The image of a grandmother in the works of Russian writers. Start in science

In our language, full of wisdom and contradictions, two words are most often used to describe the image of an “old woman” - old woman and grandmother. Moreover, the first word carries the imprint of old age and weakness, and the second is always filled with warmth and comfort. The image of a grandmother for a Russian person is the image of a nanny, caring and protecting. This is an example of absolute love and self-sacrifice. Often, having lived a long and difficult life, they forever remain kind, ready to listen and understand. How often it is the grandmother who is the person who supports and encourages the child taking his first steps in life. In a traditional Russian family, young women went to the field in the morning, and the grandmother remained at home - the keeper of the hearth - she would bake pies, sweep the house and tell fairy tales to her grandchildren. All worldly wisdom and secrets were passed from grandmother to granddaughter in the form of instructions and advice. Oh, how much of this wise advice we heard from our grandmothers! Many are no longer alive, and their grown-up granddaughters are only now realizing that living life is not a field to cross, and how important it is that in this life someone once thought and cared about you.

Another aspect of the Russian grandmother is the keeper of family stories, she is like a bridge between the past and the present. It is she who preserves and passes on the memory of generations. Grandmother is always a witness to distant and mysterious times and events. In her stories and memories we see a different world, where people were kinder and dreams and desires were simpler. Grandmother is a storyteller, storyteller, and songwriter. Listening to the first Russian fairy tales from our grandmothers, we hear the voices of distant village “baushkas”, illiterate, but always open to the world. This is genetic memory, traditions and the basis of our culture.

Grandmother is the patriarch, authority, storehouse of wisdom, support of the family, keeper of the hearth. Very often, it is grandmothers who take on the functions of men when they retreat before life’s failures and leave their families. Many people remember my mother as a tired woman, always running somewhere, but still young and therefore living her own life as a woman. And the grandmother is always at home, ready to understand and listen to the small but important problems of her grandchildren. She will forgive everything and understand everything, she is in no hurry.

It is interesting to note that among the few Russianisms known in the West (such as bistro, perestroika, sputnik, and so on), the word babushka stands alone. The remaining words are in one way or another connected with the turbulent Russian history and bear the imprint of certain events. The word babushka is associated with the matryoshka doll, a symbol of family and comfort for Russian people. After all, if you look closely, our grandmothers are like nesting dolls - the life experience of one is invested and passed on from generation to generation to the other, because today’s granddaughter is the grandmother of the day after tomorrow.

It is generally accepted that the work of Viktor Astafiev is autobiographical. There is certainly a reason for this. Any work, in essence, is unthinkable outside the circumstances and events of the life of its author, even if it is devoted to a historical theme. But it would be more than strange to consider the image of Bagrov’s grandson or Vitya Potylitsyn an exact copy of one character - the writer himself who created them. And the stories in which these heroes act are different from one another, and the heroes themselves, who embody different author’s goals, are different and if they are similar in any way, then perhaps in their lyricism.

Astafiev's heroes are overwhelmingly his contemporaries. Their spiritual growth, their experiences and shocks naturally corresponded to the life experience of their creator, but they were never limited to this experience, did not exhaust it, since these heroes entered literature at different stages of our history and at different periods of the writer’s life

The manners of Russian literature are to write characters and circumstances of life, and not to force shocking, “postmodern” plots out of nothing, out of much reflected light, in literary salons.

The appeal to the work of V.P. Astafiev is due to the extraordinary personality of the writer himself, as well as the recent increased interest in his works, which teach us wisdom, mutual understanding and forgiveness.

Chapter 1. Grandmother - an artistically convincing type of Russian life

In the narratives of Russian writers about childhood, V. P. Astafiev’s book “The Last Bow” occupies a worthy place. Organically absorbing the achievements of Russian prose from Aksakov to Shmelev, it at the same time represents a special, unique poetic world. In “The Last Bow,” Tolstoy’s dialectic of the soul, the “purity of moral feeling,” Gorky’s “cruel” realism, Bunin’s subtle lyricism, and Shmelev’s spirituality of objects and everyday details are perceptible. But the plot and compositional structure of the book, the breadth and depth of coverage of life material indicate an original artistic phenomenon.

In returning to childhood, in touching a child’s soul, responsive, trusting and open to the world, perceiving it as something extraordinary, fabulous, Astafiev sees the best and, perhaps, the only opportunity to become human.

The most charming, most significant, convincing and captivating image that runs through the entire story “The Last Bow” is, of course, the image of grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna. It is extremely multifaceted in V. Astafiev’s depiction, three-dimensional and plastic.

Ekaterina Petrovna, as her grandson once discovered, “is a very respected person in the village.” Noisy, brawling, and in her own way a unique village socialite, Ekaterina Petrovna, cool when necessary, stern and decisive, but invariably full of kindness and inexhaustible optimism.

In the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”, having dishonored his grandmother by deceit (the strawberry incident), Vitka awaits fair punishment. And indeed, Ekaterina Petrovna, justifying the nickname “general,” desperately scolds Vitka. The shamed and offended grandson feels remorse.

But what a stunning surprise the wonderful fairy-tale picture was for him: “A white horse with a pink mane was galloping on pink hooves across a scraped kitchen table, as if across a vast land, with arable lands, meadows, and roads.”

The dream gingerbread promised by grandma in exchange for strawberries, which Vitka, for obvious reasons, has already said goodbye to. If we translate the grandmother’s behavior (she still gives the gingerbread) into the language of “unofficial pedagogy,” as A. Lanshchikov does, then the grandmother punishes her grandson with kindness. Indeed, Vitka learns a lesson in “high ethics.” And it’s not just about understanding that you can’t deceive or betray loved ones, but about realizing the need to forgive. And grandmother forgives Vitya both out of her natural kindness and pity, and out of her ability to sensitively and subtly understand the orphan soul of the child. That’s why: “How many years have passed! How many events have passed? My grandfather is no longer alive, my grandmother is no longer alive, and my life is coming to an end, but I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”

In order to better understand the awareness of students at our school on the issue of associations associated with the word “grandmother,” we conducted a survey. As a result, a generalized portrait was created. So, grandmother - kindness, care, old age, neatness, wisdom, knowledge of medicinal herbs, wrinkles, in a scarf, pies, affectionate, fair, with glasses, prayer, gray hair, kind wrinkled, hard-working hands, fairy tales, a lullaby, mittens, felt boots, woolen socks.

Let's correlate the associations with the specific image of the heroine (external portrait, internal qualities, author's attitude).

Grandma Astafieva Ekaterina Petrovna combines many of these qualities and appears in the stories “Grandma’s Holiday”, “The Photograph in which I am not”, “The Horse with a Pink Mane” as the keeper of folk wisdom. Let us remember how she treated the boy, how she steamed him in the bathhouse (the “caring” association). Grandmother knew many remedies for various diseases (the association “wisdom”). “At home, my grandmother gave me a spoonful of nasty vodka infused with borax to warm up my insides, and pickled lingonberries.”

Note that the grandmother, having returned from the city, nevertheless gave the boy the treasured horse with a pink mane (the association “wisdom”). Let us remember how she accommodated guests (the “care” association), and the grandmother with great diligence “knitted rolls, cut nuts” (the “pies” association).

Everything about his grandmother is dear to Viktor Petrovich, which is why he “builds” her image so diligently, so carefully, bit by bit.

V. Astafiev can suddenly concentrate in one small episode all the simple and majestic beauty of Ekaterina Petrovna’s “big heart” - in an episode that organically echoes the chapter - the introduction, where it is openly said about the purpose of art and the sanctity of a great feeling for the homeland. Here - in the chapter “Grandma’s Holiday” - about the same thing, but passed through the grandmother’s soul:

“The song about the river is drawn-out, majestic. Grandmother takes her out more and more confidently, making it more convenient for her to be picked up. And in the song she makes sure that the children feel good, that everything fits them well, and that the song awakens an indelible memory of their home, of the nest from which they flew, but which is not and will not be better.

The writer's skill in identifying the hidden springs of the actions and actions of numerous characters in the story is revealed in all its internal completed episodes, but most fully, perhaps, where we are talking about the songs that were performed at the holiday.

The songs perceived by the boy are so physically tangible that they cannot but be transmitted to us, and his poetic mode itself speaks of the boy’s emotionality and of the true place of song art in the peasant environment:

“For some reason, my back immediately began to ache, and a chill ran through my whole body like a scattering of thorns from the enthusiasm that arose around me. The closer my grandmother brought the song to a common voice, the more intense her voice became and the paler her face, the thicker the needles pierced me, it seemed as if the blood thickened and stopped in my veins.”

We also noticed one feature: the author very sweetly describes grandma’s flower pots. Ekaterina Petrovna loves beauty, flowers bring her joy: “Flowers sprinkled the windows, the bulb folded dark gramophones, dropped dried petals on the window, waited in the wings to please people.”

Here is V. Kurbatov’s opinion in relation to the image of Ekaterina Petrovna: “The main character of “Bow” is Vitka’s grandmother Ekaterina

This is precisely why Petrovna will become our common Russian grandmother, because she will gather in herself, in a rare living completeness, everything that is still left in her native land of the strong, hereditary, primordial native, which we, with some kind of extra-verbal instinct, recognize as our own, as if we all shining and given in advance and forever. He will not embellish anything in it, he will leave behind his storm of character, his grumpiness, and his indispensable desire to be the first to point out everything and to give orders to everyone in the village (one word – General). And she fights and suffers for her grandchildren,

10 bursts into anger and tears, and begins to talk about life, and now, it turns out, there are no hardships in it for grandma.”

Behind the ethical sketches, so innocently charming, deep philosophy emerges. The material world (a marvelous gingerbread or new tights pants), like poetic pictures of nature, are not valuable in themselves for the author. They act as certain intermediaries of warm human communication, spiritual contact between people, and introducing the child to the true values ​​of life. And, becoming spiritualized in this process, the thing already acquires a certain moral meaning, being deposited in memory for a long time.

Chapter 2. Folk sayings as artistic and expressive means that make up the image of the grandmother in the stories “Grandma’s Holiday”, “Photograph in which I am not”, “Horse with a Pink Mane”

The homeland is dear to the heart not for its local beauty, not for its clear sky, not for its pleasant climate, but for its captivating memories surrounding, so to speak, the morning and the cradle of humanity.

N. Karamzin

It is known that sometimes works of art provide more material, factors for thought, for understanding a historical period than other scientific research. “The Last Bow” belongs to such books. This is a kind of encyclopedia of the Siberian village of the thirties of this century. Almost the entire range of problems that the Siberian peasant had to face in those years is covered.

There is a bright face in our soul that always attracts, is always infinitely dear. For the writer, this light was the grandmother. He considers her his main educator. The image of Ekaterina Petrovna runs through the entire book and is its core. Everything about this woman is touching: rare hard work, a gentle disposition, boundless kindness, high justice, tears of tenderness and hope for reward in the next world, for earthly torment. And most importantly - ineradicable active love for the orphan - grandson. Almost everything in the book is about the native Ovsyanka, its people, the land of the writer’s fathers and grandfathers. He visibly and recognizably transferred much of what he saw and heard from his fellow countrymen into “The Last Bow.”

Perhaps it would not be worth dwelling in such detail on the meaning of folk sayings if they were not so organically connected with the general image of the grandmother in the stories of V.P. Astafiev.

The ethical completeness and completeness of the stories “rests” on the beauty of the grandmother’s character - this is indisputable, but also on the charm of the narrator himself, who is present everywhere, participates in events or acutely experiences them. The narrator's memory and eye for detail captivates.

Ten years after the appearance of the story “Grandma’s Holiday,” the author returned to it in print—no, he didn’t rewrite it, but edited it, thereby achieving great expressiveness. Nothing changed significantly, but something was removed or added, and the picture became different in lighting, in tempo, in unity with everything else previously found.

The heroes of the story more often than before began to speak with proverbs, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, or decorated their speech with fancy verbal figures.

It was not in vain that the demanding artist returned to the text of ten years ago: an edit, inconspicuous at first glance, enriched the story, made it more perfect in form and deeper.

The grandmother's speech is expressive in all the stories. For example, the sayings “he looks at the forest - the forest withers”, “the navel is a knot, the legs are round, the spirit of bread is a plowman, a plowman!”, “A husband and wife are one Satan” (“Grandma’s Holiday”). Distorted commonly used, dialect words, peculiar folk expressions, signs, sayings: “rematism” (rheumatism), “pretty” (better), “tutoka” (here, here), “andelas”

(angels), “don’t get cold” (don’t catch a cold), “molchi” (be silent), “robenok” (child), “baushka” (grandmother); “it was twisted with a hook”, “the moss sucks up the dampness”, “the ember does not allow the glass to freeze” (“Photograph in which I am not”); “eroplan” (airplane), “hot” (want), “headquarters” (so that), “kulturnay” (cultural), “now” (now) (“Horse with a pink mane”).

Having gone to the festival “Astafievskaya Spring - 2008, 2009, 2010”, we interviewed workers of the library - museum of V.P. Astafiev in Ovsyanka, residents of the village itself about the role of folk sayings as artistic and expressive means that make up the image of the grandmother in the stories “Grandma’s Holiday” , “Photograph in which I am not”, “Horse with a pink mane.” They are all unanimous in their opinion that the image of the grandmother is the leading image in the stories “Grandma’s Holiday”, “The Photograph in which I am not”, “The Horse with a Pink Mane”. Having visited the house-museum of grandmother Ekaterina Petrovna and talked with the writer’s cousin G.N. Krasnobrovkina, we seemed to feel the presence of the mistress of the house with her orders and covenants, so we wanted to see our grandmothers with their jokes, teachings, which we sometimes take offense at without any reason reason. It’s a pity that my grandmother is no longer here, but when reading the stories of V.P. Astafiev, I imagine her eyes, the little laughs in the corners of her mouth when reading fairy tales to me before bed.


Having studied the material on the work of V. P. Astafiev, it should be noted that:

In the writer’s works “Grandma’s Holiday”, “Photograph in which I am not in”, “Horse with a Pink Mane”, the image of the grandmother is one of the leading images;

The grandmother’s peculiar language, filled with proverbs, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms or fancy verbal figures that decorate her speech, reveals to us, the readers, the beauty and unique language of Siberia.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev presented his grandmother in his works as one of the main characters of his stories. It seems that the memory itself, which so pampered him, so tenacious and capacious, awakened precisely after the death of his mother, when he was already called “Vitka Katerinin” in Ovsyanka.

The image of the grandmother, which runs like a red line through the prose of V.P. Astafiev, does not leave anyone indifferent, and in the thoughts of the readers a sweet image of the grandmother of their childhood appears. Thus, the writer’s stories have a practical orientation, awakening in the heart of every reader feelings of deep respect and admiration for the most important woman - the grandmother, who is able to forgive any sins, scold for disobedience and immediately caress and warm with a kind word.

THE IMAGE OF GRANDMOTHER IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE Stefanova L. M., teacher of Russian language and literature of the Educational Institution “RDB” of the State Educational Institution “RCO”, Syktyvkar A. S. Pushkin and his grandmother Maria Alekseevna Hannibal and nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva Maria Alekseevna Hannibal “She, without a doubt, was the first teacher of the future poet...” A. A. Delvig A. S. Pushkin mentions his grandmother in “The Beginning of Biography”, her image is reflected in the poems “Dream”, “My Genealogy” . Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva “From adolescence to the grave, this brilliant, renowned poet was not ashamed to publicly, in wonderful verses, profess his tender affection not for his mother, but for his nanny... So this is the first inspirer, the first muse of the great artist!” I. S. Aksakov Arina Rodionovna became the prototype of Tatyana Larina's nanny - Filipyevna (the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"), Orina Egorovna - the nanny of Vladimir Dubrovsky (the story "Dubrovsky"), the nanny in the tragedy "Boris Godunov". A. S. Pushkin dedicated a poem to Arina Rodionovna “Nanny”, we meet her image in the poems “Dream”, “Winter Evening” and others. M. Yu. Lermontov and his grandmother Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva “Old lady Arsenyeva idolized her grandson , he remained as a consolation and support for her in her old age; she lived for him alone and to fulfill his whims; He couldn’t praise him enough, he couldn’t stop looking at him...” E. A. Sushkova Name the works for which these illustrations were made and the authors of these works. In the story, Gorky pays great attention to his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina. It is no coincidence that at first the writer wanted to call his story “Grandma”. “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the darkness, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me into the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread, wove it into multi-colored lace and immediately became for the rest of my life the closest, dearest person to my heart.” M. Gorky Maxim Gorky “Childhood” V. P. Astafiev “Last Bow” The image of grandmother Katerina Petrovna Potolitsyna runs through the entire book. First of all, the writer bows gratefully to her. “Grandmother was my father and mother - everything that is dear to me in the world! I don’t have words that could convey all my love for my grandmother...” V. P. Astafiev What role did grandmothers play in the lives of their grandchildren? Draw conclusions by completing the statements: Childhood is an important time for every person. This is the time of formation... Maria Alekseevna Hannibal, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva, Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina, Katerina Petrovna Potolitsyna are wonderful grandmothers who... In their memoirs and works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, M. Gorky, V. P. Astafiev... Poets and writers remember their grandmothers with gratitude. And, perhaps, if it were not for wonderful grandmothers, there would not have been such geniuses in Russian literature as A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, M. Gorky, V. P. Astafiev. Images used: - pen, inkwell (slide 1) http://im6 - tub - - 44 - 72&n=21 – A. S. Pushkin in childhood (slide 2) http://www.odin - - monument to Pushkin’s grandmother (slides 2, 3) http:// - Arina Rodionovna (slides 2, 4) - po - Lermontovu/0004 - 003 - M.JU. - Lermontov - rebjonkom.jpg - M. Yu. Lermontov in childhood (slide 5) - Mtsyri/0008 - 011 - V - poeme - govoritsja - o - vzaimootnoshenijakh - monakhov - i - malchika.jpg - E. A. Arsenyeva (slides 5, 6) - Detstvo/0007 - 006 - Dni - nezdorovja.jpg - illustration for the story “Childhood” ( slide 7) - Detstvo/0004 - 003 - Kakoj - vidit - Aljosha - babushku.jpg - illustration for the story “Childhood” (slide 8) http://www.permvelikaya .ru/wp - content/uploads/2009/05/588.jpg - portrait of A. S. Pushkin (slide 11) - 19.jpg - portrait of M. Yu. Lermontov ( slide 11) http://im6 - tub - - 18 - 72&n=21 – portrait of M. Gorky (slide 11) /images/pics/001529s.jpg - V. P. Astafiev (slide 11)

M. Gorky wrote the story “Childhood”, where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkov. All events and heroes of the work are depicted by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

The image of the grandmother whom Alyosha loved so much helps to reveal the character of the main character more deeply.

The grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather and her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. The grandmother is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, and is dissatisfied with the severity of the grandfather. What especially stood out on the grandmother’s face were the eyes, thanks to which the heroine “shone from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

The grandmother’s character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the bottom of her heart, knows how to appreciate true beauty, and is attached to home: “I remember my grandmother’s childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny.” It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when his grandfather punished him for ruining the tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to hold a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about life. Living with her grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening to stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it came to the business life of the family, the grandmother “speaking laughingly, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor, and not the second eldest in the house.”

Material goods were not the heroine’s life values. Pity and compassion for people are the main qualities of the grandmother’s character, which is why she worries and suffers after the death of her foundling, Gypsy. The wise woman perceives the difficulties encountered in life as God’s tests, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Gypsy: “Grandfather wanted to take Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let’s take him for ourselves; This is what God sent us to those places that died. After all, I had eighteen births... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and even made my children into angels. I’m both sorry and happy!” During the fire: “illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, in charge of everything, seeing everything.” Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who “looked at them and cried silently,” worrying about the future of her grandson.

The grandmother’s entire life was spent for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the main character. A wise woman smoothes out the “leaden abominations of wild Russian life”, spiritually enriching the difficult lives of people.

(Option 2)

The young grandson describes the grandmother, watching her, talking to her, listening to her, he gets to know people and the world. The grandmother was “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose... soft and surprisingly interesting,” “stooped, almost hunchbacked, and she moved easily and deftly, like a big cat.” This is only a description of her appearance, but here are observations: “She was all dark, but she shone from the inside - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Her life was truly dark: she begged for alms with her disabled mother, then mastered the skill of a lacemaker, was married off at the age of fourteen, gave birth to her first child by the age of fifteen, had eighteen children, of whom only three survived. My husband has been beating me brutally all my life, and not a word in response, he justifies everything: “He’s angry, it’s hard for him, the old man, everything’s a failure... Don’t feel too sorry for me... I’m also to blame.” Sons are beasts, but they all rush to their defense and teach their grandson: “Who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord judges and punishes." What saved her, gave her inner light? “She knew countless fairy tales, stories and poems,” “she danced as if she were telling something,” talked with God (“He will understand. Whatever you say to him, he will understand...”) and the Mother of God (“Source of joy, most pure beauty, apple tree in bloom!..”) as with equals, with horses (“What, child? What, kitten? Want to play pranks? Well, indulge, God’s fun!”), birds, plants, brownies. There is a lot of strength, inner fire, restlessness of life in her: “Grandmother cooked, sewed, dug in the garden and in the garden, spun all day like a huge head over heels driven by an invisible whip, sniffed tobacco, sneezed deliciously and said, wiping her sweaty face: “Hello , honest peace, forever and ever! During the fire, she kept up with everything: she managed to order the icons to be taken out of the house and the children to be taken away, to take out the vitriol from the workshop, to stop the horse, to organize and thank the neighbors; with burnt hands after a fire, she gave birth. Five townspeople beat a man - the grandmother rushes to the rescue, waving a yoke. Listen to the comments about this woman from your grandfather (“Hooray, you blessed fool... you don’t feel sorry for anything...”), your grandson (“You are absolutely a saint, they torture and torture you, but you don’t care!”).

Neither wealth nor poverty, neither sorrow nor joy changes it. “And the grandmother herself, as if cast from copper, is unchangeable,” like life itself.

  1. Introduction 2
  2. Chapter 1. Grandmother through the eyes of her grandchildren. 3
  3. Chapter 2. Grandmother and grandchildren. 6
  4. Chapter 3. Grandma and me. 9
  5. Conclusion 10
  6. Bibliography. eleven


In the life of each of us there is a person who takes care of us the most, tries

to please, to give wise advice, to feed and pamper more closely. This person is a grandmother.

Often people underestimate grandmothers, believing that their views are outdated and do not correspond to modernity and the rhythm of life. In fact, the role of the grandmother is very great, since it is the grandmother who is able to raise a spiritually developed person, convey to him her life experience and her wisdom.

We believe that our topic is relevant because in modern society a grandmother is no longer an example for young people. For young people of the 21st century, the authorities are absolutely opposite heroes, often even negative ones. Is this correct? The relevance of research is due to the fact that the difficult period of transformation in our country, the ongoing rethinking of old values ​​and the formation of new ones, brings to the fore the value of the individual. Of particular importance are the relationships between people and the form of expression of these relationships in society. The problem of spiritual values, which is relevant today for the entire Russian society, becomes particularly acute among young people, since the younger generation is most susceptible to the negative impacts caused by the crisis of spiritual values ​​of Russian society.

Today, the issue of developing new technologies for education, upbringing and development of the student’s personality that meets modern social, economic, moral and educational technologies is relevant. The spiritual wealth of humanity, reflected in culture, is recognized by society as especially valuable, and personal culture becomes a socially significant quality. In this regard, the issues of proper education of the child’s personality arise especially acutely.

Research problem can be formulated as follows: determine what the role of grandmothers is in the process of educating the child’s personality.

Object of study – the process of influence of grandmothers on the formation of a child’s personality.

Purpose of our research- determine what the role of the grandmother is in the development and formation of personality, tracing this through the example of works of art and conversations with classmates.

In connection with this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Study works of fiction dedicated to your grandmother.

Conduct a survey to identify the role of a grandmother in a person’s life.

Explain that the role of a grandmother in a person’s life is very important.

Subject of study– works about grandmothers, interviews with classmates.

Hypothesis Our research is to prove that the role of the grandmother in shaping the personality of the younger generation is very great.

Methodological basis The research included: works of Russian and foreign literature (M. Gorky “Childhood”, G.H. Andersen “Grandmother”, N.A. Nekrasov “Russian Women”, S. Kaputikyan “My Grandmother”), as well as a popular science book “The health of a child and the common sense of his relatives” by pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky.

Scientific novelty of the research is to determine the role of the grandmother in the process of raising the individual by analyzing works of fiction and the interviews received.

The results of the study can be used in the development of practical recommendations for teachers, educators, and social workers in preparation for parent-teacher meetings.

Goals and objectives determined the choice of the following research methods : analysis of popular science literature, works of fiction, survey, questionnaires, individual conversations (interviews), statistical methods for processing research and testing hypotheses.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, chapter-by-chapter conclusions, a conclusion, and a list of references. The list of used literature contains 7 sources.

Chapter 1. Grandmother through the eyes of her grandchildren.

Once in some social environment, a person begins to pay attention to the behavior of others and the assessment of his actions. He strives to understand and predict how the outside world will react to certain of his actions. Here, sociocultural experience begins to play a huge role, which is acquired by a person, first of all, thanks to the family. It is here that the created and accumulated culture is transmitted from one generation to another.

“It is simply pointless to deny the enormous role of grandmothers in raising the younger generation. In our country, this is doubly senseless, since the overwhelming majority of young families are generally unable to provide normal care and upbringing for their children without the help of their grandmothers.

Taking into account the points listed above, the following fact becomes obvious: the very concept of “grandmother” may well be considered not as a specific person, but as a very significant social phenomenon that requires separate study,” writes the famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky in his book “ The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives.” For many years, the author has been in close contact with grandmothers. His conclusions are clear: without taking this phenomenon into account, it is almost impossible to organize normal care and upbringing of children.

As you know, the modern family differs from the traditional one: since the end of the 19th century. The historical development of the Russian family in all areas followed the path of reducing the number of children in the family, reducing the number of relatives with whom close relations were constantly maintained. The share of traditional multigenerational families in modern Russian society is steadily declining. The role of women in the family and society has also changed in many ways. Nowadays, most mothers, for various reasons, have ceased to be exclusively involved in raising children and housekeeping. They work more often and strive to realize themselves in professional activities. Modern grandparents mostly lead an active social life (they continue to work until retirement and after; not everyone is ready to devote themselves to raising their grandchildren).
All these changes are reflected in the development of the child, primarily in the sphere of morality, as evidenced, in particular, by the increase in child cruelty and juvenile delinquency.

In this regard, there is a need to study the significance in modern society of the spiritual and moral function as the preservation and transmission of family traditions, experience, information about family roots, history, family values ​​and attitudes, and the extent to which it relates to the functions of the grandmother in the family.

Research on the family and its role in the development of the child is, as a rule, limited to the study of child-parent relationships and, to a greater extent, the influence of the mother on the development of the child. However, recently, studies have begun to appear on the role of grandparents (grandparents) in the family, but they are mainly limited to the influence of grandmothers on the emotional sphere of their preschool grandchildren, for which projective methods are often used (“Family Drawing”, etc.). The importance of grandmothers on the development of a child at an older age has not been studied enough, from our point of view.

Therefore, we interviewed students in grade 9I, in which we asked the following questions:

How does a grandmother influence the upbringing of her grandchildren?

In what areas of a person’s life does a grandmother play the greatest role?

What determines the main content of communication between the older and younger generations (the level of education of the grandmother herself, the ethnic environment in which she lived, or whether the grandmother lived in the family)?

10 interviews were conducted, of which 8 were selected in accordance with the objectives of the study.

Summarizing the data obtained, we can identify several psychological mechanisms through which the older generation influences young people. The main pedagogical techniques used in the process of education by grandmothers include the following:

  1. Receiving reinforcements. Behavior that is considered correct is rewarded, and violation of established rules is inevitably followed by punishment. This allows the formation of an internal need to comply with the system of norms. Here is what a student whose grandmother lives in the village says: “My grandmother tried to talk to us in Chuvash, or pretended that she didn’t understand anything. But in Russian, sometimes she just didn’t want to answer at all, “pelmestep” - “I don’t know” or “ onlanmar" - “didn’t understand,” that is, she had to say something in Chuvash. Well, of course we resisted, well, we did it for candy.” Another girl said: “Granny never forgets to thank me, if I do something at her request, I will definitely hear words of gratitude or often receive a sweet prize.”
  2. Identification technique: the child imitates his grandmother. “All I got from her was just a personal example, I just look at her line of behavior and draw my own conclusions.”
  3. Reception of advice or assessment: as a child or teenager grows up, he is faced with the need to solve an increasingly wider range of problems, discussing their solutions, the grandmother shapes the young person’s self-awareness and his communicative qualities. Students often said that grandma always makes her assessments of everything: friends who come to visit, my hobbies. Communication of this nature is not always positive: “...we have a parallel telephone, she (grandmother) always listened to my conversations. When I came to her to swear: “Grandma, what’s wrong?” - She told me the following: “Well, I’m a grandmother , I have to be aware of everything! Well, how can you hide something from me?" In general, it infuriates me. She still does this, but now I have already learned to communicate with her..."
  4. Among the special pedagogical techniques for raising granddaughters, one can highlight the method of comparison: “Grandmother always cited me as an example to her grandchildren, my other brothers” or “Meeting relatives, neighbors, conversations always started about the children of these grandmothers, how they live, how their life is built.” family, we listened to all this, how people live, what kind of family these people have, what kind of family those others have. And the grandmother then said: “You see, what kind of family, here she has, there, such and such a grandmother, she has a daughter with her husband lives well, no one swears." We were present, listened, and our mother listened and often sighed."
  5. Design technique: “We had evenings when our parents weren’t there, and grandma was cooking dinner and peeling potatoes, for example, and she starts telling me: “Well, you’ll grow up, you’ll have a lot of friends, and on your birthdays we’ll be get out beautiful dishes, crystal, we will set the table like this...” And I really loved it when she told it all: “guests will come, we will cook.”

Responsiveness to certain methods of education and the effectiveness of their use mainly depend on the emotional tone of family relationships. After all, the basis of any communication to one degree or another is trust in the interlocutor.

The boundless, inexhaustible love of grandmothers allows not only to increase their influence on their grandchildren, but also to instill responsibility for the older generation. "... She says: granddaughter, come there, help plant potatoes... and I will go... she loves me, I love her - we need to help."

However, the content of preschool education varies depending on the skills that the grandmother has. For example, a grandmother with a higher education in foreign languages ​​taught her granddaughter English from the age of 4.

It is interesting that the teaching of the Chuvash language also took place primarily in the preschool period. “The main thing for my grandmother is that I speak Chuvash” - this fact was noted in one way or another by all the grandchildren whose grandmothers live in the villages of our Republic.

According to young people, grandmothers took a very active part in the process of their preschool education. “Even before I went to school, I already knew how to read and write, that is, I was taught to do this... My mother worked, my grandmother was mainly involved in my upbringing... even before I went to school, all sorts of games were played with me "There were developmental blocks, all these construction sets, we read books a lot. I remember they would get me a stack of books, put them in front of me, I would sort through them, first leaf through the pictures, then I would start reading something myself."

In most cases, the decision regarding the child's out-of-school education was made by the parents. - “... My mother was primarily involved in my education, and my grandmother, as it were, was not particularly allowed...” or “... it was a joint family decision.”

The main significance of the grandmother’s role in the process of out-of-school education is to bring the family initiative to life. Here is an example from an interview: “ first I studied at a music school, and I didn’t want to study music, as expected, 2 hours a day, and my grandmother studied with me...”

Grandmothers continue to be loving and caring nannies even when their grandchildren are in school and even when they become students. They take their grandchildren to school, look after their food, their clothes, etc. “My grandmother fed me breakfast before I went to school. And besides, since my mother and I tend to sleep, she woke me up before I had to leave for school.” “The most important thing for grandma was that they fed me, gave me something to drink, and to the fullest extent, that there was first, second, and third... that they wrapped me up tightly so that I wouldn’t catch a cold! Grandma treated me intensively, smeared me with these terrible turpentine ointments. I still use them to this day. I remember now! "

If a grandmother lives in a family, her influence on her grandchildren increases many times over. When an elderly woman lives with adult children and grandchildren, then 3/4 of the elderly consider themselves to have the right to dictate their will to the family environment. The leading role of the grandmother in the family was confirmed by all the grandchildren who live together.

The influence of a grandmother’s behavior model in her own family on the style of family behavior that will be formed in her grandchildren is enormous. Here's how one of the schoolgirls talks about it: “One of my grandmothers taught me that I should be completely different from my mother. That is, how she behaves in her family, what kind of mother she is, what kind of wife she is - that’s how she would be.” this grandmother did not want to see me. My other grandmother... looking at her, I tune in to this wave: I am a girl who will happily marry a loved one, who will live happily for as long as they have allotted and give birth to children in happiness, this will not be without life has problems, but it will be great." This, oddly enough, is confirmed by the story of one of the grandchildren: “... in their family there is an impression that her grandfather is to blame all around, her grandfather is cross-armed, his grandfather is here, his grandfather is here... I have a grandmother who is very authoritarian and has a passion for the authoritarian style instilled in me. That is, I believe that a family should be authoritarian, and if the head of the family said that it would be so, then that is how it will be, and arguing with him is a pointless matter...”

Another component of the grandmother's role is to preserve or not preserve the integrity of the parental family of grandchildren. “Grandma, for the sake of the children, when there were conversations about getting a divorce, everything, she said: “No, how will they live without a father.” This stopped my mother in many ways.”

Grandmothers strive to introduce their grandchildren to their understanding of religion. Faith in God, observance of certain rituals (fasts, etc.) contribute to the preservation and maintenance of the boundaries of one’s ethno-cultural field. There is a transfer of some symbols of faith: “... grow up, child, but don’t forget about God. I started wearing the cross only because of them.” The ethnocultural traditions of the family are reflected through the transmission of certain culinary recipes and even household duties.

Also, according to the students, their grandmothers did not take an active part in the formation of their friendly environment, which distinguishes them very favorably from their parents, who always choose who they can be friends with and who they cannot.

So, let's summarize. The main areas of interaction between grandmothers and grandchildren, in which the grandmother has the strongest influence, are the spheres of family and education of grandchildren. The period of grandmothers' most active involvement in this process is the stage of preschool and primary school education. The importance of grandmother increases when grandmother lives in the family. The role of the grandmother is

1) transfer of your own skills;

2) implementation of parents’ decisions in the process of developing the grandson’s personality, his creative talents and abilities, his hard work;

3) care for the grandchildren themselves and the integrity of their families;

4) transferring models of family behavior by example;

5) maintaining the unity of their socio-cultural environment and the transmission of their own religious views.

Chapter 2. Grandmother and grandchildren.

Next, we decided to study works of fiction and documentary facts in which the grandmother influences the upbringing of her grandchildren. This is primarily the story “Childhood” by M. Gorky, the story “Grandmother” by G.H. Andersen, documentary information from the life of the real grandmother M.Yu. Lermontov and the life of the grandmother of the author of the work, Gulyaeva Alexandra.

My grandmother always says that little children cannot lie. But I think that old people, like little children, are truthful in their old age. My grandmother was born in a small town in Nizhny Novgorod, into a large and poor family.

Alyosha Peshkova’s grandmother Akulina Ivanovna from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” also lived in Nizhny Novgorod. Alyosha was four years old when his father died. After the funeral of Alyosha's father, his mother and grandmother, who came to them in Astrakhan, decided to return to Nizhny Novgorod, where Alyosha's grandfather lived. A trembling, still unconscious love was aroused in the boy by his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna. A man of a rich soul, colorful appearance, possessing the wisdom that is characteristic of the Russian people.

Alexey saw his grandmother for the first time when she was “in her sixth decade of summer and spring.” No one could perceive the world around her the way her grandmother perceived it. From the shore floating past, from the domes of churches sunk in the sky, she could cry or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such tales that the hardened bearded sailors asked: “Come on, grandmother, tell me something else!” For Alyosha Peshkov, grandmother became the light that everyone should have in life. She became his most faithful friend, “the most understandable and closest person.” “She was all dark, but she glowed from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

While reading this work, we noted that these grandmothers are very similar in appearance. This is what the story says:

“She spoke in a special way, singing the words, and they easily became stronger in my memory, like flowers, just as affectionate, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her pupils, dark as cherries, dilated and flashed with an inexpressibly pleasant light, her smile cheerfully revealed white, strong teeth, and, despite the many wrinkles in the dark code of her cheeks, her whole face seemed young and bright. She was all dark, but she glowed from within - through her eyes - with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light. She was stooped, almost hunchbacked, very plump, and she moved easily and deftly, like a big cat - she was as soft as this affectionate animal.

It was as if I was sleeping before her, hidden in the darkness, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me into the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread, wove everything into multi-colored lace and immediately became a friend for life, the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her selfless love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.” (She very often told me fairy tales. She told fairy tales quietly, mysteriously, leaning towards my face, looking into my eyes with dilated pupils, as if pouring strength into my heart, lifting me up. She speaks as if she is singing, and the further you go, the more complex the words sound It is inexpressibly pleasant to listen to her).

I would describe my grandmother like this: She is short, colorful, bright in appearance. She has very clear blue eyes, and almost white gray hair. Her nose is very neat, although not small. A smile suits grandma very well; when she smiles, her face becomes so sweet, almost childlike. She has the wisdom that is characteristic of the Russian people.

Alyosha learned selfless love from his grandmother, since his grandfather’s family, where he unwittingly ended up, lived according to the harsh rules established by his usurper grandfather. It seems that from time to time there is a glimpse of a kind person in him, but the shell snaps shut... and don’t cross, otherwise the reprisal will be with rods. The grandmother knew her grandfather’s character well and was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. She could become a mountain for anyone if her grandfather was wrong.
The house was filled with her warmth, her love and light, living energy. She put her whole soul into caring for her children and grandchildren. The unwanted Gypsy, thrown under the gate of the house, was accepted by the grandmother as if she were her own, she fed the boy and left him. Working from dawn until late at night around the house, my grandmother saw everyone and everything that happened around her, paying attention to everyone who needed her.

My grandmother endured a lot of grief and hardship in her lifetime. The grandmother and five other children were raised by one mother; their father abandoned them immediately after the war. (Grandmother was born on July 15, 1948; at the age of 3, she and her family moved to Cheboksary). Her childhood and youth took place in the post-war period. At the age of sixteen she went to work. She got married early and gave birth to two children. (She was and is still loved by her husband). My grandmother faced many trials, but she always, like a flexible tree after a storm, found the strength to straighten up and carry her burden further through life.

First she raised her children, and now she is raising us - her grandchildren!

It would seem that life’s adversities and storms should have ruined my grandmother’s character, turning her into an unfriendly and bitter person.

But my grandmother, although a poorly educated woman, has a tenacious worldly mind and a kind, sympathetic heart. There is absolutely no anger or envy in her.

Grandmother has a restless character. She loves to sing, loves cinema, knows how to listen to other people, is interested in telling all kinds of fairy tales and fables, and composes ditties.

Akulina Ivanovna from the story by M. Gorky was also a wonderful person, unlike others, and this was especially noticeable when her grandmother danced.

“Grandma didn’t dance, as if she was telling something. Here she walks quietly, thoughtful, swaying, looking around from under her hand, and her whole large body sways hesitantly, her legs carefully feel the road. She stopped, suddenly frightened by something, her face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, welcoming smile. She rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand; lowering her head, she froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully - and suddenly she was torn from her place, spun like a whirlwind, she became all slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of the wonderful return to youth!

And her heroism during the fire? She was equal to the elements. Both the flame and the grandmother fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was dear to her, was her home, her household; the fire burned what it considered its prey.

But the grandmother was not at a loss, but gave commands in a stern, strong voice. At that time, grandfather was howling softly. Then the grandmother remembered that copper sulfate had been left in the workshop, which could explode at any minute. She bravely threw herself into the fire and brought out a bottle of this liquid. Akulina Ivanovna and the frightened horse Sharap were able to calm down. How not to remember the lines from Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women”:

There are women in Russian villages

With calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With the gait, with the look of queens, -
Wouldn't a blind person notice them?
And the sighted man says about them:
“It will pass as if the sun will shine!
If he looks, he’ll give me a ruble!”
They go the same way
How all our people are coming,
But the dirtiness of the situation is wretched
It doesn't seem to stick to them. ...

And indeed, the fire was extinguished, the grandmother received burns, but also found words of consolation for others.

M. Gorky went through the school of generosity and severity, love and malice, but all his life he tried to analyze his actions, give love, and educate himself. And thank fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.

Grandmother is an important person in everyone's life. This becomes especially relevant when the grandmother has to replace some important person in the child’s life. Let us remember Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, the grandmother of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

Elizaveta Stolypina was born into a wealthy and very famous noble family in Rus'. She was the eldest daughter of Alexei Emelyanovich Stolypin, an economical and wealthy man. Together with his wife Maria, they raised and raised eleven children, among whom there were later famous leaders of the nobility, great military leaders and even senators. Elizabeth, who inherited all the best traits from her parents, grew up to be a sensible and businesslike woman, with an uncompromising and strong character. But fate destined her for the traditional female role of mother and wife.

Lisa was not a beauty, but a rich dowry, good reputation and noble family played their role. At the age of 22, she marries a charming and very wealthy groom, Mikhail Vasilyevich Arsenyev.

Despite the fact that immediately after the wedding, Arsenyev acquires the Tarkhany estate in the Penza province for a happy and peaceful family life, the relationship between the spouses does not go well. The birth of her daughter Mary seriously undermines Elizabeth's health, and this brings even greater discord into the relationship between the spouses. She decides to devote the rest of her life to her daughter Maria. Elizaveta Alekseevna took care of her so selflessly that when, at the age of 17, Masha decides to marry the poor but charming Yuri Petrovich Lermontov, her mother blesses this marriage, despite her dislike for her future son-in-law.

On October 15, 1814, the future great poet Mikhail Lermontov was born. Despite the birth of a son, family relationships are becoming increasingly tense, and the constant confrontation between mother and husband drains Maria Mikhailovna’s strength. At the age of 22 she dies of consumption.

Using her financial situation and burning with fierce hatred for her son-in-law, Elizaveta Alekseevna takes little Misha into her care. In order to give her grandson a proper education, Elizaveta Alekseevna moves with him to Moscow.

In 1837, Lermontov's daring poetry criticizing the imperial order aroused discontent among the authorities. Only thanks to his grandmother’s connections, Mikhail does not end up in hard labor, but gets away with being sent to serve in the Caucasus with the rank of officer. Throughout his stay there, Elizaveta Alekseevna knocked on the doorsteps of the authorities with pleas for pardon for her grandson. It was during this activity that in 1841 she heard the news of Mikhail’s death. This event completely undermined her health, she stopped seeing the meaning and purpose of her future life and died in 1845.

My grandmother is no less a wonderful person.