How to choose a treadmill for home workouts? A treadmill is an indispensable exercise machine or just a complex toy.

A modern treadmill is a very valuable and convenient exercise machine for developing endurance and walking and running skills. This simulator is simply irreplaceable when you need to thoroughly and consistently train the heart muscle and develop. With the help of a treadmill, you can easily prepare for running competitions and passing the GTO standards. The topic of the article is how to choose a treadmill.

Benefits of a Treadmill

The main advantages of running on a treadmill over regular walking or running outdoors come down to two very significant points.

All-weather. You can exercise on a treadmill at any time of the day and at any time of the year. This means complete independence from outdoor lighting and the vagaries of the weather.

Fine tuning and complete load control. You can very finely tune the most important parameters of walking or running: speed, incline, training method. It is almost impossible to do this at a street distance with the same accuracy.

So, first, let's do a short review of treadmills in general. And below there will be specific advice from a trainer on choosing a treadmill. The main thing is that the treadmill should be practical and not look like a spacecraft from science fiction films!

What types of treadmills are there?

Mechanical and electrical

Treadmills are either mechanical or electric.

Mechanical ones do not have an electric motor. And therefore, such a track is deprived of many useful functions such as quickly changing the angle of inclination, built-in programs, fine-tuning speed, etc. The belt of such a treadmill is driven by human efforts. And to be honest, I find it difficult to understand people who choose this type of exercise machine. It has only one advantage - low price. Mechanical treadmills are also thought to place too much stress on the joints of the legs, causing them to wear out faster. And I have not come across models of such tracks in which it would be possible to change the angle of inclination (and this is critical).

To be fair, there is one important point worth mentioning. When exercising on a mechanical treadmill, you must independently control the speed of movement. This is a special type of training that allows you to learn to maintain the desired speed through conscious effort. This skill can be very useful if you are participating in competitions that require tactical running skills. But it would be better to develop it directly at a distance.

Electric treadmills have an electric motor that ensures uniform movement of the belt and constant speed. The presence of an electric motor allows you to set the desired speed on the track. By controlling the speed, you can very flexibly change the load profile right during the training process, simply by pressing the desired keys (faster, slower).

Motor power

The power of the electric motor also matters if the track is electric. The more powerful the engine, the more expensive the track. But it’s also much more convenient to practice on it. This treadmill supports many more functions and does not require pauses in use. Check the power!

Folding and non-folding, track dimensions

If you use professional treadmills in a fitness club, this question does not arise. But if the simulator needs to be installed at home, its size and ability to fold up, occupying a smaller area, are important.

Folding tracks are good precisely because when folded they take up three times less space than in the working position. And this convenience is worth paying extra for.

What weight is the treadmill designed for?

As a rule, the documents for the treadmill indicate the maximum load on the belt - the maximum weight of a person. Take this point into account so that the track will serve you for a long time and without breakdowns.

Running belt (dimensions, etc.)

Pay attention to the size of the running belt (length and width of the working area). A path that is too narrow or too short will make the exercise uncomfortable. Considering that treadmill workouts usually take tens of minutes, this is a very important point. The optimal dimensions of the running belt: width - more than 45-50 cm, length - more than 1 meter.

Changing the inclination angle

The path should allow you to change the angle of inclination to noticeable amounts. Ideally up to 15-25 degrees. This allows you to simulate walking or running uphill. Incline angle is a very important training parameter for a treadmill (see below).

Shock absorption properties

The fabric of high-quality treadmills has good shock-absorbing properties. This is necessary to reduce traumatic and wear loads on the knee, ankle and hip joints.

Inexpensive mechanical and electrical tracks are usually not equipped with a normal shock absorber. However, this can be partially compensated for by training in high-quality running shoes and using the correct running technique.

Control Panel

This is a special electronic scoreboard with a built-in computer, showing the main parameters of the workout: speed, distance traveled, inclination angle of the track, pulse, number of calories burned, etc.

High-quality tracks allow you to quickly control all these parameters by simply touching the screen or the corresponding keys.

Additional options on the control panel may include an mp3 player with headphones, a fan, convenient shelves for a water container and personal belongings, a telephone, etc. This is especially true if you train for a long time. After all, you can do a lot of useful things in the process: listen to an audiobook, watch a movie, even make the necessary calls or send SMS.

Built-in programs and operating modes, functions, etc.

Most treadmills come with built-in software. These are preset parameters that are turned on automatically as soon as you launch the desired program. This is a very convenient training tool that does not require additional effort from you to change the angle of inclination and speed. On the other hand, programs are just a standard set of functions designed for the “average” person. Such built-in algorithms have nothing to do with the correct training program. After all, a high-quality training program implies all sorts of fluctuations in load levels, their change from session to session.

If the topic of embedded programs is interesting to you, let me know in the comments. I'll try to write a separate post about them.

Special treadmills

There are models specifically designed for specific types of CrossFit-style training. For example, this one.

This simulator allows you to simulate pushing a heavy object. This allows you to develop very high efforts and train strength and endurance of the whole body.

In principle, no one bothers you to do the same on the most ordinary treadmill. Except it's not so convenient.

First of all, decide on the price of the issue. Getting an inexpensive treadmill may not be the best idea, since you most likely won't be using it for long. Perhaps a much better solution for the good of the cause would be to regularly visit the nearest fitness club, where large and high-quality treadmills and other valuable cardio equipment (exercise bikes, ellipses) are usually installed. Here you can not only work out on the track, but also work out all the necessary muscles. That is, conduct a full training session.

If you are buying a treadmill for home, pay attention to the following. The main parameters from the coach’s point of view are:


Must be able to run at speeds of up to 20-25 km per hour. This is a very fast run. And you don’t always need to run like this. On average, the average person needs a speed of between 5 km/h (walking) and 14 km/h (fairly fast running). But such an opportunity is very desirable. Then your treadmill training program will be as flexible as possible.

The track should be able to change the speed by a small amount, say 100m per hour. This way you can walk on the treadmill at speeds of 5 km/h, 5.1 km/h, 5.2 km/h, etc. This is very convenient for gradually increasing the load and creating the necessary fluctuations in load for weekly and other training cycles.

Changing the inclination angle

This is a very important parameter that allows you to change the load when walking or running. The treadmill you choose should have the ability to change this angle. Ideally, by pressing keys directly during training, without leaving the canvas. It is recommended to have a track on which the angle of inclination can be increased from 0 to 15-25 degrees. Then you will have every opportunity for quality training.

Safety system

This is an emergency stop key for the treadmill in case of a fall or feeling unwell. Or it could be a special cable fastened to your clothing. If you start to drift, the cable will tighten and the track will quickly stop.


Must be comfortable. But you don’t need to hold on to them all the time, much less hang on them while walking or running. Handrails are needed for convenience and safety when starting and finishing walking.

Some treadmill models are equipped with special sensors that show your heart rate. However, the accuracy of these sensors, even among expensive models, leaves much to be desired. As a rule, such sensors do not display heart rate values ​​close to reality immediately, but after 1-2 minutes of continuous contact with your palms. To accurately monitor your heart rate, it is better to use more accurate devices.


It is desirable that the display displays: speed, incline, training time. These are the most important parameters. Having built-in programs for quality classes is not necessary. Displaying calories burned and other unimportant parameters is not required at all.

The popularity of such cardio equipment as the treadmill is only growing. This is due to the fact that walking is accessible to everyone, everyone can train, and there is no need to learn complex techniques. To choose a treadmill for your home, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics. Knowing about the intricacies of the simulator, you can quickly choose the appropriate model.

Types of tracks

There are several types of tracks:

  • mechanical,
  • magnetic,
  • electric.

The mechanical model is one of the most inexpensive options. The movement of the canvas occurs due to the effort of the athlete. The structure of the mechanical treadmill itself: running belt, rotating rollers, hand support. To start moving, you need to exert force, which means the speed of movement depends only on the athlete’s capabilities.

The second option differs from the mechanical one in that the movement occurs with the help of magnets. The device is more complex and expensive. Movement occurs smoothly thanks to magnets.

An electric treadmill is even more expensive; it is equipped with an electric motor that ensures the movement of the belt and sets its speed. Here you can adjust the speed and program. Depending on the model, it can display the athlete’s pulse on the screen and change the angle of inclination. Electric exercise machines are better than others; they have a number of advantages. All of the following characteristics apply to electrical tracks.

Main settings

How to choose a treadmill? It’s not difficult, just know a few basic characteristics:

  • power,
  • deck size,
  • running belt,
  • control panel and all functions,
  • depreciation,
  • cardiac sensor,
  • optimal weight for a training person.

More details about each of them

Power. The engine is the main part in every track. Thanks to the electric motor, the movement of the web is ensured. Power is indicated in the specifications in horsepower, usually an interval is indicated: for example, from 1 to 2 horsepower. Power determines the maximum weight of an athlete.

Deck size matters for tall people. The deck is the base of the exercise machine, located under the running belt. The deck can be made of wood or artificial materials. Its thickness is responsible for shock absorption, respectively, the stronger and stronger it is, the better. Cushioning ensures safe walking or running. A thin deck will last less and will be more rigid in motion.

The running belt itself is more susceptible to wear and tear than others. The more layers there are, the stronger and longer it will last.

The control panel is the track's computer. Depending on the capabilities, the control panel can show speed, pulse, time, distance, average speed. The control buttons are also located here.

Not all treadmill models have a heart rate sensor (or heart rate monitor). You can control your heart rate on the simulator or independently of it (using a fitness bracelet).

Possible options

How to choose a treadmill for your goals? Knowledge of the characteristics provides a minimum set of knowledge to determine the model. To determine which model is right for a particular person, you can consider all possible options.

  1. User weight. Most tracks are designed for the average weight of a person, with a maximum load of up to 150 kg. There are models that can operate with a load of up to 250 kg.
  2. Engine power. Average engine power is up to 2.5–3 liters. With. These values ​​are sufficient for home use.
  3. Speed. Models may differ in the maximum possible speed. This parameter must be taken into account when choosing if you plan to run regularly and increase your speed. The average walking speed is 4.5–7.5 km/h, transition to running is from 8 km/h (unhurried).
  4. The dimensions of the canvas are important for tall people. There are small tracks. They will be comfortable for people of small or medium height.
  5. Tilt angle. It is desirable to have this function, since changing the height of the belt increases the load and adds variety to training. Accordingly, look at the maximum value (in degrees) by which the canvas can rise.
  6. Depreciation system - yes or no. It is better to choose an option with depreciation.
  7. Does the simulator fold or not? At home, this is an important parameter.
  8. The control panel is different for all tracks. The following functions may be offered by the manufacturer:
    • 1. calorie consumption on the screen,
    • 2. time,
    • 3. speed,
    • 4. number of installed programs,
    • 5. cardiac sensors,
    • 6. fitness test.

These are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a treadmill.

You can look at the programs in more detail. Different treadmills offer a choice of programs. The difference is not only in the number of programs, but also in the built-in capabilities. Some tracks can automatically calculate your training heart rate, while others don't. Usually there is a separate label on the control panel with symbols. You need to look at and determine your pulse yourself, based on your age and training experience. Additionally, some models are equipped with a program such as a fitness test. You can be tested regularly and see the results of your workouts on the screen. To conduct testing, the track must be equipped with a heart rate monitor. Or the simulator should be able to connect an external heart rate monitor.

Choosing the right model is not difficult. It is enough to determine how the training on the simulator will take place.

Model selection

The mechanical treadmill can be used for all of the listed training purposes. Since it is inexpensive, it is accessible to everyone. The simulator works due to the efforts of the athlete, therefore it is more difficult to move than others, but it will be useful for those who want to bring the training conditions at home as close as possible to real ones. After all, in life, walking and running are accomplished through human efforts.

The motorized walkway can be equipped with all possible functions. It will be convenient for anyone. Simple control, the movement of the blade occurs due to the engine.


The simulator can be used for different types of training:

  • health promotion,
  • increase in speed and strength indicators,
  • weight loss.

The treadmill can be used as a fitness machine to improve your health. For various diseases, physical activity is indicated for people. And this cardio machine is one of the best options for this.

Health promotion involves monitoring your condition, which means that the track model should have a heart rate monitor. With its help, you can control your heartbeat and train at the desired interval. On the control panel of some models you can see a table with ready-made heart rate values ​​that a training person should have. There are models in which, when installing the program, it calculates what the pulse should be and displays it zonally in a special window. If the heart rate exceeds the required value, the treadmill automatically reduces the load.

To increase qualities such as endurance or speed, when choosing a suitable simulator, it is better to take into account the presence of shock absorption, power, size, and maximum speed. A properly selected option will ensure safety during training.

To lose weight, it is better to use a model that has a heart rate monitor and a variety of programs with heart rate control. If you train without taking your heart rate into account, you can either give yourself less load than necessary, or too much.

To walk correctly on the path, you need to follow the following rules:

  • lower the foot, starting from the toe and the outer side of the foot,
  • watch the pelvic bones, they are at the same level,
  • each leg takes a step forward (without moving to the side).

Proper walking should provide such movement that the hips remain in place and the legs make a clear movement forward.

Choosing a track can be enjoyable if you know the basic characteristics. When choosing based on them, you can take into account the weight of the simulator, its design, the presence of cup holders, and the ability to connect gadgets.

In any case, the chosen option will definitely bring only benefits and health.

It is not serious to talk about a healthy lifestyle without regular physical activity. A treadmill at home is a great way to keep your muscles and heart in shape, lose extra pounds, increase endurance and immunity.

The advantages of a personal trainer also include its independence from weather and seasonal factors. Home workouts do not interfere with your work schedule, eliminating the cost of transportation and purchasing a gym membership.

So, is it still a purchase? Then it is very important not to make a mistake, which track to choose: magnetic, mechanical or electric? Or maybe even orbitek?

5 types of treadmills

The operation of any treadmill is based on the same principle of rotation in a circle as in a conveyor belt. But only this belt is capable of withstanding heavy loads; for the safety and convenience of the runner, it is built into a stable platform, equipped with handrails, sensors, and a computer.

Ultimately, today it represents the most modern unit, developed using scientific technologies, the latest technical achievements and design developments.

1. Mechanical

- This is the simplest version of such a simulator. The rotation of the running belt occurs here due to the muscular strength of the runner's legs, speeding up or slowing down at his discretion.

As soon as you add a step, the speed of movement of the belt increases; if you get tired and stop, the belt also stops.

The elements for regulating the increase in load in mechanical tracks are the angle of inclination of the belt or the brake shaft.

Pros of mechanical models:

  • independence from electricity;
  • simplicity of design, compact size and light weight;
  • affordability compared to more sophisticated electric models.

All this makes a mechanical track a desirable purchase for many sports fans.

However, let's not keep silent about the shortcomings:

  • a minimum set of functions (on a simple console - only the most necessary readings of speed, number of calories burned, training time and distance traveled), no programs;
  • walking or running is possible only on an inclined surface - without setting the angle, the tape simply cannot move;
  • the movement of the running belt may be accompanied by jerks;
  • absence or minimal shock absorption parameters due to close contact between a person’s feet and the tape, which excessively loads the joints.

Example: Torneo Sprint T-110

Development from the Italian company Torneo.

Has the following features and advantages:

  1. functions: manual tilt angle adjustment (8 positions);
  2. fitness assessment program (speed, calorie burn, distance);
  3. pulse meter;
  4. canvas 33x113 cm with a shock absorption system;
  5. user weight limit is 100 kg.

Price – from 5000 rubles.

2. Magnetic

is an improved mechanical model and, as it were, a transitional version from the simplest mechanism using muscular force to a more modern one - electric, where acceleration, deceleration with subsequent stopping and a given intensity are provided by the motor.

Magnetic models differ from mechanical models more advanced braking system.

If in the former the deceleration and stopping of the belt is provided by the natural force of friction or by a friction brake that slows down the simulator by pressing the belt, then the latter are equipped with a magnetic drive. Thanks to it, the canvas is magnetized and attracted evenly along the entire length of the tape, which ensures smooth and quiet movement.

Advantages of magnetic models:

  • small dimensions;
  • inexpensive;
  • smooth movement and ability to adjust loads;
  • eliminating mechanical wear of the brake and reducing tire wear.

The disadvantages include:

  • still, as in mechanical tracks, there is a heavy load on the joints of the legs;
  • lack of training programs - the electronic console shows only its basic parameters.

To minimize the stress on your joints, you need to choose the right

Example: Body Sculpture BT 2860C

An example of a typical magnetic track from the English brand Body Sculpture.

Its advantages and features:

  1. tilt angle adjustment – ​​mechanical;
  2. system for changing the load level Hi-Tech (stepless);
  3. folding design, rollers;
  4. large LCD display with the necessary indicators;
  5. built-in heart rate monitor;
  6. canvas 33x117 cm;
  7. maximum user weight – 110 kg.

Cost – from 13,000 rubles.

3. Electric

The main difference is presence of an electric motor, creating loads in the widest range and ensuring smooth and constant movement of the belt. The control panel is a mandatory element of any simulator. But here, in addition to the basic set of training parameters, the on-board PC provides control over its progress, programming modes and even creating your own.

Depending on your goals - increasing endurance levels, rehabilitation, use, etc. – the mini-computer works as a personal trainer. And the most modern models have an audio and video system, Internet access, etc. The panel also ensures an instant stop of the simulator if the athlete slips off the track - the safety key built into it is activated.

Pros of electric models:

  • the running belt is not only cushioned, it is practically orthopedic;
  • a wide range of training programs and the ability to set individual regimes for yourself;
  • and running on a flat surface, because the speed and load level are not set by the angle of inclination, but are provided by the operation of the motor.

The disadvantages are obvious:

  • extensive functionality, the most modern solutions in electronic support simply cannot be cheap - therefore the cost of such models is very high;
  • dependence on the power grid and energy costs.

Example: Housefit HT 9164E

Track from the American brand of sporting goods "Housefit".

She has the following advantages and features:

  1. The motor power is high - 2.5 hp, the speed reaches 18 km/h;
  2. convenient canvas dimensions: length – 135 cm, width – 46 cm;
  3. automatic tilt angle adjustment (18 positions);
  4. heart rate sensors;
  5. console with training parameters - calories, distance, time - and built-in programs;
  6. user weight limit is 125 kg.

Cost – from 30,000 rubles.

4. Folding (compact)

There can be all types - mechanical, magnetic, electrical. Such models are produced to save space, ease of storage and transportation.

A transforming walkway is a godsend for a small apartment, country house or small office. When folded, it will not clutter up the space or interfere with movement. But as soon as you want to exercise, the simulator is again at your service.

Example: Hasttings Fusion II HRC

Manufactured in China, the model of the English sports brand “Hastting”, in addition to an attractive design, has a whole range of advantages:

  1. low-noise forced-cooled motor from Leeson (USA) with a power of 2 hp. capable of accelerating the simulator up to 16 km/h;
  2. two-layer running belt 125x42 cm and 1.8 cm thick with a shock-absorbing elastomer comfort plus system;
  3. electrically adjustable tilt angle up to 15° using monitor keys or buttons on the handles (there are also pulse sensors and speed control);
  4. compact dimensions and safe hydraulic folding mode;
  5. on-board PC with an accessible menu on the LCD display - 25 manually set programs, readings of key training parameters, MP3;
  6. maximum user weight – 130 kg.

However, such a model costs about 40,000 rubles.

5. Children's

There are no fundamental differences from treadmills for adults. However they are developed taking into account the special qualities of the child’s body– short stride length, short stature, low intensity of loads, etc.

They usually have a simple design, compact size, attractive bright design for kids, increased safety and are made of high-strength and anti-slip environmentally friendly materials. Most often, for safety reasons, children's tracks are mechanical.

Peculiarity! Among the additional options typical on a children's treadmill is a twister foot circle with an anti-slip coating for rotating the lower body to the right and left. It not only diversifies the activities, but also allows two kids to exercise on the simulator at the same time: holding on to the handrail, one can run, the other can spin on the twister.

Example: Moove&Fun SH-01-T

This mechanical track came to us from China. The age of children who can use it is 3-6 years.
Possesses positive features:

  1. bright, spectacular appearance;
  2. made of durable safe materials, handrail wrapping is made of soft non-slip PVC and nylon;
  3. running belt with silent movement, high density, antistatic properties and bright colors;
  4. twister disk;
  5. battery-powered console with information about basic training parameters;
  6. the maximum weight of a child participating is 50 kg;
  7. There are wheels for transportation.

Cost – from 6500 rubles.

What to look for when buying a home exercise machine?

The operating principle of treadmills is simple. However, the device itself, especially the semi-professional and professional electrically driven models, is quite complex.
Need to take into account! To avoid unnecessary hassle with setup, ongoing repairs and maintenance of an unsuccessfully chosen model, or loss of interest in training due to inappropriate parameters, when purchasing, immediately pay attention to the characteristics and options of a treadmill cardio machine. However, do not forget - any simulator requires.

  • Engine. This is the heart of the treadmill. They provide the highest speed of unwinding of the web under the weight of a person. But if you are not a professional athlete practicing interval training at peak speed, and your body weight does not exceed average (80-85 kg), you should not overpay for power units that will not be useful. A 1.5 horsepower engine will suit you just fine. If the weight is greater, select from 1.6 hp. and higher, a little power reserve won't hurt. This will extend the service life and protect against breakdowns. The formula for practical choice is as follows: among two or three models that you like, choose a machine with the greatest constant, not peak power - you won’t go wrong.
  • Running belt. This element is the key to comfortable operation. Its optimal length and width are 120-130 by 40 cm, but it is necessary to take into account the weight and height of the user’s stride, planned running speed, etc. Constant stiffness of movement and lack of space under your feet are not the best incentives for exercise. Two more important characteristics of the canvas are shock-absorbing properties and thickness. The soft and elastic tape can significantly dampen the inertia of steps, reducing the impact load on joints and ligaments. And the multi-layer nature of the canvas will make it possible to extend its operation without replacement, simply by swapping the face and back of the deck.
  • Dimensions and stability. The supporting surfaces of the handrails should not restrict movement and should be located comfortably both in width and height. Their job is to ensure safety when running and prevent the risk of falling and injury. Inappropriate handrail parameters affect not only the comfort of training, but also the overall stability of the treadmill.
  • Control Panel. Comfortable management of the treadmill, monitoring of the most important indicators and visualization of processes occurring at the physical level is an important part of working on yourself. Choose simple and intuitive options or more technological ones, depending on your taste and goals for working on the simulator.
    Pay attention to: measuring functions and accessibility of programs (they should allow you to track your progress); compatibility with additional functions (personal trainer, MP3 player); readability of information (screen parameters, backlight); the presence of a heart rate monitor and the convenience of its location (handrails, ear clip).
  • Availability of a security key. The emergency stop key is fixed on the runner's belt. If it suddenly falls, it is pulled out of the connector - and the treadmill instantly stops rotating to avoid injury. Compliance is a prerequisite.
  • Additional functions. It makes no sense to overpay for multimedia functions if you will not use, for example, a TV tuner, Wi-Fi or audio system built into the LCD display - you can turn on a TV or stereo system at home. The same applies to programs - there may be 9 of them, or maybe 20 or more. Each of them affects the price, but will you use two dozen programs?
  • Tilt angle. With its help, the load vector is adjusted during training. There must be at least three provisions. Can be adjusted manually or by PC key.
  • Noise level. Relevant for both yourself and your neighbors. An important parameter when choosing a mechanical track.
  • Storage and movement capabilities. If you have a minimum of free space, choose folding models, preferably with rollers for transportation. Then you can install it without any help, and, if necessary, fold it and put the exercise machine away for storage.

Several useful videos

For an even better understanding of all the nuances of choice, we advise you to watch the following videos:

All this will allow you to make the right choice, without overpaying for unnecessary options and investing your money in a profitable long-term investment for the sake of your health.

To maintain good health, systematic cardio exercise is necessary. They are relevant for people of different ages and are ways to ensure not only the preservation, but also the development of a person’s physical abilities. One of the best options is a treadmill, which will take a comfortable place in the house. You will have the opportunity to turn on your favorite movie or TV series and at the same time improve your figure.

As a result of regular exercise on the treadmill, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, which has a positive effect on active life expectancy and reduces the risk of diseases of the circulatory system. Despite the fact that running puts a lot of stress on the legs, the whole body is involved in the work, sweat appears, and tissues are enriched with oxygen. Due to this, calories are burned and weight is gradually lost.

But in order for a treadmill to really help improve your health and get your body in shape, you need to decide on the type of exercise machine.

Types of treadmills

In total, there are 3 types of tracks between which there are special differences consisting in the method of driving the running belt:

  • The electric track is powered by an electric motor. Its power affects the maximum permissible rotation speed of the blade. In turn, the canvas limits the maximum possible weight of the person for whom the simulator is designed. The power of the simulator is usually enough even for the most trained athlete.
  • The mechanical track moves by pushing off with the feet. This option most closely matches natural running, because the belt rotates as long as the person runs. As soon as the athlete stops performing pushing movements, the belt will stop.
  • Magnetic works on the principle of mechanical, but the movements are regulated by magnets and are more uniform and smooth. Magnets provide braking and also determine the load level.

Which treadmill to choose for your home?

All types of tracks have their advantages and disadvantages. So mechanical the track weighs less because it does not have an electric motor. It is more compact and easy to place in a limited area. Do not forget that it does not require electricity to operate. They also have a good price - 110$ average.

From a physiological point of view, the advantage of a mechanical treadmill is that the runner sets his own rhythm and running turns out natural and most beneficial for the body. Not everyone likes the fact that the belt must be rotated by one’s own efforts, but this cannot be attributed to the disadvantages of the simulator since this is precisely the required load. The mechanical canvas has functions that will help you measure your pulse, find out your workout time, distance traveled and calories burned.

Magnetic the track is superior to the first option in that the noise level is lower and the movements will be smoother. For each bonus you have to pay, so the cost of a magnetic track on average starts from 137$ .

Electric The treadmill is attractive because you don’t have to make an effort to accelerate the belt to start training, and also because of its appearance. This simulator has an order of magnitude more settings, which are performed completely automatically. These include functions that allow you to set running speed and incline angle.

However, you will have to pay for the pleasure 340$ . Also, compared to mechanics, the weight and dimensions are quite large. There is a high risk of breakage. Due to the self-moving belt, there is a risk of injury.

Criterias of choice

Having decided on the type of track, it is worth thinking about other selection criteria. For any type of path, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • The running belt has different widths. The wider the canvas, the more space it takes up, but it is easier and safer to run. Choose a canvas with a width of 40 cm and a length of 120 cm.
  • Good cushioning helps people with joint problems run smoother and safer. Cushioning is well thought out in the magnetic tracks.
  • By giving preference to well-known manufacturers, you can be sure that the track will serve for many, many years.
  • The warranty should not only be included with the track, but should also be for at least 5 years.
  • If you decide to purchase an electric walkway, pay attention to the presence of a security key. The key works on the principle that if a runner falls, the track stops moving.

Manufacturers rating

There are the most popular treadmills that appeal to users due to their cost, reliability, various performance features, variety of models, and overall quality. Among the manufacturers, the following companies can be noted: DFC, HouseFit, Torneo, Matrix and TrueForm.


Despite the fact that this is a wonderful type of exercise equipment, there are a number of contraindications to their use:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension;
  • Heart disease;
  • Heart failure;
  • Late stages of obesity;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Previous heart attack.

How to use it correctly?

The effect of the simulator will be greater if you combine proper nutrition with training. Ideally, you should exercise 3-5 days a week. Beginners should start by walking, gradually increasing the pace. After 3-4 sessions, try to switch to running. To get the effect of cardio training, you need to do half an hour, to burn fat - from 45 to 60 minutes. Regularity will help consolidate the results.

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise; it should be uniform. The back position is straight, the chest and shoulders are straightened. Keep your pulse at 130-140 beats. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. Limit food intake for an hour after training.

The same running pace can get boring, so it doesn't hurt to change it up from time to time. You should not start running at a fast pace, nor should you finish it at a fast pace. At the beginning and at the end the pace should be calm. Before training, do exercises to warm up your knees and ankles. After a run, stretching for 10 minutes is encouraged.

Price range

Track prices vary greatly depending on features. Little known manufacturers offer mechanical tracks costing from 50$ . But manufacturers of high quality offer products from 110$ . Maximum cost can be approx. 15000$ .

The cheapest electric track costs 250$ , and the maximum cost is about 25000$ . These ranges include exercise equipment for home, professional, weight loss, etc.

Knowing the types of treadmills, you can choose the most suitable one for your personal goals and preferences. Be sure that there will be no disappointment from the choice and you will be able to purchase the ideal exercise machine to improve your health and figure. We wish you good luck in your choice, and confidence that it will be the right one!

There are dozens of brands represented on the Russian market. Traditionally, the lion's share of manufactured sports equipment for this region comes from China. A slightly smaller percentage remains with Taiwan. This is explained by the fact that labor is much cheaper in China, that is, it is much more profitable to produce a unit of goods here than in the USA and Europe. Logistics is also a significant issue, on which the profitability of the selling company depends.

Even brands such as Kettler have already started producing goods in China, despite production facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Austria, England and Poland.

But this does not mean the product is of low quality. Giant factories in China are aimed at any consumer; quality directly depends on price; a separate issue is the pricing policy of the selling company.

The advantage of well-known brands is a developed retail network, warranty and post-warranty service. Such companies have an official website, a group of experienced consultants, and a full-fledged service center where you can contact at any time in case of a malfunction or the need for repairs. Using the telephone numbers listed on the official website, you can easily resolve operational issues and order any replacement components (running belt, engine, console, power board). The disadvantages of such an enterprise include the somewhat inflated price of the product.

Most of the brands on the market, such as Oxygen/Winner, Torneo, Carbon and others, are aimed exclusively at the home segment. There is no commercial class in the line of simulators.

Many brands known throughout the world, for example, Spirit Fitness, Sole Fitness, are also manufactured in China, and the company itself is located in the USA. The lines of exercise machines consist of home and commercial grade. The best option for purchasing a trainer for home use is just this option. Even the cheapest models have a thoughtful design, durable construction, proven biomechanics and appropriate quality components.

Pros and cons of little-known companies

There are a number of fly-by-night companies that appear on the market, operate for a year or two, and then suddenly disappear. Service and warranty issues are up in the air.

The worst thing is that fly-by-night companies brazenly inflate the basic technical characteristics. Actual parameters may differ by an order of magnitude from those stated:

  • the maximum user weight is significantly higher than calculated;
  • the rated power of the engine is given as peak power (short-term maximum developed power value);
  • The dimensions of the real running belt turn out to be much more modest than those indicated.

The unimaginable is happening with the values: sellers indicate fantastic values. Some count in percentages, others in degrees.

Sometimes such companies do not have quality certificates, and the warranty period is increased to 5 years. Without their own service center, some companies turn to third-party organizations for help and sign an agreement with them for a certain period.

It's no secret that the most budget models tend to break down quickly. The treadmill simply cannot withstand the maximum user weight specified by the seller and fails before the warranty period. It often happens that the engine cannot withstand the load, overheats and burns out.

Others include failure of sensors, control console controllers and power boards. Some issues can be resolved with the help of third-party companies that specialize in the manufacture of analogues of running belts and poly-V-belts.

A significant part of trademarks have nothing in common with the countries of origin of the neighboring countries indicated in the legend of the brand’s origin. Such goods are usually produced in China or Taiwan and are sold only in Russia. The advantage of this approach is the lower price range of the simulator lines. The user gets the opportunity to purchase an analogue with higher characteristics at a much lower price. Such simulators provide strong competition to well-known and well-promoted companies. As a rule, the disadvantage of this form of organization is unsatisfactory service and the risk of disappearance of the manufacturer.

Review of the best treadmill options in different price categories

Table 1 – Overview table of optimal options in price categories.

Price Treadmill model Structural weight, kg Engine power, hp Running belt (LxW), cm Warranty period, months
<30 т.р. FAMILY TM 100 26 1,25 95x34 12
CARBON T406 37 2,5 104x37 12
30-40 t.r. CARBON T506 41 1,75 120x40 12
Diadora EDGE 1.6 Dark 61 2,0 120x42 12
40-50 t.r. Hastings Evok 50 1,5 120x40 12
FAMILY TM 450A 56 2,5 130x45 12
50-60 t.r. BH Fitness G6431R SX PREMIUM 59 2,5 120x40 24
Hasttings FUSION II HRC 60 2,0 125x42 12
60-70 tr. Clear Fit EnjoyTM 6.25 66 3,0 130x46 24
Hastings FX600 66 3,0 138x45 24
70-80 t.r. Clear Fit Enjoy TM 7.35 HRC 78 3,25 135x52 24
Horizon Adventure CL 85 2,75 140x50 36
80-90 tr. Hastings CT80 80 2,0 130x45 24
Ammity ATM 518 TFT 77 3,0 140x54 60
90-100 t.r. Sole Fitness F60 105 2,75 152x51 24
Hastings CT100 96 2,5 140x51 24
100-110 t.r. ICON NordicTrack C320i 122 3,0 142x50 24
Sole F65 113 2,75 147x51 24
ICON NordicTrack T17.5 89 3,0 152x51 12
110-120 t.r. ProForm Performance 1850 92 3,0 152x51 24
Spirit Fitness XT185 104 2,75 140x51 24
130-140 t.r. Spirit Fitness XT285 110 2,75 150x51 24
Ammity ATM 722 TFT+AC 81,5 3,25 140x53 60
140-150 t.r. Bronze Gym T800 LC 106 3,0 152x45 12
ICON NordicTrack Elite 1500 104 3,5 152x55 24
150-180 t.r. Sole F85 120 4,0 152x56 24
Spirit Fitness XT385 120 3,0 152x51 24
180 – 200 t.r. Spirit Fitness XT485 126 3,5 152x51 24
Sole TT8C 120 4,0 152x56 24


By purchasing a treadmill from a well-known brand, you get full-fledged service and technical support in all major cities, but you overpay somewhat in price.

By purchasing a simulator from little-known companies, you get the opportunity to purchase a model with characteristics much higher than analogues in the corresponding price range, but you risk being left without appropriate technical support after some time.