Request for information support. First contact: how to write a letter to a sponsor Request for information support from your TV channel

Information support (IS) refers to a type of social assistance. It consists of providing valuable information (information) to solve specific problems that have arisen in production or in an organization. This type of support in modern society is considered as service, consulting a person or group of people on informational issues.

What is this

Information support is a process during which the user receives certain information to improve business or office work. The information obtained is used to prepare and implement management decisions. Users who manage complex objects need such support. The support system is automated. It solves issues of an informational, analytical, intellectual nature and is aimed at persons who make, justify and execute decisions.

This type of support influences the active behavior of the user. IP is aimed at the need to confront emerging problems and economic collapse. In addition, support is considered the main social resource in the current life situation. She helps to quickly find a solution to the problem, taking full responsibility for the result.

What is it for?

Information support is the most common type of technology, website, and business development today. In this case, the individual entrepreneur, through the influence of information, increases income, respectability and other performance indicators. The competence of support also includes information quality control and its protection.


What does information support consist of? Decision making, website optimization, product promotion, building a business, improving efficiency are part of what is included in the responsibilities of individual entrepreneurs. Its peculiarity is that this type of support is provided in almost all areas of life. Visualization, drawing up plans, documents, monitoring, control, consulting users in making complex decisions. All this turns out to be indispensable if it is necessary to use information to find new opportunities.


Information support for the Unified State Exam and other events is an important part of the functioning of the modern information society. To promote and increase the effectiveness of important events, IP specialists use various methods, including:

  • Publishing information about an upcoming event on the Internet.
  • Logo creation.
  • Development of the announcement.
  • Preparation and publication of a press release.
  • Promotion of the announcement, daily publication on portals.
  • Banner development.
  • Creating an active link.
  • Summing up: publication of a report from the scene (text, photo).

Information Systems

Support of information systems is a necessary condition for the correct and successful operation of modern enterprises and organizations. Modern IP systems are engaged in the extraction, collection, distribution, storage of information about the management object, the formation and visualization of the situation, forecasting, cognitive data analysis and the preparation of draft management decisions. Support includes assessing the quality of decisions made and their registration. The development of IP systems includes preparation, execution, monitoring, evaluation, performance control, implementation, taking actions to adjust decisions, and preparing for the implementation of new tasks.


Information support for the site consists of a set of measures aimed at quickly updating its content (text, images). This type of support is necessary, because without it the site will be ineffective and will not be able to realize its maximum potential. This type of individual entrepreneur can be carried out independently or use the services of professionals. If you support yourself, you don't have to pay to update your site. This type of IP has pros and cons. The advantages include the absence of the need to pay for the services of a specialist and complete knowledge of the needs of the target audience.

Professional support guarantees website updates on time, unique content, and SEO optimization for search engines. In addition, you don’t need to find time to fill the site and promote it. In order to receive professional support, you should enter into a contract with a web studio or organization. It often includes not only informational but also technical services. Specialists guarantee an individual approach, taking into account the interests of clients. The individual entrepreneur returns the usefulness of the site (latest news, articles, maintaining a forum, adding modules, updated product catalog and much more).

What services do professionals provide? Web studios update content, support services that require constant monitoring, post media content, translate texts into a foreign language, and provide information support for decisions. In addition, IP specialists adapt materials taking into account the specifics of the site’s content, create unique texts, update and improve the structure of active sections.


Support is an integral part of the work process. With the help of IT tools, a person carries out production and organizational work to meet the needs of society. Information technology tools include various electronic equipment that facilitates production processes, expands human capabilities, improves business efficiency and makes it easier to do business. Information technologies are actively used in the field of education today. Computerization helps organize the educational process and make it as effective as possible. Today, software for educational institutions is being actively created. These include help systems, databases, information repositories, computer administration and training. That is why, with the development of communication technologies, a natural need to use IP appears. Maintaining the current state helps to achieve greater efficiency and also improve the work process.


Business development is unthinkable in the current economic conditions without information support. This is the main lever for increasing trade turnover and income. The following types of individual entrepreneurs are more common in the economic market:

  • Advertising. With its help, small and medium-sized businesses are supported. A description of the properties of goods, their advantages and advantages over competitors allows you to create a relationship between the seller and the potential client. A unique selling proposition is created.
  • Information Guide. This is knowledge that helps take a business to a new level of profitability, improve products, increase sales and increase profits. For those who are engaged in writing unique texts (copywriter), instructions on SEO optimization of content become an information guide.
  • Information. Designed to improve business performance, structure, economic growth, and overall improvement.
  • Consultation. A type of service that helps retain a potential client and encourages them to make a purchase. All this brings great profits if the information campaign is structured correctly.


About information support

On the eve of the start of the new school year, the now traditional All-Russian Parents' Meeting will take place with the participation of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva. The event will take place on August 29, 2018 at the site of a general education organization in Moscow in the format of a video conference with live broadcasts from the regions of Russia, during which the Minister will answer questions in the field of education that are of interest to the public.

Considering the high social significance of the event, I ask for assistance in providing information support, including:

post an announcement of the event on the official websites of regional education authorities;

distribute information among representatives of the parent community and educational organizations in the region about the possibility of sending a question to the Minister through the electronic form of the meeting web page on the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.




Application. Announcement


Find out everything you need to know about the school from the Minister of Education

The collection of questions for the V All-Russian Parents' Meeting has begun.

On August 29, a meeting between the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva and the parents of schoolchildren will take place in one of the Moscow schools. Communication will take place in the format of live dialogue and video conference with live broadcasts from different regions of the country. This time, 8 Russian cities from six federal districts will communicate with the central platform in Moscow. Thanks to the online broadcast, it will be possible to follow the All-Russian Parents' Meeting from anywhere in the country and the world.

Already now, anyone can send a question through the form on the website “http;//”, and through the accounts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on social networks. The most pressing of them will be the subject of discussion during the meeting.

The partner in organizing and holding the All-Russian Parents' Meeting is the all-Russian public organization "National Parents Association for Social Support of Families and Protection of Family Values", one of the strategic areas of which is parental education.

For information

The All-Russian Parents' Meeting is a traditional meeting on the eve of the new school year with the goal of receiving feedback, hearing the opinions of parents, learning about the issues that concern them most, and assessing the effectiveness of ongoing projects and programs.

In 2017, the Minister received more than 3,000 questions, most of which related to innovations in the school curriculum, learning foreign languages, passing exams, and the quality of textbooks. At the meeting with the Minister, problems related to inclusive education, the work of medical offices in schools, collecting money from parents, labor education, organizing children's recreation, and family education were discussed. The greatest interest was caused by the introduction of the oral part of the unified state exam in the Russian language and the prospect of the emergence of mandatory exams in foreign languages ​​and history.

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against.

Dear Colleagues!
The curators of the topic about Milan Melnikova on turned to us for information support. link:
The life of the Melnikov family turned upside down in the summer of 2012. Doctors diagnosed little Milana (she was 2 years old) with neuroblastoma (adrenal cancer), stage 4 with metastases to the liver, mediastinum, nasopharynx and bone marrow. A long and difficult treatment began. When the doctors decided to do chemotherapy, the child was in a half-dead state. After the first sessions, the swelling in my eyes began to subside, and my stomach the size of a watermelon shrank. The child began to come to life, Milana had a chance.
After three courses of chemotherapy, the tumor shrank slightly and Milana was sent to Moscow to the Dmitry Rogachev Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. The treatment there went very well - the bone marrow was cleared, all metastases decreased, and there was a chance to remove the tumor. At the end of February, Mila underwent surgery. Several days between life and death, weeks of intensive care and a bunch of complications did not allow the next chemotherapy to begin on time. Meanwhile, the tumor did not sleep and went on the offensive.
The rapid growth of the tumor was unexpected even for Mila’s doctors; the body, weakened by the operation, could not cope with the consequences of chemotherapy. First they refused transplantation, then they abandoned the primary protocol, then they started mega-dose second-line chemotherapy. And then a terrible day came... The doctors called my mother and told her to go home: “We can’t help you with anything else...” In Vladivostok they were not taken to the hospital either...
Meanwhile, the tumor was growing very quickly, the most worrying thing was the metastasis on the face, which began to grow into the mouth, preventing the baby from eating, breathing, sleeping...
Now Milana is in Seoul at SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. The doctors are completing the examination, but are optimistic and say that Mila has a chance. On April 16, a course of chemotherapy began. It is planned to carry out in Seoul everything necessary to stabilize the condition: the necessary courses of chemotherapy, MIBG therapy (this is the injection of intravenous radioactive substances that destroy the tumor), TCM. If remission does not occur, they plan a trip to Germany for antibody therapy.
Now the price of a little girl's life is about $200,000. For grief-stricken parents, this amount is unaffordable. Without the help of people who are not indifferent to the human tragedy, the entire amount cannot be collected.
Dear colleagues, we ask you to provide information support to the Melnikov family as much as possible, based on your statutory tasks and goals.
Best wishes,
Olga Kochkina
Referent of the Far Eastern branch of the Russkiy Mir Foundation
Tel.: 8 914 790 62 67
690091 Russia
st. Aleutskaya, 65b, off. 507

Please write to the president about this bill and generally promote this information in every possible way. The source is my family.

The existence of the Moscow Children's Book Theater "The Magic Lamp" was under threat. According to the order of the Moscow Department of Culture dated October 30, 2012 No. 817, the theater will be merged with five more very different children's theaters “... into a newly emerged legal entity ... “Moscow Directorate of Theaters for Children.” Naturally, “for further
his attraction of audience interest in the best examples of children's theater."
In practice, this means that the unique theater, which for the past 23 years has consistently attracted full houses of admiring young spectators and their parents, will cease to exist as a legal entity, and, therefore, will cease to be a theater.
The theater, having become a “structural unit,” loses its identity, its name, its right to create freely, and is deprived of real rights to choose its own artistic principles and methods of work, and the possibility of independent creative development. The theater is created not by officials, but by directors, artists, and actors who work in it.
And, perhaps, children will never again laugh at the adventures of a Kitten named Woof and Winnie the Pooh, will not learn about the relationship between the smart Cat and the wise Woman in Kipling’s fairy tale, will not rejoice at the successful completion of the difficult life vicissitudes of Horton the Elephant...
You don’t want Moscow officials to steal your children’s theater, do you? If not, let's try together to stop another raider takeover.
Go to the website of the President of the Russian Federation and, after filling out a simple form, send a letter addressed to V.V. Putin. You can simply paste the text below or write a letter yourself. Let's remind officials of our existence and save the “Magic Lamp” for children!

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
In accordance with the Order of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow dated October 30, 2012 No. 817 of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture “The Moscow Theater of the Children's Book “The Magic Lamp” ceases to be a legal entity and, therefore, in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation, ceases to be a theater.
Today, the Magic Lamp Theater is a unique original puppet theater, a laureate of prestigious Russian and international festivals, and a member of the International Union of Puppet Theater Workers at UNESCO.
The creators and directors of the Theater have significant authority among theater workers in Russia and abroad; they were awarded the Moscow Prize for author's educational programs and the State Prize of the Russian Federation for the Magic Lamp Theater. That is, the theater, whose activities were awarded the highest award in Russia, is actually being liquidated.
Over more than two decades of successful work, the theater has formed its own large audience. Performances staged at The Magic Lamp are studied in theater universities in Russia and abroad as the best examples of theatrical art. The theater has developed its own program for the social and creative rehabilitation of disabled children.
The “merger” of theaters of different genres, tasks and economics under the control of a single “directorate” is absurd.
Without being a legal entity, a creatively and economically successful, socially significant theater will lose its identity, which will inevitably lead to the loss of viewers and the disintegration of a unique team.
As a result, the one-of-a-kind theater, which is visited annually by tens of thousands of small spectators, will cease to exist. And this contradicts the spirit and letter of the “Concept for the long-term development of theater in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Children, parents and teachers are asking you very much: stop the destruction of one of the best author's theaters for children in Russia.

As I already said, all cultural and near-cultural scams can be announced for free in most media.
The local cultural department can help with information support for a cultural event. 2-3 weeks before the event you need to write a letter addressed to the head of the department with a request to provide this information support. If you are sure that scientific and technological progress has not yet reached your locality, it is better to print it on paper, go to the department and hand it over to the official personally or through the secretary. But you can also send it by mail. Only then make a follow-up call (you will find the phone number online) and inform them that you have sent a letter.

This letter might look like this:

Head of the City Department of Culture
Petrov Petr Petrovich

Dear Petr Petrovich, we ask you to provide information support for a cultural event - a creative meeting with the famous artist Sergei Balovin, which will take place on the eleventh of March, at 20:02, at the Dandelion Fitness Club.

And then insert a short text about the event itself:

Sergei Balovin will come to our such and such city. A famous artist from Shanghai will paint for everyone in exchange for food. He will also share the secret of how you can live without money and still travel, stay in luxury hotels and fly business class.

The interactive project "In Natural Exchange" has already brought fame to the artist not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In 2011, the project was nominated for the Sergei Kuryokhin Prize. In 2013-2014, the artist traveled around the world, paying with portraits for food, travel and a roof over his head.

Thousands of people took part in the project, and the artist received countless gifts. Anyone can become a participant in the "In-kind exchange". Among those who have already made an exchange with the artist are many celebrities, including Runet star Artemy Lebedev, travel blogger Sergei Dolya, hitchhiking legend Anton Krotov, TV presenter Andrei Ponkratov, Swiss Minister of Economy Johann Niklaus Schneider-Ammann. The list of participants is updated with new names every day.

The portraits are made using the technique of quick ink sketches, so up to several dozen people can take part in the event in one day. At the same time, the artist himself agrees that the portraits do not bear photographic resemblance. However, the endless stream of people wishing to acquire an original work allows the artist not to think about money.

On such and such a meeting with the artist and the “In-kind Exchange” event will take place, in such and such a place at such and such an address. You can pay for the portrait with any food and drinks.

Details about Sergei Balovin and “Natural Exchange” on the artist’s website

Organizers contacts:

Other text options are possible, google past events. But you shouldn’t be afraid of pathos. You can, of course, be more modest, but remember: arrogance is the second happiness.

The Department of Culture, as a rule, sends an announcement to the city media service, and from there the information goes to the media.

But it’s better to play it safe and inform the media yourself. This is easy to do: Google “media base of such and such a city,” and send the announcement by e-mail to the addresses of the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, TV channels and radio stations. Two or three days before the event, you can remind about the date by sending out an invitation to the event itself to the editorial offices. And if, in addition to all of the above, you also call all editorial offices in a day or two, then the place where the project will take place will be talked about on nearby continents, the birth rate in the city will sharply increase and everyone will start to dress better.