Description of the painting by Plastov. Description of painting A

Cool! 23


In his painting “In Summer,” the artist Arkady Plastov managed to convey the moment when youth helps old age, when a young girl continues the work started by her grandmother. Tired after a long hike in the forest, the characters in the film decide to rest, hiding from the dazzling rays of the summer sun under the shade of birch trees.


The painting by Russian artist Arkady Plastov “In Summer” expresses the painter’s love and respect for human labor. The painting is dedicated to the continuity of generations; it emphasizes the unity of youth and old age, humans and animals, living beings and the surrounding nature.

The action of the picture takes place in the midst of a hot summer day, the sun is shining brightly, its rays illuminate a forest clearing overflowing with flowers and berries, the green leaves of birch trees shimmer in the sun. An elderly peasant woman in a blue scarf lay down to rest under a birch tree after a long hike through the forest and quietly fell asleep. Sitting next to the grandmother is her granddaughter in a red scarf and white dress, who decides to help the grandmother pick berries while she is resting. The girl carefully sorts through the branches with ripe bunches of berries and puts the fruits in a blue mug on her lap. Next to the peasant women, their faithful dog lies down to rest, but he cannot sleep. His task is to accompany the grandmother and daughter in the forest and keep an eye on the full baskets of mushrooms that the peasant women managed to collect. Dozing with his eyes slightly open, he listens to the sounds of the forest and is ready to face possible danger at any moment.

What the heroines of the picture did not collect in the forest: a huge basket of porcini mushrooms, a smaller basket with various brownish and yellowish mushrooms, and a large jug full of wild berries. And now the girl has almost filled the mug with freshly picked berries, they will also go into the jug. The grandmother, exhausted from having to drag a rather heavy load, need not worry, because the girl will help her pick the remaining berries. Soon it will be necessary to return home. Together with their faithful dog, the travelers will leave this sunny and carefree clearing and come back to the village, where they will have to sort out the natural resources brought from the forest.

The canvas displays Arkady Plastov’s talent for noticing beauty in the simplest details of life, conveying the atmosphere of simple human happiness. The painting, depicting one small moment from village life, a “quiet hunt” in the forest, not only affirms hard work, but also addresses the theme of continuity of generations. It is no coincidence that peasant women rest under two birch trees: one of them is thin and young, the second is an older, thicker birch tree. Just as these birch trees stand in their place surrounded by herbs and flowers, so the girl, continuing the work of her grandmother, cultivates in herself the qualities of a hardworking peasant woman.

The picture is filled with the joy and tranquility of a sunny day; the artist managed to capture a pleasant moment of the riot of summer nature and at the same time show the process of growing up of a little person.

Even more essays on the topic: “Painting by A. Plastov “In Summer””:

Warm sunny summer. White birch trees dressed in bright greenery, thick lush grass and a lot of light. This is what first attracts attention in the painting “In Summer”. This picture was painted by the artist Plastov. It is immediately obvious that he truly knew and loved nature. Everything is so beautiful and real. The viewer seems to be wafted by the delicious smell of herbs and berries and the sleepy peace of a hot day.

What else is depicted on the canvas? Description of the painting “In Summer” by Plastov can take a lot of time. There are as many as three heroes drawn on it. This is a girl with her grandmother and a dog. They probably went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And on the way back they got tired and sat down to rest right on the grass. Grandma is fast asleep. She is wearing a blue dress and the same scarf. Her most striking element is the hand with which her grandmother shielded herself from the sun. You can see how big, dark and tired she is. Looking at such a hand, you can understand that the person has worked all his life.

My granddaughter, I think, will grow up to be the same hard worker. And now, while her grandmother is sleeping, the girl is intently plucking berries from a branch into a large blue mug.

The little assistant's serious face shows that she enjoys this job. The girl is dressed in a light white dress and decorated with beads. And she has a red scarf tied on her head. White, red and blue colors look very nice together. Therefore, the girl immediately attracts the viewer’s attention.

A small dog lies next to the grandmother and granddaughter. She ran through the forest and is now sleeping sweetly, cuddled up to her mistresses. She has a very funny face, which she turned directly to the audience. I think she is her little owner's favorite.

The picture also shows baskets of mushrooms and a jug of berries. They occupy almost half of the canvas. What a rich harvest the girl and her grandmother are bringing from the forest! The mushrooms are large, bright, and the berries are juicy and ripe. You immediately understand what wealth nature can give.

While I was writing an essay on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov, I thought about how peaceful and happy peasant life could be. We often do not notice the beauty of the world around us. But a happy life can come from little things. For example, a hike with loved ones in the forest, picking delicious berries with your own hands, relaxing in the shade. I think this is what the artist wanted to show with his painting.


The famous Russian painter Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov knew how to discern beauty in any moment of life. Even hard work can look festive for him. The canvas “In Summer” conveys both the uniqueness of Russian nature and the life of ordinary people busy with everyday affairs.

Depicting another landscape of central Russia, Plastov paints an elderly woman who, out of fatigue, lay down for a few minutes in the shade of birch trees and a girl, most likely her granddaughter. One can understand that mushroom pickers headed into the forest before dawn to pick up mushrooms and berries. And when the sun reached its zenith, they had already filled their baskets and decided to rest before returning home.

It was not by chance that the artist chose his characters: previously, it was mainly elderly women and children who collected forest gifts, who did not participate in haymaking, harvesting in the fields and other village concerns. But mushrooms and various berries were prepared for the long cold Russian winter. They were saved for fasting or when other supplies were already running low with the onset of spring. In the villages, families were large, and supplies for the winter had to be sufficient.

The paintings of this artist always bring a feeling of joy, calm and tranquility. The artist loved all seasons, but especially when nature is in full bloom. In his work “In Summer,” he glorifies the generosity of the earth and peasant women who rest after a trip to the forest.

Plastov quite often turned to the rural theme, since he knew the life of the peasants very well and painted landscapes and villagers with great undisguised sympathy. The people in his canvases are inextricably linked with nature. The artist often made village children the heroes of his paintings.

In this work, too, the artist depicts a successful trip of a grandmother and granddaughter into the forest. The eye immediately stops at a large wicker basket with handles, full of large porcini mushrooms, and a bucket with various smaller reddish-brown mushrooms. Nearby is a jug full of berries. The jug is, of course, heavy, but the juicy berries won’t get crushed along the way.

In the opposite corner, on a soft ant-grass, sits a girl of about seven years old, wearing a light sundress and a bright scarlet scarf, her bare legs stretched out. While her grandmother was resting, she started picking berries. Leisurely tearing off the branches, she puts ripe and juicy raspberries into a mug on her lap. The berries seem to be asking to be put into her mouth, but the girl wants to show at home how much she and her grandmother have collected, and firmly puts the next berry in the mug. Her eyes are downcast, her thin eyebrows are slightly raised. Long hair sticks out from under a bright scarf.

A red-and-black yard dog, who followed them into the forest, clings to the girl. However, the fresh air and complete freedom, when he ran back and forth, bursting into loud barking, apparently tired him too. He rests his head on his outstretched paws and is dozing, but although the dog’s eyes are closed, his ears are raised, and through his doze he listens to the unusual sounds of the forest.

Behind the girl, a sleeping woman is visible in a dark blue dress with long sleeves and a tightly tied blue scarf. From these clothes we can assume that she is an elderly woman. The artist does not show us her face. The woman shielded her eyes from the bright rays of the sun, which could not be blocked by the rare leaves of the birch trees, near which the heroes stopped to rest. And the forest midges give no rest. The woman is very tired and is fast asleep, resting her head on a small hillock formed by the roots of birch trees.

In the background is a clearing flooded with the midday sun, behind which the forest begins. In the clearing, the eye is pleased with the variety of modest wildflowers, which always delight us with their natural beauty and harmony, and about which poets never tire of composing poems and songs. These are lilac-blue bells, and forest beauties of daisies, a little drooping from the heat, and a fading shepherd's purse. The artist uses colors that tell the viewer that the plot takes place in August; the tall grass, which was recently emerald, is almost burnt out, and in sunlight it takes on an amber hue. We can see the lower parts of the trunks of two birch trees and several branches with green leaves. Nearby, barely noticeable in the thick grass, is a stump.

After standing for a few minutes at the painting, we get the impression that we felt the tart smell of sun-warmed grass, felt a light touch of the summer breeze on our faces, and the indescribable aroma of wild berries reached us.


Summer is the favorite time of year for many of us. This is a time of relaxation, new experiences, new discoveries. In the painting “In Summer,” the artist showed a sultry summer day. Two people are resting under the birch trees. Apparently, this is a mother and daughter. They picked up baskets full of mushrooms and sat down in the shade to rest. The girl is shown wearing a white dress and a red scarf. The girl is sitting on the grass, next to the basket. She was very tired from walking for a long time. But even during rest, she does not waste time, but tears off branches from the berries and throws them into a mug, which is on her knees.

There is a dog lying next to the girl. The day turned out to be hot, and the dog was also tired, he lowered his head to his paws. On the other side of the girl, her mother is sleeping. She is wearing a blue dress and a scarf, and uses it to protect herself from insects. The woman’s hand is raised up and we see that she is tanned and strong. The hand of a woman who works very hard, working either in the field or in the garden.

Behind the tired travelers is a clearing. It is all illuminated by the bright sun. The artist used the brightest, most saturated colors to show viewers the beauty of Russian nature and the magnificent forest. The leaves of the birch tree, near which mother and daughter are sitting, rustle in the wind; they become even more beautiful from the sun. The grass seems literally silky.

The artist also painted yellow and cornflower blue flowers, which perfectly complement the landscape. Summer nature is generous with gifts. One has only to bow to her and you can pick a lot of mushrooms and berries. Next to the characters in the picture there is a jug of water or milk, which mother and daughter drink when it gets really hot.

When I look at this picture, I involuntarily remember hot summer days, holidays in the village with my grandmother, I smell the grass heated by the sun’s rays, the smell of freshly picked berries and the gentle breeze of the wind.

I really want to be in such a picturesque clearing at that very moment, enjoying all the delights of a sultry summer. I especially miss it when I return to the city after the holidays.

In the painting “In Summer,” the artist depicted a sunny summer day, a hardworking Russian woman with her daughter.

A woman and her daughter walked through the forest early in the morning and picked up a full basket and a bucket of mushrooms, a large jug of berries. After a long gathering, they were tired and sat down to rest in a clearing, in the shade of birch trees. The woman lay down and fell fast asleep. Her clothes are simple, peasant: a dark blue dress tied with an apron. On her head is a blue scarf, which she pulled over her eyes to keep the sun's rays out of her eyes while she was resting. The girl sits with her bare legs stretched out, sorting red strawberries into a blue mug. There is a blush on the cheeks of the girl’s tanned face. She is wearing a white dress. Pink berry beads are visible on the neck. A scarlet scarf is tied on her head. To the left, next to the girl, lies a dozing red-and-black dog.

To the right of the girl there is a bucket and a basket, buried in dark green grass. A wicker basket with handles is full of porcini mushrooms. A black bucket is filled to the top with red mushrooms. A red-brown clay jug is filled with aromatic berries.

In the first background of the picture we see a sunlit clearing. Sun-bleached grass has an amber tint. In the clearing, to the side, there are two slender white birch trees. The branches of birch trees are lowered to the ground, like long braids. Golden-green leaves are illuminated by the bright sun. Birch trees cast a light shadow, which creates a little coolness and hides from the scorching rays of the sun. In the shade under the birch trees there is emerald grass. Blue bells, white daisies and unknown yellow flowers peek out from it.

In the second background of the picture there is a dark green forest as a wall. Sunlight illuminates the trees in the first row, but does not penetrate into the forest.

To naturally convey greenery, the artist painted the picture in green tones and its shades. Against a green background, he conveys a festive combination of colors: a scarlet scarf and a white dress of a girl, a woman’s blue clothes, flashes of white, blue and yellow flowers in lush green grass.

The picture is filled with the joy, beauty and generosity of summer nature. The combination of bright colors lifts the mood. There is a desire to visit this clearing, lie in the soft fragrant grass under the shade of birch trees, breathe in the aromas of summer deeply, and enjoy the fragrant strawberries.

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Speech development lesson in 5th grade.

Subject : Oral description of the painting by A.A. Plastov "Summer"


1. Introduce the artist’s work; teach children to describe what is shown in the picture; activate students’ vocabulary on the topic “Summer”; consolidate the spelling of case endings of adjectives.

2. Develop the ability to observe and make sentences.

3. Foster love for native nature.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by A.A. Plastov “In Summer”, portrait of the artist A.A. Plastova (presentation); poems about summer; riddles about berries.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

And so, friends, pay attention - the bell has rung,

Sit back, let's start the lesson soon.

II. Lesson topic message.

A pre-prepared student reads I. Surikov’s poem “Noon”:

The sun is shining brightly,

There is warmth in the air.

And wherever you look,

Everything around is light.

The meadow is colorful

Bright flowers.

Covered in gold

Dark sheets.

The forest is sleeping: not a sound,

The leaf doesn't move

Only a lark

There's a ringing in the air.

What picture did you present?

What time of year did the poet talk about?

Today we will get acquainted with A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”.

III. A story about an artist.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov (1893-1972) - an outstanding Soviet painter, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, is widely known in our country and abroad as a singer of the collective farm village and Russian nature.

A. A. Plastov was born in the village of Prislonikha, Ulyanovsk region.

This is where he spent his childhood. Arkady Alexandrovich spends most of his life in his native Prislonikha. The heroes of his paintings live here. Here are the fields where his father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and the artist himself worked. That is why he knows the life of the Russian village so well.

His canvases, with great love and skill, reveal the beauty and strength of his native land and express deep admiration for the hard worker. The artist always strives to convey the inner world of the people he depicts, their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Plastov's favorite heroes are village children. They are present in almost every one of his paintings, for example in the paintings “Vitya the Shepherd”, “First Snow”, “In Summer”, “Tractor Drivers’ Dinner”, “Collective Farm Current”, “In the Village”, etc.

The teacher shows reproductions of paintings by A. A. Plastov.

A. A. Plastov’s paintings delight and attract with their ringing, rich colors and the beauty of the nature depicted in them. The artist is especially attracted to summer - the time of year when all nature is at its peak.

In the film “In Summer” (1954), A. A. Plastov showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, the rest of ordinary people, tired of picking mushrooms and berries.

IY. Conversation about the painting.

Do you like to go to the forest, pick berries and mushrooms?

How many of you have been to the forest?

What memories do you have after your walk in the forest?

What berries and mushrooms did you pick?

Guess the riddles:

I go into the forest - empty, empty,

And from the forest it’s thick, thick.

(Basket with berries.)

What kind of bush is there by the path?

White flowers,

spread out like palms,


Hides berries secretly

Under the triplets.

Under the leaf

So it bends over the clearing

Stem with a ruddy berry,

And below, next to her,

The other two are larger...


The sun scatters arrows,

Lighting up the pines.

What kind of berry is ripe?

Is it blue?

On bushes under leaves

Someone threw beads -

All clearings have blue dots

By the green pines...


Moss is not moss, there is feather dust in the forest.

There's not a raspberry on the feather bed,

And pretty and red,

Flushed from sleep...


Little red Matryoshka,

Little white heart.



Flew over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.


Lots and lots of threads.

But it won’t roll into a ball,

He doesn’t sew clothes for himself,

And the fabric always weaves.

(Spider and web.)

Consider a reproduction of A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”. What first caught your attention?(A bright sunny edge of the forest, a girl and a woman are resting. In the clearing there is a basket and a bucket with mushrooms, a clay jug with berries. The girl has a bright red scarf on her head. In the clearing there is green fresh grass.)

- Take a closer look at the picture. Whom did he portray? artist?

Describe each character in the picture in more detail.(In the picture we see a woman and

girl. It's probably the mother s d glasses or grandmother with granddaughter. The woman in the blue dress was obviously very tired, tired from a long walk through the forest. Is she lying in the thick grass and dozing, covering her face from the sun with her hand?)

Why do you think the artist depicted the woman’s hands so clearly?

What are they? (The woman’s hands are tanned, worn out, strong, you can immediately see that she works a lot. The artist is hot ate show that this woman is a hard worker)

Describe the girl: how she sits, what she does, how she is dressed?A girl sits on the grass, her bare legs stretched out, leisurely picking ripe, juicy raspberries from a branch and throwing them into a mug. She is wearing a white dress and a red scarf.)

What is most striking about the girl’s outfit?(The bright red scarf immediately makes the girl stand out, attracts our gaze, and we carefully peer into her face.)

- What can you say about the girl's face?(Her dark, ruddy face is calm. Her eyes are lowered under thin black eyebrows, dark long hair escapes from under her scarf, one wavy strand falls onto her chest.)

What can you say about another creature depicted in the picture - the dog?(The dog lies next to the girl, with its paws stretched forward and its muzzle resting on them. The dog’s eyes are closed, its ears are lowered, hanging like two mugs)

- Where are the mushroom pickers located?(Mushroom pickers are located in a quiet forest clearing in the shade under the dense branches of birch trees)

- Why did they choose this place?(Mushroom pickers want to hide from the heat. The clearing is very beautiful: among the lush emerald green grass, there are blue bells, daisies with slightly drooping petals, some yellow flowers. The forest clearing pleases the human eye and gives many new sensations)

How does the artist show that it is a sunny day?(The dazzling sun illuminates the entire clearing and colors it inyellowish color. The bright sunlight plays on the leaves of the birch trees, illuminating them. This is why they are golden in color. and those in the shade are dark green) - How does the artist show that it is a quiet day?(Flowers, grass, leaves on the trees are calm, do not move, because the forest is quiet and windless.)

- What colors did the artist use to depict a sunny summer day? What colors predominate in the picture?(Green, light green, white, yellow, light brown, pink, red.)

- Color in a painting is of great importance. With the help of color, the artist creates an image, conveys his attitude, and evokes a certain mood. Thus, yellow, pink, red, orange colors are called warm in painting. They resemble warmth, fire and, as a rule, help the artist convey a joyful and bright mood. Blue, purple, gray are cool colors. They are associated with a feeling of coldness and usually cause feelings of sadness, sadness, and melancholy. Any color in painting can be warm or cold, depending on which color its shade is closer to: red-orange or blue-green. For example, green can be warm or cool. It all depends on what kind of paint the artist adds to the green: yellow or blue. As you can see, in the painting “In Summer” the green color is closer to yellow, which means it is a warm color.

What impression does A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer” make on you?(I want to look at the picture for a long time without taking my eyes off. The nature that is depicted in it is so close and understandable to us that it seems as if we have already seen this wonderful corner of nature and been here.)

The teacher complements the students' answers:

In the painting “In Summer” A. A. Plastov used warm and cold colors, but more warm ones. The artist conveys the richness of blooming nature with a festive combination of colors. He uses contrasting, bright, rich colors (a red scarf and a girl’s white dress, a sleeping woman’s blue clothes, yellow and blue flashes of flowers on a bright green grass background), which give the painting a special beauty and evoke a feeling of joy.

Physical education minute

Students do the exercises for the teacher.

Summer is buzzing.

(Imitate the flight of insects.)

Antennae and proboscis move.

(Fingers point towards the nose. Imitate the movement of antennae and proboscis.)

They touch, touch, touch, taste every flower.

(Tilts the head back and forth.)

Summer green road

He hurries to the entrance with honey.

(Imitate the flight of insects.)

(N. Ushakov.)

V. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Drawing up a picture of phrases or sentences with synonymous words on the topic.

Make up phrases or sentences with words based on the theme of the picturegreen - emerald; bright - dazzling.

When describing which objects it is more appropriate to use an adjective green, and when we use the word emerald?

- Make up phrases or sentences with these words.

As a result of the discussion, the most successfulfrom the examples proposed by students:“The bunnies are playing in the emerald grass”; “green stem of a chamomile”: “the artist depicted a summer day”; "dazzling ray of sun"; "bright colors".

Other sentences on the theme of the picture are written down, for example: “The woman was very tired and fell asleep in the fresh air. A girl in a bright red headscarf catches our eye.”

VI. Drawing up a plan for an essay based on a painting.

Collectively, a plan for describing the painting is drawn up and written on the board:

1. Summer is a cheerful song of nature.

2. Description of the painting:

a) people, dog;

b) basket, bucket, jug;

c) clearing.

3. My impression of the picture.

VII. Oral statements by students.

Sample oral essay:

The painting by artist A. A. Plastov depicts a sultry summer afternoon. Mushroom pickers settled down under the dense branches of a white birch, and with them a dog. In the foreground of the picture is a girl in a white dress and a red scarf. She sits on the grass, leisurely picks ripe raspberries from a branch and puts them in a mug. The girl’s red scarf attracts our gaze, and we carefully peer into her face. The girl's eyes are downcast, there is a blush on her dark cheeks. Dark hair is visible from under the scarf. A dog lies next to the girl. She is dozing with her head resting on her paw. Her ears are hanging like two mugs from the heat.

Behind the girl, in the background, is a woman in a blue dress and a blue scarf. She was obviously very tired and fell fast asleep in the fresh air. She put one hand under her head and with the other covered her face from the sun. The artist very clearly drew the woman's hand raised up. Her hand is tanned and strong - you can immediately see that the woman works hard.

In the thick grass there are a basket and a bucket filled with mushrooms. There are large milk mushrooms in the basket, and strong boletus mushrooms in the bucket. There is also a clay jug with ripe raspberries. Bright juicy berries just beg to be put into your mouth, and you just want to feel the fragrant juice of wild raspberries on your lips.

A woman and a girl sat under a large birch tree in a quiet, beautiful clearing. Among the lush emerald grass you can see blue bells, daisies, and some yellow flowers. The dazzling rays of the sun fall on the leaves of birch trees and color them golden.

I really like this picture. Bright colors make you happy eye, lift your spirits. I would like to look at the picture for a long time and, together with its characters, visit this sunny field, admire the beauty of nature, pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries and lie down in the soft fragrant grass.

VIII. Lesson summary.

What work did we meet today?

What did the artist say?

What feelings do you get when looking at A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”?

Why do you love summer?


(…, …) noon. Hot. In the (... ...) shade of (... ...) birches the travelers settled down to rest (...).

Creative work based on the painting “In Summer” by A.A. Plastov.

The woman lay down on (… …) the grass and immediately fell asleep. A girl in a (...) headscarf settled down next to her. She collects (… …) raspberries from a bush that she picked along the way and puts them in a mug. A dog (...) is dozing near her.

In (… …) a jug the berries (… …) of raspberries turn red. The basket and bucket are full of mushrooms. Here are (...) boletus, and (...) boletus, and (...) russula.

The summer air breathes the sun, (...) the aroma of (...) herbs, (...) flowers.

Creative work based on the painting “In Summer” by A.A. Plastov.

(…, …) noon. Hot. In the (... ...) shade of (... ...) birches the travelers settled down to rest (...).

The woman lay down on (… …) the grass and immediately fell asleep. A girl in a (...) headscarf settled down next to her. She collects (… …) raspberries from a bush that she picked along the way and puts them in a mug. A dog (...) is dozing near her.

In (… …) a jug the berries (… …) of raspberries turn red. The basket and bucket are full of mushrooms. Here are (...) boletus, and (...) boletus, and (...) russula.

Description of the painting by A.A. Plastov “Summer”. Creative work And so, friends, attention - after all, the bell has rung, Sit down comfortably: let's start the lesson soon.

I. Surikov “Noon” The sun is shining brightly, It’s warm in the air. And wherever you look, everything around is light. The meadow is full of bright flowers. Dark sheets are covered in gold. The forest sleeps: not a sound, the leaf does not move, only the lark rings in the air.

The world of A.A. Plastov - the world of eternal peasant Russia

Theme of the beauty of native nature “Golden Birches”, 1950 “July Evening”, 1940 “Stacks”, 1952

Theme of peasant labor “On Popovaya Polyana”, 1938 “Haymaking” “Tractor Driver’s Dinner”

The vital truth of A.A.’s paintings Plastova

Painting "Summer. Mushrooms" by Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov

Learning to understand the picture “In Summer. Mushrooms”, 1953-1954 What is your first impression of the painting? What can you say about the artist?

What attracts your attention in the picture? Sunny meadow, sitting girl, tired woman

Who is shown in the picture? The girl is tanned, there is a blush on her cheeks; red scarf and simple dress; picks ripe berries and puts them in a mug. The woman is tired; in a blue dress and a blue scarf; the tanned hand of a worker. The dog is faithful, rests its head on its paws, rests and protects.

Let's describe the girl. A girl (you can give her a name) sits on the grass, thinks about something, picks berries from a branch, and throws them into a mug; she has her legs stretched out, because... tired from a long walk through the forest, the girl is barefoot, she is wearing a white dress and a red scarf. The girl’s face is calm, tanned, her eyes are downcast, and her dark hair comes out from under the scarf, falling onto her chest. What can you say about the girl’s face and her outfit?

Where are the mushroom pickers located? Why did they choose this place? Mushroom pickers are located in a beautiful clearing in the shade of a birch tree, among lush emerald grass, in which flowers can be seen

The clearing is light, spacious, sunlit, emerald grass, gentle wildflowers. The birches are like little sisters, with their braids loosened and standing to the side. The forest is dark, standing like a wall.

Generous gifts of nature Jug – earthenware, red-brown, with drink. The basket is wicker, filled to the top with mushrooms. The bucket is black, buried in forest grass.

What colors did the artist use to depict a summer day? Green, light green, white, yellow, light brown, pink, red What colors predominate in the picture? In the painting, the artist uses paints of warm and cold tones, but mostly warm ones. To convey the richness of summer nature, the artist uses a combination of these colors (a red scarf and a girl’s white dress), etc.

What impression did the picture make on you? Looking at the picture, I remember the hot summer, I inhale the smell of berries and flowers, it seems that I am there, in this beautiful clearing where the mushroom pickers are located. The combination of even contrasting colors gives the picture a special beauty and evokes a feeling of joy.

And now - creative work

The painting “In Summer” (1945) - on this canvas the author showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, ordinary workers resting in a forest clearing after picking mushrooms and berries... A selection of essays based on Plastov’s painting “In Summer”

Essay based on A.A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”, grade 5

Everyone knows that summertime gives us not only sun and warmth, but also baskets filled to the brim with ripe berries and mushrooms. All these fruits are very expressively depicted in the painting “In Summer,” which was painted by the wonderful Russian artist A. A. Plastov.

This picture is very lively and realistic. What does this work show us? The artist depicted a village woman and girl on it, perhaps they are a grandmother and granddaughter. They collected a lot of mushrooms and sat down to rest in a birch grove. Soft green grass serves as a carpet for them. Nearby you can clearly see a clearing, which is warmed by the sun's rays.

There is a dark dense forest in the background. The grass, illuminated by the sun, is light green in color, and the flowers are all different: pink, yellow, purple. Two birch trees bent over the travelers, as if protecting them from the hot sun. Both the girl and the woman were very tired, because they had to work hard to collect such a harvest of mushrooms.

A woman in a blue dress and the same scarf dozed off right on the ground, putting her tired hands under her head. The girl is dressed in a white dress and a red scarf, and she holds ripe berries in her hands. The girl has a full cup on her lap; she poured it from a nearby clay jug.

A faithful friend, a dog, lies next to his owner. She, apparently, was also very tired, because she accompanied the mushroom pickers from the very house and was their faithful companion. The dog is curled up and thinking about something of his own.

If you look closely at the picture, you may seem to feel the summer heat, the spicy smell of herbs and berries. All this is possible thanks to the skill of the artist. I really liked this canvas because it very expressively depicts the beauty of our land. Often we don’t notice the beauty around us, but pictures like this help us stop the moment and see it.

Essay based on Plastov’s painting “In Summer” with an outline


1. Creativity of A.A. Plastova.
2. The plot of the painting “In Summer”.
3. Truth brush.
4. An artist who loves Rus'.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov is a famous Russian painter of the twentieth century, the author of many paintings about rural life. He himself was born in a village, and from an early age he was familiar with the worries and joys of the peasantry. Along with adults, he included children in the plot of his paintings, showing the continuity of labor traditions and generations.

So, in a summer meadow at the height of the mushroom season, we see a woman with a girl. A tired mother in a blue dress took a nap in the shade of white-trunked birches, tired of the midday sun and the long journey. Bare feet traversed many paths, hillocks and ravines. The basket and bucket are full of mushrooms, the bright berries are pleasing to the eye. It was collected by a pretty girl in a red scarf and a homespun white dress. Even now she picks a strawberry bush into an enamel mug. It seems to me that she put the fragrant berries in a jug, sitting on a sunny hill, while her mother walked from the birch grove to the dense spruce forest for butter. The faithful dog kept pace with his owner, calling out to the baby with a ringing bark. So, after calling back, they filled all their containers and settled down to rest in the shade before heading back.

Here the artist’s true brush found them. Nothing escaped his keen eye: the mother’s tired hands, the dog’s tired eyes, disheveled locks of hair on his forehead wet with sweat, the polished handles of the basket and bucket. Peasant labor is hard at a time when the day feeds the year. Only the sun and blue sky, soft greenery and wildflowers that lull mushroom pickers with a silent song will be a consolation for the tired. Eternal companions of the Russian people, birch trees will shelter you from the heat and whisper consolation, rustling the leaves with carved hearts.

The painting “In Summer” emanates peace and love. With this painting, Plastov confesses his love for his beautiful native land, respect for work, and the traditions of Mother Rus'.

Essay based on Plastov’s painting “In Summer”, grade 5

During the Russian language lesson, the teacher introduced us to Plastov’s amazingly beautiful painting “In Summer”.

In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted a girl in a white dress, a red scarf and beads made of berries. A dog lies next to her. The girl separates the berries from the twigs and leaves and puts them in a mug.

And in the background of the picture we see a resting grandmother in a blue dress and scarf. She was probably tired from picking berries and mushrooms, so she lay down in the shade. Behind the people, grass and flowers, slender birch trees and an old stump, illuminated by the bright sun. Behind this sunny clearing stands a dense dark forest. In the sun, the grass is light green in color, and the flowers are multi-colored: yellow, pink, purple.

After I looked at the picture for a long time, it was as if I was suffused with the summer heat, the spicy smell of herbs and the sweet smell of strawberries.

Next to the people, in the shade, there is a basket of mushrooms and a jug of juicy ripe berries. I liked Plastov’s painting because the artist depicted the beauty of our land. Sometimes we don’t notice the beauty that surrounds us; paintings by artists help us see it, love it, and learn to take care of nature.

Modern people associate summer with carefree relaxation, when you can do whatever you want. In the summer, many people go to the sea or just relax on the beach all day. And only a few think about what summer was like for our ancestors.

In Plastov’s painting “In Summer” we see children relaxing in a birch grove. The girl collects berries in a mug, and the boy falls asleep. A large dog lies next to the children - this is a devoted friend and guardian of the children. Perhaps someone will think that the children were just walking in the forest, but this is not at all the case. The true state of affairs is revealed to us by baskets filled to the brim with mushrooms. And it immediately becomes clear that rural children are accustomed from an early age to help adults.

The picture shows the need for work from early childhood. Of course, children cannot be exploited, but they should help adults from an early age. Only in this way can you raise a hardworking, honest and kind person who will not betray or abandon you in trouble.

Essay on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov is a famous Russian artist. Summer is one of the artist’s favorite seasons, so many works are dedicated to it. Such works include the painting “In Summer”.

In the painting, the artist depicted a hot summer day. Two mushroom pickers: it looks like mother and daughter are resting in the shade under the birch trees. In the foreground, Plastov painted a girl. She is wearing a white dress and a scarlet scarf. The girl is sitting on the grass, her legs are stretched out. Apparently she was tired from a long walk through the forest. But even on vacation, the girl is busy with business. She sorts through the berries, tearing them off the branch and dropping them into the mug that sits on the girl’s lap.

A dog lies next to the girl. She also rests, like her owners. The day is too hot. The dog tiredly lowered his head to his paws. In the background, Plastov painted a sleeping woman. She is wearing a blue dress and the same bright blue scarf, with which the woman covered her face from the sun and from annoying flies. One woman's hand is raised up. Plastov focuses his attention on this hand. She is strong and darkly tanned. That is, this is the hand of a worker who knows no rest.

And all around was a forest clearing, flooded with bright sunlight. In the hot rays of the sun, the foliage on the trees sparkles. The emerald green grass seems so soft and silky. Yellow and blue flowers complete the picture of a summer day. A bucket and basket filled to the brim with mushrooms, a jug with berries speak of the generosity of summer nature.

When I look at A.A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer,” I remember summer days. And it seems to me that I smell the grass heated by the sun, feel the warmth of the summer breeze on my face, the aroma of wild berries, that I myself want to find myself in this forest clearing and lie down on the soft grass.

Essay on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov

In the painting, the artist depicted a hardworking Russian woman who, with the help of her granddaughter, collected a whole mountain of mushrooms and a jug of berries. While painting a picture, he admires the hard work of women. The woman taught the little girl to pick mushrooms, passing on her experience to her.

Warm pleasant summer day. The grandmother and granddaughter decided to go to the forest to pick mushrooms, it was hot in the forest, the sun was shining brightly. They walked for a long time through different clearings and picked mushrooms, having collected two whole baskets of mushrooms, they felt tired. We found a cozy clearing and sat down under the spreading branches of birch trees; its leaves shimmer beautifully under the rays of the sun and delight the viewer’s eyes. The grandmother lay down to rest and fell asleep unnoticed; the girl did not bother her. Meanwhile, the granddaughter is not wasting her time, she found a bush with berries, picked the branches from it, now sits and separates them from the branches and puts them in a mug. The peasant women did not come to the forest alone; their faithful friend, an old dog, came with them. He, too, was tired of walking for a long time into the forest and waiting for his mistresses to pick mushrooms, sitting down comfortably near his beloved mistress, he dozed off while he had such an opportunity.

The clearing is filled with tall grass and flowers; it smells pleasantly of freshness and aromatic mushrooms. The chirping and trilling of birds can be clearly heard when you sit quietly in a clearing, the voice of a cuckoo can be heard from somewhere far away, bumblebees and wasps buzz around fragrant flowers, butterflies flutter and dragonflies fly. Among the thick grass you can see blue bells and snow-white daisies; the artist painted them very accurately, with love and tenderness. The basket contains various mushrooms, including porcini mushrooms and chanterelles. Today the girl is waiting for a delicious dinner with mushrooms.

When painting the picture, the artist used a lot of green and its shades in order to more naturally convey the greenery in the clearing.

The picture exudes peace and tranquility; after looking at it, you also want to relax and eat a couple of wild berries.

Essay on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov

Plastov is a famous Soviet artist. First he studied at a theological seminary, then moved to an art school. He painted landscapes of the middle zone and everyday scenes of rural residents. He comes from a village and a family of hereditary icon painters. After he trained as an artist in Moscow, he returned to his village, where he lived until the end of his life, painting his fellow villagers and the surrounding nature of central Russia.

The painting “In Summer” depicts one of the genre scenes of rural life. Perhaps his acquaintances from the village are drawn. There is both a landscape and an everyday scene. Under the shade of a tree there is a girl, a sleeping woman and a dog. It looks like this is a family that has been out mushroom hunting since dawn, but the sun has already risen high, the mushrooms have been collected, and there is still a long way to go to their home village... Therefore, they decided to rest in the shade of a tree and gain strength for the return journey.

The girl's mother, or grandmother, was exhausted and fell asleep. The woman’s age is not entirely clear from the picture, so we can only guess. There is a dog on the side. She, too, was tired, lay down and dozed off. Although the pose is a little tense. And it feels like he doesn’t forget about his duties as a watchman. At any rustle, she is ready to jump up and protect her people from any danger. One girl sits and does not sleep. In her hands she has a twig with a raspberry, which she concentrates on feeling and then throws the berries into a mug. They reaped a good harvest. Two full baskets of mushrooms and a whole jug of raspberries. At home, mushrooms will be boiled or dried, and raspberries will most likely be made into jam, so that you can enjoy them with tea in the winter and remember the summer days.

And in the background of the picture there is a forest clearing, immersed in greenery and flowers. Sunlight spreads throughout the painting and conveys a feeling of increasing heat. It's probably around noon now. And the second half of summer, judging by the rich collection of berries and mushrooms.

The painting exudes peace and even joy... Warm summer days, lush green grass that you would like to run through barefoot, relaxed people resting after a job done... The combination of bright colors and shades is calming and conveys a joyful mood to the viewer. And the artist conveyed summer motifs so well that you want to take a step and find yourself in this forest idyll.

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  1. essay on Rylov's painting in the blue expanse read grade 3
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  3. essay on Rylov's painting in the blue expanse
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  5. essay on the painting by A. Rylov in the blue expanse

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov was born in the village and spent most of his life there. This influenced his work. Most of Plastov's paintings are dedicated to village life in all its manifestations. He depicted both the daily work of the villagers and their porters.

The painter always sought to see beauty in the ordinary details of life. Even the hardest work on his canvases looks like a holiday thanks to the bright colors.

The painting “In Summer” is one of the paintings that conveys both the beauty of Russian nature and the way of life of Russian people, their

Regular activities. Against the backdrop of a typical Central Russian landscape, the artist depicts his heroes - a woman and a little girl, apparently her daughter or granddaughter, lying down to rest in the shade of birch trees.

Looking at the picture, we can easily guess that the old woman and her granddaughter went into the forest before dawn to pick berries and mushrooms. Now, in the afternoon, having filled their baskets, both peasant women rest before heading back. The choice of characters by the author is not accidental: in former times, old people and children were engaged in collecting, that is, those who could not take part in the hard peasant labor - haymaking,

Cleaning fields and other work usual for this period. At the same time, trips to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms have always been important in preparing for winter, because peasant families, as a rule, were large and it was often not easy for them to feed themselves.

We see that today's trip to the forest of the old woman and the girl was successful. In the foreground, in the left corner of the picture, the artist depicted the “prey” of his heroes in the form of two wicker baskets filled to the brim with mushrooms. In front of the baskets is a clay jug filled with wild berries.

In the right corner of the picture there is a girl of about 10 years old (tmi). She sat down on the grass, stretching her bare legs forward. She is wearing a white sundress, and on her head is a red scarf, tied in a knot under her chin.

There are blue beads on the girl's neck. Her face is concentrated and tilted down; She carefully sorts through the berries and puts them in a blue mug, which stands on her feet.

Pressed against the girl’s right side is a red-and-black dog, which the heroines of the picture took with them into the forest. The dog, apparently, was tired of a long walk in the forest, and now she is resting, resting her head on her paws stretched forward. Taking a closer look at the dog depicted by the artist, you will notice that it, at first glance sleeping, does not lose vigilance in an unfamiliar place.

Her eyes are slightly open and her ears are raised, that is, the dog is listening to sounds in the forest.

Behind the girl's back is a sleeping woman in a blue peasant dress and the same blue scarf. We don't see her face because she covered it with her hand. Judging by the pose in which the artist depicted her, the woman is sleeping soundly. She laid her head on a small hillock, which was formed by the roots of birch trees growing nearby.

In the background of the picture is a sunlit clearing, and behind the clearing the forest begins.

The sun is shining brightly, it illuminates the already dim greenery of the clearing. The colors that the artist used indicate that the action takes place at the end of summer, when the grass burns out and gives off a golden glow in the light of the sun. The overall color scheme of the painting “In Summer” is bright and colorful. The artist uses rich colors: the bright red scarf of a girl, the thick blue color of an old woman’s clothes, the emerald green of tall grass in the shade of birch trees, the amber hue of the grass of a clearing.

In this way, he achieved an accurate representation of the midday heat in the forest, when coolness can only be found in the shade of trees.

The overall impression of the picture is joyful, sunny, peaceful. The artist appears before us as a subtle connoisseur of the beauty of his native places. It is no coincidence that he depicted birch trees - a symbol of Russia - down to the smallest detail. The author of the picture is also close to folk life, so organically fused with nature.

The artist seems to be admiring his heroes. He depicts them at a moment of rest, which was preceded by work, which is not at all easy, as it seems at first glance, but brings joy.


– description of the picture of Plastov in summer

– Plastov’s painting Summer

– description of the painting in Plastov in the summer

– description of the picture in the summer of Plastov

– description of the painting by A A Plastov in Summer

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