Conspiracies to successfully buy land or a house. Conspiracy against household anger

Happiness, comfort and harmony in the family often depend on the condition of the house in which the family lives. Homes can and should be trained to give harmony, love, and accept owners and pets. A house plot from thieves will save and protect you and your property. Proper handling and communication with the brownie will also only improve your life. A conspiracy at home or an office or store conspiracy for wealth will help increase your wealth.

For well-being in the home

If not everything is going well in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or some other troubles have overcome you, do this. On the new moon, prepare the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove wearing only a skirt on your naked body. Raise your hem above your knees and say: Just as you, the baker, raise the bread, so raise the goods in my house. Amen. When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You cannot give this bread to strangers!

Is it possible to buy a house made of aspen

Of course, it’s undesirable, but if need forces it, then where to go? The bathhouse is made from aspen. And it’s hard to live in a house like that. There can be a lot of troubles. The first ashes from such a house are carried to the market and poured there, saying: There are as many angels as there are people here. Guardian angels, pray for the aspen house. Amen. In addition, it is necessary to read a prayer to Joseph the Righteous, which helps when entering a new home.

A conspiracy to prevent the brownie from playing pranks

Since ancient times, people have never moved into a new home without a special approach to the owner - the brownie. They brought him a gift - a piece of bread with butter or honey, and threw a coin and a scarlet ribbon behind the stove as a sign of respect and hope for reconciliation. The ribbon and the nickel remained behind the stove forever. And even when the stove was repaired or replaced, the residents returned their first gift to its original place - a purchase for the brownie.
They do it like this. Buy some tape and rub the patch on a felt boot until it shines brightly. They speak to him and put him behind the stove, in a secluded place. The conspiracy for a nickel is like this:
My master, brownie father, accept our gift, take care of our goods. Brownie sir, close our hut from all troubles. We magnify you, we respect you, respect us, accept our gift and live in harmony with us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So that the brownies don't quarrel

You cannot know whether there is already a brownie in the apartment you are moving into. Perhaps, when moving out of this apartment, the former owners did not invite the brownie with them to the new place. It may turn out that you invite your brownie to a new home and the brownie will remain from the previous owners. In this case, the brownies may not get along, and then people in the house will get sick, swear and die for no reason. To avoid this, do not forget to ask for a new home to the brownie who was left there from the previous owners. The eldest of the family should enter first. If there is a cat, let him in front of you and say:
Father brownie, let him come to your home, live in the house and be the housewife, and I, father, brought you a friend, feed him and love him. When moving to a new place, do not forget to call your brownie: Neighbor brownie, dear father, I’m leaving, I invite you with me, leave this mansion and come with us to the new place. There you will be light, there you will be warm. And you, father, do us good for this!

If you whistled a brownie out of the house

A well is made from splinters on the table so that a glass of water can fit inside. Then they read like this: My master, come home. Here is your well, here is your water. My master, as long as I stay with me. Amen. The water is left for three days, the well is dismantled and burned in a furnace. The rest of the water is drunk at the house, as a sign of respect for him, and no more whistling is allowed in the house. He won't come back a second time.

Spell words for firewood to burn well

When stacking firewood after cutting for future use, whisper this plot. It will help to avoid a fire, and the wood will burn hotter: I, servant of God (name), begin to handle this luggage. I lay the wood wide, I stack it high, I affirm it with the word of God; Send me, Lord, an assistant, Archangel Uriim, to drive away the fire with a living fire, not on my wall, but in my stove. God bless. Amen.
You are moving: you bought an apartment or a dacha, moved to another city or went on a long business trip abroad - it doesn’t matter at all. Another thing is important - you are full of happy expectations, because your new home is the beginning of a new life. In order for your expectations to be met, so that life in your new home becomes truly happy, you need to take care.

Home cleansing rituals

Before you finally settle in a new place, you need to clean your home. What if the home or its previous owners were damaged? And in general, you don’t need other people’s sorrows. In an unclean house, your defense suffers in any case, no matter how hard you try to strengthen it.
As soon as you move, start cleaning the house. A “sick” house will make you sick and unhappy.

Conspiracies for friendship with a brownie

After you have completely cleaned your new home, you need to invite the brownie there. When leaving your old apartment, you need to, standing on the threshold facing the apartment, bow to the ground and say:
House owner, come with me to the new mansion to live!
Before entering a new apartment, you need to take bread and salt (Bread and salt is a loaf of round rye bread and salt in a wooden or crystal salt shaker. All this is served on a clean white towel.), bow to the ground again and say a spell for the house:
Housewife, eat, help yourself, settle into your new home!
The bread and salt should be left on the table overnight.
Then bury the first slice of bread, cut off at the first dinner in the new house, in the ground in front of the house or hide it in the attic in the right corner, saying:
Come, brownie, to live with us, not in grief, not in misfortune, but in contentment and happiness. Amen.
In the future, you must not forget to feed and welcome the brownie in order to ensure his protection and goodwill toward you. If your new house has a basement, put bread there, salt on it, and a cup of milk next to it. At the same time say:
House owner, I feed you and sing, and you take care and keep me, drive away trouble from the house.
And so that the brownie does not play pranks, but, on the contrary, protects the owners from all sorts of troubles, on the third day after moving, say in the house:
House owner, neighbor, live quietly in the house, don’t joke, don’t mock, don’t disturb people, go into the dark forests, into the quicksand, joke there, mock there, shake there, but in my house live quietly, sit quietly, house defend, protect from the evil unclean. In a dark forest, a willow tree grows on the quicksand, an aspen tree grows, then you have fun toys. A willow tree does not grow without roots, an aspen tree does not stand without a leaf, and the servant of God (name) lives without flashes, attacks or damage. I will be with the Lord, I will live quietly and peacefully in my house. Amen.
If you have already moved to a new apartment and have not invited the brownie with you, you need to read the prayer to Jesus Christ:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, ruler of all the powers of heaven, all creatures under heaven, all spirits above and below the earth! Forgive me, Your sinful servant (name), for offending the owner of the yard, our brownie. Let him come to his new residence and not bring any resentment with him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After this, take the bread and salt and leave it on the table overnight. If life in the new house does not work out, you will have to go to the place of the old home and repeat the ritual of inviting the brownie.

Spell for good luck in household chores

If you're having terrible luck with housework, take an old spoon (it doesn't have to be clean) and slowly walk around the house, going into each room. Then go to the intersection and bury the spoon there. Don't look back when you get home. From now on, your affairs will improve.

Ritual to avoid external worries

If your home is shaking from outside worries, take freshly cut parsley from your garden (or buy fresh parsley at the store) and place it in a pot of water. Let it sit for nine minutes, then sprinkle this water around the house. Harmony will be restored.

Conspiracy against family anger

This ritual will help you if someone in your family especially often and unmotivatedly gets angry, irritated, or finds fault over trifles.
You need to take a safety pin and at midnight on the new moon, burn it with the flame of a church candle, saying:
Seven-shot Mother of God, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy! O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have brought to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Amen.
You need to sentence three times, burning the pin all the time. Then smear the pin with wax from the same candle and discreetly pin it to the clothes or bag of the person you want to pacify.

Women's spells for love, health and happiness. 147 most powerful female conspiracies Bazhenova Maria

A conspiracy to attract money into the house

It happens that everything seems to be in order in the family. And the husband works, and the wife, and it seems, and they pay nothing, but the money from the house, well, seems to float through your fingers. It's unclear where. And this happens because a bad person has been in your house. And with his eye it was as if he had burned holes in the house. This is where the money floats away. To get rid of the misfortune and “patch up” your house, you need to do this. First, forgive this person. He wishes you harm, but you wish him good. And don’t hold a grudge against him. From resentment, bile spreads throughout the body, and it will be impossible to help the grief in the soul with resentment. And secondly, you need to do the following. Write the following words on pieces of paper:

The white stone chambers stand in a holy place, looking at the city of God. I will close the windows and doors so that there is no gap. From a thief-robber, from an envious person, from a slanderer and a snitch, from a dashing person and an unclean spirit. The chambers will flourish. There will be grace in my house. It is not I who slander, it is the Mother of God herself who slanders with the power of her slander and the life-giving cross. Amen.

We need to wait until nightfall. Then place a piece of paper with words written on it in each corner of your home. Place a church candle on each leaf (just make sure there is no fire!). Light the candles and let them burn for one minute (measure the time with the last lit candle). The next night, the candles should burn for two minutes. On the third - three. Place the paper with words and candle stubs in a bag and put it somewhere safe, away from people. After forty days, the bag can be thrown away.

From the book Urgent help for those in trouble. Conspiracies against misfortune and illness author Stefania Sister

A CONSPIRACY AGAINST EXCESSIVE SPENDING SO THAT MONEY DOESN'T FLEEK THROUGH YOUR FINGERS Such conspiracy words will help if money is “flowing through your fingers.” The best time for it is on the eve of Maundy Thursday. But if you wait a long time until this day, any day the day before will do

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

CONSPIRACY TO GET MONEY IN DEBT OR LOAN This old conspiracy should be read when you go, say, to a bank, take out a loan, or receive money from a debtor. It also helps when payments are delayed at work - you need to read it before leaving home. standing

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 07 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To have money Go to the forest, find a pile of ants there and throw change on it. As soon as the ants run over the coins, immediately say: How there are a lot of ants in this pile, So that my money won’t be transferred. Amen. Or do the following. On

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 12 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Another good conspiracy to keep money in the house is to keep a small bag of flour in your bosom during the daytime church service. They go to church and return from it in silence. At home, they also don’t talk to anyone until they perform a ritual for money and success. They do it this way: standing in the bathhouse,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To make money flow, buy some gray poppy during the new moon. (Under no circumstances buy poppy seeds from men and do not take change!) Lay a new black scarf on the table at home and draw a circle on it with a remnant of soap left over from a bar of soap that has only been used by one person. IN

From the book 300 protective spells for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To make money multiply, they tell a coin to have a five on it (5 kopecks or 5 rubles), and carry it with them everywhere. A month later they get rid of it and make it again, that is, they fake it. I go to the merchant’s market and return in a sable, a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. God willing

From the book Codes of Money and Wealth author Nadezhdina Vera

Another good conspiracy to have money in the house is to keep a small bag of flour in your bosom during the daytime church service. They go to church and return silently. At home, too, they don’t talk to anyone until they perform a ritual for money and success. They do it this way: while standing in the bathhouse, they sprinkle

From the book Money Trap Codes. Magic and attraction author Fad Roman Alekseevich

To make money flow, buy a gray poppy during the new moon, remembering that poppies cannot be bought from men and that you cannot take change from your purchase. At home, lay a new black scarf on the table, draw a circle on it with a remnant that only one person used. In the drawn circle

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To find money In the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees, find an aspen tree that still has many leaves. Go to the tree, clasp it with your hands and shake it, saying the spell: How true it is that Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree, and how many leaves fall at my feet, so

From the book Your Defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

To make money multiply This conspiracy is read three times. The first time - when you sow, the second time - when the shoots sprout and the third time - when you eat the fruits of your harvest. It is possible that the work process may seem too long to you. But believe me, he is the one

From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stefania Sister

Learn to attract money There is huge capital in the world. A powerful flow of money permeates the entire earthly sphere. Most financial movements occur through communication means and satellites. Every second, billions of money move around

From the author's book

To prevent the husband from drinking away the money To prevent the husband from drinking away the money and taking away valuables from the house, the following plot will do. It must be read on the waxing moon, light five green candles, put on a brazier and burn his handkerchief on it, which he used to wipe himself. "Like from home

From the author's book

So that money is not transferred When a black cat gives birth to kittens, at the sight of her blood you need to say: Just as kittens are often born to cats, All over the world they are collected in countless Shelves, So I would have (name) money multiply, Hour by hour in my wallet

From the author's book

So that the money goes into the house From the letter: “I had to fire the seller because she was displaying her goods instead of ours and selling them. When she left, she promised to ruin me. She said that from now on, good things will not take root in my house. Maybe I wouldn’t believe her threat, but we

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that money goes to money. Repeat the conspiracy every time they give you money: a debt, change in a store, etc. “Your money is in our wallet, your treasury is my treasury.” In addition to reading the conspiracies, it is recommended to follow the signs and ancient money

From the author's book

So that money comes into the house I am full of strength, I am full of energy. I am the center of energy flows. I am like a magnet creating a powerful field of attraction around me. Positive energy flows from the surrounding world are attracted to this field. Now I'm setting myself up for attraction

Conspiracies to bring prosperity to your home.

“How I, God’s servant (name), got up in the morning with clean water
I washed my face and bowed to all four sides:
my hut, my little hut, stand strong, sculpted, and firmly, firmly,
so that neither thunderstorms, nor storms, nor hurricanes touch you,
neither evil words nor evil deeds.
Stop, hold on, guard my life for joy,
for good luck, for many years to come. God bless
every wall, every corner, every log,
all the holes and little windows. Forever and ever, amen.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I pray to You,
I conjure, command with your will that in my house
there was no trouble, so that everything was peaceful and quiet,
so that there is plenty of bread,
May everyone living here have a happy life!
Amen, amen, amen."

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, mother
Most Holy Theotokos, send me, a sinner
to the servant of God (name), and strength to all my household,
blessings and health for many years, so that no one can
damage, break, scare, spoil. Be everything pure and holy.
Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy for a fat wallet.
Spectacular coins love accuracy and counting.
A caring owner won't lose a penny.
To always know how much is in your wallet, you need to count the money every morning and at the same time say:
“Money adds up to money, the quantity increases, the amount multiplies, the income grows. Bless, Lord! Amen!"
In just a month, your wallet will become thicker.

A conspiracy to bring happiness to the house.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!
My house is made of stone (wood, concrete, etc. - name what)
strong and reliable, blessed by the Lord.
Filled with happiness, strengthened by love. Protects from enemies, joy, peace, bestows peace.
May it be so forever and ever. Amen"

Conspiracy for abundance in the house.
“Just as a clear dawn wakes up every morning, rises, brings light and joy to the world, so in my house prosperity comes, bread on the table, cabbage soup and porridge on the stove, and the house is nourishing and warm, and wealth flows into the house. Just as a stream flows - the water in it never ends, so the wealth in my house never ends. Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy from lack of money.
“The sky is blue, the month is clear, the stars in the sky are endless, the drops in the sea-ocean are endless, the blades of grass in the field are endless, the leaves on the trees are endless. There is a lot of everything in the world, there is enough for everyone, and there is enough for me. Let gold and silver come, let it come to me with goodness, bring me joy and happiness, so that my wealth becomes like the stars in the sky, drops in the sea-ocean, blades of grass in the field, leaves on the trees.

Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.”

Conspiracies to make money come.

“I woke up in the morning and found a hole in my pocket. I’ll take a gold thread, I’ll thread it into a gold needle, I’ll sew up that hole, I’ll sew it tightly, I’ll mend it, I’ll patch it, I’ll tie it with gold, I’ll tie a golden knot with a gold needle. Hold on, little bundle, hold on tight, the money is in my pocket, tenaciously.

Always keep your pocket full, and even fuller. My words are tenacious, strong, bound with a golden chain, closed with a golden lock.

A conspiracy if you urgently need money.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Mother Theotokos, you see that I need the servant of God (name), money for a good deed, for a necessary deed, for an important deed - not on a whim, caprice, not for luxury, not for self-indulgence , not for boasting, but for (say why).
God has a lot of everything - give me some too. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.”

Conspiracy for wealth.

“A pike fish swims across the sea, swims from afar, its tail is silver, its fin is gold, its eye is diamonds. Whoever catches that pike will not know grief or poverty. Swim, pike, swim, bring us plenty of gold - silver - diamonds. We are waiting for you, we will greet you with kindness, we will feed you, give you something to drink and let you go out to sea, you will gain more wealth and bring it to us again.

May it be so forever and ever. Amen".

A conspiracy to find a good job.

“The stars in the sky go their own way, the sun in the sky goes its own way, and you, clear month, move in your own way - so let me, the servant of God (name), have my own way in the world of earth and heaven, sublunary and celestial. On that path I will find a golden house, in the house there is a golden throne, on that throne is my work, given to me by our Lord for joy, happiness, luck, wealth. The thing is waiting for me - it won’t wait, no one but me will get it, neither old nor young, nor a mature husband, nor red-haired, nor black, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor gray-haired. Bring me, Lord, to that throne, put that matter in my hands, so that I can live comfortably, without grief and adversity, for Your glory, the Lord, for myself and for the good of all people. Let it be so. Amen".

A conspiracy to get what you need from your superiors or official.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, Your sinful servant (name), - you see, my cause is right, I am pure before you in my thoughts, so help me, for the correct solution of my request, bless the hearts of the mighty of this world soften, pacify, turn to help me. I go to them with kindness - let them greet me with kindness, greet me, not drive me out of the doorway, but invite me to their place, greet me with a kind word, reward me with a kind deed. Good morning! With God, With God, With God. Amen".

"Knot of Luck"

A good, true plot, and suitable for every person. If you have an important task ahead of you, take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times:

“As the end meets the end, so things would work out for me. Amen.”

Then, when leaving on this business, you put a thread on the threshold, step over it and say the same thing again. You leave the thread on the doorstep.

A conspiracy to make things work out.

Tie the thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, say three times, then go. “Just as this knot is tied, so with us servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together. Amen".

A conspiracy in the workplace to get better pay.

They say sitting at your workplace, but turning in the direction where the money is coming from (towards the accountant).
“The Apostle Andrew caught fish on the Sea of ​​Galilee and spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, money to shovel. So may the Lord not forget God’s servant (name), do not bypass him, give him good things, feed him, give him something to drink. Amen.Amen.Amen."

A spell to get lucky with your job.

“Hand to hand, order in my head, money in my purse, luck with me! Amen".

A conspiracy to retain a profitable client.

If you need to retain a profitable client, then before negotiations, light a match, then blow it out and say:
“In an open field, in a dark forest, in a great fog, a light burned and smoke curled. So that the servant of God (name of your client) goes to that light for a little smoke, but not to get lost, but not to get lost, and not to go astray, but to be close, and not to leave. Amen".

A plot for a pear to have a lot of money.

Buy a ripe, juicy pear at the market. Peel it without using a knife, mash it, remove the seeds from the pulp, and say to the pulp itself:
“I eat the pear, I bring in the money spirit. Where the spirit is, there is money. Amen."

To give money more often.

Get up at dawn, take a bucket of cold water, splash it from head to toe and say: “Water flows into the sea from all rivers, springs and streams, all strives for the sea, all flows into the ocean. So money would flow to me, God’s servant (name), small and large, and medium, and all kinds. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a profit.

Cover the hem of your skirt with red thread and say:

“I don’t throw and sweep around hems, I sweep money towards me, small and medium and large, old and new, copper and gold, silver and paper. Amen.”

A conspiracy to repay the debt.

If you are not repaid, throw a dry crust out the window at midnight with the words:
“You’re sitting, debt, in someone else’s house, you’re eating someone else’s bread, you’re ruining the house. Don’t sit with strangers, come back. Amen.”

A conspiracy to lure buyers.

To successfully sell a product, repeat to yourself on the way to the place of sale:
“Like flies to honey, so all the merchants would flock to my goods. Amen".

After each repetition, spit over your left shoulder and tap your right shoulder three times with your left hand.

Conspiracy against debt damage.

Such damage means that a person lives in debt all the time, and no matter how hard he tries, he cannot pay off his debts. They slander the money with which they repay the debt.

“Money, money, run along the road, in an open field,
There are oak tables there, and there are broken tablecloths on the tables.
You eat, you feast, you give.
Dining, giving, feasting,
I’m not the one persuading you, I’m calling on the Most Holy Mother of God.
Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, help, help persuade
set the money on the true path, from the black eye,
from gray, from joyful, from envious,
protect from evil.
To this day, to this hour, to my sentence.”

Tips for sellers.

When laying out the goods on the counter, be sure to say: “The goods are my face and I’m doing well.”

To get more buyers, whisper salt at home:
“Walkers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Bring it with you to your workplace and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder.
Money is fanned around the goods when the first buyer is a man.
If she is a woman, then her money is supposed to be hidden and not even given as change. Then there will be good luck in trading.

On the way home from the market, be sure to give alms with the words: “Let the hand of the giver never fail.”

A conspiracy to improve trade.

Read on the water under the waxing moon.

“Let the servant of God (name) prosper in trade, in buying, in selling and bartering, and in everything - prosperity. Be true to my word."

Drink some water, spray the product.

A conspiracy to get hired.

Read 3 times when going to the employer.
“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I'm going to make a contract with the owner
take a look. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not hateful.
Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words.
He would not have driven away a baptized soul.
Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us at all times.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

House - this is a room that, with the right attitude, helps its owner in all areas of life. If the house is treated properly, then even the smallest closet can be of great benefit if it is created with coziness and the love of the owner is present.

Here are a few rituals that will help maintain order in the house.

First of all, it is worth reminding of all the well-known things: a horseshoe above the front door and a broom looking up, which is a talisman against bad people.

Protective nail.

It is very important that a protective nail is driven into the door jamb, which is located opposite the entrance. It can be any size. It is only important that the nail is new, without traces of rust. It is best to buy it in a store the day before the ceremony. Before driving in the nail itself, you need to dip it in a glass of cold water and quickly pull it out. Drive in with the words: “As long as you are driven in, nothing will harm my family.”

Correct placement of kitchen utensils.

Everyone knows that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. But few people know that a kitchen stove cannot be placed next to a window. Otherwise, the family’s wealth will erode along with the ardor. Also, the stove should not be close to a water source. If it is still impossible to arrange the furniture differently, place a wooden block between the stove and the window or sink. And the refrigerator should not be in the same row as the sink and stove. Place it opposite, and so that the refrigerator is between them. Ideally, you should get an isosceles triangle. This promotes balance in family life.

Thread of luck.

Be sure to get a ball of red wool. The yarn should be wound from right to left so that the thread runs horizontally. Place it in a secluded place in the main room of your home. If a family member is having problems, cut a piece of thread and tie it on a hand or on an item that the person always carries with them, such as keys.

Wealth corner.

The so-called “red corner”. This is the farthest corner from the entrance diagonally. In this place there should be icons or other symbols of the holiness of the family hearth. You cannot store old unnecessary things here, as well as sharp objects or weapons.

Children's room.

Use any turntable in this room. This will help avoid conflicts with the child, improve relationships, and maintain spiritual closeness.

Family dining table.

Ideally, it should be round and stand in the center of the room or kitchen so that all family members can fit behind it. It should be possible to approach the table from any side.

Another important tip - don’t hoard old things, throw away everything you don’t need from time to time. Along with this, unresolved problems will go away.

A person's most important wealth is his home. Therefore, in the old days, before they began to build a house, they buried a rooster bone, reminiscent of a slingshot (filly), in the place where the middle of the house would be located. Having buried it, they said three times:

"HowThis rooster will not crow, and the enemy will not enter my house. Amen".

There is only one place on earth where we can feel completely free - at home. There are no restrictions at home, as, for example, in government agencies or company offices. But there should be order in any normal home. " Legislator He lives here and experiences the rules of home life and experiences them himself. The owner is reflected in the “mirror” of his house. Popular rumor calls him a brownie. Many witnesses to encounters with him describe him as a creature of small stature and covered with white or red fur. He wears a red cap and takes care of the well-being of the house. He loves it when people bring him treats: porridge, pies. A glass of red wine. If they forget about him, he may get offended, he starts “ spoil" And " get mad" Then strange things begin to happen in the house.

To prevent this from happening, you need to ask the brownie for tions:

“When the servant of God entered the house,

I seeIt’s pitch dark in that house,

no grandfather pose with a stove,

no protector, no master

Rise up, rise up, clear sunshine!

Forgive me, good grandfather,

Your foolish granddaughter...

Come back, come back, clear dawn,

Come home, good grandfather,

Don't leave the house as an orphan...

Like darkness flees from the fire of a candle.

May all your enemies disappear like this,

May they flee from the defender,

From the owner of the brownie!

And may my words be strong to this hour and forever!”

Previously, no one doubted the existence of the brownie, butbecause they saw it with their own eyes. Grandma is just a sconceclasped her grandson's hand and showed the brownie who appeared fromfor the stoves, and the grandson remembered: there is such an unusual thing in the world creature. Everyone knew: the brownie must be treated with respecteat, then he not only lives in the house, but does all the housework new job.

The custom of taking back one's own is still preserved in Russian brownie when moving to a new apartment or a new house.To do this, take an old woolen item and the owner, remaining alone in the apartment, asks the brownie: “Master, come with me to the but Good place, we will be worse off without you.” Upon arrival at the new apartmentru, the hat is placed in a convenient corner, behind the closet or refrigerator. In addition, every housewife knows that on the first of everyof the month you need to bring a treat to the brownie and ask him accept:


accept my treat

keep my house

and all those who live in it."

The next morning these products were fed to animals or birds. People should not eat these products.

Or this option. On the night from Sunday to Monday toplace a crust of black bread with a piece of meat on the edge of the table, fromboiled potatoes or cucumber. Say the spell three times:

“Dear owner, invisible to the eye, accept the treat, I offer with respect, protect us with your strength and zeal, so that water does not drink so as not to be burned by fire, so as not to lose your wealth.”

Cleaning the house

The owner of an apartment or house can himself determine that the apartmenttyping "bad". The energy of an apartment or house is created bydear hosts. Therefore, if it is positive, then it is completely can protect against the harmful effects of underground cracks and voids.

If the wife scolds or curses every day, no matter what the light stands onthere is no one's husband or supposed enemy, huddled in a corner in the kitchen or any other place, then over time this placewill truly become an “evil zone”. Curled up in tight energytic tangle and negative emotions invisible to the eye, boowill constantly take away the strength of any person who finds himself in this place. And then it is difficult to get rid of the evil entities that have visited your home. As a result, your plans begin to worry, and the family starts to get sick, and things don’t go well. But if you havethere is a corner in the house where you are used to doing what you lovebusiness, then very soon it will become a place of concentrationbody of emotions, where all your household members will feel comfortable. It will be easy to work here and you can quickly restore strength after a hard day.

How to determine the energy of an apartment?

In houses with “good” energy, spilled water dries out more slowly, cut flowers do not wither for a long time, all metalThe metal is cool to the touch, and the wooden one is slightly warm.

In “bad” houses, a regular radio receives bettershort radio waves, a coin thrown on the floor hardly ringsor rings dully, milk quickly sours, salt dissolves instantlyplunges into water, the hot water cools quickly, and the butter melts on thezakh. A lit candle here smokes and crackles, its flame darts and often goes out.

You can also use a pendulum. It can be doneevery. This is a small weight made of silver or crystal on a stringke or thread. Take the pendulum in your hands and mentally askthose, walking around the apartment: “Is this a good place for me or a bad one?”Rocking back and forth means yes, and from side to side means "No". Find the center of activity of the pendulum and set the edgestsy energy area, gradually moving away from the center, wherethe pendulum has the largest swing amplitude, in all four hundredrona. In negative areas it is permissible to install any electricalappliances and a stove, the fire of which will definitely “correct” the negative body energy. But never put books here that will immediately absorb negativity and pass it on to whoever reads them. It is best to locate a workplace in places with “good” energy. There is no need to place a bed here; the influx of positive energy will make you stay awake, thereby ensuring insomnia.

If health problems begin in your home, business,quarrels between household members, perform a cleansing ritual.

Ritual 1.

Light the coals in the incense burner and sprinkle somecrushed frankincense and myrrh. Pour a little salt into a cupflaxseed water. Take the bell. Starting from the most distantfrom the entrance door of the corner, go clockwise around each doorchanting, fumigating it with incense. The smoke from the incense musteven go into all the closets. Then go around the room again, ringing the bell. After this, take a cup of salt water and, dipping your index finger in it, touch the fourwe repair the sides of every window and door in the house (apartment). Exactlydo the same with all the mirrors. Having gone around, as before, eachbefore entering the room, end your journey at the front door.

Here again you will need, first of all, incense. Open upopen the door and direct a cloud of smoke towards it, saying atin this stern voice:

“Get away, you vile and destructive entities!

You weren’t invited here!”

Now close the door and sprinkle some salt around the edges.water. After this, raise your hands up and say:

“Welcome to the essence of light and happiness.

Fill this home with your presence and blessing.

Protect him from everything born of darkness.

Put our (my) house in proper order.”

By opening the door to expel negative entities, youyou should feel the emptiness around you. However, when you callthose positive spirits, you can immediately feel the warmth and comfort throughout the whole house.

And remember: the resulting void must be filled immediately. Therefore, never drive away negative entities without inviting positive ones. Demons can return to an “empty” house, and not alone, but with hordes of their own kind.

Cleansing ritual 2.

Light a white household candle and start cleaning beforemeh. Approaching the candle, speak the hex into the flame three times:

"Oh Great One spirit of fire!

Burn away the disease

Change the evil

Sha warmth and light!”

Continue cleaning. After a while, repeat againthief, now replacing the words of the second line with the following: “Burn the disease of my husband (name)”, then take turns doing nagothief against all family members and just people close to you whoyou mean well. The candle must burn out completely. NextNext week, light the candle in the same place. In three weeks youyou will feel that your and your household’s health has improved,the house became warm and cozy.

Prayer for home protection

It is read on the water three times, but before that it is read three times"Our Father". Sprinkle the spoken water into all corners of the house,Pour the remaining water under the threshold.

“Peace and salvation to this house and to those who live in it.

Settle, O Lord, the spirit of piety in this house,

Spirit of meekness and humility.

Drive out of him all the power of the devil

And every enemy, visible and invisible.

O Most Pure Life-Giving Cross of the Lord,

By the power of him crucified upon you

Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Strengthen me against all enemies visible and invisible,

Carnal and mental observance of temptation.


Or use this an option for protective prayer for the home.

“Holy hut, you stand in a holy place. Cover the windows or the doors with their pure life-giving cross. Amen".

Conspiracy - amulet

“Having crossed myself, blessing myself, I will go out of the house, through the gate, to that hundred Ron, where to hunt. I won’t go astray and won’t run into trouble. I will avoid evil and find good everywhere. I won’t collide, don’t expand I hope I’ll return to the house with good luck.”

Protect your home from fire

Light a small fire in the yard. When he's completelyburns down, collect the ashes, scatter them in all four corners of yourat home and say the spell:

“That which once turned to ash and dust is not about ash and dust. fights again."

From the danger of fire they said, leaving the house: "Don't smolder, do not burn, do not die in fire. Amen".

From thieves

How many different means has mankind invented toprotect your property from thieves! But as they stole, so they steal.Try to protect your apartment, car and any other item from theft and loss using the following ritual, tested in practice.

On a spring or summer day, break thin poplar branches. At home, cover the table with a white tablecloth and place a tray on itthree church candles with a square: on the left, in front and on the rightPush. Light them up. Heat a thick one on the fire of one of the candlesneedle, and then read the following words:

“From unclean thieves, from the hands of plunderers, from the eyes of envious people.”

And stick this needle diagonally into the top of the left candle so thatit pierced right through her. Put this candle out and put it aside for a hundred Ron.

Make rings the size of a woman's brace from poplar branchesyears. There should be exactly as many rings as there are family membersor how many things you want to protect from robbery. Then take one of the rings in your right hand and blow through it three timeson the candle standing in front of you and say the spell:

“Oh, poplar spirit, pure, strong and invisible, protect from theft of me (name), husband (name), son (name), my house, my things (names).”

Place all the tops one by one on the candle in front of you.line rings. Repeat the spell and cross the candle, AfterExtinguish this candle for 15 minutes, and place the rings in secluded places. corners of the apartment, in the car, be sure to put one in paper Nick.

Now take the candle standing to your right and take it to thehallway and place it at the threshold. There she must burn out to the endtsa, but at the same time not a single person should cross the threshold,otherwise the whole ritual will go down the drain.

The next morning, bury the candle pierced with a needle somewhere near the house, and hide the one on which the rings were put in the apartment.After this ritual, thieves will avoid your house, andwhen your property, acquired by honest labor, will not be touched.

In addition to the ritual itself, poplar plays a significant role here.He is an orderly, absorbs a lot of negative energy, literally in the new sense of the word, sucking it out of bad people.

From theft

“Peace to this house and to all who live in it. Drive out of him all the power of the devil, the enemy visible and invisible. Settle down in peace and blah good. Be in my barn a treasure and everything will be ergot, without any torey, without ruin, without waste and without burnout, on ecu years for a dollargee summer. Amen".

The floor in the house should be washed with enchanted water,then throw it out onto the street.

To ensure that no one jinxes or steals your money, perform the following ritual. They dig a hole under an aspen tree, put a coin, talk about it and cover it with earth. Do it on a full moon on an even day.

“God be with you, my soot,

Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest.

How can a mouse not bite you?

The worm will not exude

So that no one steals my money.

Punish the thief

Place seven knives on the table, pointing their tips in different directions.sides and say:

“Like on the sea, on the river, In a forged chest Seven damask knives, Seven guardians of brothers. I open that chest, I take out those knivesI use them in practice. Fuck you, knives, To this and that, To the one who committed evil, You laid your hands on my property, chop it up and down, To turn back theft, He didn't hide anything.My word is trueMy work is quick, Everything is spoken, Everything is accomplished.”

Bringing prosperity into your home

To attract prosperity, a bucket of rain is collected in the housethe howl of water, a couple of coins, a couple of grains of barley, a couple of woolen threads are thrown there. And three times the words are whispered into this water:

"Peace, Salvation and Grace

As is for the Lord, so is it for me.

And you, a person with kind affection,

Come to me with Holy Easter,

Come to me with your love.

I'm riding as a gray wolf.

Let my enemies be locked in the mouth. Amen".

Happiness at home

A rock crystal crystal placed to the right of the front door will bring peace and tranquility into your home. In order for there to always be mutual understanding and harmony between spouses, it is necessary toplace their common family photo in a place where it moonlight will fall. Our grandmothers took this ritual seriously, which is why marriages lasted firmly and for a long time.

Expelling pests from the house

To expel mice, cockroaches from the house, garden and yard,beetles, worms and caterpillars, sweep the house, garden and yard with an old broom,saying the following words:

“With a filthy broom I will sweep away all the creeping, gnawing creatures of the oud I bark. Cling all of you to this broom, follow its trail, follow its scent. Huh, where people don’t go, animals don’t roam, one is gnawing. I'm crawling the living creature lives.”

After this, go to a deserted place, dragging the broom along the ground so that it leaves a trail behind it, leave it there and, without looking back,panting, return home. For this ritual to be valid, perform it only after sunset during a debilitated moon.

“I am riding with the servant of God (name) on a black skin,

a month behind us, the sun between our eyes.-

God is my helper with all the angels and archangels.

I, the servant of God (name), ride on horseback to the master.

Pan stands, whomever he meets,

He takes out his eyes,

It closes me off to my enemies.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Cover, Masha of God,

with his cover

servant of God (name).

Fence it with a stone wall,

sea ​​water,

Wrap your enemies' arms and legs.

Lock your lips, teeth,

Save me from all troubles.

Jesus Christ goes ahead

Mother of Godbehind,

and I, the new slave (name), is in the middle.”