Sabina: meaning and origin of the name. What does the name Sabina mean?

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binkhen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba, Sava.
Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.
Origin of the name Sabina. The name Sabina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Sabinus - “Sabine”. In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the families of Calvisius and Claudius.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is the female version of the male name Sabin. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word “Sabine” could mean “beautiful.” It is quite possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina overlap with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname “Sabine” could mean “beautiful” for a woman, and “strong” for a man.

In the Catholic tradition, Saint Sabinus, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), is revered as the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, and Saint Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

In Orthodoxy, the name Sabina is pronounced as Savina. Saint Savina of Smyrna is a martyr.

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabinas have a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it’s not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to dominate people. Financially often depends on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She behaves very carefully with men. She often sees them not as reliable support and support, but as insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabines, born in the fall, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love it when they are told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters. The name Sabina is perfect for girls born in summer or autumn.

Sabina's character is quite strong-willed. She is firm in her decisions and does not succumb to the influence of others, she is subjective in her actions and decisions. Such a woman knows how to create intrigue and loves money. Sabina can be impulsive and ambitious, but behind all this lies a cold mind and logical actions. She is vindictive and touchy, has well-developed intuition and a practical mindset.

Sabina has very few friends. They must have strong character and endurance. Sabina is charming and dangerous at the same time. Sabina is a wonderful hostess, she knows how to carry on any conversation, and often receives guests at home.

A woman named Sabina can become an excellent artist, researcher or restorer. She is decisive and tactful, and can achieve success in almost any field of activity.

Sabina's birthday

Famous people named Sabina

  • Poppaea Sabina ((30 - 65) official name - Divine Augusta Poppaea Sabina; second wife of Emperor Nero)
  • Vibia Sabina ((c.85 - 137) wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian)
  • Sabine Meyer (German clarinetist)
  • Sabine Bergmann-Pohl ((born 1946) German politician, member of the Christian Democratic Union party)
  • Sabina (Sheive Naftulevna) Spielrein ((1885 - 1942) married - Sheftel, then - Spielrein-Sheftel; Russian and Soviet psychoanalyst, teacher, student of K. G. Jung)
  • Sabina Imaykina (Russian pair figure skater)
  • Sabine Lisicki (German tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Sabine Azema (French actress)
  • Sabina Akhmedova (theater and film actress)
  • Sabina Valbuza (famous Italian skier, medalist of the Olympic Games and World Championships, multiple winner of World Cup stages, participant in five Olympics. Specialist in both sprint and distance racing, prefers a free style of skiing. Younger sister of the famous Italian skier Fulvio Valbuza.)
  • Sabine Klassen (real name Sabine Hirtz; vocalist of the German thrash metal bands Holy Moses and Temple of the Absurd. She is one of the first vocalists to use growling.)
  • Sabine Lancelin (French cinematographer)

Version 1. What does the name Sabina mean?

- Sabine woman (lat.).

Zodiac sign
- Scales.

Planet - Venus.

Color - light gray.

Auspicious tree
- willow.

Treasured plant
- orchid.

Patron name
- snail.

Talisman stone
- pearls.


talented and attractive, but it is not easy to communicate with her: she is capricious, domineering, friendly
only with those who are satisfied with second roles. Doesn't like noisy company, preferring
a narrow circle of friends. Quite selfish and calculating, but at the same time good-natured,
doesn't like to hurt people. Sabina loves compliments, she doesn’t mind cheating,
but all her tricks are sewn with white thread.

4 version of interpretation of the name Sabina

stubborn, even stubborn. Straightforward. Good friends are very loyal and reliable.

People of their
words, although not without cunning. Hardworking, neat. Interesting in appearance. Similar
on the father. Sexy. Married people are not always happy, but generally lucky.

6th version of the meaning of the name Sabina

Personality. Stabbing women.

Character. 92%.

Radiation. 90%.

Vibration. 90,000 vibrations/s.

Color. Blue.

Main features. Will - activity - intuition
- health.

Totem plant. Valerian.

Totem animal. Hedgehog.

Sign. Scales.

10. Type. They have a difficult character, which is not surprising,
considering that their totem animal
- hedgehog When something doesn’t work out the way they would like, they curl up into a ball.
and inject. Materialists to the core, they love money very much; clearly expressed inclination
to intrigue.

11. Psyche. They are not influenced. If anything
decide, it is not only difficult, but also unsafe to force them to change their decision. They
overly self-confident, rarely trust others. Very subjective, rely only
to your own judgment.

12. Excitability. These female hedgehogs have a very strong
excitability, behind which lies a clear and logical, but cold mind.

13. Will. They have a strong will that serves
their ambitions are quite often very dangerous.

14. Reaction speed. These women are very stubborn
and reject any views that do not correspond to their own. Very sensitive
to failures, perceiving them as a personal insult. They do not forget about a single insult,
taking revenge for everyone.

15. Field of activity.
Due to their nature, they can become actresses or researchers, e.g.
in history or archaeology, as well as restorers or museum staff.
Sabina achieves success wherever feminine tact and caution are needed
and determination.

16. Intuition. Exceptionally strong.

17. Intelligence. These women are practical

18. Receptivity. Take advantage of sensitivity
those around him in order to subjugate them to himself. They are charming, but often give the impression
that underneath the charming smile lies something dangerous. At the same time they are capable
to sincere and disinterested sympathy, but only in relation to those who managed
completely win their heart.

19. Morality. Heightened sense of morality
may lead them to aggressive puritanism.

20. Health. Good. They manage to preserve for a long time
both physical and mental health. The weak point is the respiratory organs. Smoking
They are contraindicated in any case.

21. Sexuality. Sabina recognizes the importance
this side of life, only when she meets the man of her dreams, and if she herself
find it and if intimate communication helps them keep the object of their love.

22. Activity. They act quite energetically.
Such women have very few friends because they don't want anyone to know about them.
their personal lives, and also because, in their opinion, few people deserve the title

23. Sociability. They manage to run the house well,
receive guests, maintain a conversation.

24. Conclusion. These women are amazing
but their friends must have a strong character and self-control so as not to
inject yourself! Let us also remember that their totem plant
- valerian, intoxicating to cats... “Cats”, beware of them!

Name day named after Sabina

March 24,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Sabina

Name number: 3

The number 3 is sacred. It carries the message of a mutually complementary combination of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, and high intellectual potential.
Number three is introverted.

His motto is “The Giver of Joy.” Three people have a rich inner world, a great sense of humor and subtle taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, and charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Sabina

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

B- strong, disruptive character, desire to achieve success in everything. In relationships they take the initiative and very often have a possessive attitude towards their partner. Such people have high stress resistance. They constantly strive for a luxurious life and know how to earn a lot of money.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • B- Buki
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Sabina in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Sabina in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The female name Sabina is truly royal. It can make its owner a strong and independent person who will achieve great heights in life and win many hearts. She has an attractive appearance, is sociable and good-natured. However, not many will be able to be friends with Sabina, since the girl is vain and rarely compromises.

Origin and meaning

The name Sabina is ancient and unusual. Scientists still cannot unravel the mystery of its origin. Each group of linguists offers its own version:

  1. According to the first, the girls of the tribe whose ancestor was Sabin (Savin) were called Sabines. If history is to be believed, they were all incredibly beautiful. Therefore, one of the meanings of the name Sabina is the word “beautiful”.
  2. The second version says that the name Sabina is derived from the Aramaic “Saba”, which means “wise”, “unpretentious”. These terms initially characterized the men of this people, and later began to be applied to their women.
  3. There is a third version, according to which the name Sabina has Arabic roots and means “small sword.”

There is a legend according to which Romulus and Remus, in search of good wives, stole women from the neighboring Sabine tribe, which was located not far from the city founded by the twin brothers. When the leader of the tribe with his warriors came to free them, his daughter, the beautiful Sabina, opposed this.

Table: forms of the name Sabina

Sabina, Sabina, you are like a rowan tree,
Beautiful, elegant, what a pity it’s not mine.
She herself is curly, beautiful, innocent,
I introduced you to my beloved dove!
In an unthinkable moment my eyes lit up,
It’s too late to look for the reason for the moment.
And consequences beyond our control are sweet,
Fogging our vision allows us to dream.
I wish I could start a feast and turn back,
There in our life and to meet you.
And kiss you so hard that you suffocate,
And love passionately, and not just dream.
A lovely name - Sabina, Sabina,
How late I found out and saw you.
And you are proud, desirable, beautiful,
I’m sure you’ll say, alas, it’s not yours...

Stanislav Kravtsov

Photo gallery: name Sabina

Sabina - this is how the name Sabina is written in English Sabina - a girl with an aristocratic background The name Sabigat is one of the variants of the related name Sabina

The name Sabina is found among Catholics, but it is most widespread among peoples who profess Islam.

Table: the name Sabina in other languages

LanguageHow do you spellHow to read
Chinese萨宾娜 Sà bīn nà
Korean사비나 Sabina
Hindiसबीना Sabeena
Japaneseサビーナ Sabīna
ArmenianՍաբինա Sabina

Transliteration of the name: SABINA.

The name Sabina sounds most harmonious with the patronymic: Alexandrovna, Vladlenovna, Nikolaevna, Romanovna, Maksimovna.

  • SABI;
  • Sabinka;
  • Sabino4ka;
  • Bina;
  • $ABA.

Patron Saints of Sabina

Catholics revere Sabina of Rome. Memorial Day - August 25. Sabina lived in the distant 2nd century and belonged to a noble family. Her maid Serpia converted to Christianity, and then converted her mistress to it. For these acts, the girl was accused of witchcraft and executed (119). Sabina, who had a kind heart, could not save her faithful slave, but took care of her remains. The kind matron took them to the family mausoleum and buried them with honors. Those around her did not approve of Sabina’s actions; a trial was held at which the girl was accused of professing the faith of Christ. She was executed in 125 in the city of Winden (Italy).

Saint Sabina of Rome - patroness of all housewives

In the Orthodox calendar, the name Sabina is absent, but in consonance with the name of the martyr Savina of Smyrna, the girl can be baptized as Savina. Angel Day in this case is celebrated on March 24th.

Characteristics and influence of the name

In accordance with the interpretation of Boris Khigir, Sabina has a complex character, because both feminine and masculine principles are intertwined in her name. The girl has an attractive appearance and pays a lot of attention to her image. Loves to dress fashionably and beautifully. Thanks to its aristocratic roots, it has an unsurpassed taste. A girl’s life path can be difficult, because her true purpose is lost behind external attributes and the desire to surround herself with luxury.

Among Sabina’s positive qualities we can also note:

  • determination;
  • good nature;
  • generosity;
  • eloquence.

However, like any other person, Sabina has disadvantages:

  • rancor;
  • waywardness;
  • stubbornness;
  • vanity.
Poppaea Sabina - second wife of Emperor Nero

Sabina's childhood

Sabina is often the only and long-awaited child in a wealthy family, so she is never denied anything. This leaves its mark. The girl is capricious, willful, stubborn. There are no authorities for her. The girl has a strained relationship with her mother; she obeys her father more, but sometimes she can argue with him. Parents should take this fact into account and try to raise their baby in a more strict environment. It is very important from early childhood not to indulge Sabina’s whims, not to follow the lead of the little egoist.

Despite some negative aspects of her character, Saba gets along easily with her peers. She is very sociable, loves to be among friends and like-minded people, to feel their attention. The girl loves to feel needed, so she needs an environment where she will be a leader and her opinion will be listened to.

In adolescence, Sabina's character may change and, unfortunately, not for the better. The girl becomes more emotional and hot-tempered. She “lights up” like a candle from any trifle. She is characterized by pomposity and self-confidence. You should never argue with teenage Sabina, because for her there is no other opinion other than her own. Any dispute with Sabina turns into a huge conflict, in which even those people who were not even close at that moment can be involved. The girl’s integrity and uncompromising attitude turn into big problems for her. Sabina has plenty of ill-wishers both among her classmates and among the teaching staff.

Despite her emotionality and unwillingness to make concessions, Sabina studies well and often wins a gold medal. Her characteristic commitment, diligence, and desire to see everything through to the end help her always achieve her goal. Natural data also plays an important role. From early childhood, the girl is drawn to the exact sciences, but her innate pride does not allow her to “fail” other subjects.

Sabina Mustaeva is the winner of the second season of “The Voice.” Children"

Sabina's adult life

Adult Sabina has an unpredictable and strong-willed character. She has the following traits: love of freedom, arrogance, narcissism and self-sufficiency. A woman is firm in her decisions and does not succumb to the influence of others, she is subjective in her actions and decisions. She knows how to create intrigue, is impulsive and ambitious. If, for any reason, she doesn’t like a person, she will not hesitate to “trample him into the dirt” and step over him, watching his “torment.” A wealthy life in childhood leaves its mark on a girl’s character - she rarely shows an attitude towards anything related to money matters. Sabina does not experience any discomfort from being supported by her parents or husband. For a girl, recognition of the masses, prestige and success are more important.

Talents and passions

Sabina does not have any special talents, but she has a lot of hobbies. The girl is an excellent cook, well versed in design and floriculture. He often attends artistic cutting or handicraft courses. He loves sports, and can be either a good team captain or an excellent single player who will deservedly win more than one gold medal.

Professions, business and career

Sabina is particularly interested in social life. Therefore, she often chooses a profession in the field of psychology or journalism. Sometimes a girl combines work and hobbies. In this case, she can become a florist, designer, or decorator.

Sabina is very independent and purposeful, so she may well try herself in business. The girl is used to bringing any task to the end; she will not rest until the business she has started begins to bring in a stable income. Moreover, she will do this not out of financial interest, but in order to once again prove her worth to everyone.

Sabina often suffers from migraines


As a rule, people named Sabina do not have any health problems. Their passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in this. The only thing a woman can suffer from is migraines and otitis media. Her lungs may also be bothering her. Therefore, Sabina is strictly prohibited from smoking.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Thanks to her attractive appearance, Sabina is surrounded by fans. However, for a long time the girl cannot decide on her choice of life partner. She wants to have a family and mutual love, but monotony is unacceptable for her. For a long time, Sabina rushes between these two mutually exclusive concepts, so she gets married late - having had plenty of fun.

In marriage, Sabina is completely immersed in caring for her spouse and children. She often chooses experienced and respectable men as husbands, who are often much older than her. This is explained by the fact that in order to live, Sabina needs not just an attractive macho man, but a partner and provider on whom she can always rely. The girl herself also does not accept “shadow games”. The husband can be confident in her fidelity and reliability. Sabina will never trade stable family stability for a fleeting affair.

Table: Compatibility of Sabina with other names

NameCompatibilityNature of the relationship
Sergey87% This is a creative union in which one partner complements the other. This couple does not have traditional views on life. They are freedom-loving and independent, which, however, does not prevent them from building a strong union in which there is no place for betrayal, lies and falsehood.
Eugene54% The relationship between Evgeniy and Sabina cannot be called boring. They may or may not be satisfied with many things. Evgeniy is proud of the beauty and sophistication of his companion. She, in turn, is grateful to him for the fact that he can constantly surprise her and control the excessive emotionality inherent in Sabina. On the other hand, the girl is annoyed by some of Evgeniy’s immaturity, his lack of careerism and desire to increase his capital. Most often, a couple breaks up due to a basic lack of livelihood.
Alexander98% There is a certain spiritual connection between Sabina and Alexander that no insults or obstacles can break. They are perfect for each other. Their life together is full of discoveries and accomplishments. Young people never stop there, they always move forward, which makes their relationships interesting and multifaceted.
Dmitriy36% Hot-tempered and secretive Dmitry may initially dote on the beautiful Sabina. However, the emotionality inherent in each of the partners will not allow them to be together. The couple will constantly come together, then diverge, until the union bursts completely.
Andrey83% This union is solid and harmonious. Determined and self-confident, Andrei knows how to win women. There will never be monotony in the relationship between them, which Sabina needs, since boredom kills love in her. The only thing that can destroy their union is Andrei’s frivolity. However, if he comes to his senses in a timely manner, the couple will live a long and happy family life.
Alexei96% This union can be considered one of the most reasonable. The relationships here are incredibly multifaceted, they include cooperation, friendship, and love. Young people are incredibly comfortable with each other as they suit each other both psychologically and sexually. However, there was a fly in the ointment here too. Alexey strives to win the palm, which does not suit Sabina, who also has developed leadership qualities. On this basis, partners often quarrel.
Novel64% Both partners like the feeling of freedom and independence. This union is filled with passion and activity. Relationships between young people are like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, meetings and partings. However, an invisible thread will always keep them close, not allowing them to separate completely. Sabina and Alexander are unlikely to be able to create a family union, but as lovers they will be ideal.
Vladislav73% This is an alliance of powerful and strong people, in which it will be difficult for partners to coexist with each other. Each of them will strive to put himself above the other, to be the main one in the family. However, if young people are able to understand this in a timely manner, they will be able to live a happy life together.

Significant years of Sabina:

Table: astrology named after Sabina

Video: characteristics of the name Sabina

The influence of the letters of the name on the character of Sabina

The letters that make up a person’s name affect his character traits:

  • C - indicates a person who has difficulty finding his way in life. The desire for power and universal admiration;
  • A - symbolizes purposeful activity, the desire to create. People with this letter in their name are born leaders;
  • B - love of love, the ability to achieve goals despite obstacles;
  • And - a sign of spirituality and innate grace, subtle taste and the ability to recognize falsehood;
  • N - inner strength, sharp critical mind, excessive pickiness in choosing contacts;
  • A - repeat.

The influence of the season on Sabina's character

“Winter” Sabina has a difficult character. Nature has awarded her with a lot of talents and an attractive appearance, but communicating with her is not easy. The girl does not know how to listen at all; for her nothing exists except her own “I”. She is capricious and domineering. He chooses as friends people who are soft and compliant and easy to control.

Sabina, born in the spring, is characterized by impatience and inconsistency. She is one of those people who acts first and thinks later. The girl has a strong and independent character. Loves traveling and sports.

“Autumn” Sabina is prudent and proud. However, along with this, the girl has a kind and gentle heart. He does not like conflicts and tries in every possible way not to give reasons for gossip.

Summer endows Sabina with modesty and indecision. Excessive caution prevents such women from getting closer to a man. They see in them only insidious seducers, ready to take advantage of the girl’s purity. This character trait does not allow Sabina to get married at a young age. Most often, a woman starts a family in adulthood or even remains an old maid.

Horoscope named Sabina

Sabina Yapparova - famous ballerina

Sabina is a strong and independent woman. Her relationships with others can be complicated due to the girl’s excessive selfishness and self-confidence. But in family relationships, he is a faithful and reliable comrade-in-arms, for whom falsehood and betrayal are unacceptable. At work, Sabina is valued for her extraordinary mind, ability to quickly concentrate and find a way out of even the most difficult situations.


AriesSabina-Aries has an unpredictable and impulsive character. The girl is an active and brutal materialist, but at the same time she is noble, honest and cannot stand injustice. She will always take the side of the weak, even if it only brings problems for herself.
TaurusCunning and vindictive nature. He easily manipulates people and always gets what he wants. She never forgives her offenders, moreover, she will definitely take revenge on them as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Late marriages are typical for her, since it is psychologically difficult for a girl to leave her father’s house.
TwinsSabina-Gemini is characterized by gentleness of character and good nature. She is very vulnerable, she can be offended by any little thing, but she is completely unvindictive. The girl always forgives her ill-wishers and even finds justification for their actions.
CancerAn infantile and insecure lady. For her, it doesn’t matter at all what’s going on around her, the main thing is that she feels comfortable. Sabina-Cancer is used to using people and their good disposition for her own selfish purposes. She just doesn't know how to make friends.
a lionSabina-Leo is naturally endowed with leadership qualities. She is incredibly energetic and never sits still. At the same time, the girl is straightforward and honest. She, like Robin Hood, is always ready to defend the interests of the weak. The downside is that she transfers her leadership qualities to her family. However, not every man is ready to sit “under the heel”. Therefore, most often a girl has several marriages behind her.
VirgoA straightforward and hot-tempered nature that will never adapt to the interests of others. Sabina-Virgo, achieving her goal, always goes ahead. The girl doesn’t even try to avoid sharp corners so as not to create conflict situations.
ScalesA persistent and narcissistic person who knows how to “show off” very beautifully. After Sabina-Libra convinces others that she is right, she will use them for selfish purposes. The girl is incredibly ambitious and always achieves her plans.
ScorpionA power-hungry and not very friendly lady. Has many ill-wishers. It is almost impossible to come to an agreement with her unless, of course, it is beneficial to her. Only a truly strong man who can restrain her impulses can get along next to Sabina-Scorpio.
SagittariusSabina-Sagittarius is an open and independent person who moves only forward, without even remembering the past. She has a sharp tongue, and is not shy in her statements even if a person holding a high position is standing in front of her. However, although her criticism is merciless, it always has a basis. People understand this and respect the girl.
CapricornThe sign of Capricorn gives Sabina a practical mindset. Before starting any business, a girl will think 100 times, weigh all the pros and cons. She gets married once and for all, and remains faithful to her husband under any circumstances.
AquariusA completely dispassionate person, for whom it doesn’t matter what her fate will be tomorrow. She lives one day at a time and doesn’t even try to change anything. In relationships with men, she also rarely shows her feelings, which only scares them away. She is considered a somewhat eccentric and indecisive person who lives in her own mysterious world.
FishA good-natured, soft and pliable woman, for whom spiritual values ​​come first. She is an extremely intelligent lady, but if her feelings are hurt, she will never remain silent. Moreover, he will be able to put the offender in his place in such a way that he will feel guilty for a long time.

According to one version, the origin of the name Sabina is associated with Ancient Rome. It is considered the feminine form of Savin (Sabin), derived from the patrician patrician name Sabinus and is given the meaning “Sabine woman”, “beautiful”. Sabines were girls who belonged to a tribe that lived in ancient Italy. Therefore, this name was originally a common noun, indicating the “national” origin of the woman. And after generations it became associated with the epithet “beautiful”.

There is also an opinion that Sabina, like many other names for girls that have survived to this day, belongs to the Aramaic language and is translated as “unpretentious”, “wise” (from the verb “Saba”).

Name Astrology

  • Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Color: blue, light gray
  • Tree: willow
  • Plant: orchid
  • Animal: hedgehog
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The characterization of the name Sabina states that it belongs to a wayward, strong-willed and very capricious lady with inflated self-esteem and an acute reaction to any attack in her direction, most often imagined by herself. She is very stubborn, strives to crush everyone around her. The love of her parents, which has no boundaries, further aggravates her already complex character.

A woman has a strong will, ambition, sensitivity to mistakes, vindictiveness and rancor. She is very mercantile, so the material component plays a huge role for her in communicating with people, forming a circle of friends and choosing a husband. But her character has many even more negative traits.

So, Sabina is quite cruel to others and loves to weave intrigues. Often he establishes a kind of “hazing” in the team where he is located (be it school or work). Therefore, over the years she has fewer and fewer friends. And when a woman finally feels the need for close people, it turns out that she has absolutely no one to rely on. If by this time someone remains near her, the girl changes dramatically. It becomes a support and protection for them, that stone wall that they can lean on in any situation.

Spring Sabina is distinguished by much more significant friendliness and generosity than those born in summer and autumn. Although these traits do not cover her love for luxury and aggressiveness. Winter has a strong will, impatience with other people's opinions, and an unwillingness to be influenced. And those born in summer are an extremely self-confident person who does not trust anyone, with a frankly disgusting character.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Sabina hides a rather enthusiastic nature. She plays sports, either as a single player or as a team captain. She is also interested in cooking, home economics, and interior design. To make your home original and unique, you can enroll in special courses (carving - artistic cutting, home design, hand-made, patchwork-style needlework).

Profession and business

Sabina has a clear, logical and sober mind, but rarely finds herself in a professional environment. At the slightest opportunity, she is ready to quit her job to become a housewife. If this fails, he can get a job as a TV presenter, auditor, restaurateur, pastry chef, florist, or choreographer. In the business sphere, good luck awaits her - she knows no pity, does not lose her head in critical situations and is able to prove herself to be a real “shark” of big business.


The name Sabina belongs to a physically active, mentally stable lady, practically not susceptible to illness and carefully monitoring her health.

Sex and love

Her passion is practically not manifested either in public or internally. Possessing a charming appearance, she can be simply sexy from the point of view of the intimate sphere. Her deep morality prevents her from opening up, so such a woman goes to bed with a man only after dating for many weeks. If she is unlucky in love, she can turn into an aggressive puritan. Very often she uses sex in order to keep her beloved man near her.

Family and marriage

Sabina takes marriage extremely seriously, so she gets married late. With a sober mind and a clear head, she chooses as her husband the most worthy candidate, in her opinion, from the list of acquaintances and admirers. The material component is so important to her that the girl is ready to make a choice in favor of money rather than love. But in the family she is in no hurry to take a leading position. On the contrary, she “bends in” to her always strong husband, becoming a good wife for him. The bearer of the name is a magnificent mother, capable of making any sacrifice for the sake of her children. The entire period of their growing up is nearby. She is ready to “cut out the throat” of anyone in kindergarten and school who has somehow offended her child.

Sabina makes a wonderful housewife, skillfully running the house and ready to set the table for guests even at two in the morning. Therefore, she often contributes to her husband’s career growth with “home corporate parties.”

In Russia, the female name Sabina is very rare. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the owner of such an interesting name will stand out from the crowd.

Origin of the name Sabina

There are several versions of the origin of this name, the main ones are: The name Sabina first appeared in Ancient Rome. In the territory of ancient Italy, which was captured by the Romans, the local inhabitants were called Sabines. Representatives of the fair sex at that time began to be called Sabines. The name Sabina is of Arabic origin. In Arabic, the word sabina means "small sword." The name Sabina comes from the Aramaic word saba, which translates as “baptized.”

Character traits

Most often, Sabinas have a peculiar character. As a rule, they have their own point of view on everything. Almost all owners of this name are strong-willed women with self-esteem.

Sabina can be capricious and takes criticism very seriously. Stubbornness and desire for leadership are evident in them from birth. Most often, Sabina's parents spoil her, and over time she can turn from a funny child into a capricious princess. It can be noticed that such girls in adolescence exhibit a certain rigidity and dominance in relationships with peers. Adult Sabina does not have a patient character; she loves attention, luxury, and money. She is a big fan of gossip and an excellent organizer of any intrigues. Unfortunately, it often happens that her ambition and complex character can cause Sabina to have almost no real friends left when she reaches middle age. Only at this age will she begin to understand the value of friendships and will she have a desire to create an incredibly strong family. To achieve this, she will do everything and become a real defender of the family hearth.

Zodiac compatibility

The name Sabina is perfect for a baby born under the sign of Aries. The hot temper and impulsiveness of this zodiac sign corresponds to most of the characteristics of this name. Sabine Aries will be active materialists, but will also be more friendly and generous.

Advantages and disadvantages of the name

Of course, the name Sabina is very beautiful, bright and energetically strong. In addition, it goes well with many Russian patronymics and makes it possible to call the child with a number of endearing abbreviations, for example: Sabi, Sabinochka, Sabinushka, Sabinka. However, this name also has a big drawback - sometimes its owner has a disgusting character. Raising such a girl is quite difficult.


Sabines can boast of fairly good health. Physical activity and moral stability of the owners of this name help maintain good health.

Love and family relationships

Sabina tries to approach her choice of husband very responsibly. In family relationships, her character can change dramatically. For her child and husband, Sabina will become the best in the world, and will always take care of her loved ones. It is worth considering that she will be a very affectionate mother and caring wife. Women with this name are excellent cooks and love to furnish their home. If someone treats her children badly, Sabina will definitely cause a scandal.


Women with this name most often become simple housewives. However, if Sabina wants and puts in a little effort, she can achieve success in various fields of activity. She can make the best TV presenter, a successful restaurateur, a creative florist, an excellent pastry chef or an excellent accountant.

Sabina's Day