Proverbs of different nations with similar meanings. Proverbs from around the world

Emelyanova Daria and Eremina Alina

The enthusiastic exclamation of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin attracts attention to proverbs and increases interest in this small genre of oral folk art: “What a luxury, what a meaning, what a use in every saying of ours! What gold!”

And the wise statement of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev convinced us of the relevance of the chosen topic:

“Deep penetration into the culture of the past and the cultures of other peoples brings times and countries closer together.”

What are proverbs? What's interesting about the proverb? What is their theme? We answered these questions in literature lessons. We wanted to know more about this genre of oral folk art, namely:

Problematic issue of the project:

Are there proverbs similar to Russian ones in the literature of other nations?


In the folklore of the peoples of the world there are wise sayings that are similar in theme and meaning to Russian proverbs.

Objective of the project:

Acquaintance with proverbs of different nations and their Russian analogues.



Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 3 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region

Named after Hero of the Soviet Union Antonov V.S.



Emelyanova Daria,

Eremina Alina,

students of grade 7 "B"


Scientific adviser:

Prokopenko Valentina Stepanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.


  1. Introduction.

Justification for choosing the topic.

Relevance of the project. _________________________________________ 3

  1. Main part. _______________________________________________4
  1. Theoretical part.

What is a proverb._________________________________________ 5

Proverbs about proverbs._________________________________ 5

Sayings about proverbs. ______________________________ 5

  1. Practical part. Study.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world and their Russian analogues._______________ 6

  1. Conclusion. _____________________________________________________ 6

List of used literature. _______________________________ 7


We will present a research project« Proverbs of the peoples of the world and their Russian analogues.”

Why did we choose this topic?

The enthusiastic exclamation of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin attracted our attention to proverbs and increased interest in this small genre of oral folk art: “What a luxury, what a meaning, what a use is every saying of ours! What gold!”

And the wise statement of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev convinced us of the relevance of the chosen topic:

“Deep penetration into the culture of the past and the cultures of other peoples brings times and countries closer together.”

What are proverbs? What's interesting about the proverb? What is their theme? We answered these questions in literature lessons. We wanted to know more about this genre of oral folk art, namely:

Problematic issue of the project:

Are there proverbs similar to Russian ones in the literature of other nations?

We assumed that


In the folklore of the peoples of the world there are wise sayings that are similar in theme and meaning to Russian proverbs.

Objective of the project :

Acquaintance with proverbs of different nations and their Russian analogues.

While working on the project, we decided on the following: tasks:

We studied theoretical information about proverbs and sayings,

We got acquainted with collections of proverbs from different peoples of the world,

We compared them with Russian analogues,

We found illustrations for proverbs,

We have compiled an electronic collection of proverbs from the peoples of the world.

Research methods: study of a literary source, analysis, description,systematization, generalization of the collected material.

Object of study: Proverbs of the peoples of the world.

Subject of study:Russian analogues of proverbs of other nations.

Result of work: Creation of an electronic illustrated collection of proverbs and a presentation to 7th grade students in literature lessons.


At the beginning of working on the topic, we turned to the dictionary and found out the meaning of the words “proverb” and “saying”.

(This information is reflected on the slide).

A proverb is a short wise saying that has an instructive meaning, containing a complete thought, worldly wisdom.

A saying is a bright, apt folk expression. A saying differs from a proverb in that it is part of a judgment.

We can read about what a proverb is in V.I.’s dictionary. Dahl: “A proverb is a short parable; She herself says that “naked speech is not a proverb.” This is a judgement, a sentence, a teaching, expressed in an oblique manner and put into circulation...

“There is no fee from a proverb”, “You cannot escape from a proverb”... No one knows who composed it; but everyone knows her and obeys her. This work and heritage is common, like joy and sorrow itself, like the experienced wisdom suffered by an entire generation, expressed in such a verdict ... "

Proverbs and sayings have been created over hundreds of generations. These short and wise sayings capture love for the motherland, courage, bravery, faith in the triumph of justice, and the concept of honor. The topics of proverbs and sayings are countless. They talk about learning, knowledge, family, hard work and skill.

Proverbs live in every nation, pass from century to century, and pass on the accumulated experience to new generations. The importance and beauty of proverbs were appreciated by the people themselves: “Speech without a proverb is like food without salt” (Amharic), “A proverb is an assistant to all matters” (Russian).

Proverbs about the Motherland appeared among all nations earlier than others. They express the ardent love of the people for their Fatherland.

Russian Proverbs about the Motherland:

For fish - the sea, for birds - the air, and for man - the Motherland.

Living in a foreign land means shedding tears.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

In a foreign land, even a dog grieves.

Everyone has their own side.

Every pine tree makes noise in its own forest.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The native land is sweet even in a handful.

The peoples of the world about their homeland:

A brave young man is born for the Motherland (Nogai).

The homeland is more expensive than another country (Bashkir).

There is also a tiger (Afghan) dog on his street.

Everyone is drawn to their native camp (Adyghe).

Without the beloved Motherland, the sun does not warm (Shorskaya).

It is better to lay down bones in the Motherland than to gain glory in a foreign land (Ukrainian).

You can leave your home, but not your homeland (Azerbaijani).

Homeland - foreign berry - bloody tear (Estonian).

All nations are unanimous in the statement that labor is the main value of life: “A tree is famous for its fruits, a man for his labors” (Azerbaijani proverb), “Without labor you cannot pull a fish out of a pond.”

Countless proverbs ridicule the lazy and gullible: “I came running at the smell of barbecue, but it turned out that the donkey was being branded.”

Many proverbs reflect an understanding of the course of natural phenomena: “Every evening is followed by a morning” (Turkish), “The morning is wiser than the evening” (Russian).

We read many proverbs from different peoples of the world on different topics and selected Russian proverbs that were close in meaning to them. We have a small collection of proverbs from the peoples of the world and their Russian equivalent.


Proverbs from different countries are very similar to each other, because at all times and among all peoples such human vices as cowardice, greed, laziness have always been condemned, and such qualities as resourcefulness, hard work, kindness, on the contrary, were welcomed and respected.

Comparing proverbs and sayings of different peoples of the world shows how much common all peoples have, which, in turn, contributes to their better mutual understanding and rapprochement. This idea is confirmed by the Bashkir proverb: “Friendship of peoples is their wealth.”

Most of the world's proverbs and sayings are imbued with the pathos of humane ideas and pure feelings; contact with their world gives a person joy and emotional excitement.


Literature. 7th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 o'clock / auto-state V.Ya. Korovina. – M.: Education, 2009

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. / Ed. N.Yu. Shvedova. - M., 2000.

Friendship of peoples is their wealth.
Bashkir proverb

Proverbs live in every nation, pass from century to century, and pass on the accumulated experience to new generations. The proverb itself does not argue - it affirms. It contains the final conclusion, it is the result of long thoughts and therefore a categorical judgment about the world: “And in still water there are crocodiles” (Malay), “Scorpio does not change its habits” (Uzbek), “Whoever draws a sword will die from it "(Arabic), "Many pilots - the ship breaks" (Chinese). The importance and beauty of proverbs were appreciated by the people themselves: “Speech without a proverb is like food without salt” (Amharic), “A proverb is an assistant to all matters” (Russian).

All nations are unanimous in the statement that labor is the main value of life: “The dust of labor is better than the saffron of inaction” (Arabic), “A tree is famous for its fruits, a man for his labors” (Azerbaijani), “Without labor you cannot pull a fish out of a pond” (Russian). Countless proverbs ridicule the lazy and gullible: “I came running at the smell of barbecue, but it turned out that the donkey was being branded,” reflect an understanding of the course of natural phenomena: “Every evening is followed by morning” (Turkish), “The sun’s disk cannot be covered with a sieve” (Arabic), “Spring day feeds year”, “Winter without snow - summer without bread” (Russian), “A bee has a striped back, but you can’t call it a tiger” (Chinese).

Most of the world's proverbs and sayings are imbued with the pathos of humane ideas and pure feelings; contact with their world gives a person joy and emotional excitement.

According to V. P. Anikin

Read proverbs of different nations, explain their meaning, try to use them more often in conversations with friends.


There would be a head, but there would be a hat.
What is sown on time comes up on time.
A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its relatives.
As you clap your hands, so I dance.
For those who don’t know how to work, the work never ends.


It's better to eat your own stale bread than someone else's pilaf.
The liar's house caught fire - no one believed it.
A good friend is closer than a brother.
For the sake of a friend, endure both blizzard and snow.


Empty dishes make the loudest noise.
Promise slowly, deliver quickly.
By doing nothing, we learn bad deeds.
Choose writers like you choose a friend.
Politeness opens all doors.
Gratitude is the least of virtues, ingratitude is the worst of vices.


In difficult times, a friend is right there.
In someone else's eye even a straw appears like a camel, but in your own -
I didn't notice the whole bridge.
The crown of courage is modesty.
The dignity of a word is in strength.
If you have done good, hide it; If they did something good to you, tell me.
He who speaks well listens well.
The ignorant is his own enemy.


All that's left is until tomorrow - consider it stuck.
A bad joke is one that doesn't contain half the truth.
Until you grow old, you will not understand the old.
A wound inflicted by a sword will heal, but not by a tongue.


Life without a goal is a man without a head.
For every descent there is an ascent.
Drum sounds are good to listen to from afar.
As you do to others, they will do to you.
He who runs from a small difficulty will find himself in front of an even greater one.
Work feeds a person, idleness spoils him.


In joy, know your limits, in trouble, do not lose faith.
A friend will say it to your face, an enemy will mutter behind your back.
The land is valued by bread, and man by business.
Ignorance is not a vice, unwillingness to know is a big vice.


Without learning there is no skill.
A deep river cannot be measured with a short pole.
The stupidity of one minute destroys the work of wisdom that took three hours.
If you know, speak up; if you don’t know, listen to others.


A tree is strong with roots, and a person is friends.
He who digs a hole for others, let him measure himself.
Every day is a holiday for the lazy.
A foolish person only remembers a friend in trouble.
It's easy to destroy, try to build.
A person's tongue can bring him both glory and shame.


A man with strong hands will overcome one, a man with strong knowledge will overcome a thousand.
Good advice is half the happiness.
A horse is recognized in a race, a man in business.


Close neighbors are better than distant relatives.
Every craft has its first students.
The tall lamp shines far away.
Friends are better than old, clothes are better than new.
If you have a lot of talent, don’t be afraid that you’re unlucky now.
Walking slowly is better than standing.
It is better to demand from yourself than to ask from others.


If you can’t stretch out your hand, you won’t be able to get a spoon from the shelf.
Where there is air, there is life.
If you are afraid of frost, do not go into the yard.
A sick person needs a doctor, a healthy person needs a job.


Many hands will lift a heavy load.
Life is happiness in work.
Without pressing the coulter, you won't dig up a pie.


It's no use carrying firewood into the forest.
Time is gained - all is won.
They like to rummage through good books.
Diligence is the father of happiness.
Whoever takes care of the arable land, the arable land takes care of him.


If you want your bins to be full, get up with the rooster crowing.
Not the one in front who has overtaken, but the one in front who is pulling behind him.


Idleness is the mother of all vices.
Don't lose your mind, everything else will follow.
Laziness quietly destroys all virtues.
Strong is the one who brings down, but stronger is the one who lifts.


Spring floods the river, labor adds value to man.


How you relate to the forest, so the forest treats you.
What you can't do alone, ten can do.
The craft has a gold mine.
Leaning on the mother's lap, the child grows quickly.


It is better to know one craft well than to know a hundred poorly.
Your anger is your enemy.
In the cold autumn, don’t open your mouth again.
He who loves people lives long.
Don't laugh at the old, you'll grow old yourself.
To treat well, you need to love people.

Questions and tasks

  1. Using the example of several proverbs, show their accuracy, wisdom, imagery and beauty.
  2. What is the attitude towards good and evil, towards friendship, work and learning among different peoples of the world? Support your answer with proverbs.
  3. Prepare for the competition: “Who knows more proverbs and who can explain them better?”
  4. Write an essay on one of the proverbs (your choice): “It is useless to carry firewood into the forest” (German), “In joy, know your limits, in trouble, do not lose faith” (Bashkir), “Be not quick to make promises, but be quick to fulfill them.” "(English), "Don't bite off more than you can chew" (American).

    Of course, the list does not include proverbs of many peoples of the world. What proverbs of other countries do you know and which of them do you use in your speech?

Enrich your speech

  1. What words do the terms “epic” and “storyteller” come from?
  2. What feature of Russian speech is manifested in the words and phrases “into the blue seas”, “for the shells”, “into the dark forests”, “good squad”?
  3. What is the manner of pronouncing most Russian epics?
  4. What pathos permeates most proverbs from around the world?
  5. In what case are proverbs easier to remember? What proverbs do you use in your speech? Give examples.
  6. Proverbs from which countries of the world did you like? Say them.
  7. Prepare a story based on one of the following proverbs (your choice): “Your anger is your enemy,” “Idleness is the mother of all vices,” “Diligence is the father of happiness.”

Proverbs and sayings of Greece

Smart is not the one who knows a lot, but the one whose knowledge is useful

The happy man easily teaches the unhappy man

It is better to live in poverty, but honestly, than in wealth, but in fear.

In a dispute, the one who loses wins, because he has increased his knowledge

Great things don't happen right away

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing

Wisdom gives birth to happiness

Hunger makes food especially tasty

A woman's love is more dangerous than a man's hatred, because this poison is pleasant

Proverbs and sayings of India

A woman is wise by nature, a man is wise by books

Sources of well-being are hard work and tranquility

It's better to have a smart enemy than to be friends with a fool

Patience kills the powerless and makes the strong great

A scientist, a hero and a beauty will find shelter everywhere

A woman's coquetry is a sign of love

Kill greed - you will become happy

A worthy person is silent about his own virtues and other people's shortcomings

Proverbs and sayings France

The mind is caught in the web of passions, like a bird with its legs tied.

A person's value is in the price he gives himself

Knowledge is stronger than fists

The main thing is not to run fast, but to run out in advance

Arrogance is having a high opinion of yourself and a low opinion of others.

Vices dull the mind, but wine destroys it

Marriage without commitment is a betrayal

Anyone who is afraid of illness is already sick

Proverbs and sayings Denmark

Only madness can be true

An expert is a person who has already made all the mistakes in his direction.

Proverbs and sayings of Italy

The worst trouble is waiting for it

The slanderer accuses when he praises

Everyone is a king in his own home

Manners make the man

If you love me, love my dog ​​too

New year and new life

Every rule has its exception

Spanish sayings:

If there is no income, life is not sweet

In big water there are big fish

Georgian proverbs and sayings:

If you are rich, you are a sinner before the Lord, and if you are poor, you are a sinner before people.

Saying a kind word to a fool is like lighting a candle in the sun.

When the owner is not having fun, then the guests are bored too

Japanese proverbs:

Without polishing, a diamond will not shine like a precious one.

An eggplant will not grow on a melon stem.

A noble man does not regret his life

Wealth and fame gained dishonestly will disappear like clouds

Both are to blame for the quarrel

What blooms will fade anyway

Dust accumulates - forms mountains

Conversation is stronger than violence

Funny aphorisms from Germany:

When you get a girl's hand, you will always feel it in your pocket.

When the husband returns from a business trip, the wife arranges a scene of fidelity

Finances are either starting to end or they are starting to start

The English have a lot of opinion, but little thought. Germans have so many thoughts that they don’t have time to form an opinion about themselves.

Proverbs and sayings Poland:

Old age is a well of wisdom and experience. when you pass it on to the young, you deserve honor.

Youth is like spring, middle age is like summer, and old age is like autumn, rich in impressions.

Only knowledge is true power, which can be acquired for a long time.

Now we move on to Russian proverbs, which it would also be nice for each of us to know.

Russian proverbs and sayings, as everyone knows, this is folk wisdom that came to us from life experience. Now let's look at the most frequently used among them among the people, as well as their interpretations, among other things. For convenience, Russian proverbs and sayings are presented alphabetically.

Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning

Appetite comes with eating.
The deeper you delve into something, the more you understand and recognize it.

A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.
About the departure of an unnecessary person who is not so useful to anything.

Trouble doesn’t walk through the forest, but through people.
Misfortunes with people are the real trouble, and not with what surrounds them.

Misfortunes never come alone.
She will definitely take at least one more with her.

Poverty is not a vice.
You should not judge people for poverty, since it is not their negative quality.

You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.
Nothing can be achieved without persistence and effort.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.
About norms of behavior in society, etc. And if something is lost or torn, it will no longer be possible to restore it.

God saves man, who save himself.
It is easier for a person who is prudent and careful in his decisions and actions to avoid dangers and unjustified risks.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.
Rarely is anything free given to us without pitfalls, without a catch.

God marks the rogue.
Evil deeds and other negative qualities do not go unpunished.

A chatterbox is a godsend for a spy.
If you tell people about elevating your deeds, but implement them less, then there will be envious people who will try to drag you back down. Like a proverb What you boast about, you will be left without.

For a big ship, a long voyage.
A person with great abilities gets great opportunities.

If you suffer for a long time, something will work out.
If you really try in a difficult matter, you can achieve at least something.

Paper will endure anything.
Paper, unlike people, will tolerate any lie, any mistake written on it.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Home comfort, created with your own hands or the hands of a loved one, cannot be replaced by any visit.

In a healthy body healthy mind.
By keeping the body healthy, a person also maintains mental well-being.

Every family has its black sheep.
In any family or team there will always be a person with negative qualities.

In the dark all cats are gray.
Appearance has a neutral appearance, in contrast to spiritual qualities.

In crowded but not mad.
A little inconvenience for everyone is better than a more serious problem for just one.

Still waters run deep.
Quiet and calm-looking people often hide a complex nature.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
In someone else's team, you should not behave only according to your own rules and procedures.

We see the speck in someone else's eye, but we don't notice the log in our own.
The mistakes and shortcomings of the people around you are more noticeable than your own.

Live forever, learn forever, but you will die a fool.
About the impossibility of knowing everything, even with a constant and persistent acquisition of knowledge.

I picked up the tug - don’t say it’s not strong.
Once you take up a task, bring it to the end, despite the difficulties.

The bird is visible in flight.
About people who, through their deeds and their appearance, show others their nature.

Water wears away stones.
Even minor work, manifested long and persistently, gives good results.

Pound water in a mortar and there will be water.
About doing a stupid thing that does not bring anything useful.

The wolf's legs feed him.
To earn a living, you need to move, be active, and not sit still.

If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
If you are afraid of difficulties or dangerous consequences, then you should not start any business.

All diseases are caused by nerves.
Anger, resentment and resentment weaken the immune system, which leads to the formation of diseases. Avoid anything that makes you nervous. Be patient.

Everything will be ground - there will be flour.
Any problem sooner or later turns into a good result.

All is well that ends well.
If the ending of something is good, then there is nothing to worry about.

Everything has its time.
Everything happens at the appointed time, not earlier and not later.

Everyone goes crazy in their own way.
Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Every cricket knows its nest.
Everyone should know their place and not interfere with someone else’s.

Every bast in line.
Everything can be useful, everything can be used, any mistake is blamed.

Where there is anger, there is mercy.
Not everything can be done with just anger; over time, mercy comes.

Where wood is cut, chips fly.
In any business there are always losses, costs...

Needed where was born.
About a place of birth that would not be worth leaving forever.

Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.
What is strong always remains strong, and the weakest link always cracks.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
It's scary to take on a task until you finally take it on.

The need for invention is cunning.
The need and poverty of a person make him more intelligent and inventive.

Mountain does not converge with mountain, but man does not converge with man.
About people, despite the mountains, who are capable by nature of understanding and meeting halfway.

One grave will correct a hunchback, but a club will correct a stubborn one.
It is difficult and sometimes impossible for a person to get rid of his bad habits.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.
Before you start anything, you must first prepare.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.
For any gift you are supposed to thank and rejoice at it, they say, take what you give.

Two bears do not live in the same den.
About two rivals vying for leadership. There is no room for two owners in one house.

The master's work is afraid.
The work carried out by the master is completed efficiently and quickly.

Time for business, time for fun.
Most of your time should be spent on study and work, and only partly on entertainment.

For a dear friend and an earring.
For a good friend or loved one, you don’t feel sorry for even the most valuable.

Debt good turn deserves another.
A good attitude towards people will definitely return in kind.

Expensive egg for Easter day.
It's always nice to get what you expect at the right time, in the right place.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
Friendly relationships should not affect work relationships, however, and vice versa.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Only a friend will do everything possible for you to save you in a difficult situation.

There is no law for fools.
Only an intelligent person gives in to the rules; fools have no time for them anyway.

A bad example is contagious.
About imitation of a bad example, a bad deed of another person.

Living life is not a field to cross.
Life is a complicated thing, living it is not so easy.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.
It is impossible to achieve two goals at the same time; everything must be done sequentially.

You can't see the forest for the trees.
By focusing on little things or on the same thing, it is impossible to see the main thing.

The Forbidden fruit is sweet.
Taking someone else’s or forbidden things is much more pleasant than taking your own.

Make a fool pray to God, and he’ll bruise his forehead.
An overly zealous person can harm the business.

It is not worth it.
The money spent on something is not justified by the results obtained.

You can't erase a word from a song.
It is impossible to change or hide something with words without distorting reality.

If only I knew where to fall, I would have laid out straws.
About caution, forethought, so that there is no trouble.

Each sandpiper praises its swamp.
Every person praises the place in which he lives, but everything else is foreign and unusual.

Everyone judges for himself.
The way a person is, that’s how those around him seem to be.

As it comes back, so will it respond.
Any actions towards people around you, good or bad, eventually turn out to be the same.

Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.
What you set your mind to is what you will get.

You can't spoil porridge with oil.
What is useful and pleasant cannot cause harm, even if there is too much of it.

Fight fire with fire.
To eliminate the results of an action, therefore, by the same means that caused this action.

The end is the crown of the whole thing.
It is important to complete any task.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
Once you finish your work, you can rest peacefully without thinking about it.

The horse has four legs and even then stumbles.
Even the most intelligent, dexterous and skillful people can sometimes make mistakes.

A penny saves the ruble.
To accumulate a lot, you must not neglect the little.

The hut is red not in its corners, but in its pies.
The owner of the house is valued not by wealth, but by hospitality.

Who seeks will always find.
When a person really tries to search, he really finds.

Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
Whoever is not lazy to get up early will have a longer day and a more luxuriant harvest.

Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.
About a person dependent on someone or about close attachment to each other.

Strike while the iron is hot.
While the opportunity allows, it is better to act, otherwise it may not exist later.

The chicken pecks one grain at a time, but is full.
By doing something regularly, even if only a little at a time, you can achieve results.

You can't break through walls with your forehead.
It is useless to achieve something without having enough strength for it.

They don't hit someone who is lying down.
It is not customary to finish off someone who is injured or in trouble.

A fly in the ointment.
When everything is good, any, even minor, dirty trick can ruin everything.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.
You won't get far with a lie, unlike the truth, no matter what it is.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
You should not believe words, you should only look at actions.

Better late than never.
It is better to do something at least someday than not to do it at all.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
It is better to have something small and quite accessible than something large and difficult to achieve.

Love for all ages.
A person has the ability to fall in love at absolutely any age.

If you like to ride, you also like to carry a sled.
To achieve something in your life, make an effort.

The less you know the better you sleep.
The more you know, the more excitement and worry there is.

The world is not without good people.
There will always be generous people with a desire to help in someone else's troubles.

Young is green.
Young people, unlike adults, are not mature enough in their knowledge.

Silent means consent.
Silence is like an assumption of an affirmative answer.

Moscow was not built in a day.
Everything complex and perfect is never given at once, only with a gain of experience.

In the absence of fish, cancer is a fish.
In the absence of something better, something worse may come in handy.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.
You should not rely solely on God when doing anything. Do everything yourself, and God only supports.

Every man to his own taste.
Tastes and preferences of different people may differ from each other.

You can't please everyone.
You can't please everyone, no matter what you do. Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustling of your wings.

Simplicity is enough for every wise man.
No matter how wise and perspicacious a person is, he can be deceived.

The animal runs towards the catcher.
It is easier for those who are brave, persistent, and stubborn to achieve anything they want.

There is no trial.
About the humble acceptance of the absence of something or the refusal of a request.

They carry water to the offended.
A person is forced to be able to forgive. And an offended person looks of no interest to anyone.

Hope dies last.
Even with disappointment or complete failure, there is still hope for the best.

Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
If you boast or promise to do something, do it.

You won't be nice by force.
No one can be forced to love against their will.

It is not God who burns the pots.
Each person is doomed to cope with his tasks himself, and not rely only on God alone.

Don't sit in your own sleigh.
Equivalent to the expression “Mind your own business.”

Not everything is Maslenitsa, there is also Lent.
Life is not always a holiday. It comes in changeable stripes.

All that glitters is not gold.
Any thing or entity, no matter how beautiful it looks, is not determined only by external signs. The internal signs are more important.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
Before you do anything, you should know how it is done.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Money disappears the first time you go to the store, but friends remain forever.

It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.
A person with a bad position can be an excellent worker, but with a good position - vice versa.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
While there is an opportunity, it is better to carry out your plans right away, in order to avoid acquiring laziness and regret.

Don't spit in the well - you'll need some water to drink.
You should not spoil your relationship with a person, no matter what he is. But in the future it can turn out to be very useful, and even save a life.

Not caught - not a thief, not caught - not cheated.
A person is not guilty of an offense until proven guilty.

Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.
A person who does bad things to another person suffers himself, having encountered the consequences of his own actions.

Don't cut the branch you're sitting on.
Don’t do stupid things and evil, because you yourself can choke on the same thing.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
An indication of exaggeration of the significance of any negative phenomenon.

Man does not live by bread alone.
A person has not only material qualities, but also spiritual ones.

There is no smoke without fire.
Nothing happens just like that, for example, there is no gossip without reason.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
In any difficult situation, you can always extract something pleasant and useful.

Burnt on milk - blows on the water.
Having made a mistake once, in the future you become more careful and prudent.

There is safety in numbers.
It is more difficult to withstand something alone, to win a fight, than with someone else.

One head is good, but two are even better.
Two people will be able to solve any problem better and faster, unlike one.

One swallow does not make spring.
The very first and only sign of a phenomenon is not the phenomenon itself.

From love to hate one step.
It won't be difficult to anger a person and make him hate you.

No one is immune from the event.
No matter how hard you try to prevent trouble, it can still happen.

It's a double-edged sword.
For every desired action there is a reaction.

The first pancake is lumpy.
Anything doesn't always work out really well the first time.

Stretch your legs along the clothes.
About living according to your means, income, in accordance with your capabilities.

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
A meeting with a person is valued according to external signs, and parting is valued according to internal, mental ones.

Even a sword does not cut a guilty head.
Those who voluntarily admit their guilt should not be seriously punished.

Repetition is the mother of learning.
The more you repeat, the better you know.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
If you do nothing, nothing will come of it.

Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.
A person will drag out his illness or other problem until the last moment, until it resolves completely.

Trying is not torture, and demand is not a problem.
There is nothing stopping you from at least trying to do something rather than not doing it at all.

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.
It is unacceptable to change anything when it is too late.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
Any task should be done calmly, slowly, in order to avoid a funny situation.

Forewarned is forearmed.
What you are warned about, you are ready for.

When trouble comes, open the gate.
Misfortune never comes alone. Therefore, you need to be more careful and prepared for anything.

The frightened crow is afraid of the bush.
If a person is truly scared, he will be afraid of everything that surrounds him.

For a drunk, the sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to his ears.
A drunk person is drawn to actions that he would never dare to do if he were sober.

Once a year the stick shoots.
Very rarely, but still the impossible may well become possible.

One born to crawl cannot fly.
If a person is born a fool, then he will die a fool.

Fish looks for where it is deeper, and man looks for where it is better.
About people who want better devices for their lives.

The fish rots from the head.
If the government is bad, so will its subordinates.

Birds of a feather flock together.
Close people easily find a common language.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.
When joining any community, life according to their principles is not excluded.

Out of sight, out of mind.
The human principle is to forget someone with whom you do not see or communicate.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
Whoever you communicate with and be friends with, you adopt his views, habits, etc.

With your loved one and in the hut is paradise.
It’s good to be with your loved one anywhere and under any conditions.

The light did not converge like a wedge.
If everything is good at a certain facility, you shouldn’t make do with it alone.

Our people - we will be numbered.
Close people are doomed to help each other without asking for anything in return.

I can't bear my own burden.
What you personally receive is easier to bear, unlike the tolerability of someone else’s.

Your shirt is closer to your body.
Your own interests are more important than the interests of other people.

A holy place is never empty.
If a person leaves a good place, someone else immediately takes it.

Seven do not wait for one.
They won’t wait for one latecomer when everyone is already gathered and ready for business.

Seven times measure cut once.
Before you do anything, you must first think carefully, provide for everything, in order to avoid an accident.

Lawless Heart.
About the inability to control your feelings.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.
It is impossible to change the natural instincts and inclinations of another person.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
About foreshadowing something, like in a fairy tale, it’s quick and easy, but in reality it’s more complicated.

Miser pays twice.
Unlike buying a cheap thing and then buying an expensive one because the cheap one breaks down soon, it is better to immediately buy an expensive and high-quality thing for a long time.

Tears of sorrow will not help.
Don't be discouraged if you can get rid of grief. And if the problem is inevitable, there is no point in shedding tears.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Once you find yourself in an awkward situation and say a bad word, it is impossible to go back.

The word is silver, silence is gold.
It is a matter of honor to say something useful, but it is better to remain silent about useless and empty chatter.

The earth is full of rumors.
A person knows secret information thanks to rumors.

A dog can be a biter from a dog's life.
An unkind, aggressive person often becomes like this due to the conditions of his life: from a lack of love, care from people around him, frequent misfortunes, etc.

He ate the dog and choked on his tail.
It is impossible to do anything big without tripping over a small thing.

There are no boundaries for perfection.
No matter how hard you try to improve the situation, you can always do better.

Nightingales are not fed fables.
Talking cannot feed those who are hungry. He should be offered food.

An old bird is not caught with chaff.
It is difficult to outwit an experienced person with anything, to lead him into a dead end.

An old friend is better than two new ones.
Old, proven, long-familiar, predictable is much more reliable, as opposed to new, unfamiliar, not yet tested by everyday situations.

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry.
The difficulty of one is incomprehensible to another until he stoops to this difficulty himself.

Patience and a little effort.
Patience and perseverance in work will overcome all obstacles.

Be patient, Cossack - you will become an ataman!
Encouragement to become a patient person when any difficulty is nothing.

Three doctors are no better than one.
Similar to the proverb Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
The more people take on one task, the less attention is paid to it.

Fear has big eyes.
About fearful people who perceive everything small and insignificant as large and terrible.

An agreement (agreement) is more valuable than money.
A respectful contract, unlike money, can be lost forever. Its terms and conditions must be strictly adhered to.

A drowning man clutches at a straw.
A person in trouble is ready to do anything to save himself. Even if the method does not give much results.

The morning is wiser than the evening.
In the morning, decisions are made more effectively, as opposed to a tired evening.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Learning is the path to knowledge, achievements, success. And lack of learning is the cause of developmental retardation and lack of culture.

Well, where we do not.
Often a person underestimates where he is now and overestimates the features of the place where he has not yet been.

The bad (bad) grass is out of the field.
You should get rid of anything harmful or unnecessary so that things go faster.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
The success of any business can only be said if it has a visible result.

Man is the architect of his own happiness.
To be happy, you need to do something, and not wait until it comes on its own.

Man proposes, but God disposes.
You should not be one hundred percent sure of the success of an action or enterprise that has not yet taken place.

Whatever you boast about, you will be left without.
A person who talks a lot about his happiness remains without it.

What the hell is not joking (while God sleeps).
Anything can happen, anything can happen.

What we have, we don’t keep, and when we lose it, we cry.
The true value of something or someone is noticed when we are deprived of it.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
What is written, once it has become known, cannot be changed.

What goes around comes around.
Good or evil done by someone returns over time.

To get to know a person, you have to eat a ton of salt with him.
To get to know a person well, you need to live with him for a long time, overcoming various difficulties in life with him.

Someone else's soul is darkness.
No matter how well we know a person, his thoughts will always be a mystery. And a person’s external appearance is not always a reflection of his soul.

I’ll take away someone else’s trouble with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to mine.
Other people's troubles seem more solvable, easier, unlike your own.

Murder will out.
The secret always becomes clear. And the lie will definitely come out over time.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.
About the habit of eating simple food.

The apple never falls far from the tree.
What parents are like, their children have the same mentality.

The language will take you to Kyiv.
By asking people you can get anywhere.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
An inexperienced person can teach little to an experienced one.

They don’t take a leopard by the tail, and once they do, they don’t let it go. (Kalmyk)

If you run forward, look back. (Ossetian)

Don't walk around doing nothing - you'll wear out your boots. (Russian)

Without long roads, who knows if the horse is good. (Viet.)

You can't get anything done without spoiling it. It doesn't spoil whoever doesn't. (Russian)

Without a doubt - soon, but not firmly. (Russian)

Don’t show your mother to your father without jewelry. (Uzb.)

Beat your own, strangers will be afraid. (Russian)

Care is better than fortune. (Russian)

Thrift is real alchemy (i.e. you can get gold through frugality.) (Ind.)

The birch tree is not a threat: where it stands, it makes noise. (Russian)

I always carry it with me so as not to groan when walking. (Russian)

Take on what you can handle. (Uzb.)

Worry about what you need to buy, not what you need to sell. (Arab.)

There is no point in shooting an arrow without a target. (Japanese)

Battle is better than idleness. (chicken)

Gratitude is the least of virtues, ingratitude is the worst of vices. (English)

Near is cheap, distant is expensive. (Russian)

God is with you, but pray for sins yourself! (Russian)

The rich man is not immortal and the hero is not eternal. (Mong.)

Pray to God and row to the shore. (Russian)

Fear God: death is at your doorstep. (Russian)

Be afraid to live, but don't be afraid to die. (Russian)

Beware of the goat sleeping in the lion's den. (house.)

Be afraid to offend a friend and reveal a secret to an enemy. (Bashkir.)

Fear the one who fears you. (Persian.)

A big tree loves strong winds. (cargo.)

Turn a big scandal into a small one, and a small one into nothing. (whale.)

Taking is a sin, but losing is doubly sinful. (Uzb.)

Throw away your old, take on your new. (Turkm.)

Let us remain silent and wait. (Russian)

Be well behaved - and then the rumors of detractors will involuntarily become quieter. (Taj.)

Be persistent, no matter how bad things get. (Turkm.)

There is only the wrong path, but there are no hopeless situations. (whale.)

You can't win a battle with past glory. (Russian)

Being too soft? The soft is bent. Being too hard? The hard is broken. (Dagest.) When there is no wind, grain is not winnowed. (darg.)

In big matters there is no personal enmity. (Russian)

In a storm, don’t let go of the rudder - the boat will flood. (oeng.)

Don't fight with crocodiles in the water. (ind.)

In grief, look for happiness. (Russian)

There is no light luggage on a long journey. (whale.)

On the day of victory they forget about the destruction, in the hour of death they do not remember about medicine. (Beng.)

In good times the way is easy. (Russian)

In a fight, both sides are to blame. (Japanese)

There is strength in unity. (ind.)

In life there are seven failures and seven successes. (Japanese)

At other times, you don’t need to know what people are saying. (Russian)

They don’t look at last year’s calendar for next year. (whale.)

In one hour you can destroy what has been created over centuries. (English)

They don't knock on an open door. (Russian)

There is benefit in repetition. (Arab.)

On the way, don't count the distances. (whale.)

On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy. (Japanese)

If you are lost in the herd, find yourself in the herd. (whale.)

In the land of the blind, close your eyes; in the land of the lame, cross your leg. (Kalmyk)

It's good to whisper in the dark, but not to catch fleas. (German)

There is gold hidden in patience. (Ossetian)

In times of need, perseverance is needed; in times of joy, vigilance is needed. (Mong.)

Abide in what you are called to do! (Russian)

Don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules! (Russian)

The crown of courage is modesty. (Arab.)

Loyalty is learned in times of great unrest. (Viet.)

The item for sale is decorated with flowers. (Japanese)

Weighing is not harmful, but being too zealous in it is shameful. (Ossetian)

If you took a plum, return the peach. (Viet.)

What is seen is better than what is heard. (varnish)

What is seen does not need explanation. (Arab.)

Seeing the hole, there was no point in falling; If you're not invited to the feast, don't go! (Russian)

Instead of opening your mouth, open your eyes. (Armenian)

First stock up, and then get excited. (Uzb.)

In times of peace, do not forget about the danger of war. (Japanese)

In any case, you need to think three times. (whale.)

Water takes the form of a vessel (i.e. the environment influences a person.) (Japanese)

When you ascend, you humble yourself, and when you humble yourself, you ascend. (Russian) vPraising yourself is a waste of time: if you are good, they will understand. (Dagest.)

Look forward once, look back five times. (Bashkir.)

Ahead you can’t tell where to fall and where to stand. (Russian)

You can't even trust the sun completely. (Ossetian)

An enemy in front is better than a friend behind. (cargo.)

It is better to detain the enemy in the field than to drive him out of your home. (Zulu.)

There is nothing to beg from the enemy. (Turkm.)

Enmity and friendship are brothers. (cargo.)

Hostility and prejudice are bad advisers and dangerous guides. (French)

Sometimes it's uphill, and sometimes it's downhill. (Russian)

Everything is difficult only at first. (Viet.)

Everything is good in due time. (English and Russian)

You can’t do everything suddenly. (Russian)

Everything changes. (Russian)

Every cricket knows its nest. (Russian)

Every quarrel is red with peace. (Russian)

Any advice is bitter. (Persian.)

Every day has its own care. (Russian)

Every lie to yourself is a lie. (Russian)

Choose your companion before you set out. (Arab.)

Choose a place to live, a friend to play with. (Viet.)

Choose a rod according to the catch, and a hook according to the fish. (Russian)

Hard-earned happiness is stronger. (Russian)

You can't jump over your head. (Russian) Where a straight path is visible, do not drive along a curve. (Russian)

Where the pine tree grows, there it is red. (Russian)

Where an arrow cannot pass, do not wave your saber. (Bashkir.)

Where there is no hindrance, there is no pleasure. (Russian)

Where they are welcome, do not attend, and where they are not welcome, do not go. (Russian)

It is better for the general of a defeated army not to talk about battles. (Japanese)

Heroism does not need praise. (ind.)

The socket is not an eye. (house.)

The deep sea will not be muddied by one stone. (Russian)

Don’t be afraid of anger, don’t rush into affection! (Russian)

If you're angry, bite your nose. (Turkm.)

Speak to the point, live according to your conscience. (Russian)

Talking about the future is making the mice under the floor laugh. (Japanese)

A dove with a dove, and a raven with a raven. (Taj.)

Grief makes you old, but joy makes you young. (Russian)

Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home. (Japanese)

Do not consider the mountain you see to be far away. (Uzb.)

A bitter life is like a melted candle: no light, no warmth. (Taj.)

Bitter medicine soothes the mouth, but cures the disease. (howls) Give bread to everyone, but do not eat everyone’s bread. (Persian.)

Even in jokes, you need to maintain a balance between “too” and “almost.” (French)

Even if the enemy is weak, be prepared. (Azerb.)

Even if you stand knee-deep in mud, reach for the sky. (Russian)

Even when suffering from thirst, do not drink secretly from someone else's source. (Japanese)

God grant that in youth one can gnaw bones, and in old age - something soft. (Russian)

God grant you claws, but don’t tear us apart. (Russian)

Give the other one some flowers too. (Japanese)

Distant water will not save you from nearby fire. (whale.)

A long journey begins with a close one. (Japanese)

Even a quail doesn’t cry for nothing. (Russian)

It is always easier to act fairly in good fortune than in bad luck. (Russian)

Make the rocker fit your shoulder. (Viet.)

Know the matter, but remember the truth. (Russian)

A tree is known by its fruits. (ind.)

Keep your head cool and your feet warm. (Japanese)

Hold on to the chance until it goes wrong. (Russian)

Hold on, I guess, until it breaks. (Russian)

The length of the road is measured by its width. (chicken)

For clothes choose silk, for friendship - a prince. (Arab.)

The catch does not wait for the catcher. (Russian)

Trusting is good, trusting too much is dangerous. (Ossetian)

Be content with what has befallen you. (ind.)

While waiting for the goose, don't miss the duck. (tat.)

Talk for a long time, but do it soon. (Russian)

Thoughts at home are not suitable for travel. (Russian)

The road, even with potholes, is better than off-road. (Bashkir.)

A friend looks in the face, and an enemy follows. (Uzb.)

Your friend is the one you love, even if he looks like a bear. (Arab.)

A friend is the one who makes you cry, and an enemy is the one who makes you laugh. (Persian.)

Don't judge others, look at yourself! Take the burrs off yourself first. (Russian)

Listen to others, but do it your own way. (Bashkir.)

Flattery and revenge are friends. (Russian)

Think twice, but do the same. (Russian)

Don’t give in to thoughts about happiness. (Russian) You cannot quench your thirst with dew. (Taj.)

Regret does not help if fate has come. (Russian)

To wait is not to get tired, there would be something to look for. (Russian)

To desire a lot is to desire nothing. (yal.)

Marriage is joy for a month and sadness for a lifetime. (Arab.)

Woman, wind and success are not constant. (ind.)

We live without straining, we serve no one. (Russian)

We live early and sow late. (Russian)

Live every one of your own good and your own hump! (Russian)

Live not as you want, but as God commands. (Russian)

Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors. (Russian)

Live in such a way that there is neither sin from God nor shame from people. (Russian)

Live, don’t worry about anything: you’ll live through everything, and maybe you’ll still make some money. (Russian)

Live together like brothers, but in business act like strangers. (Arab.)

Don’t save your belly, and don’t waste your soul! (Russian)

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered. (Russian)

Life is given for good deeds. (Russian)

To get rid of life - to beat others, and to be beaten. (Russian)

Life in a foreign land will teach you. (Arab.)

Life passes in zigzags. (Russian)

Life is like the moon: sometimes full, sometimes at its worst. (Russian)

Life, like a river, flows on its own. (Russian)

Hope to live, but prepare to die! (Russian) Approach the one who butts from behind, and the one who kicks - from the front. (cargo.)

What you get used to is what you like. (Russian)

Hurry to help a stranger in trouble, but do not rush to a feast with him. (cargo.)

Every thing has its time. (ind.)

Every worm wants to become a dragon. (Russian)

Anyone who eats the king's nuts must fight for the king. (house.)

No matter how you mold the sand, it always crumbles. (house.)

No matter how you live, just don’t anger God! (Russian)

The eyes you look at are the same way they look at you. (Persian.)

Whatever river you swim in, that's the water you drink. (Russian)

A stone thrown into the river is useful for placing your foot on. (varnish)

A stone that rolls does not grow moss. (Russian)

The eve of the holiday is better than the holiday itself. (Japanese)

The key is matched to the lock, not the lock to the key. (Ossetian)

When you take it, be arrogant, but when you take it, bow down. (Russian)

When the water is higher than your head, it makes no difference - the length of one spear or a hundred spears. (Persian.)

When the moon rises, it is easier to stay awake. (Arab.)

When it happens, everything will be over. (Russian)

When necessary, you can stand up for the wolf. (Ossetian)

When you come to the city of one-eyed people, be one-eyed. (Taj.)

When you sell good pearls, don't be shy about praising them. (Viet.)

When the wave breaks, bow your head. (Arab.)

When happiness comes, don’t ask who you are. (Taj.)

When it’s warm, don’t dream about tomorrow’s warmth; when you are happy, don’t dream about future happiness. (*song.)

When you walk, don’t think that you have left your shadow somewhere. (house.)

The claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost. (Russian)

Pound, fight, and keep hoping. (Russian)

He who needs fire takes the heat with his hands. (Russian)

Don't tell anyone who doesn't care about you about your headache. (Adyghe)

The end of the wind is rain, the end of the game is a fight. (Turkm.)

The end shows that anyone can do it. (German)

The spear must be thrown by a spearman. (chicken)

A beautiful dance is good to see. (house.)

A wormhole is not a reproach for a red apple. (Russian)

Beauty does not need decoration. (ind.)

Strength is taken from within. (cargo.)

Wings on takeoff, tail on descent. (Kazakh.)

It is not a sin for anyone who has experienced bitterness to taste something sweet. (Russian)

He who eats sweet must also endure bitter. (Arab.)

He who does evil does it for himself, and he who does good also does it for himself. (Abkhaz.)

Whoever is kind to you, do not be harsh with him; whoever comes in peace, don’t drive him away. (Taj.)

He who is satisfied with little is not forgotten by God. (Russian)

Anyone who runs a lot will slip at least once; He who laughs a lot will cry at least once. (Turkm.)

He who does not run will not stumble. (Russian)

Those who do not weigh their decisions will suffer insults when responding. (Taj.)

Anyone who doesn’t see you while you’re sitting won’t notice you when you get up. (Adyghe)

He who cannot hide his thoughts will never be a ruler. (cargo.)

Anyone with a lantern, go ahead. (Japanese)

If you don't come yourself, don't follow him. (Uzb.)

He who does not control himself will not teach anyone else to reason. (Russian)

He who endures is lucky. (cargo.)

Whoever wants to be another's doctor should not show his wounds. (German)

Whoever wants to appear big is small. (Taj.)

He who is generous does not need to be brave. (Persian.)

Strike while the iron is hot. (Russian)

What is bought is cheaper than what is given. (Japanese)

When eating grapes, don’t ask whose garden they come from. (Taj.)


“We learn not from victories, but from defeats” - Japanese proverb

Lately, I have become interested in the topic of proverbs and sayings in different languages. I noticed that proverbs migrate from one language to another, slightly changing their meaning. It is interesting to know that, for example, the proverb “If you chase two hares, you will not catch either one,” is similar in Japanese (!) (二兎を追うものは一兎も追えず) and Russian.

I am very little familiar with Japanese, more with Chinese, but the very similarity of this proverb in such polar cultures is striking. Are there hares in Japan? Well, basically, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to know that proverbs are a reflection of the mentality and soul of the people, their way of life, their attitude. A proverb is always complete and carries a certain meaning.

As for the Russians and the English (try to analyze any two languages ​​out of interest), then from the proverbs I noticed that Russian people are characterized by good nature, laziness, patriotism, conscientiousness, openness, and mutual assistance.

The British are characterized by hard work, rationality, love of freedom, and restraint.

The West is organized, the Russians are more disorganized. Again, I judge based on proverbs that reflect mentality. Both there are special people there. In fact, people are all different, we are similar only in our fears.

Below I will analyze verbatim proverbs from other languages. They sound interesting:

Chinese proverb.

A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom.

The thorn protects the rose, hurting only those who try to steal it while in bloom.

German proverb.

God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.

God gives the nuts, but does not grind them.

Thai proverbs.

Life is so short we must move very slowly .

Life is so short, we must move very slowly.

In a battle between elephants, the ants get squashed.

In the battle of elephants, the ants always get flattened.

Latin proverb.

Keep quiet and people will think you are a philosopher .

Be quiet and people will think you're a philosopher.

French proverb.

With enough “ifs” we could put Paris into a bottle .

If only you could put Paris in a bottle.

Japanese proverb.

An apprentice near a temple will recite the scriptures untaught .

An apprentice near the temple sets out manuscripts without studying.

African proverb.

A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream .

The fly doesn't mind dying in the coconut cream.

Indian proverb.

The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Mr. Cobra.

A cobra will bite you, even a cobra, even if you call it “Mr. Cobra.”

Swiss proverb.

When in doubt who will win, be neutral.

When in doubt who will win, remain neutral.

Jewish proverb.

If God wants people to suffer, he sends them too much understanding.

If God wants people to suffer, he sends them too much understanding

Moroccan proverb.

Evening promises are like butter: morning comes, and it’s all melted.

Evening promises are like butter: morning comes and everything has melted away.

Egyptian proverb.

The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel.

A barking dog does not bother a man on a camel.

Italian proverb.

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow.

Malaysian proverb.

The turtle lays thousands of eggs without anyone knowing, but when the hen lays an egg, the whole country is informed.

A turtle lays thousands of eggs and no one knows about it. But when a chicken lays an egg, the whole country is notified.

American proverb.

The more sins you confess, the more books you will sell.

The more sins you admit to yourself, the more books you will sell.

Have a great day

Knowledge hammered into the head is not wisdom. (Ossetian)

The entire harvest cannot fit in one bag, just as one person does not have all the knowledge. (Adyghe)

Wherever there is knowledge, go after it. (Adyghe)

A literate person walks in enlightenment, but an illiterate person walks in darkness. (Shorskaya)

For an intelligent person, the main motto is: “Live forever, learn forever.” (Adyghe)

If there is no knowledge, then there is money! (Greek)

If you don't see it, go up the mountain; If you don’t remember, ask an elder. (Tibetan)

If you want to know a lot, you need to sleep less. (Spanish)

Knowledge does not take up much space. (Cuban)

Knowledge comes through work. (Cambodian)

Knowledge is more valuable than courage. (Greek)

And those who know a lot make mistakes many times. (Abkhazian)

A book is the most faithful friend. (Fulbe)

He who knows more learns more. (Portuguese)

He who does not share his knowledge is like light in a jug. (Amharic)

He who knows nothing doubts nothing. (Spanish)

The best friend is a book, the best wealth is knowledge. (Tatar)

It is not enough to see - you need to understand. (Ewe)

The world is colored by the sun, and man by education. (Armenian)

A sage always lacks knowledge. (Abkhazian)

You can't buy wisdom. (Akan)

Real knowledge is in the head, not in a notebook. (Hindi)

Science is the source of intelligence. (Tatar)

The beginning of science is the mind, the beginning of the mind is patience. (Circassian)

Without picking up a book, you cannot master science. (Colombian)

Don't imitate your teacher's mistakes. (Cambodian)

It's not a shame not to know, but a shame not to learn. (Tatar)

There is no barrier equal to the barrier of ignorance. (Hindi)

Lack of knowledge is shackles. (Hausa)

Education is eternal wealth. (Adyghe)

Education is the guest, mind is the host. (Abkhazian)

A man is blind without a book. (Icelandic)

What you learn diligently is not forgotten. (Mayan)

It is difficult to acquire knowledge, but it is easy to carry. (Spanish)

The mind knows no price, knowledge knows no limit. (Adyghe)

The mind is a garment that never wears out; knowledge is a spring that can never be exhausted. (Kyrgyz)

A smart person wants to learn, a stupid person wants to teach others. (Abkhazian)

If you didn’t get up in the morning, you lost a day; you didn’t study as a child, and you lost your life. (Tibetan)

Learn not from the one who lived a long time, but from the one who saw a lot. (Karakalpak)

Learn from a young age - when you are old you will not be hungry. (Belarusian)

To teach the old - to write on water, to teach the young - to write on stone. (Ewe)

It’s good to teach someone who wants to learn. (Icelandic)

If you want to live one year, sow bread; if you want to live ten years, plant a garden; if you want to live a hundred years, teach people. (Chuvash)

Instead of dressing up beautifully, it’s better to arm yourself with knowledge. (Tibetan)

What is remembered from a young age will not soon be forgotten. (Icelandic)

A school without discipline is a mill without water. (Czech)

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