Instructions for performing the work. Grading individual assignments

The purpose of the VPR in mathematics is to assess the level of general education training of 5th grade students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Diagnostic work in mathematics for the All-Russian test work NIKO. The material is intended to prepare students for writing the All-Russian test. The work consists of 2 parts. Each option contains 13 tasks. 45 minutes are allotted to complete this part.

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“VPR 4th grade mathematics (option 3)”

Diagnostic work


4th grade

Option 3

Instructions for performing the work

You are given 60 minutes to complete the math work. The work consists of two parts and includes 13 tasks.

30 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks of Part 1; at the end of this time, answers to the tasks of Part 1 are submitted. You will also have 30 minutes to complete the tasks in Part 2. There is a 10 minute break between completing tasks in parts 1 and 2.

Write your answers to the tasks in the fields provided. If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

When doing work, you cannot use textbooks, workbooks, reference books, or a calculator.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Complete tasks 1–8 and write your answer in the space provided.

    Find the value of the expression 13⋅7

    Find the value of the expression 50−48: (3+5) + 4 ⋅ 7

Answer: ___________________________.

    There are four lessons at school today. Lessons at school start at 9 o'clock. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes, and recess lasts 10 minutes. What time does the last lesson end?

Answer: ___________________________.

    Find the smallest non-zero number that is divisible by both 8 and 12.

Answer: ___________________________.

    In the room there is a chair and a sofa along the wall. What do you think maximum amount Can the same chairs be placed in one row instead of a sofa if it is removed?

Answer: ___________________________.

    Below are data for three years on the number of rainy days in June–October in the village of Berezovoye.


year 2012

year 2013

year 2014






Using the table, choose true statements.

3) In each of these years, September had more rainy days than other months.

4) In each of these years, June had twice as many rainy days as July.

Answer: ___________________________.

    Sasha plays football every Saturday, but does not play on other days.

Choose the correct statements.

1) If Sasha did not play football today, then today is Sunday.

2) If Sasha played football today, then today is Saturday.

3) If the day before yesterday was Friday, then Sasha did not play football the day before yesterday.

4) If today is not Tuesday, then Sasha is going to play football today.

Answer: ___________________________.

    The figure shows a figure.

    Find its area if the side of one cell is 1 cm.

Answer: ___________________________.

2) Draw a rectangle with the same area.

Part 2

Complete tasks 9–13 and write your answer in the space provided.

In tasks 11 and 13, write down the complete solution.

    Look carefully at the picture and answer the questions.

    The coach of the school football team noted the number of scored by the team goals in games with teams from other schools. The trainer depicted this quantity in the form of rectangles one cell wide. The length of the rectangle indicates the number of goals scored per month: one cell - one goal.

    How many goals did the team score in May?

Answer: ___________________________.

Draw in rectangles the number of goals scored in October and November. The width of each rectangle should be equal to one cell, and the length in cells should be the number of goals scored.

3) Draw a conclusion about how the number of goals scored changed over all the marked months. Write your conclusion in one sentence.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________.

    Gosha came to the school canteen to have lunch; he had 85 rubles with him. The menu hangs in the dining room:


Vegetable soup


Fish cutlet with rice

Stewed meat with mashed potatoes


Choose a three-course lunch (first, second and third), which Gosha can buy. In your answer, indicate the names of the dishes and the cost of lunch.

It is enough to indicate one of any of the possible options.

    The artist wanted to draw a house, a Christmas tree and their reflection in the water, but his grandmother called him to dinner, and he did not have time to draw the reflection of the house. Draw a reflection of the house.

    Three loaves of bread were cut into 26 pieces. How many total cuts were made?

Instructions for performing the work
You are given 45 minutes to complete the math work. The work contains
11 tasks.
In tasks after which there is a field with the word “Answer”, write down the answer
V specified location. In task 5 (point 2) you need to make a drawing or drawing. In tasks after which there is a field with the words “Solution” and “Answer”,
Write down the solution and answer in the space indicated.
If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.
When performing work, you cannot use textbooks, work
notebooks, reference books, calculator.
If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. For
To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.
We wish you success!

  1. Find the meaning of the expression
  2. Find the meaning of the expression
  3. The store sells groceries in packages. The picture shows the prices. How many total rubles should you pay for two packages of rice and one package of corn grits? Write down the solution and answer.
  4. The picture shows the calendar for April 2013. What day of the week was May 6th in 2013?
  5. A figure is drawn on checkered paper. The side of the cell is 1 cm. 1) Find the area of ​​this figure. Give your answer in sq. see 2) Draw a rectangle in cells, the area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the depicted figure.
  6. The musketeers competed in target shooting. Each had 3 attempts, and each attempt had 5 shots. The table shows who hit the target how many times on each attempt. Answer the questions. 1) How many times did D’Artagnan hit the target on the third attempt? 2) Which of the musketeers took second place in total number hits?
    Musketeer First try Second try Third try
    Athos 3 2 5
    Porthos 4 4 4
    Aramis 5 1 3
    D'Artagnan 4 5 4
  7. Find the meaning of the expression
  8. To make one duvet cover, 4 m 60 cm of linen is required, and for one pillowcase - 80 cm of linen. A total of 70 m of canvas was used. We sewed 10 duvet covers. How many pillowcases did you sew?
    Write down the solution and answer.
  9. Borya, Yulia and Lisa were picking apples. Borya picked 18 buckets of apples, Yulia picked 10 buckets of apples less than Borya and Lisa together. One of the three guys picked 7 buckets of apples.
    1) How many buckets of apples did Lisa pick? 2) How many buckets of apples did the guys pick up?
  10. Tanya looks at the transparent door from inside the store. What is written on the door?
  11. Pasha cut out several pentagons and hexagons from paper. The carved figures have a total of 32 vertices. How many hexagons did Pasha cut out?
    Write down the solution and answer.

All-Russian Verification work VPR Mathematics grade 4 Option 3 All-Russian Test Work

Instructions for performing the work

You are given 45 minutes to complete the math work. The work contains 11 tasks.

For assignments that have a field after them with the word “Answer,” write the answer in the space indicated.

In tasks 5 (point 2) and 10 you need to make a drawing or drawing.

For assignments that have a box after them with the words “Solution” and “Answer,” write the solution and answer in the space indicated.

If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

When doing work, you cannot use textbooks, workbooks, reference books, or a calculator.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

1. Find the value of the expression 61−19.

2. Find the value of the expression 20 + 20:5 −17.

3. Look at the picture and answer the question: how many rubles will a buyer receive in change if he pays for one candy and one bar of chocolate with a 100 ruble bill?

Write down the solution and answer.

4. The train from Novgorod to Pskov leaves at 15:40. What time will the train arrive in Pskov if the trip duration is 5 hours 50 minutes? There is no time difference in the cities.

5. Below on a checkered field with a side of the square 1 cm there is a rectangle.
1) Find the area of ​​this rectangle.

2) Draw in the figure a rectangle with an area of ​​42 cm2, so that the entire original rectangle is part of it.

6. Basketball team the children's sports school met with teams from several schools. The coach recorded the number of points scored by the players in a table. Using the table, answer the questions.

1) How many points did Vladimir score in the third game?

2) In which game did the boys score the most points together?

7. Find the value of the expression 47 ⋅ 6 − 65 000:500.

8. It takes 80 cm of fabric to sew one blouse, and 90 cm to sew one skirt. Four blouses and several skirts were sewn from 5 m of fabric. How many skirts did you sew?
Write down the solution and answer.

9. A seven-digit password is set on the computer. The numbers are in ascending order, that is, each next number is greater than the previous one.
The second digit in this password is “3”, the fifth is “6”.

1) What is the third digit in the password?

2) List all the numbers that can appear in seventh place in the password.

9. A building was made from three cubes. If you look at it in the direction
along the arrow, a figure consisting of three squares will be visible (Fig. 1).
A cube was made from 27 of the same cubes (Fig. 2). Then several cubes were removed from this cube (Fig. 3). What figure will be visible if you look at the resulting building in the direction of the arrow?

Draw this figure on a checkered field. One cube should be represented by one cell.
One of the fields can be used as a draft.

11. Slava was going to buy 20 sweets, but he lacked 3 rubles for this. Then Slava bought 15 candies, and he had 7 rubles left. change. How much does one candy cost?
Write down the solution and answer.

Test work evaluation system

Assessment individual tasks



3. 100 − (30 + 62) = 8 (rub.).

8. 5 m = 500 cm
1) 4 ⋅80 = 320 (cm) – fabric required for sewing blouses
2) 500 − 320 =180 (cm) – fabric needed for sewing skirts
3) 180:90 = 2 (skirts).
The solution must also be counted:
(500 − 80 ⋅ 4):90 = 2 (skirts).

10. The correct drawing is shown.

11. Slava was going to buy 20 sweets. Let him first buy 15 candies. Then, according to the condition, he had 7 rubles left. Now he needs to buy five more candies, and according to the condition, 3 rubles will not be enough for him.
This means that five candies cost 10 rubles, and then one candy costs 2 rubles.

System for evaluating the completion of all work

The maximum score for completing the work is 18 .

Table for converting points into marks on a five-point scale

Students who score 16–18 points may be given two “5” marks by decision of the educational organization. In addition, it is recommended to provide opportunities for the development of mathematical abilities in such students.