Middle group lesson notes on the topic of astronautics. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: “Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

TARGET: Development of children's cognitive activity, artistic and aesthetic abilities.


  1. Consolidate and systematize knowledge about Space (stars, constellations, solar system, planets). To clarify knowledge about the exploration of the Universe and about astronauts.
  2. Develop attention, memory, observation, stage abilities. To improve children's ability to convey the structural features of a spaceship in an applique.
  3. Foster a sense of pride in your homeland.
  4. Activate children's vocabulary: constellations, Universe, Solar system, names of planets, names of constellations, astronaut, antonym words.

PRELIMINARY WORK:A series of lessons within the framework of the project activity “This Mysterious Space”.

MATERIAL FOR THE CLASS:Demonstration material “Space”, model “Solar System”, material for staging (a set of tools, portraits of astronauts, astronaut costume), construction set “Spaceships”, scissors, glue, napkins, cutting molds.


  • Do you guys like to look at the night sky? What can you see in the sky? (stars, moon). How many stars are there in the sky?

There are countless of them. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with small sparkling dots.

  • What is a star? (These are huge hot balls of gas, similar to our sun. They glow, but do not heat, because they are very far from the Earth, so they seem so small to us.)

In order to navigate the starry sky, people gave names to some of the brightest stars and combined the stars into constellations, which can be compared to the image of objects and animals.

You and I watched the brightest star.

Child: There is one star in the sky, I won’t tell you which one.

But every evening I look at her from the window.

It flickers brightest of all and in the sky somewhere, Now, probably, the pilot is checking his way along it!

  • What is the name of this star? (Polar Star) What constellation is Polaris located in? (in the constellation Ursa Minor)

Graphic exercise"Connect the dots"

Let's try to connect the stars in these constellations and see what happens. Child: Here is the Big Dipper stirring the star porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron. And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly, Collecting crumbs with a small ladle! Guess the riddle, then you will find out what else you can see in the sky. At night I walk across the sky, dimly illuminating the Earth. It's boring, I'm bored alone, And my name is... (Moon)! (illustration is exhibited)

  1. What is the Moon, and why did the artist draw it so that the Earth is holding the Moon by the hand? (The Moon is a satellite of the Earth.)
  2. What is Earth? (Earth is a planet.)
  3. Right. We said that the Earth is our home, and the Solar system is our hometown, in which our home is located. There are other planets in this sunny town.
  4. All these planets are united in the solar system. Why was this system called Solar? (Because all the planets revolve around the Sun. The Sun is a big hot star, it warms and illuminates the planets.)

Each planet has its own path. Believe me, it cannot be pulled out of orbit. Our planets revolve around the Sun. They are all warmed by the Sun in different ways.

Didactic game"Solar system"

  1. Help me return the planets to their orbit. It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be there, friends! (Mercury)

And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold, the sun’s rays did not reach it with warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is dear to all of us, The planet gave us life... (Earth)

Two planets are close to planet Earth. My friend, name them quickly. (Venus, Mars)

And this planet is proud of itself,

Because it is considered the largest.9Jupiter)

The planet is surrounded by rings and this is what distinguishes it from everyone else. (Saturn)

What kind of planet is Green? (Uranus)

The King of the Sea gave that planet a name, He called it by his own name. (Neptune) A round dance of planets spins, Each has its own size and color. For each, the path is determined, But only on Earth is the world populated with life.

  1. Why can we say that only Earth has life? (Research confirms this.)

Man has always been interested in the mysterious world of Space. Is there air on other planets, are there animals and plants there? And so scientists under the leadership of Korolev invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it, and launched it into outer space.

  1. Which living creature was the first to go into space? (Dogs: Belka and Strelka.) In a space rocket called “Vostok”

Who was the first on the planet to rise to the stars? (Yu.A. Gagarin) - On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, Yu. Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth in a spaceship. Our country is proud of this feat.

  1. Who repeated Gagarin's feat? (G. Titov, V. Tereshkova, S. Savitskaya)
  2. What do astronauts do during flight? (They conduct medical and technical observations, study the surface of the Earth, the Moon, and other planets. They report on approaching hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, clarify the weather forecast, and provide satellite television and radio communications.)

Speech game "Say it the other way around"

  1. What should an astronaut be like? I will name the qualities, and for each of my words, choose another word denoting the opposite quality.

Lazy - hardworking

Evil - good

Weak - strong

Slow - fast

Sloppy - neat

Sad - cheerful

Nervous - calm

Old - young

Cowardly - brave

Clumsy - dexterous

  1. All the qualities that you listed are inherent in an astronaut.
  2. Would you like to become an astronaut?

re-enactment "Space flight"

First child: Heroic astronauts flew on rockets.

We saw our cosmonauts in portraits. Second child: Let's play - let's make a rocket!

Like our cosmonauts, we will all fly into space! Third child: You came up with such a nice game for us.

What is needed for a rocket? We'll get it now. First child: Guys, I have some wonderful glue. Second child: I brought a box of nails with me. Third child: Here's cardboard, plywood, all kinds of tools. Together: We'll make a rocket in no time.

  1. And we guys will help our cosmonauts build a rocket.

Didactic game"Assemble from parts"

second child: We are all cosmonauts now, Like Gagarin, like Titov. The crew of our rocket is ready to fly into space.Fourth child:Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. We’ll fly whichever one we want.

  1. Is the rocket ready for takeoff? Take your seats.(children stand in pairs)
  2. Let's start counting: 10,9,8,7... 1, start. Third child: Flies into space

Our cosmonaut is around the Earth, Even though the windows in the ship are small, He sees everything as if on the palm of his hand: The steppe expanse, the sea surf, And maybe you and me too. Second child: Ship commander, report the situation! First child: Everything is COMPLETE ORDER! Third child: Permission to enter outer space! First child: I give permission! Attention weightlessness!

Relaxation exercises"Soaring in the air"

I suggest returning to Earth.

Here we are at home. During the trip we saw a lot of interesting things. I propose to depict what you saw.

Take ready-made shapes, cut them along the contour, make one overall picture and glue the images,(independent activities of children)

Summing up the lesson.

Summary of an open comprehensive lesson in the middle group “Journey into Space”

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge that we live on planet Earth, there are other planets and stars in space.

Improve counting skills, learn to name numbers in forward and reverse order, and correctly use ordinal numbers.

Nurture friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to take into account the interests of comrades.

Preliminary work:

– looking at illustrations and pictures,

– holding a conversation about space,

- telling riddles

– drawing a rocket with colored chalks,

– reading poems (S. Yesenin “Stars”, I. Bunin “Fires of Heaven”, A. Lugareva “Cosmic Dream”),

– learning the finger gymnastics “Let’s fly away on a rocket”,

– laying out rockets and stars from counting sticks.

Material: pictures and photographs on the topic, counting sticks (for each child).




Kindergarten No. 34 “Teremok”

Abstract of open complex

classes in middle group No. 5

"Journey into Space"

Educator: Skorobogatova Maria Mikhailovna

Date_________________ Signature ____________________


Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge that we live on planet Earth, there are other planets and stars in space.

Improve counting skills, learn to name numbers in forward and reverse order, and correctly use ordinal numbers.

Nurture friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to take into account the interests of comrades.

Preliminary work:

– looking at illustrations and pictures,

– holding a conversation about space,

- telling riddles

– drawing a rocket with colored chalks,

– reading poems (S. Yesenin “Stars”, I. Bunin “Fires of Heaven”, A. Lugareva “Cosmic Dream”),

– learning the finger gymnastics “Let’s fly away on a rocket”,

– laying out rockets and stars from counting sticks.

Material : pictures and photographs on the topic, counting sticks (for each child).

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you on our ship. I will be the commander of the space flight, and you are my crew. We will call our spaceship “Brave”.

Today we will go into outer space to visit Luntik. But we don't know what planet it is on.

I have envelopes with tasks in my mail. By completing them, you and I will move from one planet to another and thus get to Luntik.

I take out the envelope with task 1.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Blue, round,

Floats in the sky

We live on it

What's her name?

That's right, this is planet Earth. Look what she is like? (beautiful, blue, extraordinary, lovely, wonderful)

Well done, you completed the task correctly, you and I ended up on planet Earth, but Luntik is not here, let’s move on.

Next task: (envelope in the shape of a star)

Guess the riddle:

White flowers bloom in the evening,

Among the blue field -

And in the morning they fade. /stars/

The bright shine of a large fire.

There's fire on my back here

Bypasses Mother Earth

There's a cheerful light shining in the window

Well, of course it is.../sun/

What do you think: is the sun a star or a planet?

Yes, this is a star, big and bright.

Where are the sun, stars, planets, Earth? (in space)

– Who flies into space? (astronauts)

– Who was the first astronaut? (Yu.A. Gagarin)

– What do you think we can call astronauts, what are they like? (fearless, courageous, courageous, heroic)

– What do they use to fly into space? (on a rocket)

– What can you see in space? (stars, sun, comet, other planets)

Well done, we completed the task correctly, you and I ended up on the planet Venus, but Luntik is not here either, which means we are moving on.

Task 3

-make a rocket out of sticks.

(the teacher gives everyone a set of counting sticks, the children lay out a rocket, an illustration of the rocket is hung on the board)

Well done, we completed the task correctly, you and I ended up on the planet Mercury, but Luntik is not here either, which means we are moving on.

Task 4

- Guys, you and I live on planet Earth, and planet Earth has a sister, she revolves around her.

Guess the riddle:

Night comes - it rises.

It shines in the sky, dispels the darkness. (Moon)

We call the Moon a satellite of the Earth (the Earth attracts the Moon to itself, does not allow it to move away, so it is always close to the Earth)

– Guys, let’s do an exercise called “Earth Satellite”.

- Everyone will choose a mate. One will depict the Earth, the other - the Moon. The Moon rotates around the Earth, and the Earth at the same time revolves around its axis, that is, around itself.

(Children depict the Earth and the Moon to music)

Well done, now pay attention, get ready to land on the moon, close your eyes.

- Where is Luntik? Let's call him.

Hello, Luntik! We are very glad to see you!


Guys, Luntik is in trouble. Here at the cosmodrome there are 5 rockets, you need to find 2 identical ones.

(missiles are located on the board)

(A radio signal sounds)


– The Earth is calling us.

Earth, Earth, I – “Brave”, I understand, we are returning home.

Goodbye, Luntik! See you soon! Come visit us on Earth!

(We say goodbye to Luntik, sit down on the chairs, suggest fastening your seat belts and turning on the devices)

- Attention! Let's start the countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Start! Close your eyes. (music sounds)

– Open your eyes, our space flight is over.

Here we are at home!

– Did you enjoy the trip?

Maybe one of you will become an astronaut or designer in the future, invent a rocket and glorify our homeland. Our lesson is over. Thanks to all!

Summary of a lesson in the educational field "Cognitive Development" on the topic "Travel into Space" in the middle group

Teacher Matyasova I.A.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 12

1. Give children a basic understanding of space.

2. To form children’s ideas about the first space explorer Yu.A. Gagarin.

3. To foster cognitive activity in children.

Materials: large and small stars, portraits of Yu.A. Gagarin, the dogs Belka and Strelka, a map of the starry sky, a set of geometric shapes, dark fabric, stones, gloves, half a landscape sheet, wax crayons.

Educator: “Children, look who flew to us today (a flat star is attached to the glass). Where do you think she came from?

Asterisk: Hello, guys! I flew to you from space. You are very inquisitive children, often, while watching you, I saw you walking, observing, and studying. That's why I want to invite you to visit me. But before that, I want to ask you, what do you know about space?

What else can you see there?

Voss: How many of you know what holiday everyone celebrates today? Yes, many years ago, on April 12, the first person on earth flew into space, it was Yu.A. Gagarin. He flew on the Vostok spacecraft. But before man's flight, two dogs visited space: Belka and Strelka (showing portraits). What do you think an astronaut should be like? All astronauts undergo pre-flight training: they not only learn to understand complex instruments, but also train to be strong. They undergo this training at the Cosmonautics Center. Would you like to be an astronaut?

Physical exercise "Cosmonauts"

1.2 - there is a rocket (hands up)

3, 4 - takeoff soon (arms to the sides)

To reach the sun (circular movements with arms)

Astronauts need a year (hands to cheeks)

But dear, we’re not afraid (shakes their heads)

Each of us is an athlete (bend arms at elbows)

Flying over the ground (arms to the sides)

Let's say hello to her (we wave).

Star: Well done! But what can we use to fly into space?

Voss: I propose to build a rocket. I have prepared parts for construction for you (children are building a rocket using flat geometric shapes on a board). The rocket is ready, please everyone take your seats. Countdown: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – start! And so we fly!

1st stop: "Star".

Asterisk: Look how many stars there are in the sky (children put their palms to their eyes, pretending to be binoculars). They are collected into constellations (in front of the children is a star chart). Let's fly further!

Stop 2: “Mysterious”.

White flowers bloom in the evening,

And in the morning the stars fade away.

The carpet is lying big, big

And don’t step foot on it (the sky).

Well, which one of you will answer:

And it doesn’t hurt at all,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And it’s not the baker, but the baker (the sun).

All night behind the clouds

A lantern with horns was shining (month).

Full like an orange

And a week passed - damn it (moon).

Well done, you solved all the riddles. Let's move on.

Voss: Guys, look, we are approaching some unusual planet (stones are laid out on the table, against a dark background, children are asked to put on gloves).

Somewhere far away an unusual planet has appeared. There was nothing living on it; there were many stones all over the planet (the children put their hands clenched into fists on the table). Suddenly the rays of the sun illuminated her, warmed her, and the stones began to come to life (the fists begin to move). Unusual creatures began to hatch from them, like eggs. First, creatures similar to worms appeared (children portray them). They looked at each other cheerfully - and crawled to build houses for themselves. Hedgehogs hatched from other stones (showing with hands). The hedgehogs had fun running around the planet, they also liked it, and they decided to build houses for themselves. And then night came. All the residents fell asleep. The moon rose in the sky, the stars sparkled (the teacher points with his hands, his fingers clench and unclench). In the silence of the night, another inhabitant of this planet appeared - crabs. They wandered for a long time, radiating curiosity, getting to know each other, silently, looking with their kind and intelligent eyes. They decided to make this planet beautiful and kind, and went to look for new friends. Do you want to help them?

Go to the tables and draw friends for them (children draw aliens)

Asterisk: How many different friends you have helped the inhabitants of this unusual planet find! Thank you!

Educator: It’s time for us to fly home. Getting ready to start. Everyone took their places: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 – start!

So we returned to earth, to kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? What new have you learned? In memory of our trip, Zvezdochka left you a gift (children are given small stars).

Yulia Volokhova
Open lesson “Space” in the middle group

Open lesson in middle group« Space trip» .

Target: Clarify and expand children’s ideas about space how about unity space objects.


Introduce children to the concept space, spacesuit, planets, solar system, telescope, astronomer;

Develop the ability to fully answer questions posed, enrich your vocabulary with new words (telescope, name of planets, astronomer) ;

Fix the count within 5, form an idea of ​​​​the reverse count;

Develop attention, observation, establish similarities and differences;

Develop creativity and imagination in children;

Equipment: laptop, presentation, music on space theme, laser flashlights, geometric figures made of cardboard (rectangle, three triangles, circle, poems, riddles, stories about the planets of the Solar System, encyclopedic data, models of planets and the sun, coloring pages on the topic « Space» , colour pencils.

Motivation: The teacher darkens group room(closes the blinds, turns off the lights, turns on space music and laser points and rays running along the walls and ceilings in different directions.

Educator: Look kids, what is this? Where have we ended up? It seems to me that this is a starry sky, what about you?

Educator: Guys, let’s go with you to space, especially since you and I have a suitable reason for this. Who knows what holiday the whole country celebrates on April 12?

Children: Day astronautics.

Educator: That's right, guys.

Educator: Who knows how to get to space?

Children: On a rocket.

Educator: That's right, in space you can fly on a rocket.

Educator: Tell me, is a rocket a transport?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Yes, that's right, a rocket is a transport. What other types of air transport do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, let's try to assemble a rocket, and Kirill will help me. What geometric shapes does a rocket consist of?

Children: Rectangle, triangle, circle.

Educator: Well done! Now we need to figure out how we will fly to space. What do we need for this?

Children's answers: (suit, food)

Educator: That's right, first we need to make sure our clothes are in order astronaut spacesuit.

Children and their teacher stand in a circle and warm-up begins.

Warm-up "Preparing for Flight".

1. The spacesuit check begins. Is it comfortable to wear a helmet on your head? (turns, head tilts left and right, forward and backward, circular rotations of the head).

2. An astronaut can move in space using a device placed in a backpack on his back. Checking how tightly the backpack is held behind your back (circular movements, raising and lowering shoulders).

3. Are the numerous zippers and buckles fastened well? (turns and tilts of the body to the right and left, back and forth, circular movements of the body, bends towards the feet).

4. Do the gloves fit snugly to your hands? (rotational movements with the hands extended forward at chest level, alternating and simultaneous swings of the hands, raising the arms up in front of oneself with alternate flexion and extension of the hands, lowering down through the sides, also alternately, bending and straightening the hands).

5. How does the radio work? Doesn’t it act up? (half squats, jumping on two legs in place) .

6. Are your boots too tight? (walking in a circle on toes, heels, outer and inner feet with toes, side gallop left and right, single file step).

7. Is it okay? "heating system" spacesuit? Is it easy to breathe in it? (inhale - arms up, exhale - arms down) .

Educator: Well done! Now I'm sure that everything is fine with us! What kind of food will you and I take? space?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well, I think we're ready for the rocket launch and we can go to space. We count from one to five and in reverse order. All the guys, we are with you space! See what you can see in outer space?

In order, all the planets can be named by any of us:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars,

Five - Pluto,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

Educator: Well done guys, everyone knows the names of the planets. And now I will tell you about them.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after the ancient Roman god of trade, the fleet-footed Mercury, because it moves across the sky faster than other planets.

Venus - the second planet of the solar system is named after Venus, the goddess of love from the Roman pantheon.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The only body currently known to man, the Solar System in particular and the Universe in general, inhabited by living organisms.

Mars is the fourth most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Named after Mars, the ancient Roman god of war. Sometimes called Mars "red planet" due to the reddish tint of the surface.

Pluto is one of the largest known dwarf planets in the Solar System.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture.

The Blue Planet is not about Earth, but about the distant, many-satellite planet Uranus, the seventh from the Sun.

Neptune is the eighth and most distant planet of the Solar System. The planet was named after the Roman god of the seas.

Educator: Tell me guys, what do planets look like from earth? When we look at the night sky, what do we see?

Children: Stars.

Educator: That's right, we see stars in the sky, look what the starry sky looks like.

Educator: Who knows the name of the instrument through which the stars are visible? This instrument is called a telescope.

What do you call a scientist who observes the stars? Astronomer.

Educator: And now I suggest you stay not only astronauts, but also planets. But the planets move around the sun, and now I will turn on the music, and you will show me how you imagine it.

Children perform a skit "Solar system". The sun girl stands in a circle, and eight planet children move around the sun.

Educator: Well done guys, now I’ll check what kind of creative people you are. I suggest you sit down at the tables and try to color the pictures based on our topic. « Space» .

Children sit at tables and begin to color.

While drawing, children read poems about space, talk about their drawings and share their impressions received on class.

Lesson for middle aged children


Additional education teacher:

Ananyeva A.A.



Generalize children's ideas about space, introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate children's vocabulary with words: space, planet, astronaut.

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes. Development of fine motor skills of hands


Paper model of a rocket, pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu.A. Gagarin, V.N. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka

Musical arrangement : “Space Music”

Progress of the lesson :

1. Conversation about space


Children, look at these pictures (image of outer space, stars, planets). What do you see? (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. The word "cosmos" means "everything in the world." The universe is everything that exists.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she is blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? (blue color is oceans and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. Spaceships have been tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them are safe for humans. It was not people who were the first to fly into space, but the dogs Belka and Strelka made the first successful flight into space. (show the children photographs of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, the first man flew into space.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Yuri Gagarin) - show a photograph of the astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then Cosmonautics Day has been celebrated on this day.

Would you like to take a space trip?

Let's make a spaceship (children place chairs one after another in pairs) and go on a journey to the planets of the solar system. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show children an image of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, and list them.

Flying to other planets and solving riddles

But our ship is not simple; to fly to each next planet, you need to solve a riddle.

The first planet to which we will fly is Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun; on this planet there are very strong temperature changes from +350 to -170 degrees.

riddle: In space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is………(comet)

Well done, you guessed the riddle, now we can fly on. The next planet is Venus.

And the riddle is this: Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds (Sun)

Okay, you guessed this riddle too, which means our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain large amounts of iron, and iron turns red-brown when it rusts.

Let's solve the riddle to make our ship fly:

At Grandma's over the hut

Hanging edge of bread

Dogs bark and can’t reach you (for a month)

And now the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, awaits us. And the following riddle:

The entire blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

riddle: At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the other planets without stopping.

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ahead of us.

Now it’s time to return home, but before returning, let’s go into outer space. To do this, we’ll put on spacesuits - special clothing that will protect us. When you leave the ship, you will be in a state of weightlessness, as if you were flying.

“Cosmic music” sounds, children “fly” in zero gravity.

The teacher's command sounds: we return to the ship and fly home.

While we are flying, let's remember which planets we visited. (Children list the planets with the help of the teacher).

Outdoor Game “Cosmonauts”

Children, we traveled for a long time, we had to move a little, let’s play the game “Cosmonauts”

We arrange chairs in a quantity less than the number of children.

The teacher reads a poem:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers

Children run around, and when the teacher says the last phrase, the children must take their places on the chairs. Latecomers are eliminated.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that move around the sun, because some planets are too cold, others are too hot. But maybe there are living beings somewhere far away? We'll call them aliens. This means from others, from other planets. Let's help the aliens return home and show the path to the ship.

The teacher shows the children an image of three types of spaceships (triangular, rectangular and oval), with triangular, rectangular and oval aliens drawn next to them. The figures are drawn with a dotted line, children must strictly circle the ships and aliens along the dotted line, color them and draw a path to the ship for each alien.

But before we get down to this important matter, let's stretch our fingers:

Fine motor skills of fingers

Luno, luno, lunokhod (we make movements with our hands as if we were driving)

Let's take flight

To the start, attention, ignition (palms folded at an angle to each other)

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (children bend their fingers)

Takeoff! (palms folded at an angle to each other are raised up)

Children draw

Children draw ships and aliens, color and draw paths to the ships.

We all look at our work together, the children tell us what color they painted the ships and aliens and why.

Lesson results:

Children, what new have we learned today?

What is the name of our planet?

What planets have we visited today?

What were the names of the dogs that were in space?

What was the name of the first cosmonaut?

What is the name of the space suit?

How many of you want to be an astronaut?

Well done guys, you listened very carefully to my story, you remembered everything, you will make real astronauts.