Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya: Family history of the famous “Veras”. Tikhanovich, Valentin Nikolaevich - young fisherman Tikhanovich v n young fisherman

Young and crazy

1960s. An era of revolution in the world of music and in the consciousness of humanity. Legendary jazzman Louis Armstrong records great hits: "Go Down Moses"; It won't be long before he and Barbra Streisand sing the single "Hello, Dolly!" and soars above the stars with the unforgettable hit "What a Wonderful World".

Jazz will give way to rock. The Beatles will be born in Great Britain, and in a few months the magnificent four from Liverpool will drive the whole of Europe crazy. Echoes of musical madness will break through even through the Iron Curtain.

A graduate of the Minsk Suvorov School, cadet Tikhonovich was much more interested in music than in studies, but he could not get to the concert of the coveted Beatles. A bird in hand in the form of a ticket to a performance by an ultra-fashionable rock band from Poland brought Sasha Tikhonovich and friends to the Central House of Culture of the city of Minsk during another dismissal.

“For me it was a revelation, and I decided for myself that this is how I would be, I said so: “I want it this way,” recalls People’s Artist of Belarus Alexander Tikhanovich.

At the same time, student of the Belarusian Conservatory Yadviga Poplavskaya, together with her friends, runs away from class to a concert of the sensational group "Pesnyary". The girls with academic vocals giggle in anticipation: “And what kind of group is this that everyone is talking about? They probably don’t even know how to sing.”

Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhonovich performing, 1988. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“I came out stunned after the concert. I never thought that people with electric guitars seemed... Yes, the drum, the electric guitars, it’s all so loud - to what extent everything is thought out, such subtle nuances! What amazing vocal technique they have! And what intonation!” says People’s Artist of Belarus Yadviga Poplavskaya.

Both of them - Jadwiga and Alexander - do not yet know that they will meet. And this will happen very soon. Will this be an accident? Or a pattern predetermined from above? Who knows. But their destinies will be united for the rest of their lives by one love between them - the love of music.

Minsk. 1970

After the “Pesnyary” concert, the thought of creating her own group will not give student Poplavskaya peace of mind. A girl group will become her ultimate dream. Like-minded people will be found quickly. It turns out that not only Jadwiga got bored with playing conservatory scales and overtures. At their own peril and risk, young anarchists hastily arrange folk songs and run to the administration of the local philharmonic society.

“And I think: My God, is my dream really coming true! The girls are wonderful, well done, and everything will work out for them. Moreover, they are simply fanatically devoted to this idea - to create a female vocal and instrumental ensemble. They have an example - “Pesnyary” ", they are literate, and everything will work out for them. Well, this is how the female “Veras” appeared,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

Women's misfortune

All that remains of the women's "Veras" now are posters. The lead singer of the group, Yadviga Poplavskaya, is a very ambitious girl, she will try her best to promote her team, but the stars will not align.

"Verasy" - translated from Belarusian the ensemble "Believing" - will quickly gain popularity. Yadviga will be incredibly happy. But as soon as she and her friends make it to the best stages in the country, someone else’s love will cross the path to her success.

Ensemble "Verasy", 1984. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“In our country, unfortunately, yes, the women’s group did not take place due to the fact that the girls began to leave. The amazing bassist, Raya Tarasova, met a young man who told her: “You will sit at home. That’s it, no traveling,” says Poplavskaya.

So the creative activity of the singer Poplavskaya could have ended at the first takeoff. But there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Out of nowhere, on the horizon of the Philharmonic, where “Veras” was rehearsing, a young guy with a mustache, fashionable at that time, “like the Pesnyars”, appeared.

“I sawed: there was a double bass in the orchestra, no one played it. And so our first evening, we played, I remember there was the film “Fantômas” then, and the music that sounds there, and here I am on the double bass, solo I was there, I started. It was great, everyone was dancing, the girls were looking at us - which was what we needed to prove,” says Alexander Tikhanovich.

“As for me, for me he was exactly the same guy as everyone else. I didn’t pay any attention to him at all,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

“I came from the army, started working at the Philharmonic, and at the same time I noticed Yadya. Our first meeting was where I had the opportunity to approach her, we had a concert at the conservatory, and the girls - they are all graduates of the conservatory, they came to this concert , and after the concert they came up to us, they liked our music, they started talking. And I suggested: “Let’s go to the park,” opposite the conservatory,” Tikhanovich recalls.

“We said: “Well, guys, this is, of course, great,” - la-la-la, poplars. We went into the grocery store, took some wine, and sat on a bench... Well, after that, Sasha took our Tasya to see us off,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya .

“And I went to see her friend off. Somehow I didn’t dare right away, I don’t know. I gave up,” recalls Alexander Tikhanovich.

Alexander Tikhanovich fell in love with Yadwiga like a boy. Modesty suddenly awoke in him, although he had been the favorite of girls since his youth and always won their hearts with the help of music. Jadwiga became a special case for him - but why?

“The image that a man, or vice versa, a girl, tries to fit into his beloved, is contained not so much in the head as in the subconscious. And it is not always fully realized why we like this particular person,” says psychologist Artem Tolokonin.

The influence of pheromones

Alexander Tikhanovich, at his first meeting with Yadwiga Poplavskaya, certainly fell under the influence of her pheromone. But why didn’t Yadviga immediately reciprocate? In order for Yadviga to pay attention to him, Alexander Tikhanovich had to sacrifice a lot: he even laid his career at her feet.

“I already had my eye on her, I really liked her. I was immediately offered to work in the legendary ensemble “Tonika”, led by People’s Artist of Belarus Viktor Vuyachich. The group is a touring group, traveling abroad. Naturally, I said that I I want to go with “Verasy”, if they would allow me. They told me: “What are you doing, anyway?!” I said: “I want to go there.” “Well, okay, you want it and you want it.” And that’s how I ended up in “Verasy”, - Tikhanovich claims.

The first thing I did was I found out her phone number and called her at home and said, I say: “Hello, Yadya! You know, I will play with you!” She told me very coldly: “Well, congratulations.”

So the persistent and decisive Sasha Tikhanovich will come to “Verasy” to take the place of his friend who ran away to get married. It was a cunning move: now, whether Jadwiga wanted it or not, she had to spend every day with him.

“Well, all this was on my side, to be honest. And I just remember when we, yes, were driving after the concert, far, very hard, a bus... Well, then the buses had such springs, God forbid. The roads are like that. And I was already shaking my head, then someone sat down - and I put my head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Sasha sat down. He hugged me like that...” recalls Yadviga Poplavskaya.

“And I, afraid to move, she slept with me all the way to Minsk. Then she raised her head: “Oh-oh-oh!” says Alexander Tikhanovich.

“And I woke up, somewhere it was dawn, the bus was still moving, there was shaking, and you know, probably at that moment something ran, somewhere at that moment, as they say, a knot tied,” Poplavskaya believes .

Ensemble "Verasy", 1993. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“The next day there were already rumors at the Philharmonic that Tikhanovich was having an affair with Poplavskaya. Well, I thought: if they say so, it’s very good. I invited her to the cinema, we went to the film, then there was a French film “A Man and a Woman” , says Tikhanovich.

"Sasha had already begun to closely look after me. He saw me off. At home, he made a very good impression on my parents. He looked after me beautifully. There were flowers, and invitations to the cinema, and to the theater. And he was cheerful, interesting, with him You won’t miss it even today, I’ll tell you. And I, in general, was under pressure from my parents: “Well, Yadya, how long can you go on like this! And the guy is wonderful, good. Well, maybe it’s time for you, considering your age?”, says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

"Popandos" at a wedding

Minsk, 1975. Central wedding palace. There is no crowd in the huge hall: the whole city is aware that the lead singers of “Veras” are getting married.

“And at the Wedding Palace, of course, on my part it was, in musician’s language, a kick, it was better for me, of course, not to do this, because when they asked me, well, the first question for me was whether I agreed, there was a pause - I I couldn’t say whether I agreed or not,” says Poplavskaya.

Nobody expected that the bride would pull off such a trick.

“I went to think: “So, what should I do?” My God, what should I do? Yes or no. “No,” I can’t say, Sasha’s mother is here,” and Sasha’s mother looks at me with such frightened eyes. Witnesses, everyone is standing here – it’s terrible,” recalls Yadviga.

“I’m so cheerful, tipsy, and there’s such silence. I think: wow, what a joke!” says Alexander Tikhanovich.

“He was so horrified! For him it was (I don’t know how long these 30 seconds lasted), for him it was generally unknown how long, this ringing silence. Well, I thought: if anything happens, we can get a divorce. I say: “Yes.” ", says Jadwiga Poplawska.

30 seconds - and 40 years. Yadviga Poplavskaya thought so much - and this couple has been together for so long. Yadviga found both support and support in her husband. Alexander in his wife is the ideal woman for himself. But by their general admission, the most important thing that unites them all these years is music.

Music is the main passion and hobby of Jadwiga and Alexander. Music is a special world in which they live from early childhood to this day.

“I’m just a happy person. Happy because from early childhood, probably not yet understanding what was happening around me, but what happened, it all happened in music,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

And my dad gave me this happiness - Konstantin Iosifovich Poplavsky.

Jadwiga's father was a professional musician. Conductor, musicologist, and also a teacher at the Belarusian Music Conservatory. It is not surprising that little Yada did not see him as often as she would like.

“Although he lived in Minsk, and we lived in a town, together with my mother, well, let’s say, a village. And he came there constantly, and we had instruments there, of course, pianos, violins, and pipes, because “I don’t know what instrument dad wouldn’t play,” says Yadviga.

Musical dynasty

Music. Endless variation of sounds. Why is it that some of us have access to this magical world, while others remain forever indifferent to it and deaf? Several years ago, the relatives of Jadwiga Poplavskaya decided to restore the family tree. It turned out that the Poplavsky family has been associated with music for the fifth generation.

Vocal and instrumental ensemble "Verasy", 1980. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“This is such a musical dynasty. I remember that in 1906, it was my great-grandfather, yes, or great-great-grandfather, he received at an exhibition (at which one - I don’t remember) a very prestigious award for an organ that he made from clay. Moreover, the organ was sounding ", says Jadwiga Poplawska.

But it even seemed to me that I was breathing music. But it happened, but this is already a gift from God - we have three children, and I have an older sister Kristina and a younger brother Cheslav - all three of us have an absolute ear for music.

Absolute pitch is the body’s unique ability to determine the pitch of musical sounds. The phenomenon is quite rare. In essence, absolute pitch is a personal tuning fork in a person’s head. Jadwiga Poplavskaya, her brother and sister, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather possessed this amazing gift.

“It’s hard for listeners to live, I’ll tell you, because when something is false, it’s already hard on a physical level. It’s hard on an out-of-tune instrument. If the instrument is tuned, God forbid, even a quarter tone higher or lower, it’s already such discomfort. Listeners are people who are very vulnerable in terms of music, a very delicate nervous organization. They need to be taken care of. I can already say this for those who have children with a keen ear for music, they are different from others, and therefore you need to take care of their nervous organization. They are somewhat different from other children,” says Poplavskaya.

Alexander, like Jadwiga, was absorbed in music from early childhood. At school and the Suvorov College, he played everything that came to hand, and often selected the melody himself, also thanks to his absolute pitch.

"I was accepted into the wind orchestra, they gave me a tenor at first, I started blowing, but I really liked it. I started learning to play. I can say that I slept with him. I took him home, went to bed, he lay next to me, woke up, took him and immediately began to play the trumpet. And already playing the baritone in the third grade, very serious parts, complex ones, everyone came and was surprised: I was very fat. I played the instrument, everyone liked it, they asked why it was so cool. It worked out," says Alexander Tikhanovich.

“When people engage in the same profession from generation to generation, the question arises of how a person’s upbringing interacts with his genetic predispositions, because usually, if there is such a generic profession, this indicates that the people who are in this family, they are genetically very similar, because 50% of the father’s genetics is passed on to the son,” says geneticist Valery Ilyinsky.

Recent research by scientists led by Diana Deutsch, professor of psychology at the University of California at San Diego, has proven that absolute musical ear is an innate phenomenon.

“Absolute pitch is also a mutation. These mutations are passed on from generation to generation, and there are no limits to the transmission of these genetic materials; these mutations can appear in one generation, or they can be transmitted for thousands of years,” says Ilyinsky.

Talent is an outstanding innate ability that is revealed with the acquisition of skill.

“Already from God, this is inherent in you by nature with your birth, but if one of the parents noticed that the child has such a quality, that he can follow the road, the musical path, then, of course, it is necessary to develop it and don’t let it wither on the vine,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

Drug scandal

Their unique musical abilities came together. With the arrival of Tikhanovich, the group "Verasy" gained incredible popularity. What Yadviga and Sasha did in their loving and creative tandem sounded from every open window the very next day.

“I turned on “Morning Mail”. And suddenly I see and don’t understand anything. I see myself on the screen, from the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, this whistle, and I suddenly understand what kind of song with a whistle it is. I run straight to the guys , I run in and say: “Dudes, I know what it is. This song with a whistle is "Robin". My manager says: “Come on, we’ll rehearse quickly, we’ll launch it in the evening.” We remembered it, naturally, and in Murmansk for the first time we sang it four times. And when we were returning from the concert to the hotel, I suddenly heard that the musicians in the restaurant were playing it. I was stunned. There were a lot of concerts, Central Television began to invite us. And suddenly it becomes the song of the year,” recalls Alexander Tikhanovich.

In the 70s and 80s, the success of "Veras" in the USSR was phenomenal - the group gave two concerts a day. Prestige, popularity, excellent earnings. Yadwiga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich had everything. The news about the sudden collapse of the group for fans was like a bolt from the blue.

“We worked happily, everything was fine, everything was in order. Then an incident happened because of which I had to leave this team. Or rather, I didn’t have to, I was there... As always, someone appears where some things begin - then intrigue, and I also found myself in such an intrigue. They tried to tell the manager that I wanted to take his place and so on, but I didn’t need it at all,” says Alexander Tikhanovich.

It was impossible to kick a person out of work without good reason in the USSR. On tour in Central Asia, in order to eliminate Tikhanovich, they staged a whole sabotage - someone planted a whole bag of marijuana in the trousers of the concert suit in which he performed. The police came to the search immediately.

“I was checked once at the airport - I didn’t attach any importance to it. Then they checked me again somewhere, and then in the end they just took me. And an unpleasant situation broke out, where all my organs began to choke me and so on. Naturally, I didn’t have anything, but they told me that they found something in my pocket in my concert costume,” Tikhanovich claims.

By luck, Alexander put on different trousers. This is what saved him from prison. No drugs were found on Tikhonovich, but his reputation was ruined.

“The word “drug” evoked a terrible association in me. In order to get hooked, they said that I had involved musicians and was almost selling these things. Somehow they had to kick me out. There were huge articles, “Soviet Culture” wrote: “ A popular artist found himself at a dangerous point." And the situation was described there as wow. I didn’t know where to go, frankly speaking," says Alexander Tikhanovich.

A loud scandal arose. The lead singer of "Verasov" Tikhanovich is involved in the sale of drugs. He will be judged to the fullest extent.

“It was 1986. I remember this day - it was October 8. I was walking down the street, employees stopped me, took me away, kept me in the bullpen for three days. There was a trial, and the court returned me to my previous place of work,” recalls Alexander.

“A huge thank you to Yada, because she is a real guardian angel and knows all my troubles and all that. She never, not once, betrayed me, she always defended me at all levels and everywhere,” says Tikhanovich.

“If a person feels bad, I will never leave him. Yes, Sasha had moments when it was very difficult, when we were betrayed, when Sasha was betrayed, and here it was necessary to endure, and someone had to be strong. I didn’t analyze it. I I just live and try to save my family, to save what is fragile and what is beautiful that appeared between us when this little knot finally came together,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

Just as he once followed her to “Verasy,” so she left the group and followed him into backing vocals. In 1987, Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich began their careers with a clean slate.

“We were taken into Finberg’s orchestra, we were invited because Yadya was the leader of the vocal group, backing vocals, the orchestra played great, and Finberg said: “Let’s do a few songs, let Yadya and Sasha sing.” We stood at the concert in Finberg’s orchestra on backing vocals, and people were simply perplexed, they came up and took our autographs. The situation was: the soloists sang, and they took autographs from us," says Alexander Tikhanovich.

Music connected them

Tikhonovich and Poplavskaya have been performing as a duet for 27 years. All that remains from the past in “Veras” are nostalgic memories and favorite songs. The song “I live with my grandmother,” which had phenomenal success in the 70s, became literally prophetic for the only daughter of Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich.

“I live with my grandmother,” they often said and joked about the fact that it turned out to be somewhat prophetic. For me in my life, this is my story, because I live with my grandmother, I live with my grandfather, this is how my childhood passed. And here he is, one child in the family,” says the daughter of Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich, Anastasia.

Nastya, the daughter of Yadwiga and Alexander, from early childhood tasted all the delights of life as a child from an artistic family.

“That was their job. Of course, I always waited, especially when I was little, I waited incredibly for them to arrive, because I missed them very much. They went on insanely long tours. Of course, sometimes I wanted dad and mom to be at home more often ", but this was until I was about 16 years old, then I was completely satisfied with the specifics of their work. I was generally an independent person since childhood, so all this was familiar," says Anastasia Tikhanovich.

Psychologists of the International Association of Analytical Psychology at the 2005 congress coined a new term regarding the behavior patterns of blood relatives - the patterns and attitudes inherited by children from their parents began to be called family spirals.

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century, Carl Jung proved that children largely repeat the lifestyle of their family, because it is embedded in their subconscious from an early age as the only correct model of behavior.

Throughout her childhood and youth, Nastya Tikhanovich was left to her own devices. When the girl grew up, she couldn’t imagine any other profession for herself except as a singer. She also dreamed of the stage; she, like her mother and father, wanted to tour and travel. How to explain this? Has the family spiral worked? Or is the fact that Nastya discovered her talent as a singer a pure coincidence? Or maybe genes?

"We have DNA - this is a kind of cookbook, where many, many different recipes are written. All these recipes are more or less universal, but since cells divide... Sex cells, when they mature, they also divide. They copy these books so that from one cells to transfer two books to daughter cells. In the process of this copying, typo errors appear. That is, if we rewrite a book by hand, we will introduce typos into it. These typos are a mutation. Someone has these typos, some don’t, some have the same, some have different ones,” says Valery Ilyinsky.

Talent in something, for example, absolute ear for music, is a kind of typo that in some people who have this mutation, it manifests itself in such a way that they are talented in music, they become good musicians.

If you believe psychology, the family spiral in the Poplavsky and Tikhanovich family has already entered the third circle. First, Jadwiga’s father devoted himself completely to music, then she and her husband, and now their daughter. Anastasia has a growing son, who, just like she once did, lives in constant anticipation.

“History repeats itself, only after a generation, because in the same way my son asks me: “When will you come home?” What time will you be back today? Will I wait for you or should I go back to sleep?” I roughly recognize myself at this age,” says Anastasia Tikhanovich.

God's salvation

July 5, 2007. Anastasia Tikhanovich says goodbye to her son and leaves to perform at the Slavic Bazaar festival. On the Vitebsk highway, the driver of the car loses control, and the jeep flies off the bridge at great speed.

“When we were falling, turning over from a ten-meter cliff in a car into this river, for some reason I wanted, if suddenly there was a bang and everything would end for me here, I remember only one phrase: “Lord, let there be only angels there,” says Anastasia.

“I’m about to start crying. Moment. We were driving to my mother’s to feed my mother, have lunch, and then the bell rang. I even remember where we were - we reached the turn onto Bogdanovich Street, and then the bell rang - Nastya. I don’t know at what level, there was some kind of internal feeling that something terribly bad had happened. “What, what, Nastenka? Are your arms and legs okay?!" - “Everything is okay, we are safe,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

“But then when - once - everything is in order, and we are in the river, and life goes on, that is, really, with every such situation you begin to overestimate everything, because, indeed, sometimes we don’t see each other much, sometimes you think that this close people and everything that goes without saying will always be here...”, says Anastasia Tikhanovich.

Singers Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich at the closing of the Slavic Bazaar arts festival, 2008. Photo: ITAR-TASS

“In general, when death touches a person in some way, it greatly affects him, for example, God forbid, he was involved in a terrorist attack, but survived, fell ill with a serious illness that could lead him to death, death seems to be knocking on his consciousness , and this makes a person think about the meaning of his life, whether he is living correctly, whether he is doing the right thing. And for many, this is a powerful turning point in order to change the attitude both towards themselves and towards the actions that they do. For many people lose their superficial attitude towards life, people begin to appreciate every moment of this life, every day and stop living in some illusions. They begin to enjoy the process of life," says psychologist Artem Tolokonin.

From now on, the Tikhanovich family tries to spend their free time from touring together as often as possible. But Yadviga Poplavskaya, Alexander Tikhanovich and their daughter Anastasia can no longer imagine life without a stage and without music.

"What is the essence of everything that is happening? The fact that we bring laughter and joy to people. I believe that, probably, somewhere my little mission is justified in this way, and that I am walking along the right path, if in some way moment I was able to do what I wanted,” says Anastasia Tikhanovich.

"Is it easy or difficult to be born into a family of famous people? In my case, I didn’t even think about it, because it is so. Both from a human and professional point of view, I consider myself lucky, and I am happy and glad “It just happened in heaven that for some reason it was I who had to appear to these two amazing people,” says Tikhanovich.

“I just live, work, create, serve, as at that time. It was a real diagnosis: we are really crazy,” says Yadviga Poplavskaya.

The family of Yadwiga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich can now safely be called an artistic dynasty. Absolute pitch, incredible musicality, the ability to play different instruments, wonderful vocals - all this was genetically passed down in their family from generation to generation. The family spiral has taken another turn: the talents of Jadwiga and Alexander continue in their daughter, which means they will most likely become the legacy of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

* Spanish police mistook Alexander Tikhanovich for an illegal immigrant and almost deported him from the country

* The long-term marriage of the ex-soloist of “Verasov” with Jadwiga Poplavskaya more than once burst at the seams due to his attacks of jealousy

On July 10, the 21st International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” opens. The permanent guest of the festival, Alexander TIKHANOVICH, will be a member of the jury this year. And, as always, he will celebrate his birthday with friends and colleagues. Who would have thought that this lively guy is already 60! For four decades he has been walking hand in hand with his wife Jadwiga POPLAWSKA. Together they are in sorrow and in joy. And everything happened.

We met with the musicians in their studio, which is in the very center of Minsk. Unfortunately, Yadviga and Alexander could not call us home - their two-story apartment has been undergoing renovation for four years now. Either the workers turn out to be quitters, then the bathtub is installed incorrectly, or the floor is laid incorrectly. All in all, a complete accident. But in the studio Poplavskaya And Tikhanovich cozy, like home.

Help yourself: lemon slices - Minsk, marshmallows - Bobruisk, - Alexander invited to the impromptu dining room.

“And I brewed some herbs in the tea, for taste,” Yadviga sweetly suggests.

If you want something hotter, I can run. We have a shop nearby,” Tikhanovich smiles, squinting his eyes in a completely family-like manner. - I myself haven’t drunk for 12-13 years. Quit. And without coding. I just realized at some point that this matter was greatly interfering with my work, and I asked God to help me. I quit smoking the same way.

At one time, they actively wrote about your addiction to alcohol. How did it happen that the “green serpent” entangled you so tightly?

They packed stadiums, after each successful performance - a hundred for good luck. And just like that, imperceptibly, the brakes began to come off. Sucked in. Then he began to recover from his hangover: a hundred grams in the morning - and the whole day was free.

Sash, even when “Verasy” began, you were fined more than once for smelling,” Poplavskaya enters into the conversation. - As a team, we girls came up with the idea of ​​fining people for swearing and drinking. And the money is in the piggy bank. Then we bought wires and other musical items.

- You probably bought a lot of things?

They didn't buy anything! - Alexander laughs into his mustache.

Well, why not,” Yadya continues calmly. “Our boys have come to rehearsals or even to concerts more than once with the smell. But how the penalties appeared, we managed to stop it. Of course, it’s unpleasant to give away half your salary, so we began to think about whether to drink beer or not.

- Yes, I never drank beer! - Tikhanovich is jokingly indignant. - I liked strong drinks: vodka, moonshine, whiskey, cognac. Beer gives me a severe headache, no matter how much you drink. Not accepted by the body. And champagne is a completely different story.

And it happened during our honeymoon,” Poplavskaya immediately recalls. - Sasha’s mother gave us a trip to the Naroch sanatorium for our wedding. This is approximately 160 kilometers from Minsk. We arrived in the village late, and the locals advised us to spend the night with them and head to our destination in the morning. And so they did. We rented a room with a sofa and went to a cafe.

I wanted vodka, but they only had champagne,” Alexander adds laconically. - But I knew that I couldn’t drink it...

But what to do - take a bottle of sparkling wine, - Yadya continues. - And there someone else recognized us, and the second one was used. In general, I barely brought Sasha home. And in the morning he was lying on the floor: he rolled off this narrow sofa, it was difficult to lie on it together. Can't get up. This is how our honeymoon journey began in an original way.

Wise Cuban

There was also a funny story on the cruise. In 1994, in Barcelona, ​​Tikhanovich notes, sipping tea, he got off the ship. I asked the locals where money could be exchanged. I was sent to a nearby hotel. After the checkout, I stand at the hotel, count the bills and figure out what I will buy: “I need a T-shirt, sneakers, jeans, ok...” I look - the boots are standing next to me. I raise my head - a policeman. “Passport,” he says, “come on.” But I don’t have a passport - I stayed on the ship. Me - onto the bus, where strange-looking Latinos were already sitting. One piece of hashish is hidden in a sock, the other is covered in tattoos. There was a Cuban there, who, it turned out, studied in Russia and understands our language. He tells me: “Call your people on the ship and let them confirm that you are their tourist. Otherwise, they will take you away, give you a slap on the neck and send you out of the country. And don’t stick your head out at all, be silent.” I saw how people get slapped in the neck for chatting, a little later, when a cop hit one guy with a stick as hard as he could. And I decided to listen to the advice of my travel companion. At the entrance to the site, the bus was filled to capacity with dubious types. What saved me during the interrogation was that I kept the receipt and showed it to the police. They contacted the exchanger, and they confirmed that I was a tourist from the ship. And then one of the law enforcement officers noticed a package on me with an image of Yadya and me on it, and realized that they were going somewhere in the wrong place.

They took me to another room and offered me wine. I said I don't drink. But he asked me to light a cigarette. They allowed it. Then they put me on the same bus and took me to the place where they picked me up. After this incident, my desire to come to Spain again did not disappear, but I understood once and for all: going abroad without a passport is nowhere.

- Alexander, I’m curious, have you ever shaved your mustache?

Once. In 1976. We came to film “Blue Light”. And they almost ordered me to shave off my mustache. Say, chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Lapin said that only Georgians or “Pesnyars” can have a mustache. I had to obey. But I never shaved it again, even though they asked me to. They finally stopped terrorizing me only after the success of “Robin”.

- You and Jadwiga have been together for decades. Was it like this: “It’s all a divorce and a maiden name!”?

“I thought about divorce two weeks after the wedding,” Poplavskaya shared her secret. - The guys, led by Sasha, celebrated his new status for a long time. In general, one day my husband comes home and begins to express dissatisfaction. I answered him, although compared to what I can say now, these were mere shepherd’s ravings. Word for word - they quarreled strongly... Then Sashka on his knees asked for forgiveness and said that it was his friend who advised him: they say, he must keep a tight rein on his wife so that she doesn’t sit on her neck. And I told him: “Why are you listening to someone? If we have begun to build our lives, then we need to listen only to our hearts, and not to other people’s advice.”

- Alexander, was your wife often jealous of her fans?

I'm terribly jealous!

This, by the way, is another reason why we wanted to get a divorce more than once,” Jadviga notes.

Eh, Yadya, but I asked for forgiveness a hundred times for all these things!

Two centimeters were missing

You have a wonderful daughter who also sings wonderfully. Yadviga, but when she was born to you, “Veras” was at its peak: tours, concerts, competitions... Many people refuse to become mothers during such periods.

When I became pregnant, the doctors scolded me: “Why so late!” And I cried: “Where is it late? How was it before? Frankly speaking, I was very reluctant to get married. It was just already awkward in front of moms, dads, in front of friends - we’ve been dating for two years, we’re working in the same team, Sasha accompanies me all the time. But she agreed to go to the registry office only if two conditions were met: you will no longer swear and you will continue to receive a musical education - not to mess around. At that time, Sashka was very good at the tuba - a complex and rare instrument. He has a natural gift for playing it.

But actually, I came to the brass band as a schoolboy because they let me out of lessons,” Tikhanovich winks slyly. - But then I really liked it - I actually slept with this pipe. True, it was difficult to practice on it. When I already lived in a communal apartment with Yadeya, the neighbors were endlessly indignant. I had to put the bell in the closet with clothes to muffle the sound.

For Nastya’s birth, we were given another apartment, one in which we still can’t finish the renovations,” Yadviga complains. - Previously, it belonged to the bass player from “Pesnyary” Lena Tyshko- he went for expansion. And according to the law, the footage in a communal apartment was two centimeters short for three of us. What a happy occasion!

- And what a lucky chance that you have a wonderful grandson Vanya, who is also interested in music!

In order to somehow introduce him to beauty, we sent him to a music school,” says Poplavskaya.

It’s amazing how he got there,” Tikhanovich laughs.

Vanka loves to sing. Especially “Katyusha”, the Anthem of Belarus. I recently had chickenpox - it was terrible. I was sitting at home. But we had no problems finding what to do with it. Vanya himself approaches the phono and selects melodies. I heard, for example, Liszt’s Rhapsody in Tom and Jerry. He says: “Teach!” I showed. He fought for several hours, until nightfall, so that he too could succeed. With a fever, covered in these pimples, itching... The next morning I got up and played. Now he has another trick - a table Mendeleev.

- He asks all the time: “How’s the water?” - “Ash two o.” - “What about alcohol?” - “Why do you need alcohol?” - "Just". - “Here Dima the Sorcerer ask - he’s a chemist, he graduated from university.” - "Yes? So he can make gold? Our funny tomboy is growing up! - Alexander notes contentedly.

- Doesn’t he dream of a granddaughter?

About your granddaughter, you need to ask Nastya. We are always “for it,” the spouses sang almost in unison.

And with these words Nastya came - a charming girl of amazing beauty. My parents moved to another room to select family photos for us, and the daughter of the stars sat down at the table. She told how much she missed her parents, who disappeared for months on tour, with what delight she accepted a Barbie doll from them as a gift, and then Ken - girls in Minsk at that time never dreamed of such toys, that she was married to a psychotherapist who was older than 20 years old, and gave birth to a son from him.

- Well, will you spoil your parents with their granddaughter? They said to ask you this,- we smile.

Being pampered is, of course, wonderful. But if they are ready... Seriously, I don’t know how things will work out for me. For me, my parents are an example of how people together can overcome everything that fate has dealt to them.

How you can be completely different people, but at the same time there is something so globally common that allows you to be together for many years, no matter what happens. From my dad I get an explosive character, from my mom I get scrupulousness. And from both - mega-responsibility. I would like to hope that their positive traits - sincerity, openness and love for people - are also present in me. And I know very well that, despite any difficulties in life, there is love between them. And love is not always pink clouds, sunshine and butterflies flying around. Watching them, you realize what love is in the deepest understanding of this word. These are people who look in one direction, so the rest is less important.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.