Eternal flame. Eternal flame Image of eternal flame

The highest degree of distinction - the title "Hero City" - is awarded to cities of the Soviet Union whose workers showed massive heroism and courage in defending the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

This title was awarded to 12 cities and 1 fortress.

Hero City Moscow

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, Russia

("Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal")

On December 3, 1966, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the defeat of German troops near Moscow, the ashes of the unknown soldier were transferred from the mass grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd) and solemnly buried in the Alexander Garden. The eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was lit from the fire on the Campus Martius on May 8, 1967

Hero City Leningrad (now St. Petersburg)

Eternal Flame on the Champ de Mars in St. Petersburg, Russia

The Field of Mars is a square in the center of St. Petersburg, at different times called “Amusing Field”, “Tsaritsyn Meadow”, “Square of the Victims of the Revolution”

The memorial was created in 1917-1919 and was inaugurated on November 7, 1919. Those killed in the February Revolution were the first to be buried on the Champ de Mars. Until 1933, Soviet and party workers continued to be buried.

In October 1957, the Eternal Flame was lit in the center of the memorial.

The torch for the opening of the memorial was lit by steelmaker Zhukovsky from the open-hearth furnace No. 1 of the Kirov Plant (formerly Putilovsky Plant, Krasny Putilovets).

This was the first Eternal Flame in the USSR. It was he who became the source of flame for most of the war memorials opened in the cities of the USSR.

Hero City Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad)

Eternal flame on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia

According to rough estimates, at least 34 thousand soldiers are buried on Mamayev Kurgan.

A monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” was created on Mamayev Kurgan. In the center of the Hall of Military Glory stands a hand clutching the torch of the Eternal Flame. On the torch is inscribed: "Glory, glory, glory."

Hero City Sevastopol

Defensive tower on Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia

The eternal flame on the Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol was lit on February 22, 1958, on the eve of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Soviet Army. The torch was delivered from Leningrad, from the Field of Mars.

Later, eternal flames were lit from the fire on the Malakhov Kurgan at the memorials of Sapun Mountain (Sevastopol), Kerch, Odessa and Novorossiysk.

Eternal flame on Sapun Mountain in Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia

In the vicinity of the monument there is a Park of Glory

Hero City Kerch

Eternal flame on Mount Mithridates in Kerch, Crimea, Russia

The eternal flame was lit on Mount Mithridates on May 9, 1959. The flaming torch was delivered from Sevastopol, from the Malakhov Kurgan.

Eternal flame in the Square of Glory in Kerch, Crimea, Russia

On April 10, 2008, on the anniversary of the liberation of Kerch from the Nazis, the Eternal Flame was lowered from the mountain into the Square of Glory.

Hero City Novorossiysk

Eternal flame on Heroes Square in Novorossiysk, Russia

From this place the city began to be built and developed. Since the 60s of the 19th century it has been Trade Square, since 1926 - Primorsky Boulevard, since November 19, 1943 - Heroes Square.

On the square there are monuments, obelisks, and a mass grave.

The flame of eternal glory was lit on the square in 1958

Hero City of Tula

Eternal flame on Victory Square in Tula, Russia

The eternal flame is located in the center of the obelisk in the form of three bayonets. It was lit from the eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow.

Hero City Murmansk

Eternal flame at the memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic in Murmansk, Russia

Local residents affectionately call the giant statue of the complex Alyosha.

On May 9, 1975, a ceremonial reburial of the remains of the Unknown Soldier took place in the memorial complex and the Eternal Flame was lit, transferred to the foot of Alyosha from the monument to the 6th Heroic Battery.

Hero City Smolensk

Eternal flame in the Square of Memory of Heroes in Smolensk, Russia

In the Park of Memory of Heroes near the fortress wall, the heroes who defended Smolensk during the Great Patriotic War are buried.

The eternal flame was lit on September 28, 1968, during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the Smolensk region from the Nazi invaders.

The fire was brought from Moscow from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Hero City Minsk

Eternal flame on Victory Square in Minsk, Belarus

The former name of the square was Round.

On July 3, 1961, on the 17th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Minsk, honorary citizen of Minsk, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General A. S. Burdeyny lit the eternal flame.

Hero-Fortress Brest

Eternal flame in the Brest Fortress, Belarus

"We fought to the death. Glory to the heroes!"

The grand opening of the Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex took place on September 25, 1971. The eternal flame was delivered from Leningrad, from the Field of Mars.

Hero City Kyiv

Eternal flame on the territory of the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War in Kyiv, Ukraine

Does not burn.

Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kyiv, Ukraine

Hero City Odessa

Eternal flame in front of the monument to the Unknown Sailor in Odessa, Ukraine.

The monument is located in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after Taras Shevchenko. Heroes of the defense of Odessa are buried on the Walk of Fame next to the monument.

After February 2014, there was nothing sacred left in Ukraine except fascism.

The eternal flame symbolizes the courage and bravery of the soldiers who gave their lives for a brave cause. When the Nazi occupiers violated the non-aggression pact and treacherously invaded the territory of the Soviet Union, everyone, young and old, contributed as best they could to the Great Victory. Most of the boys and girls volunteered to go to the front to beat the enemy, those who did not go to the front stood behind the machines, making shells and tanks for the Soviet army, mostly these workers were children.

The first days and months of the war were very difficult and tense. With incredible courage and bravery, the Soviet people defended their great Motherland. Volunteer partisan detachments were organized in the Belarusian forests, which through their actions tried to disrupt Adolf Hitler’s lightning-fast plan to seize the Soviet Union.

Opening of the first Eternal Flame of Glory

One of the first monuments to soldiers killed in battle was opened back in 1921. The memorial complex was built under the Arc de Triomphe in the French capital, Paris.

In the collapsed Soviet Union, in Moscow, in honor of the celebration of the Great Victory in 1955, the Eternal Flame was solemnly lit at the monument. However, it is difficult to call it “eternal”, since it was lit periodically, only a few times a year:

  • to celebrate Victory Day;
  • on the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy, later, since 2013, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland;
  • on the Day of Liberation of Shchekino.

The truly Eternal Flame is considered to be the fire in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), which was lit on November 6, 1957 on the Field of Mars.

Today there are only three such memorial complexes in the capital. The first Eternal Flame was lit on February 9, 1961. Over time, the gas pipeline supplying gas deteriorated, and starting in 2004, it was temporarily turned off while repairs were being carried out, and by 2010 it was turned on again.

Monuments and memorial complexes built in the 50-60s of the twentieth century have become fairly worn out by our time. Gas pipes leading to fire are especially affected. Therefore, the government annually allocates funds to reconstruct and replace pipes at many of the country's monuments as quickly as possible.

Photos of the memorial complex

The photo below shows the Eternal Flame at the Kremlin Wall, which was lit at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1967. The opening ceremony was chaired personally by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In 2009, the fire was moved to Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. In 2010, it was returned again to the Kremlin wall.

Representatives of the Moscow Veterans Society made a proposal to open a memorial on Poklonnaya Hill. The public warmly supported this initiative, because such monuments symbolize the eternal memory of fallen soldiers and teach modern youth not to forget the terrible pages of the history of their country.

The following remarkable and brave citizens were honored to light the Eternal Flame:

  1. Vladimir Dolgikh, a participant in the fighting during the defense of Moscow, an honorary citizen, and chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans.
  2. Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko.
  3. Representative of the public organization Nikolai Zimogorodov.

After the opening of the memorial complex, this place became the most visited in the Russian capital. Not only Moscow residents come here, but also numerous tourists who want to see the sights of the hero city.

Is the Eternal Flame necessary?

Modern youth are less and less interested in history and those distant, troubled days of the Great Patriotic War. There are fewer and fewer people left who passed through the fiery walls of hell in those years. But nevertheless, we must never forget about the feat that our fathers and grandfathers accomplished in the name of peace for future generations. One of these reminders are monuments and memorials with an eternal and unquenchable flame, reminiscent of the heroic deeds of soldiers on the battlefields.

When designing and restoring monuments, experts are thinking about how to make an Eternal Flame, but there are people and officials who are against this. They argue this by saying that extra material costs are needed for the installation and maintenance of gas exhaust pipes and burners. But it is very good that there are only a few such people, because the Eternal Flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the feat that people accomplished in the name of peace.

Where do veterans meet?

In many cities of the vast expanses of Russia, monuments and memorials with the Eternal Flame have been opened. These places have long become attractions and calling cards of cities; they attract many people of different ages, guests and tourists. For veterans, they serve as a meeting place and remembrance of distant war days and fallen comrades.

On the day of the celebration of the Great Victory over the Nazi occupiers, May 9, fresh flowers are brought to monuments and memorials and wreaths are laid. Here they very often set up a field kitchen for veterans with the mandatory one hundred grams of front-line food.

Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

During the bloody battles, a huge number of soldiers and officers went missing. The remains of dead soldiers are still being found at former battlefields. During the defense of Moscow back in 1941, a huge number of workers and soldiers were killed; in their honor, the monument “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” was built in 1967. At its foot, pointed flames burst out from a bronze five-pointed star, symbolizing the unforgotten exploits of the heroes.

The Eternal Flame monument serves as a meeting place, because every day people bring fresh flowers to it, thereby honoring the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for a bright future. It serves as a meeting place for students from Moscow (and not only) schools with war veterans. Each child then records what they see by creating a drawing. The eternal flame burns with a bright flame in young hearts.

Creating a drawing

How to draw the Eternal Flame? Before you start sketching, you need to look at it in person at least once. It is best to make a sketch without leaving the memorial, this way you can choose the most suitable angle. The monument should be photographed in order to complete the begun drawing at home.

On a piece of paper you need to sketch out the outline of the memorial. It is important to remember when creating a drawing: The eternal flame should not reach the edges of the sheet; two to three centimeters should be left. In this case, the image will turn out beautiful and voluminous. The sketch and the drawing itself should be done with a sharp pencil, drawing light lines.


The next step is to draw clearer outlines. Parents can give their children their advice on how to draw the Eternal Flame, but it is better to do it in the shape of a five-pointed star in the form of rays with all sides of the figure completed.

To add volume from each vertex of the star, we raise (lower) perpendicular lines relative to the entire picture and connect them with parallel lines. The final moment will be connecting the center of the star with its vertices. After this, you should proceed directly to drawing the flame. It is better not to paint the tongues of fire in a flashy bright red color, but to make them orange-red.

Finally, use an eraser to remove all auxiliary lines and color the picture using colored pencils or watercolors.

Hero Cities

The inscription on the granite slab of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial reads: “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.” In continuation of the historical ensemble, parallel to the Kremlin wall, urns with soil taken from the hero cities were installed: Minsk and Leningrad, Sevastopol and Kyiv, Kerch and Volgograd, Brest and Smolensk, Tula and Murmansk.

As you can see in the photo, the “Eternal Flame” is a monument that is always crowded with people. The flame burns constantly, and the top of the memorial ensemble is decorated with a soldier's helmet cast in bronze, a laurel branch and a battle flag. On May 9, Victory Day, thousands of people come to look at the Eternal Flame, as well as veterans who take a minute of silence to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers who showed extraordinary courage and fortitude in the struggle for freedom during the Great Patriotic War.

Craft for Victory Day

The “Eternal Flame” craft, made with your own hands, will be the most beautiful and expensive gift that a schoolchild can give to his grandparents who fought. On the eve of the holiday, at school and at home, adults should have a conversation with children about the heroic exploits of Soviet soldiers on the battlefields against the Nazi occupiers.

The craft is made from paper or other available materials. It should not be complicated so as not to discourage children from doing it. To make an Eternal Flame out of paper, a child will need perseverance, attentiveness, and the ability to use scissors and glue. Such crafts are best done by middle school students, fifth and sixth grade students. To make a gift you will need scissors, colored paper, glue, a simple pencil and a ruler. First you need to draw a star on the back of the colored paper, cut it out and glue the three-dimensional shape. You also need to do the same with the image of fire.

You can make an Eternal Flame with your own hands in an easier way. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: half a glass of flour, water and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Ask your elders or try to knead the dough yourself. From it, like from plasticine, mold a cake and press it down with something flat, such as a saucer or plate. From the resulting cake, cut out a five-pointed star with a knife. Make five small fire holes in the middle. To make flames you will need red colored paper. On the back side you should draw a fire, then cut it out. There should be five flames. Having cut them out of paper, they need to be inserted into the holes made in the dough. The craft is ready, and you can give it to your grandparents!

The fire of Eternal Glory burns

Many representatives of the younger generation do not even know that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers once fought for the freedom of their Motherland. The primary task of teachers and parents is to work with children, aimed at ensuring that they do not lose the thin thread connecting the history of past glory and the realities of present life. Almost no one can answer the question of when the first Eternal Flame was lit; few can tell why it burns and what it symbolizes. Stories about war are an integral part in the upbringing and development of a child.

The eternal flame in Moscow and many cities in the vast expanses of the Motherland burns at the foot of memorial ensembles and monuments.

Memory is imperishable

In Cherkessk, during the celebration of Victory Day in 1967, a fire was solemnly lit at the memorial to the fallen liberating soldiers who gave their lives for the independence and freedom of Russia. From a conversation with the director of the local history center, S. Tverdokhlebov, it was possible to find out that he piece by piece collected information about the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, defending the city of Cherkessk. Based on this material, a book was published and the memory of the heroes was immortalized in the form of a memorial complex with the Eternal Flame.

It is very important that the current generation never forgets about the terrible crimes against all humanity committed by the Nazi invaders, so that the horror of war that our grandfathers experienced is never repeated, especially since every year there are fewer and fewer living witnesses of those terrible and busy days.

“The Great Patriotic War” - B.S. Ugarov “Leningrad (1941)”, 1961. A.A. Deineka “Defense of Sevastopol”, 1942. P.A. Krivonogov “Victory” 1945-1947. S.N. Prisekin “Marshals of the Soviet Union Mr. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky on Red Square on June 24, 1945” (fragment), 1985. M.I. Samsonov “Sister” (fragment), 1954. Visually - didactic manual, Mosaika-Sintez publishing house.

“The Great Patriotic War of 1941” - Mothers often do not sleep at night - mothers are waiting for their sons. A. Of course, in leadership of the military. Poetry. Great Patriotic WarGreat Patriotic WarSiege of Leningrad. How many heroes did the partisan movement give birth to? The family demanded salvation, demanded support. And in technical terms, the Soviet troops were seriously inferior to the Germans.

“The Home Front during the Second World War” - ? More than a thousand writers went to the front. The intensification of the national movement caused a tightening of the national policy of the country's leadership. National policy during the Second World War. Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would collapse from the very beginning of the war. Ioffe A. - radars, S. Chaplygin - new models of aircraft.

“Death camps” - Salaspils - a death camp in the territory of Latvia occupied by the Nazis during World War II and intended for the mass extermination of people. According to eyewitness accounts, more than 100,000 people were killed in the camp. )