dima Gambit featured a verse.

Jubilee & Galat & Dima Gambit - Light-Heavy (2015)

Nikita Kondratenko had long nurtured the idea of ​​creating an album in the style of a radio broadcast, and in February 2016, listeners were able to evaluate the result of the performer’s long, painstaking work. The “Emoji FM” album, consisting of 11 solo tracks and one joint with hvy, BARZ, became one of the most significant in Jubilee’s career, because it was it that brought a wide stream of new audiences to the young artist.

Jubilee - Invulnerability (2016)

The film adaptation of the single "BRNNNG" was released only on February 17, 2017, in which close comrades of our hero starred.

Jubilee - BRNNNG (2017)

The next day, the second part of the album “Emoji FM 2” appeared in the public domain, in the same style as the first.

Jubilee - Polar Night (2017)

It is worth noting that Jubilee has collaborations with such performers as, etc.

Personal life

As for the personal life of a technical rap artist, the guy does not have a lack of female attention. On social networks, Jub posts a lot of photos with various girls, and in his tracks he talks about a large number of fans. For a long time, Nikita’s listeners suspected him of having a love affair with Lema Emelevskaya until she began an affair with.

Jubilee now

On October 12, 2017, Jubilee expanded its discography with the album “Emoji FM 3”. The third part of “Emoji FM” contains 12 solo tracks and one joint with Emelevskaya. At the beginning of November, a film adaptation of the composition “The Dark Side” was released, in which, in addition to many girls of model appearance, a blogger appeared, to whom Jub helped several times with the lyrics to the songs.

Jubilee - Dark Side (2017)

Jubilee does not slow down and devotes a lot of time to writing new material to the delight of its many listeners. The guy also periodically gives concerts in various cities, energizing loyal fans of his work.

: (Official community in VK)
:, still images
: (Official VK page)
: (Official Instagram page)
Stills from VersusBattleRu videos from YouTube video hosting
Stills from Jubilee music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Nikita Kondratenko

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Real name: Nikita Kondratenko
Date of birth: 02/26/1992
Place of birth: St. Petersburg

The beginning of creativity

Nikita started rapping while still a teenager. At the age of 15, he first visited the St. Petersburg freestyle battle, and after that the battles sucked Jubilee headlong. Since 2008, in addition to participating in battles, Nikita begins to try his hand at recording his own rap tracks, and he does it quite well. Jubilee posts her work on the Internet and thanks to this she gets her first listeners.

In 2010, Jubilee accepted invitations from Shock and Oksimiron to perform as an opening act at their concert. In the same year, Jubilee, together with its like-minded people, organized its own freestyle battle “HUYAKS”. In concept, it can be compared to the Moscow battle “Shotgun”. During the entire existence of HUYAKS (2010-2012), 9 issues were published.

Jubilee in Sins of the Fathers

In 2011, Jubilee, together with his best friend Dima Gambit, created the rap group “Sins of the Fathers”. In addition to Jub and Gambit, the first line-up of the group included Galat, Chiba and Shahid. Nikita met all these rappers at St. Petersburg battles. Already in the first year of its existence, Sins of the Fathers found itself in a very unpleasant situation. At one of their autumn concerts, rappers spoke unflatteringly (simply sending their enemies to the same place from the stage) about such MCs as D.Masta, Johnyboy, Eric Vice, H1GH.

We didn't have to wait long for payment. One of the insulted, D. Masta, came to the group’s next performance. He did not come alone, together with his large comrades. The entire composition of the Sins of the Fathers group was subject to moral pressure, everyone received their portion of bream from D. Mast. Later, this story was recalled more than once by many Russian rappers.

In 2012, the St. Petersburg hip-hop legend Krip-A-Krip joined the lineup of the Sins of the Fathers group. Gleb stayed in the group for less than a year and during this time he released only 3 collaborations. In the first quarter of 2013, the group disbanded and Jubilee began a solo career.

Jubilee at Versus Battle

After the breakup of the group, Nikita's creative productivity rapidly plummets. There was no information about Jubilee for almost six months. But suddenly on November 10, 2013, a Jubilee vs Hutt video was released on the versusbattle youtube channel. This was Juba's first non-freestyle battle. Nikita fit perfectly into the Versus format and won a landslide victory.

The day after the release of the winning version, Nikita uploads a video for the track “Home Sweet Home.” Obviously, Jubilee wanted to take advantage of the moment and hype a little, which, in principle, it did. Juba's next battle on Versus took place 4 months after the release of the first one. This time Nikita's opponent was Denis Johnyboy. The rappers were once friends and even almost recorded a track together in 2010, but then, according to Jubilee, Johnnyboy turned on him and began insulting him behind his back. Johnyboy saw this situation differently, which is why he called his former friend to Versus in order to sort out all the misunderstandings. The battle turned out to be quite boring. The rappers of round 2 sorted things out, proving that they were right in a situation that happened 3 years ago. There were practically no insults or battle punches. As a result, Jubilee won this battle showdown.

Thus, during the entire existence of Versus Jubilee, he took part in it 2 times and won 2 victories - the statistics of a real battle MC.

Creativity after 2014

At the end of 2014, Jubilee released a number of video clips: “To the End”, “Battle rap made me do it”, “Dance of the Seven Seas” and “Detroit”.
Later in 2015, Jubilee will release several more videos - “Ketanov” and “I don’t like love.” Also in 2015, Jubilee and Galat released a joint mixtape “ENIGMA”. Later, the rappers released a joint video for the track “Light and Heavy.”
In February 2016, Jubilee posted his first solo album, “Emoji FM,” online, which many listeners of Russian rap liked. In March 2016, Jubilee organized 3 concerts (in St. Petersburg, Minsk and Moscow) with the presentation of his new album.

In 2017, Jubilee releases the second and third parts of the Emoji FM trilogy and goes on another tour.

Together with this artist, we look through biographies:

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I am a Nostalgia Man

About the artist:

Name: Nikita Kondratenko

Hometown: St. Petersburg

Date of birth: 02/26/1992 (25 years old)

If you are from St. Petersburg, then you have probably heard about “Emoji FM”. The founder of the now deceased group “Sins of the Fathers”, a participant in the “Versus Battle” project, the organizer of the freestyle battle “Huyak” and one of the “oldest” battle rappers on our scene. All this is Jubilee.
Nikita began his journey back in 2007-2008, when he participated in the freestyle battle “Urbania.
Jubilee's first solo album was released in February last year. Everyone was extremely surprised, because in “Emojifm” he opened up on the lyrical side, but before he had only done battle rap. The album turned out to be very good and extremely interesting. It marked a turning point in Jubilee's career. Nikita himself says that against the backdrop of “EmojiFm2”, the first album is a collection of raw demos. Which seems to hint at the unreal quality of the material and even greater variety of sound.
Nikita recently released a video for the song “Polar Night” and now he is preparing the third part of “Emojifm”.

Popular composition:

Popular clip:

Jubilee(Nikita Kondratenko, February 26, 1992) - Russian-speaking hip-hop artist from St. Petersburg, former founder and leader of the association.

He began his career as a performer in 2009, actively posting tracks on the hip-hop website forum. RU. Then Nikita worked exclusively in the “battle rap” genre. In 2010, he recorded tracks with a performer from Rzhevka (St. Petersburg) - with whom he later performed as the opening act for a concert of a cult association for the Russian hip-hop scene. It was then that he founded the street freestyle battle HUYAKS. Later he creates a formation in which, in addition to him, he is also a member. After the collapse of “Sins,” Jubilee decides to go solo, but after the release of the video for the song “I Am Devoted / Karma,” the performer goes into a prolonged lull.

Nikita made his return at the end of 2013 (until this point his tracks were leaked by strangers who were once close to the performer) with his debut appearance on vs., defeating him with a score of 3:0.

A few days after the release of Versus, Jubilee presented the track and filmed a video for it.

During 2014, he released a number of singles, the most notable and powerful of which was.

The mixtape, which was unremarkable at first glance, grew into something global and conceptual in the end. The listener still had no idea what message and idea was presented in these 12 songs.

In February 2017, the second part of the piercing Emoji FM mixtape was released, along with the release of which Jubilee announced that the third part was being written, which would be the final one, forming a trilogy.

The Emoji FM Trilogy clearly echoes Abel Tesfaye's trilogy of mixtapes, which were later compiled into a release called Trilogy. The influence of the sweet-voiced performer is clearly visible in Nikita’s current work. He even made a remix of the song “Starboy” from the album of the same name

On October 12, the third part of Emoji FM was released, which closes the entire circle of events in the Ninth Lot and gives a complete picture of everything that is happening here. The release received a wide response from the audience, who began to decode the songs, and a thematic website was also launched -

“….I’m a walking motivator
All my life I've been a fucking loser
All my colleagues waved their hand at the genre
They all gave up after the first failure
You didn't trust, but I rise from the ashes
And I'm even better than we were before
And if today I give up
It's just because of the weight of the rings on my fingers, man."

Russian rapper

go to daddy

Nikita Kondratenko or Jubilee(Jubilee) is a 25-year-old rapper from St. Petersburg, who at the age of 17 became one of the best punchliners in Russia. In 2010, when the well-known Oxxymiron released Jub to warm up his concert (Miron performed then with Schokk) and declared that the aspiring rapper was his protégé, they started talking about the guy from the outskirts. But for now, he was still seen as a classic version of the Gopnik from St. Petersburg. But thanks to his original presentation of texts, Nikita still stood out from the main circle of local text writers.
But years earlier, as a 15-year-old teenager, he took part in freestyle battles on the streets of his hometown. Here he trained, honed his recitative, and made new acquaintances. During these same years, little by little the boy tried to record his first tracks, accordingly posting them on the Internet. Slowly but surely the first listeners of his creative debut appear. By the way, Nikita is an ardent fan of MARVEL. , and Jubilee is a fictional character in this universe.

tanned at sea

(author's note: Jubilee- real name Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee is a fictional mutant superheroine who appears in the Marvel Comics universe. He first appeared in a comic called Uncanny X-Men#244 (May 1989), and was created by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri. In most cases, she is associated with the X-Men team. She has superhuman strength that allows her to generate energy from her hands.)

marvel fight

This is where the pseudonym comes from. In his old texts, Jub tries to go against the grain and actively expresses his negativity regarding the popular online battles at that time. As Nikita himself believed, competitions on the Internet are not a full-fledged action. It is best to “battle” on the street. This is how you can demonstrate your verbal prowess.
Already in 2009, the young rapper appeared in public with his childhood friend Dima Gambit(Dmitry Kuznetsov). They performed together, but were not officially a tandem.

old guard

corporate parties, weddings, celebrations

The following year was marked by the release of his own freestyle battle " HUYAKS", which was held not only on the sites, but also on the streets. He allowed everything: swearing, insulting the enemy, the topic of the mother, etc. It was here that he met such personalities as the Restaurateur and Galat.2010 - Dima Gabmit and Jubilee create the group “ Sins of the fathers" It included: Mic Chiba, ASTHMA, Creep-a-Creep, Speedball, Kid Shahid, came later Galat.

But Jub himself was not officially positioned as the leader of the group, although in fact he was its “folder”. His main activities consisted of editing and filming.

“At first, the songs performed were distinguished by frequent critical attacks on religion, and the nature of the music, for the most part, was aggressive and battle-like in nature. Inverted crosses, modern sound, humor about sacrifice, flirtations with Satanism and the corresponding jargon showed the band in a rather dark light, which attracted many, but repelled even more: some were frankly embarrassed by the mention of such subtle and intimate topics as religion. At the same time, Sins have their own style (which not everyone will like, and they know it), and they are also more fashionable than ninety percent of what is visible in Russian rap.” (Rap.Ru)

creeple, gambit, jubilee, galat

The mixtape was published on November 11, 2011 "New Testament" of 14 compositions. By the way, the boys also kept a video blog RZhK-life. As far as we know, most of the episodes are hidden, but a couple of videos have been preserved on YouTube. The blog talked about the lives of rappers, about gatherings together in bars, backstags from the filming of videos, etc. These videos played a big role in the formation of the group's image.

“The real strength of civil society lies in something else - they are a real party. Or at least very convincingly they create a myth about the party nature of their project. In their group, new content from the “In the Animal World” series regularly appears: videos about “life in the area,” reports from freestyle battles, interviews taken from each other. All this together makes a pleasant impression and is truly filled with life.” (Keep-It-Real.Ru)

But in the first years of their existence, the guys find themselves, to put it mildly, in an unpleasant situation.

sorry for fucking you in the mouth on stage

Thanks to this incident, the future of the group fell into tartarar. In the first half of '13, the guys decided to disband. Jubilee disappeared, did not appear in public in the literal sense of the word. But in the fall of the same year, the rapper takes part in Versus. His opponent was the Underground Prince Hunt. By decision of the jury, the Prince did not become the King of the duel.

destroyed a child

On November 11, Jub released a film adaptation of the single “ Home Sweet Home" Back to square one. In 2014 he presented a video for the track “ To end».
And on Versus they published a battle between Jubilee and his old friend Joniboy. The judge unanimously gave their preference to Nikita. Hey, dad is in the building! 2015. His fans were honored to listen to the release of old comrades - Jubilee and Galata. Mixtape " Enigma» Includes 14 tracks!

For quite a long time Nikita had been nurturing the idea of ​​creating an album in the style of a radio broadcast. And in February 2016, his brainchild saw the light of day.

A record called " EMOJI FM"became a significant event in the career of the young artist. Without thinking twice, the rapper releases the second part of the album.

P.S. Behind us are collaborations with illumate. Aqualiquid. KRESTALL/Courier,Rickey F, Emeli, Kid Sole.

Just recently, on October 12, the 25-year-old artist expanded his discography with the album "EMOJI FM 3"!
You will have the opportunity to hear it performed live.
Very soon Jubilee will come to Saratov and make some noise!

“From street freestyle battles and participation in satanic groups to first places on iTunes and regular tours in the CIS - the path of Jubilee resembles a fast-paced shooter, throwing the viewer at a frantic pace to the next levels.
The end of the epic Emoji FM trilogy cannot happen without live shows - don't miss your ticket on the ghost train to the mysterious world of permafrost and hot music.
The third excursion to the snowy Ninth Lot will start this fall. The volume of the radio receivers is turned up to maximum, the radio wave remains unchanged - 155.5 FM."

Strong, right? Then hurry up to buy tickets for his concert:

Or take part in the draw: Three winners will be selected by an incorruptible sweepstakes and will be able to attend the performance for free.

For questions regarding organization, write here: [email protected]

When: 10th of November
Place: Resto bar “Buffet FM” st. Yablochkova 28/48
Time: 19:00