Five interesting events of the Russian-Chinese art fair. Five interesting events of the Russian-Chinese art fair Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair

1. Academic Dance Theater "Gzhel" and National Song and Dance Ensemble of China

The Russian-Chinese cultural and art fair will open on Friday with two ceremonies. One will take place at 14:00 at the Social and Cultural Center. The main spectators will be festival participants, but anyone can enter the hall for 300 rubles. On the same day in the evening, at 20 o'clock, all citizens will be able to see the ceremony on Lenin Square for free.

Perhaps the two most important events of the festival will take place at the ceremonies - performances Academic Dance Theater "Gzhel" and the National Song and Dance Ensemble of China.

The first one will turn 30 next year, and it has long become a cultural calling card of Moscow. The ensemble members talk through the language of dance about Russian folk crafts. Actually, the team itself and its name were dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the existence of one of the most famous and recognizable Russian crafts.

National Song and Dance Ensemble of China- it’s quite problematic to say anything about it based on its name. There are a lot of song and dance ensembles in China - national or state. It is known that he is from Beijing, and that it is worth watching - Chinese artists have never failed in terms of entertainment. Just remember the Peking Opera or the Nanjing circus, performances of which Amur residents have already seen.

2. Fireworks

Immediately after the opening ceremony, fireworks will thunder on Lenin Square.

3. Velonnight


This year, the annual Velon Night was included in the festival plan and dedicated to the Year of Ecology. About 3,000 cyclists not only from the Amur region, but also from China will take part in the bike ride.

4. Exhibitions of masters of decorative and applied arts of the People's Republic of China

Almost all days of the festival, masters of decorative and applied arts will introduce Amur residents to their works. The main site will be a public garden near the Amur Regional House of Folk Art (formerly DORA). The works will be available not only to view, but also to buy.

5. Closing ceremony of the festival

Photo: Dmitry Tupikov

The closing ceremony of the festival on the Russian shore will be attended by the Wushu Federation of the Amur Region and the Martial Arts Theater of Heilongjiang Province.

Here are a few facts about the Amur wushu players to understand that they will show an impressive show: last year the organization celebrated its 10th anniversary, during which time athletes won more than 800 medals, the federation has trained more than 200 winners of Russian, European and world championships. Their results are the best in the Far East.

For five days, from June 25 to 29, the IX International Festival “Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair” will be held in Blagoveshchensk.

Its events will take place at several city venues.

June 25

A traditional student celebration will take place at the Amur Regional Scientific Library "Evening of Russian music and poetry." The program includes a musical and poetic sketch from the poets of the Moscow Theater and the reading of poems by Chinese and Russian students.

A holiday dedicated to the traditional Chinese activity will take place on the embankment of the Amur River - flying kites. For this purpose, a delegation of 12 kite flying masters will come to Blagoveshchensk.

27th of June

On Wednesday, a cascade of exhibitions will open at the Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore.

“Myths and legends of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North” will bring together 34 graphic works by Anatoly Efremov, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Exhibition "Great Beauty", organized by the Association of Creative Workers of the Amur Region. The exhibition will feature about 20 works by young authors.

Exhibition "Florentine Mosaic"(stone-cutting art of masters of the Amur region) will introduce the work of three artists: Anna Yuryevna Gusareva, Andrey Nikolaevich Bogachenko and Alexander Vladimirovich Lukichev, who are engaged in one of the most complex genres of applied art.

Exhibition "Art of China" will present the work of 10 famous artists from Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China. More than 40 oil paintings will introduce festival guests to the peculiarities of the development of contemporary art in China.

June 29

On the embankment of the Amur River there will be gastronomic festival "Dough Meat". From 16:00 to 23:00, national Russian and Chinese dishes will be presented. The program includes chef shows, interactive events, tastings, and master classes.

The Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair will close concert of the State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Berezka" named after. N.S.Nadezhdina.

Prepared according to information from the Amur Ministry of Culture and Archival Affairs and the Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore

June 27, 2018 at the Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore named after. G.S. Novikov-Daursky, 7 exhibitions organized as part of the IX International Festival “Russian-Chinese Culture and Art Fair” were solemnly opened.

Exhibition "The Art of China" presents the work of ten famous Chinese artists from Heilongjiang Province of China. More than 40 oil paintings introduce the peculiarities of the development of modern art in China. Works by masters of Chinese painting can be seen until June 29.

Art exhibition "Golden Palette of Russia", organized by the Foundation for the Development of Contemporary Art (Moscow), introduces sculpture, painting and graphics by leading Russian authors: people's artists of Russia (Moscow) Sergei Alimov, Nikolai Borovsky, Nikolai Voronkov, Sergei Gavrilyachenko, Andrei Kovalchuk, Maria Krasilnikova, Anatoly Lyubavin, Alexander Muravyov, Valery Polotnov, Alexey Sukhovetsky, Sergei Kharlamov; Honored Artists of Russia Sergei Anufriev (Krasnoyarsk), Vadim Ivankin (Novosibirsk), Konstantin Kuzminykh (Magadan), Andrey Mashanov (Omsk), Alexander Novik (Tyumen), Natalia Sysoeva (Irkutsk) . The exhibition, which will continue to run in the museum after the festival, allows you to get an idea of ​​the work of bright, very different artists who are united by a high level of professional skill, depth of imaginative thinking and the significance of their contribution to the cultural life of Russia.

Exhibition “Traditions for the future. Folk crafts of Russia" from the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts (Moscow) introduces reconstructions of traditional women's festive costumes. XIX - early XX centuries from the Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod provinces of Russia, reconstructions of the costumes of the Ural Cossack woman of the 19th century. and residents of the Gorky region in the 1930s. The exhibition presents original works by contemporary masters of decorative and applied arts and products of Russian folk crafts: jewelry, dolls, Dymkovo and Bogorodsk toys, Yaroslavl majolica, Yelets lace, bowls, boxes from the Kholuy Art Factory. At the end of the exhibition (June 30), original works and handicrafts will be available for purchase at the museum’s souvenir kiosk.

Exhibition "Cultural heritage of Russian emigration in China", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the formation of Harbin, prepared by the Center for the Study of Far Eastern Emigration of Amur State University. She talks about the contribution of Russian emigration to the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the city of Harbin, the study of the peoples and religions of the Northeast, and introduces the development of Russian culture, science, and literature in China in 1900-1945. The exhibition is based on almost half a century of history of cultural, religious, social interaction between two great peoples - Russian and Chinese. Documents and photographs on the history of Russian emigration in Harbin will be supplemented with household items, clothing of Russian Harbin residents, their epistolary heritage, and modern publications devoted to the study of the history, culture, and literature of Russian emigration in China. The exhibition will be on display at the museum until July 29, 2018.

"Great Beauty"- this is the name of the exhibition organized by the Association of Creative Workers of the Amur Region, at which about 20 works of young authors will be presented: Anna Maksimenko, Nikolai Rybak, Anastasia Cherepanova, Tatyana Ananyeva and others. These are painting, graphics, objects, photography and decorative arts. Young artists of the Amur region will offer the viewer their own, perhaps very unexpected, versions of the understanding of “beauty”. The exhibition will run until July 29, 2018.

“Myths and legends of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North”- personal exhibition of Anatoly Efremov, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. 34 graphic works were created by the author based on legends and fairy tales of the northern peoples of Russia - Koryaks, Itelmens, Chukchis, Evens, Evenks, Aleuts, Eskimos. The artistic images created by A. Efremov are supplemented in the exhibition with objects of decorative and applied art of the indigenous peoples of the North from the collection of the Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore. The exhibition will be on display at the museum until July 29.

Exhibition "Florentine mosaic" introduces the stone-cutting art of three artists of the Amur region - Anna Gusareva, Andrey Bogachenko, Alexander Lukichev. Masters create complex compositions from plates of ornamental and semi-precious stones: amethyst, agate, fluorite, charoite, onyx, marble, jasper, petrified wood, rhodonite, lapis lazuli, jade, fluorite. The exhibition in the museum includes about 25 unique works made in 2000 - 2018, most of which were provided for the exhibition by LLC Construction Company Most-Vostok. The exhibition will run until July 29, 2018.