How to enter a civil aviation flight school. Civil aviation institutes in Russia

The Chelyabinsk Flight School of Civil Aviation is an educational institution created on a private basis that trains specialists in aircraft piloting. Future professional and amateur pilots are trained here. There are also courses for advanced training and retraining of personnel. The establishment has a representative office in Moscow.


The Chelyabinsk Civil Aviation Flight School provides training in two main areas: commercial aviation pilot (secondary specialized education) and amateur pilot (additional vocational education).

On the basis of SPO, training lasts 34 months. Amateur pilots receive a minimum basis of knowledge and skills in just 90 days, and commercial pilots - in 10.5 months (DPO program). The school is also working to retrain personnel and improve their skills in operating certain models of aircraft. Teaching is conducted in accordance with the approved standards of the Ministry of Education.


Graduates of the 11th grade of a comprehensive school have the right to enter the Chelyabinsk Flight School of Civil Aviation. The basic admission rules do not differ from similar conditions at other universities of a similar focus. Applicants submit to the admissions committee an application, a package of documents, including photographs, a passport and a certificate of education.

Passing a medical examination by an applicant is mandatory. This can be done directly at the university institution or at any other medical institution that has the appropriate capabilities. Before the main commission, the applicant undergoes preliminary medical examinations and undergoes a series of tests. The main procedure includes examination of the applicant by specialized doctors, including a psychiatrist, narcologist and cardiologist.

Selection of candidates

If two or more applicants with the same number of points apply for one training place as a civil aviation pilot, the choice is made in favor of the applicant who has higher grades in mathematics, physics, Russian and foreign languages ​​(in that order).

The second main selection criterion is the results of a psychological examination by members of the commission. The university no longer provides for any additional exams or testing. The application period, available vacancies and admission rules with changes are posted in advance on the official website.


CHLUGA (Chelyabinsk Flight School of Civil Aviation) provides the opportunity to submit an application online. The completed document is sent to the email address specified on the website. Additionally, duplicates of the passport, certificate and other papers are attached, which the applicant will present in the original directly to the admissions committee.

Persons wishing to undergo additional training at the school submit a certificate (diploma) of education, a passport, photographs, certificates from a narcologist, a psychiatrist, as well as a report on passing a medical examination. To register for retraining or advanced training, applicants must provide a pilot certificate and flight record book.

Cost of education

Since this flight school is private, training is conducted entirely on a paid basis, and there is no dormitory for cadets to live in. For the entire period of completing the course in the specialty “civil aviation pilot” you will have to pay at least 2 million 200 thousand rubles. Additional education will cost about 1 million 900 thousand rubles, and retraining will cost about 500 thousand Russian rubles.

Together with Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the flight school practices training loans. To receive a loan, you need to contact a bank branch with a passport, an application and a duplicate of the agreement on studying at CHLUGA. In addition, the package of documents is accompanied by an educational license and a payment receipt issued by the university.


The maximum number of cadets recruited by the school annually is no more than 60 people (for secondary vocational education). Another 30 pilots are being recruited into retraining and advanced training groups.

Students can stay in a hotel, which is located on the territory of the Chelyabinsk Flight School of Civil Aviation. It includes 15 double rooms, the cost of accommodation is 350 rubles per day. Cadets are provided with free access to high-speed Internet. Meals are taken in the dining room with 40 seats. There is a conference room that can accommodate 30 people.

Students can improve their knowledge and spend their leisure time in the library with a reading room. You can go through the initial adaptation, get to know each other better and relieve stress in the room for psychological relief (there is even a billiard table here).


Sports activities are an integral part of the training of future small aviation pilots. For these purposes, the flight school has built a sports ground with a volleyball net and horizontal bars, and there is a gym equipped with all the necessary equipment.

Students can seek qualified medical care at a medical center equipped specifically for these purposes. In addition, here you can pass a commission upon admission. First aid kits are required in offices and airplanes.

The classrooms in which training is conducted are equipped with visual aids and projectors, and a computer lab is used if necessary. As for employment after graduation, responsibility for it lies with the graduates themselves, since the school does not provide any protection in this regard.

Flight operation of aircraft

CHLUGA has several types of equipment in its arsenal for training future pilots:

  • Fifteen units of Tecnam and Yak-40 aircraft.
  • Simulators P2006 and P2002.

Training flights are carried out under the close supervision of an instructor, who analyzes the students’ actions, correcting them as the training progresses. The simulators simulate various situations that may arise during a flight. This includes changes in weather conditions, emergency situations, and aircraft behavior. The simulator cabin almost completely copies the real one.

Theory and practical skills are taught in parallel, using special literature, documentation, teaching aids, navigation maps and screen presentations to better consolidate the material covered.


The process of training future small aviation pilots is closely intertwined with the development in cadets of team spirit, responsibility, perseverance, and the ability to make important decisions in a short time. Prospects after graduation are demonstrated on visual stands with photographs of university graduates. After each flight lesson, teachers analyze the situation with students down to the smallest detail, consolidating skills and drawing appropriate conclusions.

The Aviation Training Center regularly holds various events in which university cadets take part. CHLUGA practices open days, during which detailed tours of the educational buildings and the airfield are conducted. This allows future students and their parents to understand the fundamental basis of the school. University graduates apply for employment in regional companies engaged in commercial air transportation. Applicants are attracted not only by romance, but also by quite decent salaries.

Teaching staff

Almost all CHLUGA teachers have higher aviation education, as well as real experience in civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The school employs 13 teachers, many of them have various academic degrees and titles. The relatively young teaching staff boldly introduces modern technologies and methods into the teaching process. The high quality of specialist training is confirmed by letters of gratitude from airlines to the university.

During their studies, cadets take sessions (twice a year). They are intended for tests and intermediate exams. In addition, students prepare coursework and dissertations. At the end of the full course, graduates take a final exam, a thesis and a practical test. After successfully passing all tests, students are issued diplomas that entitle them to qualify as a commercial aviation pilot.

Training program

The training cycle includes a number of thematic blocks:

  1. Social and humanitarian disciplines. This part involves the study of law, philosophy, foreign language, physical education.
  2. Mathematical cycle. This block teaches mathematics, physics, and other exact and natural sciences.
  3. General In this cycle, cadets study labor protection, safety precautions, management and features of professional activity.
  4. The practical module focuses on the skills to fly single- and multi-engine aircraft, plus on-the-job and training practice.

Chelyabinsk Flight School of Civil Aviation: reviews

As the current situation and responses from people related to CHLUGA show, the situation at the university is now very problematic. Several graduates have had their flight licenses withdrawn, and almost 30 cadets may be left without access to piloting because the university has not received accreditation. Moreover, the number of people deprived of diplomas can reach several hundred people, most of whom have already successfully found employment. At the moment, litigation continues, the university administration and students do not lose hope for justice. But for now the situation remains tense and not entirely clear.

No matter how much time has passed, no matter how many generations have changed, people’s desire to fly, to be a pilot or astronaut has not gone away. In order to become a pilot, you can take several paths. Firstly, get an education at a flight college, secondly, undergo practical training at a flying club. It’s up to you to decide how to become a pilot, but to make it easier to choose, we’ll look at these options in more detail.

How to become a real pilot

The first opportunity involves studying at a university. As we know, it lasts five years. But after receiving your diploma, you can try to get a job as a pilot for an airline. Of course, in order to take a good place, you will have to fly additional hours, since, on average, the flight time of a college and academy graduate is 150 hours, these indicators are often not enough.

In addition, before deciding how to become a pilot, you should study the requirements for To evaluate it, you will have to pass the 1000 m run, 100 m, and pull-ups. Only after passing this test the commission will make a decision: “recommended for training” or “not recommended.” The advantages of studying at a university are obvious: good theoretical training, the opportunity to study for free. However, if for some reason during the training process your health condition worsens, then there is a chance that you will never learn how to become an airplane pilot.

The second option is directly related to the flying club. You can take your first flight

Do it already in the first lesson, however, as a passenger. Various legal acts stipulate that pilots, in such conditions, have a large amount of not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. At the same time, most often students do theoretical training themselves, and undergo a medical examination only at the end of training.

Pilot's license

In order to be able to fly an airplane independently, you must obtain a pilot's certificate. It confirms that the person knows how to become a pilot and has completed the full training.

The certificate is issued in three categories: private, line, commercial pilot. Studying at a university makes it possible to obtain a commercial pilot certificate. In the future, they can be commanders of single-engine or multi-engine aircraft, but with the condition that they are not used for commercial purposes.

If a person has completed regular courses, then upon completion he becomes a private (amateur) pilot. In this case, the right to independently fly a light aircraft appears, but without the possibility of being hired.

Only those who have more than 1,500 hours of flight time become linear. Moreover, higher demands are placed on pilots in this category.

In order to find out, you also need to know that airline and commercial pilots are further divided into classes. The first one is considered the highest. If you are thinking about becoming a helicopter pilot, you must at least obtain a private pilot certificate.

In any case, if your intention to master this profession is serious, and your health is at the highest level, go for it! All in your hands!

What profession is it - a pilot, where can you get a document certifying that you belong to it, what you should know before making a choice. What is needed to lift a plane into the sky? ? Is a certain amount of knowledge that is obtained in flight training schools or universities sufficient? These and many other questions are of interest to the young male generation.

To the great regret of applicants and airlines, everything is not so simple. Moreover, the situation in the profession is extremely confusing - on the one hand, there is a shortage of pilots, on the other hand, graduates are not hired. But, everything is in order.

Selection criteria.

Educational institutions of this kind mainly exist on the basis of budget places, but not everyone who wants to get into them will get into them. The reason is to undergo a medical examination; any deviation from the norm may be a reason for refusal.

The future pilot must have a healthy heart, blood vessels, lungs, normal blood pressure, and the vestibular system without disorders. During the educational process, students, or rather, cadets, will repeatedly undergo a commission; in case of any health problem, you can part with the profession.

Pilots undergo medical examinations not only during training, but throughout their entire working life, they undergo them thoroughly, looking ahead with a bias. Probably for this reason, in our time, much fewer representatives of this profession are graduating than literally a couple of decades ago, this leads to the fact that, for example, over a five-year period of time, twice as many pilots retire compared to those entering the service.

What are pilots taught?

The life of a flight student is very interesting and eventful. To begin with, he gets acquainted with the design of various types of aircraft. He studies the methods and possibilities of operating and controlling a vessel, in professional language this is called navigation, the scope of which includes the theory and practice of methods for controlling an aircraft, as well as routing - orienting it in the optimally chosen spatial path.

They study the design of aircraft and their engines, meteorology, and aerodynamics. They learn to provide first aid, jump with a parachute, and master lifeguard skills. And every pilot must know English to work on international flights.

Practice usually takes place in educational and training complexes on special simulators.

What awaits graduates?

But, despite the shortage of specialists in this profession, not every company opens its doors to young graduates, or rather, they will not open it at all. After graduating from an educational institution, where cadets acquire a small number of hours spent at the controls, they should begin to improve their qualifications: increase their flight hours and obtain a flight license. The more hours a graduate flies, the more favorable the light he will appear to a future employer.

And this is where the graduate pilot faces a big problem. Even in the last century, all this was very easy and simple, but the training organizations that issued the license and helped to fly hours were closed or transferred to private management. Because all this is incredibly expensive - fuel, equipment, repairs and simple maintenance.

How to become a pilot without an educational institution.

As mentioned above, there are flying clubs that provide piloting courses and flight hours, mostly commercial, where a graded training system operates.

    The first stage - upon completion, you are given a certificate as an amateur pilot, with which you can fly, but you will not be able to get a job, so to speak - you are your own pilot.

    The second stage is a commercial pilot. Prior to obtaining a certificate of this level, students are allowed only if they have a certificate from the previous level. A pilot already has the right to work, fly light aircraft, and go on commercial flights on aircraft that have only one engine. Such commercial pilots are usually hired by small airlines to fly short distances.

    The third stage is line pilots. A certificate of this category also cannot be obtained without the first two or a pilot’s diploma from any educational institution. A line pilot has ten times more flight hours than a university graduate and the right to fly all aircraft; these are the kind of pilots that airline employers are looking for. And they are not just looking, but literally, tracking and waiting.

To help future applicants, a list of the main higher and secondary educational institutions has been compiled.

Flight schools train future pilots and aviation technicians. In secondary flight schools you can train to become a pilot of both civil and cargo aviation.

Flight school specialties

“Flight operation of aircraft” is not the only qualification that college students acquire; there are others:

  • “Technical operation of aircraft and engines”;
  • “Technical operation of electrified and flight navigation systems”;
  • “Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport)”;
  • “Computer software and automated systems”;
  • “Information systems (by industry)”;
  • "Programming in computer systems."

How to choose an educational institution

There are higher and secondary flight schools, but the pilot profession is still closer to secondary education, since it relates to the field of machine operation, and not to the field of engineering.

In general, the number of flight schools in Russia is decreasing, and the choice is not very large. In our large country, when considering alternatives for admission, it makes sense to be guided by the geographical factor. If desired, it will be possible to continue education at a university of which the secondary school is considered a branch.

If there are no flight schools in the nearest cities, contact the zonal selection committee at the regional civil aviation department.

Since Soviet times, it has been common practice to divide aviation into military and civil. Mid-level military flight schools are organized at airfields of the Ministry of Defense, but more often the army aspect of flying is studied as part of higher education.

Requirements for applicants

Admission is carried out upon completion of 11 grades of school, and candidates cannot be older than 25 years. Applicants must present a military ID or a citizen's ID card subject to conscription.

The school has the right to count the results of the Unified State Exam or conduct its own entrance tests.


  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • physics (sometimes, depending on the specialty).

Unlike other colleges, flight schools are in no hurry to specify the list of entrance exams on their websites: the admissions committee will be interested in drawing conclusions about the school success of applicants based on educational documents.

Flight school is not a place where you enroll as a company or as a result of a hasty decision to become a pilot. The professional standard requires the applicant to have a sustainable interest in the profession.

No matter how strong the dream of flying, you may be denied admission due to health reasons. It must be at the level of a conscript fit for military service.

The admissions committee must submit blood tests for sugar and group, certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. The full list of medical requirements is specified in the specific college.

It will not be possible to stock up on certificates in advance: many of them are valid for a short period, but it costs to take care of photographs in advance; you need more than for admission to other colleges and technical schools - at least 10.

In addition to good performance in general education subjects and excellent health, you need composure, resistance to stress, responsibility, and quick reaction. The readiness to master a profession in the general system is also very important. Nothing to do with the capricious statement: “And I want to fly!” - does not attend flight school.

Today, more aviators retire than graduate from flight schools, so secondary professional institutions are interested in training personnel, and the chances of successful admission are high.

Sky. Its endless blue beckons and calls us. Poets write poems about it, artists paint pictures, romantics admire its mysterious beauty and endless depth for a long time, make wishes when they see the white stripe from the plane. But there is a category of people who are especially in love with the sky, for whom it is their dream, life and work - these are pilots.

Which school to choose - military or civilian?

Almost every boy dreams of becoming a pilot as a child, but as they grow older, their views change, new preferences appear, and by the time they graduate from school, many children already know exactly what education and future profession they will choose. There remain a considerable part of those who did not change their childhood dream, planning to devote their future to aviation, and after school they entered a flight school. Each of them faces natural questions:

  1. Which aviation should you connect your life with – military or civil?
  2. Which area has more prospects for development and career growth?
  3. Which educational institution to choose for studying?
  4. How to enter a flight school?
  5. What are the basic conditions for applicants?

The first is the choice between military and civil aviation. Each direction has its advantages and certain disadvantages.

For those who have dreamed of blue epaulets all their lives, understand perfectly what “iron discipline” is and are ready to connect their lives with the army, it is worth choosing to enroll in a military flight school. It is necessary to take into account that a military man is a person who obeys an order, so one must be prepared for constant changes of place of service and residence, as well as for the strict fulfillment of any task.

Another significant problem for future military pilots will be a big competition, because in Russia today there is only one educational institution of such specialization left - the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serova. After graduating from college, graduates receive the rank of lieutenant and the qualification of a pilot according to the specification, as well as the civilian specialty of an aircraft operation engineer.

Where to become a pilot?

It is much easier to enroll in a flight school to acquire civil aviation; this can be done in one of the five schools operating in the Russian Federation:

All of them provide free training, a high educational level and training as a pilot. Some schools provide the opportunity to obtain the coveted profession of “Aircraft Flight Operation” on a commercial basis. When choosing a school, the main determining factor is territorial affiliation - applicants traditionally choose what is closer to home.

What is required for admission?

After deciding on the choice of educational institution, questions arise: how to prepare for admission, what selection criteria exist, and what documents are needed for this?

The main requirement for future pilots is health. They must be in excellent physical shape, have one hundred percent vision, a strong nervous system and resistance to stress. Moreover, if a cadet’s health suddenly deteriorates during his studies, he may be expelled.

Upon admission you must:

  • provide medical certificates required by law;
  • undergo a special medical examination at the educational institution itself;
  • undergo an interview with psychologists to determine professional suitability;
  • pass physical fitness standards.

A flight school applicant must pass the following Unified State Exams:

  • Russian language,
  • mathematics,
  • physics.

You must provide:

For military pilots, more stringent requirements are put forward than for civilians. They are provided for by special order No. 455 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, here is a short list of them:

  • 100% vision and correct color perception;
  • blood pressure within 105-130 at 60-80 mmHg. Art.;
  • body weight with an index of at least 19;
  • height within 160-186 cm;
  • leg length from 80 cm;
  • arm length from 76 cm;
  • in a sitting position, height should be between 80-97 cm.

As you can see, the requirements are quite strict not only for health, but also for physical parameters, which significantly complicates admission to a military flight school.

What prospects await a flight school graduate?

After entering the flight school and successfully completing it, cadets receive the cherished profession - “Aircraft Flight Operation” or another, no less in demand specialty “Flight Operations Engineer”. Both professions are prestigious and highly paid. The flight crew enjoys a number of advantages:

  • provided with a full social package;
  • preferential (extended) leave;
  • possibility of early retirement;
  • big discounts for families on air services.

Graduates of Russian flight schools enjoy the well-deserved respect of foreign airlines and they have every chance of getting a job abroad.