The era of Andrei Malakhov is over, the presenter is leaving the TV channel. Orenburg city portal - a convenient information platform

MOSCOW, August 21 - RIA Novosti. The face of Channel One, the permanent host of one of the most popular and scandalous talk shows “Let Them Talk”, “television style icon” Andrei Malakhov is leaving the channel after 25 years of work.

On Monday it was officially announced that Malakhov is moving to the Rossiya 1 TV channel, where he will host the talk show “Live”. A video has appeared on YouTube in which, to Irina Allegrova’s song “Hello, Andrey,” Malakhov goes into the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and, addressing the viewer, asks: “Well, did you lose me? I’m here. Andrey Malakhov.” “Live Broadcast” , TV channel "Russia", so now definitely don’t switch!” And the voice-over announces that the program will appear on the air of “Russia 1” “soon.”

The “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One will be hosted instead by Dmitry Borisov; several episodes of the program with his participation were already aired last week. It is not yet known exactly who will replace the presenter in the “Tonight” program, but a RIA Novosti source reported that one of the candidates is actress and presenter of Channel One Yulia Menshova.

Speculation and rumors

There were different versions - some suggested that Malakhov was leaving Channel One for VGTRK, others wrote about the journalist going on “maternity leave,” and it was often mentioned that the main reason was the conflict between the famous TV presenter and the channel’s new producer. However, the presenter himself remained stubbornly silent, and representatives of the TV channels did not comment on anything, citing the summer holiday season.

Later, the names of candidates for the position of presenter of “Let Them Talk” even began to appear in the media in the event of Malakhov’s departure - these are TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, news presenter on Channel One Dmitry Borisov and presenter of the Krasnoyarsk TVK channel Alexander Smol.

Shepelev told RIA Novosti that he does not comment on this information and advised him to contact the press service of Channel One. Dmitry Borisov said that those who “can’t get enough of him” in Channel One news can also watch the “Vremya” program at 21.00, since he now hosts it too.

Malakhov himself, only a few days after rumors about his departure appeared, published on his Twitter microblog a photograph of a guest’s questionnaire filled out when checking into a hotel, on which “blogger” was written in the “profession” field, which further fueled the public’s interest in what's happening.

Will become a dad

Recently, information appeared in the media that 45-year-old Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva are expecting their first child. Later, on the pages of StarHit magazine, of which Malakhov himself is the editor-in-chief, he confirmed the information that he would soon become a father. There was information in the media that Channel One producer Natalya Nikonova allegedly gave the presenter a choice: either he remains working in the company or becomes a babysitter. The journalist chose to pay attention to his family and go on maternity leave, sources added.

Malakhov himself is already the godfather of several children of his colleagues and “star” children, including, for example, the daughter and son of Philip Kirkorov.

Started out as an excellent student

The future showman was born in the north-west of Russia - in the city of Apatity, Murmansk region; Graduated with a gold medal from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. For a year and a half, he interned at Michigan State University, USA. He also graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), where he then began teaching the basics of journalism.

The “Good Morning” program, in which Malakhov began his first steps at the television factory, became for him, by his own admission, that “factory entrance”, which was mentioned in the song from the movie “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”: “I don’t want fate otherwise, I can’t exchange for anything that factory entrance that brought me into the people.”

Malakhov considers his godmother on TV to be the host of the “Good Morning” program on Channel One, Elena Mironova, who died after a serious illness just a month ago. According to Malakhov, it was she who was the first to believe in the “unknown provincial,” as the journalist wrote about himself, and even, together with her sister, gave the future television style icon “the most fashionable glasses—a dream,” instead of the old ones he wore in school.

At first, the journalist told viewers about fashion trends in the “Style” column, which was broadcast on the morning broadcast of ORT (the former name of Channel One), and when, during the holidays, it was necessary to replace someone with the host of “Good Morning,” Malakhov was offered to sit in the studio a chair in which he later spent about 5 years.

Every year, the television image of the presenter of Channel One became more and more elegant and stylish, and Malakhov’s ability to maintain his physical shape increased the number of his fans.

Let them talk…

Soon, Malakhov was offered to do a daytime talk show called “The Big Wash”, in which, according to the project’s producers, in the hour while the TV viewers’ washing machine is running, the host must have time, together with the invited guests, to discuss the details of the personal lives of celebrities or ordinary people. Later, the show changed its format slightly, the topics of the programs became more serious, and the name was changed to “Five Evenings.” Since 2005, the show was renamed “Let Them Talk” and it acquired the format in which it still appears today. Quite scandalous themes and a focus on sensation are among the main differences of this program, for which many viewers love it, and many criticize it.

In mid-July, Roskomnadzor even took administrative measures against Channel One in connection with the airing of several high-profile episodes “Let Them Talk” about the minor Diana Shurygina.

Proof of the love of TV viewers for Malakhov was the competition “On vacation with Andrei Malakhov,” letters with applications for participation in which came to the editorial office in bags.

One thing is clear - TV presenter Andrei Malakhov leaves no one indifferent, which brought good ratings to Channel One.

Editor-in-chief and writer

Also on Channel One, Malakhov hosted a more “calm” program - “Tonight”, telling about the lives of famous people in Russia - artists, musicians, writers, cultural figures. The presenter’s portfolio also includes the projects “Flea Market”, “Lie Detector”, “Malakhov+Malakhov”; he was the host of the Eurovision semi-final in Moscow, paired with fashion model Natalia Vodianova, and also co-hosted the Eurovision opening ceremony with singer Alsou.

Since 2007, Malakhov has also been the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine "StarHit", dedicated to show business news, in which he regularly publishes his own articles. The journalist managed to publish two books, “My Favorite Blondes,” about life “in and behind the scenes,” and “My Soulmate,” for girls and boys “who would like to achieve something in life.”

The journalist was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006), and is the owner of several TEFIs: in 2005 he was awarded in the category “Persons”, and in 2009 he was awarded in the category “Best Host of an Entertainment Program”.

Blood transfusion is beneficial

Malakhov’s departure from Channel One was not the only high-profile television event this summer. The popular host of the show “Exactly” Alexander Oleshko also left Channel One. In the new television season, he will host the international competition "You're Super! Dancing" on NTV. It also became known about the closure of the “Alone with Everyone” program, hosted by Yulia Menshova, and that the “While Everyone is Home” program with Timur Kizyakov will not be aired in the new television season.

Media experts interviewed by RIA Novosti noted that the transition of famous TV presenters from one channel to another is useful, like a blood transfusion; this situation happens, although “rarely, but regularly”: creative individuals sometimes want to try something new.

“If you delve into history, you can find examples of different situations. Well, as in sports - firstly, there is a deadline, well, when else to move on if not in the off-season? And secondly, of course, creative life develops differently - sometimes you want to try something something new that does not fit into the concept of one channel, but fits into the concept of another,” said famous TV producer, President of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation Alexander Akopov.

The main thing, he said, “is that TV viewers will see everyone they are used to seeing.”

General Director of Public Television of Russia (OTR), President of the International Academy of Television and Radio Anatoly Lysenko, in turn, noted that there is nothing terrible in such a situation.

“In general, there is practically nothing surprising in the transition of presenters from one channel to another - people are looking for something new for themselves, some kind of movement. Another thing is that Malakhov is surprised - he worked for so many years on Channel One, but, on the other hand “Of course, fatigue and irritation could have accumulated,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

In his opinion, “this is a kind of blood transfusion - it is useful.”

Dmitry Borisov hosted the first episode of the show “Let Them Talk” instead of Andrei Malakhov

On August 14, the “Let Them Talk” program returned from its summer vacation, and the first episode of the new season was shown on Channel One. The host of the show was 31-year-old Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Andrei Malakhov in this post. The latter, by the way, was dedicated to the broadcast: together with the guests of the studio, among whom were Dmitry Dibrov, Ekaterina Andreeva, Arina Sharapova, Dmitry Shepelev and many others, the audience was invited to remember the “Malakhov” era of “Let Them Talk.”

Dmitry Borisov in the studio "Let them talk"

Today in the studio with us you can remember the era of the “Let Them Talk” program with Andrei Malakhov. Every evening, Channel One viewers watched the stories told by Andrei and his team without stopping. Today you will witness the denouement of the most talked about television intrigue of the season. Where is Andrei Malakhov now? Over the past few days, whoever the press has listed as candidates for his place. And since my name was heard more often than others in this context, then, perhaps, I will start this broadcast. And then we'll see

Borisov said at the beginning of the show, giving the floor to the guests - in particular, Dmitry Nagiyev, who recorded an address to Malakhov on video:

Andrey Malakhov left the First. But well, he flew away, but promised to return. Darling, darling. As my grandfather said: “The First is a turn, the second is not a death sentence.” Therefore, you will do the same weird things, only a little more expensive and sadder. Therefore, good luck, Andrey... Yes, who hasn’t noticed in the general bustle, Oleshko has left us. Sash, happy. May NTV be your food.

At the end of the program, Borisov announced new episodes of “Let Them Talk,” noting that he had worked with Andrei Malakhov for many years and considered him a close friend:

Everyone is now waiting for me to say. There must be a resolution here. What can I say given all the news of recent days? Taking into account the fact that Andrey is preparing to become a dad, that my friend will have a child very soon... Andrey, take care of yourself and your loved ones! And the most interesting thing will happen tomorrow. We'll wait.

Dmitry Borisov Andrey Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva

Let us recall that earlier ELLE magazine reported that it was Malakhov’s upcoming fatherhood (or rather, the TV presenter’s decision to take leave to care for an unborn child) that became a stumbling block between him and the producer of the “Let Them Talk” program - we are, apparently, talking about returning to project by Natalia Nikonova. The question posed by the new leadership, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that “Let them talk” is not a nursery and you need to make a choice, either you are a TV presenter or you are a babysitter, Malakhov considered it to infringe on his legal rights. As a result of this conflict, Andrei decided to leave “First” - in order to devote enough time to his family during this important period of life for him and his wife.

MOSCOW, August 21 - RIA Novosti. The face of Channel One, the permanent host of one of the most popular and scandalous talk shows “Let Them Talk”, “television style icon” Andrei Malakhov is leaving the channel after 25 years of work.

On Monday it was officially announced that Malakhov is moving to the Rossiya 1 TV channel, where he will host the talk show “Live”. A video has appeared on YouTube in which, to Irina Allegrova’s song “Hello, Andrey,” Malakhov goes into the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and, addressing the viewer, asks: “Well, did you lose me? I’m here. Andrey Malakhov.” “Live Broadcast” , TV channel "Russia", so now definitely don’t switch!” And the voice-over announces that the program will appear on the air of “Russia 1” “soon.”

The “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One will be hosted instead by Dmitry Borisov; several episodes of the program with his participation were already aired last week. It is not yet known exactly who will replace the presenter in the “Tonight” program, but a RIA Novosti source reported that one of the candidates is actress and presenter of Channel One Yulia Menshova.

Speculation and rumors

There were different versions - some suggested that Malakhov was leaving Channel One for VGTRK, others wrote about the journalist going on “maternity leave,” and it was often mentioned that the main reason was the conflict between the famous TV presenter and the channel’s new producer. However, the presenter himself remained stubbornly silent, and representatives of the TV channels did not comment on anything, citing the summer holiday season.

Later, the names of candidates for the position of presenter of “Let Them Talk” even began to appear in the media in the event of Malakhov’s departure - these are TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, news presenter on Channel One Dmitry Borisov and presenter of the Krasnoyarsk TVK channel Alexander Smol.

Shepelev told RIA Novosti that he does not comment on this information and advised him to contact the press service of Channel One. Dmitry Borisov said that those who “can’t get enough of him” in Channel One news can also watch the “Vremya” program at 21.00, since he now hosts it too.

Malakhov himself, only a few days after rumors about his departure appeared, published on his Twitter microblog a photograph of a guest’s questionnaire filled out when checking into a hotel, on which “blogger” was written in the “profession” field, which further fueled the public’s interest in what's happening.

Will become a dad

Recently, information appeared in the media that 45-year-old Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva are expecting their first child. Later, on the pages of StarHit magazine, of which Malakhov himself is the editor-in-chief, he confirmed the information that he would soon become a father. There was information in the media that Channel One producer Natalya Nikonova allegedly gave the presenter a choice: either he remains working in the company or becomes a babysitter. The journalist chose to pay attention to his family and go on maternity leave, sources added.

Malakhov himself is already the godfather of several children of his colleagues and “star” children, including, for example, the daughter and son of Philip Kirkorov.

Started out as an excellent student

The future showman was born in the north-west of Russia - in the city of Apatity, Murmansk region; Graduated with a gold medal from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. For a year and a half, he interned at Michigan State University, USA. He also graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), where he then began teaching the basics of journalism.

The “Good Morning” program, in which Malakhov began his first steps at the television factory, became for him, by his own admission, that “factory entrance”, which was mentioned in the song from the movie “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”: “I don’t want fate otherwise, I can’t exchange for anything that factory entrance that brought me into the people.”

Malakhov considers his godmother on TV to be the host of the “Good Morning” program on Channel One, Elena Mironova, who died after a serious illness just a month ago. According to Malakhov, it was she who was the first to believe in the “unknown provincial,” as the journalist wrote about himself, and even, together with her sister, gave the future television style icon “the most fashionable glasses—a dream,” instead of the old ones he wore in school.

At first, the journalist told viewers about fashion trends in the “Style” column, which was broadcast on the morning broadcast of ORT (the former name of Channel One), and when, during the holidays, it was necessary to replace someone with the host of “Good Morning,” Malakhov was offered to sit in the studio a chair in which he later spent about 5 years.

Every year, the television image of the presenter of Channel One became more and more elegant and stylish, and Malakhov’s ability to maintain his physical shape increased the number of his fans.

Let them talk…

Soon, Malakhov was offered to do a daytime talk show called “The Big Wash”, in which, according to the project’s producers, in the hour while the TV viewers’ washing machine is running, the host must have time, together with the invited guests, to discuss the details of the personal lives of celebrities or ordinary people. Later, the show changed its format slightly, the topics of the programs became more serious, and the name was changed to “Five Evenings.” Since 2005, the show was renamed “Let Them Talk” and it acquired the format in which it still appears today. Quite scandalous themes and a focus on sensation are among the main differences of this program, for which many viewers love it, and many criticize it.

In mid-July, Roskomnadzor even took administrative measures against Channel One in connection with the airing of several high-profile episodes “Let Them Talk” about the minor Diana Shurygina.

Proof of the love of TV viewers for Malakhov was the competition “On vacation with Andrei Malakhov,” letters with applications for participation in which came to the editorial office in bags.

One thing is clear - TV presenter Andrei Malakhov leaves no one indifferent, which brought good ratings to Channel One.

Editor-in-chief and writer

Also on Channel One, Malakhov hosted a more “calm” program - “Tonight”, telling about the lives of famous people in Russia - artists, musicians, writers, cultural figures. The presenter’s portfolio also includes the projects “Flea Market”, “Lie Detector”, “Malakhov+Malakhov”; he was the host of the Eurovision semi-final in Moscow, paired with fashion model Natalia Vodianova, and also co-hosted the Eurovision opening ceremony with singer Alsou.

Since 2007, Malakhov has also been the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine "StarHit", dedicated to show business news, in which he regularly publishes his own articles. The journalist managed to publish two books, “My Favorite Blondes,” about life “in and behind the scenes,” and “My Soulmate,” for girls and boys “who would like to achieve something in life.”

The journalist was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006), and is the owner of several TEFIs: in 2005 he was awarded in the category “Persons”, and in 2009 he was awarded in the category “Best Host of an Entertainment Program”.

Blood transfusion is beneficial

Malakhov’s departure from Channel One was not the only high-profile television event this summer. The popular host of the show “Exactly” Alexander Oleshko also left Channel One. In the new television season, he will host the international competition "You're Super! Dancing" on NTV. It also became known about the closure of the “Alone with Everyone” program, hosted by Yulia Menshova, and that the “While Everyone is Home” program with Timur Kizyakov will not be aired in the new television season.

Media experts interviewed by RIA Novosti noted that the transition of famous TV presenters from one channel to another is useful, like a blood transfusion; this situation happens, although “rarely, but regularly”: creative individuals sometimes want to try something new.

“If you delve into history, you can find examples of different situations. Well, as in sports - firstly, there is a deadline, well, when else to move on if not in the off-season? And secondly, of course, creative life develops differently - sometimes you want to try something something new that does not fit into the concept of one channel, but fits into the concept of another,” said famous TV producer, President of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation Alexander Akopov.

The main thing, he said, “is that TV viewers will see everyone they are used to seeing.”

General Director of Public Television of Russia (OTR), President of the International Academy of Television and Radio Anatoly Lysenko, in turn, noted that there is nothing terrible in such a situation.

“In general, there is practically nothing surprising in the transition of presenters from one channel to another - people are looking for something new for themselves, some kind of movement. Another thing is that Malakhov is surprised - he worked for so many years on Channel One, but, on the other hand “Of course, fatigue and irritation could have accumulated,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

In his opinion, “this is a kind of blood transfusion - it is useful.”

The main news of recent days has been the likely departure from Channel One of Andrei Malakhov, who worked there - it’s scary to say! – since 1992. No one is giving official comments, but there are a lot of rumors. website We contacted one of the “Let Them Talk” employees, and he, on the basis of exclusivity, revealed sensational details of Malakhov’s departure.


“To understand why this happened, we need to plunge into the recent past,” the publication’s interlocutor said. “For a long time, the producer of the Let Them Talk program was Natalya Nikonova, who directed the scandalous show in 2004-2009. Then she was expelled from Channel One with scandal. They said that she was even forbidden to enter the television center building."

According to the source, her place was taken by Natalya Galkovich: “It was under her that “Let Them Talk” showed the highest ratings. And Nikonova at that time “ruled” “Live” on “Russia” and in every possible way promoted her favorite Dmitry Shepelev there. Moreover “As I heard, Shepelev has been paid a large salary since the winter as the second presenter of Live Broadcast, although not a single program with his participation appeared - he simply came to the control room, watched Korchevnikov work, and then left.”

Because of this, the interlocutor is sure, a conflict arose: “Nikonova was reproached for paying Shepelev, who is not on the air. She freaked out and left. She returned to Channel One, again took up “Let them talk.” But the team, along with Andrei Malakhov, did not "I wanted to work with her, people began to quit en masse. Three weeks ago, the program staff went on vacation and even then they understood that they would not return to Channel One."

There is exactly one month left until the start of the next TV season. During this time, it is necessary not only to find a new host of “Let Them Talk,” but also to film several episodes.

“While Andrei Malakhov was vacationing in Italy, castings were going on at Ostankino,” the interlocutor said. “They tried Dmitry Borisov for the role of presenter, who is familiar to viewers as the face of the evening “News”, the “Time” program and the moderator of the direct line with Vladimir Putin. But He didn’t fit into “Let Them Talk" - a kind of pie without filling, a book without pictures. They also tried the presenter from Krasnoyarsk Alexander Smolov, who became famous for live ridiculing local deputies who decided to raise their salaries... Castings continue - decide on "Let Them Talk" needs a new face by the end of the week."

Unexpected versions of why the famous showman actually left the television project have appeared on the Internet. For the third day now, people on social networks have been discussing the news that the face of Channel One, Andrei Malakhov, is leaving the “Let Them Talk” project and going to work for the competing VGTRK.

The silence of the leadership of the First and Malakhov himself gave rise to many rumors.

Internet users did not fail to recall the numerous television broadcasts with the “raped” Diana Shurygina, after which many accused Malakhov of excessively exaggerating this topic. And now they are writing on the Internet that the presenter left the TV channel because of an affair with a girl who had become so popular.

There is still no official confirmation of Andrei Malakhov’s transfer from Channel One to Rossiya 1, but the discussion of this news does not stop. The TV presenter’s wife, Natalya Shkuleva, joked about this topic on the Internet.

Messages about the departure of the host of the “Let Them Talk” program alarmed the Internet and gave rise to many incredible rumors about the reasons for such a decision. Andrei Malakhov's transition from one channel to another has already been ironically dubbed the transfer of the year.

Andrei Malakhov left Channel 1, who will replace him: the TV presenter quarreled with the new producer “Let them talk”

The presenter’s colleague, Yana Churikova, posted a photo on Instagram in which he was captured jumping off the sea coast in Baku, and announced a competition for the best caption for the photo. Malakhov's wife decided to joke and offered her own version: “In a transfer jump?”

One of the reasons for the presenter’s decision is his disagreement with Natalya Nikonova, who is producing Dmitry Shepelev’s new show “Actually.” There is also an opinion that Andrei is not going to leave and is simply trying to influence the leadership of the First. Malakhov is also suspected of seeking freedom of action.

Channel One does not comment on the possible dismissal of the TV presenter, and VGTRK has not confirmed the information that he will become their new employee.

Let us remind you that messages about Andrei Malakhov’s departure from the First and his employment on the “Russia 1” channel appeared on Monday, July 31.

The news of Malakhov's transfer from Channel One to VGTRK became the biggest news of the television off-season. VGTRK did not confirm the information about the presenter’s transfer to them, but did not deny it either. “Our entire management is on vacation, so this physically cannot happen at the moment,” the company’s press service disowned the question.

Let us remind you that according to Forbes, Malakhov is in 30th place on the list of the richest domestic show business stars, earning $1.2 million a year. Note that the state TV channel "Russia" is unlikely to be able to pay him that kind of money. At least, this is the conclusion that analysts made.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who recently left the Russian Channel One with a scandal, is looking for a replacement on the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

According to Vasily Konov, editor-in-chief of the R-Sport agency, the new host of the program could be journalist from the Krasnoyarsk channel TVK Alexander Smolov, who recently became famous on the Internet thanks to his criticism of deputies of the local legislative assembly.

“Castings continue - we need to decide on the new face of “Let Them Talk” by the end of the week. They also tried the presenter from Krasnoyarsk, Alexander Smolov, who became famous for live ridiculing local deputies who decided to raise their salaries...” a media source said.

Dmitry Borisov, who hosts the news channel and was the moderator of the direct line with Vladimir Putin, also competed for the place of the host of “Let Them Talk,” but, as sources say, he did not “fit” into the format of the talk show.

Earlier it was reported that Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, banned in Ukraine, due to a conflict with Konstantin Ernst and the producers of the program. Neither the channel nor Malakhov comment on the presenter’s departure.