The strangest Guinness records. The strangest, most ridiculous and dubious Guinness World Records

The heaviest record for a sword swallower. DeWALT D25980 hammer drill, 38 kg. Briton Thomas Blackthorn held it in his mouth for three seconds while it was on.

Leslie Tipton (USA) is the fastest in the world to get out of a zipped suitcase - in 7.04 seconds.

The fastest person to complete the 10-meter race with a table and a girl in his mouth was Georges Christin from Luxembourg - 7.5 seconds.

American Kevin Shelley smashed his head through 46 wooden toilet seats.

In the corset, 71-year-old Katie Jung from the USA has a waist of 15 inches (38.1 cm). Without corset - 21 inches (53.3 cm). She has been wearing a special belt since she was 38 years old. And before that she was fat with a waist circumference of 66 cm.

A very unusual record was set this summer by Pakistani Zafar Gill: he lifted a sixty-kilogram weight on a cord tied to his right ear. Gill held the weight for 7 seconds at 10 cm from the floor. Zafar himself weighs 90 kg, trains every day and at the same time assures that his specific hobby, which he calls ear-lifting, does not affect his hearing at all.

Thomas Vogel from Germany managed to unfasten fifty-six bras in one minute.

The owner of the longest female beard is American Vivian Wheeler. She wears it in a ponytail, as the longest hairs reach 28 centimeters in length.

The record for the 100-meter steeplechase was 22.35 seconds. The record holder was the German Maren Zonker in Cologne, Germany, on September 13, 2008.

Portugal. January 9, 2003. The world's largest folding pocket knife. When unfolded, its length is 3.9 meters and it weighs 122 kg. The designer of this knife was Telmo Cadavez, and Virgilio Raulem assembled it by hand. Both young men are from Portugal.

July 30, 2007. Pictured is Scott Murphy from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This man managed to bend a frying pan thirty centimeters in diameter in 30 seconds. What was left of the frying pan in girth was 17.46 cm.

Guinness World Records Day (November 9, 2008). In the photo is Anita Schwarz from Mesenich (Germany). She carried the largest number of mugs filled with beer 40 meters - 19 glasses.

From September 29 to 30, 2007, Sam Wakeling covered a distance of 453.6 km on a unicycle in just 24 hours. The final destination was Aberystwyth (Wales).

Swiss Jean-Francis Vernetti collected 8,888 different “Do Not Disturb” signs. To achieve this record, Jean has stayed in 189 hotels around the world since 1985.

Sweden. September 13, 2008. The length of the longest skis in the world was 543 meters. These skis accommodated 1,043 skiers.

The longest boat was called the “snake boat”. It was collected in Aleppi (Kerala, India). Its team consisted of 143 people: 118 rowers, 2 drummers, 5 helmsmen, 18 singers. The boat appeared in public in Kerala (India) on May 1, 2008.

The executive director of the Guinness brewing company, Hugh Beaver, once argued with his hunting friends over a completely trivial matter: which English bird flies the fastest. Not only could no one shoot her, no one could give an authoritative opinion. The dispute ended inconclusively. And then it occurred to Hugh that thousands of people across Britain in pubs made bets every day on the most ridiculous topics. It would be good to provide them with an authoritative source for resolving disputes so that they do not kill each other in the heat of the moment. This is how the famous Guinness Book of Records appeared.

It was first published in 1955 and has since gained wild popularity in dozens of countries and among millions of people. But over time, among the more or less “frequently used” and understandable record-breaking phenomena, completely ridiculous record holders began to appear. It is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would argue about the longest distance that a person who was set on fire had traveled. But after reading our material, you can easily overthrow your opponent: 119 meters and 91 centimeters. So that!

Who was the first to vomit in space?

Cosmonauts undergo complex training before their flight. Centrifuge tests are one of the key moments of selection and training, but weightlessness tests the strength of the vestibular system worse than a roller coaster. Even the best of the best are not immune to trouble, and they too get dizzy.

So, our compatriot German Titov was the first to vomit in space, who did it on the Vostok-2 spacecraft on August 6, 1961. To be fair, it must be said that this is not the most important achievement of the Soviet cosmonaut. German Titov - Hero of the Soviet Union, the youngest cosmonaut in history (went into space at the age of 25), the first person to pilot a spacecraft alone, and the first to take photographs and films of the Earth from space using a hand-held camera and a movie camera.

So remember, when you are unsuccessfully fighting the “helicopters” while lying in bed after a good party, leave this useless activity and go have a good puke. If astronauts do this, then you definitely have nothing to be ashamed of!


Everyone has a neighbor who needs to do repairs on Sunday morning. Don't be so quick to curse him, maybe he's training for a new Guinness World Record. In the meantime, the crazy achievement belongs to Thay Khui Giang from Germany, who made 148 revolutions around a working drill in a minute. How far he threw his lunch after that we do not know.

And I also eat in it

The head is a very valuable part of your body. For example, it will be useful to set a world record for the number of strikes on it. Not very successful boxers who did not train their defense well could easily compete here, but we are talking about something completely different. How about hitting yourself over the head? "Great idea!" - thought Pushkar Nepal and did this 134 times in a minute, which earned him his place in the hall of fame of the Guinness Book of Records.

The biggest and dumbest book

Writing or journalism is not an easy task, especially when you are collecting the ten dumbest Guinness World Records for your readers. But this is nothing compared to the feat of the humble Les Stewart from the wonderful town of Mujimba in Australia. He won our hearts.

Les wrote the biggest and dumbest book ever. Over the course of 16 years and seven months, he wore out seven typewriters, spent 1,000 ink ribbons, and almost went deaf from the clatter of the keys, but he achieved his goal.

19,890 pages that are filled with numbers in words from one to a million. The last line of the brilliant creation reads: “nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine, one million.” Why did he do this? Because it can.

On the road

In 1995, a traffic accident occurred in Wroclaw (Poland). A drunk driver crashed into a tree at full speed. When the injured driver was taken to the hospital and began to be rescued, the doctors could not believe their eyes. Tests showed the presence of 1.48% alcohol in the blood. The lethal level of pure alcohol in the blood is 0.5%, and the Pole was still alive. All equipment was checked several times, but repeated tests showed the same numbers. Two hours later, the man still died, but not from alcohol poisoning. Doctors were unable to stop the blood loss due to the fact that alcohol dilated blood vessels and reduced blood clotting. We don’t know how much that guy weighed, but let’s assume that he was a strong eighty-kilogram Pole, and in order to get such a shock dose, he needed to drink at least 4 bottles of vodka in one person. It’s hard to believe, but science is science.

Sleight of hand

I slowly take off your clothes, the room is filled with dim candlelight, light romantic music is playing...

Long foreplay, that's all - not our choice. We must act quickly and decisively! Watch and learn: Irishman Sean Murray unclasped 91 bras with one hand within a minute. Ninety one! With one hand! In just a minute! And you, as always, spend half an hour digging around with one girl!

Record Rekordsmenovich Rekordov

Ashrita Furman has set more than 400 records since 1979. You definitely can’t deny him a rich imagination. He tried everything he could and became a record holder in many disciplines, perhaps because he was the first to do such tricks. Ashrita juggled while hanging upside down, wore the heaviest shoe, skipped an incredible number of kilometers, balanced a baseball bat on one finger, twirled the largest hula hoop, and did hundreds of other ridiculous things. To date, he holds the lead in 148 records, which means that the remaining 252 have already been broken by someone else. Truly, the world is full of eccentrics!

Hardest kick to the balls

Hold your breath, you certainly won’t want to repeat this record. Roy Kirby received a kick in the groin with a force of 500 kilograms - from Jesse Smith, a two-meter martial artist. His feet left the floor, but his face remained completely calm, and he did not make a sound. And all because Roy Kirby is the owner of a black belt in karate and has received such blows more than once - the bones of his pelvis, due to constant training, have become stronger than the bones of an ordinary person, and the nerve endings in the testicles have dulled their sensitivity, and the pain from the blow is not transmitted to the body. Roy's brain.

This specific action was organized by the television show Sports Science, which finds out the physical nature of certain techniques in sports. One can only guess what fee Roy received for filming. And yes, Roy is married, has children and, according to him, does not experience any problems in bed - so everything is in order, exhale.

Bearded and happy

Classic... The most bearded woman in the world is Vivienne Wheeler. She grew a beard 30 centimeters long and is proud of it. In general, she is not quite a woman, since she was born with both primary sexual characteristics, but doctors in her childhood decided everything for her and released her into the world as a sweet girl, cutting off the excess. In her youth, Vivienne gave birth to a son, but her husband left her, taking the child. Thirty years later, the family was reunited, the son found his mother, and they are happy! A real bearded Santa Barbara!

Huge robot dragon

Length 15 meters, height 5.5 meters, weight 11 tons, walks and breathes fire. This is the world's largest walking robot dragon, included in the Guinness Book of Records. The German company Zollner Elektronik manufactured it in 2013. The robot is driven by a two-liter diesel engine with 140 horsepower and a complex hydraulic system. Each of the four legs has 7 degrees of freedom, which allows it to move quite realistically (if it's appropriate to say "realistic" and "dragon" in the same paragraph), it is controlled using nine radio controllers and is equipped with 238 sensors that evaluate its position in space.

Why was it necessary to build it? Damn it, it's a huge walking fire-breathing dragon!

Oh yes! This is, of course, not an individual record. But the record holder may be the first person who does not shit himself when he meets this dragon on a dark night in a narrow alley.

What lengths a person will go to in order to become famous. Conquers space and makes mind-blowing leaps into the abyss, makes a dizzying career and climbs inaccessible mountain peaks. Yes, people are capable of a lot for the sake of worldwide popularity. For some, the desire to become famous becomes a goal in life and sometimes it doesn’t matter at what cost.

Exactly 60 years ago, in August 1955, it was published. Its customer was the Irish brewing company Guinness, so the full name sounded like “Guinness Book of Records.” Already in the first month, readers purchased 5 thousand copies, and in a year more than 5 million were sold. In the first years, only serious super-achievements were recorded in the book, but over time, special sections appeared in this serious publication recording ridiculous and, at times, simply funny records. I would like to present the most outstanding of them to your attention. So, the most ridiculous Guinness records.

Top 5 incredible records

Famous Canadian motocross champion, 34-year-old Jolene Van Vugt All my life I dreamed of getting into the Book of Records.

To do this, she chose a very unusual method: the girl placed, so you might think, a TOILET on her motorcycle and rode the miracle structure through the streets of Sydney. Now her white friend has become the fastest toilet on the planet. After all, the beautiful driver managed to accelerate the unique vehicle to 75 km/h. Australians could see a slightly strange sight on their streets on May 2, 2012.

The 28-year-old Georgian hero deserves special attention Lasha Pataraya.

He managed to become famous thanks to his EARS. Lasha is the owner of seven ear records:

  • For the first time in 2003, a Georgian managed to pull a 2350 kg minibus over a distance of 48 meters and 6 cm using only his ears.
  • After resting for about three years, the restless strongman moved “with one left” now two minibuses with a total weight of 4.5 tons by more than 41 meters.
  • Even a helicopter obeyed the superman.
  • And the latest achievement is completely beyond the realm of possibility. With the same ear, Pataraya managed to pull an eight-ton truck 21.5 meters.

This is power! Without a doubt, he deserves the title of record holder.

Strength is not always the decisive factor on the path to success. So, a fashion designer from Japan, 40 years old Katsuhiro Watanabe walked towards his triumph for 15 years.

Yes, that’s exactly how long it took the man to grow his hair to the required length:

  • In September 2013, the highest mohawk in the world was recorded on Katsuhiro's head. Its height was more than 113 cm. This was recorded in the 57th issue of the famous publication.
  • To create the incredible “comb,” the Japanese needed a package of special gel, three cans of varnish and the help of several hairdressers. The whole job took a little more than two hours. But the result was very interesting!

A native of America is considered the owner of the longest nails Melvin Booth. In 2008, the length of his nails was 9 meters 5 cm. And he grew them for 25 long years. Over the years, the man turned into a recluse. He practically never left the house and perceived himself only as an integral part of his fingers.

After working for 27 years in the hospital, he retired, after which he began to grow his nails. Melvin categorically refused to cut them off, although he could make good money from it, since he simply could not imagine his life without them. He died in 2009 at the age of 61. By the way, among women the owner is Lee Redmont with her 865 cm nails.

An even more ridiculous Guinness record can be considered the hobby of a librarian from Australia, Graham Barker. A 41-year-old, quite mature man, has a strange hobby:

  • He collects fluff from his own belly button. You're right, that's where it comes from! An Australian spends no more than ten seconds every day on this daily procedure and the contents can be of different colors. Everything is worked out to the point of automation. And it’s not surprising, because he’s been doing this for the last 26 years.
  • At first Graham was going to fill his pillow with it, but then he changed his mind. As it became known, the enterprising librarian made a deal with one of the museums in Australia, although the amount is kept secret. Of course, because the contents of three jars, which is exactly how much this valuable exhibit takes up, is listed in the Guinness Book as the largest collection of umbilical fluff.
  • Barker himself is incredibly proud of his achievement. And what prompted him to do this was simple curiosity, but not the goal of becoming famous. Graham was interested in the question: “How much of this substance can a person have in his entire life?”

For many, this activity may seem unpleasant. But, oddly enough, the Australian is not alone. His compatriot scientist Karl Kruzelniki even conducted a scientific study on the study of umbilical fluff, for which he received the Anti-Nobel Prize.

Our next record is no less surprising in its nonsense. In November 2012 28 gymnasts from London were able to fit into a Mini car at the same time. Oddly enough, this is not the first achievement of this kind. Before them, the similar number was twenty-seven people. The winning gymnasts' coach is Dani Maynard.

The whole process took only 18 minutes. The creators of such a popular car among the British did not even think that it would be used for such a purpose. The spectacle turned out to be unusual. Due to the large number of participants, their body parts were visible from all the windows. And some of the faces were literally flattened against the glass. One of the girls, Jane Brockwell, now has the nickname “gearbox”, as it was located there. It seems that the gymnasts liked this activity, because each of them felt an unprecedented surge of adrenaline.

Records can be set not only during one’s lifetime. There is a special "Darwin Award", which is assigned to those who died the most ridiculous death. It was awarded posthumously to a man who died in a car accident in 1997. It would seem nothing surprising, but the whole point is that the cause of death, according to the autopsy results, was the motorist’s habit of picking his nose with his finger while driving. At the time of the accident, his index finger was in his nose and upon impact, it pierced the septum and damaged his brain. That's how it happens!

This year was no exception. He will definitely replenish the treasured publication with no less interesting recordings. One of the most ridiculous records of 2015 can be considered the owners of American residents, Byron Schlenker and his daughters, who turned 14 years old.

Finally, I would like to note that no amount of fame and honors are worth the most precious thing we have - human life and health.

The Guinness Book of Records includes a variety of records, so there are plenty of oddities in it. In this unique book you can find out both the ranking of the best of its kind, and simply ridiculous records that are, at the very least, surprising.

A man has the longest nails in the world

Melvin Boothe's fingernails were measured in 2009 in Pontiac, Michigan. Their total length was 19.4 meters. They curled and wriggled, making them look more like something out of a zombie movie than a human body part. At the time these unusual nails were measured and the record was broken, Booth was serving in the US Army and also working at Pontiac General Hospital in Michigan. He was 60 years old when his nails broke all Guinness World Records; unfortunately, he died a year later.

A woman has the longest nails in the world

In 2008, Lee Redmond's fingernails were measured on a TV show in Madrid, Spain. Their length was 18.74 meters. The nails were very well-groomed, painted and curled like ribbons. Redmond started growing her record-breaking nails in 1979, so it took her almost twenty years to grow her nails to the length she wanted. Unfortunately, just a year after her nails broke the record, Redmond lost them in a car accident. It is unknown whether she began to grow them again or not.

The longest female beard in the world

It is quite unusual to see hair on a woman's face, let alone for this hair to grow into a beard. This is exactly the state that Vivian Wheeler's facial hair has grown to. And this is not a small beard of fluffy hair, this is a long and thick beard. Wheeler's silver beard is 28 centimeters long and makes her look like a real Santa Claus. Wheeler didn't plan to grow a beard because she suffers from a medical condition known as hypertrichosis. Eventually, she got tired of shaving and stopped doing it in 1993, allowing her body to grow the beard it wanted.

The longest ear hairs in the world

The ears are not a typical place for hair to grow. Of course, as you age, a few hairs may appear there, but most people trim, shave or pluck them. However, Anthony Victor from India decided not to do this and set the record as the owner of the longest ear hair in the world. At the time of measurement on August 16, 2007, the length of hair from both ears reached an astonishing 18 centimeters. Victor's hair grew from the center of his outer ear and resembled a goatee when it reached its maximum length.

The thinnest waist in the world

All women strive to achieve a thin waist, thanks to which the figure takes on an hourglass shape like Barbie. In addition, such a figure allows you to enjoy a huge selection of beautiful clothes. Katie Jung managed to achieve this goal, having acquired the smallest waist in the world, the girth of which is only 53.34 centimeters without a corset and 38 centimeters in a Victorian-style corset. By the way, it was the constant wearing of a corset that allowed Jung’s waist to become so thin. She can be called Barbie in real life with her seductive curves and full breasts that provide a truly beautiful figure.

The longest necks in the world

The human neck generally doesn't vary much in size, but this can change if you force it to grow longer than nature intended. Even before they reach adolescence, girls from the Padaung tribe of Myanmar and Thailand are forced to wear gold, decorative hoops around their necks to grow them to unusual lengths. When these women reach adulthood, their necks can weigh up to 5 kilograms. However, wearing hoops does not come without health risks, as women know that if they remove the rings, they may die due to a broken neck.

The most elastic skin in the world

Stretch marks that occur due to pregnancy or rapid growth allow your skin to stretch a little more, but if you suffer from a medical condition known as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, you may be able to stretch your skin much more than other people. Garry Turner went further. He suffers from this condition, but can stretch his skin more than other people with the same diagnosis. When he pulls his skin, it can stretch almost 16 centimeters. Ehlers–Danlos syndrome affects the connective tissues in the skin, allowing it to stretch to unusual lengths.

The world's most voluminous afro hairstyle for a woman

Some women don't want to say goodbye to the 1970s by maintaining their now-unusual afro hairstyles and turning heads. Aevin Jude Dugas set the world record for having the world's most voluminous afro in 2010 when her hair was measured in New Orleans. The afro hairstyle that perfectly frames Dugas's face is 100 percent natural. She loves the 70's vibe and has a mirror ball. She also wears large hoop earrings. Her hairstyle is 18.5 centimeters high, 19.55 centimeters wide, and has a circumference of 132 centimeters as of 2010.

Largest natural breasts in the world

There are women who go to incredible lengths to get bigger breasts, including numerous life-threatening surgeries. And there are also women who naturally have excessively large breasts. In January 1999, Annie Hawkins (also known to many as Norma Stitz) set a world record for having the largest natural breasts in the world. The girth under the bust was 101 centimeters, and the girth of the chest itself was 177 centimeters. Hawkins' breasts started growing when she was 9 years old and continued to grow until she reached a bra size of 52 I.

The longest beard in the world

He has already passed on to another world, but the “Mustache King” Hans Langseth, a Norwegian immigrant to the United States, managed to grow his beard to a length of 5.66 meters. His beard extended below his legs and wrapped around his shoulders if he chose to wear it that way. He died in 1927, but his family preserved a piece of him by cutting off 30 centimeters of his beard and donating it to the Smithsonian Institute for the world to see. To date, no one has managed to break Langseth's astonishing record.

On August 27, 1955, the first edition of the Guinness Book of Records was published. It was published by order of the Irish brewing company Guinness. In the first month, 5,000 copies of the book were sold, and a year later sales crossed the 5 million mark.

Brigitte Behrends from Germany has the largest collection of toy penguins. It numbers 11,062 copies.

But Denise Tubanga from the USA has collected the largest collection of toy cows - 2429 copies.

In 2009, Jef Van Dyck wore a record 227 jerseys in Belgium.

In 2011, 57 people fit into the largest underpants, the case took place in London.

American Kevin Shelley smashed his head through 46 wooden toilet seats.

Leslie Tipton climbed into her suitcase in record time. It was 5.43 seconds.

A record number of revolutions per minute - 141 - was achieved on a hanging drill.

German Thomas Vogel managed to unfasten 56 bras in one minute.

Indian Ram Singh Chauhan has the longest mustache in the world. Their length is 4.2 meters.

And Japanese designer Kazuhiro Watanabe wears the world's tallest hairstyle. The height of his mohawk is almost 113 centimeters.

The length of record holder Melvin Booth's nails is 953 centimeters, and Lee Redmont grew her nails to 865 centimeters.

Nature gave the dog Harbor the longest ears. The length of his left ear is 31.7 centimeters, the right one is 34 centimeters.

1043 skiers were accommodated on the longest skis in the world. Their length was 543 meters.

Jill Drake from Kent was able to scream with a sound power of 129 decibels. This is only 10 decibels less than the roar of a jet engine.

Using a computer and keyboards without letters, without looking at the monitor, the Italian Michele Santelia typed the text of 67 books in different languages ​​with a total volume of 23,198 pages. The stack of all collected books was more than 4 meters high. The most interesting thing is that all the texts of the books were typed in reverse order.

52-year-old American Cindy Jackson underwent a record number of plastic surgeries - 47. Among them were 3 facelift operations, 2 to correct the shape of the nose, 2 to tighten the skin near the eyes and correct the shape of their incision, as well as operations on the waist and knees , stomach, jaw, hips. The only thing that remains natural about Cindy is her lower lip.

American Alicia Richman became the record holder for the volume of breast milk donated to charity. She passed 395 liters.