How to draw a stained glass window step by step on paper. Frozen glass mosaic: making stained glass windows with your own hands

How to make a hand-drawn stained glass window yourself. (Lesson one)

Lesson one.

This technique is much simpler, cheaper and more accessible than classic stained glass.
This technique, in comparison with classical stained glass, benefits in many ways - in addition to effort, time and money, it also allows you to obtain interesting effects that are impossible for classical stained glass - color transitions, for example, mixing colors.
You can also draw on vases, bottles and any other objects, but this is somewhat more difficult.
Such stained glass looks very impressive on the glass of internal doors.
A combination of painting techniques and stained glass, consisting of glued fragments of colored glass, is possible.
Here are a few samples made on glass using various techniques.

In the simplest case, a pattern outline is applied to the glass, repeating the sketch or picture placed under the glass. Then the outline is filled with special paints.
There is a technique for painting without an outline and simply drawing on glass.
I use paints based on organic solvents; they dry in air and do not require heat treatment (transparent paints from WAGO or Vitrail).

To get started you need:

A set of paints, at least 6-8 colors, solvent for them from the same company.
Set of brushes.
Contour (concealer) - 2-3 colors (black, gold, silver "DEСORfin Relief Paint").
Solvent (acetone) for washing brushes and removing stains on hands and surrounding objects.
Regular glass on which you want to paint stained glass
A picture, photograph or sketch of a drawing that you want to transfer to glass.

It is convenient to use white plastic caps for mixing paints and washing brushes, ear sticks for removing drops of paint from glass, a Japanese knife for cutting off excess contour lines (only after it dries!), a pipette for collecting solvent, washable balls for erasing traces of paint, and so on. . Whichever is more convenient for you.

At the beginning of my work, I bought frames with glass (for painting), watches, mirrors for decoration, and colored glass “buttons” at dollar stores. It’s not expensive, there’s a large selection and you don’t mind if you mess something up.

First, you need to wash the glass very well and then try not to grab its surface with your hands so as not to leave a “fingerprint.”
We place clean glass (in my case, a vase - also from the dollar store) on the selected picture.

We take the outline in our right hand, and a cotton ball in our left hand; we will use the cotton to remove excess contour paste from the tip of the tube in between drawing individual lines. Otherwise, you will end up with a blot on the glass.
We outline the outline of the drawing, separating areas of different colors. We try to draw a line of uniform thickness without interrupting it.
When drawing, do not touch the tip of the tube to the surface of the glass, keep it suspended, otherwise you will end up with a double line.
If you draw the wrong line, leave it until it dries, then cut it with a Japanese knife.
The outline should not be interrupted anywhere, otherwise the paint will leak out when drawing.

Did you draw it?
We leave it to dry for several hours, or better yet until tomorrow.

It is convenient to make 2-3 pictures at once, today - an outline, the next day - a painting.

Thank you catstail for her master class.

Before we start painting, we must decide whether our work will be a stained glass window to be viewed in transmitted light (against the light) or whether we will hang it on the wall as a painting.

For stained glass designed for kitchen windows or doors, it is good to use geometric patterns that can be “borrowed” from the websites of stained glass studios (for example, )
or draw it yourself using ornamental elements.

Here is another good link in Russian “How to write on glass” g/vetro2.htm

A small stained glass window with any design looks beautiful if hung on a window.
For stained glass, paints should be more intense than for paintings; for geometric designs, paints of pure spectral colors (red, yellow, blue, green) are well suited. In this case, we simply fill the areas outlined with paint. It is convenient to use a pipette for filling.
Of course, you can take a risk and paint a stained glass window in the same way as a picture. But the effect of future work is unpredictable.

Drawing an imitation of stained glass that will serve as a picture is somewhat more difficult, but more interesting.
An additional effect can be achieved by using different backgrounds - paper or fabric of different colors and textures, wood, etc. Depending on this, the impression of the work changes.

Want examples? I have them. This is how the same picture looks, depending on the background.

On the tree

On a white background

To the light

And the last one, where the background was “golden” candy paper after I tried a dozen other options


Ensure good ventilation - open a window, turn on the hood or work on the balcony.
Remove children, cats and allergy-prone adults from the premises.

Finally, we get to the actual drawing.

To start, we all chose a small drawing. It is better to start by painting on flat glass, since the convex surface creates additional difficulties - the paint flows off.
We take paint of the selected color from a jar with a brush and mix it in a white (to see the color) bottle cap with another paint until the desired tone is obtained.

The paints usually last a long time (I've been using one set for three years now), so it's especially important not to contaminate the paints in the jars. For each color we use our own brush (you can wash one each time, but this is inconvenient, and the acetone evaporates, and we breathe it in).
If we choose a pure tone, then fill the surface inside the contour with it.
When the surface is large, for example, a stained glass window for a door or window, it is convenient to use a pipette rather than a brush. The paint spreads and leaves no brush marks.
I mix white paint with a little yellow to create a creamy tone and use a brush to paint over the top petals of the iris.

In another lid I dilute a little lilac paint with solvent (Do not use a brush in the jar of solvent!!! Take it with a pipette). Using dotted movements, I apply paint to the edges of the cream petals. The paint spreads, so you can get a “marble” effect.

I apply lilac paint to the central part of the lower petals of the iris. Then (with another brush!) apply blue to the edges of the petals. I add a drop of solvent (with a pipette) between these paints, they mix as they please, but sometimes an interesting effect is obtained. You can add a third paint - for example, white, if there is any left in the first lid (Don't throw it away, really!). Here there is room for imagination.

This is where minor troubles happen - the paint has flowed over the edge of the outline. We collect it with a stick with cotton wool on the tip. Then, after finishing work, you can wipe the stained surface with a stick soaked in acetone.

At this stage, you can rest a little, citing the fact that this part of the work should dry out. You can drink tea and make sure that the cat hair flying everywhere in the air does not stick to the paint. Then we won’t pull it away.
We try not to touch the painted surface.
But if we want to get an effect in the form of veins or stripes, it’s time to move a dry, clean brush over the half-dried paint. I hope that the result will be visible in the photo.

At the same stage, you can apply drops of solvent to the selected areas (again with a pipette) and admire the resulting effect.
This stage also involves rampant imagination.

It’s easier with leaves - no one pays much attention to them, so we draw them last, when time and patience run out.

We're done!
We wash the brushes in acetone, poured into the same caps, wipe them, throw away everything that has traces of paint and acetone. Otherwise it will “smell” until tomorrow.

We leave our work to dry in a horizontal position for at least several hours. And all this time we admire our work and are amazed at how talented we are. And no one told us about this before.

All that remains is to choose the background and frame. (I hope that you bought a frame along with the glass on which you drew).

A simple way to make an original thing is to combine hand-drawn stained glass and fragments of painted (colored) glass or other materials.

This combination allows you to obtain a variety of effects due to different refraction and reflection of light in colorless and colored glass.
Multi-colored glass fragments (balls, stars, animal figurines, etc.) can again be purchased at the dollar store or at a craft store.

Using the example of decorating a vase, let's see how this is done.

We use simple hemispheres (“buttons”) made of colored glass as decorative elements.
We glue these fragments onto the surface of colorless glass in accordance with the selected pattern. For gluing, we use any glue suitable for gluing glass and ceramics (“Cement”, “Moment”, epoxy-based glue).

Let it dry.
As in the case of painting on glass, we apply a drawing with an outline.
Dry it.

We paint the selected areas with paints.
The simplest result looks like this.

Or so

Stained glass is a way of decorative finishing of glass and mirrors. The use of stained glass paintings in the interior is again becoming a popular and sought-after design technique. A significant advantage of technology is the ability to independently create an artistic masterpiece, showing your creativity and saving money on the work of professional craftsmen. The main thing is to choose the right design, stained glass technique and not be afraid to use your imagination.

Stained glass in the interior

Many types of art used by designers for interior decoration have an ancient history. Stained glass occupies a special place among them. It is believed that the technique originated as soon as craftsmen learned to make glass - in the era of the Ancient Kingdoms. During the Middle Ages, stained glass “painting” reached its peak of popularity and was used as an indispensable attribute of church architecture.

Stained glass canvases created by specialists involve the use of special complex frames from metal blanks. Amateur craftsmen and those who are just beginning to learn the basics of stained glass art use simplified techniques for creating “glass” paintings.

Today, the fashion for stained glass design is returning, and bright glass inserts can be found in restaurants, clubs, cinemas, shopping centers and residential premises. Stained glass products can become a highlight or a central accent of the interior of an apartment.

The main places of application of stained glass in the interior:

The use of stained glass in the interior gives the home a unique, sophisticated and elegant look. This type of decor leaves no one indifferent.

Stained glass technologies

When planning to decorate a room with glass paintings, you need to understand the features of various stained glass techniques.

Stacked (classical) stained glass- the most ancient method, used today in the design of European cathedrals, temples and premises for various purposes. In our time, the ancient technology has remained virtually unchanged, but has been supplemented with new materials and tools. This method is optimal for large stained glass structures.

The main stages of creating a classic stained glass window:

  1. Making a sketch.
  2. Layout of a pattern from a metal profile (copper, brass, lead).
  3. Insertion of cut glass parts into the profile.
  4. Soldering joints of glass parts.
  5. Artistic painting of stained glass.

Tiffany technique allows you to create stained glass windows of high aesthetic and artistic qualities. Opal glass is used, which has an extraordinary internal light and a rich variety of shades. Tiffany's stained glass paintings are unusually realistic and picturesque - these effects are achieved due to the use of glass of different sizes and textures.

Tiffany technology is based on the manual assembly method and is an original work, which is difficult to replicate even for experienced craftsmen.

The procedure for creating Tiffany stained glass windows:

  1. Developing a sketch and breaking it down into several fragments.
  2. Cutting glass parts and turning them.
  3. Wrap the fragment around the perimeter with copper adhesive tape.
  4. Connecting fragments using lead-tin solder.

Fusing- a method of transferring images to glass surfaces. The technological process consists of sintering glass parts in a fusing furnace. This is one of the most difficult forms of stained glass, which cannot be done at home.

Stained glass details can be layered on top of each other, take on smooth, textured shapes or have clearly defined boundaries. It depends on the master’s idea and the heating of the oven.

Colored glass fragments are laid out on solid glass. The finished canvas is placed in an oven and pierced for several hours. To ensure that the glass parts hold tightly and the design does not lose clarity, a special heat-resistant glue is used.

Sandblasting processing originated in the 19th century. Using an abrasive, the top layer is removed from the surface of the glass. Using templates allows you to create complex images. Glass processing can be done from the back or front side, double-sided, in-depth or surface.

Filling technology- imitation of Tiffany technique (simplified version). Some people confuse this technology with glass painting. However, “filled” stained glass windows have a relief contour that imitates a metal broach. The use of technology provides a large selection of patterns and designs. We use stained glass paints that are UV resistant, environmentally friendly and safe.

Painted stained glass- the most popular and easiest way to transfer a design to glass. The end result resembles an artistic glass painting. Features of the technique: expressiveness of the image and originality of the drawing. Even beginners in “stained glass” art and children can do this kind of work.

Technology film stained glass- a modern version of creating pseudo-stained glass windows. It is based on tinting the glass with special films and then securing it with a lead border. The advantages of the method include:

  • possibility of using sheet glass;
  • the finished stained glass window has less weight and a smooth surface;
  • strength - the use of solid glass allows you to create stained glass windows of large sizes.

In addition to the methods listed above, craftsmen create combined, beveled and 3D stained glass windows. Recently, photo printing on glass has been increasingly used to equip entertainment centers.

When choosing a stained glass pattern, you should take into account some nuances and expert advice:

Sketches of stained glass designs. DIY creation

Starting work on stained glass - developing a sketch. Stained glass windows, silhouettes, drawings, diagrams and detailed recommendations can be found on the Internet.

Schematic drawings in the style of stained glass are similar to a children's coloring book, on individual fragments of which numbers, arrows and symbols are drawn, simplifying the work of “assembling” the image. To save time on developing a stencil, just download and print the finished sketch. The drawing is transferred to the glass using a special disappearing marker.

A more creative process is to create beautiful stained glass designs with your own hands. Let's look at several technologies.

Transferring an image from a postcard or drawing

To enlarge the image to the required size of the stained glass window, you should use a simple method of translating pictures into cells. Operating procedure:

  1. Draw the selected postcard in squares with sides no larger than 10 mm.
  2. Count the number of cells and number them vertically and horizontally, like a chessboard.
  3. Take the dimensions of the glass and transfer them to paper, for example, a sheet of wallpaper.
  4. Divide the length and width of the glass by the number of postcard cells in length/width, respectively.
  5. Draw a sheet - you should get the same number of cells, only in a larger format.
  6. Transfer the enlarged image from the postcard cell to each cell. When the drawing is completely transferred, you can make edits at your discretion, adjust the contours and colors.

If the ratio of the future stained glass window and the sides of the picture do not correspond, you can draw rectangles rather than squares on the sketch. In this case, the stencil will be wider or, conversely, oblong.

Using appliqué to create a sketch

This method is used when there are large poster images, magazine clippings, etc. To do this, you need to put the old wallpaper on a flat surface (table), put glass on top and trace the contours of the future stained glass window. Inside the outline, draw a background where the cut-out details will be located.

Using the example of a sketch of a stained glass window, the “flowers” ​​design consists of a branch with roses. You need to schematically draw the line of the branch, draw the lines of the background, imitating pieces of glass from a traditional stained glass window. Use red circles to mark the intersections of branches and background lines. In the future, it is advisable to cover these elements with sketch details.

Upon completion of creating the stained glass stencil, place glass on the sketch and draw the outline. After the outline has dried, the appliqué sketch must be removed and you can begin painting the stained glass window with paints.

Restoring a drawing from memory

In this case, drawing skills will be required. It is convenient to carry out the sketch on a large sheet of paper (wallpaper) in the following order:

  1. Using a simple pencil, mark the contours of the location of the fragments of the drawing on the canvas.
  2. Draw the details of the drawing.
  3. If the result is satisfactory, the contours of the sketch can be drawn with a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen, linking the image elements into a single whole.

Place glass on the finished sketch and draw a preliminary image of the stained glass window using contour paint.

Outline drawings for stained glass: requirements for children's creativity

For children, simpler drawings should be selected so that the child can do the work independently. Particular attention is paid to processing the edges of the glass - they must be well polished. Stained glass must be made on durable glass, without splinters or cracks.

A stained glass set will suit the smallest artists, which includes:

  • stained glass paints;
  • black paint for outline;
  • children's pictures to choose from;
  • stencils for drawings, film, brush and step-by-step instructions.

Important! A child’s passion for stained glass art develops perseverance, creativity, and develops the eye and imagination.

For children's creativity, homemade stained glass paints are suitable, which are very easy to prepare at home. It is enough to take a tube of PVA glue, a couple of bags of food coloring or gouache paint. Mix the dyes with glue until a uniform consistency is obtained and the paint is brought to the desired shade.

Step-by-step technology for creating painted stained glass

It is better to coat the finished product with acrylic varnish or bake it in an oven. This will increase the strength characteristics of the coating and additionally protect the paint from fading.

Stained glass with paints: do-it-yourself drawing on glass

Stained glass on paper is called a squiggle pattern - this is an unconventional technique for making stained glass. This technique is mainly used to develop drawing skills in children. The purpose of creating stained glass is to teach children to create a drawing in a stained glass style, increase the level of self-esteem, and develop originality. How to draw a bright stained glass window and its design yourself? This is very easy to do - just follow our instructions!

How to draw a stained glass window with step-by-step instructions and photos

To work you will need:
  • Sheet of paper A 4.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Tassels.
  • Water.
  • Watercolor.
Let's move on to the work itself:
  1. Draw a rose on paper with a simple pencil.
  1. Draw random lines on the bud, leaves and stem.
  1. Paint over the bud fragments with red paint without going beyond the contours
  2. In the same way, step by step, paint over the remaining fragments of the bud with two more halftones.
  1. Do the same with the leaves and stem.
  1. After the paint has dried, outline all the contour lines with black paint.

In this way you can draw any flowers or berries.

Learning little tricks for big work: nuances for beginners

A few secrets about painting on glass, when a colorless glass surface turns into a work of art in just a few hours.

How to correctly depict a picture on windows, glass doors of kitchen cabinets, bottles, flowerpots and other interior items? Often, masters are silent about some, in their opinion, insignificant details. Although for many inexperienced beginners, many nuances are valuable in learning the correct technique for making stained glass.

  1. Never start learning with the most complex, start with the simplest. Those. If you decide to take up stained glass painting for the first time, then never immediately take on a large drawing with many small details. First, try your hand at small glass with a simple template, and when you master the technique a little, you will be able to take more complex drawings.
  2. Also try using different types of paints, they also apply differently. Stained glass paints are thicker, and they are applied pointwise, followed by distribution over the surface of the fragment being performed. Varnishes are liquid in consistency and spread quickly, so they are usually applied in several layers, drying in between. The brightness and light transmission of the pattern depends on the number of layers.
Necessary little things that are rarely mentioned:
  • Cotton pads and ear swabs are needed to carefully adjust the pattern.
  • Several sewing pins, for different colors, in case a bubble appears on the surface covered with paint, you should puncture it.
  • Toothpicks are necessary to fill the outline evenly.
  • A sharp knife or blade to remove defective lines.
  • Wet wipes, alcohol-impregnated, for hands.
  • Good lighting from below and above the work to immediately reveal the density of the coating and the shade of color.
  • The working glass must be in a strictly horizontal position so that the paint does not flow to one side.
  • Try to work quickly - this is one of the main components of beautiful and neat work. For example, if contour paint is applied too slowly, it will vary in both thickness and color. And if the pouring is done slowly, the paint will lay down in an uneven layer, which will affect the quality of its surface. When applying paint to a point, clear and fast movements are needed, the uniformity of the size of the dots and their density - the distance between them - depends on this.

If you take into account all the nuances, your work will be of higher quality.

Pictures on glass:
  • If you decide to make a stained glass window with your own hands, you must immediately decide what design you want to see on the window and make a sketch on whatman paper.
  • Then you should carefully prepare the glass by first removing it from the window frame or door. Wash the surface with detergents or degrease with an alcohol solution.
  • Attach the sketch to the back of the glass with tape and place it on a flat table.
  • Draw all the contour lines of the design on the glass with contour paint. Make sure all lines are closed. Otherwise, the paint may flow from one fragment to another and mix. Remove bloopers with an ear stick soaked in alcohol.
  • When the outline is dry, apply paint to the inner surface of the drawing fragments. Drip paint from the brush, distributing it evenly over the part until the layer reaches the required thickness. When all the fragments have been painted, leave the work until the paints are completely dry.
  • The paints have dried, you can insert the glass into the frame. Look at the photo how beautiful the stained glass drawing made with paints looks.

Video on the topic of the article

If you want to understand how to make stained glass on paper, then this article is for you. Stained glass on paper is also called squiggle design - this is an unconventional technique for making stained glass. This is mainly a children's activity. Making a wonderful picture using this technique is quite simple and interesting. Cardboard, glass, plastic, plywood are suitable for the base of the picture. For wall paintings, it is better to use opaque materials.

It’s up to you to decide which subject to choose for the picture. The image affects the atmosphere of the room. For a nursery, of course, it is better to choose children's drawings, for the kitchen - geometric drawings or abstraction. For the remaining rooms, you can choose a variety of ideas that will fit well into your interior and will look stunningly beautiful. Stained glass has been known for several centuries and is an element of luxury and a sign of wealth.

What is needed for the job? The basic list of required materials and tools may include:

  • Paper – sheet A4;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Marker or black felt-tip pen;
  • Cardboard;
  • Eraser;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Frame.

Let's go to the lesson

Stained glass always starts with an idea. In order to make a picture out of paper using watercolors, you will need: a pencil, scissors, half a sheet of white Whatman paper.

How to draw a stained glass window and make such a beautiful picture with your own hands?

Step-by-step work:

Stage 1: determine the size of your stained glass window.

Stage 2: draw a stained glass pattern with a pencil. You can draw a sketch for a future painting yourself or download a ready-made template.

Stage 3: paint the remaining stained glass colors. First, paint all the fragments of the pattern with the same color. Let the paint dry to avoid mixing colors, then apply another color, etc. Having painted all the fragments, leave the picture until completely dry.

Stage 4: fill the space around the main pattern.

Stage 5: draw the outline in black. You can also paint it black with a thin brush or use a black felt-tip pen. It is better to start drawing from the upper left corner so as not to smudge the drawing.

A little about other types

There are many types of stained glass. The technology for making stained glass from colored paper is almost the same as using paints.

First we make a sketch. On a sheet of paper we draw a frame of 3-4 cm and transfer the drawing to it in full size. The contours should be wide. We color the outline with a black felt-tip pen. Cut out fragments of the design using a sharp knife. Then you need to cut out the parts from colored paper and glue them to the back of the work. Trim off excess. Your stained glass window is ready!

You can make a stained glass window with your own hands.

Filled stained glass- This is a unique process of imitation of stained glass, which is performed on a whole sheet of glass using self-made paints. To do this, place a large sheet of paper on the table, with a working glass on top. Trace the outline of the glass. Transfer the sketch to paper and trace all the contour lines of the sketch well and place the glass on top. Use the prepared paint to draw all the contour lines. Now prepare the fill paint and fill the fragments between the contours with paint. Fill in 3-4 layers, and the varnish should dry for 10-15 minutes after each pour. Then cover the top of the drawing with clear varnish and leave to dry completely. In 2-3 hours your stained glass window will be ready.

Little tricks

Stained glass is a decorative picture that can be made in any style.

Masters often keep silent about some, in their opinion, insignificant details. Here are some tips to help you make stained glass:

  • Never start learning with the most complex, start with the simplest. Never take on a large drawing with many small details at once. Try a simple pattern first, and when you master the technique a little, you can take on complex designs.
  • use different types of paints for your work, they all also apply to the drawing differently. The brightness and light transmission of the design depends on the number of layers of paint.
  • To carefully adjust the pattern, use ear sticks and cotton pads.
  • Use a sharp knife or blade to remove defective lines.
  • Use wet alcohol wipes on your hands.
  • The lighting should be good both from below and from above the work in order to immediately reveal the shade of color and the density of the coating.
  • One of the main components of beautiful and neat work is its quick completion. For example, if you apply the contour paint too slowly, it will vary in both color and thickness. If poured slowly, the paint will lay down in an uneven layer and this will affect the quality of its surface.

Video on the topic of the article

Extracurricular activities for the manufacture of imitation stained glass

Master class on drawing stained glass step by step.

Shishatova Maria Arkadyevna
Fine Arts teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 3

Master class for children from 10 years old, teachers, parents

Purpose: interior decoration, gift for family and friends
Target: familiarization with the variety of types of stained glass according to manufacturing techniques and creative activities imitating stained glass.
- teach how to draw stained glass using PVA glue and transparent paints;
-develop creative imagination, fantasy and sense of taste;
- to cultivate interest in finding new unconventional drawing techniques and accuracy in work.

Materials: photographs or presentation about stained glass, gouache, thick notebook cover (or file), ready-made or drawn stencil, brushes, jar of water, PVA glue, palette

The word stained glass comes from the French. vitrage - glass
An ornamental or subject decorative composition (in a window, door, partition, in the form of an independent panel) made of glass or other material that transmits light.

The stained glass window looks like a glass mosaic. Pieces of colored glass are fastened in metal bindings of a special through frame - frame (reinforcement), and sometimes they are held together with cement.
Historians cannot name the exact period of stained glass. Traces of the creation of stained glass paintings have been found in ancient cultures such as Rome, Byzantium, China and throughout the Middle Ages.

Currently, there are several different types of stained glass depending on the manufacturing technique:
1.Classic stained glass (Tiffany technology)
Tiffany technology - the secrets of mastery
The main stages of Tiffany technology are as follows:
a life-size sketch of the future composition is drawn;
the sketch is divided into fragments;
Stained glass parts are cut out of glass;
the resulting segments are ground on a special machine to the desired shape and size;
each element of the stained glass window is wrapped with adhesive copper tape;
the prepared parts are soldered together.

2. Overlay stained glass - obtained using fusing technology by sintering, sometimes by gluing elements to the base.

3. Painted stained glass - a pattern is applied to the surface of the glass with transparent paints.

4. Film stained glass - lead tape and multi-colored self-adhesive film are glued to the surface of the glass (English technology).

5. Combined stained glass - formed by a combination of various technologies for creating stained glass.

Making a real stained glass window using colored glass is not an easy task, it requires professional skill and special conditions, but you can make something like a stained glass window - an imitation, where color and a black contour line combine, turning into a pattern.

Manufacturing stages:

1. Place a finished stencil with a design under a transparent cover and trace along the contours with PVA glue from a tube, gently pressing on it.

2. You need to let the drawing dry for several hours. This is what happens when it dries.

3. Squeeze PVA glue onto the palette and mix the color we need into it, in this case red.

4. Apply the prepared red mixture to the flower petals.

5. In the same way, mix the green color with glue and apply it to the gaps of the leaves.

6. Draw a frame again in red.

7. Next, use a shade of yellow to draw the middle of the flower and fill the background with white. Paint, if you add little glue to it, is applied unevenly, but this is what we need to create the “cobweb” effect.

8. When everything is dry, mix black paint with glue and begin to outline the partitions, making the imitation more reliable.

Our stained glass window is ready! Can be inserted into a frame or glued to glass. By the way, you can try this procedure on glass, but when working with children it is safer to use transparent film.