History of the Butyrka group. Vladimir Zhdamirov: photo, biography, creativity and interesting facts

", performing songs in the chanson genre. At the beginning of 2015, the artist got into a serious accident and fell into a coma. After recovery he left the team. He sang in the Bratva group, but soon decided to start a solo career. Mikhail is a strong-willed person who achieves results exclusively through his own efforts. He knows firsthand what prison is. It so happened that in his life he had to cut down wood and sit in a punishment cell. Perhaps this is why Borisov's songs are so heartfelt.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Borisov was born on February 22, 1981 in the city of Guryev, in Kazakhstan. Soon the family moved to Russia, to the Krasnodar region. He spent his childhood in the city of Tuapse. The family was large, everyone lived together: mom, dad, Misha, his two younger brothers, grandmother, grandfather and uncle. True, they lived in a two-story house that was built by Mikhail’s grandfather. Despite the restructuring in the country, they lived in abundance. My mother worked as an accountant, my father worked on drilling rigs in the steppe in Kazakhstan. True, because of this he was away from home all the time. But, according to Borisov, his grandfather was an excellent owner; order and discipline always reigned in the house.

As a child, the boy was not in good health, was sick a lot, and had few friends. At 14, he became interested in music, and within a year he learned to play the guitar. Such talent contributed to expanding his social circle. Later, Misha enrolled in the boxing section. I trained in the evenings and spent the nights on the street. The guy began to run away from home, police appeared. And no matter how hard the mother tried to protect her son, she failed. At the age of 22, Mikhail was imprisoned for hooliganism with the use of a weapon and for fighting for 5 years.

As the singer himself says, these 5 years seemed like 25 years to him. A few months after Borisov entered the camp, his parents died. A little later my uncle died. For Mikhail this was an incredible blow. At that time, he was serving time in the Arkhangelsk region in a logging camp. He spent almost six months in a punishment cell; Borisov refused to do chores and did not obey camp discipline. After spending so much time in solitary confinement, he realized that the main thing in life is not to commit evil and not to hurt his family. Soon he was transferred to the correctional colony of the city of Khadyzhensk, in the Krasnodar region.

When Mikhail Borisov was released, he could not find a job for a long time. He started drinking and became depressed. He saw that his peers had already acquired families, houses, cars and jobs. And he had nothing. Mikhail was pulled out of this state by his grandmother. At first he got a job as a construction worker. Later he managed to get a job as a cook in a restaurant. By the way, he achieved good success in cooking. Together with the team, he became a prize-winner in a competition for cooking European and Italian cuisine in the Krasnodar Territory.

But the love for music has not disappeared. He wrote music and played guitar. Soon he began to participate and win in city competitions and festivals. He sang in the Tuapse group “Talisman” led by Andrei Torosyan. His colleagues speak of him as a talented and strong person.

True, mainly together with the Talisman group he performed pop songs. But he was also successful in Russian chanson; he began singing it in restaurants. Having learned about the upcoming casting for the legendary group “Butyrka”, I decided to try my hand and went to Moscow. Borisov was chosen from 200 applicants. The founder of the group, Oleg Simonov, having heard the songs “Butyrka” performed by Mikhail, immediately invited him to become their second vocalist.


At that moment, the lead singer left Butyrka. He was replaced by Mikhail Borisov. At first, the band's fans did not accept the new vocalist. Zhdamirov's departure was unexpected for fans. Tickets for the concerts had long been sold out, and when they came to the band’s performance, people saw Mikhail Borisov. But soon the brutal and charismatic singer with a strong voice was accepted by the audience. The group toured extensively throughout the country. All concerts were sold out. This line-up also recorded the album “I’ll Return Home”, which included ten new compositions.

In February 2015, Mikhail Borisov was involved in a serious accident. At that moment, the singer was driving his own car. The artist was unconscious for about an hour, after which he fell into a coma. Doctors managed to save the chansonnier’s life, and he soon began to recover. This happened on the eve of a tour to the Far East, all tickets for the concerts were sold out. Mikhail showed his strong-willed character and still went on tour with the group.

But Borisov needed more time for rehabilitation, so Oleg Simonov decided to invite a second vocalist, Andrei Bykov. He was supposed to replace Mikhail, and then become the second soloist in the team. But after recovery, Mikhail decided to leave Butyrka; he had been thinking about a solo career for a long time.

In 2015, Borisov joined the Bratva group, the founder of which was his friend Andrei Kurbatov. But in the summer of 2016, Mikhail announced his departure and the start of his own solo project. We parted ways with Andrei Kurbatov on a friendly note, sincerely wishing each other creative success.

Personal life

Mikhail is married, the couple are raising a son.

The artist has several tattoos on his body, including stars on his collarbones, which signify defiance of the prison regime.

It is possible that he made them back in Arkhangelsk, where he openly opposed the camp administration and spent a long time in a punishment cell. But Mikhail himself did not talk about his tattoos.

Borisov loves to communicate with fans, he tries to respond to their letters and comments on social networks. He personally runs the pages in "Instagram" and on VKontakte.

Mikhail Borisov now

In 2017, he recorded a solo album, “I’m Coming from Magadan,” which included 10 songs. In the spring of 2017, the premiere of the “Fireplace” video took place.

In December, the singer presented a new video for the song “Blue Wings”. The clip includes footage from 1990, which was filmed by Mikhail’s father. Now the singer is actively touring the country.


  • 2014 – “I’ll come back home” (as part of the group “Butyrka”)
  • 2017 – “I’m coming from Magadan”

The work of the Butyrka group is known to all fans of chanson. Their songs are filled with prison lyrics, because most of them were written by the first soloist behind barbed wire. Oleg Simonov and Andrey Bykov sing not only about the camps, but also perform hits about simple stories that are close to many. It was the choice of topics close to the people that became the reason for the high popularity of the group.

Biography of the second soloist

In 1960, Andrei Bykov was born in the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory. His biography as a talented musician began there. His mother was a kindergarten teacher, and his father worked as an artist. Both parents took an active part in amateur artistic performances, which Andrei was introduced to from childhood. Raised by the example of his parents, the musician already had his own repertoire of several dozen folk songs by the age of five.

At the age of 12, the family was shocked by grief - the father of the future musician passed away. His mother raised him alone and encouraged him to study at the Palace of Pioneers, where the first teenage instrumental ensembles were created. When Andrey Bykov picked up the bass guitar, the choice in favor of music was finally made. The teenagers played rock and roll, which was popular at that time. Four years later, the future singer decided to grow professionally, which led him to a music school. True, he was unable to complete the course; according to the musician himself, he lacked perseverance. In addition, the department was a wind section and he learned to play the bassoon, which moved Andrei Bykov away from the stage.

After his studies were abandoned, the future singer began playing with friends on the dance floors of the city, but this career did not last long. In 1978, the musician went to military service, where he spent two years. Upon returning home, he began performing in restaurants. Then there was a period of work at the Philharmonic Society of the city of Ulyanovsk, which was followed by a return to tavern life, first in Abkhazia, and then in his native Berezniki.

Personal life

In 1998, Andrei Bykov decided to radically change his life; he came to Moscow to earn money. However, during this visit the singer was unable to advance his career - his mother was diagnosed with heart problems, which made it necessary for Andrei to be present in Berezniki.

The musician continued to travel to work, thanks to which he met his wife, Alena. They met in one of the restaurants in Sochi, where Andrei Bykov sang, and his chosen one led the dance show program and performed herself. Now they are raising two children: a beautiful daughter and eldest son Daniil, who is now studying in Yekaterinburg.

How Andrey got into the Butyrka group

The first meeting of the future soloist with one of the founders of the group (Oleg Simonov) took place back in 1998. Then the creator of the group highly appreciated Andrei’s professional qualities and even invited him to collaborate, and later recommended Vladimir Zhdamirov to replace Vladimir Zhdamirov, who had left the team, but due to family circumstances the lead singer had to refuse to participate in the group.

For a long time he substituted on album recordings, and in 2015 he began touring with the group. In 2016, he also took part in the anniversary concert in Voronezh, where the audience received the new soloist very cordially. At the moment, the lead singer of the Butyrka group Andrei Bykov is not going to leave the band and will delight the audience with new hits. His vocal qualities are perfect for performing Butyrka’s hits.

Concert activities

Now the group actively performs in cities of Russia and the Near Abroad. In every city, musicians actively communicate with their fans, never refusing autographs, photos or interviews. They are asked a variety of questions, but they try to answer them as honestly as possible.

During his performances, Andrei Bykov performs a variety of songs. At the anniversary concert in Voronezh, for example, he pleased the audience with a hit from the repertoire of Toto Cutugno. However, this is rather an exception to the rule. At concerts, new and legendary hits from Butyrka are most often played.

In every city, the team always visits prisons. Together with the rest of the musicians, Andrei recently visited the place that gave the name to the group. These concerts are absolutely free, and they are held in agreement with the heads of correctional institutions.

The popular Russian group “Butyrka” conducts active concert activities in Russia and other countries. Created in 2001 by the band's soloists and producer Alexander Abramov, today the discography consists of more than 10 albums. The group works in the genres of Russian chanson, urban romance and thieves' song.

History of creation and composition

The history of the creative union of young people begins in 1998. That year, Oleg Simonov created a group called “Dalniy Svet” and a year later recorded the album “Presylochka” in a Voronezh recording studio. The group existed in this form until 2001.

In 2001, soloists Vladimir Zhdamirov and Oleg Simonov, together with the producer of “Russian Chanson” Alexander Abramov, decided to create a new group and called it “Butyrka”. This name appeared by chance, after a daring escape of several prisoners from Butyrka prison in September 2001.

During the existence of the group, its members changed several times. Of those who appeared in the team since the beginning of its formation, only 2 people remained. This is Oleg Simonov, who plays keyboards and creates lyrics, and bass guitarist Alexander Goloshchapov, who left the group in 2010, but returned 3 years later.

Drummer Tagir Alyautdinov and guitarist Alexander Kalugin left the group in 2006. Second guitarist Sergei Egorov worked in the band from 2006 to 2009, and bass guitarist Anton Smotrakov from 2010 to 2013.

The founder, composer and performer of songs, Vladimir Zhdamirov, who has been part of the group since its inception, left the group in 2013. This was a big blow for Butyrka fans and left many questions; everyone was interested in why the lead singer left the band when it was at the peak of its fame.

As it became known from the artist’s interviews for various Internet sites, he simply decided to pursue his solo career after many years of work in the group, the man records new songs and regularly pleases fans of his creativity with concerts in Russian cities.

After Zhdamirov left the creative team, a new soloist, Andrei Bykov, took his place in 2015. The public reacted ambiguously to the man. Since fans have gotten used to the permanent soloist for many years, not everyone liked the new man.

The first concerts with the new lineup were not as welcoming as the musicians were accustomed to. Although Zhdamirov himself stated in an interview that he was not delighted with the creative abilities of the new soloist. However, after a while, the fans accepted the man, and today all concerts are held with the same full houses.

Andrey Bykov knew the creator of Butyrka long before he was on the team. Then Oleg Simonov appreciated the professional qualities of the man and even invited him to cooperate and recommended him to replace Zhdamirov. In 2015, the man began touring with the group, and a year later he took part in the anniversary concert, which took place in Voronezh.

The musician is not going to leave the group, he intends to continue to delight listeners with new hits, since his vocal qualities are suitable for performing Butyrka’s hits. Before joining the group, Bykov’s biography was almost unremarkable. He himself comes from the Perm region, traveled to Moscow to work and at the same time performed in various institutions, until he finally moved to the capital.

In addition to the “old guys” of the group, the current lineup includes drummer Yuri Akimov, since 2009 guitarist Andrei Zhuravlev, vocalist Andrei Bykov, sound engineer Valery Liznev and art director Yulia Griboedova.


The musicians' debut "First Album" was released in 2002. The reason for the success that the young people achieved was the sincerity of Simonov’s poems and Zhdamirov’s unusual but memorable vocals. The most devoted fans of the group’s work at that time were people who were familiar with life behind barbed wire. And in order to get closer to ordinary people, in their songs the men used not only themes of prisons and camps, but also told stories from life.

Song “Smell of Spring” by the group “Butyrka”

The name of the next album, “The Second Album,” which was released in 2002, became a successful continuation of the first, and after its distribution, it finally consolidated the success of the guys in their creative endeavor. The team’s work was also noted at the “Worthy Song of 2002” music award ceremony. The event took place at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Butyrka group won in the Discovery of the Year category and even received an award for the video for the song “Smell of Spring,” which was filmed by director A. Tumandeev.

The next album of the musicians, “News,” was released in early 2004, and a year later, fans of the group enjoyed new compositions from the album “Icon.” Their songs became hits and remained at the top of the television charts for weeks.

Song "Baba Masha" by the group "Butyrka"

Butyrka's performance exceeded fans' expectations, with the recorded music, songs and albums released being of the highest level of quality. At this rate, in 2007 the artists were already releasing their fifth album.

The Sixth Album, released in 2009, had only a few new songs. It also became the last album that was released under the contract with Russian Chanson. The contract was not renewed, and the team decided to develop independently. Since then, Butyrka has been releasing new songs on its own and continuing its creative development.

The song “Walking September” by the groups “Butyrka” and “Vorovaiki”

Also in 2009, the group created its own website on the Internet, where fans listen to Butyrka’s hits and receive information about concerts. In the period from 2010 to 2014, the team pleases fans with 3 more new albums. By 2017, their discography already consisted of 11 albums.

The group has collaborated with other artists more than once; they have joint songs with and with other performers. In addition to songs, Butyrka does not forget about the videos that can be seen on the Internet today. The team shot a video for the song “Smell of Spring”, “Ball”, “Icon”, “Malets” and others.

Song “Certificate in the Blood” by the group “Butyrka”

There are also videos from fans on YouTube, for example, for the song “Certificate in the Blood.” The group still has many songs that even those who are not their fans know by heart. Among the most popular are “Baba Masha”, “Golden Domes”, “News”, “On the Other Side of the Fence” and others.

The Butyrka group now

Since “Butyrka” has won the hearts of listeners from various Russian and foreign cities during its existence, today the group is active in concert activities and participates in events with other stars. Latest photos from the musicians' performances, trips and tours can be seen on their official website.

In December 2017, the group took part in a concert in memory of. In addition to them, Irina Krug and other modern pop stars performed on stage.

At the beginning of 2018, the musicians released a new song “They Fly Away.” The composition is dedicated to the military pilot, their fellow countryman Roman Filipov, the man died in Syria while performing his military duty. Fans noticed that the song’s sound and manner of performance differed somewhat from the band’s main work.

Song “They Fly Away” by the group “Butyrka”

As for the tour schedule, Butyrka spent the summer of 2018 on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The group also performed in Moscow, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, and in April - in Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk and Taganrog.


  • 2002 – “First Album”
  • 2002 – “Second Album”
  • 2004 – “News”
  • 2005 - “Icon”
  • 2007 - “Fifth Album”
  • 2009 – “Sixth Album”
  • 2010 – “Freedom Street”
  • 2010 – “Hooligan”
  • 2014 – “I’ll be back home”
  • 2015 – “Date”
  • 2017 – “New and Best”


  • "Ball"
  • "Picture Nurse"
  • "It smelled like spring"
  • "Date"
  • "Darling"
  • "Subbotnik"
  • "Icon"
  • "They're flying away"
The Butyrka group was formed through the joint efforts of Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov.
The history of the Butyrka group begins in September 2001. By this time, the group had recorded several songs at a studio in Voronezh, but did not yet have a name. Of all the Moscow recording companies that the musicians approached, only the Master Sound company, well known to fans of the genre as the Russian Chanson company, became interested in the beginning band. Here they were noticed by producer Alexander Abramov, who in turn was able to convince the director of the company, Yuri Nikolaevich Sevastyanov, to pay attention to the group. Yuri Nikolaevich, who has extensive experience in discovering stars of the genre (Mikhail Krug, Sergei Nagovitsyn and many others), gave the green light for the release of the debut album. True, the team did not yet have a name. But after on September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a daring escape from the Moscow pre-trial detention center, known to everyone as Butyrka, Alexander Abramov proposed to name the team exactly that. Everyone liked the name and it stuck.
The debut “First Album”, released in 2002, was a stunning success. The original sound, memorable vocals of Vladimir Zhdamirov, as well as the sincerity of Oleg Simonov’s poems immediately made the band popular. The topics touched upon by Oleg in his poems were understandable and close to those who are familiar with the topic of life behind barbed wire first-hand. But there is one more feature - the themes of Butyrka’s songs are not only about prison and camps, they contain a lot about the fate of ordinary people and history, similar to stories from their lives.
The “second album” was released in the same 2002. It became a worthy continuation of the successful debut and consolidated the success of the group. At the presentation of the public music award “Worthy Song 2002”, held in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the group won in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination and was awarded the prize for the best video in the “Russian chanson” genre (clip for the song “ It smelled like spring" directed by A. Tumandeev).
Today the group's composition looks like this:
Vladimir Zhdamirov – vocals, music composer
Oleg Simonov – keyboards, lyricist
Alexander Goloshchapov – bass guitar
Yuri Akimov - drums
Dmitry Volkov – sound engineer
Until recently, the guitarist of the group was Alexander Kalugin, but after Alexander decided to get seriously involved in the concert business, the guitarist of the Gaza Strip group Vadim Glukhov joined the band. In the fall of 2006, the concert line-up of the Butyrka group underwent changes: Volgograd guitarist Sergei Egorov took the place of guitarist Vadim Glukhov, and Muscovite Yuri Akimov replaced drummer Tagir.
The Butyrka group is active in concert activities and has already traveled through Russian cities from Orel to Nakhodka more than once, not forgetting about other countries.


“The dream will definitely come true, you just have to go towards it, don’t listen to anyone and don’t turn on the rear,” says Mikhail Borisov. “When I was told that I had passed the qualifying round in the Russian Chanson company and was being invited to the legendary group Butyrka, I didn’t believe it.”

The information turned out to be correct. And for several months now, Mikhail has been touring with the group in the cities of our Motherland. But who is he, the new lead singer of the Butyrka group?

"The South is in vogue now"

“I am not ashamed to tell the truth. Every person has his own skeletons in his closet, and only the Lord God will judge them,” the musician is sure.

Those who have already attended the Butyrka concert do not know much about it. Young. Cute. The casting passed. From Tuapse. “The South is in fashion now,” jokes the group’s art director Yulia Griboyedova. - Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Mikhail Borisov..."

But first things first.

Large family, discipline and order

Mikhail was born in Kazakhstan on February 22, 1981. Soon the family moved to Russia on the Black Sea coast to the city of Tuapse.

“I remember my childhood well, but for some reason in black and white,” says the musician. - We lived in a two-story house that was built by my grandfather Mikhail, after whom I was named. The family was large, 8 people. Grandfather, grandmother, uncle, mother, father, me and two younger brothers. My father worked in Kazakhstan on drilling rigs, extracting oil. Mom was an accountant. Despite the fact that the country had a difficult post-perestroika time, we lived well. Grandfather was a leader and an excellent owner, so discipline and order reigned in the house. My grandmother worked all her life as a paramedic in a first-aid post on the railway. Now she is the last representative of the older generation of my relatives who is alive..."

Loner turned bully

As a child, the future soloist of “Butyrka” was often sick, was withdrawn and felt like a loner. The turning point came during adolescence. “Maybe the new circle of friends influenced me, maybe I believed in myself, or maybe the demon just got the better of my weakness,” says Mikhail. “From an obedient boy, I began to turn into a malicious hooligan. He ran away from home and became interested in the criminal world and thieves. They started being brought to the police and many other problems. Mom tried in every possible way to save me from trouble, but I was deaf and blind. I thought I was living correctly.”

At the age of 14, the young man became interested in the guitar and within a year began to play well. The number of friends grew by leaps and bounds. The guy signed up for boxing. In the evenings I went to training, and at night I spent in the yard with a cheerful company...

And, as they say, you can’t escape fate. At the age of 22 he received a sentence. 5 years.

“Many people ask me the same question: why? For hooliganism with the use of weapons and for fighting, Borisov does not hide. “Everything happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to understand how I ended up in the zone.”

5 years that seemed like a quarter of a century

“My parents died a few months after I was taken to the camp, and later my uncle died. It was a disaster. “I didn’t expect such a turn of events, and I didn’t want to live,” recalls Mikhail. - As luck would have it, I was transported to the Arkhangelsk region for logging. As it turns out, harsh camps are not only in films.”

He spent almost six months in solitary confinement for refusing household work and unwillingness to submit to camp discipline. And while I was sitting in the punishment cell, I came to the conclusion that the main thing in life is not to do harm to people and not to cause pain to relatives.

Borisov served out the rest of his sentence at his place of residence, in the Krasnodar Territory. But 5 years still lasted like 25...


After his release, Misha was met by his brothers. He couldn't hold back his tears. On the way home, he remembered how he promised his mother, leaving for the trial, that he would soon return, how his girlfriend, after the verdict, swore that she would wait until the end...

Soon the young man began to drink and only thanks to his grandmother he did not end up in jail again.

“I didn’t see my future, all my peers and friends already had families, businesses, cars and careers, but they didn’t take me anywhere,” he continues to say. - I worked as a laborer at a construction site. Then he fraudulently got a job as a cook in a decent restaurant, although he didn’t know how to do anything. After some time, together with his colleagues, he took 3rd place in the Krasnodar Territory in the category “Best dish of European cuisine”. Things were looking up. I got married and had a son.”

Dreams Come True!

Once, while at a corporate party, Borisov decided to sing. The guests were delighted, and he himself liked it. He borrowed a large sum of money and bought musical equipment. I learned a small repertoire and got a job in a tavern. It turned out that this was a calling.

“My friend once asked me: what is your goal in life? - says the musician. - I answered that I want to perform on the big stage. And he said: this is not a goal, this is a dream. But they, as a rule, do not come true.”

Mikhail's dreams came true. He met wonderful people and began touring the country with the Butyrka group. In just two months the album “I’ll be back home” was written. The team is currently working on the next album, which is due out at the end of 2014.

“I went through bad times with dignity, and I will go through good times with dignity,” Mikhail Borisov is sure.