Cinema Italiano: learning Italian from films. Crazy in Love Crazy in Love movie 1981 in Italian

Ciao! My name is Martha. I don’t like to call myself a polyglot, but foreign languages ​​are really easy for me (I speak 5). Surely, you have always wanted to learn a new language, but there were a lot of excuses and a variety of reasons: there was no time, sufficient motivation, or, perhaps, you met a teacher who could not get you excited about the process of learning a language. And your dreams: to read a book or watch a movie in the original language, book a trip on your own or chat with your foreign friends, remained dreams. But why put it off until later? We need to start taking action today :)

One of the most popular queries that leads to my website is: “How to learn Italian from films from scratch"Honestly, this formulation makes me smile. Because, having learned several foreign languages ​​on my own, including Italian, I can safely answer, from scratch according to films - definitely not at all. First you need to build a base, lay the foundation with the basics of grammar, correct pronunciation and reading, respectively, and only then move on to the stage of films, songs and podcasts.

If you are currently only dreaming of learning Italian and learning to speak beautifully in this melodic language, I will be happy to help you master it. More details

If you already have an average or fairly advanced conversational level, one way for you to improve your knowledge is to watch films in the original language and, as they say, take everything you hear to heart :) When I was interested in films in Italian, the search gave me the most famous and already familiar films such as Vacanze Romane, La Dolce Vita and others. But I wanted to see something new and modern. I did my little monitoring and now I can recommend you an excellent selection of films in Italian. So, here are 8 worthwhile films for your attention, filled not only with interesting events, but also with interesting dialogues. You can easily find all these films online. After all, as the well-known proverb says: chi cerca sempre trova!

1. Amore tra i fiordi: Le due estati/ Love on the Fjord. Two summers, 2013

Trama (story)

Due sorelle avanti con gli anni, un uomo altrettanto attempato e oltremodo affascinante e una complessa e intrecciata storia d'amore, sbocciata tardivamente e dagli amari risvolti. Ma con la stessa passione, intensità e poesia di un amore giovanile, a conferma che il cuore non ha età Soprattutto nel fiordo...

Regista: Matthias Tiefenbacher

Genere: Commedia

Lingua originale: Tedesco

*I couldn’t find this film in Russian or with subtitles. Moreover, we couldn’t even find a trailer, although this is really strange. The film is very, very worthy.

Irene ha superato i quarant"anni, niente marito, niente figli e un lavoro che è il sogno di molti: Irene è l"“ospite a sorpresa”, il temutissimo cliente in incognito che annota, valuta e giudica gli standard degli alberghi di lusso . Oltre al lavoro, nella sua vita ci sono la sorella Silvia, sposata con figli, svampita e sempre di corsa, e l"ex fidanzato Andrea. Irene non ha alcun desiderio di stabilità, si sente libera, privilegiata. Ma è vera libertà la sua? Qualcosa metterà in discussione questa certezza...

Regista: Maria Sole Tognazzi

Genere: Commedia

Lingua originale: Italiano

Ognuno di noi ha tre vite: una pubblica, una privata ed una segreta. Un tempo quella segreta era ben protetta nell'archivio della nostra memoria, oggi nelle nostre sim. Cosa succederebbe se quella minuscola schedina si mettesse a parlare? Dopo Immaturi e Tutta colpa di Freud, Paolo Genovese dirige una brillante commedia sull’amicizia, sull’amore e sul tradimento, che porterà quattro coppie di amici a confrontarsi e a scoprire di essere “Perfetti sconosciuti”.

Regista: Paolo Genovese

4. Ti sposo ma non troppo / We might get married, 2014

Ti sposo ma non troppo racconta la storia di Andrea (Vanessa Incontrada), una giovane e affascinante donna delusa dall"amore, Luca (Gabriele Pignotta), un fisioterapista single che si finge psicologo per sedurla, e di una coppia, Carlotta e Andrea, che entra in crisi alla vigilia del matrimonio (Chiara Francini e Fabio Avaro). Per un casuale doppio scambio di identità, le vite dei quattro personaggi finiranno per intrecciarsi ed essere travolte dall"eterna ricerca dell"amore perfetto. Una moderna commedia degli equivoci in cui nessuno è quello che sembra e nessuno può scegliere di non amare.

Regista: Gabriele Pignotta

Genere: Commedia

Lingua originale: Italiano

5. Scusa ma ti chiamo amore / Sorry for love, 2007

Niki e le sue amiche sono all"ultimo anno di scuola. Malgrado abbiano la maturità ne combinano ogni giorno di tutti i colori. Alex è un “ragazzo” di quasi trentasette anni. E" stato lasciato da poco e senza un vero perché dalla sua fidanzata storica. Intorno a lui ruota un mondo complicato e divertente: i suoi genitori, le sorelle sposate con figli e poi i suoi tre amici Enrico, Flavio e Pietro anche loro tutti già sposati ma ognuno con le proprie particolarità. E tutto questo non sarebbe niente se quella mattina Alex non incontrasse Niki. O meglio, se i due non si scontrassero.

Regista: Federico Moccia

Genere: Sentimental

Lingua originale: Italiano

You can watch the entire film in Italian using the link below on YouTube:

6. Scusa ma ti voglio sposare / Sorry, I want to marry you, 2010

Scusa ma ti voglio sposare è il seguito della storia damore tra Alex (Raoul Bova), pubblicitario trentanovenne di successo, e Niki (Michela Quattrociocche), ora ventenne, conosciuta in un incidente stradale. Al faro si sono promessi amore eterno, e adesso, dopo 3 anni, Alex capisce che nonostante la differenza di età, lei è la donna che vuole sposare.

*This film is a continuation of the comedy Scusa ma ti chiamo amore with Raoul Bova in the title role

7. Torno indietro e cambio vita / I will go back to the past and change my life / A second chance, 2015

Due quarantenni sposati decidono di separarsi dopo essere stati insieme fin da adolescenti. Un incidente li riporterà magicamente ad avere diciassette anni, conservando però l"aspetto e la consapevolezza di essere adulti.

Regista: Carlo Vanzina

Genere: Commedia

Lingua originale: Italiano

8. La musica del silenzio/ Music of silence, 2017

La vita di Andrea Bocelli raccontata attraverso la storia di Amos Bardi. Amos è un ragazzo con il dono di una voce potente e la vista claudicante, diventato completamente cieco in seguito a un incidente. Mosso dalla voglia di non arrendersi e dalla grande passione per il canto, riuscirà a raggiungere il primo successo in palcoscenico, preludio a una carriera che lo porterà ad esibirsi nei più grandi teatri del mondo.

Regista: Michael Radford

Genere: Biografico

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Watching foreign films without translation is one of the most convenient and interesting ways to learn a language. Thanks to the original voice acting, you can completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the film and understand the subtleties that are lost in translation.

But if there are no difficulties in finding films in English, then Italian films are not so popular in the world. In this selection you will find films in Italian that perfectly convey the national flavor of this country!

  1. Take your time to watch films in Italian if you have just started learning. First, practice on YouTube videos, cartoons, and gain vocabulary. Then proceed to those films that you are already familiar with in Russian translation.
  2. Subtitles can both help in watching films in the original and, on the contrary, distract from listening comprehension training. Measure is important!
  3. Spend time learning new interesting expressions, arrange pronunciation training by repeating certain phrases after actors, read biographies of artists and descriptions of films in Italian.

Chochara/ La Ciociara (1960)

This film tells the story of the difficult years in Italy during World War II. The plot centers on widowed Cesaria and her daughter, 13-year-old Rosetta. The drama tells about the difficulties of the war years for two lonely women - hunger, death, violence and the inability to love. For the role of Cesira, Sophia Loren received an Oscar - it became the first in this category to be awarded for a film not in English. You can also see young Jean-Paul Belmondo in the film!

Marriage in Italian/ Matrimonio all "italiana (1964)

Another work of Sophia Loren together with actor Marcello Mastroianni. This melodrama by Vittorio de Sica is recognized as one of the most famous in cinema. The story tells about Filumena, a girl from a brothel who fell in love with a wealthy young man, Domenico. Their relationship leads to Filumena becoming the mistress of his house and business, but not his wife.

Romeo and Juliet/ Romeo and Juliet (1968)

Italian director Franco Zeffirelli managed to brilliantly film the famous play by William Shakespeare. The 1968 film Romeo and Juliet won two Oscars and three Golden Globes. It is worth noting that Zeffirelli preserved Shakespeare's original plot almost word for word. The film takes place in Verona, where a young man and a girl from two warring clans fell in love with each other and doomed themselves to death.

Rome Fellini/ Fellini Roma (1972)

In this film by the famous Italian director Frederico Fellini, you can feel the real spirit of Rome and Italy. The events of the film take place before the Second World War - a young man comes to Rome and settles in an apartment with different neighbors. In the film you can see Fellini himself and his peculiar declaration of love to his hometown.

Taming of the Shrew/ Il bisbetico domato (1980)

Everyone has probably heard about this film - the Italian comedy film is still very popular. The main roles in the film by comedians Franco Castellano and Giuseppe "Pipolo" Moccia were played by Ornella Muti and Adriano Celentano. The plot of the film revolves around the 40-year-old unsociable farmer Elia, who hates women. Suddenly, the beautiful Lisa, whose car has broken down, appears at his house. The girl is interested in Elia's complex character, and she decides to stay...

Love struck/ Innamorato pazzo (1981)

Another collaboration between Ornella Muti and Adriano Celentano, together with directors Castellano and Moccia. The plot centers on the rude bus driver Barnaba. By chance, he falls in love with the beauty Christina, but soon finds out that she is the princess of a tiny state. The girl is engaged to a wealthy man who can solve her country's financial problems.

Life is Beautiful/ La vita è bella (1997)

This tragicomedy directed by Roberto Benigni received three Oscar statuettes, and Benigni himself received two. He played the main role in his film, the Jew Guido. It all started very well - young Guido comes to Arezzo and marries the teacher Dora. They have a son. But during World War II, Guido and the boy end up in a concentration camp along with other Jews. Dad explains to his son that this is just a game where the main goal is to get a tank...

The Legend of the Pianist/ La leggenda del pianista sull "oceano (1998)

The incredible drama directed by Giuseppe Tornatore was based on the book “The Twentieth Century” by Alessandro Baricco. The main role, pianist Danny Budman, was played by Tim Roth. The film tells an entire era in the history of one person. In 1900, a baby was discovered on the steamship Virginia. All his life he traveled by ship and never went ashore.

Malena/ Malena (2000)

Another outstanding work by Giuseppe Tornatore starring Monica Bellucci. She appeared in the form of Malena, a beauty whom men desired and women hated. There were rumors about her, they tried to discredit her, she lost her husband in the war and became a girl of easy virtue. But all her life she was loved by a man who saw her for the first time at the age of 13 and since then could not forget.

Stranger/La sconosciuta (2006)

The thriller by Giuseppe Tornatore became one of the most striking films in the filmography of Russian actress Ksenia Rappoport. She played the role of Ukrainian emigrant Irina, who came to work in Italy, but ended up with the bandit Muffe. She became a slave for him, who gave birth to children for sale. Miraculously, she manages to escape, but she does not go home, but goes in search of her last daughter.

Sorry for love/ Scusa ma ti chiamo amore (2008)

The film, directed by Frederico Moccia, is worth watching if only because he is the creator of the novel “Three Meters Above the Sky,” the most touching melodrama in the world. This time the writer himself became a director and filmed his book “Sorry for Love.” The main character, 37-year-old Alex, behaves like a child and refuses a serious relationship. A random accident brings him into contact with 17-year-old Nicky, who will change his life.

Love: Instructions for use/ Manuale d'amore 3 (2011)

This comedy melodrama by Giovanni Veronesi tells three different stories. Starring Monica Bellucci, Robert De Niro and Michele Placido. The film will touch on three ages - “youth”, “maturity” and “after”. In his “youth”, lawyer Roberto falls in love with another woman before his wedding. In “maturity”, Fabio’s faithful husband unexpectedly falls in love with a young beauty. And the part after will tell the story of Adrian, who after the divorce moved to Rome to heal his wounds.

Best deal/ La migliore offerta (2012)

Another outstanding work by Giuseppe Tornatore, which received a high rating and many awards. The plot centers on auctioneer and collector Virgil Oldman (Geoffrey Rush), who is involved in scams involving outstanding works of art. Suddenly he receives an order from a mysterious stranger who has not left her house for 12 years. Arriving at her mansion, an elderly art connoisseur realizes that his life must completely change.

Great beauty/ La grande bellezza (2013)

The main thing you need to know about this film by Paolo Sorrentino is that in 2013 he received an Oscar for Best Foreign Film. The film conveys the spirit of modern Rome through the story of writer Jep Gambardella. The 65-year-old man takes everything from life - he lives in an apartment overlooking the Colosseum, does not leave clubs at night and hangs out in the art scene. His life suddenly changes when he learns of the death of his first love.

Of course, these are not all the outstanding masterpieces of Italian cinema, but they are definitely some of the best. With the help of these films you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Italy and enjoy Italian speech in the original.

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