Master class "non-traditional drawing technique "scratching"". Drawing technique “Scratchboard Black and white scratchsheet with children

Scratch(from the French Gratter - scrape, scratch) is a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard filled with ink or black gouache with a sharp tool.

Another name for the technique is waxography, sometimes also called scratchy. Drawings made using the grattage technique are distinguished by the contrast of white lines and a black background, and are similar to engravings. And if you first paint a sheet of paper in different colors, the drawing will turn out to be very interesting and original.

Do you want to create your own painting using the grattage technique? Let's try!

Flower arrangement using grattage technique

For work you will need:

  • two sheets of paper (important: one thick (for example, white cardboard - it will be a canvas for future work), and one regular one - for a sketch drawing),
  • pencil;
  • a pen that has already stopped writing;
  • gouache set;
  • brush;
  • black ink or black gouache;
  • candle.

1. Take a thick sheet of paper (or white cardboard) and mark places on it with chaotic planes, which we will then paint in different colors.

The planes can be of any shape: in the form of spots, like mine, or in the form of circles or stripes. They can have clear contours, or smoothly flow from one color to another. It all depends on your imagination.

2. Once the planes are marked, paint them in different colors. Choose your own color scheme. It can be only warm, or only cool colors, or all the colors of the rainbow, like mine. When all the paper is painted, leave it to dry completely.

Little advice: use more light and bright colors, they make a good contrast with black.

3. If the paint has dried, you can safely move on to rubbing the paper. Take any unnecessary candle and generously rub the paper with it. It is important that the wax layer is thick, then scratching the design will be much easier. If you have a white coating, as in the photo, then everything is fine. But before moving on to the next step, check that all surfaces are well waxed.

4. At this stage, cover the paper with black ink or gouache. If you cover the surface with black ink, you should first dissolve it with soap. This will allow the mascara to adhere better to the wax surface. We paint the paper tightly, leaving no white spots or streaks. We leave it until it dries completely, and at that time we proceed to the next stage.

5. While the blank for the sketch dries is drying, let’s prepare a sketch of our future creation. I chose a flower arrangement. To begin with, we will use circles to designate the locations of future flowers and draw lines of the stems.

6. On the designated planes we draw a variety of fabulous flowers. You can come up with their shape, size, leaves yourself. Let your flowers be original, fantastic - this will give the drawing individuality. Draw thick stems.

7. Add fairy-tale leaves to the flowers, and also add background details: butterflies, bubbles and any other decorations.

8. The sketch of the painting is ready. All that remains is to transfer it to the prepared black canvas. How to do it? Very simple.

Place the paper from the sketches evenly on top of the black paper so that the corners of the leaves coincide. Take a pen that has already stopped writing and draw the outlines of the sketch, pressing a little. This method will help you make an imprint of the sketch on black paper. Check that you have traced all the contours. When everything is ready, remove the sheet and you will see that the outlines of the drawing have been transferred to the paper, as shown in the photo.

9. Now we can move on to the fun part! Start scratching the resulting contours with a pen that does not write, or with a sharp stick. If the layer of wax under the paint is thick, you will see how easily and pleasantly the design scratches.

By creating a drawing using the grattage technique, you will see how interesting it is to watch how different colors appear under the paint, and the flower takes on a fabulous coloring.

10. Scratch all the outlines to the very end. Then you will get a drawing like mine. You can leave it like that, it’s already wonderful. You can also add various ornaments and shading for a more original look.

11. At this stage, add uniqueness to the drawing using various shading and ornaments. Some parts can be completely scratched. If desired, add grass and some background elements. It all depends on your imagination.

Congratulations, the drawing is ready! I decided to make this composition colored, so first I covered a sheet of paper with colored spots. You can also make black and white drawings. In this case, the sheet of paper is not covered with paints, but is immediately rubbed with a candle, and then with black ink or gouache.

Black and white grattages are similar to engravings and look incredible. Don't be afraid to imagine and experiment. Also try to draw without a preliminary sketch, immediately making scratches on the finished canvas. This will perfectly develop your imagination!

“Scratching” is an unusual drawing technique. Not even drawing, but scratching elements of the drawing. As a rule, “drawing” is done in black and white, but you can also experiment with the color of the picture or background!

To make a drawing using the grattage technique you will need:
White cardboard,
Oil pastel white,
Black gouache,
Wide brush
Liquid soap,
Carbon paper,
Pointed skewer.

So, using white oil pastels, cover a sheet of cardboard with a thick layer of wax. You can replace oil pastels with wax crayons or a candle. I tried using glossy and matte cardboard. I liked the result better on the glossy one.

We mix black gouache with a small amount of liquid soap, since you actually have to paint on the wax layer. Soap can be replaced with dishwashing detergent, shower gel or shampoo. Only one drop is required. Water is only needed to wet the brush before starting work.

We cover the cardboard with a layer of gouache so that there are no gaps. If you added soap, they shouldn't be there.

Make sure that the paint layer is distributed evenly. Gouache undiluted with water dries quickly.

We continue to work only with completely dry cardboard. We transfer a suitable drawing onto a dark background using carbon paper, or simply draw with a non-sharp pencil over dried gouache. Neither in the first nor in the second case should you put too much pressure on the pencil, otherwise scratching will begin already at the drawing stage.

Master class by Marina Kolbina about drawing in grattage technique.

Scratch or grattography(from the French Gratter - scrape, scratch) - a graphic design that is made by scratching wax with a sharp instrument.

The basis is paper or cardboard filled with ink.

This technique is often used in art schools and children's drawing studios. What’s remarkable is that many people seem to have heard about it, but not everyone has tried it, and it was completely in vain. Because work done using this technique looks very good. They have some kind of mystery, volume, each one turns out to be unique.

Drawing using scratch technique

For drawing, take a sheet of very thick paper, preferably cardboard. You can leave it white, then the scratched areas will be white, and the resulting work will be black and white. More often, a sheet of paper or cardboard is randomly colored, this is especially preferable for beginners. More experienced artists make a preliminary drawing on paper, transfer it to cardboard, and then paint it in the desired colors. It is necessary to indicate in advance on the back side of the cardboard where the top and where the bottom of the drawing is, so that later you do not make a mistake when scratching when the entire drawing is filled with black.

Usually watercolors, gouache or acrylic are used. It is acceptable to use oil or wax pastels for a colored background. When the paint has dried, you should begin grouting with wax or paraffin. A prerequisite for quality work will be how thoroughly and conscientiously every millimeter of the sheet is rubbed. It's easy to check with light to see if there are any gaps.

The next step after grouting is applying black paint. It can be black ink, gouache or black acrylic. If you use mascara, you need to prepare regular or liquid soap for work, and periodically dip the brush in soapy water. If it is gouache, then mix it with liquid soap in a separate jar. This is done in order to evenly apply mascara or gouache and avoid it from rolling off the greasy surface of wax or paraffin.

You should wait until the paint dries well; under no circumstances should you dry it near heating appliances, otherwise the wax will melt, be absorbed into the paper or the top layer of cardboard, and it will be impossible to scratch it.

The next stage is to re-apply the same pattern, only now on a black, dried background. You need to trace the drawing with a ballpoint pen. As you work, the image will be pressed onto a soft wax surface. Remove the leaf with the circled pattern. As a result, a faded image will appear on a black background. Everything must match both in color and pattern. Now all that remains is to scratch, scrape or correct, and apply more touches where necessary. If there was no need for a preliminary drawing from the beginning, then you can immediately scratch what you want and what you had in mind on the dried black background. The main thing is to determine which parts of the picture should remain black.

The tool for scratching wax can be a knitting needle, a used ballpoint pen, a scalpel or a wooden manicure stick for treating nails. Since the whole procedure is quite messy, you should cover the table with newspapers, roll up your sleeves, and place a piece of paper under the hand with which you are scratching. Periodically, gently pour the scraped wax onto the newspaper.

The painting using the grattage technique is ready, you can put it in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Thanks to Marina for the master class, now you will definitely be able to draw using this interesting technique - grattography.

And also paintings using the grattage technique that Marina recommends, take a look:

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Scratching is a convenient and simple drawing technique.

In this case, a special method of applying a design is used by scratching the top dried layer of paint applied to the cardboard with a sharp object. The word "Grattage" has French roots and literally means "scrape". This drawing technique has other names, for example, waxography or scratching.

From this article you will learn

A way to depict a drawing for any age

Any child can learn to draw, which depends little on his natural capabilities and abilities. First of all, you need to approach the learning process correctly. This is the task of adults: to develop the child’s creative potential. If you want to interest a novice artist, introduce him to unconventional drawing techniques.

One of these methods is grattage. This drawing technique can be introduced to children of any age, as it is convenient and interesting to perform. For younger children, the basis for drawing is done by adults; older children can do it independently.

The whole process is divided into three main stages. Each of them will be interesting for children. Such activities develop children’s imagination, attention, perseverance, and the ability to finish what they start.

Working on drawings allows children to learn about the world around them and expand their horizons; the child accelerates the development of fine motor skills and attentiveness several times. Scratching is a good way for older children to express themselves and develop intellectual capabilities.

Preparatory stages of drawing

Before you start using the grating technique, you need to prepare your equipment. For the lesson you will need:

  • cardboard (preferably white);
  • candle or wax;
  • brush (preferably thick natural);
  • wax crayons;
  • ink or gouache;
  • a piece of foam rubber;
  • sharp object (toothpicks, crochet hook, pen with out of paste).

The first stage of drawing is performed by the child. Using colored crayons or paints, the cardboard is painted over. This can be done in one color, or you can decorate it with multi-colored spots. In many ways, the choice of color and the number of spots depends on what kind of pattern will be scratched out.

Therefore, the final option should be considered at the initial stage. It is advisable to choose contrasting and bright colors that will later harmonize with black. If you take colored cardboard at this stage, then this drawing stage can be omitted, since the base already has the required shade.

You can skip this step, and then the result will be a black and white image, which also looks very beautiful.

The next step in the grattage technique is coating the painted cardboard with wax. To do this, take an ordinary candle or a piece of paraffin (wax) and rub the entire surface. It is very important to perform this action carefully, and this must be monitored.

The last preparatory stage is applying gouache to the wax layer. There is a little secret here that allows the paint to absorb well and in the future not reach out to the young artist’s hand and stain it. In a separate bowl, dilute the required amount of gouache with shampoo or soapy water.

Apply the prepared paint with a wide brush in one direction. Gouache may smudge. If this happens, then after the first layer has dried, a second one is applied.

Even if the preparatory processes are carried out by adults, it is very important for children to explain what is being done and why, so that later they themselves can easily and correctly make the basis for a drawing made using the grattage technique.


This is the third and final stage. Here the child scratches with any sharp object the design that was originally intended for him. You can select any object as an image tool:

  • Sushi sticks. To draw with them, one end must be sharpened. They are light and comfortable for children's hands.
  • An ordinary ballpoint pen is a more convenient item for children, so it can be used for drawing. The scratching technique involves using a pen with the paste running out. Then there will be no traces left, and the drawing will have the necessary tones.
  • Toothpicks can be used, but for small children's hands they are not a very convenient object for drawings made using the scratchtatting technique.
  • Knitting needles are also suitable for older children, as the metal surface of this item can slip in the hands and is not very comfortable to use.

The grattage technique involves two types of image application. You can make the drawing yourself by inventing it and scratching it out. This develops the baby’s imagination very well. He simply draws what he wants and his existing skills allow.

You can also use a ready-made sketch. To do this, a drawing is prepared on a sheet of paper. This can be done by both adults and children.

After preparation, the sheet with the design is placed on the finished base, secured with paper clips, and the image is applied with a pen, lightly pressing along the contours of the sketch. As a result, outlines become visible on the cardboard, along which the child scratches out the drawing.

Thus, the child gets a picture that looks like an engraving and looks very impressive.

For children, the grattage technique is very interesting and useful, so it is worth teaching them this method of depiction.

Natalia Smirnova

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention master- class on unconventional drawing techniques grattage. Scratch-drawing engraving, the image is scratched onto a specially prepared sheet with a sharp wooden stick. Today I will talk about how to do color scratch paper. We traditionally do work using this technique for the Day astronautics(children call them " space")

So we will need: wax crayons, black gouache colors(you can use black ink, a drop of liquid soap, a sheet of watercolor paper, a wooden toothpick or wooden skewer, a soft brush.

Paint over a sheet of watercolor paper with wax crayons. It is necessary to paint over it tightly, preferably in several layers, so that the white sheet is not visible at all.

Colors can be arranged in any order

Can you depict " cosmic rainbow"

By the way, wax from crayons lies more evenly around the circumference, the crayons don’t crumble as much.

When the entire sheet is painted over with wax crayons, we begin to apply the black layer. For this, the classic version uses mascara, but black gouache is also suitable. Add a drop of liquid soap to the gouache (so that the paint does not drip from the wax) and mix carefully.

Now, using a soft brush, carefully apply black paint to the wax drawing.

Before work, the brush must be moistened and blotted with a napkin (it should be damp, but not wet, now we will only need water to wash the brush at the end of work. O tassel: I use flat brushes made of synthetic material, they apply the paint more evenly, but you can also use simple soft brushes.

Paint the entire sheet, if necessary, in several layers. Color The layer should not be visible.

The sheet should dry well and only after that you can begin the actual drawing.

Take a wooden toothpick or skewer (whichever is more convenient) and begin to apply the design by scratching the black background.

Because our topic is " space", space objects and we will draw.

Closer to the center of the sheet we will draw a “star named the Sun”, let the rays from it stretch across the entire sheet (this will make it easier to navigate where what is color under black paint).

It’s clear that without Saturn and Earth we can’t escape

“Rocket Caravans” can be drawn using a stencil, or you can do it yourself.

Finishing the drawing of comets and others cosmic bodies(as your imagination dictates)

The work is ready.

Children in the older group can already prepare the sheet before applying the black layer on their own, but it is better for an adult to apply the black paint.

When scratching a drawing, the black paint crumbles, so I do not recommend doing large works on an easel, but the table should be covered with oilcloth.

Closer to the Day astronautics I will post lesson notes for different age groups on technology grattage.

Thank you for attention.