First aid in attracting good luck and success. Meditation for success “Magic luck”

“To achieve success, don’t chase money, chase your dreams.”

Have you ever noticed a strange feature: two different people work at the same job, are busy with the same thing, but one of them receives a lot of money, although he does not put in much effort, and the second one works much more, but remains in the shadows? Such cases are not uncommon; it’s not only about the effort expended, but also about the attitude towards money and success. One person has programmed himself to achieve a goal and be successful, the other has not. Meditation on success will help you attract luck.

It so happened that there were always many creative people in my environment. One of them, Sergei, knew how not just to write, but to truly master words. He was ready to work for days, even for little money, he was so passionate about his work. One day he came to me depressed, and when asked what happened, he replied that a very important competition was being held for those who love and know how to write. “You understand, I’m just an amateur, and there will be a lot of people, I might not get through,” he modestly complained.

Out of friendship, I told him that there are special meditations for luck, success, luck in business. Seryozha is a skeptic by nature, but the desired prize was at stake, so he agreed. About a month and a half later, my friend came to my house with a huge bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a particularly valuable gift. Looking at my perplexed face, he joyfully announced that his work at the competition was appreciated and it was included in the list of the best.

Afterwards, one major publisher contacted him and offered to publish any work of his choice. In addition, he was so generous that he gave Seryozha a job writing a column in a popular magazine. You are interested? If yes, then I suggest that you immediately examine several of the most effective ways to reach the top.

Sound Meditation

The first meditation for success is easier to do than the others. It is necessary to record on a voice recorder the settings aimed at achieving the goal. They should be monosyllabic and formulated in the present tense:

  • “I attract luck, financial well-being, abundance;
  • “I easily turn my goals into reality”;
  • “my life is filled with abundance”;
  • “every day I see the miracle of prosperity in my life”;
  • “I am a magnet that attracts financial well-being.”

Here I have given only general examples, do not limit yourself, come up with your own phrases. Listen to them before going to bed, or in traffic jams, on a long trip in public transport, or while walking. Be guided by your inner feeling. The subconscious mind is always working, you can leave the recordings at minimum volume and go to bed. There are many recordings of mantras in audio or video formats. They can be used too. Here is an example of such a mantra:

If you don’t like it, choose one that you like in terms of music and performance. Important: when recording phrases on a voice recorder, your voice must sound confident.

Angelic Abundance Meditation

Meditation for success in work and business. It helps you accept angelic energy for success in creativity, business, if your work helps other people, does good deeds, or what you do is your calling. Practice will help you quickly achieve your goal and attract the right people and events.

  1. Close your eyes, take a comfortable body position.
  2. The most important thing when meditating is to experience faith in the result, love and gratitude, relax to feel them, breathe deeply and feel the energy inside your body.
  3. Continue to breathe smoothly and deeply.
  4. Think about what you do. What is your ultimate goal, do you love your job? What would you like to achieve next as you develop in your profession?
  5. Form a clear image of success and that what you want already exists, pay attention to the sensations. Imagine giving gifts to your loved ones, how grateful they are to you, their emotions, talk through your success with them. Imagine how your business helps other people.
  6. Feel how wonderful it is to expand your business and be successful.
  7. Look to the sky. A blue star is heading towards you. This is the angel of success. Contact him with a smile, call him with a feeling of love, show the angel your desires and joy from receiving success.
  8. The angel is approaching and is already clearly visible. And he is already next to you, and the energy of luck is around you. It's bright blue. You look at her and respectfully ask for what you want, either mentally or out loud. There must be a specific result, for example, in numbers.
  9. Having spoken your desire, feel that the angel heard and understood you on all levels. The angel accepted the request and is pleased to help. The angel radiates the energy of light and goodness. It hits both the body and the face. Angel energy embraces you. You feel calm.
  10. Negative thoughts disappear in trust in the Angel. You know he will help you and you are relaxed. Feel the lightness and anticipation of success. Abundance is your normal state. Smile and feel happiness. Thank the angel.

This meditation can be done at any time, but it is best before bed and with headphones.

Meditation for good luck

Another meditation on success and prosperity. It will attract success, subject to daily practice:

  • take a comfortable position and relax your whole body;
  • breathe easily and deeply;
  • feel how you perceive luck. How do you feel when she comes to you? Focus on this.
  • create a mandala of success in your imagination and place yourself in the center. There will be balls in the mandala: health, love, cash flow, success in business, give them color;
  • also imagine a ball of spiritual growth. All of them are balls located at the edges of the mandala;
  • imagine that a shining golden light enters you and pours into each of the balls. The mandala glows golden. This is the energy of luck. Watch the glow.

Steps to success

Some tips on how to attract success into your life:

  • Stop collecting negative news about food becoming more expensive and prices going up.
  • Consider yourself worthy of success and prosperity.
  • Every morning, thank the universe for what you have and will continue to have.
  • Write down your goals in the present tense and set a specific date, at least a year and a month.
  • Don’t get attached to the outcome, enjoy the process, otherwise you will focus on the fact that what you want is not yet in your life.
  • Throw away old things, broken dishes, make room for new things.
  • Read the stories of rich people, they will inspire you, because not all famous people got their position just like that. For example, Johnny Depp worked as a pizza delivery boy, and Brad Pitt danced in a chicken suit outside a fast food restaurant.
  • Read stories about how people simply found an idea that gave them money, or how they turned a hobby into a job they love.
  • Remove harmful beliefs like “it’s too late for me”, “I can’t make money with this”. Accept that anything is possible if you have a strong enough desire.
  • Visualize your goal, literally live it.
  • Create a collage where you already have everything you want.
  • Talk about success, squeak and talk about it with others.
  • Notice progress towards your goal and small victories every day.

Treasure map

“Treasure Map” is the collage mentioned above. This method works best on material goods:

  1. Download or cut out pictures from magazines that symbolize your goal.
  2. Place them on a piece of paper or whatman paper.
  3. Place your image in the center. You must have a smile in the photo.
  4. Color the sheet, write something on it if you want.
  5. Hang the sheet so that you can constantly see it before your eyes. This will be your personal meditation on success in work or in acquiring material wealth.

Practice with pleasure, but remember that meditation for success will work if you yourself allow well-being to come into your life. It will only push events in the right direction. Believe in your success and it will not keep you waiting long. Luck and a happy life are a choice.

Each of us strives to find success and happiness in life. But, perhaps, neither one nor the other is possible without luck. A beautiful meditation for attracting good luck online was created in order to help the practitioner find exactly the one that will lead him to success, in those situations in which a person will feel truly happy.

Self-meditation on luck and success in life

This powerful meditation on luck will free you from feelings of guilt, resentment, memories of past failures, and will help you achieve any goals you set for yourself. A simple self-meditation on success will awaken forces that will create situations in which you will feel like an accomplished person, enjoying every day of your life. To attract good luck, you need to perform a beautiful meditation in the evenings, lying in bed.

After practice, it is useful to dream a little about your happiness, think about your prospects, after which you need to fall asleep. But you shouldn’t get up and do pressing matters. When performing a powerful meditation on success, you can say the suggested phrases, or create your own verbal formulas that meet your ideas about luck and desired success in life.

  • My life is balanced and filled with joy and hope - now and forever
  • I love and are loved; I will never again be the only one who gives, from now on I will also receive
  • My love and friendship is repaid by the love and friendship of others
  • Day by day I am getting closer to realizing my life goals and aspirations
  • My renewed attitude towards life and others attracts the right and necessary people to me
  • My loved ones and friends enjoy spending time with me, experiencing true joy from communicating with me.
  • Colleagues and business partners treat me with respect and sympathy
  • I am valued by those who are able to influence my life, career and destiny
  • Now day by day I experience less and less worries and worries, fears and suffering, I am satisfied with life
  • I greet every new day with joy, because I know that serious problems are left behind, and those that arise will be resolved for my benefit
  • I want success and I will succeed

Results of the best meditation for attracting good luck into a person's life

By systematically doing perfect meditation to attract good luck to a person, one fine day you will feel as if you have awakened from a deep sleep. You will begin to look at events and situations differently. People who are important to you and those who are useful and useful to you will certainly notice positive changes that... You will understand that returning to the past is impossible. Be prepared for big changes in your life, and for the fact that they will happen soon.

Financial difficulties occur in every person's life. In such a situation, it seems as if luck has run out forever. But this is not so: effective meditation will help you gain success and wealth.

Most people want to have more money, buy expensive things, and travel. But, alas, money always runs out, there is less of it, but more and more desires. The reason for financial difficulties and failures is the blocking of cash flow, which blocks the flow of profits and also deprives you of success in life. You can open and restore this energy channel through meditation.

How to meditate correctly

Meditation does not harm the person who practices it or other people. This is a very effective and useful practice that not only improves your financial situation and attracts good luck, but also replenishes your spiritual balance, filling a person with positive energy. For meditation to start working, bringing profit and good luck, you need to follow simple rules.

1. Comfort. The first thing to do is to take a comfortable position that does not restrict movement, so that the body feels easy and calm.

2. Relaxation. It is necessary to sit or lie down so that the body is in the most relaxed state.

3. Peace of mind. It is very important that during practice nothing constrains not only your body, but also your soul. It is not recommended to start meditation in a state of anger, aggression or sadness. Let go of all thoughts, be calm internally, then meditation will bear fruit.

Meditation “Door to the world of wealth”

This practice allows you to attract financial profit and get rid of money problems for a long time. This is a very simple but effective practice where your imagination plays a big role.

Having taken a comfortable position, you need to close your eyes and imagine a certain door behind which lie all your unfulfilled dreams and desires, all the riches of the world that you can imagine. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail: the color of the door, its shape, the place in which it is located. Then - the most interesting thing: imagine that behind this door you are, rich and successful. Imagine in detail how you approach this door, how you go inside, where all your dreams, luxury cars, mountains of money, gold and everything you desire are waiting for you. Take whatever you want there, because it’s all yours. Take advantage of your luck and grab your desires that you have dreamed of all your life. When you have fully enjoyed this moment, leave, closing the door behind you. Repeat this practice as often as possible, at least twenty minutes a day.

Meditation “Light of the Soul”, attracting good luck

This practice will help you get rid of failures, gain the support of fortune and become a lucky and successful person. First, you need to take a comfortable position and think about the problems that have been haunting you for a long time.

Then imagine yourself from the outside. How do you want to see yourself? Ask yourself this question and answer it. Think about why luck suddenly turned away from you and for what purposes you want to bring it back into your life. Try to mentally overcome all your failures that haunt you, cut them with light, the rays of your good soul, without allowing them to ruin your dreams and plans. Slowly you will free yourself from everything negative, allowing success and luck into your life again. The most important thing is not to reproach or blame yourself, but to praise yourself for every, even minor, victory. After all, our success is made up of them.

When you feel that luck is turning away from you and negativity is returning, repeat this practice without allowing success to leave you.

Meditation on wealth “Rain of money”

This is a very simple practice, especially for those who have developed imagination. Everything is very easy: just imagine that you are covered in a shower of large denomination banknotes, which pours and pours, forming a mountain of money, and all of it is yours. Imagine that the wind carries bills into your pockets, imagine that all this money will make you financially independent and rich. This practice lasts about 15 minutes. Repeat it every day for two weeks, and your financial problems will disappear for a long time.

Meditation is a great way to attract wealth, happiness and good fortune into your life. Remember that the most important thing is positive thinking, then many problems will disappear on their own. We wish you prosperity, high income and good mood. Good luck in everything,and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.09.2018 04:58

Many conspiracies are most effective to carry out at the beginning of the month. They can not only enhance the flow of life...

To get the success and happiness you want, you need to experience meditation, which is designed to attract good luck. After all, a successful career and personal life is impossible without the help of luck. After such meditation, a person will become happy in every sense of the word.

Self-study with meditation to attract success

This meditation will relieve you of guilt. This technique will help you achieve all your life goals. This meditation should be done in the evening. After completing the session, think about the future and fall asleep. Upon completion, experts do not advise doing normal activities. Meditation for luck and success is a powerful tool that will set you up for a new life.

To do this, you need to reflect on success and say the following phrases:

  • Everything will work out for me, because I am setting myself up for success;
  • I know that all problems and bad impressions are in the past, new ones will be resolved in my favor;
  • Now I experience the joy of life every day;
  • I am valued and respected by others;
  • Colleagues respect you and treat you as a full-fledged employee;
  • Friends, acquaintances and relatives are glad to communicate with such a wonderful person like you;
  • A new attitude to life can attract new and useful people;
  • I am getting closer to achieving and realizing my goals every day;
  • I love everyone and am loved by everyone;
  • Everything in my life is balanced and balanced.

Types of meditations for success

Daily meditation for success

To begin the session, you need to set your thoughts for success. Our thoughts are a powerful flow of energy. Nothing will work if you think about success in the morning, and in the afternoon you think about how bad everything is.

If you stop thinking about failures, you will soon notice how your life changes for the better. In the previous paragraph it was said that meditation should be done in the evening, but it is worth adding that it will be more useful in the morning, only if you are not in a hurry. If you want to conduct a session in the morning, then it is better to get up early so that the thoughts that you may be late are not distracting. Only regular work in this direction will help achieve results. Don't expect everything to work out in one go.

First you need to imagine that you are in the very place where you would like to be, or imagine this place. Imagine that you are in a place where everything you wish for comes true with just a click. So that luck and success never betray you, open your eyes and enjoy the new day.

Start a success notebook and write your daily achievements there. Write everything that came true. Further, this notebook will become an artifact of success, which will attract good luck in the future.

Methodology: “White streak of life”

The black and white stripes are constantly competing with each other. Now we will figure out how to free ourselves from this gimmick. To prevent the black stripe from appearing, try replacing it completely with white stripes. Meditation on well-being will help to significantly expand the white streak to limitless limits.

First you need to retire and turn on pleasant music in the mid-range sound. Then close your eyes. Imagine that there is a white stripe in front of you. Think about how it is located. Then mentally turn it into a straight road.

There is always a black background around the white stripe. You should try to displace this black background.

After that, imagine yourself against a white background. Now you must realize that your white streak, that is, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy it. Repeat the exercise every day. This way you can achieve changes in your life. During this meditation, the brain is close to the subconscious, which means that everything you think can materialize.

If you set your thoughts correctly, you will get:

  1. Happy personal life;
  2. Realization of desires and plans;
  3. The appearance of money;
  4. Family happiness.
  • Yoga techniques;
  • Using mantra - special words;
  • Vippasana technique;
  • Zazen;
  • Sound meditations.

If you constantly lack money, the money channel may be blocked. Maybe you had a feeling of irritation towards people who have wealth? But there’s nothing wrong with that, you just pushed the flow of money away from yourself. You can always attract money, the main thing is to know how.

First, start thinking that money is not evil, but that rich people simply know how to manage it and also use it for good purposes. In order to attract money you need to try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Try to reflect, because meditation in Latin means thinking.
  • Calm down and focus.
  • Work on yourself.

Yoga meditations were pioneered from India. They are able to live with the world in complete harmony, achieving the state of nirvana through daily meditation. This state can help attract an improvement in your financial situation. But for this, a person must believe that money will come to him in any way. Before meditation, get yourself in the right mood for the session.

Sit comfortably and don't think about anything. You can also mentally say a phrase that calms you down. Concentrate on your breathing. During the session, nothing should distract the meditator, because if someone disturbs it, then the meditative exercise will have to start over. Try to make meditation so automatic that you can do it even on public transport.

Light a scented lamp with a scent that relaxes. It could be lavender. Then relax all parts of your body while sitting in a comfortable position. Then pay attention to every cell of the body. Imagine that your body is filled with warmth and a light breeze throws sea spray on you, remember songs about the sea. Start meditating on money only when you have freed yourself from all unnecessary thoughts.

To attract money

You need to be very prepared before performing this procedure. Before relaxing, place a glass of water on a banknote. Close your eyes and relax.

Enter a trance state and imagine a cozy place. For example, a sandy beach or fishing on a pond. Imagine that this bill is floating above somewhere. Think of it as spinning in a clockwise direction. Over time, it will turn into a money cycle and begin to shine. To enhance your visualization, remember and hum the words from songs about peace and the universe.

After this, the resulting vortex will descend to the solar plexus. Fill this bill with light. Think about it: “My income is growing every day.”

Talk about the amount of money you need to receive. Return to the vortex and imagine that it has descended to the ground and there are thousands of banknotes in front of you. Imagine that this is a rain of money as powerful as in subequatorial latitudes.

The session is over. Open your eyes. It is better to spend the banknote that was used for meditation on the same day or within 24 hours.


All main types of meditation are calm. They are most often practiced by Indian yogis. Transmeditation takes place by listening to special meditative compositions. With it you can strengthen your vitality. This technique will help you manage your psychological energy. You can become brighter and more successful; you will learn to manage the energy of your thoughts and body.

You can listen to this meditation at any convenient time. Here is a link to one of these musical compositions:

Deep relaxation is achieved through hypnosis. This state makes people:

  • Suggestible;
  • Trusting;
  • Alienated;
  • Concentrated.

For people who have experienced tragic events, it is easiest for them to inspire anything. For example, a war veteran experiences anxiety if he hears any loud sound.

But this type of hypnosis, which concerns attracting good luck, is aimed at hypnotizing a person so that he goes to success without even knowing it. It has a behavioral purpose and helps people get out of bad conditions. Clinical hypnosis is used to clear the mind. It is a means to attract good luck.

Magic luck

To take advantage of magical luck you need:

  • Use black magic;
  • Conduct a magical spell on a candle;
  • A simple conspiracy;
  • An ancient spell for luck;
  • Ritual with decoration.

After performing these rituals, you will witness happy events.

Exercise “Creating Light”

This meditation will help you feel energized and empowered to feel like you are radiating light and goodness. The famous singer Lyapis Trubetskoy even wrote the song “Warriors of Light, Warriors of Good...”. Thanks to this exercise, you will feel that your life is changing for the better.

Here you should imagine that you are in a dark room. Listen to your feelings. You suddenly want to turn on the light, because you don’t understand what’s happening. Your soul wants to immediately illuminate the room. So, you are confused and want to get out of the current situation. Once you calm down and begin to reflect, fears and everything else will fade into the background, and you will begin to see the silver linings. And you will find balance and confidence in your inner light.

Think about why your luck went away and find a way to get it back. The darkness that has happened in your life is motivation for a new breakthrough. If you can concentrate on your inner light, then you can begin to meditate.

Exercise “Light of the Soul”

First you need to sit comfortably. Think about why problems arise. Try to solve them using leading questions. Give free rein to your emotions and throw them out. Try to find a way out of this situation.

Focus on your mental and emotional state, and also think about what you are wearing. Think about how you feel, what you feel. Then, look into your soul, mentally returning to the dark room.

Nothing will work out the first time, so don’t despair. When you look into the darkness you will see your suffering soul. Help the soul and get out of the dungeon. Afterwards, feed your soul with positive emotions.

Imagine all failures and dispel them with a stream of light. As you take a deep breath, feel the wings that have grown behind your back. Now the darkness recedes and your consciousness becomes peaceful and you become a person who begins to prosper.

After this, all the negativity goes away. The purpose of this meditation is positive thinking.