The choir master and his animals. The tale of how a petty swindler became a big dill

Question five of six:“Not all people who try drugs become drug addicts, not everyone gets a “high” either, many get sick from drugs. Do such people need trance HORA? Won’t it make them feel as bad as from drugs?”

Master's Answer

You just asked a question, " why don't they get tired".

It gets worse from weakness and when you get tired, resulting in dizziness, nausea, etc. And when they don’t get tired, it means there is no weakness, that means it’s good. The demonstration of the track proved that this is ultra-endurance training.

There are always strange glitches in your logic: " won't they feel as bad as drugs?". It seems like we ourselves understood, we saw that people do not get tired where they should get tired - that is, their own body on the track inside itself, found protection from wear and tear in itself, not in a pharmacy, not in medicine, not in shamanism, not in intricate eastern methods of absorbing energy, but bypassing everything, bypassing generally accepted thinking. These are the conclusions you should draw - that on this track another person is born, hardy, calm, relying on his inner reliability.

You were there, there were participants there, unprepared, you had the opportunity to ask them questions and get an answer, and the answer was simple: After almost an hour of dancing, “it felt like five minutes had passed.” And after some time you ask: “Won’t they feel as bad as drugs?”.

Two of your sentences next to each other: " Why is the end of the HORA dance not accompanied by fatigue? and literally two sentences later: " Will it make them feel as bad as drugs??".

You don’t trust people, and your eyes deceive you - you’ve seen everything. You saw that a person was standing in front of you and did not fall from fatigue, and no one was tired, for everyone it seemed like five minutes had passed. People's own bodies have encountered a different mental, energetic, biological time. Their own sense of time - physical time, mental time, biological time - has shifted, i.e. they were in a real trance. This is what is behind these words. Their actual physical, mental, biological sense of time was radically changed by the track.

They were led along the track by a professional, and this professional is not a shaman or a specialist in Indian, Chinese or any other yoga, but a normal modern person.

You don’t believe your eyes, you don’t understand that you saw an incredibly beautiful endurance training. The efficiency of a person—and society—can be increased at minimal cost. And the person becomes effective. Somewhere, whether here, in the East, or in the West, this practice will still be in demand - because it has proven itself, it has proven its effectiveness. And where efficiency is in demand, that’s where it will flourish.

Track is more than anti-drug practice. The track is needed so that young people can bypass “technical support” at discos, have fun and train their health at the same time.

However, let's do it this way. In order not to reach the point of complete absurdity, I will slightly change your last question and ask it to myself: there are people who get seasick in a boat, won’t they feel bad from practicing Trek? I answer - I don’t know.

Moreover, when the anti-drug action took place, I set the condition that there would mainly be people from the CHORUS Practice, because I am not worried about their heart activity - everything is in order there, and everyone else who wants to actively participate should ensure that their cardiac activity is normal. General sportiness will not be enough. Athleticism does not guarantee that everything is normal with the heart.

The practice of CHORA trains the endurance of the heart, transfers the load from the heart to the whole body, the whole body becomes like one heart, and the type of breathing is such that it includes the whole body, all muscles - because all exercises are instinctively done in ideal support, all exercises are done without reasoning, instinctively.

A little deeper: ideal instinctive support does not violate the laws of gravity. But your attention is not capable of grasping such subtleties. People's consciousness has been led away from the laws of life and gravity into eastern “surrealism”, into sophisticated shamanism.

Everything that I have described is done at the first stage of Practice, where everything is built bypassing human fantasies.

I list:

  • The ideal instinctive support is individual;
  • Individual instinctive breathing in such support;
  • And all this is done bypassing any fantasies, any imaginary structures.

Thus, neither you can brainwash yourself, nor can anyone brainwash you, and sooner or later it will dawn on you that in a person there is a center of living gravity, and Practice is guaranteed to train this center, and your upright walking skills are destructive, as in fact for yourself and for the human species.

The track through a professional forces the gravitational center of life in a person to awaken, and the evolutionary experience of survival awakens.

If these simply stated thoughts, together with the Track, are understood, then more complex things begin - the life of man, the planet, the cosmos, their gravitational timeless unity in infinite space-time.

Russian society has been under the serious influence of the occult for many years. The printed press is replete with advertisements for the services of various sorcerers and magicians, on television we watch all sorts of “psychic battles,” and bookstore shelves are filled with pseudo-spiritual literature. As sad as it may be, probably the vast majority of sects and cults existing on the planet have opened their branches in our country. A lot of their own, home-grown pseudo-religious, mystical movements have already appeared, many of which are skillfully disguised as various psychological trainings and systems of physical exercises. Their goal is simple - to maximize benefits for themselves. Money and power over minds are what is interesting to such commercial movements, the group of which includes the cult “Practice of the Choir”, which began to spread widely in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan several years ago.

The story is silent about when and why a certain Alexander Atayan, who is now called the master of the CHORUS, came up with the idea to create his own teaching about health and endurance, combining exercises from a physical therapy course with discussions on spiritual topics. As a result, he came up with the “Evolutionary-meditative teaching and practice of HORA”, following which supposedly gives his followers almost eternal health. Atayan himself claims, while putting on a verbal fog, that he is supposedly from an amazing family in which this occult practice “... as knowledge was passed on exclusively within the clan, the family of the master from father to son.” “We can say that this is a certain genotype, somewhat different from the human one,” Atayan reports about his family.

“Since childhood, I sometimes found myself in unusual states in which the world changed. In such cases, my body also changed and its movements on land and in water acquired a slightly different character. I didn’t pay much attention to this, since in my father’s house this was considered quite normal” (A. Atayan, official website of PH). He calls himself a modern Zen master-mystic, psychotechnician, psychophilosopher, psychoanalyst.

How does HORA stand for? Atayan explains the abbreviation HORA in this way: 1) evolution as it is, 2) human evolution, 3) a method for implementing the next evolutionary step, 4) And what is behind all this. But in his work “Flow” Atayan deciphers PH as “the deep trace of a snake,” which immediately leads to certain analogies that are understandable to any Christian, which are later fully confirmed upon careful study of the cult.

On the main page of the official website of the cult it is honestly stated that the teachings of the PH are unique, since “there is nothing like this anywhere, this market is empty.” That is, we see a commercial cult aimed at receiving money from obedient adherents. The commercial nature of the cult of PH is confirmed by the fact that the vast majority of classes are paid and their cost is quite high. But even with a superficial examination, it becomes clear that the teachings of PH represent a typical anti-Christian religious and philosophical syncretism, mixed with Eastern philosophy, with a lot of A. Atayan’s own mystical revelations. Atayan still managed to introduce some “know-how” into the mystical nonsense that pseudo-gurus usually carry. For example, in his work “The Stream” he denies the fact of Jewish slavery in Egypt and offers to verify this by reading... the Bible. Atayan calls the angels about whom the Holy Scripture speaks nothing other than gods. “After listening to me, the reader may be told (those who program opinions): “The Master preaches polytheism.” But you must admit, even the Bible could not do without immortal angels. If the immortal is not a god, then what should he be called? He is not God the Creator - that’s all you need to understand” (A. Atayan, “Flow”).

The main practice in this mystical cult is a set of physical exercises combined with breathing elements, which is based on the trance technique. During special trance dances, PH adherents shake to very rhythmic music to achieve a special state of body and psyche. The leading specialist in the evolutionary-meditative practice of HORA is a physicist by training N.M. Bolshova, she periodically speaks at various, including international, conferences and seminars promoting this occult teaching. The cult of PH is gradually gaining momentum in our country, trying to gain a foothold using methods tested by other sects, for example, Scientologists. Just like Hubbard's supporters, high-ranking adherents of the Chorus practice claim that their teaching is one of the ways to combat drug addiction. PC supporters are also trying to penetrate educational institutions. In Novosibirsk, adherents of CHORUS penetrated into secondary school No. 29, where they launched their destructive activities, but employees of the Novosibirsk Center for Religious Studies prevented them from expanding there.

Master Hora is a highly realized person and has been called a modern Zen mystic master. Creator of evolutionary-meditative teachings and the Practice of the Choir. Author of more than a dozen articles and the book “Zen Tales from the Master Choir.”

The family of Master Chorus is quite ancient. At the same time, Hora - as a quality, as Knowledge - was transmitted exclusively within the clan, the family of the Master from father to son. With appropriate upbringing, in due time, in such a family it is possible to awaken a master who has the right to speak outwardly. And he also has the right to teach and transfer this knowledge and quality to others. This is what happened to the Master of the Chorus. Both Master Chorus's father and grandfather were guardians of ritual and bearers of principles, but they were not awakened.

Master Chora came to St. Petersburg in the early 90s, he was about 35 years old. From this moment the tradition of the Choir outside begins.

In 1994-95, Master Hora began to give a healing system based on special principles.

Books (2)

Conversations with the master of Chora. Either I - or the whole World

Either I - or the whole World. This is both a question and an answer at the same time. This is essentially a Zen koan. This book is unusual from the very beginning.

What is Divine Justice? What is fair government? How can atheists and believers reconcile? How are inanimate and living matter interpenetrated? What do Darwinian evolution and Genesis have in common? How to resist the challenges of modern techno-civilization?..

By reading this book, you will get answers to these and many other questions. You will gain a new perspective on such concepts as freedom, immortality and eternity, love and sex, hatred, friendship and fidelity.

The teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus will come to life before you, and at the end of the book, perhaps you will figure out what it means: “either I - or the whole World.”

History is silent about when and why a certain Alexander Atayan, who is now called the master of CHORUS, came up with the idea to create his own teaching on health and endurance, combining exercises from a physical therapy course with discussions on spiritual topics.

Alexander Atayan of the occult sect "Evolutionary-meditative teaching and practice of CHORUS"

As a result, he came up with the “Evolutionary-meditative teaching and practice of HORA”, following which supposedly gives his followers almost eternal health. Atayan himself claims, while putting on a verbal fog, that he is supposedly from an amazing family in which this occult practice “... as knowledge was passed on exclusively within the clan, the family of the master from father to son.” “We can say that this is a certain genotype, somewhat different from the human one,” Atayan reports about his family.

“Since childhood, I sometimes found myself in unusual states in which the world changed. In such cases, my body also changed and its movements on land and in water acquired a slightly different character. I did not pay much attention to this, since in my father’s house such was considered quite normal" (A. Atayan, official website of PH). He calls himself a modern Zen master-mystic, psychotechnician, psychophilosopher, psychoanalyst.

How does HORA stand for? Alexander Atayan explains the abbreviation HORA this way:

1) evolution as it is,

2) human evolution,

3) method for implementing the next evolutionary step,

4) And what is behind all this.

But in his work “Flow” Atayan deciphers PH as “the deep trace of a snake,” which immediately leads to certain analogies that are understandable to any Christian, which are later fully confirmed upon careful study of the cult.

On the main page of the official website of the cult it honestly states that the teachings of the PH are unique, since “this does not exist anywhere, this market is empty.” That is, we see a commercial cult aimed at receiving money from obedient adherents. The commercial nature of the cult of PH is confirmed by the fact that the vast majority of classes are paid and their cost is quite high. But even with a superficial examination, it becomes clear that the teachings of PH represent a typical anti-Christian religious and philosophical syncretism, mixed with Eastern philosophy, with a lot of A. Atayan’s own mystical revelations. Atayan still managed to introduce some “know-how” into the mystical nonsense that pseudo-gurus usually carry. For example, in his work “The Stream” he denies the fact of Jewish slavery in Egypt and offers to verify this by reading... the Bible. Atayan calls the angels about whom the Holy Scripture speaks nothing other than gods. “After listening to me, the reader may be told (those who program opinions): “The Master preaches polytheism.” But you must admit, even the Bible could not do without immortal angels. If the immortal is not a god, then what should he be called? He is not the Creator God - that’s it everything you need to understand" (Alexander Atayan, "Flow").

The main practice in this mystical cult is a set of physical exercises combined with breathing elements, which is based on the trance technique. During special trance dances, PH adherents shake to very rhythmic music to achieve a special state of body and psyche.

The leading specialist in the evolutionary-meditative practice of HORA is a physicist by training N.M. Bolshova, she periodically speaks at various, including international, conferences and seminars promoting this occult teaching.

The cult of PH is gradually gaining momentum in our country, trying to gain a foothold using methods tested by other sects, for example, Scientologists. Just like Hubbard's supporters, high-ranking adherents of the Chorus practice claim that their teaching is one of the ways to combat drug addiction. PC supporters are also trying to penetrate educational institutions. In Novosibirsk, adherents of CHORUS penetrated into secondary school No. 29, where they launched their destructive activities, but employees of the Novosibirsk Center for Religious Studies prevented them from expanding there.

Andrey Tolkinov, priest

HORA is my inner
evolutionary knowledge, and those external analogues that I use are familiar to almost everyone. This allows me to explain what evolutionary-meditative consciousness is, what the evolutionary-meditative path of development is, what Species Consciousness is

Master of the CHORUS

Master HORA is a highly realized person, he is called a modern Zen master-mystic. Creator of evolutionary-meditative teachings and the Practice of CHORUS. Author of more than a dozen articles and the book “Zen Tales from the Master CHOIR”.

Famous biography of the Master of the CHOIR

Quite little is known about his biography, only what he mentioned to himself in his books and articles.

The family of the Master of the CHORUS is quite ancient. At the same time, HORA - as a quality, as Knowledge - was transmitted exclusively within the clan, the family of the Master from father to son. With appropriate upbringing, in due time, in such a family it is possible to awaken a master who has the right to speak outwardly. And he also has the right to teach and transfer this knowledge and quality to others. This is what happened to the Master of the CHORUS. Both Master HOR's father and grandfather were guardians of ritual and bearers of principles, but they were not awakened.

As he tells about himself: from childhood, epiphanies periodically occurred, an understanding came that was not typical for other people, and in their family this was considered the norm.

The father at some point gave the boy the following explanation: “Consider it just a gift. A gift, like an ordinary gift, is not accepted to be discussed, it is indecent. They accept him and thank him. You can still refuse a gift, but it is impossible to refuse a gift. You strive to know what is impossible to know, since these gates are forever closed behind those who pass through them.” But he sought to reopen the gates, and he succeeded:

I did not allow the natural process of internal change to operate in my body, I suppressed it. Over the course of several years, this spring was compressed so much that it eventually unclenched with incredible force... my awakening occurred. Only Faith opens the gates, my father was right...

Another twenty years have passed since then. What I call body changes is called “trance” in simple words. And in the end, I’m talking about those dynamic meditations that I knew and did naturally, almost from birth. They are different in shape - earth, water... - but essentially the same. And the seed of these meditations is carried within all people, regardless of race, nation, etc. Everything I write about comes from more than a long experience...”

The master of the CHORUS came to St. Petersburg in the early 90s, he was about 35 years old. From this moment the tradition of the HORA outside begins.

What did I bring with me? I brought with me, first of all, an evidential evolutionary-meditative consciousness. Not an altered state of consciousness, of which there are a legion, drug-alcohol-hypno-fly agaric-and so on, but an evolutionary-meditative consciousness. How did I prove this at the very beginning? – tests, evidence-based demonstrations and ultra-fast learning. There are documentaries and people who saw it.

What I want to say is that you simply grab someone by the ears and drag them into meditation, then the path begins from top to bottom. And then for years, and maybe even more than one life, they work off the trace that remains inside - from the bottom up. As experience has shown, our people refuse this. They want to get there, but they have no desire to work professionally for the rest of their lives, although there is no need to leave society.

In 1994-95, Master HORA began to give a healing system based on special principles.

...I am not a trainer or missionary of Eastern Zen. The evolutionary-meditative intelligible thought has not caught on, but our people still want some kind of eastern abstract Zen, amazingly beautiful, inarticulate and ultimately insane. This is where the topic ends. By 1994, I somehow adapted to the local mentality, and somewhere from that time another program began. Step by step:

4. recovery
3. then an explanation of what meditative healing is,
2. because there is evolutionary-meditative healing
1. and lastly, that there is a conscious evolution of the species.

In time, explanations outside went in this order (4-3-2-1), and learning inside went in the order 1-2-3-4, from meditative-irrational to rational-intellectual. Since the first days, I have taught from top to bottom the same way. Training time is actually seconds. And working it out takes years. How I work. I very quickly create test conditions in a person (general psychofield). Then I mark in it the path that it records. The last thing that remains is to climb these milestones yourself, work on them, and implement them. And that is all. This is the inner path, this is the path from above.