Why do you dream about cats? - I dreamed about a black and white cat, dream book. Why do you dream of a black cat in a dream?

Dream Interpretation black cat

There are many beliefs and rumors associated with the black cat. They are usually unfavorable. Did you dream about a black cat? What does it mean? Is this a negative dream? To answer, you should look into the dream book.

Interpretation of sleep

Absolutely all dream books do not ignore the interpretation of the image - a black cat. But you shouldn’t rely only on their opinion; what’s more important is your feelings during sleep.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller has an answer to the question: why do you dream of a black cat? It was not possible to neutralize it in a dream - a negative dream. She attacks you, bites you, which means you have strong enemies who will stop at nothing to harm you. Their goal is your reputation, and possibly property.

For a woman, a cat with kittens is participation in a dubious enterprise, not of her own free will.

If you dreamed of a black cat

In addition to general interpretations, Miller also gave specific tips:

  • A cat that is dirty and unkempt means bad news from friends regarding their health.
  • Drive away a skinned cat - a sick friend will recover
  • I dream of a lot of meowing cats - an imaginary one among friends, making attempts to annoy.
  • Being scratched means your enemies will be able to get the lion's share of your profits.
  • A big white cat means confusion in business and can be costly.
  • A cat and a snake nearby is the beginning of an open conflict with the enemy.

Modern dream book

Seeing a cat in a dream means failure if you cannot get rid of it.

She dreams that a cat attacks and bites - the machinations of enemies. Again, to cope, it’s worth driving the animal away in a dream.

A white cat means there is a small obstacle that you are not paying enough attention to. But it can reach universal proportions. Two cats - two obstacles.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

For a man to see a cat caressing him in search of food in a dream, it means that the man is subordinate to a powerful aggressive woman, mother, wife. The appearance of such dreams means that he does not like this state of affairs.

If a woman dreams that she is a cat, she takes a dominant position in life.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What did you do in your dream?

Mrs. Grishina gives the most detailed interpretation of dreams about cats. Namely:

  • stroking a cat - to doubts;
  • caressing cat (cat) - an insidious temptress (tempter);
  • the meowing of a cat - they will ask you for help, but it will be very difficult to do so;
  • bites or scratches you - illness or false accusations against you;
  • to see another person scratching and biting - the disease will affect you only indirectly;
  • catch a cat - you will soon find out who is gossiping;
  • to see cats fighting - you will reveal a conspiracy against you, you will suffer from a thirst for entertainment;
  • playing with kittens, a cat - your life partner is cheating;
  • black cat - an unfamiliar enemy;
  • to see a dream with kittens - to profit;
  • a crushed cat - the lifestyle you are leading now will not bring you any good.

General dream predictions with cats

Seeing cats in dreams is a fairly common occurrence. They can be fluffy, smooth-haired, wild domesticated, of various colors. The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior of the cat and your actions.

The iconic role of a black cat in a dream

The black cat is persona non grata. It is not allowed to think that a black cat is a positive message. But the dream book has its own vision of this symbol.

Negative Predictions

To see a cat just passing by, interpretation - in the near future you will quarrel with someone.

if I crossed your path

To see that she is crossing your path or heading towards you - you have an enemy, take a closer look at your surroundings.

Hear her meow but not see her - you will be deceived. The message of dreams in which a cat meows in front of your eyes is that your love is not reciprocated.

To catch her, all the intrigues about you will become known to you.

The familiar black purr bites and scratches - its owners are very upset with you. It is likely that their revenge has already taken place.

Seeing a lot of black cats fighting means beware of night robbery.

The dream book gives the following interpretation of fighting a black cat and defeating it - you yourself will be able to cope with your enemies and troubles because of them.

Positive Predictions

Not every dream book believes that black cats are a good dream. But still such an opinion exists.

If in a dream a big black cat behaves peacefully and does not show any aggression towards the sleeping person, then there is hope that the difficult period in your life will soon end.

When she sleeps peacefully on the carpet, it means that your enemies are also at rest and do not want to harm you yet.

if there were kittens

After dreams in which two black cats fight with each other, you have a real chance to neutralize your enemies and defeat them.

A dead black cat is your worst enemy and will very soon disappear without a trace.

A positive symbol is a black and white purr - if it fawns towards you, soon all adversity will subside, and complete calm will come in your life.


Black cat with kittens, cute but disturbing, especially for women. Such dreams are seen as harbingers of betrayal on the part of the husband. At least you already have a rival.

If the cat feeds the kittens, you will live independently; if she leaves with the kittens, it means moving. Many kittens - more trouble.

Harm the cat

As in life, in a dream you can harm a cat, either accidentally or on purpose. Of course, this will have an impact on the interpretation of the dream.

The main rule is that you yourself must kill the cat in a dream, then all the negative interpretation will come to naught. If in a dream, in front of your eyes, someone else is able to kill a cat, especially one of your own, the attackers will be able to harm you, not only in material terms. Perhaps a threat looms over your life.

Killing a cat from your dreams - such a dream promises a lot. All your plans will come true, while your enemies will be left hanging.

For married couples, killing a cat promises peace and quiet in your home.

Trying to kill a cat, but at the same time it will meow heart-rendingly - the enemy is hiding among your closest friends, it will be extremely difficult to identify and neutralize him.

What can you take away from dreams where you see a lot of aggressive cats, and this pack attacks you, bites you - defeating them, killing them means that you can handle any difficulties.

You have dreams about small kittens that you are trying to drown, which, oddly enough, is considered by the dream book as a positive action. This means that you will cope with minor difficulties that appear on your way. If there are a lot of them, then you can get rid of absolutely all the interference.

White doesn't mean better

When people dream of white cats, they sigh with relief, thinking that such a dream is for good. And they are very wrong.

If you dream of black cats, you are warned of danger and begin to act. The opposite situation occurs when a white woman dreams, but she predicts exactly the same thing as her brunette friend. Only in the beginning the enemies and troubles are insignificant, almost unnoticeable. You don't pay attention to them, and they grow like a snowball, threatening to crush you. This makes the white pet more negative than the black one.

Bottom line

Whatever cats you dream about, they are a serious warning of danger. And they dream for a reason. This means that you had no idea that someone might wish you harm, and your affairs are not ideal.
Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, insure your property, pull up your tail at work, be more attentive to your loved ones - and perhaps everything will work out.

“They say you won’t be lucky if you have a black cat...” is sung in a famous song. And a popular belief says that meeting this animal promises problems. But this is real. Why do you dream about a black cat or a black cat?

There is also a nuance: cat owners dream about their pets quite often, so a dream in which a “mustachioed-striped” is present does not promise them anything remarkable.

How to get rid of troubles?

A quarrel or a fight is something that a person who sees a black cat in the night cannot avoid. And if he also managed to cross the path of the sleeping person, then meeting and communicating with a very nasty, unfriendly person definitely cannot be avoided in reality, the dream book warns.

According to the dream book, a black cat is often associated with a representative of the fair sex, but she is angry, envious, and insidious. When such a beast attacks you in a night fantasy, beware: you have to face an enemy.

A black and white “murka” in a night dream, caressing towards the sleeping person is a sign that you will finally be able to take a breath, get some rest, and get even with all your affairs and worries. But don’t relax, the dream book warns, this is just the calm before the storm, there are no fewer obstacles and trials ahead. Deception, treacherous betrayal - this is what a cat's meow can dream of.

What if a charcoal kitty bites you in a dream? The dream book tells you: you will become a victim of a serious illness or gossip. Did the cat that snatched at you in its nap seem similar to the one your friends had? Then these people hid a stone in their bosom against you, offended, offended by something.

In a dream, you committed an uncharacteristic cruel act: you killed a defenseless kitten. This is not at all evidence of bloodthirstiness. According to the dream book, this is a sign that in reality you risk missing a unique chance.

If you drove away an animal in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid the troubles predicted by the dream book.

An animal out of favor

Killing an adult black cat in a dream means that in reality the enemies will be defeated. But if someone has offended your pet, then keep in mind that this character is suspicious and unpredictable.

Some dream books say that attempts to destroy a black cat in a night dream indicate that the sleeper is actively arguing with his “alter ego.”

The saddest interpretation is for a vision in which there is an unkempt, disheveled, thin cat. Miller considers this a harbinger of illness of a loved one or unpleasant news.

Cat "pack"

Seeing two cats at once is a sign that the number of misfortunes will only double. The only way to avoid such a development of events will be the dreamer’s desire to drive away the bugs or run away from them.

Why do you dream about a whole flock of cats, many animals? It’s worth taking a closer look at those around you. Among them, the dream book assures, there are characters who clearly dislike you, but skillfully hide their true emotions for the time being.

A cat sitting in your arms in a dream is a warning; they will try to seduce you into participating in a not very decent, dishonest event. This is especially true for young women.

Treason, the presence of a cunning rival - this is why a woman dreams of a black cat. If an animal feeds its cubs, then this is a hint to the sleeping person: it’s time to start a family and live independently. And if he takes away and hides the kittens, then soon there will be a move and household chores.

Every day we meet cats on the street, and some have them as pets. But no matter how cute and funny a cat may look, any person knows that in reality this is a small predator who can show his cunning, malice and vindictiveness at any moment.

Features of interpretation

Everyone remembers from childhood that a black cat is an indispensable companion of evil sorcerers, magicians and sorcerers, and our Baba Yaga is no exception. And when a black cat crosses the road in front of people on the street, even many of them who do not believe in God or the devil suddenly stop and change the road, wait for someone else to pass in front of them, or spit over their shoulder three times.

This ambiguous attitude towards cats carries over into our dreams. According to the vast majority of dream books, a cat or cat of any color and size brings misfortune and problems. But if you dream about your pet, then there is no hidden meaning or threat in this.

If in a dream you drove away a cat, killed it, or simply saw it dead, then in real life you will be able to avoid the machinations of enemies and various troubles. Why do you dream of a black cat or a black cat? What does such a dream promise us?

Black cat according to Grishina's dream book

Grishina’s noble dream book, unlike many dream books, divides cats and cats, which are seen in dreams, into two different groups.

A black cat in a dream represents evil from an external ill-wisher, an evil spell under the power of which is a person or a demonic entity. A black cat in a dream is the dark side of the person himself, which is trying to resist the personality of the owner.

Black cat according to the 21st century dream book

Modern dream book of the 21st century. A black cat in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing an imminent fight or quarrel. If you are bitten or scratched by a black cat, it means that someone is offended or slandering you.

If in a dream she crossed your path, then this means a close meeting with an enemy or a person who is deceiving you; if this does not happen to you, then it means a slight malaise. Stroke a black cat, which means that in real life you are overcome by mistrust and doubts; having caught it, you find out some gossip.

Black cat in a dream - Italian dream book

In the Italian dream book, a black cat appears to us as a small but most insidious creature that pretends to people that it serves them, and in return receives food, affection and warmth.

It seems that she serves a person selflessly, but in fact only circumstances can force her to do this. Therefore, according to the Italians, a black cat in a dream expresses social aggression, worthless eroticism, absorption of something or being held in captivity.

Decoding from other dream books

  • Miss Hasse's dream book clearly interprets the appearance of a black cat in a dream as an approaching misfortune.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the great astrologer and predictor, a dream about a black cat with red eyes predicts an evil intent that could end in the shedding of blood.
  • Aesop's Dream Book reminds us that in ancient times many religions deified cats and calls for treating dreams involving cats as prophetic. If a black cat crosses your path in a dream, then, according to Aesop, this means the approach of very serious dangers.
  • Medea's dream book characterizes the appearance of cats in a dream as an unstable and unpredictable situation or as a desire for sexual relations. According to this dream book, a black cat acts as the dark unconscious forces of the person who had the dream.
  • The French dream book also attributes the appearance of black cats in a dream to the approach of troubles, especially on the personal front, and predicts the possible betrayal of a woman close to you, for men a wife, and for women a close friend.

Positive interpretation

However, there is also a diametrically opposite point of view on black cats in dreams, which does not carry a negative connotation.

According to the Assyrian dream book, if you manage to catch a black cat in a dream, then this will fulfill your most cherished desires or a person will appear in your life on whom you can rely.

Zhou-Gong's dream book assures that if in a dream a cat catches a mouse before your eyes, then this will bring you luck and wealth.

How truthful various dream books are and whether you should trust their explanation of the dream of what a black cat or black cat dreams about is up to you to decide. Not every person can correctly decipher a dream, because many approach this from the position of a habitual view of the world around them.

Someone associates a cat with a frivolous woman, and his explanation of the dream will be different from someone who first remembers that a cat always falls on its paws. Very often, events that you have recently witnessed influence your sleep.

In this regard, the dream should be most understandable to the dreamer himself, since he is more aware than anyone else about all the details of the dream and his real life. Therefore, you can try to understand your dream and put yourself in the place of your subconscious, which encoded this message to you.

The black cat is an ambiguous symbol in esotericism. Our ancestors associated many signs and superstitions with their pets. A dream does not always have a negative meaning. A cat imparts a special energy that influences a person’s life. When interpreting night vision, it is necessary to take into account its details: what the cat looked like and what actions it performed in its sleep. In addition, it is important to correlate what you see in the kingdom of Morpheus with the events that occur in the real life of the sleeper.

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    General interpretation of the dream

    If a cat attacks the dreamer, then the dream foreshadows a meeting with an enemy. An animal bite is a bad sign, especially if it was accompanied by pain and a wound on the human body. The dream book interprets the dream as a symbol of an approaching illness. Unpleasant symptoms will arise, which, if ignored, will lead to the development of a dangerous disease. If the sleeper feels a deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The attack also represents gossip behind the sleeper's back. If a woman sees a dream, then she will have a rival who will affect her relationship with her loved one.

    A meowing black cat is a sign that the dreamer will be asked for help. It will not be easy for him, but he will make every effort to provide all possible assistance. If an animal heads towards a sleeping person, then there is a person with bad intentions in his environment. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings and try to impartially evaluate the people in whom you trust.

    A peaceful and calm cat that caresses and purrs foreshadows the onset of a favorable period in the dreamer’s life. Difficulties that have troubled a person for a long time will be overcome. But first you will have to make efforts to cope with troubles.

    A black cat with kittens in the house is an alarming sign. If a married woman sees a dream, then her husband will cheat on her or hide something important from her. But you shouldn’t create a scandal and spoil your relationship with your loved one. First of all, you need to have a frank conversation and let your husband speak out.

    Gender of the dreamer

    Seeing a black cat in a woman's dream is a sign that she should think about her emotional state. She does not feel confident in herself, she has many complexes that prevent her from enjoying life. If possible, it is best in this situation to consult a psychologist or talk with a loved one who will help you overcome a difficult period in your life. But the main thing to do is to love yourself. You need to devote more time to yourself, take care of your appearance and engage in self-education.

    For a young girl, the dream foreshadows communication with a frivolous chosen one. If she plans to connect her life with her boyfriend, then it is better not to make hasty decisions. She is not the person next to her whom she can rely on in the future. For a pregnant woman, a dream indicates a lack of vitamins in her body. You should diversify your diet and give up bad habits.

    A dream promises a man an acquaintance with a woman who will want to use him for selfish purposes. Therefore, you should not succumb to the charms of an attractive person. A big black cat portends big profits.

    What did the black cat look like?

    When looking at a cat, the first thing a person pays attention to is the color of the animal's eyes. This detail is discussed separately in the dream book; special attention is paid to it:

    • A cat with green eyes is a good sign in esotericism. For a woman, he foretells an acquaintance with a man who will make a strong impression on her. But you should know that she will never be the only one for him, so you shouldn’t dream of a happy future together.
    • A pet with blue eyes means an unexpected gift. It will pleasantly surprise the sleeper and charge him with a positive mood for the whole day.
    • A black cat with red eyes is an unusual and frightening phenomenon. Nostradamus believed that the animal predicted evil intentions. You should be careful and not trust strangers.

    Actions of a sleeper in a dream

    Holding a kitten in your arms and stroking it is a sign of doubts that will overcome the dreamer. Catching a pet in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will recognize the name of the person who is spreading gossip behind his back. You need to limit communication with this person and not succumb to his provocations.

    Fighting a cat and winning is a good omen. You will be able to cope with all troubles without outside help. Competitors and enemies will be defeated.

    If the dreamer sees a cat lying on his bed, then in the near future there will be a new addition to his family. An animal on the roof of a house means difficulties that can only be overcome by maintaining self-confidence.

    Miller's Dream Book

    There are often inconsistencies in the dream books of famous authors. This is due to the fact that seers use different approaches when interpreting dreams. Miller’s dream book gives the following interpretation of a night vision in which a black cat dreams:

    • An unkempt pet with dirty fur portends unpleasant news related to its health condition. They will not affect the sleeping person personally; we will talk about his loved ones.
    • If the cat scratched the dreamer, then his competitor will take credit for the dreamer’s achievements. This should not be allowed, otherwise you may lose part of your profit.

From ancient times to our time, it was believed that there is no more magical animal than a cat. Cats were associated with the other world and were considered assistants to witches and sorcerers. But at the same time, they are the favorite pets of many people, helping to rid the home of dark forces, and even cure many diseases with their strong energy.

Of course, first of all, cats are the favorites of women, and therefore, if the latter dreamed of her pet, you need to approach this dream very carefully, clearly remember the details, because a fluffy beloved animal in reality in a dream can mean far from happy forecasts. Why do women dream about cats?

Perhaps no animal is as closely connected with the supernatural world as the cat. Sacred in many cultures, personifying God's will or a mystical sign, a cat that appears in a dream serves as a warning to the dreamer. Why does a woman dream about cats?

Depending on the circumstances of its occurrence, such a dream can have completely different consequences.

A cat in a dream represents quarrels, squabbles and broken promises. Such a dream is also a harbinger of treason or betrayal of a close friend, a break in relationships or a major scandal. In the near future, the dreamer expects unpleasant events, tears and irreparable loss.

  • The appearance of a black cat in a dream- a harbinger of danger. The dreamer should not act rashly if she sees this dream on the night from Monday to Tuesday. But when you have a dream with a black cat on the night from Friday to Saturday, there is no reason to worry: fate favors the dreamer, and soon she will suddenly receive a large sum of money.
  • A black or white stray cat crossing the dreamer's path- a bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows dashed hopes and unfulfilled plans. The dreamer should not make rash decisions; it is better for her to refrain from radical changes and, as far as possible, put important events on the back burner. However, if in a dream a cat has a collar or bow, on the contrary, you can not be afraid of failures and boldly begin to implement ideas - such a dream promises justified success.
  • Cat resting calmly in the sun- a harbinger of calm and peace of mind. The dreamer can forget for a while about her ill-wishers, relax and be sure that her competitors will not take any decisive steps against her in the near future.

Cat trying to catch a mouse in a dream- a harbinger of wealth, unexpected joy.
  • Kittens in a dream foreshadow monetary profit, career advancement.
  • Caress a cat in a dream- a harbinger of doubts and difficult emotional experiences.
  • Aggressive black cat in a dream- a dangerous enemy, but not hiding his intentions. The white cat is an insidious friend, acting on the sly.
  • If the dreamer is scratched by her own cat in a dream, such a dream is a harbinger of slander. If it is someone else’s cat, its owners harbor resentment or anger towards the dreamer.
  • Catch a cat in a dream- a good sign. Such a dream means that the dreamer will soon discover the gossip swarming around her personal life and will be able to dispel false rumors.
  • Play with your pet in a dream- a harbinger of infidelity, betrayal. However, the dream does not specify whose exactly.
  • Harm or cause pain to a cat in a dream- bad sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of a bad conscience, a stone in the soul.

Cat bite in a dream- a harbinger of health problems.
  • A dead cat in a dream portends a quarrel, a break in relationships. If the cat belongs to the dreamer, she should not trust her lover so thoughtlessly and blindly. If a lover kills a cat with his own hands or harms it in a dream, perhaps he himself has long wanted to break up with the dreamer. If the cat belongs to the dreamer’s acquaintances or friends, she will soon have a quarrel with these people.
  • A pregnant cat portends a big surprise, the arrival of a new person in the house. This could be a young man if the girl is single, a child if she lives with a man, or a close relative if the dreamer has a full-fledged family.
  • Aggressive, hissing and showing sharp teeth cats foreshadow the appearance of insidious enemies, ready to do anything to deprive the dreamer of her property. If she drives the cat away, she can easily cope with any adversity.
A thin and shabby cat portends bad news regarding the dreamer’s friends. She should not refuse them help and sympathy - otherwise misfortune may befall them.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, a dream with a cat is a sign of failure, no matter who had it, a man or a woman. The exception is a dream where the cat was killed or scared away. So why does a woman dream about cats?

  • a dream in which a cat scratches means losing money during some kind of transaction or work.
  • a young woman who sees a cat sitting in her arms will soon be drawn into some bad financial affairs.
  • if the cat is white, most likely the dreamer’s participation in unreliable matters will lead to the deprivation of her property.
  • the cat is not visible, but in a dream you can only hear its meowing, which means that a close friend will betray you.
  • A dirty cat means illness in your family is ahead.

Interpretations according to Freud

Dream interpreter Freud believes that seeing a cat in a dream is a sign of a woman’s sexual temperament. If she strokes a cat in a dream, it means she is tired of her old sexual relationship and wants to change her sexual partner to a younger one.

In a dream, a cat fawns on her, which means that the woman is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Tormenting a cat in a dream in reality means that a woman has unhealthy masochistic tendencies. All Freud's dreams with cats are the embodiment of human sexual needs.

Interpretations according to Nostradamus

Nostradamus saw in dreams the most global problems, involving not only personal interests, but also the problems of humanity as a whole. Dreaming about cats is no exception. According to his interpretation, cats, especially if there are a lot of them, portend an environmental disaster on the planet. Cats fight with dogs, there is a struggle between good and evil on a global scale.

Days of the week when you had a dream

According to the modern dream book, which approaches the treatise of dreams in great detail, it is important to pay special attention to the day of the week when you had a dream.

  • If a woman dreams of a cat on Thursday night, it means that a dear person who enjoyed trust and respect will soon betray her.
  • seeing a cat from Saturday to Sunday is not bad: the dreamer will find an assistant and friend, support in life.
  • On Monday, a warning dream indicates that you should not let strangers into your life.

Cat color

Why does a woman dream about a cat? The modern dream book pays great attention to the color of the dreamed cat.

  • gray cat- they will remember old grievances and take revenge.
  • if the sleeping woman saw in a dream black cat, big troubles lie ahead, even fights and violence.
  • white cat in a dream you shouldn’t rejoice either, because she is a symbol of hidden enemies who pretended to be friends
  • but the most dangerous thing is that it brings huge troubles, especially in your personal life. This includes unrequited love, betrayal of a loved one, and many other negative aspects.

The result is generally disappointing. A cat in a dream is almost always a bad sign, except if you dream about your own domestic cat. But we must try to look for positive aspects in everything. After all, after night comes a bright day, and a bad dream replaces a good one. And if you think about the best, then it will come in any case, because thoughts are material, and life is beautiful.