Shevchuk history. Yuri Shevchuk - detailed biography in photographs

Without exaggeration, we can say that Yuri Shevchuk created a real revolution in the world of music. He will forever be remembered by the audience as a daring, confident, loud singer and brutal man. His group “DDT” attracted entire stadiums, and his role as a casually dressed and unshaven soloist delighted both men and women. The song “What is Autumn” sounded from many windows, making you freeze with delight for those few minutes that seemed like the whole world. In any case, he deservedly received his recognition, because he worked hard on it and won recognition. But now let's look at how it all began, how he was able to reach the podium and win the recognition of others.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Shevchuk

Yuri Shevchuk is like a man who never ages, so it is difficult to imagine that he is already 60 years old, because it seems that he will always be mobile and active, that he will always sing loudly into the microphone and excite the audience. The singer's height is 180 centimeters and his weight is 78 kilograms. Despite the fact that he is no longer young, he is still in good shape, because he knows that he always needs to look his best in front of the public. Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Shevchuk? The answers to these questions will help you look at the singer from different angles, understand what he was like before and what he has become now.

Biography and personal life of Yuri Shevchuk

The biography and personal life of Yuri Shevchuk deserves special attention, because success in his life did not come immediately. His family was not particularly attentive to music, but this did not stop Yuri from going to music school, but this was most likely a tribute to the time when Soviet children had to do at least something to fill their free time. After some time, the boy realized that this was his calling, so he should devote his life to music. So after graduating from school, he decided to pursue a musical direction without stopping. After some time, the DDT group was founded, which became very popular. There were some nuances here, for example, after the song “Periphery” was sung, the authorities began to follow the group. All because of what happened there, life in the outback is not a very beautiful picture. But although the government was not happy, the group gained more and more fans. The group rose more and more to the heights of success.

As for the personal life of Yuri Shevchuk, there is a story here. The fact is that his first wife died of cancer, although they lived together for a long time. But, unfortunately, she died in the early nineties. The singer left behind her son Peter, whom the singer raised alone, trying to give him everything he needed so that he would not feel the loss of his mother so keenly. And although it was often very difficult for him, he raised his son to be a real man, because he graduated from the cadet corps in Kronstadt, after which he served in the Marine Corps. In the late nineties, Shevchuk became a father again, he had a son, Fedor, but it’s true that he rarely communicates with his mother, given that she now lives in Austria. Moreover, she was not his legal wife, at least nothing was known about this in the press.

Family and children of Yuri Shevchuk

The family and children of Yuri Shevchuk today consist of himself and his two sons, however, the singer rarely sees his second son Fyodor; most likely, he lives in Austria with his mother. But all the same, his son Fedor remains his family, his own son. There is also the first son, Peter, who sees his father much more often; in addition, Yuri raised him almost alone, given that the boy’s mother died when he was still small. Thanks to their shared grief, the son and father strengthened their relationship even more; they understood that there was nothing more important than being with each other.

Son of Yuri Shevchuk - Peter

Yuri Shevchuk's son Peter became his first son, who was born to the singer from his first marriage. The fact is that the singer married his wife completely out of love, everything was fine with them, but a tragedy happened. In the early nineties, Yuri Shevchuk’s first wife died of cancer, thereby leaving her husband alone with his son Fedor. He had to be raised alone, apparently, Yuri did not want to tie the knot yet, and he didn’t have much time for this, he had to build a career as a singer and take care of his son. But it was worth it, because Pyotr Shevchuk, the son of Yuri Shevchuk, served in the Marine Corps, one might say, he grew up to be a real man.

Son of Yuri Shevchuk - Fedor

Yuri Shevchuk's son Fedor gave Yuri Shevchuk the opportunity to become a father for the second time; this happened in 1997, when Pyotr Shevchuk had a short-term affair with actress Maryana Polteva. It’s impossible to even say who this woman was for him; most likely it was just an attempt to fill the void that the singer had after he lost his wife so tragically. Shevchuk sees his second son very rarely, just as he rarely communicates with the woman who gave him his second son. It’s difficult to say why this happened, maybe because they didn’t want to be together, and the son turned out to be an accident. But this is all just speculation, no one can say for sure.

Yuri Shevchuk's wife - Elmira Bikbova

Yuri Shevchuk’s wife, Elmira Bikbova, became his wife in the late sixties and lived with him until the early nineties. They were happy, the woman was favorable to the fact that her husband was almost never at home due to his tours and creative career. They had a son, Peter, who only cemented their union. Everything was fine until the woman died of cancer in the early nineties. It must be said that she lived only twenty-four years, maybe this was another reason that Yuri experienced the loss so hard, because his wife was very young. He did everything possible so that his son would grow up to be a worthy man and remember his mother. It should be noted that today Shevchuk has an actual wife, Ekaterina, but it’s too early, she is not considered his legal wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yuri Shevchuk

Wikipedia Yuri Shevchuk will allow you to get as close as possible to your favorite idol. A personal page on Wikipedia (,_Yuriy_Yulianovich) will help you learn about the life of Yuri Shevchuk in detail in general facts. It talks about his life, family, creative career, achievements and so on. You can also turn to social networks, for example, where the singer posts his photos from concerts, presentations, and shares his impressions and plans for life. If you want to know more about the singer, then you need to look for information about him on the Internet, of which there is a lot and almost all of it is reliable. True, he does not maintain a page on Instagram, but still, you can find him on other sources.


As a child, Yura was fond of drawing. And until the age of 6, this was his only hobby. In 1964, the family moved to Nalchik, where Shevchuk continued his hobby and, moreover, began taking private music lessons.

In 1970, Shevchuk and his family moved to Ufa. Here he continued to develop his skills in the House of Pioneers and the school ensemble called “Vector”. Yura himself masters the button accordion and guitar. Meanwhile, his drawings are winning awards at various competitions. Such victories began to suggest that in the future one could be a professional artist. By the way, in the 8th grade, Shevchuk drew a crucifix on a T-shirt, signed “Jesus was a hippie” and began walking around the city in it. For which he was detained by the police.

In 1975, Yuri Shevchuk graduated from school and entered the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Art and Graphics. Here he met the artist Jan Kryzhevsky. He was the soul of the university company and played in the student theater. And Shevchuk at this time was rushing between painting and music. The last hobby won, especially since rock and roll had just come into fashion.

The certified artist was assigned to the Bashkir village of Iglino for three years. He taught drawing and played in the musical groups “Kaleidoscope” and “Free Wind”. Shevchuk performs with groups at holidays and school evenings.

In 1970, Shevchuk returned to Ufa and met religious dissident Boris Vazeev. He gives him the Gospel and banned books by Orwell and Solzhenitsyn to read.


At the end of 1979, Shevchuk was invited to join an unnamed group that played at a local cultural center. As a result, a few months later the DDT team appeared (the name was given a little later). Even then, Yura himself wrote poems and sang them with a guitar. The musicians begin to perform in restaurants, cultural centers, and cinemas, and at the same time record the magnetic album “DDT-1”. At that time the repertoire was between hard rock, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, rock ballads. Sometimes folk intonations slipped into the songs.

In 1982, the First All-Union Competition “Golden Tuning Fork” was announced. In it, the DDT group passed the first round (at that time there was no name yet) and came up with a name for themselves. The new team won the competition with the already legendary song “Don’t Shoot.” After the first award in 1983, the album “Compromise” appeared. The recordings quickly spread across the country, and the musicians joined forces with the St. Petersburg rockers. Afterwards, the artists performed in Moscow at the Rock for Peace festival, but censorship did not allow the songs to be broadcast.


Relations with the authorities were also unsuccessful after the new album “Periphery”, where Shevchuk does not very nicely describe life in the outback. Concerts began to be banned, but this increased the popularity of the musicians. To avoid trouble, the local departments of the KGB and Komsomol suggest Yura leave Ufa, the press begins to harass the young man, and the studios refuse to record.

The musicians moved to Sverdlovsk. Here Yuri Shevchuk began to play in the group “Urfin Djus. But I also had to leave this city. The rocker begins to travel around the country and perform at apartment shows. During one of these concerts he meets Alexander Bashlachev.

In 1985, Yura Shevchuk moved with his family to Leningrad, began working as a janitor, fireman, watchman and, of course, writing songs. Gaining popularity, touring with concerts all over the country and recording the album “I Got This Role.”

Creativity of the 90s

In the 90s, Yura Shevchuk continued to write songs - lyrical, social, philosophical. And experiences the loss. At the age of 24, his inspiration and wife Elmira dies. The girl died of cancer. Since that time, he has pursued the main goal of holding large concert programs. DDT gives concerts at large venues and receives the prestigious Ovation as the best rock band of the year (1993). Shevchuk gets the status of best rock singer of the year.

Yuri Shevchuk on video

At the same time, Yura reacted sharply to the events in Chechnya, begins to criticize the Russian government and gives interviews on social issues. Shevchuk himself was in the center of an armed confrontation, spoke with soldiers and even came under fire several times.

In the 90s, DDT was a success. The group recorded several albums: “Thaw”, “Plastun”, “Actress Spring”, “Black Dog Petersburg”, “That’s All”, “Love”, “Born in the USSR”, “World Number Zero”. And the song “What is Autumn” became one of the best in the 20th century according to Our Radio. Shevchuk travels around the country with concerts and often appears on tours abroad. And already in the mid-90s he became a recognized master of Russian rock music.

In 1999, Shevchuk’s first book of poems, “Defenders of Troy,” appeared. And at the turn of the century, the musician released the albums “Blizzard”, “Blizzard of August” and the collection of the “Encyclopedia of Russian Rock” series.

In the 2000s, a new stage in the work of DDT began. The albums “Unity 1.2”, “Missing”, “Beautiful Love” appeared, where themes of modern society, the greatness and insignificance of man in the world, and religious motives are raised. In 2008, Yura Shevchuk released a solo album “L’Echoppe (Stall)”. And a few months later, a second book of poems called “Solonik”.

Social activity

Yura Shevchuk keeps himself quite aloof in the company of other musicians. He criticizes pop music (considers it unspiritual) and openly expresses his disagreement with the authorities. For example, he participated in the march of dissent on March 7, 2010.

And at the end of May 2010, at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, with other musicians and artists, he came to a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Yuri asked whether Vladimir Vladimirovich has serious, honest, sincere liberalization and democratization of the country in his plans, and whether the next march of dissent will be dispersed. Putin did not answer anything concrete, but the march was dispersed. In addition, Putin’s question to the musician “What is your name, excuse me?” has already become a meme. Also in 2010, Dmitry Medvedev met with the musicians, but Shevchuk was no longer invited. But Dmitry Anatolyevich at the meeting remembered the leader of DDT and said that “unlike his colleagues, he knows who Shevchuk is.”

Personal life of Yuri Shevchuk

Yuri Shevchuk's first wife died in 1992 from cancer. In 1987, she gave birth to the musician’s son Peter; Yuri raised him alone. The boy entered the Kronshtadt Naval Cadet Corps and also served in the Marine Corps.

In 1997, the artist had another son, Fedor. But Yuri rarely communicates with his mother, actress Maryana Polteva. The woman lives in Austria. The rocker himself works and lives in St. Petersburg.

Yuri Shevchuk - detailed biography in photographs

Childhood, youth, personal life of the leader of the Russian group DDT. Rare little-known photos of Yuri Shevchuk, children's photographs, school photographs, family photos with a child and wife.

Shevchuk Yuri Yulianovich was born on May 16, 1957 in the village of Yagodnoye, Magadan Region. Dad - Yulian Sosfenovich Shevchuk (1924-2013) - Ukrainian. Mom - Fania Akramovna Gareeva (born 1925) - Tatar. As Yuri himself sings in one of his songs: “I am a Tatar in appearance, but with a Khokhlyatsky surname...”. Shevchuk’s maternal grandfather Akram Amudarisovich was a devout Muslim, and Amudaris’s great-grandfather was a mullah. In 1937, great-grandfather Amudaris was repressed for not accepting Soviet power, and grandfather Akram was forced to go to work in Siberia, motivating his decision: “They won’t be sent anywhere from Siberia.” And then Grandma Taliga, his wife, took her daughter and four sons and went after him, not having the slightest idea where to look for him. Nevertheless, she still met him at the gold mines in Bodaibo, slightly smitten, after which she hit him in the jaw and asked: “Where are you, Satan?!” That’s how they settled in Siberia, where Yuri Shevchuk’s mother Fania Akramovna grew up.

Grandfather Akram and Grandmother Taliga.

Shevchuk's father was from a Cossack family. As Yuri Yulianovich recalled in one of his interviews, his great-grandfather served on the Russian-Polish border, where the great original priest served in the local church: he christened his grandfather Sosthenes, and his father Julian. That's why Shevchuk has such a funny middle name. In 1937, grandfather Sosthenes was shot for serving in the tsarist army. Thus, little Yura grew up in an “Orthodox-Muslim” Soviet family. This is the vinaigrette.

Shevchuk has a younger sister, Natalya Yulianovna, and a brother, Vladimir Yulianovich.

It is believed that parents of different nationalities give birth to talented children. Yuri Shevchuk confirms this theory. Little Yura's main hobby until he was 6 years old was drawing; later he became interested in music. Shevchuk’s father wanted his son to become an engineer because he considered this to be the occupation of a real man. But Yura’s mother, an amateur artist (she received her art education at the age of 48), a fan of Pushkin’s work, saw a future artist in her son, so she developed his creative abilities in every possible way. In the end, my mother prevailed.

In 1964, Shevchuk’s family moved to Nalchik, then in 1970 Yura and his parents moved to Ufa, where the family settled at the address - st. Lenina, 43, apartment 9. Here Yuri develops his skills as an artist and aspiring musician in the art studio at the House of Pioneers and the school ensemble “Vector”. At home, he strums his guitar for hours.

Yuri recalls that with his “creativity” he drove his family to white heat. One day his sister even broke a guitar over his head. In the 8th grade of school, Shevchuk drew a crucifix on his T-shirt and wrote: “Jesus was a hippie.” The police detained him for wearing this T-shirt around the city.

The fiery mixture of Tatar-Ukrainian blood made itself felt, so Yura often brought problems to his parents. Once he even beat a police captain, and if it weren’t for Father Yulian Sosfenovich, perhaps instead of a talented rock bard we would have had another criminal. The head of the family took advantage of his position (a front-line soldier, a hero of the Second World War, held a party position) and “smeared” his son.

Despite the fact that Yuri Shevchuk’s grandfather Sosfen was executed in the bloody year of 1937, his father Yulian Shevchuk was a convinced Stalinist. Yuri often reproached his father for this, but the fiery communist fiercely defended the father of nations. Apparently, the centuries-old mentality of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Empire had an effect: “Our Tsar is always good, but local officials are bad,” or “Individual excesses in the localities,” “They cut down the forest and the chips fly.”

After graduating from school in 1975, Shevchuk entered the art and graphic department of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute. At this time, Yuri begins to be torn between music and painting. A new hobby wins - rock and roll.

The future rock-poet graduated from school very mediocre. The troika of future rock poets in the Russian language is especially surprising.

Shevchuk was expelled from the institute a year later with the wording “For family reasons.” In fact, he was expelled from the university for repeatedly appearing drunk at the educational institution, at that time this was enough for expulsion. Young Shevchuk decided to go to Odessa to “play” the guitar in taverns. But Yuri’s mother showed firmness and sent her son to work as a docker in the Kolyma in the Yakut village of Chersky in order to beat the “stupid” out of him. Fania Shevchuk went there with her son. Subsequently, Shevchuk was grateful to her for this. In the village of Chersky, Shevchuk received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, but he had very poor eyesight -7, so the 18-year-old boy with glasses was not accepted into the army.

A year later he returned home a changed man and was reinstated at the institute.

After graduating from university, Shevchuk is assigned to a rural school in the Bashkir village of Iglino for three years. After completing the required period of work for a young specialist, in 1980 Shevchuk returned to his parents in Ufa. At this time, he meets the religious dissident Boris Razeev, who introduces him to the Holy Scriptures and gives him the banned books of Solzhenitsyn and Orwell to read. Today Shevchuk calls Razveev “the father of the Ufa party” and recalls how he walked down the street with a pig on a leash, which “threw all party and police workers into a state of shock.” In 1992, Razveev was ordained to the priesthood, served in the church at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, and in 2004 he was appointed rector of the church in Verona. Boris Razveev died in 2011.

At the end of 1979, Shevchuk was invited to a group that rehearsed at the local Avangard cultural center. So in 1980, a rock band appeared, which would soon become known as Dichlor Diphenyl Trichloroethane - “DDT”. By this time, Yuri was writing poems and performing them with a guitar. The guys began to actively perform. They even recorded their first album of seven songs, known today as DDT-1.

In 1982, young Shevchuk specially came to Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) to meet with dissident Andrei Sakharov, but he was not allowed near the scientist’s house.

In 1982, Komsomolskaya Pravda announced the First All-Union Competition “Golden Tuning Fork”, in which groups from all over the country took part, sending their recordings. DDT sent three songs: “Black Sun”, “Alien”, “Don’t Shoot”. To their surprise, the group made it to the second round, then their songs took first place, after which Shevchuk received an invitation to Moscow to record at the Melodiya studio. However, as a condition for signing a professional contract, DDT was required to perform songs by Soviet composers. Of course, dissident Shevchuk refused such conditions. The composition “Don't Shoot” was written in 1980 and was dedicated to the fallen soldiers in Afghanistan. Soviet propaganda claimed that the Soviet Union only built hospitals and schools in Afghanistan. This was true, but the fact that there was a war going on there was hidden from the public. Shevchuk learned about what was happening there from his friend, a lieutenant who brought “Cargo 200” to Ufa, and under the impression he wrote his famous song overnight.

In 1982, DDT released its second magnetic album, “Pig on the Rainbow.”

At the “Golden Tuning Fork” competition, Shevchuk met the group “Rock - September from Cherepovets. The guys from this team had access to the necessary recording equipment. Shevchuk goes to Cherepovets, where he records the album “Compromise” in 1983.

The recordings quickly spread throughout the country, for the first time putting the name “DDT” and Shevchuk on the same level as St. Petersburg rock stars. But subsequently the creative union of DDT and Rock of September fell apart for ideological reasons. The musicians of the group "Rock - September" performed "permitted" Soviet rock in the style of the group "Zemlyane", while the rebel Shevchuk viewed rock music as a protest social phenomenon.

In May 1983, “DDT” successfully performed at the “Rock for Peace” music festival at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, but vigilant censors cut out footage of Yuri Shevchuk’s performance and his songs were not broadcast on all-Union television.

After the release of the album “Periphery” in 1984, “competent” authorities paid attention to Shevchuk. Several times the concerts of the DDT group were banned. Yuri Shevchuk is expelled from the Komsomol for the harmless song “Let’s fill the sky with kindness,” which contained the following words: “Our God will always take us all, accept us, understand us, forgive us our sins, take away our pain.” This was enough for the Bashkir party nomenklatura to declare Shevchuk an agent of the Vatican.

At this time, Shevchuk meets his future wife, 17-year-old Elmira Bikbova. The young girl studied to be a ballerina and was a passionate fan of the young rocker. When the persecution of Shevchuk began in Ufa, she and her friend collected signatures in his defense.

As a result, on the urgent recommendation of the KGB, Yuri was forced to leave Ufa. Shevchuk, like other representatives of “janitors and watchmen” (Viktor Tsoi, Alexander Bashlachev, Egor Letov, Yuri Naumov) has been wandering around the country for several years, giving apartment concerts, and actively writing new songs. In 1985, he moved to the center of the protest rock movement - Leningrad. His mother moves to St. Petersburg with him, and his father stays with his sister in Ufa. Then he takes Elmira to Leningrad. At first, Yuri worked in the famous Tsoevskaya stoker, then he got a job as a watchman and with his wife Elmira rented a room on Pushkin Street, not far from Nevsky Prospekt. In Leningrad, the young wife gave birth to Shevchuk’s son Peter. Friends said that after Elmira arrived, Shevchuk no longer stayed too long at friendly parties. The St. Petersburg musicians could not understand why the Shevchuks were not particularly hospitable, although in St. Petersburg representatives of the rock party going from house to house has always been a way of life. The native Leningraders - Boris Grebenshchikov, Mike Naumenko - always had a full house of guests.

In St. Petersburg, Shevchuk assembles a new line-up of the DDT group: Shevchuk, Andrey Vasiliev (guitar), Vadim Kurylev (bass guitar, vocals) and Igor Dotsenko (drums). The wind of change blew in the country of the Soviets and underground rock musicians began to be provided with large concert venues. The group begins to gain popularity. Shevchuk and his team perform at Leningrad rock festivals, tour the country, record an album of the best songs at the only official recording company in the country, Melodiya, and act in films. Even father Yulian Sosfenovich Shevchuk, who was always skeptical about his son’s hobby, was forced to admit that his son chose the right path and achieved success.

In 1989, jazz saxophonist-flutist Mikhail Chernov joined the group, who today is already perceived as an integral part of the group.

Mikhail Chernov in the center.

In the early 90s, the popularity of “perestroika” protest rock began to decline, so only truly popular and sought-after rock bands remained afloat: Nautilus-Pompilius, Kino, Alisa, etc. Among them was the group DDT. At the same time, slightly aged rock idols became less aggressive in the lyrics of their songs, and sometimes began to perform outright “pop” (“On the Bank of a Nameless River” - Nautilus Pompilius). Shevchuk continues to position his work as a response to political events and social upheavals in the country, although he also composes lyrical, philosophical songs (“What is Autumn”).

On March 13, 1992, Yuri Shevchuk’s wife, Elmira, dies of brain cancer. Friends said that Shevchuk blamed himself for his wife’s death. The fact is that to save her, an operation abroad costing $20,000 was necessary. For comparison, in 1992, a room in a Moscow communal apartment cost $2,000. But DDT had just spent money on recording a new album, “Plastun,” which, moreover, turned out to be unsuccessful, and Shevchuk had no money. No one fully believed that the young girl could die, but a miracle did not happen, and at the age of 24 Elmira died.

So, at the age of 35, Yuri remained a widower with a 5-year-old son, whom his mother Fania Akramovna and Elmira’s mother helped raise. Shevchuk dedicated the album “Actress Spring,” which included such compositions as “What is Autumn,” “In the Last Autumn,” “Rain,” “Motherland,” to his late wife. The album cover depicts the sun, a flower, clouds and a girl with a balloon with the word "DDT" written on it. This drawing was made by Elmira shortly before her death.

In 1995, Shevchuk wrote a poignant song “Crows” on behalf of his deceased wife:

"Fate and prayer changed places,
My beloved was silent, and the banner of the cross
His face was barely illuminated by light,
I forgave him - I forgave him everything..."

After the release of the album “Actress Spring”, the DDT group became wildly popular. In addition to tours around the country, Shevchuk often tours abroad at this time. Germany, USA, Australia, Hungary, France, Japan, England, Canada, Israel, CIS countries - everywhere the concerts were a great success. In large cities, Shevchuk easily assembled stadiums. The group began to earn good money. In 1993, the DDT group received the title of best rock group of the year.

Despite the democratic changes in the country, Shevchuk continues to criticize the authorities. He reacts sharply to events in the country - the armed confrontation between President Yeltsin and parliament in 1993, the war in Chechnya and always tries to be at the center of events, giving interviews on pressing social topics. In 1995, Yuri Shevchuk went to Chechnya. He talks with soldiers in dugouts and shelters, and comes under fire several times. Both the Chechen and Russian sides are present at his acoustic concerts. On this trip, Shevchuk makes an inherently tragic video where he asks the soldiers to introduce themselves and name their hometown. A few years later it became known that of the two dozen guys immortalized on film, only one returned from the war. Impressed by what he saw, Shevchuk writes a “Chechen” song: “Dead city. Christmas". A song about Christmas in Grozny, when snow fell after a night shelling.
Subsequently, Shevchuk sent soldiers crippled in Chechnya at his own expense and at the expense of his friends for treatment in Germany. He bought them prosthetics and wheelchairs and did not hold press conferences or mention it in interviews, that is, he did not publicize the tragedy, as politicians usually do.

In 1999, Shevchuk visited Yugoslavia with concerts in defense of its integrity and sharply criticized the United States for bombing a sovereign state. For UNESCO, Shevchuk films reports about destroyed Orthodox churches in the Serbian region of Kosovo.

Yuri Shevchuk is also known as an irreconcilable fighter against pop culture. His songs “Phonogram Man” and “Pops”, critical interviews and statements are aimed at exposing low-grade pop music, and sometimes even his colleagues. Thus, the media have long savored the conflict between Shevchuk and Kirkorov, especially after the publication on the Internet of a recording with real sounds that Kirkorov makes to the soundtrack, depicting vocals on stage. The audio recording was provided to Shevchuk by the fired sound engineer Philip. The DDT group also took part in the drafting of a bill regulating the use of phonograms in performances. At the same time, Shevchuk also gets it from his colleagues in the shop. In numerous interviews, he laughs at such “popular” rockers as Butusov, Shakhrin, and the Samoilov brothers.

In September 1997, Shevchuk gave birth to another child, Fedor. But Yuri rarely communicates with his mother, actress Maryana Mikhailovna Polteva, since she lives in Germany. Maryana Mikhailovna Polteva (born July 27, 1967) graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1990 (workshop of O. P. Tabakov), after which she played in “Tabakerka”, then in the Sovremennik Theater, the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov and Lenkom. She was the coordinator of concert programs at the Pilot club. She acted in films a lot. In some films, the credits indicate Polina Polteva.

In the 2000s, Shevchuk continued to be actively involved in both creativity and social activities. In the albums “Unity 1, 2” (2002-2003), “Missing” (2005), “Beautiful Love” (2007) - philosophical themes are raised: the insignificance and greatness of man in the world, love of life, religious motives. Performers of folk songs and wind instruments, uncharacteristic of rock music, are invited to participate in song recordings. Unlike some other rock and roll classics, who simply make money from their “golden hits” written many years ago, Shevchuk creates new hits.

The eternal rebel and oppositionist Shevchuk continues to criticize the authorities. The scandalous meeting of President V.V. Putin with artists and musicians at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg at the end of May 2010 created a lot of noise on the Internet and in the media. What was essentially a protocol meeting between the president and the creative intelligentsia was disrupted by Shevchuk’s uncomfortable questions about democracy and freedom of speech in Russia. Putin’s entourage should think several times before letting the brutal and independent Shevchuk approach the president. What caused bewilderment was, first of all, Putin’s question to Shevchuk: “What’s your name, excuse me?” It is worth noting that V.V. Putin held leadership positions in St. Petersburg in the 90s, and could not help but know Yuri Shevchuk, who at that time was incredibly popular in the northern capital and filled stadiums with his concerts. Therefore, Putin, by asking this question, was, to put it mildly, disingenuous and put himself in an uncomfortable position. To be fair, it should be said that Shevchuk’s sharp diatribe did not take the former intelligence officer by surprise - Putin has always been able to answer awkward questions.

Today little is known about the personal life of Yuri Shevchuk. His third wife Ekaterina is not a public person and does not give interviews.

Son Pyotr Shevchuk graduated from the Kronstadt Cadet Corps, but did not become a military man. Peter became interested in computers and became a programmer.

About Elmira, many were interested in how his personal life developed after her death. Here is the answer.

Daria Yurgens, 1996

Our romance with Yura Shevchuk was fleeting and connected to my story with Dyatlov. After Zhenya’s betrayal, I seemed to have forgiven him, but all the love disappeared into the resulting fracture, leaving an emptiness of indifference. Everything should have ended right then. And I was scared of something. Moreover, resentment bubbled up. Oh, that means you do?! And I also began to behave badly, to cheat. Sometimes, however, a reasonable thought came to me: why the hell are we living together then? For what? And one day she said to Dyatlov: “I love another person, I’m leaving for Yura.”

Yuri Shevchuk appeared in our theater to find actors for the video for his song “Black Dog Petersburg”. It was shrouded in the aura of St. Petersburg rock legends and recent tragedy. Shevchuk’s wife Elmira had a brain tumor and burned out in a matter of months, leaving Yura with her little son Petya.

During filming, Shevchuk constantly looked in my direction, women immediately sense this male interest. We began to communicate, Yura came to the theater as a spectator and a friend. He developed favorite performances, especially liked “The Thunderstorm”. And I began to attend his concerts. We traveled a lot and hung out together. We went to the DDT studio, located at a well-known address in St. Petersburg: Pushkinskaya, 10. I visited him on Sinopskaya embankment, in a terrible communal apartment, where a neighbor kept chickens in a cage. Little by little, a romance began.

* here's a little comment. In the fall of 1992, Shevchuk, together with his son and mothers (his and Elmira’s), moved to a 5-room apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. Apparently, he was in no hurry to introduce his family to Jurgens.

I fell in love with Shevchuk, although I was never a fan of him. Kinchev is a different matter. Yura once brought me and his girlfriends to Kostya’s concert and, watching my eyes light up, said: “Well, yes, Kostya is like that. Artist".

I liked only two songs from Yura - “Actress Spring” and “You are not alone.”

And when he wrote “This is all” and sang: “This is all that will remain after me, / This is all that I will take with me...”, she told him: “Not my topic.”

It must have been a bad song, since everyone likes it,” Yura said about “Autumn.”

Nice one, Yuri! - I objected. - Because I categorically don’t like it!

I imagined myself as the only one who would pull Shevchuk out of a protracted depression after the tragic death of his wife. He said that he had not fallen in love with anyone for a long time, that I was the first who managed to awaken in him an interest in life. I liked listening to him. Yura spoke beautifully, including about the relationship between a man and a woman: “Children are born only from great love...”

And then I take it and get pregnant.

Yura, we will have a child.

Shevchuk dropped his head into his hands, as if a terrible grief had fallen upon him.

I knew it!

But you yourself said that children are born only from love, and they are not born just like that!

Then leave the theater. Otherwise, how do you imagine all this? You have a son, I have a son. I am constantly busy - concerts, trips. If we have a child together, quit the stage and take care of the children.

But I don't want to leave my profession.

Then have an abortion.

I won't leave the theater. And I'll have an abortion.

It was clear that after these words he experienced great relief.

The end of our relationship with Shevchuk, despite the “high calm,” turned out to be banal. It turned out that my feeling for this person was fictitious and too exalted. And Yura is the most ordinary. I am grateful to him for thinking and feeling a lot while experiencing our story. Our romance was fleeting and tied into my story with Zhenya, not really giving us a break from the disappointments. Having cried my entire life's worth of tears with Dyatlov, now I accepted everything much calmer. I didn’t sort things out, the conversation was short: “Never again.” I just realized that they don’t really love me. And I don't like it. Then why the hell do I need all this? I was just wrong. It happens to everyone? It was only when she came to her senses after anesthesia that she said: “There will be no more abortions in my life.”

Yura arranged for me to undergo the operation through friends. I organized everything and left for France on tour. Asked:

What should I bring you?

French perfume.

Yes, there are plenty of them here too.

Bring it anyway.

He brought Chanel No. 5, but passed it on through friends. I gave the bottle to my mother. It still sits somewhere in her house, unopened.

Everyone in the theater knew what had happened. Many gloated, how could we do without it: “Shevchuk? She will get a fat fig with poppy seeds, not Shevchuk!” Others said: “If I were you, I would take it and give birth.”

Agree. It was a stupid thing to do, it was wrong. I had to give birth. And I don’t care whether Yura Shevchuk would participate in our life with the baby or not. But I wouldn’t feel the weight of sin on my soul.

Daria Yurgens in the film "Brother-2"

Then we sometimes met with Yura. One day we were sitting in a restaurant and he said:

I am very sorry for you.


Yura, I don’t hold any grudges. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have become the artist I am now. Now I'm not afraid of anything anymore.

Any experiences benefit our profession. I have something to give from the stage.

Yuri Shevchuk and Evgeny Dyatlov

Zhenya, probably, too. After all, he was experiencing my affair with Shevchuk, which took place in front of the entire troupe. I evicted him from the dorm, and he lived in the theater, walking around unhappy, with a loaf of bread and kefir. Shevchuk also offended him. At one of the theater banquets, Zhenya sang, and Yura said: “He doesn’t need to go into rock, let him sing pop music with such a voice.” Even this hurt me, I stood up for Zhenya and foolishly conveyed Shevchuk’s words to him, which wildly angered Dyatlov.

Don't you feel sorry for Zhenya? - our artistic director asked me.

Semyon Yakovlevich, don’t worry, everything will work out, he won’t be unhappy for long. I know Dyatlov, not even a month will pass before he stops suffering.

And so it happened.

Marianna Polteva, 1997

YU met actress Marianna Polteva in 1997. Marianna is a graduate of Oleg Tabakov’s workshop, the same one where Vladimir Mashkov, Evgeny Mironov, Philip Yankovsky, Irina Apeksimova and many others studied. In the 90s, Marianna worked as a coordinator of concert programs at the Pilot club. There she met Shevchuk.

On September 30, 1997, the couple had a son, Fedor. Their family life did not work out and soon Marianne moved to Berlin. Judging by Marianna's FB, her life is entirely devoted to her son. She still writes about him and about the fleeting romance with YuYu with great delight and presents it as the main event in her life.

happy parents CHRISTMAS photo Feodora

Our Fedka is the best in the world

Chulpan Khamatova, 2009

In 2009, rumors appeared in the press about Yuri Shevchuk’s affair with actress Chulpan Khamatova. These are the words attributed to Chulpan in one of the newspapers.

He is so nice and easy to get along with! Yuri turned out to be kind, wise and very interesting. And when I heard him sing, I immediately imagined how he could read both Pasternak and Tarkovsky, I saw his pure and bright soul. He has such power, such energy, such charisma that you seem to fall under hypnosis...

Khamatova and Shevchuk met at one of the charity concerts, where they performed together. Despite the 18-year age difference and the apparent dissimilarity of characters, the actress and singer quickly became friends. Shevchuk has repeatedly told how communication with Khamatova has a beneficial effect on him:

I really value this friendship. A woman generally feels and understands everything more subtly. I love smart interlocutors, and when they teach me, I'm happy about it. Here Chulpan gave me correspondence between Pasternak and Tsvetaeva. It's amazing what a platonic, wonderful relationship they had! And at the same time - love, but on a different level.

At that time, YuYu had had a constant girlfriend for almost five years, Ekaterina, whom Shevchuk met in Kyiv during the “Orange” revolution. They have been together ever since.

* In 2009, presenter Dmitry Gordon asked Shevchuk if it was true that he had an affair with Chulpan. YuYu replied that this was nonsense. Gordon said: “Well, in vain.” Shevchuk continued that he has a girlfriend who is 15 years younger than him.

However, the tabloids continued to publish articles with comments from insiders and “close friends.”

Katya moved out because Shevchuk himself asked her to do so. Yes, precisely because of Chulpan. From the very beginning, Yura had tender feelings for Chulpan. She is very similar to his Elya, whom he loved madly. But Chulpan was first married to Vanya Volkov, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Arisha. Then she fell in love with dancer Lesha Dubinin and left Vanka. He also gave birth to a girl, Asya. What could Shevchuk count on? But now Chulpan is free, so he made every effort so that she would finally appreciate him. They have been dating for three months now, and at first they hid the relationship. But at the last concert of the foundation they stopped hiding too much, they locked themselves in one dressing room for a long time... Poor Katya, of course, is worried. She was next to Shevchuk for so long, hoping to marry him. And she still believes that he will return to her. But this is unlikely. Yulianovich dedicates his poems to Khamatova. And all on one topic - about love and passion for Chulpan in a dark closet.

In 2012, Alexander Kott shot a video for the song “Where We Fly,” which Shevchuk recorded together with Khamatova. They also starred together in the video.


In an interview in 2008, Yu Yu said that he does not have a lady of his heart, but he has girlfriends with whom he communicates. “For example, recently I showed my close friend Katyusha the film “Alexandra” by Sokurov.” In 2009, he also talked about a “girlfriend.” But starting in 2014, when he was reproached for his bachelor lifestyle, he said that he was not single, but married. Although he is never officially married (according to rumors). In all interviews he calls his wife exclusively Ekaterina Georgievna.

Yuri Shevchuk with his wife Katya

“Ekaterina Georgievna forbids me to talk about her. But I will say that she pampers me, just feeds me all sorts of goodies - she cooks great. She still thinks that I am not well-fed enough. She wants me to be softer, lighter and kinder. And sometimes I shock my loved ones with some, God forgive me, rudeness. My rear is strong: my wife, my mother, and my sister. And everyone loves me, although I’m still a bastard.”

at the premiere of the film "Hard to Be a God" at the Venice Film Festival

Yuri Yulianovich Shevchuk. Born on May 16, 1957 in Yagodny, Magadan Region. Soviet and Russian rock musician, poet, composer, artist and producer, founder, frontman and only permanent member of the DDT group. Founder and director of DDT Theater LLP. People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2005).

Shevchuk wrote his early songs under the influence of Russian bards, primarily Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava and Alexander Galich, as well as Russian poets of the Silver Age - Osip Mandelstam, Sergei Yesenin and others. Shevchuk continued to develop the themes of Vysotsky’s songs, for which they are still often compared. The main theme of Shevchuk’s work is civic-patriotic lyrics, a call for moral self-improvement, renunciation of violence and overcoming hatred, as well as social satire and protest.

Yuri Shevchuk was born on May 16, 1957 in the village of Yagodnoye, Magadan Region, into a Ukrainian-Tatar family. Father - Yulian Sosfenovich Shevchuk (1924-2013), mother - Fania Akramovna Shevchuk (nee Gareeva) (born 1925).

The boy's main hobby until he was six years old was drawing, which he continued after his family moved to Nalchik in 1964. In parallel with his studies at school and his former hobby, Yura begins to take private music lessons.

In 1970, the family moved to Ufa to the city center. Yura and his parents settle at the address st. Lenina, 43, apartment 9. Yuri develops his skills as an artist and aspiring musician in the art studio at the House of Pioneers and the school ensemble - “Vector”. Shevchuk independently learns to play musical instruments - he masters the button accordion and guitar, and his drawings repeatedly receive awards at various competitions, as a result of which he thinks about his future destiny as a professional artist. In the 8th grade of school, Shevchuk drew a crucifix on his T-shirt and wrote: “Jesus was a hippie.” The police detained him for wearing this T-shirt around the city.

After graduating from school in 1975, Shevchuk entered the art and graphic department of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute. Meets the artist Ya. Kryzhevsky. In the institute environment, he is the life of the party and actively participates in the student theater. At the same time, Yuri begins to be torn between music and painting. The “disease” is conquered by a new hobby - rock and roll, which has just come into fashion. The group performed cover versions of Western rock bands.

Having received an artist's diploma, Shevchuk was assigned to a rural school in the Bashkir village of Iglino for three years. He gives drawing lessons and at the same time plays in the groups “Free Wind” and “Kaleidoscope”, performs at school evenings and holidays in cultural centers. For his first musical experiences, Yuri receives a prize at an art song competition.

At this time, Yuri faced the first criticism from the authorities for the predominance of rock and roll rhythms in the musicians’ repertoire, which in the late 70s of the 20th century was recognized as an alien phenomenon in Soviet culture.

After completing the required period of work for a young specialist, in 1980 Shevchuk returned to his parents in Ufa. He met the religious dissident Boris Razeev, who gave him the Gospel and forbidden books to read, etc.

At the end of 1979, on the recommendation of a mutual friend, Shevchuk was invited to an unnamed group that rehearsed at the local Avangard cultural center. So in 1980 a rock group appeared, which would soon become known as “DDT”. By this time, Yuri was writing poems and performing them with a guitar. The guys began performing at student evenings, in restaurants, cinemas and cultural centers - in almost any venue. They even record their first magnetic album of seven songs, known today as “DDT-1”. The group's repertoire balances between hard rock, rock ballads, rhythm and blues and rock and roll, which were popular in those years, and almost immediately folk intonations began to appear in the songs.

In 1980, in connection with the beating of a police captain, Shevchuk was sentenced to 15 days of arrest, he was threatened with criminal liability, but, according to him, his father “smeared him out.” Shevchuk responded about this episode as follows: “I thought about a lot. I came out better."

In 1982, Shevchuk came to the city of Gorky to meet with Andrei Sakharov, who was in exile there, but he was not allowed to go to Sakharov’s house.

In 1982, Komsomolskaya Pravda announced the First All-Union Competition “Golden Tuning Fork”, in which groups from all over the country took part, sending their recordings. Shevchuk’s group passed the first round and there was a need for an official name for the group. Then the name “DDT” was born. And the group became the laureate of this competition with the song “Don’t Shoot.”

In May 1983, “DDT” visited Moscow and successfully performed in the program of the official “Rock for Peace” festival at the Luzhniki Stadium, but the footage of Yuri Shevchuk’s performance was cut out by vigilant censorship and his songs were not broadcast on television.

In 1984, after the release of the album “Periphery,” in which Shevchuk paints a not particularly attractive picture of life in the outback, relations with the authorities were unsuccessful again. Concerts were banned several times, but this only increased the popularity of young musicians among listeners. As a result, Shevchuk is summoned to the local branches of the KGB of the USSR and the Komsomol and offered to leave Ufa in order to avoid more serious troubles. To confirm this, Shevchuk is being persecuted in the press, who is even called an “agent of the Vatican” for the lyrics of the song “Let’s fill the sky with kindness,” and the group is prohibited from recording in studios. Shevchuk was expelled from the Komsomol. Some fans (including Yuri's future wife, Elmira) collected signatures in support of the group.

At first, the musicians moved to Sverdlovsk, where Yuri Shevchuk played in the Urfin Juice group at dances, but soon he had to leave from there too. Shevchuk travels around the country, performing at friends’ apartments. So in March 1985, with the still unknown Alexander Bashlachev, Shevchuk played at a semi-legal concert in auditorium 6 of the Leningrad Veterinary Institute (Moskovsky Prospekt 99) in Leningrad - a miraculously preserved recording of this concert was published in 1995 under the title “Stoker”.

DDT - Rain

DDT - Autumn

In 1985, Shevchuk often visited Moscow and again played “kvartirniks” - solo or duet with violinist, guitarist and singer Sergei Ryzhenko. One of these concerts was recorded and later distributed throughout the country as the album “Moscow. Heat" (1985).

At the end of 1985, Yuri finally moved with his family to Leningrad, where, like many representatives of his generation - young rock musicians and artists, he works as a janitor, fireman, night watchman and actively writes songs.

On New Year's Eve 1987, Shevchuk assembled a new line-up of “DDT”: Shevchuk, Andrey Vasiliev (guitar), Vadim Kurylev (bass guitar, vocals) and Igor Dotsenko (drums).

In the spring of 1987, DDT presented their concert program at the 5th Leningrad Rock Festival, where they were recognized as its main discovery. In the same year, Shevchuk played at the Rock-87 video festival, at all-Union rock festivals in Chernogolovka near Moscow (June) and Podolsk (September).

In the summer of 1988, DDT repeated its success at the 6th rock club festival, triumphantly toured with concerts throughout the country from the Baltic to Kamchatka and recorded an album of its best songs, “I Got This Role” (1989) for the Leningrad branch of the Melodiya company. . While working on the album, the famous jazz saxophonist-flutist Mikhail Chernov joined the group.

The beginning of the 90s changed the balance of power on the stage, which was also reflected in the behavior patterns of domestic rock musicians; it is known, for example, that Yuri Shevchuk openly conflicted with (as a representative of the commercial trend in music) at the presentation of the “Black Album” in January 1991. The cult figures of the country's rock movement are becoming less aggressive in their poetry and music than the pop musicians who at this time occupy the country's main concert venues. But Yuri Shevchuk and his group “DDT” continue their course, recording new songs and albums - lyrical, philosophical, social. In 1992, Yuri Shevchuk's wife and inspiration, Elmira, died of cancer.

Since that time, Shevchuk’s main goal has been to conduct large concert programs (“Black Dog Petersburg”, “From and to”, etc.). On May 20, 1993, in honor of the birthday of St. Petersburg, the group gave an open concert on Palace Square, which was attended by 120 thousand people. That same summer, the group took part in the international festival “White Nights of St. Petersburg” in Berlin, and in the fall they were awarded the prestigious Ovation music award as the best rock band of the year, and Shevchuk was recognized as the best rock singer of the year.

At the same time, Shevchuk reacts sharply to events in the country - the armed confrontation of 1993, the war in Chechnya and always tries to be at the center of events, often criticizes the Russian authorities, and gives interviews on pressing social topics. In 1995, Yuri Shevchuk took a trip to Chechnya. He talks with soldiers in dugouts and shelters, performs acoustic concerts, and comes under fire several times. On this trip, Shevchuk makes an inherently tragic video where he asks the soldiers to introduce themselves and name their hometown. A few years later it became known that of the two dozen guys immortalized on film, only one returned from the war.

After the signing of the Khasavyurt Peace Treaty, Yuri Shevchuk held a concert at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny in the fall of 1996 for residents of the Chechen Republic. This was his response to criticism that Russian musicians were performing for the soldiers in Khankala when they should also be singing for the people in Chechnya.

The 90s turned out to be not only pain for Yuri Shevchuk, but also success. As part of the DDT group, the following albums were recorded: “Thaw” (1990), “Plastun” (1991), “Actress Spring” (1992), “Black Dog Petersburg” (1994), “That’s All...” (1994 ), “Love” (1996), “Born in the USSR” (1997), “World number zero” (1999). The song “What is Autumn” from the album “Actress Spring” was included in the hit parade of the 100 best songs of the 20th century “Our Radio” “Everything is ours forever”, taking second place in it.

In addition to tours around the country, Shevchuk often tours abroad at this time. Germany, USA, Australia, Hungary, France, Japan, England, Canada, Israel, CIS countries - everywhere concerts are held with great success.

Having become a recognized master of Russian rock music by the mid-90s, Yuri Shevchuk continues to support young bands and performers. Together with his friends, he organizes large festivals, to which he invites talented musicians selected by them during tours around the country. The result of the festival is the recording of discs - collections of songs by the best bands on their own label "DDT". Thus, young musicians had the opportunity to express themselves to the general public.

Another side of Shevchuk’s musical activity is an irreconcilable struggle with pop performers, which is expressed in the performance of the songs “Phonogrammer” and “Pops”, publications of critical interviews and statements in the media, and sometimes even in physical clashes. So, Yuri Shevchuk inflicted an “injection” with the help of the fired sound engineer Philip. Together, they distributed a recording on the Internet with real sounds that Kirkorov makes to the soundtrack, depicting vocals on stage. The DDT group also took part in the drafting of a bill regulating the use of phonograms in performances.

In 1999, the publishing house “Fund of Russian Poetry” published the first book of poems by Yu. Shevchuk “Defenders of Troy”, in the introductory word to which the writer, playwright and poet Alexander Volodin wrote: The poems and songs of Yu. Shevchuk absorbed a lot in our earthly and heavenly world...Frantic, piercing, sometimes mischievous lines. And the wise are like life itself. In the same 1999, Shevchuk visits Yugoslavia with concerts in defense of its integrity, sharply criticizes the United States for bombing a sovereign state. For UNESCO, Shevchuk films reports about destroyed Orthodox churches in the Serbian region of Kosovo.

In 1997, the writer Vyacheslav Mironov wrote a book entitled “I was in this war”, a book describing the real events that took place on the territory of Chechnya during the hostilities, includes an excerpt containing a description of Shevchuk’s stay on the territory of Chechnya during the hostilities .

In 2000, the group celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand tour. In 2000-2004, DDT toured Russia (concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg), CIS countries (Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine) and around the world (Canada, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, England). The discs “Blizzard” (1999), “Blizzard of August” (2000), and a collection of the series “Encyclopedia of Russian Rock” (2000) were released.

In 2001, Yuri Shevchuk took part in the recording of the album The Tale of the Jumper and the Slider of the Pilot group. His role in the creation of this album is very large, since the episodes he reads are fundamental to understanding the philosophy of Pilot and Ilya Chert, the lead singer of this group.

Shevchuk traditionally has a hard time accepting any power, and she responds to him in kind. So, after the cancellation of the rock festival dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, Shevchuk, who did a lot for its organization, sadly joked that if he had come out with a guitar on behalf of the Lyube group, he would have had more weight in his eyes president. In addition, Shevchuk is practically not given airtime on central television channels either for interviews, or for broadcasting concerts or showing clips, compared to the 90s of the 20th century, when Channel One showed the famous concert on Palace Square in St. Petersburg almost every three months ( 1993).

On March 3, 2008, he spoke at a protest against the election results “March of Dissent” in St. Petersburg. The musician said that he took part in the “March” because “there was no choice left.”

On June 8, 2008, Yuri Shevchuk spoke at a round table within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum “What is Russia? Conversation in non-economic language." Shevchuk announced statistics - since 2003, about 100 monuments have been demolished in St. Petersburg. The DDT leader also emphasized that “we cannot go back - we need a struggle of opinions, not a single “United Russia”. On September 24 and 26, 2008, the “Don’t Shoot!” concerts took place. in Moscow and St. Petersburg, dedicated to anti-war issues, and Shevchuk’s trip to Tskhinvali, where, as always, he harshly and uncompromisingly expressed his attitude to the latest events in the Caucasus.

At the end of December 2008, the musician released his solo album “L’Echoppe (Stall)”, recorded a year earlier in Paris.

In the summer of 2009, Shevchuk’s second book of poems, “Solnik,” was published.

On August 25, 2010, he performed on the stage of the Luzhniki Bolshoi Stadium in a duet with U2 vocalist Bono, performing the song “Knocking on Heaven’s Door.”

In the spring of 2012, DDT concerts were disrupted in a number of Siberian cities (Kemerovo, Yurga, Tyumen, Omsk).

He repeatedly expressed disagreement with the authorities (in particular, he took part in the “March of Dissent”). On March 7, 2010, during a concert at the Olympic Stadium, he addressed the audience with a sharp criticism of the existing government, show business and other rock musicians. In particular, he condemned the persecution of Khodorkovsky. Earlier, Shevchuk visited the Khamovnichesky Court in Moscow, where he wished Platon Lebedev a speedy release.

At the end of May 2010, at a meeting of artists and musicians at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg with the Prime Minister, Shevchuk asked the Prime Minister whether he had plans for truly serious, sincere, honest liberalization, democratization of the real country and whether the next march of dissent would be dispersed, to that Putin did not answer anything concrete, and the march of dissent was dispersed. Putin’s question to Shevchuk: “What’s your name, excuse me?” has turned into a popular meme.

On August 30, 2010, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Putin confirmed that he did not know who Yuri Shevchuk was. Some publications have proven that Putin could not help but know that Shevchuk was next to him. Anticipating Yuri's provocative question, he simply used one of the KGB techniques against him, confusing the interlocutor. Even if we assume that Putin had never heard of the DDT group, he could not help but know the name of his interlocutor, since before the meeting, assistants provide the head of government with a dossier on each of its participants. Vladimir Vladimirovich addressed everyone else present by their first name and patronymic. In addition, there were signs with their names and surnames on the table in front of all the discussion participants.

On October 13, 2010, President Medvedev met with famous rock musicians. Yuri Shevchuk was not invited to this meeting. In February 2011, Yuri Shevchuk took part in a charity event initiated by the National Bolshevik, participant in the Union of Prisoners project Maxim Gromov, “Children of Political Prisoners of Modern Russia.” The essence of which is that children of political prisoners are photographed with famous people. The photographs are then sent to prisons and camps to boost their morale. According to Gromov, such photographs not only strengthen political prisoners spiritually, but even make life easier. Yuri Shevchuk took part in the action twice. With the daughter of Yekaterinburg human rights activist, author of the film about torture in prisons “Territory of Torture or Pedagogical Experience” Alexei Sokolov. And Katrina, daughter of Taisiya Osipova, sentenced to eight years on charges of drug trafficking. In March 2014, he spoke out against the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine. In May 2014, Yuri Shevchuk published his article in which he condemned radicalism, military actions that led to the death of people in Kyiv, Slavyansk and Odessa, and also called for peace on all warring parties to the conflict.

On June 18, 2014, at the Moscow concert of the DDT group at the Green Theater, Yuri Shevchuk announced that the entire fee from the concert would be donated to the Doctor Lisa Foundation to help the affected residents of Donbass.

Family and personal life of Yuri Shevchuk:

Mother - Fania Akramovna Gareeva (born May 20, 1925), Tatar by nationality. She was awarded the medal “For selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War” and the badge “Honorary Polar Explorer”. Currently lives with his son in St. Petersburg. Maternal grandparents are Akram and Taliga Gareev. Grandfather moved to the Arctic, perhaps to escape repression. After some time, his wife and children came to see him. Great-grandfather and great-grandmother (grandmother) Amudaris and Navtukha, residents of the village of Murtazino, 60 kilometers from Ufa. My great-grandfather was a very devout Muslim; according to some sources, he was a mullah. Repressed in the 1930s, further fate is unknown.

Father - Yulian Sosfenovich Shevchuk, Ukrainian, was born in 1924 in the village of Labun, Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. In 1942 he graduated from the school of lieutenants and went to the front, finishing the war in Vienna. He joined the CPSU, became a civil servant, and held leadership positions. Since 1970 he lived in Ufa. Headed a department at the Ministry of Trade of the BASSR. The paternal grandparents, Sosthenes and Maria, were deported to the Kolyma region from Ukraine along with their five children. Only two remained alive, including Yulian Sosfenovich. On January 6, 2013, he died in his apartment in Ufa. On January 8, 2013 he was buried at the Ufa cemetery.

Sister - Natalya Yulianovna. Brother - Vladimir Yulianovich.

The first wife is Elmira Bigbova (May 30, 1967 - March 13, 1992), a native of Ufa. She died at the age of 24 from cancer. She was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery.

His first wife left behind his eldest son, Peter (1987), whom Yuri raised alone. Later, Peter entered the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, served in the Marine Corps and, like his father, shows artistic abilities. Yuri himself even lived as a hermit for some time in the village of Lebedevka (Leningrad Region), restoring his creative potential.

In September 1997, Shevchuk gave birth to another child, Fedor. But Yuri rarely communicates with his mother, actress Maryana Mikhailovna Polteva, since she lives in Germany.

Lives and works permanently in St. Petersburg.

According to Yuri Yulianovich, he is married. He mentioned his wife Catherine in several interviews.

Music for films by Yuri Shevchuk:

"Spirit Day" (1990)
"Night of the Long Knives" (1990)
"Russian Transit" (1994)
“Who, if not us” (1998)
"Azazel" (2002)
"Ice Age" (2002)
"Vovochka" (2002)
"Gentlemen Officers" (2004)
"Truckers-2" (2004)
"Butterfly Kiss" (2006)
"Antonina turned around" (2007)
"Group Zeta" (2007-2009)
"Father" (2008)
"Retired" (2009)
"Loner" (2010)
"Generation P" (2011)
"Salamander Key" (2011)
“The geographer drank his globe away” (2013).