What a terrible beast the mouse was. The most terrible beast

How often are we human,
Without trying to understand others,
For some reason we judge them harshly.
Myself, knowing only how to forgive.

How often do we get together in packs,
We divide everyone into strangers and our own.
Moving away from those unnecessary to us,
Without noticing their pain.

How difficult it is if you are in a pack,
The leader disliked him for some reason.
When he would peck you,
He motioned to the sixes.

The one who kept trying to make friends,
He will hurry to strike first.
Yesterday he was touched by you,
Today - he's trying to spit!

Condemning wolf laws
So often we use them...

Scary prophetic dreams...
You live without believing in predictions,
But they keep their expectations viscous
And you're afraid of silence.

And you are afraid of one thing:
Will the moment of accomplishment come?
Loss pain... and regrets...
And nothing from the past.

Pain creeps stickily into the memory.
Everything that is gone will not return...
The years flew by like a fast bird.
And bitter salt in the wound.

You no longer believe in miracles.
There are no rear areas for retreat.
The bitterness of the decision will come,
That you agree with this yourself.

And autumn is a chorus of hoarse birds
Shouts to the past...

Worse than a strike... lightning
Warmer - volcano... lava
More mysterious... "Concordia"
Your look... a little strange

Smile... half moon
And ripe “rye”... melancholy
And under the T-shirt... they are furious
Two pink... nipples

I'm stupefied... by berry
(Without a miss... hit the bow)
As you wish... under the pagoda
Your winged... hands

Worse than a strike... lightning
Warmer - volcano... lava
More mysterious... "Concordia"
Your look is a little... drunk

It's scary to live in this world
Where comfort is missing
Early in the morning, at dawn
The devils will kill us all.
We don't choose the time
Where to be born, die,
We blame each other
And we are afraid of getting sick.
There is a lot of vulgarity in the world,
Is it necessary to beg and blame,
As if it's possible for this,
Change in this life.
Every year we fight to the death,
We want to be free
And in the end the chickens laugh,
We'll move it to Tarara.
Shine of a smile, hug,
My age, my farewell fate.
Don't envy anyone.
Time is a test...

In the Moscow region, on a breeding animal farm
Animals die in the cold.

They die, but not only from the cold.
Our smaller brothers are dying of hunger.

Sables, foxes, and minks are dying.
They cannot hide from the cold in a warm hole.

The state farm was once famous.
And now - what a terrible sight!

Black sable is the adornment of kings.
The sable population is dying.

The amber sable was bred here.
He has wonderful, special fur.

Here it is, the sable. He's the only one.
And death awaits him from hunger...

On the tree high, at the very top of the head
A huge lump held at gunpoint
All those who were hanging around idle under the tree,
And I really wanted to fall from above.

And wild bees wouldn’t mind biting,
And the roots would grab from the soil by the foot,
And the forest animals, hiding in ambush,
They would have waited for me and attacked me from behind.

And the wind would blow without any meaning,
And the snow would fall and the rain would fall
And someone would hoot terribly in your ear,
And then it itched like an annoying fly.

I won’t go into the forest, I won’t take a step into the thicket.
I'm not...

I had a strange dream last night;

Many animals were playing throughout the expanse of heaven.
A scarlet cross rose above them reverently and tenderly.
During the day,
the sky was in a glow of flowers,
And this beauty of endings was not to be seen.

There butterflies circled among the green grass,
And there was no poison anywhere. From broken walls covered with moss
billions of nests hung, and even at night in the sky
billions of birds that are not even noticeable stars.
Indescribable waterfall; - A huge elephant bathes
a pack of polar bear cubs, and the mother, worried,

The bestial grin of the century shines,
The shepherd let the animals go for a walk,
Fangs grow in humans
To gnaw and tear apart brothers.

The season is open, the hunt is on,
Any means are good
The desire to eat someone
Stole space from my soul.

Left to chance, they created
Laws of the jungle, who is stronger,
The unclean gain was justified,
Game according to the rules of animals.

The unclean beast cannot
Good is managed wisely,
Having hidden the meat, it gnaws at the bones,
So as not to leave it to anyone.

When the animals get drunk, uncles,
With a stomach without...

About children and for children

Answers to page 23

Lev Tolstoy

Terrible beast

The mouse went out for a walk. She walked around the yard and came back to her mother.
- Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind.
Mother said:
- Tell me, what are these animals?
The mouse said:
- One, scary one, walks around the yard like this: his legs are black, his comb is red, his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, raised his leg and began screaming so loudly that I was very scared.
“It’s a rooster,” said the old mouse, don’t be afraid of it. Well, what about the other animal?
- The other was lying in the sun and warming himself. His neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth, he licks his white chest and wags his tail, looking at me.
The old mouse said:
- You're stupid! This is the cat himself.

1. Determine the genre of this work. Specify +

+ fablefairy tale story

2. Point it out ⇒ who the little mouse was talking about.

scary rooster
Kind cat

3 ∗ . Complete the proposal.

The fable “The Terrible Beast” was written by Leo Tolstoy.

4. What was the mouse like? Indicate the answer + or write your own.

Smart + stupid experienced
+ little kind one

5. Color the pictures and write down the characters in the fable.

The modern animal world of planet Earth today is very diverse. In it, in the neighborhood, peacefully, and sometimes not, many insects, mammals, and reptiles coexist, live and reproduce, which, in the event of a threat approaching them, are ready to use teeth, fangs, and thorns towards their opponent or enemy. There are also representatives of the fauna on the planet that do not seem to be particularly dangerous due to their extremely small size, however, they are also ready, if necessary, to defend themselves by using their tentacles, claws, poison, sting and teeth.

One of the most formidable weapons of the lesser brothers today is considered to be poison, which poses a mortal danger to absolutely any person. If one type of poison causes unbearable excruciating pain in the victim, then another type can cause cardiac arrest, and a third can even lead to paralysis of the respiratory and nervous systems.

Sometimes it is difficult to call some representatives of the flora and fauna terrible beasts, because they are not such because they are harmful, they are driven solely by personal motives for themselves:

  1. the instinct of self-preservation,
  2. hunger.

An animal attacks for a reason; it can also protect its offspring from external threats.

In the 2000s, while studying the movement of sharks in Arctic waters, scientists discovered one very interesting object in the stomach of a Greenland shark - the jaw of a young bear. Previously, such finds had not been found, as a result of which a dispute of the following kind immediately arose in the scientific community: exactly how the remains of a bear got into the stomach of an aquatic predator. Some researchers supported the point of view that perhaps the shark caught a live bear and ate it, while others were more impressed by the point of view that the shark, most likely, dined on carrion.

If the bear really became the victim of such a predator as a shark, then it can rightfully be called the most important predator in the Arctic.

In fact, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this problem - the shark is always hungry, and on its way it absorbs both dead and living things. In the stomachs of these inhabitants of the ocean and sea depths, people found everything:

  1. small bags of gold,
  2. cages with dead birds,
  3. corpses of muzzled dogs,
  4. explosives,
  5. human skulls, arms and legs.

The shark easily deals with its prey; several sharks are able to deal with even such a large animal as an elephant.

An animal such as a polar bear always appears on the list of the most terrible animals on the planet. This strong predator can cut off the head of an adult with just one blow of its powerful paw.

Cases of attacks by these animals on humans are quite rare, and if they do occur, they are associated with the destruction by people of the habitat familiar to polar bears.

Despite the fact that jellyfish seem to people to be completely harmless creatures, and some people even touch them in the water, it is better not to have anything in common with unfamiliar representatives of marine biology.

The touch of the tentacles of some representatives of the aquatic world, for example, a sea wasp (box jellyfish), to a person leads to tragic consequences; he can die in a short time.

It is sea wasps that today are considered to be the most dangerous representatives of the jellyfish family. The poison of one such individual is enough to kill about 60 people. You can meet this inhabitant of the water element in Australia; they often swim to the beaches.

However, despite such dangerous proximity, people are not at all afraid to swim next to such a dangerous enemy. Human society has invented an interesting way of protecting against sea wasps: vacationers dress from head to toe in clothes made of the same material from which nylon tights with lycra for women are made. This material well protects the swimmer’s body from poisonous tentacles sticking to the skin. There are craftsmen who independently make swimsuits for themselves at home from several pairs of tights.

In the warm sea waters hide a huge number of terrible animals, including snakes; their poison, unlike the poison of land reptiles, is many times stronger. In the ranking of the most dangerous sea snakes, kraits, or as they are also called swallowtails, come first.

Their teeth are located far enough in the mouth that they simply cannot bite a person. But as soon as some too inexperienced, inquisitive diver catches this representative of the sea depths, while spreading his fingers as wide as possible, the krait will immediately rush to bite the person in the skin between the fingers - it is this vulnerable spot that can become an excellent target for the snake.

Dangerous felines

How many films have already been published, like “The Ghost and the Darkness”, books telling stories about cannibal lions, about how representatives of the cat family strive to deal with people at all costs (it’s worth remembering, at least, Mowgli and Shere Khan).

Even the largest lion, upon seeing a person, tends to immediately move away, and leopards do the same. However, among leopards there are still cannibals. The most ferocious predator that attacks people is considered to be an animal that killed 125 people in the Indian settlement of Rudraprayag over 8 years. In 1926, the man-eater was killed by the English hunter John Corbett, who subsequently dedicated a book to his hunt for the leopard.

It is very difficult to track down a leopard that attacks people, since this animal is so smart that people living next to it in the jungle may not even see such a dangerous neighbor.

Elephants should also be considered among the most dangerous animals. Despite the fact that these animals cannot boast of perfect vision, they, in contrast to this problem, have a very developed intelligence, which allows them to easily distinguish a person from any other animal.

In those places where elephants live in their natural habitat, legends and traditions are formed about the mental abilities of these animals. They perform in circuses and can be found in zoos.

If an elephant collides with a person in the wild, the animal will immediately rush to kill him. Often, due to a lack of provisions, elephants are forced to enter plantations at night to feast on fruit, where they come face-to-face with local guards. The watchmen are simply forced to attack unexpected guests with sticks, and the animals in this case desperately defend themselves.

Today, elephants are involved in cases involving accidents in both zoos and circuses.

This animal can easily kill a lion, a man and a crocodile with just one awkward movement. In countries such as Bangladesh and India, elephants steal alcoholic products from people - rice beer, drink it and, while intoxicated, trample up to 100 people a year.

If, when meeting a man and an elephant in the wild, the first behaves calmly, then the second most likely will not attack him. However, if an impudent and insolent tourist begins to demonstratively wave a camera or video camera in front of an elephant’s face, then the consequences of such communication will be very disastrous; the person will definitely end up in a hospital bed at best, at worst he may be crushed to death by a massive giant.


In the list of the most dangerous animals, by the way, on a par with elephants, there are monkeys, especially macaques, chimpanzees and baboons are considered the most terrible representatives of this family. However, not many people agree with this point of view; they say that although monkeys are prone to theft, they are the cutest animals.

India is suffering from a massive invasion of monkeys; in this country these animals feel very at ease. The people who feed these representatives of the animal world are primarily to blame for this. Tragedies involving monkeys and humans are rare; a monkey can only kill if someone tries to limit its personal freedom.

The crocodile is considered to be the most dangerous animal and land predator at the same time.

Despite the fact that people annually kill a huge number of crocodiles for the sake of their beautiful skin, which, after killing the animal, automatically falls into the rank of raw materials for boots, bags, and wallets, this toothy representative of the animal world does not mind being eaten by humans.

The African continent holds the record for the number of human casualties. Most often, careless fishermen and children carelessly playing on the banks of rivers become victims of crocodiles.

In Africa in the 20th century, people actively exterminated the crocodile tribe, as a result of which the active reproduction of predatory fish began in the rivers, the favorite dish of the crocodiles themselves, which in turn almost completely exterminated the smaller relatives that were part of the menu of the local aborigines. As a result of this, a huge number of people died of hunger.

A fight between a man and a crocodile ends in death quite rarely. This, in turn, is due to the fact that the clumsy reptile is not adapted to hunting people. If the victim does not swim, but takes a vertical position, it is sometimes very difficult for the crocodile to grab it. And if, nevertheless, a crocodile grabs a person in this position, then it will pull its victim to the bottom and wait until it drowns. Once convinced of this, the reptile will tear the drowned man into small pieces and eat him.

Despite the fact that the crocodile is not a very agile animal, it can reach speeds of up to 30 km/h in water and make rapid forward thrusts of its body. Tourists in parks are not allowed too close to ponds with crocodiles; this is done to avoid accidents.

Brazil and Costa Rica are home to small, colorful frogs that break this long-established stereotype. The color of this cute representative of wildlife is very attractive; there are yellow, orange, blue and green individuals with black spots. But don’t think of him as a simple and harmless frog. The poison of one frog can kill two elephants, or 20 adults.

In South America, cases of death of people who only touched the spotted dart frog have been repeatedly recorded. While in captivity, this frog stops producing poison; this is due to the fact that insects that contribute to the formation of this poison no longer enter the amphibian’s diet.

Humans can rightfully be called the most dangerous animal on planet Earth. Today it is actively killing nature, destroying animals and plants.

Man exterminates not only his smaller brothers, he also kills his own kind, which is clearly evidenced by numerous wars, man-made disasters, revolutions and other events of this kind.

He is able to resist the elements and disasters, but he cannot overcome the desire to become a leader in the race of natural selection; he defends this status in all ways convenient for himself.

The most terrible animal on the planet is...

Nature has created a huge number of animals, insects, amphibians and reptiles, which are dangerous not only for flora and fauna, but also for humanity. In turn, human activity also does not pass without a trace for all living things, especially if it has a destructive effect on all living things.

And yet, it is most expedient to consider humans as the most terrible animal on the planet, since people cut down forests, drain water bodies, pollute the atmosphere, and have a detrimental effect on the environment. People are indebted to nature; the number of resources they have spent has long exceeded the established limit.

Terrible beast

The mouse went out for a walk. She walked around the yard and came back to her mother.

- Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind.

Mother said:

- Tell me what these animals are.

The mouse said:

- One is scary, he walks around the yard like this: his legs are black, his comb is red, his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, raised his leg and began screaming so loudly that I was very scared.

“It’s a rooster,” said the old mouse, “don’t be afraid of it.” Well, what about the other animal?

“The other one was lying in the sun and warming himself. His neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth, he licks his white chest and wags his tail, looking at me.

The old mouse said:

- You're stupid. This is the cat himself.

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