A healthy daily routine for a schoolchild. Student’s daily routine: how to create and follow

The benefits of having a routine are talked about all over the world. The correct daily routine allows you to correctly distribute the load and form biological rhythms. The psychological development of the child depends on this.

Rational distribution of time, taking into account rest, makes the child more collected and disciplined. Such qualities are very important in modern life. In addition, this will avoid overwork and nervousness, to which children are very susceptible.

School life makes significant changes to the usual rhythm. Children who attended kindergarten adapt more easily. However, they also need the right regime. What to consider when creating an ideal daily routine?

  1. Location of the school. The farther the school is from home, the earlier you need to get up. The baby should have enough time to calmly get ready and have breakfast;
  2. Gymnastics. Simple physical exercises, which will take 10 minutes to complete, will help get your child into a working mood and drive away drowsiness. Psychologists advise doing exercises with your baby. Upbeat and cheerful music combined with a well-ventilated room will help you quickly get into great shape and recharge your energy for the whole day.
  3. Breakfast. Both children and adults need a healthy breakfast. However, you should not force your baby to eat if he doesn’t want to. Look for compromises and cook something that your child will eat with pleasure.
  4. Morning walk. Try not to turn going to school into a race. A morning walk with calm steps will allow the baby to maintain a good mood. At this time, you can chat with your child and get some fresh air, so you should leave the house with plenty of time before the start of classes.
  5. Afternoon rest. Research shows that many children are very tired after school. Difficulties in adapting to the school process only aggravate this indicator. After school, it is worth giving your child the opportunity to relax and do pleasant things.
  6. Daytime sleep. A nap during the day will help you cope with fatigue. If the baby is ready to sleep during the day, do not interfere with him. In the case of first-graders, daytime sleep, according to doctors, should become a mandatory procedure.
  7. Active games in the fresh air. This is another way to recover from mental work.
  8. A first grader is recommended to eat every four hours. At the same time, they must sleep at least 10 hours a day. Even a slight lack of sleep has a negative impact on the health and well-being of the baby. A child aged 6-7 years should go to bed no later than 9 pm.

What should be the daily routine of a schoolchild?

When drawing up an approximate daily routine for a schoolchild, it is worth taking into account time for rest, completing assignments, playing, etc. For each age category, the daily routine has its own characteristics.

The correct daily routine for a primary school student

A lot depends on the rational distribution of time of a primary school student. Doctors recommend following the following tips:

  • Getting up at 7:00 – 7:30 is the most favorable time for waking up;
  • Exercise and hygiene procedures - 7:30-7:45. Exercise will help your baby to cheer up and get into the rhythm of work;
  • Breakfast 7:45-8:00. Breakfast helps maintain high performance and health of the child. Violation of the time intervals between meals negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system, as well as the baby’s appetite;
  • Stay at school 8:30 – 12:30. At this time, the baby should concentrate on the learning process;
  • Walk in the fresh air 12:30 -13:00. After school, the child should rest and relieve mental stress. Outdoor games are suitable for this. The walking time can be adjusted;
  • Lunch 13:00-13:30;
  • Daytime nap 14:00-15:30. The recommended nap time is an hour to an hour and a half. Pediatricians all over the world insist that sleep should be a mandatory part of the daily routine for first-graders;
  • Outdoor games 15:30-16:30. During the day, the child should spend at least three hours in the fresh air;
  • Afternoon tea 16:30-17:00;
  • Independent classes 17:00-18:00. After this, you can also go outside with your baby or visit a section that he likes;
  • Dinner 19:00-19:30;
  • Household duties 19:30-20:00. A first-grader should already be able to cope with his responsibilities perfectly. He can clean the room, put away toys and provide care for the pet;
  • Evening walk 20:00-20:30. Before going to bed, it is very useful to take an evening walk at a calm pace;
  • Hygiene procedures 20:30-21:00;
  • Night rest from 21:00.

Ideal daily routine for a senior student

A senior student develops many hobbies of his own. At the same time, he does not need to sleep during the day. However, such a child also needs to recuperate after a difficult school day. For this, it is recommended to take walks in the fresh air or visit sports clubs, which he can attend in the evening or immediately after school.

It is also necessary to find time to prepare homework. It is best to do your homework before 20:00. After eight o'clock in the evening, a person's performance decreases significantly. Preparing for the future school day at this time is not only useless, but also harmful, since the child’s memory and nervous system are already overloaded.

It is worth noting that graduate students spend a lot of time studying. This is due to admission to higher education institutions and serious workloads. Finding time to exercise is almost impossible. This is the main mistake. Lack of exercise leads to serious health problems. And the best rest is a change of activity, so try to provide your child with at least minimal physical activity.

Second shift student mode

Organizing a child’s competent routine by the hour during the second shift is much more difficult. However, parents should try to help their child manage time correctly. Many people believe that studying during the second shift allows the child to sleep longer, while the time of night sleep shifts. It is not right. The student must go to bed no later than 9 pm and get up no later than 7:30 am. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should take place at the same time as for students during the first shift. The main changes in the regime concern the time spent preparing for lessons. It is best to do them in the morning.

Here's a sample daily schedule:

  • Getting up, hygiene procedures, exercises, making bed - 7:00 - 7:30;
  • Breakfast 7:30-7:45;
  • Walk in the fresh air 8:00-8:30;
  • Preparation for lessons 8:30 – 10:30;
  • Second breakfast - 10:45;
  • Free time and walk – 11:20 – 13:00;
  • Lunch 13:00 – 13:30;
  • School lessons 14:00-18:20;
  • Street walk from 18:30-19:10;
  • Dinner – 19:30;
  • Free time until 20:15;
  • Getting ready for bed and sleeping -20:00-20:30.

For a child on vacation

Holidays are any child’s favorite time, because now there is no need to go to school. However, this time must also be organized correctly for the student. It is recommended to maintain the child's sleep and wake times. Plus, you need to spend your free time from classes as useful as possible. What is worth remembering when organizing a routine for the summer?

First of all, the child should get enough sleep. Here it is not recommended to deviate from the usual time boundaries.

Secondly, the child’s diet should be varied and balanced. During the summer holidays, children should gain maximum strength. Moreover, we have everything for this: fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

Third, the health of the child is a priority for parents. If you can’t go to the seaside, then it would be nice to spend more time outside the city in the fresh air.

Fourth, summer is not the time to stop studying. We are not talking about daily workload in full. The child should continue to read books, watch educational programs, etc.

Video: a sample of a schoolchild’s daily routine

This video will show you how to properly organize a child’s daily routine and how important this is for his harmonious growth and development. After watching, you will learn how to allocate time for sleep, rest, study, food and walks, and you will also be able to personally evaluate the proposed daily routine, which is considered ideal for children depending on different age categories.

A properly planned daily routine organizes the child, helps him to be collected and neat. Junior and senior schoolchildren should have their own daily routine, which would correspond to the physiological characteristics of a particular age.

In elementary school, special attention is paid to such processes as teaching perseverance, attention, and memorization. In a small schoolchild, these processes are not yet mature, but are in the stage of active development. In a high school student, attention should be paid to perseverance, since he is capable of writing, reading and remembering information, but due to entering puberty, perseverance is replaced by laziness.

For all age groups, it is very important not only to develop your intellect, but also to take care of your physical health.

How to structure your day so that you can do everything, not get tired and stay healthy?

Rise at 6.30 - 7.00.

The schoolchild's day should begin with an active awakening: pouring cold water on the face, hands and feet. This express method of awakening will not only force all the body’s forces to mobilize, but also has a hardening effect.

Breakfast at 7.10 – 7.30

Prepare a delicious hot dish for breakfast for your schoolchild. Breakfast should be rich and high in calories. Don’t worry about your child’s figure – all these calories will be “eaten up” by the brain during the first hours of school. It is known that after a rich, hearty breakfast, hunger sets in later, closer to 12 noon, and all the mental activity of a schoolchild is aimed at studying, and not at comprehending the feeling of hunger.

Road to school 7.40 – 8.00

Send your child from home to school 10-15 minutes early, let him spend this extra time outside, breathing fresh air. The blood is saturated with oxygen, providing the child with a “fresh” head and vigor.

School classes 8.00 – 12.00

Give your child a snack between breaks. Nuts, sweet buns, and sweet tea are very useful for mental activity. The snack should be not so much filling as sweet – the brain really needs glucose during the study period. A huge amount of energy is spent by the body on mental and mental processes. It would seem that the brain is very small compared to the whole body, but during intense moments of study, more energy is spent on its maintenance than on the muscles when running.

During classroom activities, the child’s intelligence increases, but his health deteriorates:

Long static posture while sitting causes the appearance of scoliosis and scoliotic posture

Muscles weaken

Blood supply to muscles and brain is disrupted

Periods of short-term but frequent stress harm the nervous system

At the end of the school day, the child is sleepy and tired.

Digestive problems may occur due to irregular and unhealthy diet.

Vision deteriorates

If you don’t care for a child and don’t organize his routine, then school can become, no matter how terrible it sounds, a crippling phenomenon.

For elementary school students:

The way home, a walk after school, sports section 12.00 – 14.00.

After school, the child needs some time to “blow off steam” in the fresh air. If he fell asleep in class, then outside he becomes physically active, his muscles are saturated with oxygen, fatigue is relieved, and his cheeks turn pink.

Daytime nap 14.00 – 16.00

If a child has been accustomed to sleeping during the day since kindergarten, then this rosy-cheeked, cheerful fellow must be put to bed during the day, according to the old habit, having been fed a hot lunch beforehand. Until approximately 15.00-16.00, the child will have a daytime nap.

Doing homework 16.00 – 19.00

After a nap, it's time to do homework with him. It should be remembered that elementary school students get tired very quickly, not to mention their poor perseverance and absent-mindedness. It doesn’t take long for them to write continuously – no more than 10 minutes. When reading continuously, they get tired even faster. Therefore, take short breaks for physical activity while reading or writing. After completing one lesson, take a long break and then move on to the next subject. There is no need to study lessons until the night; a couple of hours is enough. The fact is that after 19.00 the performance of a junior high school student sharply decreases and everything that he reads or writes will not be deposited in his head. And in order to complete all the homework in a couple of hours, use gaming techniques to complete the task: if the child does not understand mathematics well, analyze this example using his favorite toys, and instead of reading, arrange a small one-man show - this way the child will remember the images better, and the text will be easy for him .

Walks and sports clubs, time to socialize with family and friends 19.00 – 21.00

After 19.00 is the time for active walks or sports sections. During school years, it is best to send your child to active, play sports or the swimming pool. Of course, it’s good if you raise your child to be a comprehensively developed personality who speaks five languages, understands the paintings of Van Gogh and Picasso, and embroiders with cross stitch, satin stitch and ribbons. But, alas, this lifestyle will not improve your health. It would be ideal if you can combine all interest groups (often according to the interests of the parents, not the child) - both sports and handicrafts and intellectual ones, but, nevertheless, you need to choose in favor of sports and physical development.

Sleep 21.00 – 7.00

Night sleep for a primary school student should begin no later than 10 p.m. Before going to bed, parents should try as much as possible to balance the child’s mental state: reduce his activity, calm him down. To do this, dim the lights in the apartment, eliminate all noisy sources (TV, radio), give the child warm milk and honey, and ventilate the bedroom. In this case, falling asleep will be physiological, without overexcitation.

For high school students.

Adult students do not need to sleep during the day. But it is necessary to unload the nervous and musculoskeletal system. For this, the same walks after school and sports clubs are recommended. A high school student can go to the sections both immediately after school and after 19.00.

It is best to study lessons from 15.00 to 20.00. After 20.00 the student’s performance decreases and memory deteriorates. There is no point in studying further lessons - the nervous system is overloaded, the eyes are tired, the head may hurt, and symptoms of overwork appear.

High school students have a lot of extracurricular work - from clubs within the school itself to preparation for university. Sometimes all the time is spent on these preparations, and there is no time left for physical development. It is not right. Lack of muscle training leads to poor posture, flat feet, decreased tone and the appearance of asthenia. It is important for parents to organize sports activities on weekends when the student is busy on a daily basis. It is clear that strumming a guitar or communicating on the Internet is often more interesting than physical development. Therefore, the important mission of parents is to somehow influence their child and engage in his physical development.

Rise 7.30 – 8.00

Breakfast, water procedures 8.00 – 9.00

Second shift students are advised to get up no later than 8.00. You need to start the day with an invigorating douche of cold water on your face, hands and feet or a general contrast shower. Then be sure to have a tasty and hearty breakfast, giving preference to high-calorie but healthy foods.

Doing homework 9.00 – 11.00

After breakfast, ventilate the room and do some homework.

Lunch, getting ready for school 11.00 – 12.00

You need to have a hearty lunch before school. Lunch, unlike breakfast, should consist of meat dishes and, preferably, soup. A hearty meat lunch will help stave off the feeling of hunger for a long time.

School classes 13.00 – 17.00

After classes, it's time to go to the sports section. For high school students, when they are heavily loaded with additional classes, it is optimal to spend time in sections at least twice on weekdays and always on weekends.

Walks, sections, clubs 17.00 – 19.00

Doing homework 19.00 – 21.00

After 19.00, when the student returns home, you can learn some of the lessons. Go to bed no later than 22.00-23.00.

The life of a student cannot be regulated by lessons and strict discipline. The child has a lot of other important things to do - friends, a computer, a skateboard, shopping, riding a bike and much more.

Important! At the beginning of the week, the child becomes accustomed to the learning process. It lasts until the middle of the week, when peak performance is observed. By the end of the week, performance decreases sharply; Thursday and Friday are especially difficult days. If we consider performance during the day, it reaches its peak at 12.00-13.00 and at 16.00-19.00.

Based on the weekly peaks of performance, it is necessary to plan the section schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as weekends. On weekdays, a child attending school during the second shift must go to the section immediately after school, and on weekends - after 10.00 or in the evening from 16.00-19.00

A separate complex topic remains the computer and television in the student’s daily routine. Nowadays, all children, starting from diapers, know how to handle technology. By the time they graduate from school, many children become gambling addicts. This menacing trend worries both parents and pediatricians and psychologists. It is extremely difficult to wean a child from the computer, because the attachment formed in childhood is very difficult to give up. Therefore, only by their personal example can parents show their child that there are many things in life that are much more interesting than a computer. Pediatricians advise spending no more than 2 hours a week on the monitor.

Attention! While doing homework, do not distract your child with small errands: turn off the kettle, open the door, hand over something. Such little things distract attention and disorganize. For subsequent work, the child needs a lot of effort to “pull himself together” and get back into learning.

Make sure that everything is prepared for school in the evening - clothes are ironed, shoes are clean, books are in the backpack. Constant disorganization neuroticizes and slows down the child - he becomes sloppy and forgetful.

Consistency is important for a child - help him go to bed and get up at the same time every day, always prepare a fresh breakfast, check his lessons, the main thing is that this should not be done in bursts, but systematically. A child's educational success largely depends on the parents!

For a student, the most important activities are not only at school, but also at home. In addition to them, he also needs active recreation, which should take place in the fresh air as much as possible. Equally important for the functioning of the body is proper and healthy sleep. In order for everything to fit into a full day, you need a daily routine.

We have already clarified the most important points. Now we will consider additional, but in more detail, and summarize the knowledge gained.


A schoolchild's morning should always begin with exercise. Exercises should be chosen that involve all muscle groups.

During charging, it is necessary to ensure that the child begins charging with simple stretches. Then he smoothly moved on to the muscles of the arms, as well as the shoulder girdle. After that, he started working on the muscles of the torso and only then the legs.

It is advisable that morning exercises end with jumping and running, which can be done on the spot. It is worth adjusting the lesson time based on the child’s age. The interval can be from ten minutes to half an hour. With age, it is necessary to increase the complexity of the exercises, as well as the speed of their implementation, but gradually.

Ideally, morning exercises should be done outside or in a well-ventilated area.

Morning hygiene

The daily routine should include hygienic water procedures. For a schoolchild, taking a shower after completing hygiene procedures is a very important point.

A good shower will quickly relieve drowsiness. If it is impossible to place this item, the shower can be replaced by washing with cold water.


An integral point that cannot be sacrificed. It is worth remembering that breakfast for a school-age child must be hot and quite filling. Equally important is the moment of calm while eating food. At this time, it is necessary to exclude from your vocabulary such expressions as:

  • eat faster;
  • you'll wait in the corridor;
  • why so slow;
  • swallow and get dressed.

Watching TV during breakfast is strictly prohibited. The atmosphere should be friendly and there should be silence all around.

It is also necessary to ensure that the child’s daily dose is at least 2300 kcal. An equally important point is the student’s adherence to food intake and refusal of any snacks.

Road to school

When creating a daily routine for your student, you need to consider that the path from home to school should be a short morning walk. In the case when a child is dropped off by car, it is worth stopping a fifteen-minute walk and getting some fresh air. However, in the latter case, weather conditions must be taken into account.

School time

This point of conversation should include the mandatory presence of a second breakfast. Even if you don’t trust the school canteen, you should come to terms with its menu and give your child the opportunity to eat something warm, thus refusing dry food and various kinds of snacks. The second breakfast fills the baby with 15% of the total kcal requirement for successful studies at school.

Let's go home

In this case, returning home should also turn into a pleasant walk. In the case when a child attends after-school or classes, it is worth checking whether a daytime walk is included in their daily routine; it is important for the student.


It should fall at 13:00 and end at 13:30. In nutrition mode, it occupies a central place. It should also take place in absolute silence and a favorable environment. A great idea would be the opportunity to have lunch with the whole family, as well as dinner.

From lunch to dinner

This period of time should include:

  • afternoon nap;
  • time period of active games;
  • afternoon snack;
  • preparing homework;
  • evening rest.

It is worth noting that, if possible, an afternoon nap should be provided for the student, which must be introduced into his daily routine. If this is not possible, sleep can always be replaced with ordinary rest.

Preparing homework should fit within the time period between 16:00 and 18:00, when the child’s body experiences another biological surge of activity. Preparing homework should smoothly develop into evening relaxation. The time allocated for it is from 18:00 to 19:00.

Dinner and getting ready for bed

The whole family needs to get together for dinner. It is also worth making sure that it is much easier for the child in relation to breakfast and lunch and takes place no later than 19:00. The day should end with preparation for bed. This period can be up to 30 minutes. Approximately from 20:00 to 20:30, the child should:

  • carry out the required hygiene procedures;
  • prepare clothes;
  • pack your briefcase and put all your school supplies in it.

The end of the working day should be a sound sleep. Due to heavy loads, its duration should be at least 9-10 hours at a normal room temperature of +18 C. Before going to bed, it is advisable to create positive emotions for the student.

The words “daily routine” make many people yawn and stretch. At first glance, the regime is something boring and monotonous; a routine repeated day after day. But, in fact, its importance for successful studies and maintaining the health of a student can hardly be overestimated.

In addition, the regime does not have to be boring at all; it all depends on what activities we fill it with.

Why does a schoolchild need a regime?

A little first grader cannot plan his day on his own. But there is so much to do: attend clubs, take a walk, do homework, go to bed on time. The child may well get carried away and forget even about dinner.

The daily routine is also stability, which is so important for the baby. After all, his life changed dramatically when he went to school. In this regard, it is advisable to develop the habit of a routine before September, so that a new stage begins for the child without unexpected difficulties such as getting up early.

Let's look at the approximate daily routine of a junior schoolchild and think about what interesting activities we can fill it with.

For those who study in 1st shift

7:00 – rise

The morning begins with exercise. There is no need to force the child to jump out of bed immediately after he opens his eyes; let the person recover a little after sleep. Otherwise, he will nod off all morning or go to school in a bad mood.

After the baby has finally woken up, you can start exercising, or give him extra time by sending him to the bathroom to wash his face.

7:00 – 7:30 – exercise

In the mode for primary school students, it can be accompanied by poetry or invigorating music. It will be great if it is some kind of funny song or rhyme that involves funny movements - the child will do it with pleasure, and he will be in a good mood.

A set of exercises should include load on all muscle groups: from top to bottom. That is, first the neck, shoulders, arms, then the torso and legs. At the end, you can run, jump and do calming breathing.

Remember, morning exercise is not strength training. Its main tasks are to finally wake up the child, disperse the blood and stretch the joints. Therefore, compose the complex taking into account the fact that the baby should cheer up and not get tired.

Charging should be done in a cool, ventilated area. In order to simultaneously strengthen your child, do tourniquet exercises in a room with an open window or vent. Change the music and exercise routine periodically so that your child doesn’t get bored.

Water procedures

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth after breakfast, and after sleep, just rinse with water. If you are against this approach, you can swap these procedures, but you don’t need to completely forget about brushing your mouth after breakfast.

If possible, you should set aside time for a shower while in student mode. Do you want to toughen up your child? Great! Start with warm water and gradually, day after day, reduce the temperature to 20-15 degrees. A contrast shower would also be a good option.

7:30 – 7:50 – breakfast

As you know, the most important meal of the day. Breakfast must be hot and high in calories. It is very good if you have breakfast with the whole family. Firstly, a friendly, warm family environment will put your baby in a positive mood and give you all time to be together. Unfortunately, in our time it is not so simple.

Secondly, children always imitate their parents, and if you show your child that breakfast in the morning is a must, this habit will guarantee that he will not have stomach problems in the future.

8:30 – 1 2:30 – school and road there and back

13.00 - 13.30 - lunch

After classes are over, the child returns home. A full hot lunch should be waiting for him there, and if no one can meet the first grader, you need to teach him how to heat up food on his own, or store it in a thermos.

13:30 – 14:30 – rest

The correct daily routine for a schoolchild involves 1-1.5 hours of afternoon rest. At this time you can sleep, play or take a walk. It is very undesirable to read, watch TV or work at the computer - your eyes need rest. Take care of your children's eyesight from an early age! No one will do this except you, especially the kids themselves.

Don't forget that your child, like any other person, needs time to be alone with himself. Don't deprive him of this opportunity.

14:30 – 16:00 – walk

16:00 – 16:15 – afternoon tea

16:15 – 17:30 – homework

In some schools, first-graders are given homework, in others - not. In any case, from the very beginning of education, you need to create a schedule for the student so that he has time for homework.

While there are no homework assignments at school, you can consolidate what you have learned in class or create assignments for your child yourself. Homework should become firmly established as a habit from the very first days. In high school, this will serve both your child and you well.

The home study regime for a 1st grade student should involve direct classes of no more than 30 minutes and 10-minute breaks. It's worth starting with easier tasks. Psychologists recommend helping a first-grader only if he tried it himself, but failed. And even then, do not give him a ready answer, but guide him, help him reach the solution to this or that problem.

The environment should be calm so that the child can concentrate. No need for extraneous conversations, TV, food, etc. In addition, the student must have

17:30 – 19:00 – free time

This time in the daily routine of a junior schoolchild is allocated for the child’s personal activities: games, watching TV (limited), walking, attending clubs.

It is worth noting that sending a child to extra education, be it a music or art school, at the same time when he enters the first grade - wrong. It turns out that there is too much workload, several new teams and an absolute lack of free time, there is no need to overload the baby like that.

You must register for additional training either a year before school, or only from the second grade. An excellent option would be a sports section or dance classes. Junior schoolchildren are still little children who love to run and jump. Moreover, they need it vitally for good growth and proper development. Therefore, it is so important that the baby can catch up on what he has missed during the day.

If it is not possible to play sports in a group, do it at home, or rather on the street. Devote your free time to an active walk in the fresh air.

19:00 - 20:00 - dinner

The simple habit of sharing your impressions and experiences will not allow you to miss something important in your child’s life, and will give you a real chance not to be among those parents who, after a few years, when asked “how are things at school?”, receive only a dry “fine.”


Organizing a student’s daily routine after dinner should include time for homework. Even a first-grader can help his parents clear the table, wash the dishes, tidy up his room, wash something (for example, his handkerchief or socks) and, of course, pack his school bag for tomorrow.


Don't be lazy and take a walk before bed for at least 20-30 minutes. If you have not yet had a chance to properly communicate with your child, this is an excellent opportunity to talk calmly.

There is no need to arrange any active games. The baby must calm down and breathe fresh air in order to sleep peacefully and soundly.

If the weather doesn't allow you to go out, do something as a family, like board games or reading some fascinating book, doing simple crafts.

Do not leave homework until this time. Even if the child looks cheerful, this is most likely a manifestation of overwork. Do not overestimate the strength of a younger student.

20:30 – 7:00 – sleep

We can talk endlessly about the importance of sleep in the daily routine of a primary school student. But, surely, every adult understands how important it is for a child to sleep at least 9 hours. He, of course, can sleep less and still feel great...for the time being. This will be followed by overwork, neurotic disorders, falling behind classmates and other unpleasant phenomena. Does your child and you need this?

If you have problems with going to bed, pay attention to what your child does before bed. It is necessary to exclude active games and TV shows that have a stimulating effect on the baby’s psyche, and try to smooth out too strong emotional experiences.

You can take a warm bath, drink a glass of warm milk with honey, read a quiet book. The bedding should be fresh and the room should be clean and well ventilated. Ideally, if you pay attention to hardening, the window in the sleeping room should be open all night.

Of course, in our conditions this is not always possible. When the heating in the apartment is turned off in winter, it is already cool there, but still, do not forget to make sure that the bedroom is fresh.

After some time, after introducing a sleep schedule, the student will begin to fall asleep and wake up at a certain time without any problems. Fortunately, children quickly get used to the correct regime.

For those who study in 2nd shift

The daily routine of a first-grader who studies in the second shift is based on the same principles as that of schoolchildren attending classes in the morning. The only thing that changes is the time spent on homework and going to school.

The rise should also be at 7:00 am. After exercise, water procedures and breakfast, the child is given 30 minutes of free time for personal needs. This is followed by homework, a walk and lunch. After school and dinner, the student’s routine involves doing chores around the house - helping parents and preparing for tomorrow’s school day: not doing homework, but collecting a bag and school uniform.

How to teach a child to follow a routine

Although first-graders quickly get used to the routine, they are unlikely to be able to establish it on their own. First, parents will need to make every effort to unobtrusively introduce a new routine into the child’s life without causing hostility or rejection.

The regime needs to be adjusted gradually without immediately setting rigid boundaries. It didn’t work out, we didn’t have time, we slept a little longer than we should have – no big deal. Take into account the mistakes and try to avoid them next time.

At first everything needs to be done with the child: and do exercises and pack your bag for tomorrow. If possible, it is advisable to take a vacation for the first month of school - to devote it to the child and “setting up” the regime. After this, periodically call your child and unobtrusively ask if he has done the things required by the regime.

The deeper and more unnoticeably the routine enters the student’s life, the more natural the given rhythm will seem to him. And to do this, you must go through the initial stage together, not be lazy and not deviate from the accepted routine.

Should I follow a regime on weekends?

Of course, on weekends you want to sleep longer, and if possible, all day. However, you should not give in to temptation. At most, you can deviate from the regime for 1 - 2 hours. Although, if the child sleeps enough on weekdays and is already accustomed to the routine, he will probably wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

In this case, one can only sympathize with parents and advise them to go to bed early, at least on the weekends. After all, the earlier you get up, the more time you can spend with your active child.

On the weekend, try to get out into nature or attend some cultural and entertainment events: a museum, an exhibition, a concert. You can go to a cafe. A great way to spend a weekend would be visiting the skating rink, cycling or horseback riding. It’s better to plan things for the weekend in advance: make a schedule, purchase tickets, and so on.

Many families, unfortunately, prefer to spend their weekends in front of the TV and computer. If you are one of these people, think about whether your child will have anything to remember when he grows up? Will he want to come to his parents’ house, where they can’t offer anything other than watching TV shows together?

Make every effort to raise and educate an organized person who is able to manage his time and energy. In the future, this will help your child become successful and wealthy. And don’t forget that our children’s childhood is not endless. Very soon they will grow up and fly away from their parents’ nest, so is it worth wasting this time on useless activities that always arise where there is no routine.


What is the correct daily routine for a schoolchild and why is it so important for maintaining the health of your child? This question interests not only parents of first-graders, but also everyone who wants their child not only to study well, but also to grow up healthy.

Unfortunately, the majority of school-age children are not absolutely healthy, having one or more diseases already at this age - statistics show this. This fact worries parents very much. The health of a schoolchild depends on many factors, including how his daily routine is organized.

Why is the correct daily routine so important for a schoolchild?

Thanks to a correct, balanced daily routine, the child develops habits, and a certain sequence of actions sets him up for study, relaxation or physical activity. Thanks to conditioned reflexes, the process of learning and doing other things is greatly simplified. For a schoolchild, the correct daily routine is the basis for good health, good performance and mood, which will help avoid overwork and ensure excellent academic performance.

The correct daily routine is important not only for the student, but also for his parents. But, unlike adults, a child’s body grows and develops, and this fact cannot be ignored. Therefore, when drawing up a daily routine for a schoolchild, it is important to correctly distribute the load, alternating work and rest, mental and physical activities, as well as taking into account the habits, character and state of health of the child himself.

What is important when creating the correct daily routine for a schoolchild:

  • alternation of work and rest. Remember: overload can lead to a nervous breakdown and disruption of the immune system.
  • timely nutritious meals.
  • wake up on time in the morning and go to bed on time in the evening. This habit is the best guarantee of a pleasant awakening in the morning and a quick fall asleep in the evening.
  • adequate sleep for 9-10 hours a day (for primary schoolchildren - 10-12 hours). Rest time at night is important for maintaining the health of a growing body. Healthy sleep improves performance and assimilation of new information, but at the same time, lack of sleep is very harmful to a child’s health.

Basic elements of a schoolchild's daily routine:

Study: school lessons and homework;

Additional classes: clubs, sections;


Free time;

Food and sleep.

Sample daily routine for a schoolchild


Calculate how much time your child needs to calmly and without fuss get ready for school and be on time for the start of classes. This is an important point in the correct daily routine. As a rule, the body wakes up gradually in the morning, and rushing at this time will create unnecessary stress. Morning exercises are at your discretion. Some children are better at waking up gradually, naturally, and some will enjoy morning exercises.

Not all children like to eat breakfast early in the morning, but it is the most important meal of the day, and over time it will become a habit.


Proper organization of the day after school, which can be quite tiring for your child, is a very important point. Most children feel very tired after classes and need proper rest. A good way out of this situation could be a daytime nap. For younger students this is a necessity. For older children, another, no less effective and healthy way to restore strength is a walk in the fresh air.

Do not forget about timely meals: the interval between meals for a child 6–7 years old should not exceed 3–4 hours.

Having rested, the child can start doing homework and attending clubs and sections. When doing homework, you should remember to take 10 minute breaks. The optimal time for assimilation of information is from 16:00 to 18:00. If your child studies during the second shift, then the best time to do homework is in the morning.


Evening is the time for dinner and free time: rest, hobbies, chatting with friends, etc. Parents should ensure that the child goes to bed on time: bedtime depends on the time of awakening in the morning. The optimal time is 21:00.

Remember: for a schoolchild, the right regime is what will help maintain the health of the developing organism, and take an important step towards the ability to organize not only your current day, but your whole life.