Catchphrases from the auditor and their meaning. Quotes from the comedy "The Inspector General"

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There are many apt expressions about
bribery has gone from comedy to the people:
"You're not taking it according to rank!"
Adopt greyhound puppies
Originated from the comedy of N.V. Gogol
"The Inspector", 1, yavl. 1, words by Lyapkin-
Tyapkina: “Sins are different from sins. I say
It is open to everyone that I take bribes, but with what
bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is completely
that's another matter. "
When confronted, for example, with a person
embodying the unbridled wild
arbitrariness and treacherous rudeness, we and
We are pleased to call him Derzhimorda.
About someone's thoughtlessness and frivolity
they will say: “Lightness in thoughts
Khlestakov: “I have lightness
extraordinary in thought"
Objections like “No, he’s not Derzhimorda!
"or the even funnier "No, I'm not
Hold your face! , or “Easiness in Thoughts
is not always characteristic of him,” etc.
enhance gaming excitement even more noticeably
recalling the winged nomination.
The music is playing, the standard is jumping
The words of the postmaster who
talks about the letter he read
(act. 1, appearance 2): “Just recently one
the lieutenant writes to a friend and describes the ball in
the most playful... very very good.
“My life, dear friend, flows, he says, in
empyrean: there are a lot of young ladies, music is playing,
the standard is jumping"... with great, with great
described with feeling." Standard - banner
cavalry regiment. Sometimes it's like that
they also named the officer under whom it
was located.
Jump for three years - to no state
you won't get it.
These words, which have become winged,
belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V.
Gogol "The Inspector General". It's about the deaf
forgotten, abandoned place.
“We don’t use expensive medicines.
A simple man: if he dies, so be it
will die; if he recovers, then so be it
will recover" - this is what they say about the cynical
social and moral situations, in
who show complete indifference
from those in power to those for whom
they are responsible according to their position and conscience.
“His mother hurt him,” they say about the ridiculous
excuses. In these words one can guess
quote from "The Inspector General": "He says that in
his mother hurt him when he was a child, and since then
it smells a little like vodka.”
Phrase from the comedy "Alexander the Great"
hero, but why break the chairs"
usually used as a commentary
someone's excessive enthusiasm,
having devastating consequences. IN
in the original these are the words of the Governor about
local teacher sound like this: “He’s a scientist
head - it’s obvious, and I’ve picked up information
darkness, but only explains with such fervor,
that he doesn't remember himself. I listened to him once: well,
while he was talking about the Assyrians and
Babylonians - nothing yet, but how did you get there?
to Alexander the Great, then I can’t
tell you what happened to him.
He ran away from the pulpit and grabbed whatever strength he had.
chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander
Macedonian hero, but why the chairs?
break? ".



Compiled by A.S. ROMANOV

N.V. Gogol, like A.S. Griboedov, gave the Russian language many apt expressions. Let's remember some of them; Do you know from which works of N.V. Gogol they came?

1. And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!
2. Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?
3. Oh, what a passage!
4. Adopt greyhound puppies.
5. When I was a child, my mother hurt me.
6. Varvara, to be punished.
7. Haberdashery, damn it, treatment.
8. Stupid as a gray gelding.
9. God bless you and it’s not my fault.
10. The lady is pleasant in all respects.
11. There is still gunpowder in the flasks.
12. Alive as life.
13. And the rope will come in handy on the road.
14. Ivan Alexandrovich, go manage the department.
15. From a beautiful distance.
16. Historical person.
17. "Eh!" - Pyotr Ivanovich and I said.
18. Extraordinary lightness of thoughts.
19. The moon is usually made in Hamburg; and it is done very badly.
20. March 86th.
21. Dead souls.
22. Music plays, the standard jumps.
23. We will retire under the shadow of the streams.
24. Doesn't dance.
25. You take it inappropriately!
26. From here, even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state.
27. The trace of Tarasov was found.
28. The province has gone to write!
29. They came, smelled it, and left.
30. Bird-three.
31. Pig in a yarmulke.
32. Through laughter visible to the world and invisible, unknown to him tears.
33. Sconapel istoar.
34. Picking flowers of pleasure.
35. Thirty-five thousand couriers.
36. Non-commissioned officer's widow. She flogged herself.
37. Why are you laughing? You're laughing at yourself!

Quiz answers

1. “The Inspector General,” words of the mayor, action 1, phenomenon I*.
2. “The Inspector General,” the mayor’s words about the teacher (1, I).
3. “The Inspector General,” words by Anna Andreevna, the mayor’s wife (4, XIII).
4. “The Inspector General”, lyrics by Lyapkin-Tyapkin (1, I).
5. “The Inspector General” (1, I).
6. “Marriage” (2, VI).
7. “The Inspector General,” words by Osip, Khlestakov’s servant (2, I).
8. “The Inspector General,” Khlestakov in a letter to Tryapichkin (5, VIII).
9. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (4, XV).
10. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. 9.
11. “Taras Bulba”, words by Taras, ch. 9.
12. Excerpt from Gogol’s letter about language.
13. “The Inspector General,” words by Osip (4, X).
14. “The Inspector General,” words by Khlestakov (3, VI).
15. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. eleven.
16. “Dead Souls”, about Nozdrev, vol. 1, ch. 4.
17. “The Inspector General” (1, III).
18. “The Inspector General,” words by Khlestakov (3, VI).
19. “Notes of a Madman.”
20. “Notes of a Madman”, Poprishchin.
21. Title of the poem.
22. “The Inspector”, words of the Postmaster (1, II).
23. “The Inspector General” (4, XIII).
24. “Enchanted place.”
25. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (1, IV).
26. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (1, I).
27. “Taras Bulba”, beginning of the 12th chapter.
28. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. 8.
29. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (1, I).
30. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. eleven.
31. “The Inspector General,” from Khlestakov’s letter to Tryapichkin (5, VIII).
32. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. 7.
33. “Dead Souls”, vol. 1, ch. 9.
34. “The Inspector General,” words by Khlestakov (3, V).
35. “The Inspector General” (3, VI).
36. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (4, XV).
37. “Inspector”, words of the mayor (5, VIII).

Book used N.S. And M.G. Ashukins Winged words. Ed. 4. M., 1988.

  • "The auditor is coming to visit us"

    The mayor’s phrase with which the action of the play “The Inspector General” begins (act 1, scene 1):

    “I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some very unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.”

  • "Extraordinary ease of thought"

    Boasting of his literary abilities, Khlestakov says (act 3, scene 6):

    “However, there are many of my works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”, “Norma”. I don’t even remember the titles. And it all happened: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please, brother, write something." I think to myself, perhaps, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, I wrote everything, astonished everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts."

  • "You're not taking it according to rank!"

    The words of the Mayor addressed to the quarterly (action 1, phenomenon 4):

    “What did you do with the merchant Chernyaev - huh? He gave you two arshins of cloth for your uniform, and you stole the whole thing. Look! You’re taking it inappropriately! Go.”

  • "Oh, what a passage!"

    The words of the Mayor’s daughter Marya Antonovna (act 4, phenomenon 13), which she pronounces upon seeing Khlestakov kneeling in front of her mother Anna Andreevna.

  • "Who are you laughing at? Are you laughing at yourself!"

    Words of the Mayor (action 5, phenomenon 8):

    “Look... look how the mayor is fooled... Not only will you become a laughing stock - there will be a clicker, a paper maker, who will insert you into the comedy, that’s what’s insulting! Rank and title will not be spared, and everyone will bare their teeth and clap their hands. Why are you laughing? Laughing at yourself!.. Eh, you...”

  • "For a big ship, a long voyage"

    The expression belongs to the Roman satirist Petronius (Gaius Petronius, d. 66 AD). It became popular in Russia after the production of The Inspector General. At the end of the comedy, when Gorodnichy is sure that through his daughter he will become related to an “official from St. Petersburg,” he dreams of career growth:
    City. Yes, I admit, gentlemen, I, damn it, really want to be a general.
    Luka Lukich. And God forbid you get it!
    Rastakovsky. From man it is impossible, but from God everything is possible.
    AMMOS FEDOROVICH. A big ship has a long voyage.
    Artemy Filippovich. According to merit and honor.
    AMMOS FEDOROVICH (to the side). He'll do something crazy when he actually becomes a general! That's who the generalship is like a saddle for a cow! Well, brother, no, the song is still far from that. There are better people here than you, but they are still not generals.

  • "Adopt greyhound puppies"

    Words of Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin (action 1, phenomenon 1):
    Ammos Fyodorovich. What do you think, Anton Antonovich, are sins? Sins and sins are different. I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter.
    City. Well, with puppies or something else - bribes.

  • “My mother hurt me when I was a child.”

    Words of Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, who is trying to acquit his colleague, a court assessor suspected of drunkenness (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “He says that his mother hurt him when he was a child, and since then he’s been giving him a little vodka.”

  • “Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?”

    Mayor’s words about the local teacher (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “He’s a scientist, it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he only explains with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, while I was talking about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I can’t tell you what happened to him. He ran away from the pulpit and, with all his strength, grabbed the chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs?”

  • “Even if you gallop from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.”

    Words of the Mayor (action 1, scene 1).

  • “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!”

    The mayor speaks about the possible actions of the auditor (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    “Who, say, is the judge here? - Lyapkin-Tyapkin. “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!”

  • "Derzhimorda"

    The name of the policeman who, according to Gorodnichy, “for the sake of order, puts lights under everyone’s eyes, both the right and the wrong.”

  • "Khlestakov"

    The main character of the comedy “The Inspector General” is a braggart and a dreamer.

  • “And the Voltairians are in vain speaking against this.”

    Words of the Mayor (action 1, phenomenon 1):

    There is no person who does not have some sins behind him. This is already arranged this way by God himself, and the Voltaireans are in vain to speak against it.

  • "Name day for Anton and Onuphry"

    Merchants complain about the extortionist mayor (action 4, phenomenon 10):

    “His name day is on Anton, and it seems like you can do everything, he doesn’t need anything. No, give him some more: he says, and Onufriy’s name day. What to do? and you bear it on Onuphrius.”

  • "Who said 'uh' first"

    Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky talk about the impression made on them by the innkeeper’s story about the new guest (act 1, phenomenon 3.), who, according to the innkeeper,

    “He’s describing himself in a very strange way: he’s been living for another week, he’s not leaving the tavern, he’s taking everything into his account and doesn’t want to pay a penny. As he told me this, and so it was brought to my senses from above. Eh! I say to Pyotr Petrovich...
    Dobchinsky. No, Pyotr Ivanovich, I said: eh.
    B o b c h i n s k i y. First you said it, and then I said it too. Eh! Pyotr Ivanovich and I said, why on earth should he sit here when his road lies to the Saratov province?..”

  • "We will retire under the shadow of the streams"

    Khlestakov's words (act 4, phenomenon 13):

    “For love there is no difference, and Karamzin said: laws condemn. We will retire under the shadow of the streams. Your hand, I ask for your hand.”

  • "Plucking Flowers of Pleasure"

    Khlestakov's words (act 3, phenomenon 5):

    "I like to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.”

  • "Non-Commissioned Officer's Widow"

    The mayor says to Khlestakov (act 4, phenomenon 15):

    “The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had flogged her; She's lying, by God she's lying. She flogged herself."

    Although in this case it is the shameless lie of the Governor, the victim of whose arbitrariness the non-commissioned officer's widow became, that is noteworthy, nevertheless this phrase - due to its obvious paradoxicality - has become widely used, and precisely in the sense that the Governor puts into it.

  • “I went for the sake of order, but returned drunk”

    The words of a private bailiff about the policeman Prokhorov, whom the Mayor is looking for in order to send for urgent work on the improvement of the city in view of the arrival of the “auditor” (act 1, scene 5):
    City. Is Prokhorov drunk?
    Frequent p r i s t a v. Drunk.
    City. How did you let this happen?
    Frequent p r i s t a v. Yes, God knows. Yesterday there was a fight outside the city - I went there for the sake of order, but returned drunk.

  • "They came, they smelled and they left"

    The mayor tells the assembled officials his dream, which foreshadowed the arrival of the “auditor” (act 1, scene 1):

    “I seemed to have a premonition of trouble: today I dreamed all night about two unusual rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, they smelled it, and they left.”

  • "Thirty-five thousand couriers"
    Sometimes there are versions derived from the original: “forty thousand couriers”, “thirty thousand couriers”, etc.

    Khlestakov's words (act 3, phenomenon 6):

    “One time I even managed a department. And it’s strange: the director left, where he went is unknown. Well, naturally, rumors began: how, what, who should take the place? Many of the generals were hunters and took it, but it happened that they would approach - no, it was tricky. It seems easy to look at, but when you look at it, it’s just damn! After they see, there is nothing to do - come to me. And at that very moment there were couriers, couriers, couriers on the streets... can you imagine, thirty-five thousand couriers alone! What is the situation, I ask?”

  • "Respect and Devotion - Devotion and Respect"

    This is how Khlestakov describes the demands that he places on his mythical subordinates in St. Petersburg.

  • “A simple man: if he dies, he will die; if he recovers, he will recover anyway.”

    Words of the trustee of charitable institutions Strawberry (action 1, phenomenon 1).

  • “Where did you throw it!”

    Words of the Governor (act 2, phenomenon 8). When, at the first meeting with the Mayor, Khlestakov remembers his debt for a hotel room and promises to pay it, the mayor, mistaking Khlestakov for an important incognito official, sees in this some subtle move designed to lull his vigilance. And he says to himself:

    “Oh, thin thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! figure out who wants it."

The Russian people express themselves strongly

So, for example, the title of the story “Old World Landowners” can refer to people of the “old school”. And the title of the story “Notes of a Madman” is used in an ironic sense when talking about situations in which stupidity, thoughtlessness, and absurdity predominate. In addition, “notes of a madman” is a popular name for blogs.

Speaking mockingly about exaggerations, they often quote words from the story “Terrible Revenge”: “A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper.” This is where the well-known phrase “Wonderful is the Dnieper in calm weather,” which is usually said when seeing the beauty of nature, including the river’s expanse and surface.

You can often hear the phrase “lift my eyelids” from a tired, falling asleep person. This expression is from the story “Viy”: “He was all covered in black earth. His legs and arms covered with earth stood out like stringy, strong roots. He walked heavily, constantly stumbling. His long eyelids were lowered to the very ground... - Raise my eyelids, “I don’t see!” Viy said in an underground voice, “and the whole crowd rushed to lift his eyelids.”

“If only Nikanor Ivanovich’s lips could be placed on Ivan Kuzmich’s nose” - these words of the bride Agafya Tikhonovna from Gogol’s play “Marriage” are quoted as an ironic commentary on someone’s whims, unrealistic desires, unclear dreams.

Rus', where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. ("Dead Souls")

There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land. ("Taras Bulba")

Eh, Russian people! He doesn't like to die his own death! ("Dead Souls")

The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to him and his descendants.<…>What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written; it cannot be cut down with an axe. ("Dead Souls")

... There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much, like a well-spoken Russian word. ("Dead Souls")

The lady is pleasant in every way. ("Dead Souls")

As you know, it is easier for a woman to kiss the devil, not out of anger, than to call someone a beauty. ("The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala")

Love us black, and everyone will love us white. ("Dead Souls")

There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig. ("Dead Souls")

A hole in humanity ("Dead Souls")

The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had flogged her; She's lying, by God, she's lying. She whipped herself! ("Inspector")

A person without a nose is the devil knows what: a bird is not a bird, a citizen is not a citizen - just take it and throw it out the window! ("Nose")

However, what’s wrong with the fact that sometimes he drinks too much, after all, he’s not drunk all week: sometimes he gets out sober. ("Marriage")

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person. ("Dead Souls")

There is life in the old dog yet. ("Taras Bulba")

Eh, three! Bird-three, who invented you? ("Dead Souls")

I gave birth to you, I will kill you! ("Taras Bulba")

Fear is stickier than the plague. ("Dead Souls")

It's been a while since I picked up checkers! ("Dead Souls")

I don't remember the number. It wasn't a month either. It was like hell. ("Diary of a Madman")

The dictionary-reference book “Winged words and expressions from the works of N.V. Gogol” was used. The compiler of the collection and the author of the preface is Doctor of Philology, Academician Valery Prozorov and the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions. Author-compiler

Literary dictation

Catchphrases and expressions in N.V.’s comedy Gogol "The Inspector General"

Purpose: to test students’ knowledge of the content of the work and its characters.

    “I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some very unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.” (Governor),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “However, there are many of my works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”, “Norma”. I don’t even remember the titles. And it all happened: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please, brother, write something." I think to myself, perhaps, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, I wrote everything, astonished everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts." (Khlestakov),(action 3, phenomenon 6)

    “What did you do with the merchant Chernyaev - huh? He gave you two arshins of cloth for your uniform, and you stole the whole thing. Look! You’re taking it inappropriately! Go.” (Governor), (action 1, phenomenon 4)

    “Look... look how the mayor is fooled... Not only will you become a laughing stock - there will be a clicker, a paper maker, who will insert you into the comedy, that’s what’s insulting! Rank and title will not be spared, and everyone will bare their teeth and clap their hands. Why are you laughing? Laughing at yourself!.. Eh, you...”

(Governor), ( action 5, phenomenon 8)

    Who owns the words? What do you think, Anton Antonovich, are sins? Sins and sins are different. I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter.
    City. Well, with puppies or something else - bribes.

(Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “He is a scientific head - it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he only explains with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, while I was talking about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I can’t tell you what happened to him. He ran away from the pulpit and, with all his strength, grabbed the chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs?”

(Governor about a local teacher),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “Even if you gallop from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.”

(Governor),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “Who, say, is the judge here? - Lyapkin-Tyapkin. “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!” (The mayor speaks about the possible actions of the auditor),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    "I like to eat. After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure.” (Khlestakov),(action 3, phenomenon 5)

    “I seemed to have a premonition of trouble: today I dreamed all night about two unusual rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! They came, they smelled it, and they left.” (The mayor tells the assembled officials his dream, which foreshadowed the arrival of the “auditor”),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “A simple man: if he dies, he will die; if he recovers, he will recover anyway.”

(Words of the trustee of Zemlyanika charitable institutions),(action 1, phenomenon 1)

    “Oh, thin thing! Where did he throw it? what a fog he brought in! figure out who wants it." (Words of the Mayor. When, at the first meeting with the Mayor, Khlestakov remembers his debt for a hotel room and promises to pay it, the mayor, mistaking Khlestakov for an important incognito official, sees in this some subtle move designed to lull his vigilance. And he speaks to himself ),(action 2, phenomenon 8).