The bride and groom surprised the guests with a cool first dance. first dance of the bride and groom shock

The first dance of newlyweds is a tradition that has come to us from time immemorial. The wedding dance of the bride and groom originated at the turn of the 17th century. Until these times, in Rus', wedding celebrations were accompanied by an equally beautiful spectacle, namely round dances.

But, as you know, everything flows and changes. And collective dances at weddings are a thing of the past. Today no one asks the question of what caused this change. The main thing remains that the dance of the bride and groom is not only a legacy of the past, but also a way to show all those invited all their love and devotion to each other.

How to make the first dance of the newlyweds look spectacular and at the same time touching, we will now discuss.

What does a wedding dance consist of?

The dance of the bride and groom basically contains four main points that should not be overlooked.

They must be indicated in a certain sequence.

  1. The first thing to determine is the style. Will the first wedding dance be slow or fast? The most common option is the dance of the bride and groom in the classical style. An alternative is a surprise dance. The choice of style is largely determined by the overall focus of the wedding celebration.
  2. The dance of the bride and groom is good when the appropriate composition is chosen correctly. Don't rush into choosing musical accompaniment. You need to listen to several tunes. And give preference to the one that will make the wedding dance easy and relaxed. Before you finally decide, it is important to combine the wedding style, dance moves and the composition itself.
  3. You can stage a wedding dance either independently or turn to professionals for help.
  4. The dance of the bride and groom requires careful preparation, so you should practice at home a few days before the celebration. And this is also an additional opportunity to be alone with each other.

There is no need to be afraid of possible mistakes in movements. The first wedding dance has a certain meaning. The dance of the bride and groom is a demonstration of love. Therefore, you should not treat it like an exam, feeling the horror of failing it in advance. Don’t forget about improvisation, and then no one will notice that the bride and groom’s dance looks awkward.

Wedding dance - what it can be

The dance of the bride and groom can be classic, fast, or have inserts among the composition that no one expects. A few words about each of these options.

Classic wedding dance involves choosing a traditional waltz. This not only looks beautiful, but also adds elegance to the overall concept of the wedding celebration. The dance of the bride and groom in this case is able to convey all your feelings, and, no less important, skillfully present the wedding dress.

In this case, there is another important advantage that speaks in favor of such a choice. The slow dance of the bride and groom simplifies the selection of the composition.

In this aspect, mention should be made of tango, which is a true manifestation of love. This decision makes the wedding dance of the bride and groom passionate. But preparing for tango is much more difficult than preparing for a classic waltz. If, nevertheless, the choice is made in favor of tango, then such a dance of the bride and groom will give everyone present, and even the heroes of the celebration themselves, indescribable sensations.

Today, many newlyweds are moving away from previous traditions, preferring a fast pace. In this case, the wedding dance of the bride and groom will be a surprise for the guests. However, staging such a dance between the bride and groom is not easy. It is desirable that at least initial dance skills are present.

And finally, a wedding dance that has inserts among the composition. The most difficult option. There must be a sense of rhythm and, of course, a certain skill. This type of wedding dance will take the most time to prepare.

What else to surprise your invited guests with?

The most exciting moment at a wedding will be the dance of the bridesmaids. This is a kind of gift for the newlyweds from their close circle. The bridesmaids' dance can be performed independently or with the participation of the bride herself.

The main point will be that the dance of the bridesmaids brings an additional zest to the wedding celebration.

The dance of the bride with her bridesmaids, like the dance of the bridesmaids itself, begins with the choice of outfits. And only after that the desired composition is selected and the appropriate movements are choreographed.

If the option “dance of the bride with her bridesmaids” is chosen, then the main part should be performed by the bride herself. In any case, the dance of the bridesmaids should be synchronized and fiery.

To enhance the effect, the dance of the bridesmaids should be supplemented with some decorations, for example, ribbons or fans. This will further attract the attention of the guests. And the bridesmaids’ dance itself will become more sophisticated and will truly look like a gift.

When making plans for the upcoming celebration, it is important to remember that both the dance of the bride with her bridesmaids and the dance of the bridesmaids separately will bring a lot of positive emotions that will be remembered for many years.

Another important addition to the wedding evening

The bride's dance can be performed not only with the groom or with the bridesmaids, but also with her father. Typically, the father-daughter wedding dance is the most sensual addition to the wedding evening.

The first, of course, will be the dance of the bride and groom. Then, in the middle of the celebration, the bridesmaids dance as a gift. And the final moment is the bride's dance with her father.

This sequence allows you to experience a lot of exciting moments. First is a love story, after which, at the height of the fun, an additional charge of vivacity is given by the dance of the bridesmaids. And at the end of the evening, when everyone is already tired, the lyrical dance of the bride and her father will awaken new emotions among the invited guests.

A wedding is a grandiose event in the life of young people, and every couple dreams that the celebration will be perfect: for this it is necessary to carefully think through all the details of the festive scenario. The highlight of the program after the registration of the marital relationship will be the wedding dance of the bride and groom, which opens a large-scale celebration. In order for the dance performance to look truly magnificent and touching, the heroes of the occasion will have to take care of preparing their performance in advance.

What should the wedding dance of the bride and groom be like?

What the first dance of newlyweds will be like depends on individual choice. Each couple has their own special story that can be told through a dance number. It can be a gentle, innocent, sweet dance of people in love, tenderly holding hands, or a passionate, playful action, hinting at the “hot” nature of the relationship between the bride and groom. The choice of dance should be determined solely by the taste of young people, their vision of their own union - only such a number will touch the hearts of the guests present.

Options for the wedding dance itself may be different, but a common point still exists - all movements must be well rehearsed. Surely many have slow danced at various events or danced fun rhythms in clubs, but this is completely different from what the first performance of young people as husband and wife will be like. Even if both spouses have good abilities and get into the rhythm, this does not guarantee that they will look good during the performance, so it is important to conduct at least a few rehearsals.

  • The ideal option is a dance choreographed by a wedding choreographer who has created many original numbers for couples. A specialist can easily identify the weak points, see the strengths of the bride and groom, and help choose the optimal musical accompaniment to fully express the newlyweds’ idea. If the heroes of the occasion are not very strong in the art of dancing, a professional wedding choreographer will make the movements as simple as possible, but majestic and graceful.
  • If the bride and groom do not want to spend money on the services of a specialist, they still need to rehearse. This can be done at home or in the banquet hall where the celebration will take place. It will be useful to dance while wearing wedding shoes, and the future wife should definitely practice in a crinoline skirt if the festive outfit is lush. If there are no mirrors at the place of practice, you need to ask someone to film the dance on a mobile phone or camera in order to later review the video and correct the movements, improve the wedding staging.

Options for the newlyweds' first dance at a wedding

There are many options for the wedding dance of the bride and groom. It can be a touching classic Viennese waltz, a slow waltz, a vibrant Argentine tango, a playful samba, a graceful rumba or an individually thought-out production. If there is a themed wedding, the main characters of the holiday can create a real costume performance that reflects the style of the event. 2 months before the celebration, it is better to study the options for already existing numbers for the newlyweds, so that you can ultimately come up with something of your own - unique and interesting.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an interesting genre of dance performance as surprise dance. Typically, this dance begins with a slow classical melody that has gained popularity among couples getting married. The bride and groom tenderly hug each other, moving to the beat, and the guests prepare for a sweet, graceful performance. After some time (40-60 seconds), the music stops abruptly, the spouses look at each other in surprise and after a few moments begin to dance fervently to a completely different composition - rock and roll, oriental, Latin.

This element of the wedding program looks especially impressive if the bride is wearing a transformable dress with a removable skirt - there will be no limit to the surprise of the guests from the sudden change of scenery. The production must be individual, and it should be done exclusively together with the choreographer, so as not to turn an unusual, beautiful performance into a clown act.

Traditional slow

Traditional slow dance is perfect for a couple with a tender relationship. The number will emphasize the sincere love of the spouses and will make the guests touch. It can be an elegant waltz or an exquisite Latin rumba - it all depends on the desires of the newlyweds. Slow production is perfect for an event in a strict classical style. Watch the video of the newlyweds dancing a gorgeously choreographed slow dance number:

Original and unusual

For the bride and groom who want to emphasize the individuality of the couple, staging an unusual wedding dance, which is rarely seen at such celebrations, is perfect. It could be a beautiful tango, hinting at passion between partners, or something from the Latin American program - a languid cha-cha-cha, colorful samba, fast-paced jive or a magnificent paso doble. In the video, the main characters of the holiday beautifully dance the original cha-cha-cha dance:

Cool dance of the bride and groom video

A surprise dance is an unusual performance that will delight the guests of the event and allow the newlyweds to cheerfully open the dance program of a beautiful holiday. To create such a performance, you need to make a cut of your favorite songs, come up with interesting movements, and rehearse them all well. Watch a video of a cool dance where the bride and groom dance magnificently to a medley of different songs - from oriental melodies to electronic tectonics.

Music and songs for the first dance of young people

Another important stage in preparing a wedding dance number is choosing a song. Some couples know long before the wedding what the tune of their first dance as husband and wife will be, but for many this question remains unresolved several months before the holiday. Firstly, the song should reflect the nature of the relationship between the future spouses. This could be a composition that symbolizes the acquaintance of a young couple and their plans for the future. Secondly, the melody should perfectly suit the style of dance that the newly married couple wants to perform.

You should also take into account the abilities of the newlyweds: for example, how easy it is for them to fall into the rhythmic pattern of the production. Some choreographers note that the song chosen by the future newlyweds can be extremely difficult to dance. This is especially true for melodies without words, where there are no clear accents - then the bride and groom have a chance to skip the transition to the next part of the dance. In this case, it is recommended to replace the song with one that has words, or select a composition with pronounced transitions for ease of perception.

Most young couples prefer music without words or English songs, but many Russian compositions also fit perfectly and highlight the beautiful wedding atmosphere. See a selection of popular tunes that have gained popularity among newlyweds choosing tracks to perform their joint dance number at the event:

  • Sara Brightman – Hijo de la Luna
  • Eros Ramazzotti and Tina Turner – Cose della Vita
  • Tony Braxton – Unbreak my heart
  • Destination - In plain sight
  • Florence and the Machine – Never let me go
  • Diana Gurskaya - To be with you

On the website you can download the video for free “The bride and groom SURPRISED THE GUESTS with a cool FIRST DANCE OF THE YOUNG. The first dance of the bride and groom is SHOCK” or watch this video online in good quality. Video and audio materials are presented for informational purposes only!

The bride and groom SURPRISED THE GUESTS with a cool FIRST DANCE OF THE YOUNG. Watch the first dance of the young bride and groom. GUESTS ARE SHOCKED
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A wedding celebration is unthinkable without the romantic dance of the newlyweds. This is a culminating moment that you and your loved ones will remember for a lifetime. And if you are ready to put a little effort into this, I will be happy to help you. This experience will stay with you forever. And at any big celebration or small party you will be able to show off your extraordinary talent, spinning in the rush of an eternally young waltz.
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Awesome show
This is the most unusual wedding dance! It starts with a regular waltz, and then!...The bride and groom really rock it!

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Good afternoon to all visitors to my blog! How often life gives you a chance to try something new and unusual, but people don’t dare for a number of reasons. And the first dance of the newlyweds can be safely attributed to such an amazing chance. Today I would like to discuss the wedding dance of the bride and groom, video lessons for which are extremely important during preparation for the special event.

I am sure that the article will be useful to those couples who are afraid that they will not succeed. As a good friend of mine said, it is better to regret what you have done than to grieve over what you never tried to start. Perhaps the original phrase belonged to one of the classics, but history is silent about this.

Is self-training so scary?

For those who do not see any particular importance in the performance of the bride and groom, I would like to highlight a few points:

  1. Do you seriously think that only you need the first dance, and the guests don’t care? Oh, how wrong you are. Of course, if you delay the performance, there is a risk that the condition of those present will not allow them to fully enjoy the performance. But I am sure that among those invited there will be well-mannered and civilized people. And they will come to the wedding celebration in order to rejoice with the newlyweds, and not to pay tribute to the great Bacchus.
  2. In 99% of cases, the dance of the newlyweds is an important event for the guests, and if it is a surprise, then there will be a great opportunity to have fun and improve the mood.
  3. The performance of the newlyweds sets the tone for the entire festive event and becomes the beginning of the dance evening. It's nice to know that you encouraged your guests to get up from their seats and get active.

I hope I have convinced you that dancing is important and necessary. Now let's move on to the main part of the question - is it possible to come up with and rehearse a number yourself?

Matching Styles

There are enough videos on YouTube from which the most clumsy person can learn to dance. Any doubts? Remember the people who went towards their goal and achieved their goal, and ask yourself: why are you worse? And in order for your expectations to be met, I would advise you not to reinvent the wheel and stick to lessons for beginners. Simply copying the performances of other newlyweds will not give the same results as practicing your own movements. Among the areas I would highlight:

  1. Good old waltz. All you need is a spacious room for the training process and an idea of ​​a banquet hall. The way the newlyweds bump into tables and walls will be captured in photos and videos - don’t forget.
  2. A slow dance It is considered traditional, and its installation requires a minimum of effort. It is enough to add a little zest to ordinary movements - and the act is ready. It is not necessary to resort to the help of a choreographer.
  3. Original dance will allow young people to show creativity and individuality. You can come up with funny skits to match the music or rehearse a mix.

Don't be afraid to show courage and imagination! Yes, everyone is waiting for a romantic number, but what’s stopping you from making the performance bright, memorable and fun? Of course, you shouldn’t go too far with shocking behavior, so as not to cause a heart attack in the great-grandmother on the groom’s side. But you shouldn’t push yourself into a framework if your soul strives to be free.

Main shortcomings

At home? Of course at home!

At home, everyone is able to learn the main movements - this can help you video course by choreographer Elena Zaitseva. First, decide on the musical accompaniment after you have chosen your performance style. It is advisable to download several songs at once to choose the most suitable one.

The optimal time for dancing is 2.5-3 minutes, so as not to get lost and not to tire the guests - this must be taken into account. It looks a little rough when the song is shortened by artificially increasing the volume.

Have you decided to perform a regular slow dance, like at a disco? I strongly disapprove. During the evening there will be a million opportunities to dance “for the soul”. It’s not the best option when the newlyweds simply hug each other and spin around in place. They even “circle” - I called it a stretch, but rather stomp around. Give those present a gift, surprise and delight your parents. There may not be any unrealistic pirouettes and complex lifts, but a few movements can turn the dance into an interesting performance.

Oh, I almost forgot the advice that one of my subscribers told me:

Guys, I appeal to you - do not abuse alcohol before the dance number.

It’s clear what Russian weddings are like without strong drinks. But you don’t want the degrees to affect the quality of the room, do you? How about upsetting the bride on the first day of her married life? Should I upset my parents and make them lose face in front of the guests? Same thing. Keep yourself in control and within the bounds of decency - and you will have happiness and memories in the video for many years.

The beautiful wedding dance of the bride and groom is another highlight of every wedding. This is the newlyweds' way of self-expression, their attempt to show people their love, passion and sincerity. It is not surprising that so much attention is paid to the first dance. Which song and dance style should you choose? Should I contact a choreographer or do it myself? These and many other questions occupy the thoughts of the bride and groom before the wedding. Look for answers to them in our article today.

Usually the first dance of the bride and groom at a wedding takes place in the first half of the banquet, preceding its unofficial part. With this dance, young people must express all the diversity of feelings in their hearts: love, tenderness, passion, understanding, care, devotion...

Traditionally, they choose classical performances such as the waltz to slow melodic music. This dance very clearly demonstrates the love and tenderness of the newlyweds and makes the hearts of the guests skip a beat.

However, the wedding dance of the newlyweds must necessarily correspond to their lifestyle and the characteristics of their relationships. Agree, not all couples are suitable for romantic and slow dancing. That is why recently a wide variety of styles are increasingly being chosen as the first dance: samba, rumba, paso doble, cha-cha-cha, tango and many others. After all, this is your wedding - so who can stop you from expressing yourself? If the bride and groom are overcome by passionate and stormy feelings, the classic waltz will definitely not convey their attitude towards each other.

In addition, the quality of the wedding dance also affects its perception. And here there are two options: either the dance is choreographed by a professional choreographer, or you rehearse all the movements yourself. Even if you both consider yourself good dancers, it is worth considering that the newlywed dance is something new for you. For a matter of minutes you will find yourself the center of attention of several dozen people. That is why your movements must be correct, coordinated and graceful. The choice of production depends on the availability of free time and your budget.

An experienced choreographer who produces wedding dances costs a lot of money. However, the total amount depends on the number of classes (the more complex the dance, the more rehearsals are needed) and the prices of the individual. If you're on a budget, you can find a dance teacher with low rates and choose an easier dance. Otherwise, you can rehearse yourself. To do this, it is best to choose a banquet hall or a hall with mirrors so that you have space and can see your movements in the mirror. Another option is to film your dance so you can analyze your mistakes and correct them later.

So, what do you need to choreograph the bride and groom's first dance? First of all, you need to choose a dance style. If your wedding has a specific theme, the dance should reflect that as well. The choreographer will certainly be able to help you choose and suggest the best movements based on your capabilities. What you can dance: classic romantic waltz, passionate Argentine tango, frank rumba, unsurpassed samba, original cha-cha-cha or playful salsa. The choice also depends on the bride’s outfit: the longer the dress, the more difficult it is to dance. On average, couples need 4 - 6 sessions.

Recently, wedding dances with surprises have become increasingly popular. It consists in the fact that the newlyweds dance several dances at once in one, but the guests are not aware of the idea. It usually starts with a slow romantic melody, and then suddenly gives way to fiery rock and roll, Latin and other songs. It is quite difficult to dance to an unusual medley; it will require you to have the necessary skills and a lot of rehearsals. But on the other hand, you will be able to amaze the guests of the holiday and will probably go down in family history.

Songs for wedding dance

Choosing a song for the first wedding dance is a key point in preparing the number. Even if you turned to the best choreographer in the world, it is better to search for the melody yourself. The fact is that music reflects your character, your relationship, and is part of your love story. Perhaps it will be a melody associated with a first date or a declaration of love. Each couple has special songs known only to them. Dancing to such music, you will not be able to spoil the impression of the dance. And no one, even the most advanced choreographer, can make such a choice for you.

The music for the first wedding dance should match the style. If it's a classic waltz, choose a romantic slow song. It can be just a melody without words, but usually it is more difficult to dance to such music, since the couple does not always feel the transitions from one movement to another. The song for the first wedding dance can be Russian or foreign: modern pop music is so diverse that it is usually difficult to choose from several compositions. If you are putting on a dance with a surprise, you will need to cut melodies. There is special music for dancing in other styles. It would be best to discuss possible options with the choreographer, since he will know better what kind of music will be easier for you to dance to.