Last visit: Zhanna Badoeva biography. Biography of Zhanna Badoeva: through thorns - to fame, love and recognition

Zhanna Badoeva is talented and one of the most popular TV presenters in Ukraine. She is known for her participation in many popular television projects. Her ex-husband is Alan Badoev, together with her he was the host of such a program as “Heads and Tails”. They have a daughter together, Lolita.

Childhood and family of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna was born in Lithuania in a city called Mazeikiai. Her parents were engineers. Being people of technical professions, they dreamed that their daughter would go to a construction institute after school. Zhanna's grandmother loved music, she played the piano every day. The girl got used to falling asleep listening to her grandmother play. Having matured, she began to study music, and besides, she was seriously interested in dancing.

Zhanna grew up and, following the wishes of her parents, entered the construction institute. By this time the family moved to Kyiv. After a construction university, realizing that she wanted to be creative, the girl became a student at the Institute of Film and Television. She studied at the directing department. Her dream was to enter the acting department, but she did not qualify due to her age.

The beginning of Zhanna Badoeva's career

Jeanne's talent could not go unnoticed. Sharolopova Nina Vladimirovna (acting teacher) invited her to teach at the acting department. Zhanna worked as a teacher for several years.

Soon Zhanna began to engage in creativity. It was she who became the first resident girl of such a popular comedy program as Comedy Club. Badoeva took the position of creative producer on television. She was also a production director on several projects. We are talking about such popular shows of the “1+1” channel as “I Dance for You”, “Hurdy Organ”, and the talent show “Superzirka”. Over the course of several years of work, the talented girl gained considerable experience in television production.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show “Heads and Tails”

Zhanna Badoeva’s real finest hour can be considered her participation as a presenter in the television show “Heads and Tails.” The essence of the program was that two presenters had to travel to one of numerous countries, and one of them could live “like a king” without limiting his means, while the second could spend only one hundred dollars in two days of travel.

The television project started in 2011. Zhanna's co-host was her husband Alan Badoev. For nine months a year they traveled to one country or another, delighting television viewers with stories about the possibilities of a rich and poor tourist.

Having traveled halfway around the world, Zhanna left the project in 2012. She explained such an unexpected departure by saying that she was too tired and did not want to sacrifice her family and communication with her children anymore.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show "MasterChef"

Almost simultaneously with her departure from the television project “Heads and Tails,” Zhanna became a co-host in another equally interesting project. It was a culinary show “MasterChef”, where, together with Zhanna, it was hosted by Hector Hemenez-Bravo, a famous chef, as well as Nikolai Tishchenko, a famous restaurateur. It should be noted that in order to participate in the program, Badoeva had to go through a serious casting.

After starting the MasterChef program, Zhanna became a real gourmet. This is not surprising, because she had to taste a lot of different dishes.

Another new project with the participation of Badoeva is “Don’t Stop Me.” It is shown by the Inter channel. In this show she works together with Dmitry Kolyadenko.

Badoeva continues to work in the field of producing. She has many new bright projects ahead of her, with which she will delight her many admirers.

Personal life of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna first married at the age of twenty. Her husband was much older than her. He worked in the oil business. The name of the first spouse is Igor. A son, Boris, was born into the family. Soon this marriage broke up. Zhanna believes that the reason was her husband’s irreconcilability with the fact that she had many interests besides her family. Zhanna was given a condition - either family or college. She did not leave the institute, and the promised divorce soon followed.

For the second time, the TV presenter married music video director Alan Badoev. They lived together for twelve years. The couple raised Zhanna's son Boris and their joint daughter Lolita. For the Badoevs, family and family relationships always came first; communication with children was always of great importance. That is why the couple devoted all their free time to family vacations. On the Internet you can find many photographs of them, where you can see how happy the children and their parents are. In 2012, unexpectedly for many, the married couple decided to separate. Badoeva believes that feelings have disappeared between them. Divorce did not make them strangers. They spend a lot of time together, going on vacation or traveling as a family. Alan speaks very warmly about Zhanna, calling her the most wonderful woman in the world.

Soon after the divorce, Badoeva began a relationship with businessman Sergei Babenko. They met in America. Sergei and Zhanna announced their engagement back in 2013. The wedding was supposed to take place on February 16, 2014. But the couple broke up in the fall, never making it to the altar.

The third husband of the presenter was Vasily Melnichin. He is a businessman, lives and works in Italy, and Zhanna spends all her free time there. The lovers met in Venice. Zhanna often posted photos together on social networks, but it was very unexpected for fans that the couple secretly got married at the end of 2014.

Every person dreams of visiting exotic places on earth. Many even choose travel as their goal in life. However, not everyone has the opportunity to travel. In order to go somewhere once, we study a lot of incoming information: we watch videos, sit up in front of TV screens.

Program "Heads and Tails"

None of the existing programs have previously shown tourist attractions the way the “Heads and Tails” program does. Ukrainian television demonstrates the world in all its manifestations. It not only describes in detail the generally accepted, well-known tourist attractions, but also presents local everyday flavors. “Heads and Tails” has become the calling card of one of the brightest famous personalities of Ukraine - Zh. Badoeva.

Presenter Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography (especially the periods of her growing up and formation as a person) is very little described, in most cases is mentioned together with her ex-husband. But she also deserves special attention, since she is currently a successful manager of several projects on Ukrainian television. Despite the fact that several presenters have already changed in the “Heads and Tails” program, the atmosphere created by Zhanna Badoeva still does not fade away. The biography, maiden name, and presenter are widely discussed in the media today. Zhanna's popularity is growing every day.

Biography of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna is a native of Lithuania. She spent her entire childhood in one of the small towns called Mazeikiai. At the age of 18, she and her parents moved to Kyiv, where she received two higher educations: construction and directing. Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography is filled with many bright events, attaches great importance to family in her life. She tries to devote most of her free time to her children Bora and Lolita. And this is confirmed by pages on social networks, where new facts from life appear every now and then.

At the age of 20, Zhanna connected her life with one of the successful men who was much older than her. It was her first husband, Igor, who became her support, adviser, father, and only authority. However, this marriage did not last long - only seven years. They were destined to part. “It’s just that such a moment has come in life,” says Zhanna Badoeva. The biography took a new turn, the values ​​in the girl’s life changed dramatically. The reason was the husband’s irreconcilability with Zhanna’s personality, as she began to develop professionally, and her worldview began to change, new interests appeared. Her husband was no longer the only object of her attention.

After some time, Zhanna Badoeva married her former classmate Alan Badoev for the second time. They were married for almost 12 years, but separated in 2012. As Zhanna and Alan comment: “love just passed.” Currently, Zhanna Badoeva is engaged to a businessman from Los Angeles. And perhaps in mid-2014 they will start a new family. Time will tell what kind of Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography will receive another new twist, will appear before us.

Projects of Zhanna Badoeva

The biography of Zhanna Badoeva, especially her creative activity, is quite rich. She began her creative journey with the Comedy Club project, where she was the first female resident. Great popularity and success came when Zhanna began to engage in the author’s project “Heads and Tails”. She was one of the founders and co-host of the project. Then there were several more successful projects on television: “Sharmanka”, “I Dance for You”, the talent show “Superzirka”, “Master Chef”. Zhanna continues to work in the field of producing. Let's hope that in the near future she will delight viewers with new bright projects.

Known to viewers from the program “Heads and Tails,” presenter Zhanna Badoeva does not make admirers of her talent bored with the details of her personal life. The TV presenter has never made much of a secret about her family life, and in numerous interviews she has often openly talked about her relationships with her husbands. The same thing happened honestly and openly with new husband of Zhanna Badoeva.

Let us remember that the TV presenter has already been married three times. The first husband, oil businessman Igor, was much older than his chosen one and already had a failed marriage behind him. They lived together for seven years. From this marriage, Zhanna Badoeva has a son, Boris. The husband looked after his young wife like a father and allowed her any whims. For example, having decided to try her hand at business, Zhanna opened an audio-video salon, but, having played enough and realizing that this was not her calling, she quickly lost interest in her business. The discord in the family began after Zhanna entered the institute to study directing. The husband could not tolerate that his wife’s worldview, which had previously developed in unison with his personal, began to change, and new interests different from his own appeared in her life. After seven years of loneliness, Zhanna again linked her fate with the famous music video director Alan Badoev. There was complete mutual understanding in their family, but at some point the marriage broke up. Despite the official break in family relations, Zhanna and Alan Badoev still maintained a friendly disposition towards each other. The couple has a daughter together, Lolita. And finally, the third husband, Sergei, appeared in the life of Zhanna Badoeva in 2013. Despite the enthusiasm and strong passion of the presenter, this marriage was very short-lived.

In the photo - Zhanna Badoeva and Vasily Melnichin

And finally, the TV presenter told the world about her new husband Vasily Melnichin. Ukrainian by origin, Vasily now lives permanently in Italy. Zhanna Badoeva, apparently, is very much in love again, since from numerous photos posted on social networks, one can judge that the couple is trying not to separate for a moment. The wedding took place at the end of last year. According to Zhanna Badoeva herself, everything happened very spontaneously. And the fans, although they knew about the new romance of their favorite presenter, were still dumbfounded by such a quick turn in the matter. Zhanna Badoeva is delighted with her new chosen one and praises his outstanding human qualities. Finally, she found a person who was able to accept her for who she is and put up with the constant travel that Zhanna’s life is filled with. Vasily Melnichin is in no way going to interfere with his wife’s professional growth. According to the TV presenter, the couple is now on a honeymoon, which she would like to extend until the end of her life.
Also see.

The marriage of the co-hosts of the project “Heads and Tails” did not stand the test of fame

The marriage of the co-hosts of the project “Heads and Tails” did not stand the test of fame

The top travel TV show in the CIS, “Heads and Tails,” hides many secrets. Today, for the first time, one of the presenters of the program, Zhanna BADOEVA, told Express Newspaper how the program was actually filmed and about her relationships with her husbands.

We met with the Ukrainian TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva in a restaurant on Novy Arbat. A modestly but tastefully dressed woman sat at the table, next to her was the constant suitcase that accompanied Jeanne on her endless travels.

- Zhanna, who came up with the idea of ​​“Heads and Tails”?- I met the producer Natella Krapivina at the party. At that time I was working as a production director for the show “Superstar”. Natella offered to participate in some project. I thought about it and remembered that back in my first year I decided to do a project about travel. A year before “Heads and Tails,” I went to travel agencies and offered to pay part of the costs of the project. After Natella appeared, I called my classmates: “Guys, there is me, and there is a program about travel.” In general, we agreed. The first country was Spain, more precisely, the city of Barcelona. Neither I nor my partner-host - at that time still a legal spouse Alan Badoev- didn't know exactly what we should do. It’s clear: here’s a coin, they tossed it, some got heads, some got tails, but what next? How to connect our parallel stories? As a result, enough material was shot in Barcelona to make three films.

- What do you remember about your debut?

Barcelona is the only city where we were robbed. The film crew stopped at a tent to buy water. And no one noticed how the video camera was stolen. And here I had to spend the night on the street, because I couldn’t find housing with my 100 dollars. Everything is real, don’t think that we are showing staged footage. - What if you are given 100 dollars and sent to some country not with “Heads and Tails”?- Never! I have always traveled in comfort. And not alone. I'm a coward and uncollected. When I find myself at the airport, I panic. And the only thing I shout out is: “Help me!” - Were there any clashes with the police?- In Jamaica we filmed at the airport. Suddenly we were surrounded by local residents who had already called the police. To our question: “What’s the matter?” - the law enforcement officers replied: “Residents are outraged that you are filming them. Delete the post immediately!” The guide shouted: “Get off your feet!” I have never run such a sprint.

- What do you keep in your suitcase?

I don’t have luggage, but a pharmacy on wheels: when I travel, I take medicines for throat, head, runny nose, constipation, diarrhea... In general, for all occasions. - How many countries have you visited and which places are especially memorable?- 67 countries, and Peru and the city of New York are so etched in my memory that I would like to return there. - Were the presenters prescribed a script in advance?- All replicas of the first program were written in full. And the rest are impromptu. It was important for me to remain myself. And I insisted that the program be educational. - Tell us about your most extreme journey.- The audience thinks that this is a vacation. But three days of filming without a break is so exhausting that you lose consciousness. In New York they remembered that they forgot to take off their eyeliner, and my temperature was 40 and it was time to fly away. But they finished it anyway - they leaned me against some post because I couldn’t stand on my feet. After the words “Stop, it’s filmed!” immediately collapsed. The same situation is in Cancun - the temperature is 40, but there is no possibility of getting sick. Sometimes you don’t even understand what country you are in. One day we were driving, and the cameraman was talking about a new building in Bangkok. I said that it was very interesting - I had never been to Thailand. The cameraman almost fell out of his chair: “What are you talking about, Jean, we were filming there!”

- Where was the most expensive?

Surprisingly, in Lapland. There is nothing for a budget tourist to do there, just like in Dubai. It’s impossible to live on one hundred dollars for two days, since even renting a hostel for the night costs $70.

- How much did you get paid for one program?- Started with 1000 dollars. Alan was paid several times more because the project used his name. When my husband left the program, my fees increased. But 1000 dollars is normal, I know that now the presenters of “Heads and Tails” receive several times less. -Are you interested in money?- I'm not much of a businesswoman. When I was married to my first husband - Igor Kurachenko, decided to open an audio and video store. I casted sellers, bought cassettes and got bored. I was interested in opening a store, but I wasn’t interested in money, since my husband was rich - he owned a chain of gas stations. When my son Boris was born, I plunged into family concerns. My husband eventually closed my store.

- Why did you break up?

She got married at 19: young, inexperienced. When I entered college, I realized that I had my own opinion. Igor and I began to argue. I noticed that he stopped developing. Igor could not handle my independence, he demanded that I stay at home. As a result, he put me and my eight-month-old baby out on the street. I went to live with my mother. This is the state when they say that the ground has disappeared from under your feet. Previously, they carried me in their arms... But I stood it and didn’t even apply for alimony. Now I understand: I made the right choice. But I don’t prevent a father from communicating with his son.

I didn’t notice Alana at the institute

- How did Badoev captivate you?

I met Alan at the institute, where we both studied to be a director. He is remembered as a thin boy with wild ambitions and enormous creative potential. Alan came to see me, like other classmates. I had no plans for him. - When did the spark jump between you?- I remember we earned the first 300 dollars. It was 2003. My colleagues and I decided to go on vacation to Egypt. We booked a hotel, the next day all we had to do was bring the money - only Alan and I came. We went, it was my first trip abroad. But nothing happened between us on vacation either. When they were flying back, Alan suddenly said: “I would like to take part in raising your son Boris.” I say: “Then you need to marry me.” Alan: "No problem." I asked: “How will you support us?” Alan struck me with confidence: “You’ll see, I’ll earn my first million in a year.” I took it as a joke: “By the time you earn a million, I will grow old.” That's when our relationship began. A year later Alan had a million.

- What led to the divorce?

In recent years, our relationship has been strained. The common cause did not unite. We lived apart, so the divorce was not a surprise, rather a formality. Alan is a leader by nature. He didn't really want to do anything for me. I explained to him: “You need someone else, a housewife. Now, if I became a singer, would you help me with promotion?” Alan answered honestly: “No, why do I need an artist at home?” After breaking up, we returned to the relationship with which we started. The complaints, dissatisfaction, and grievances are gone. Today he sent the children (from Alan Badoev, Zhanna has a daughter, Lolita. - N.M., Z.Zh.) to school. I can say: Alan is a wonderful father.

- After the divorce, did you divide the property?- We have a house in Turkey, but it is registered in Alan’s name. I’m not a mercantile person, so I can come there. And I’ll earn money for the car myself.” After breaking up with Alan, you met another man - businessman Sergei Babenko. They say you're getting married soon? - I’m not getting married anymore. Sergei is a thing of the past. I am a free and happy woman, I am not in poverty. If a man appears with whom I feel comfortable and he does not put pressure on me, I will get married.

Her first husband communicates with all of Zhanna’s children, her second often visits her third family nest, and the children adore their new stepfather. Zhanna Badoeva does not see anything strange in all this. Divorce should bring changes for the better, and not mutual hatred, she is sure.

Finding yourself

Born into a family of engineers, Zhanna dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, but when it was time to go to university, she listened to her parents. They did not deprive their daughter of her dream, insisting only that she get a normal profession before going to theater. And Zhanna began to study to become an engineer.

At the age of 18, the girl fell in love, thereby pushing back her plans for acting education even further. Igor was a successful businessman, 13 years older than her, already divorced and had seen a lot. He became for her not only a beloved man, but also a second father and mentor. Thanks to him, Zhanna saw the world and fell in love with traveling.

Seven years after the wedding, she finally became pregnant. The birth of her son Boris turned her life upside down: lying in the maternity hospital, Zhanna could not get rid of the thought that he would be able to answer the question “Who is your mother?” She used her maternity leave to finally enter a theater university to study directing. “My personal growth began - both as a mother and as a woman, because before that I was completely under the care of my husband, a completely obedient child, and his opinion was fundamental for me. And then I had my own opinion, I came from the institute with my own vision of some issues,” said Zhanna. Igor was not happy with this. After suffering for some time with his wife’s classmates pouring into their house in a noisy crowd to rehearse sketches, he confronted Zhanna with a fact: either she quits the institute, or they get a divorce. She did not take the threat seriously, but in vain. Realizing that his wife would not leave her studies, Igor kicked her out of the house with a suitcase of things, an eight-month-old child and an application for divorce.

Friendship - love - friendship

Zhanna experienced the collapse of what she thought was a happy marriage for a very long time. Her parents helped her financially, and she did not give up her studies, but she continued to suffer internally. The person who helped her cope with this was classmate Alan Badoev.

When her son Bora was six years old, he announced, either jokingly or seriously, that he wanted to raise the boy with her. “Then get married!” Zhanna replied.

By that time, they were already working together in their own production studio, created after graduation. They knew each other like crazy, but she didn’t consider Badoev as a potential man: “We spent a lot of time together, including at my home, coming up with works, sketches of acting - there were so many emotions there! So there was no courtship as such, we were just very close friends and colleagues.” Friendship gradually grew into love. Alan married Zhanna very young - he was barely over 20, she was five years older, but at the same time, both never had the slightest doubt about who would be the head of the family. When Jeanne became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Lolita, Alan jumped up and down with joy, and then began working twice as hard as usual to provide for his family of four. He gave Boris his last name.

Zhanna, as in her first marriage, was more involved with the children and the house - until they came up with the “Heads and Tails” project. Becoming his first - and brilliant! - presenter, she realized how interesting it was for her to pursue a profession. The work I loved took more and more time. One day Zhanna realized that they hardly communicated with the person they had previously loved. “Our marriage went downhill so smoothly and slowly that in fact I can’t even say when it turned sour. And the moment of the official breakup was just a paper procedure,” she once admitted.

The divorce only improved their relationship with Alan: having received divorce documents, they celebrated it in a restaurant, joked and laughed a lot - and continue to communicate to this day.

Is the third the last?

After the second divorce, Zhanna left the Badoev surname and planned to focus only on work, but life decided otherwise. During breaks between filming, she met businessman Vasily Melnichin. The period of courtship turned out to be short: after a couple of dates, the man met her at the airport and never let her go. Vasily was approved by both her children and her ex-husband. Alan often visits their home in Italy, and Boris and Lolita said that if she divorces again, they would prefer to stay with their stepfather. Zhanna, however, hopes that it won’t come to that: she plans to live in her third marriage for the rest of her life.