Ways to store bicycles in the entrance. How to store a bicycle in an apartment: choosing the appropriate method

Over the past few years, cycling has gained popularity and has practically become a family sport. This is not surprising: it replaces the gym, adds an element of adventure to life, and allows the whole family to have fun and useful time. In addition, the fashion for this type of transport adds an element of prestige to our lives.
However, there is another side: they are quite large and their storage is associated with a decrease in living space.

How and where to store a bicycle in a small apartment? Specific solutions for saving space and conveniently placing two-wheeled vehicles in your apartment are the first thing that worries the happy owner of this vehicle. Especially if this transport is purchased for the whole family.

Of course, when there is demand, there is a supply of both bike paths, parking, and various bike storage racks. Now all that remains is to decide: which one is right for you?

Storing a bicycle in an apartment

Almost everyone starts by “parking” the bicycle(s) in their hallway or fenced-off access space, or, in extreme cases, on the balcony. However, sooner or later the thought comes about wasted space that can be used more rationally, and besides, the end of the cycling season is not just around the corner.
Let's look at how to arrange them so that they occupy the smallest usable area.

Bicycle wall mount

The bikes are flat enough to fit into a wall space some distance from the floor. You just have to organize the fasteners and your favorite transport will always be in place, which is convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

Bicycle mount in the form of a hook on the wall

Please note that they come in two types: for horizontal and vertical storage.
Horizontal bicycle storage rack has 2 hooks, individual or double, on a minimum 15 cm plant. The unit is suspended from the frame on them.

Such hooks are usually lifting; if they are not in use, they are pressed against the wall, ensuring the safety of household members.

Vertical bike storage rack may also look like a hook that clings not to the frame, but to the wheel. At the same time, there are also 2 options for mounting a bicycle along the wall: parallel to the wall and perpendicular.

Please note that the fastening hook located parallel to the wall attaches the two-wheeled friend perpendicularly, and those with the tip pointing upward attaches it parallel.

Bicycle rack with shelf

For us, design is becoming increasingly important, along with the versatility of furniture pieces. A bicycle rack with a shelf creates comfort at home not only due to more favorable placement of transport, but also provides an additional shelf for keys, perfume, handbags - that little thing that needs to be put somewhere at the entrance.
Unfortunately, this is a foreign development that has not yet found a manufacturer in Russia, but the idea itself deserves attention. I hope she finds her artist.

Holder – suspension for attaching a bicycle to the ceiling

This design is designed for mounting a bicycle to the ceiling. It consists of a set of fasteners for the ceiling, a rope system for lowering and lifting vehicles. The implementation of this system may vary.

Less convenient, but still effective, you can build a ceiling storage system with your own hands.

Bike rack

It's something like a bicycle hanger. This is relevant if you have two or more two-wheelers.
They are mounted on top of each other, thereby freeing up the necessary space for you. This way you can secure both 3 and 4 units of transport.

Where to store a bike in a small apartment

Where to store your bike - in the hallway, room or balcony? First you need to understand the pros and cons of each location, as well as know the necessary rules that will ensure the safety of your two-wheeled friend.

Storing a bike on the balcony

Most often, the bicycle is sent to the balcony for winter storage. And everything seems fine, but it’s worth considering that open storage in frost, temperature changes, and humidity can lead to micro damage to plastic, mechanisms and rubber. And in the bright sun it fades and the quality of the rubber deteriorates.

Therefore, the requirements for storing a bicycle on the balcony will be to glaze it, and either cover it with a cover or cover it, or store it disassembled. The exception is the non-sunny side of the balcony.

Storing a bicycle outside the apartment

There is no limit to human ingenuity, however, the option on the wall of the house may not be the best choice, for the same reason as an open balcony. But the option at the entrance is more affluent, provided there is a closed entrance, a properly working elevator, as well as normal neighbors.

Bicycle storage in the hallway

The first thing that comes to mind is to hang it on the wall. This is a good idea that often comes to the minds of owners of healthy vehicles, but you can use this option in a more useful way: frame bikes have a convenient crossbar that resembles a bar for hanging clothes.

If the hallway is small and even if this transport is hung on the wall, it gets in the way - determine its place under the very ceiling.

Bicycle storage in the hallway

Corridors vary, but the area of ​​unoccupied walls is usually vast. This is a wonderful field for imagination: you can place a bicycle there, or even two.

You can use various niches, openings, ceilings, walls

Bicycle storage cabinet

Any crazy thought that can pop into our heads about comfortable living is already significant and is reflected in design thought in the West.
Although the option of a not deep (about 20 cm) closed cabinet in the corridor, made to order, can serve you well: place the bicycle compactly, closed from outsiders, protect it from external influences during storage, collect all things associated with it in one place.

Storing a bike in the room

Finally, we came to sharing a room with a bike. It is worth noting that a bicycle is not just a principle of life, but an ideology, yours as an individual. And in this concept, it can become one of the manifestations of your “I”. So why hide it? Vice versa! You can demonstrate to your friends and guests of your home your “pride”, which even in winter will remind you that better times will come.
Of course, to stay together, your transport must fit into the style of the room. See how foreign designers use this technique.

All lovers of active and extreme recreation in our country, who love cycling or climbing difficult mountain trails, in winter are forced to exchange their faithful “iron horse” for a snowboard, alpine skiing or ice skates. This is how winter is in Russia. And here everyone who does not have a warehouse or garage is faced with the problem of winter bicycle storage.

The same problem may be faced by those who have nowhere to park their bike in the summer except in their own apartment. It’s great if the dimensions of the apartment allow you to put the bicycle in the hallway without any problems, leaving enough space for passage and other things and without spoiling

Or the neighbors don’t mind when someone else’s iron friend is standing in the vestibule, but what if there are two or even three cycling lovers in the apartment? In this case, tips on how to store a bicycle will help, as well as recommendations on where to put the bicycle in the apartment.

Before deciding how to store your bike, it is worth considering that low temperatures (below 0°C), temperature changes and high humidity can damage individual parts of the bike.

That is why in winter you cannot hang a bicycle over the balcony, place it on an unglazed balcony or leave it in an unheated vestibule. Also, rubber and plastic parts are damaged by direct sunlight, so it is advisable to keep the bike on the balcony in a case. As a counter-example, look at the following photo: you can’t store a bike like that!

Before hanging up your bike or leaving it for long-term storage, for example, in the winter or during a long trip, you should perform a few simple steps that will extend the service of your iron friend and maintain its decent appearance:

- clean it from dirt and dust,

- clean parts from old grease,

- lubricate the brakes, gear shifters and handle joints,

— in order to prevent corrosion, wipe all metal parts with an oiled rag,

- lower the shock absorber springs,

— when storing in a standing position on wheels, it is worth occasionally inflating the tires, protecting them from deformation under the weight of the weight of the bicycle itself,

- lubricate the tires with special silicone glue so that they do not dry out.

Basic storage methods

The most popular way to store a bicycle in an apartment is to keep it on a glassed-in balcony. If the room is not littered with other things, two or three bicycles can easily fit on the balcony on a special rack.

If there is not enough space, they can be disassembled, at the same time checking all the parts for safety and absence of damage.

Another place where it is quite possible to park a bicycle in an apartment is the hallway. If you have one, you can simply place it against the wall so that it does not interfere with the passage, but you still have problems with cleaning the floors or the inability to open the door wide, so it is better to hang the bike in a vertical or horizontal position from the ceiling or wall using special devices.

What and how to hang a bicycle correctly is described in detail below. If the hallway is spacious, you can make a special cabinet yourself, perhaps even without doors, in which a bicycle will be placed in one section, and accessories for it in the other: a pump, tools, lubricants, a helmet, goggles, protection, etc.

People for whom movement, and especially cycling, is their life, may not think much when choosing a place where to put a bicycle in the apartment, and locate it in the living room or even the bedroom, hanging it with the help of the necessary devices.

Some do not consider the issue of beauty at all; for a “short” winter time, they can tolerate having this means of transportation next to them.

Those who cannot imagine life without their faithful “horse” can even organize the space and plan the interior so that the bicycle fits well into it. For example, in the next photo, it was probably thought out taking into account a stylish accessory on the fireplace.

Where to put a bicycle in an apartment photo

Some people stick or draw a cyclist on the wall following the outline of their vehicle. To do this, you need to make a drawing with contrasting paint and attach the hooks to the right places so that the bike matches its contours. This pattern looks very original and creates a sporty interior style in the room. In combination with other sports accessories it looks very bright.

The simplest solution to the problem of how to store a bicycle is to disassemble it if it is not intended to be used for a sufficiently long period.

The best way for small apartments would be to buy a folding version of a bicycle that will fit in any closet or even a small closet.

If you partially disassemble a standard bicycle by removing the front wheel and turning the handlebars parallel to the frame, it will be almost flat and can fit under a bed, in a niche behind a closet or in the space behind a sofa.

Special mounts

When a storage space has been found, you need to think about how to hang the bike comfortably and securely so that its parts are not damaged, the space of the room is not too reduced, and its storage is safe for all family members.
One of the common ways to store a bicycle on the wall is to buy it at a bike shop or make it yourself using a wooden hanger shelf. On such shelves, bicycles are hung by the frame, and several of them can be hung on one shelf.

Such bicycle hangers will fit well into the interior of any room, serve as a place to store small items, and will also securely hold your bike, since the opening for the frames is made at an angle.

Shelves can be simple in shape or they can have intricate shapes that allow you to store more things.

You can also hang your bike from the frame on metal hooks attached to the wall. You can hang the bikes of all family members on such hooks, and they will not clutter up the space, because they can be placed at different levels: some lower, others higher.

One of the main advantages of such mounts is that they recline towards the wall and do not stick out unnecessarily when the bike is still in active use.

But there are also disadvantages to this option: bicycles with women’s or sloping frames cannot be hung here.

Bike storage hooks

Another common way to store a bicycle, popular among cyclists, is to hang them by the wheels on special bike hooks.

If you place the bike on such a mount, it will remain in an upright position, so it is better to place it in niches between furniture, hidden from view, or in the hallway behind the door, in the so-called “dead” zone, which still cannot be used in any other way.

An important part of this storage method is a stand for the rear wheel - it is needed in order not to damage the surface of the wall. The disadvantage of this mount is that the bike needs to be raised quite high, which is quite difficult for teenagers and girls to do.

All members of my family regularly use a bicycle - it is not only a means of transportation, but also an active recreation. Unfortunately, due to its bulk, it is difficult to find suitable storage space for it. There are no hopeless situations, so I will offer you a few ideas on how to store a bicycle in an apartment so that it does not take up much space.

Storage options

Where to store your bike? Just put it in the hallway or leave it in the common area? Not an option. We need to look for alternative options.

In the closet: 5 ideas

It is not always possible to allocate a separate place for a bicycle in an apartment, so to save space, you can compactly place it in a closet.

Instructions on how to do this:

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Method 1. In the pantry.

In a small apartment, you can put a folded bicycle in the pantry.

It is most convenient to use this method in winter, when transport is not used.

Method 2. Horizontally.

Select two separate deep shelves in the chest of drawers and place the vehicle inside horizontally.

Method 3. Vertically.

You can mount your bicycle at home on the wall of a narrow closet in the hallway or bedroom.

Special durable brackets are used for mounting.

Method 4. In the closet.

Two bicycles can be placed next to each other in a closet.

Bulky bicycles fit perfectly in the outerwear compartment.

Method 5. In special niches.

There are also original ways to solve the problem. You can order the design of a special cabinet, in which there will be a separate place for the “iron horses”.

In the room: 6 ideas

A bicycle can be an excellent element of room decor. To do this, you need to fix it on a special shelf or on the wall.

How to hang a bicycle on the wall with your own hands:

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Approach 1: Wall-mounted bicycle storage system.

There are special storage systems on sale:

  1. Attach the brackets to the wall using bolts.
  2. If necessary, strengthen the structure.
  3. Secure the “iron horses” to the rear wheels.

The price of such systems depends on the number of bikes accommodated and their maximum permissible weight.

Approach 2. Mini-system.

Small stands that can accommodate a maximum of two vehicles.

Approach 3. Horizontally.
  1. Screw two fasteners at a height of 1 meter from each other.
  2. Hang the first bike on top, and the second immediately below it (example in the photo).
Approach 4. Wheels to the wall.

A small mechanism is screwed into the wall, which firmly holds the “iron horse” by the front wheel.

Approach 5: Homemade stand.
  1. Take several wooden boards of different heights and widths.
  2. Build a structure like a hanger.
  3. Secure everything with bolts.
  4. Hang the bikes from the top of the frame.

Approach 6. Behind the sofa.

The simplest solution is to place the vehicle behind the sofa or bed, so it will not get in the way.

To prevent your “two-wheeled friend” from dirtying surrounding objects, you can use a wheel cover.

Under the ceiling: 3 ideas

We figured out how to hang a bike on the wall. Now let's figure out how to attach it to the ceiling:

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Option 1. Ceiling storage system.

Essentially the same fastening as for the wall. A distinctive feature is that you can place more than three copies.

Option 2. Bracket.

A bracket is screwed into the ceiling with strong bolts, onto which the bike is suspended from the frame.

Option 3. Hanging mount.

Nowadays, fastenings operating on the “winch” principle are quite common. This winch can be attached in any convenient place.

On the balcony: 3 ideas

Storing a bicycle on the balcony can be organized in several ways. The most popular are presented in the table:

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Method 1. Folded.

When assembled, the “iron horse” takes up very little space. It can be compactly folded into balcony niches or drawers.

Method 2. Assembled.

If you use the bike frequently, you can simply take it out onto the balcony. So he definitely won't interfere.

Method 3. Outside.

Great idea for storing your “two-wheeled friend”:

  1. Make a metal hook behind a balcony or window.
  2. Secure it with large bolts.
  3. Secure the vehicle to the frame with this bolt.
  4. Additionally secure with straps or rope.

The mount must be as strong as possible so that the bicycle does not fall on people passing by.

Bottom line

We found out that there are many ideas for placing a bicycle in an apartment. Choose the one you like best. The video in this article will show hanging techniques in action. If you have any comments or know other ways, tell us about them in the comments!

Fans of a healthy and active lifestyle who love to ride a bicycle or use this vehicle to commute to work are familiar firsthand with the issue of storing it. It’s one thing when a cyclist lives in a private house, having the opportunity to place a two-wheeled “iron horse” in the yard, garage or outbuilding. However, what should residents of apartment buildings do in such a situation? How to find a place for a bicycle in a small apartment?

Choosing a storage location

All available options for storing a bicycle in an apartment are presented in the video review:

The most suitable place to store a bicycle in an apartment is considered to be a balcony. The bravest cyclists often hang their two-wheeled vehicle on a hook behind the balcony, thereby saving space. However, when choosing this storage method, be prepared for the fact that the bicycle will constantly be influenced by precipitation, air temperature changes and other “whims” of nature, which will certainly have a negative impact on its appearance.

If your apartment does not have a balcony or it is already used for other purposes, the optimal place to store a bicycle will be the hallway. Every time you return home from a bike ride, you will not need to carry your bike across the entire apartment. You can attach it using special devices, which are also sold in bike shops. Both horizontal and vertical positions are considered acceptable, the choice of which depends on the area of ​​the corridor and the availability of free space in it.

In some apartments, a spacious niche is formed behind the door, which can also be used to store a bike. If you're not a fan of winter cycling, store your bike disassembled in your small apartment, placing it for the cold season, for example, in a closet or under the bed.

Brief video instructions for preserving your bicycle for the winter:

You can also hang the bike on the wall or secure it firmly to the ceiling.

How to mount a bike on the wall?

To securely mount your two-wheeler to the wall, use reliable mounts purchased from a specialty store or made by hand. We are talking about the following types of fasteners:

  1. Hooks
  2. Shelves
  3. Racks
  4. Brackets

Hooks are one of the most affordable options for mounting a bicycle. Instead of hooks, you can also use an old road steering wheel or other improvised means. Shelves are considered to be the most aesthetically pleasing way to place a bicycle in an apartment. They can have either a fairly simple design or be multifunctional, allowing you to conveniently place and store additional things, for example, bicycle accessories. Wall mounting can be done with your own hands or purchased ready-made. As for the racks, they are usually installed with support on the floor and mounted on the wall. Such devices often include additional hooks on which you can place:

  • helmet;
  • jacket;
  • spare parts;
  • bicycle accessories.

Alternative ways to store your bike

Many cyclists, in order to conveniently place their own bike in their apartment, are often forced to use their imagination to develop experimental devices. Their roles may include:

  • hooks on the ceiling - this method is distinguished by its simplicity, reliability and low cost;
  • fasteners installed on doors or door frames;
  • mechanisms that secure the handlebars or saddle;
  • ordinary repair holders;
  • pedal mount.

The most famous bracket manufacturers

Popular brands that produce high-quality and reliable brackets include:

  • English brand Cyclos, offering a wide range of products;
  • the Knife & Saw company, which produces a variety of designer wood products;
  • the American company RAD Cycle Products, which produces bicycle racks at a professional level. The company's product range includes both fairly simple mechanisms and complex devices;
  • Swedish brand Thule, offering high quality fasteners;
  • South African company Cyclotech, which produces products in the mid-price segment.

How to make a bracket with your own hands?

If you don’t want to spend money on buying a finished product, you can make a bicycle rack yourself. For a standard device you will need a sheet of polyurethane, electrical tape, and two corners. But for a wooden shelf you will need to cut a hole from a standard shelf according to the dimensions of the frame. A wheel hook is also a good option. To make it you will need available hardware. You can also come up with your own device for fixing the bicycle on the wall or ceiling. The most important thing is that it is distinguished by its strength, safety and reliability, without causing a feeling of discomfort among household members.

The issue of bicycle storage is very acute for city residents. The lack of equipped bicycle parking with limited access and small living space force the use of very unpopular storage methods. Some throw their bicycles out onto the street, others into the entrance, after which they grieve over the loss and read voraciously. In fact, there are tons of storage options.

Storage outside the apartment


Not the best, but acceptable option is to leave the bicycle in a specially equipped so-called “stroller”, the key to the lock of which only a few people have. At least there he will not disturb other residents of the building and will not contradict fire regulations regarding free access to apartments. True, you can find such places mainly in new houses, and if you live in an old house, then you will have to store your bike in the apartment. And this is the best option of all possible.


If you have a garage on your property, then you can only be envied. I walked from home to the garage, took the bike, rode it, put it back, lubricated it, and cleaned it there. Ideal for the bike, but not for you. Especially if you need to go somewhere urgently, and the bicycle is used as a means of transport. After all, the journey to the garage takes time and it is unlikely to be located under the windows of your apartment. Still, the most convenient option is to always keep the bike “on its side” so that if something happens you can quickly use it.


In addition to apartments, most houses have balconies. To avoid constantly clinging to the handlebars of your bicycle when walking around the house, you can put it on the balcony. It is very good if it is glazed. If not, cover the bike with at least an oilcloth so that it is protected from the rain.

However, not everyone can boast of having a balcony in their apartment. Or maybe you organized a recreation area there with a beautiful view of the yard and the neighboring house? Then you will have to share your living space with your bicycle.

Storage in the apartment


If you have a large hallway, you can leave it there, you just need to lay an oilcloth, a piece of linoleum or newspaper under the wheels in advance. The same goes for storage in the room. You won't get anything dirty if you take care in advance about the surface on which you will place the bike. If you were returning home in the rain and got your bike dirty, you can leave it in the entrance for 5 minutes so that most of the water and dirt can drain off, after which you must remove the traces, after all, you are a neat and cultured person.

If you have a studio apartment with an area of ​​21 sq.m., then manufacturers have come up with a lot of ways for you to attach a bicycle to the wall or fit it organically and functionally into the space of the apartment.

Hook in the wall, hook on one wheel

Allows you to secure your bike to the wheel. It is advisable to mount it as close as possible to an unused corner in the apartment, because the bicycle will still take up some space. The good thing about hooks is that you can store several bikes in a relatively small area.

Hook in the wall, hook on the upper frame tube

It is installed in such a way that the bicycle can be suspended from the top tube of the frame. A larger area of ​​the wall will be occupied, but the bicycle will stick out from the wall less than in the case of hanging it by the wheel.

Ceiling mount

The ceilings in most apartments are not very high, so you will still have to identify a corner that you rarely go near. But under the bicycle there may be a chest of drawers, a table or something else.

There is an option for attaching it to a hook in the ceiling, again you will need a secluded corner.


In order not to make unnecessary holes in the wall, they came up with such a wonderful thing. The vertical beam rests against the wall, due to which the structure stands very firmly and does not fall. Agree, it looks good, it takes up the same amount of space as wall hooks.

Functional fastenings that complement the interior

There's a whole bunch of options here. You can fit a bicycle into your interior by hanging it on a bookshelf.

How do you like this option?

An excellent option would be to mount it to a wall in the form of a stem and a road handlebar. This is wonderful, you must agree.

In addition to the places where you need to store your bike, there are places where it is highly not recommended to store it.

1. First of all, you should not leave your bicycle on the landing, because this is the most delicious option for a thief. Looking at the statistics of bicycle thefts, you will see that at least 95% are committed from the entrances of houses.

3. An unglazed balcony in the off-season and in winter is not the best place to store a bicycle, especially if it is equipped with hydraulic brakes and an oil fork. In this case, temperature changes are detrimental, due to which the properties of materials can change (for example, the oil scraper rubbers will “tann” more intensely, which can lead to leaks or improper operation of the mechanisms).