Late autumn has arrived for the Mikit falcons. Deciduous

Lesson summary of extracurricular reading, grade 2 Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Falls”

Guseva Irina Aleksandrovna, primary school teacher, MBOU “Gymnasium named after. I. Selvinsky", Evpatoria
Description: summary of an extracurricular reading lesson for 2nd grade students on the topic Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Falls”.
The tasks are adapted to the age of the students, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the information allows you to consolidate the students’ knowledge of the work they read. This material will be useful to primary school teachers.
Target: generalize and consolidate knowledge of the work. "Leaf Faller"

- introduce students to the life and work of Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov and his work “Falling Leaves”;
-develop meaningful reading skills;
- teach the ability to express your thoughts;
-expand and activate vocabulary;
-develop speech, thinking, creative activity;
- to cultivate love and respect for nature;
- to cultivate interest in works about nature.

Lesson equipment: handouts with homework, projector, presentation, exhibition of books by I. S., Sokolov-Mikitov, children's drawings, cartoon.
Preliminary work(handouts are provided to students weeks before class)

Assignments based on the fairy tale by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Faller”
1. Find the animals that are hidden in the word LEAF FALLER

2. Draw the main character of the story

3. Think about the questions
– What did you like about the fairy tale?
– What was the hare like at the beginning of the fairy tale, and what did it become at the end?

4. Explain the meaning of words
Hut –__________________________________________
Armful –________________________________________
Taste –_________________________________________
Chilly -________________________________________
Shy -________________________________________

5. Come up with a continuation of this story. What other adventures could happen to the bunny?

During the classes
1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood.

And so that the lesson benefits everyone -
Get actively involved in the work, my friend! Be diligent in class
Be calm and attentive.
Speak clearly and clearly
To make everything clear.
If you want to answer,
You have to raise your hand.
If a friend began to answer,
Don't rush to interrupt.
Do you want to help a friend?
Raise your hand calmly.
2. Report the topic of the lesson
Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the life and work of the wonderful Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov, with his work “Leaf Falls”.
3. Updating knowledge
a) Acquaintance with the biography of the writer (slides 2-5)
(slide 2)

Russian writer, naturalist and traveler. He lived a long and eventful life.
(slide 3)

Sokolov-Mikitov was born in 1892. He lived for 83 years. Father Sergei Nikitich Sokolov is a forester for a rich merchant, mother is a peasant woman. From his mother, Maria Ivanovna, who knew an inexhaustible variety of fairy tales and sayings, and whose every word was appropriate, he inherited a love for his native language, for figurative folk speech.
He lived his childhood in the village. In his youth, he served as a sailor on merchant ships, traveling all over the world. I had to live in England for some time, because... the ship on which Sokolov sailed - Mikitov was arrested, then he moved to Germany, but all the time he remembered his homeland. (slide 4)

(slide 5)

Sokolov-Mikitov wrote: “In my stories I did not invent heroes. I wrote about what I saw with my own eyes and what my ears heard.” In the last years of his life, the writer lost his sight, but he did not give up - he spoke his works into a voice recorder.

b) Work on the work “Falling Leaves”
(slide 6)

There is great joy in our family
Let the leaves fall, let them fly,
In a ditch, warm under an aspen tree
Three deciduous plants lie
Today we will analyze the fairy tale by I.S. Sokolova - Mikitova “Leaf Faller”.

– What did you like about the fairy tale?
– Why did the author come up with the fairy tale “Falling Leaves”?
(slide 7)

Different editions of the work
3. Vocabulary work
(slide 8-9)

Explain the meaning of the words
Lanky- tall, thin, awkward;
Dam- a structure that blocks a river or current to raise the water level;
Dammed- blocked the river with a dam;
Plasterer- a craftsman working with lime mortar during renovation or construction.
Khodko- easy and fast;
Pantry- food storage room;
chilly- Feel cold, freeze;
Shy- be embarrassed, afraid;
Hut- a small house in Ukraine.

4. Physical exercise
Jumping and jumping in the woods
Hares are gray balls
(Hands near the chest, like the paws of hares; jumping).
Jump - jump, jump - jump -
The little bunny stood on a stump
(Jumping forward - backward)
He lined everyone up in order and began showing them exercises.
Once! Everyone walks in place.
Two! They wave their hands together.
Three! They sat down and stood up together.
Everyone scratched behind the ear.
We reached four.
Five! They bent over and bent over.
Six! Everyone lined up again
They walked like a squad.
5. Analysis of the work- Conversation (slide 10)

- At what time of year did the bunnies appear?
- Name the main characters of the work. (Mother hare, leaf faller, beavers, cranes)
- What was the little bunny’s dream? Why did she appear?
- What other animals do we learn about in the fall from this story?
- What were the leaf-fallers afraid of?
- How did the old hare calm them down?
- Do you think the little hare did the right thing by running to warm countries after the cranes?
6. Generalization of the work
a) Characteristics of the bunny (slide 11)

-What was the hare like at the beginning of the fairy tale, and what did it become at the end? – (based on student drawings)
(slide 12)
- dreamer, visionary (dreams of flying to warmer lands);
- naughty (ran away from home, disobeyed my mother);
- inquisitive (asks questions to the beavers);
- patient (he lived all winter in the beavers' hut);
- Kind (helped nurse beaver cubs);
- caring (feeds the beavers);
- brave (learned to swim);
- loving (misses and remembers the old mother hare and little brothers, living in a hut with beavers).
(slide 13)

b) . Find the animals that are hidden in the word “Leaf Faller”.
(fox, elephant, donkey, pony, cat, raccoon, stork, wasp, bee, dog, swallows).
(slide 14)

1. Compose a syncwine about a bunny. (work in notebooks; a plan for working with syncwine is put on the slide).
1 – one noun;
2 – two adjectives;
3 – three verbs;
4 – key sentence from the text;
Curious, cowardly
Cares, fears, dives
Throughout the forest, Leaffall was known as the bravest and most desperate hare.

(slide 15)

2. Proverbs:
Choose the most accurate proverb that best suits the topic of our lesson. Explain your choice.

Sleeping a lot means not knowing anything.
Houses and walls help.
The foreign side is a dense forest.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

What truth did you understand and discover for yourself today? What did the fairy tale make you think about? (We must value our homeland, the love of loved ones. They are the main support in life.)
- Come up with a continuation of this story. What other adventures could happen to the bunny?
9. Reflection (slide 16)

Autumn, when the golden leaves fell from the trees, three scarlet little hares were born to an old hare in a swamp.

Hunters call autumn hares deciduous. Every morning the little hares watched how the cranes walked through the green swamp, how the lanky cranes learned to fly.

“I wish I could fly like that,” the smallest bunny said to his mother.

Do not say stupid things! – the old hare answered sternly. -Are hares supposed to fly?

Late autumn came, it became boring and cold in the forest. Birds began to gather to fly to warmer countries. Cranes are circling over the swamp, saying goodbye to their sweet green homeland for the whole winter. The bunnies hear it as if the cranes are saying goodbye to them:

Farewell, farewell, poor leaf fallers!

The noisy cranes flew to distant lands. The lazy bears lay down in warm dens; The prickly hedgehogs curled up into balls and fell asleep; The snakes hid in deep holes. It became even more boring in the forest. The deciduous bunnies began to cry:

Will something happen to us? We'll freeze in the swamp in winter.

Don't talk nonsense! – the hare said even more sternly. – Do hares freeze in winter? Soon you will grow thick, warm fur. When snow falls, we will be warm and cozy in the snow.

The bunnies calmed down. Only one, the smallest deciduous hare, does not give anyone peace.

Stay here, he told his brothers. “And I alone will run after the cranes to warm countries.”

The Leaf Faller ran and ran through the forest and came running to a remote forest river. He sees beavers building a dam on the river. They gnaw a thick tree with their sharp teeth, the wind blows, and the tree falls into the water. The river has been dammed, you can walk along the dam.

Tell me, guys, why are you cutting down such big trees? - asks the Leaf Faller of the beavers.

This is why we cut down trees, says old Beaver, “to prepare food for the winter and to build a new hut for our little beavers.”

Is it warm in your hut in winter?

“It’s very warm,” the gray-haired Beaver answers.

Please, take me to your hut, the little bunny asks.

Beaver and Beaver looked at each other and said:

We can take you. Our little beavers will be happy. But can you swim and dive?

No, hares can't swim. But I will soon learn from you, I will swim and dive well.

Okay,” says Beaver, “here is our new hut.” It's almost ready, all that's left is to finish the roof. Jump straight into the hut.

Leaf Faller jumped into the hut. And the beaver hut has two floors. Below, near the water, food for the beavers was prepared - soft willow branches. Fresh hay is laid on top. In a corner on the hay, fluffy beavers sleep sweetly.

Before the little hare had time to take a good look around, the beavers put a roof over the hut. One beaver carries gnawed sticks, the other covers the roof with silt. With its thick tail it sticks loudly, like a plasterer with a spatula. The beavers are working hard.

The beavers put up a roof and it became dark in the hut. Deciduous Man remembered his bright nest, his old mother hare and little brothers.

“I’ll run into the forest,” thinks Listopadnichek. “It’s dark, damp here, you can freeze.”

Soon the beavers returned to their hut. We shook ourselves downstairs and dried ourselves.

Well, they say, how are you feeling, little bunny?

“Everything is very good with you,” says Listopadnichek. “But I can’t stay here for long.” It's time for me to go to the forest.

What to do, says Beaver, if necessary, go. There is now only one way out of our hut - under water. If you have learned to swim and dive well, you are welcome.

Leaf Faller stuck his paw into the cold water:

Brrr! Oh, what cold water! It’s better, perhaps, that I stay with you all winter, I don’t want to go into the water.

Okay, stay, says Beaver. - We are very happy. You will be a nanny for our beavers, you will bring them food from the pantry. And we will go to the river to work and cut down trees. We are hardworking animals.

Deciduous Man remained in the beaver's hut. The beavers woke up, squeaked, and got hungry. Listopadnichek brought a whole armful of soft willow branches for them from the pantry. The beavers were very happy and began to gnaw on the willow branches - very quickly. Beavers have sharp teeth, only splinters fly. They gnawed, squeaked again, asking for food.

The Leaf Faller was tormented, carrying heavy branches from the pantry. The beavers returned late and began to clean up their hut. Beavers love cleanliness and order.

“And now,” they said to the little bunny, “please, sit down and eat with us.”

Where is your turnip? - asks Listopadnichek.

“We don’t have turnips,” the beavers answer. - Beavers eat willow and aspen bark.

The little hare tasted beaver food. The hard willow bark seemed bitter to him.

“Oh, apparently I won’t see the sweet turnip again!” - thought the leaf-falling bunny.

The next day, when the beavers left for work, the beavers squeaked - they were asking for food.

Leaf Faller ran to the pantry, and there, by the hole, an unfamiliar animal was sitting, all wet, with a huge fish in its teeth. The Leaf Faller was frightened by the terrible beast and began to pound the wall with all his might and call for the old beavers.

The beavers heard the noise and immediately appeared. The old Beaver drove the uninvited guest out of his hole.

“This is a robber otter,” said Beaver, “she does a lot of harm to us, spoils and ruins our dams.” Just don’t be timid, little bunny: the otter won’t show up in our hut any time soon. I gave her good blows.

Beaver kicked out the otter, and he himself went into the water. And again the Leaf Faller remained with the beavers in the damp, dark hut.

Many times he heard how a cunning fox approached the hut, sniffing, and how an angry lynx wandered near the hut. The greedy wolverine tried to break the hut.

During the long winter, the leaf-falling bunny suffered a lot of fear. He often remembered his warm nest, his old mother hare.

One day a big disaster happened on a forest river. In early spring, water broke through a large dam built by beavers. The hut began to flood.

Get up! Get up! - Old Beaver shouted. “It was the otter that ruined our dam.”

The beavers rushed down - splashing into the water! And the water is getting higher and higher. She wet the bunny's tail.

Swim, little bunny! - says old Beaver. - Swim, save yourself, otherwise you will perish!

Leaffall's tail is shaking with fear. The timid little bunny was very afraid of cold water.

Well, what should I do with you? - said old Beaver. - Sit on my tail and hold on tight. I will teach you to swim and dive.

The little hare sat down on a wide beaver tail, holding on tightly with his paws. The Beaver dived into the water, wagged its tail, but could not resist, the Leaf Faller flew out of the water like a bullet. Willy-nilly, I had to swim to the shore myself. He came ashore, snorted, shook himself, and headed as fast as he could to his native swamp.

And the old hare with her babies slept in her nest.

Leaf Faller was delighted and clung to his mother.

The hare did not recognize her little hare:

Ay, ay, who is it?

It’s me,” said Listopadnichek. - I'm from the water. I'm cold, I'm very cold.

The little hare sniffed, licked and put her to sleep in a warm nest. He fell asleep soundly next to his mother in his native nest. In the morning, hares from all over the swamp gathered to listen to the Deciduous Man.

He told his brothers and sisters how he followed cranes to warm countries, how he lived with beavers, how old Beaver taught him to swim and dive. Since then, throughout the forest, Leaffall has become known as the bravest and most desperate hare.

A) The teacher offers to solve a crossword puzzle based on the work of I.S. Sokolova - Mikitova “Leaf Faller”. (See Attachment)

What is this fairy tale?(author's). Who is the author of the fairy tale?

Why do you think this is a fairy tale?

What is fiction and what is reality?

B) The teacher organizes vocabulary work. (Slide)

The little hare tasted beaver food.
Taste –

I'm very cold.
chilly -

Just don't be shy, little bunny.
Shy -

Every morning the bunnies watched the lanky cranes learn to fly.
Lanky –

The beavers dammed the river.
Dammed -

The beavers are working hard.
Khodko –

The beavers heard the noise and immediately appeared.

Instantly -

Willy-nilly I had to swim to the shore myself.

Willy-nilly -

IN ) The teacher organizes analytical work on the text. (Slide)

A) Selective reading

What event do these verbs talk about? (Preparing for winter)

They flew away...

Lay down...

We fell asleep...


Read the passages, who is preparing for winter.

What scares animals in winter? Cold or hunger?

How can children help birds in times of hunger?

I want to remind you of one promotion. ( Slide show , where children are photographed with handmade feeders.)

Stand up those guys who made and hung the feeders.

What should we not forget now? (Put food in the feeders).

G) - Expressive reading of the dialogue between the hares and the hares

(p. 60).

Were all the bunnies the same in character?

- Expressive reading of the dialogue between the beavers and the bunny when they meet (p. 61).

What questions did the curious bunny ask the beavers?

The bunny looked at how beavers live in their hut. Did he like it?

(No, I didn't like it)

Why couldn’t he return to his home, to a bright, warm nest?

- Reading by roles (p. 63)

D) The teacher organizes selective reading work.

Read how the little hare had to feed the hungry beaver cubs (p.64).

Read about the meeting of Leaffall with an otter.

Read words about what the bunny had to endure during the long winter among the beavers?

Read how the bunny met his mother

(p. 66).

What words in this passage help to understand the bunny’s feelings?(He was delighted and pressed himself tightly, tightly, next to his mother.)

D) The teacher suggests compiling characteristics of the main characters of the work. Frontal work.


little hare
- dreamer, visionary(dreams of flying to warmer lands)
- stubborn, disobedient(ran away from home, disobeyed my mother)
- inquisitive(asks questions to the beavers)
- patient (he lived all winter in the beavers' hut)
- diligent (helped nurse beaver cubs, learned to swim)
- sometimes timid(scared of a terrible beast in the pantry)
- loving his mother and brothers(misses and remembers living in a beaver's hut)

- hardworking craftsmen(they are building a dam, a two-story hut; they work with their tails like plasterers)
- thrifty (preparing food for the winter)
- hospitable (sheltered a hare)
- caring and attentive(worried about the beaver cubs, helping the bunny during the flood)
- brave (the beaver drove the otter out of the hut)
- clean (beavers tidy up their hut)

E) The teacher organizes work with proverbs.

Let's turn to folk wisdom.

What proverbs can be addressed to beavers? Hare? Little bunny?

Why do you think so?

The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Mother's patience will endure everything.

Mother's prayer from the day of the sea takes out.

The mother feeds the children like the earth of people.

Work until you sweat, eat when you want.

Every skill comes from hard work.

Sleeping a lot means not knowing anything.

AND) The teacher organizes the work of drawing up plans for a fairy tale. Work in pairs with self-test according to the standard.

Now let's make a plan for retelling the fairy tale.

Look at the plan I propose.

How many points are there in my plan?

If you disagree, correct the errors.

(Work in pairs . Children should put the headings in order in the plan).

Work plan: (incorrect)

  1. Leaf Faller's Dream.
  2. Little hare in the beaver's hut.
  3. Preparing animals for winter.
  4. I had to stay for the winter.
  5. Finally at home!

Standard check.


  1. Leaf Faller's Dream.
  2. Preparing animals for winter.
  3. Little hare in the beaver's hut.
  4. I had to stay for the winter.
  5. I've had enough fears over the long winter.
  6. Finally at home!

H) Continuation of work on drawing up plans. Work in groups.

The groups exchange their plans. Each group must put the headings in order.

A plan made up of questions for the text. (as an option)

1. What did the bunny dream about?

2. How did animals prepare for winter?

3. Where did the little bunny run away from home?

4. Why did the leaf faller stay with the beavers?

5. What trouble happened to the beavers in early spring?

6. How did the little hare return to his native nest?

An outline made from quotes. (as an option)

  1. I wish I could fly like that!
  2. Late autumn has arrived.
  3. Take me to your hut.
  4. Deciduous Man remained in the beaver's hut.
  5. I suffered a lot of fear during the long winter.
  6. Leaf Faller was delighted and clung to his mother.

AND) The teacher suggests retelling the fairy tale from the perspective of different heroes of the fairy tale.

There are several heroes in our work and each lives this story in his own way, experiences his own feelings and experiences.

Try to tell the story from different points of view and convey the feelings and experiences of your character.

From the bunny's perspective (group 1).

On behalf of the beavers. (group 2).

From the mother bunny's perspective. (3rd group).

(4th group).

Which character did you empathize with the most and why?

The teacher summarizes the lesson.

-What do you think? main idea this work? (Children should not run away from home, from their family, or make their mother suffer. We must love our homeland. Our home is our main defense. It’s not for nothing that they say: My home is my castle.)

Select the most accurate proverb, which most suits the topic of our lesson.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!

To understand How dear is the hare's native nest,did he have to experience?

(Travel, live in someone else’s house, endure fears, work as a nanny for beavers, dive into icy water).

Only separation and life in a dark beaver hole allowed the bunnyunderstand how much he careshis native swamp, a hare’s nest, where his old mother hare and brothers are always welcome.

Guys, did Listopadnichek remind you of any hero? (Frog traveler). Why?

If you recommended your friend to read this animal story, what main advantages would you note? - What truth you understood today, you discovered for myself ? What are you talking about personally? made me think fairy tale?

(We must value our homeland, our family, the love of loved ones. They are the main support in life.)

I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Faller”

In the autumn, when the golden leaves fell from the trees, three little hares were born to an old hare in a swamp.

Hunters call autumn hares deciduous. Every morning the little hares watched the cranes walk through the green swamp, and how the lanky cranes learned to fly.

“I wish I could fly like that,” the smallest bunny said to his mother.

- Do not say stupid things! - the old hare answered sternly. -Are hares supposed to fly?

Late autumn came, it became boring and cold in the forest. Birds began to gather to fly to warmer countries. Cranes are circling over the swamp, saying goodbye to their sweet green homeland for the whole winter. The bunnies hear it as if the cranes are saying goodbye to them:

- Farewell, farewell, poor leaf fallers!

The noisy cranes flew to distant lands. The lazy bears lay down in warm dens; The prickly hedgehogs curled up into balls and fell asleep; The snakes hid in deep holes.

It became even more boring in the forest. The deciduous bunnies began to cry:

- Will something happen to us? We'll freeze in the swamp in winter.

- Don't talk nonsense! - the bunny said even more sternly. - Do hares freeze in winter? Soon thick, warm fur will grow on you. When snow falls, we will be warm and cozy in the snow.

The bunnies calmed down. Only one, the smallest Leaf Faller - the bunny does not give anyone peace.

“Stay here,” he told his brothers. “And I alone will run after the cranes to warm countries.”

And the little bunny quietly ran away from his native nest to look for the crane’s warm countries.

The Leaf Faller ran and ran through the forest and came running to a remote forest river. He sees beavers building a dam on the river. They gnaw a thick tree with their sharp teeth, the wind blows, and the tree falls into the water. The river has been dammed, you can walk along the dam.

- Tell me, guys, why are you cutting down such big trees? - asks the Leaf Faller of the beavers.

“We cut down trees for this,” says old Beaver, “to prepare food for the winter and to build a new hut for our little beavers.”

— Is it warm in your hut in winter?

“It’s very warm,” answers the gray-haired Beaver.

“Please take me to your hut,” asks the little bunny.

Beaver and Beaver looked at each other and said:

- We can take you. Our little beavers will be happy. But can you swim and dive?

- No, hares don’t know how to swim or dive. But I will soon learn from you, I will swim and dive well.

“Okay,” says Beaver, “here is our new hut.” It's almost ready, all that's left is to finish the roof. Jump straight into the hut.

Leaf Faller jumped into the hut. And the beaver hut has two floors. Below, near the water, food for the beavers was prepared - soft willow branches. Fresh hay is laid on top. In a corner on the hay, fluffy beavers sleep sweetly.

Before the little hare had time to take a good look around, the beavers put a roof over the hut. One carries gnawed sticks, the other covers the roof with silt. His thick tail slaps loudly, like a plasterer with a spatula. The beavers are working hard.

The beavers put up a roof and it became warm in the hut. Deciduous Man remembered his bright nest, his old mother hare and little brothers.

“I’ll run into the forest,” thinks Listopadnichek. “It’s dark, damp, and you could freeze.”

Soon the beavers returned to their hut. We shook ourselves downstairs and dried ourselves.

“Well,” they say, “how are you feeling, little bunny?”

“Everything is very good with you,” says Listopadnichek. “But I can’t stay here for long.” It's time for me to go to the forest.

“What to do,” says Beaver, “if necessary, go.” There is now only one way out of our hut - under water. If you have learned to swim and dive well, you are welcome.

Leaf Faller stuck his paw into the cold water:

- Brrr! Oh, what cold water! It’s better, perhaps, that I stay with you all winter, I don’t want to go into the water.

“Okay, stay,” says Beaver. - We are very happy. You will be a nanny for our beavers, you will bring them food from the pantry. And we will go to the river to work and cut down trees. We are hardworking animals.

Deciduous Man remained in the beaver's hut. The beavers woke up, squeaked, and got hungry. Listopadnichek brought a whole armful of soft willow branches for them from the pantry. The beavers were very happy and began to gnaw on the willow branches - very quickly. Beavers have sharp teeth, only splinters fly. They gnawed, squeaked again, asking for food. The Leaf Faller was tormented, carrying heavy branches from the pantry. The beavers returned late and began to clean up their hut. Beavers love cleanliness and order.

“Now,” they said to the little bunny, “please, sit down and eat with us.”

- Where is your turnip? - asks Listopadnichek.

“We don’t have turnips,” the beavers answer. — Beavers eat willow and aspen bark.

The little hare tasted beaver food. The hard willow bark seemed bitter to him.

“Oh, apparently I won’t see the sweet turnip again!” - thought the Little Leaf Bunny.

The next day, when the beavers left for work, the beavers squeaked - they were asking for food.

Leaf Faller ran to the pantry, and there, by the hole, an unfamiliar animal was sitting, all wet, with a huge fish in its teeth. The Leaf Faller was frightened by the terrible beast and began to pound the wall with all his might and call for the old beavers.

The beavers heard the noise and immediately appeared. The old Beaver drove the uninvited guest out of his hole.

“This is a robber otter,” said Beaver, “she does a lot of harm to us, spoils and ruins our dams.” Just don’t be timid, little bunny: the otter won’t show up in our hut any time soon. I gave her good blows.

Beaver kicked out the otter, and he himself went into the water. And again the Leaf Faller remained with the beavers in a damp, dark hut.

Many times he heard how a cunning fox approached the hut, sniffing, and how an angry lynx wandered near the hut. The greedy wolverine tried to break the hut.

During the long winter, the Little Leaf Bunny suffered a lot of fear. He often remembered his warm nest, his old mother hare.

Once a big disaster happened on a forest river. In early spring, water broke through a large dam built by beavers. The hut began to flood.

- Get up! Get up! - Old Beaver shouted. “It was the otter that ruined our dam.”

The beavers rushed down - splashing into the water! And the water is getting higher and higher. She wet the bunny's tail.

- Swim, little bunny! - says old Beaver. - Swim, save yourself, otherwise you will perish!

Leaffall's tail is shaking with fear. The timid little bunny was very afraid of cold water.

- Well, what should we do with you? - said old Beaver. - Sit on my tail and hold on tight. I will teach you to swim and dive.

The little hare sat down on a wide beaver tail, holding on tightly with his paws. The Beaver dived into the water, wagged his tail - he could not resist, like a bullet, the Leaf Faller flew out of the water. Willy-nilly, I had to swim to the shore myself. He went ashore, snorted, shook himself - and headed as fast as he could to his native swamp.

And the old hare with her babies slept in her nest. Leaf Faller was delighted and clung to his mother.

The hare did not recognize her little hare:

- Ay, ay, who is it?

“It’s me,” said Listopadnichek. - I'm from the water. I'm cold, I'm very cold.

The little hare sniffed, licked and put her to sleep in a warm nest. He fell asleep soundly next to his mother in his native nest.

In the morning, hares from all over the swamp gathered to listen to the Deciduous Man.

He told his brothers and sisters how he followed cranes to warm countries, how he lived with beavers, how old Beaver taught him to swim and dive.

Since then, throughout the forest, Leaffall has become known as the bravest and most desperate hare.

Before you draw up a plan for the story “Falling Leaves,” the author of which is Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov, you need to read the story very carefully and highlight the most striking events in the story that happened to the main character.

Reading a story

You learned that the main character in the work is the smallest bunny, whose name is Listopadnichek. With the arrival of cold weather, all the animals hid in holes, the birds flew away to warmer regions, and the little hare was very afraid that he would freeze in the forest in winter.

It became boring in the forest and he decided to run away to warm countries for the cranes. On the way, he met beavers who were building a dam on the river in order to survive the cold winter with their little beavers. The beavers told the little hare that it was very warm in their hut in winter and the little hare asked them to stay over the winter.

But soon he didn’t like living in the beavers’ hut, and he decided to go home to his warm nest. The beavers let him go, but the exit was under water, since the little hare did not know how to swim and he had to stay to dive. All winter he nursed the little beavers and fed them soft willow twigs.

In early spring, water broke through the beaver dam and began to flood the hut. The beaver had to teach the little hare to swim and dive very quickly in order for him to successfully reach the shore. Once on the river bank, the little hare quickly ran home to his native swamp. After he slept in a warm nest next to his mother, he told his brothers and sisters about his adventures.

  • Analyze the story you read and highlight the most important events that happened to the bunny.
  • Having made your conclusions, you can start writing a plan.
  • Try to include in your plan all the stories that happened in the forest with the leaf-bunny hare.
  • Make a plan.

We are drawing up a plan for the story "Leaffall"

1. The bunny’s fear of freezing in the forest in winter.

2. The little hare's escape after the cranes to warm countries.

3. The hare’s winter hut in the beaver’s hut.

4. A failed attempt to return home to the forest to the mother hare.

5. Rescue of a leaf-bunny hare.

6. The bunny returns home to his mother, brothers and sisters.