Preparing and holding parent meetings. Parent meeting plan


“How pleasant it is to meet…»

(to help the class teacher)

Zharkenova G.K., primary school teacherBestyubinskaya Secondary School No. 2, Stepnogorsk

Dear Colleagues!

If this brochure has caught your attention, chances are you work in a school where parent-teacher conferences are held from time to time.

I hope that this brochure may be of interest to a wide range of classroom teachers, regardless of whether they work in a public or private school, in primary or secondary schools.

A parent meeting at a school is a short-term meeting of parents with teachers, and in some cases with the school administration, during which organizational problems are resolved, parents receive information about the educational process, the progress and behavior of children, as well as the opportunity to communicate with each other. Typically the meeting is held several times during the school year.

Conventionally, parent meetings can be divided into organizational, where current problems of school life, organization of classes and extracurricular activities are discussed, and thematic, which discusses issues that are relevant to parents. Organizational meetings are usually held at the beginning and end of the school year, and thematic meetings can be held throughout the year, either in accordance with a pre-drawn plan or in case of any pressing problem.

Each of us has our own idea of ​​a parent-teacher meeting: someone has fresh memories of how during their school years they waited for parents to return from a meeting with an anxious thought: “What will they tell about me?”, “In what mood will mom return?” .

A parent meeting is a special form of work that significantly expands the range of its capabilities.

This collection contains parent meetings of a non-standard form; meetings were also developed using the following forms of work: group form, critical thinking, ICT. Parents at these meetings work with great pleasure and open up in communication with each other. This collection also contains questionnaires for parents and useful tips.

Sample work plan for the parent committee




Meeting of parents and election of a parent committee. Discussion of problems that need to be addressed in the new academic year.

Discussion of the work plan of the class parent committee in the new school year. Preparations for holding the line on September 1.

Classroom teacher


Organizing and holding 1 parent meeting on the topic “First grade, for the first time”

Classroom teacher

Participation of the parent committee in organizing the “Hello Golden Autumn” matinee

Class teacher and chairman of the parent committee

Participation of the parent committee in the insulation of office windows. Preparing for the New Year tree.

Organization and holding of the 2nd parent meeting “Talk show “There is an opinion...””. Results of the first half of the year.

Classroom teacher

Report of the parent committee on the work done for the first half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Chairman of the Parents Committee

Organization and holding of the 3rd parent meeting “Family relationships as the basis of mutual understanding”

Classroom teacher

Organization and holding of a matinee dedicated to March 8 and the celebration of Nauryz. Results for the 3rd quarter.

Parental committee. Classroom teacher.

Participation in the organization and conduct of Batyr Day for boys.

Chairman of the Parents Committee

Final parent meeting. Organization and holding of the 4th parent meeting “Talk show “Is it possible to do without punishment?”

Sokolova N.V.

Class: 1st class

Form of presentation: Talk show "There is an opinion"

Subject: "Public Administration"

Task: Listen to the opinions of both parents and the administration about State and public management at school, how parents and the school administration should work.

Progress of the meeting


Good afternoon, dear parents. Today our meeting will take place in the form of a talk show “There is an opinion.” The topic of the talk show is "Public Administration"

And the first question, in your opinion: Who should play a primary role in decision-making at school? Which formula is correct?

Parents dictate terms to school administration

The school administration dictates conditions to parents

Parents and school administration are partners

So, most parents believe that the third formula is correct. Then a reasonable question arises: Who is a PARTNER, in your opinion? To do this, you need to select an association for each letter of the word “partner” that begins with the same letter

(parents' opinions are being clarified)

- The teachers' opinion is as follows:

P - assistant

A - active

R - versatile

T - hardworking

N - reliable

E - like-minded person

R - reasonable

It is very good that for the most part the opinions of teachers and parents are similar.

However, how to organize a partnership between school and parents? Through:

Governing councils

Boards of Trustees

Parent committees

Of course, the most acceptable and working option is parent committees. There are two main opinions about the parent committee:

It seems to me that the parent committee is complete nonsense. What is it for? There's no point in it. The Parents' Committee exists only on paper, formally. I don't understand why it is needed at all.

I believe that a parent committee is needed. These are the first assistants to teachers in organizing any events, for example, the same gifts for the New Year. The parent committee can always control the kindergarten. He has such powers.

What, in your opinion, are the functions of the parent committee?

Helps ensure optimal conditions for organizing the educational process (provides assistance in purchasing technical teaching aids, preparing visual teaching aids, etc.),

Conducts explanatory and advisory work among parents (legal representatives) of pupils about their rights and responsibilities.

Provides assistance in conducting mass educational events with children.

Participates in preparations for the new school year.

Together with the management, he controls the organization of high-quality nutrition for children, medical care, and the organization of dietary meals for individual students (for medical reasons).

Assists management in organizing and conducting general parent meetings.

Considers appeals addressed to himself, as well as appeals on issues within the competence of the Parent Committee, on behalf of the head.

If the functions are so diverse, then what are the reasons for the low effectiveness of parent committees? (parents' opinions are recorded)

Now I suggest you work in groups on the following problem: How to make the work of parent committees more effective? (work in groups)

Each group presents its findings. To summarize:

Administration + parents = partners = children's well-being

Thank you all for your work. Let's actively use our current developments to optimize the work of parent committees.

Class: 1st class

Form: round table

Topic: Family relationships as the basis of mutual understanding

Discuss with parents the problem of relationships in the family as the basis for mutual understanding; to form among parents a culture of understanding the problem and ways to overcome it; give recommendations; develop the skills of finding a way out in difficult situations.

Progress of the meeting


– Hello dear fathers, mothers! Today we have gathered at a round table to talk about something very important. Family is a landing place for the elders, a launching pad for the younger ones, and a beacon of relationships for everyone. Our children are growing up, becoming smarter, and you and I would like there to be fewer problems in communication and interaction with them, but this is not happening. Why? Why, when meeting with friends, work colleagues, class parents, teachers, do we experience anxiety and worry, worry and fear for our children? Today we will try together to find the cause and solution to this problem. Now I want to read a Chinese parable to you, and you listen carefully.

Working with the Chinese parable “Good Family”

Once upon a time there was a family in the world, It was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You will say: so what, you never know there are many big families in the world, but

the fact is that the family was special: peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no fights, no strife. Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of this country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the people of the village achieved such harmony. Came to the head of the family; Tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in the family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time, apparently he was not good at reading and writing.

Discussion with parents of the parable

– What can you say about this parable? (Parents express their opinions).

– What kind of relationships should there be in a family?

- What do I need to do? What conditions should be created?

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”

– Dear parents, I have a “Basket of Feelings” in my hand, let’s write and name the feelings that bother us when discussing this topic. Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.

An important condition for normal relationships in the family between parents and children is the mutual awareness of parents and children, in this case a good attitude towards learning will be formed. Mutual awareness of parents and children makes it possible to come to mutual understanding and respect for each other’s opinions.

In joint activities, not only parents discover the character of their children, but also children get to know the complex world of adults, their way of thinking and experiencing, and get to know their parents better. Parents can ask more from their children, giving them their time, feelings, providing them with a decent life.

If the atmosphere in the family is friendly and sensitive,

then a child raised on the positive examples of his parents in an atmosphere of mutual love, care and help will grow up to be just as sensitive and responsive.

Parents who are afraid of overloading their children at school and relieve them of household responsibilities are making a big mistake, because... in this case, the child may become selfish and neglect work altogether.

In order to correctly assess the motives of your children’s behavior, you need to understand them, know the direction of their personalities, interests, level of their knowledge and skills. If the family does not have such information about the children, then mutual difficulties in communication will appear.

It is very useful to discuss family and social problems with children, listen to their opinions, respect, correct and guide them in the right direction,

forming a sense of responsibility, self-respect of the individual, and, if necessary, admitting one’s mistakes.

Weak mutual interest between parents and children creates a negative attitude towards each other on both sides; children generally become disillusioned with communication and transfer their attitude towards their parents to the whole world of adults. Parents, in turn, also experience bitter disappointment in their children, resentment and annoyance, do not believe in them, do not respect them.

The relationship between parents and children, the specifics of their communication with each other, during which these relationships manifest themselves, influence the formation of the children’s personality. Parents who satisfy only the needs of their children and do not have spiritual contact with them, as a rule, have problems in raising and communicating with their children.


– Now I want to conduct a survey with you that will help you understand what kind of relationships you have in your family.


    Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?

    Do your children talk to you heart to heart, do they consult you on personal matters?

    Are children interested in your work?

    Do you know your children's friends?

    Do your children participate in household chores with you?

    Do you have common activities and hobbies?

    Are children involved in preparing for the holidays?

    Do children prefer that you be with them during the holidays?

    Do you go to exhibitions, concerts, theaters with your children?

    Do you discuss TV shows with your children?

    Do you discuss books you have read with your children?

    Do you have common activities or hobbies?

    Do you participate in excursions, hikes, walks?

    Do you prefer to spend your free time with your children?

Processing the results:

For each positive answer, 2 points are given;

For the answer “sometimes” - 1 point;

For a negative answer - 0 points.

20 points– You have a good relationship with your children.

10 – 19 points– the relationship is satisfactory, but insufficient, one-sided. Look where your negative answers stand.

9 points and below– contact with children is not established.

Practical work with parents

– And now I want to make a memo with you that will help establish and maintain conflict-free discipline and mutual understanding in the family.

Parent training

Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or from what you have observed.

situations related to family relationships.

There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in your family, as well as recommended and desirable expressions.

When communicating with children, you should not use expressions such as:

· I told you a thousand times that... · How many times must I repeat... · What are you thinking... · Is it really difficult for you to remember that... · You become… · You are the same as... · Leave me alone, I have no time... · Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, and you are not...

When communicating with children, it is advisable to use the following expressions:

· You are my smartest (handsome, etc.). · It's so good that I have you. · You're doing great for me. · I love you very much. · How well you did it, teach me.

· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.

· If it weren't for you, I would never have gotten through this.

Try to use the listed expressions as often as possible.

Recommendations for parents: 1) Accept your child unconditionally. 2) Actively listen to his experiences and opinions. 3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other. 4) Do not interfere with his activities that he can handle.

5) Help when asked. 6) Support and celebrate his successes. 7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings. 8) Resolve conflicts peacefully. 9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication. 10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.

– The most important words to say to your child: “I love you, we are close, we are together and we will overcome everything. This concludes our parent meeting. I think you got a lot of useful information for yourself. Goodbye, and see you again.

Class: 1st class


Subject: "Learning to be tolerant"

Goal: to identify the problem of tolerant attitude towards each other

give the concept of tolerance,

identify the traits of a tolerant and intolerant personality,

discuss examples of conflict situations in families and ways to prevent them.

Progress of the meeting:

Opening speech by the class teacher about tolerance.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.

Each one has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets similar to it.

And if someone lived unnoticed,

And with this invisibility I was friends,

He was interesting among people

The most uninteresting thing.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.

There is the best moment in this world.

There is the most terrible hour in this world,

But all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies,

His first snow dies with him,

And the first kiss; and the first fight...

He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain,

Machines and artists' canvases,

Yes, a lot is destined to remain,

But something still goes away!

This is the law of the ruthless game:

It is not people who die, but worlds.

We remember people, sinful and earthly,

What do we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,

What do we know about our only one?

And we are talking about our own father,

Knowing everything, we know nothing.

People are leaving. They cannot be returned.

Their secret worlds cannot be revived.

And every time I want again

Scream from this irrevocability. (E. Yevtushenko)

Classroom teacher.

What a poignant poem! The poet talks about the intrinsic value of each person’s personality and how often we lack attention and understanding from others. We lack tolerance and respect for each other. Now this concept is called “tolerance”.

What does this concept mean?

In preparation for the parent-teacher meeting, I selected the definition of tolerance from various sources.


This is a person’s value attitude towards people, expressed in recognition, acceptance and understanding of representatives of other cultures.

This is a positive attitude towards his otherness.

– tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior.

The term “tolerance” sounds differently in different languages:

tolerancia (Spanish) – the ability to recognize ideas or opinions different from one's own.

tolerance (French) – an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself

tolerance (English) – willingness to be tolerant, condescension.

kuan rong (Chinese) – allow, accept, be generous towards others.

tasamul’ (Arabic) – forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, goodwill towards others.

Tolerance (Russian)– the ability to endure something or someone, to be self-possessed, resilient, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something or someone, to take into account the opinions of others, to be forgiving.

The definition of tolerance given in the “Declaration of Principles of Tolerance” (signed on November 16, 1995 in Paris by 185 member states of UNESCO, including Russia):

Tolerance means “respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is freedom in diversity. This is not only a moral duty,

but also a political and legal need. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and helps replace the culture of war with a culture of peace.”

The third millennium is gaining momentum. Progress moves inexorably forward. Technology has come to serve man. It would seem that life should become more measured and calmer. But more and more often we hear the words: refugee, victim of violence...

In today's society there is an active growth of extremism, aggressiveness, and the expansion of conflict zones. These social phenomena especially affect young people, who, due to age characteristics, are characterized by maximalism and the desire for simple and quick solutions to complex social problems.

Recently, among adolescents and young people there has been a catastrophic increase in all kinds of antisocial behavior. Juvenile crime continues to increase. The number of antisocial radical youth organizations is growing, involving inexperienced youth in extremist groups.

The main task of society is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude:

tolerance for other people's opinions, forgiveness, respect for rights,

beliefs, behavior of others

compassion - TOLERANCE - cooperation,

spirit of partnership accepting the other as he is

mercy respect for human dignity

Every person does different things in life. In some situations he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...

There are two ways of personality development: tolerant and intolerant.

2) Parents work in groups.

Parents are divided into two groups. Task for groups:

the first group will describe the main features inherent in a tolerant personality, the second - the features inherent in an intolerant personality.

Conclusion: The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a friendly attitude towards other cultures, views, and traditions.

The intolerant path is characterized by a person’s idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of education, a feeling of discomfort in existing in the reality around him, a desire for power, and non-acceptance of opposing views, traditions and customs.

Kochetova Alexandra Nikolaevna
Parent meeting plan

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution No. 120.

Development parent meeting plan on adaptation in the second junior group.

Theme: “Hello kindergarten

senior teacher MBDOU No. 120

Shamshina S. V.

Target: get to know each other better parents, find out the strengths and weaknesses of children, their character traits.

Form: conversation.

Preliminary preparation for meeting:

.Conduct a survey.

Prepare memos for parents.

Making invitations together with children Parent meeting.

Learn poetry with children.



Adaptation, what is it?

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Survey results.

Reading poems.

Memo for parents.

Solution parent meeting.

Progress of the meeting:


Good evening, dears parents. The topic of our meeting today "Children's Adaptation". How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? Everyone knows that the beginning of the school year is a difficult period for young children, as it is a time of getting used to new conditions for them. From the familiar world of the family, children find themselves in completely new conditions of the children's environment. Therefore, it is quite understandable why children cry from the first days of visiting and have a hard time being separated from their mother.

Adaptation, what is it?: – the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. The time when a child adapts to kindergarten is a crisis. Based on how children get used to preschool, the adaptation period is divided into 3 groups:

Light medium to heavy. Easy adaptation - almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend kindergarten without much loss.

Temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days) ;

Temporary loss of appetite (norm after 10 days) ;

Inappropriate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc., changes in speech, orientation and play activity return to normal in 20-30 days;

The nature of relationships with adults and physical activity practically do not change;

Functional disorders are practically not expressed, they normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur. The main symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks is standard) .

2. Average adaptation: all violations are more pronounced and for a long time:

Sleep and appetite are restored within 20-40 days,

Indicative activities (20 days,

Speech activity (30-40 days,

Emotional state (30 days,

Motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal within 30-35 days.

Interaction with adults and peers is not impaired.

Functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are recorded.

3. Difficult adaptation

(from 2 to 6 months) accompanied by gross violation of all manifestations and reactions of the child.

This type of adaptation characterized:

Decreased appetite (sometimes vomiting when feeding,

Severe sleep disturbance

The child often avoids contact with peers, tries to retire, displays aggression, and is depressed for a long time (the child cries, is passive, and sometimes there are wave-like changes in mood). - Usually visible changes occur in speech and motor activity; a temporary delay in mental development is possible.

With severe adaptation, as a rule, children get sick during the first 10 days and continue to get sick again throughout the entire period of getting used to a group of peers.

4. Very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises: should the child stay in kindergarten? Perhaps he "not sadovskiy" child. Each child is individual. Everyone has their own period of adaptation in the garden. The duration of addiction depends on different factors:

The character of the child, the personality of the teacher, the state of health of the baby,

The atmosphere in the family, relationships between parents, even the degree of training parents sending your child to kindergarten also plays an important role.

Full adaptation occurs within 2-3 months, and during this period it is necessary to pay as much attention to the child as possible. Before picking him up from kindergarten, if the child has lunch in the garden, then at home you should pay special attention to dinner and prepare only your baby’s favorite dishes, take an interest in the child’s affairs, what he did in kindergarten, whether he made friends with other children, admire his drawings that he brings home.

Your sensitive attitude and kind participation will soon bear fruit, and

The child will be happy to go to kindergarten.

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Dear parents, we would like to invite you to write wishes for your children.

Survey results:

A week before meetings we conducted a survey. The questionnaire contained five questions on this topic. Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the results of the survey.

1. Your prevailing mood baby:

(13 people - cheerful, 5 - balanced, 2 - unstable.

2. The nature of falling asleep:

13 people - REM sleep, 6 - slow sleep, 1 - very slow sleep.

3. Nature and duration sleep:

(18 people - calm, 2 - restless

4. Child's appetite:

(10 people - good, 5 - unstable, 5 - bad)

5. The child’s attitude towards dropping off pot:

(18 people - negative, 2 - abstained).

Reading poems.

And here's what our people will tell us about kindergarten children:

1st child:

Our kindergarten is good,

You won't find a better garden.

2nd child:

Children live in kindergarten

Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends

They go for walks with them.

Memo for parents on adaptation.

So that everything said on this you remember the meeting. For this, each of you will receive "Adaptation Memo".

1. Prepare your child for kindergarten on positive notes. Tell your baby more good things about the kindergarten, how great it will be for him there, what he can do there that he can’t do at home, praise the baby more often and say that he has already grown up and become big and is ready to go to kindergarten.

2. Don't drag out your farewell. When you go out and leave your child in the garden, do it quickly and easily. Don't show your feelings because children feel emotions very clearly. parents. If you all cannot hide your excitement, then assign someone else to take the child to kindergarten, grandma or dad, for example.

3. During the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, take the child home as early as possible.

4. At home there should be an atmosphere of love, trust and peace.

5. Do not burden the baby’s nervous system during adaptation. Try to reduce watching cartoons, do not visit noisy places such as the circus, zoo, where the child can easily get excited.

6. Do not dress your child too warmly in kindergarten.

7. Don't change your daycare routine during the weekend.

8. Ignore the whims of the child, do not succumb to his antics and manipulation.

9. If something worries you about the psyche or health of your child, then do not put off visiting a doctor.

Solution parent meeting:

Take note of the information about adaptation in kindergarten. Maintain a daily routine in kindergarten and at home. Instill in children self-care skills.


Prepared by:

Head of ShMO

primary school teachers

Sigareva I. V.

August 2016


TYPES OF PARENTAL MEETINGS………………………………………………………………………………..4







TOPICS OF CONVERSATIONS AND PARENT MEETINGS:……………………………………………………….9 - 1-4 grades……………………………………………………… ………………….........................9 - 5 – 6 grades…………………………… …………………………………………………………..................9 - 7 – 9 grades … ………………………………………………………………......................... .10 -10 – 11 grades…………………………………………………………………………………10

ADVICE FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS……………………………………………………………......10

TEN TIPS FOR GOOD PARENTS………………………...........................11


COMMANDMENTS OF A TEACHER…………………………………………………………………………………...14

PARENTING COMMANDMENTS from David Lewis...............................................14

Approximate topics for THEMATIC CONSULTATIONS…………………........................15






IN At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, strengthening the educational function of an educational institution necessitates improving the forms and methods of interaction between school and family, teachers and parents.

A parent meeting is the main form of joint work between parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, intensify their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

The teacher's classroom management is not only to organize the children's team, but also, having understood, to accept their parents. And the teacher’s task is not to teach parents, but to share with them the experience of raising children accumulated over the years, since by the nature of his activity the teacher reads more literature on education than parents, and his circle of communication with children is much wider and more multifaceted. We must do everything so that fathers and mothers trust the teacher and listen to his advice. Therefore, at parent meetings it is always necessary to create an atmosphere of trust. Parents should be introduced to the main directions of educational work so that they understand the importance of cooperation between family and school. This is a constant process that depends both on the demands of today's society and on the current situation in the classroom. Of course, you shouldn’t understand parent-teacher meetings as an educational program for parents; you shouldn’t lecture parents in a mentoring tone, who usually come to parent-teacher meetings after work tired and sometimes irritated.

All information material should be completed in 15–20 minutes. If parents want to learn more about something, break the material into several blocks, into several meetings, where you can not only tell them the material they are interested in, but also hold a discussion where everyone can express their point of view on this issue. Parents (sometimes they are our former students) remain children at heart. In essence, they are not against advice in the difficult matter of education. But their adult shell protests against the teaching. That's why we sometimes notice their sarcastic looks.

I do not recommend scolding children at a parent-teacher meeting. Try to talk about the successes and activities of the whole class, focusing on the best aspects of each child’s character. After all, for mom and dad, their child is the best. Information about student progress should be read out without preaching, but with empathy and understanding. Be sure to emphasize that tomorrow everything will be fine if we all try. After all, every parent, deep down, expects the best results from their child. And it’s very good when parents believe in this and love their child consciously. Nowadays, it is not easy to stop and think about the fact that children are our only wealth. But you have to try to look into the child’s soul, speak the same language as him, and he will definitely respond.

Parent meetings are needed:

  • to quickly obtain a variety of information about children;
  • as orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the class team, its mode of operation, etc.;
  • to familiarize parents with an analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc. But this must be analytical material (without naming the specific names of parents and children);
  • as advisory services on the vacation program, employment in the additional education system, etc.;
  • as an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective council of adults deciding how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;
  • creative meetings, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sporting achievements, applied skills, etc.;
  • meetings-lectures, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held quite often (once a month), like a school for parents.


1.Organizational: -drawing up and approving work plans; -election of the parent committee; -distribution of public assignments; -development of events with the participation of parents

2. Meetings according to the plan for classroom comprehensive education of parents.

3. Thematic.

4. Discussion meetings (at least two points of view on the problem).

5.Workshop meetings.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2.The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.


1.Selecting a topic for the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of a collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5. Determination of the type, form and stages of parent meetings. Methods and techniques for the collaboration of its participants.

6. Invitation of parents and other meeting participants.

8.Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.


The start of the meeting must be at a strictly established time. Parents get used to this requirement and try not to linger. Maximum duration 1–1.5 hours.

1. Opening speech by the class teacher (5 min).

2. Analysis of parents' questionnaires; is carried out to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting (5–7 min).

3. Speech on the topic: specialist or class teacher. The presentation should be bright, concise and accessible (10–20 minutes).

4. Discussion of the problem (20 min).

5. Analysis of class performance. Never call the names of lagging, undisciplined children, do not “brand them with shame.” The analysis should express confidence that working together will improve the situation.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the parents for their joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay for a moment to find out the reasons and jointly decide to overcome them.


1. Starting school is an important stage in a child’s life. 2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education). 3. Junior school age and its features. 4. I want and must (on crime prevention). 5.How to identify and develop children’s abilities. 6.Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family. 7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age. 8. Education of the child’s character in the family. 9.Regime for primary schoolchildren as a way to protect health. 10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family). 11.Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of junior schoolchildren). 12.New in the system of national education. 13.The use of various types of arts in the aesthetic education of children at school. 14.Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children. 15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.


1. New in the system of national education. 2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system. 3. Content of moral and aesthetic education of adolescents in the family. 4.Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family. 5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype. 6. The possibilities of the family in the development of cognitive independence of students 7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education. 8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.


1. An example of parents in raising children. 2. Features of raising teenagers in the family. 3. Sexual development and methods of sex education. 4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children. 5. Active forms of recreation in your family. 6.Methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in the family. 7.Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education. 8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family. 9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work. 10. Instilling a love for the beauty of native nature, works of art, painting, literature and music in the family. 11. Studying the roots of the family line. 12.Approval of the principles of universal morality in the family.


1. The main directions of education in the family.

2.Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.

Questionnaire “My child”

1.When he was born, then ________________________________________________

2.The most interesting thing about him in the first years of his life was ____________________


3.The following can be said about health: _________________________________


4. When the question arose about preparing for school, we _______________________


5.His attitude towards school was ________________________________________


6.Difficulties in parenting are associated with _____________________________________


7. I would like teachers to pay attention to ____________________


Visiting a student at home is possible after obtaining parental permission. The teacher must warn about the proposed visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.


Accept everything that is in the child (except for what threatens his life and health).

Seek the truth with your child

Try not to teach your child anything directly - learn it yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that is around.

Consider conscious observation of the child as your main pedagogical method.

Remember, the serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

Remember that you exist for the sake of the child, and not for the sake of you.


by David Lewis - Take your child's questions and statements seriously. -Show your child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. for who he is, and not for successes and achievements. -Help him make his own plans and make decisions. -Do not humiliate your child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you. -Teach your child to think independently. -Praise your child only for specific successes and actions and do it sincerely. -Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them. -Teach your child to communicate with adults of any age. -Develop in your child a positive perception of his abilities. -Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults. Have faith in your child's common sense and trust him.

Sample Topics


1. The child does not want to study.

2.How to develop a child’s poor memory.

3.The only child in the family.

4.What can anxiety in children lead to?

5. A talented child in the family.

Parental readings give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the issue and participate in its discussion.


Date Topic of the meeting, questions for discussion Responsible
Preparation period
May 1.Introduction to the school. 2. Rules for admitting children to first grade. 3. Getting ready for school. School administration, psychologist, speech therapist
August Familiarization of parents with the educational route of the class. Teacher
First grade
September 1. Features of the adaptation period. 2. On the tasks for the academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 3. Elections of the class parent committee. Teacher, psychologist
October 1. Junior schoolchild: developmental features. 2.Assessment of the learning outcomes and development of the child’s personality in the first grade. Familiarization with the student's achievement sheet. Teacher, psychologist
november 1. Results of the adaptation period. 2. Children and television (debate).
January Results of the first half of the year
March We sit down for lessons (organizational activity game). Parents committee, teacher
May 1. About the results of the academic year. 2. Organization of summer holidays for children. Parents committee, teacher
Second class
September 1.About the tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of a 2nd grade student. Norms for assessing student learning and development outcomes. Teacher
november How to foster a love of reading in a child. Parents' Committee, teacher, librarian
December The role of family traditions in the upbringing of schoolchildren. Teacher, psychologist
January 1. Results of the first half of the year. 2. About children's friendship (together with students). Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
March What does it mean to love your child (debate). Teacher, scientific consultant
April Cultivating conscious discipline. Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
May Results of the second year of study (ceremonial meeting with children). Parents committee, teacher
Third class
September 1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in the third grade. Teacher
October Speech of younger schoolchildren and ways of its development. Teacher speech therapist
november How to overcome school difficulties. Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
January Family traditions (organizational and activity game). Parents committee, teacher
March On the role of the family in the labor education of younger schoolchildren. Parents committee, teacher
April Children and computers (communication workshop). Teacher, psychologist
May Results of the third year of study (ceremonial meeting together with students). Parents committee, teacher
Fourth grade
September 1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of fourth-graders. Teacher
October Emotional well-being of children in the family. Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist, social educator
January 1. Results of the first half of the year. 2. Dispute and quarrel (workshop together with students). Parents committee, teacher
March Taking into account the gender and age characteristics of children in their upbringing. Teacher, medical worker, psychologist
April Problems of continuity of education in primary and secondary schools: ways and means of solution. Parents committee, teacher, future 5th grade class teacher
May Farewell to elementary school (ceremonial meeting - celebration together with children). Parents committee, teacher



The main activities of the class teacher:

Ensuring normal physical health of schoolchildren;

Solving communication problems;

Expanding the child’s cognitive sphere;

Increasing the educational potential of the family.

Professional abilities of a class teacher:

1. Reflective and analytical abilities:

Ability to analyze your activities;

The ability to foresee the results and consequences of one’s activities;

Ability to master methods of diagnosing the state of the individual and the team;

The ability to observe and evaluate the level of individual development of a student.

2.Organizational skills:

Set only tasks for children that will give the expected result;

Plan work with those who will carry it out;

Divide the goal into smaller tasks and turn them into differentiated tasks for group and individual class work;

Create a positive attitude towards upcoming activities;

Use various methods to stimulate individual self-realization of children;

Coordinate the efforts of families and teachers in educating schoolchildren.

3.Communication skills.

(grades 1–4)
First meeting
Topic: Meeting parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year; it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, prepare the family for the need to communicate with the school and teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family’s fear of school.

Meeting objectives: 1.Introduce parents to teachers, school, administration, school services and each other. 2.Help the family prepare for their child’s first grade education.

Issues for discussion*: 1.Where can parents get advice on raising a child? 2.What laws should upbringing in the family follow? 3.What is interesting about an individual family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting plan(approximate) 1.Acquaintance with the school principal and school administration. 2.Introduction of the teacher who will work with the class. 3. Tour of the school building. 4. Mini-lecture “The laws of education in the family. What should they be like? 5. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. 6.Self-introduction is the calling card of the family. 7.Parent training “The child in the mirror of the parents.”

Progress of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will take place. The class is festively decorated (wishes and creative works of students who have graduated from primary school can be placed on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with the teacher recruiting the class.

I. Opening speech by the school director(option).
– Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September! Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one large ship team called “School”. Our voyage begins today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, hitting as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, a comprehensive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director of an elementary school.

II. Speech by the deputy director of primary school.
The speech should contain information about the traditions and customs of the primary school, and the requirements for students. It is necessary to introduce parents to the school's charter, give each family a school business card, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of the primary school, and introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.

III. Teacher's self-presentation. The teacher conducts self-introduction:

1. A story about yourself, about your choice of teaching profession.

2. A story about your graduating students, about plans for the future in working with the new class.

IV. Self-representation of families.
The self-representation of families at the parent meeting is very interesting. This is a kind of calling card of the family. It is advisable to tape-record speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will make it possible to immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
Family Self-Representation Plan

1.Last name, first name, patronymic of parents.

2. Age of parents, family birthday.

3.Interests and hobbies of the family.

4.Traditions and customs of the family.

5.Family motto.

V. Tour of the school building.
After the self-introduction of parents and teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show parents the psychological service office, introduce it to its work schedule, and offer to write down the psychological service hotline.

VI.Advice for parents.
At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws for raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

VII. Parent survey.
Held at the end of a meeting on a designated topic.
You can take a group photo as a souvenir of your parents’ first “school” day.

Second meeting
Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders at school
Form: round table.

Meeting objectives: 1. Introduce the parent team to possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of education. 2.Develop recommendations for creating a system of comfortable relationships with a first-grader.

Issues for discussion: 1.Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 2Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 3. The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Progress of the meeting

I. Discussion of the child's first day of school.
Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”. It might look something like this.
Teacher's word. Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it there are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, and filled your entire existence. Place your hand in the basket and take the “feeling” that has overwhelmed you most for a long period of time, name it.
Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.
Such an assignment allows you to focus on the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems while considering the topic of the meeting. Physiological conditions for a child’s adaptation to school. Discussion of the issue. Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with child health problems. Changing the child's daily routine compared to kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the child’s educational activities. Monitoring parents for the correct posture while doing homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organizing proper nutrition for the child. Parents care about hardening the child, maximum development of physical activity (creating a sports corner in the house). Fostering in children independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school. When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first-grader:
– creation of a favorable psychological climate towards the child on the part of all family members;
– the role of the child’s self-esteem in adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
– developing interest in school and the school day;
– mandatory acquaintance with the children in the class and the opportunity to communicate with them after school;
– inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
– exclusion of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
– taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to school education;
– providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
– encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
– development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child. Relationships between classmates. The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveitchik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules that can help parents prepare their child to communicate with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to their child and, with their help, prepare the child for adult life.

1. Don’t take away someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.

2. They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.

3.Don't fight without a reason.

4. If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.

5.Play honestly, don’t let your comrades down.

6. Don’t tease anyone, don’t whine, don’t beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

7. Don’t cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

8. Don’t snitch or slander anyone.

9. Try to be careful.

10.Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

11. Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in a visible place in their child’s room or work area. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child’s attention to which rules he manages to follow, which ones he cannot, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules together with your child.

Third meeting
Topic: TV in the life of a family and a first-grader

Meeting objectives: 1. Together with parents, determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child’s life. 2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion: 1. The role of television in a child’s life. 2. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

Questions for discussion: 1. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items? 2.What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality? 3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Consider possible options.

Progress of the meeting

I. Teacher's opening speech(option).
– Is TV in a child’s life good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Should we turn off the TV if we think that the program will be uninteresting to the child? These and other questions today require answers.
some statistics:
· Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily.
· A child's daily TV viewing time averages more than two hours.
· 50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception.
· 25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row.
· 38% of children aged 6 to 12 years old, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with family.
But you might think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted around the following questions:

1.How many times a week do you watch TV?

2.Do you watch TV alone or with your family?

3. Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer certain programs?

4.If you found yourself on a desert island, what items would you order from a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?

II. Discussion of the results of the analysis of children’s answers to the proposed questions.

1. What should I do and do I need to do something? Perhaps you should simply ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?

2.What does TV give a child? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problem is discussed and opinions are exchanged.
Opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
– relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
– find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy;
– understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
– learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
– develop imagination, fantasy, and emotional sphere.
Teacher's comment, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children’s drawings “I’m watching TV.”

IV. Recommendations for parents:
1) Together with the children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week.
2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
3) Listen to children’s opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children’s programs.
4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by children.

V. Homework for parents: Determine for yourself the answers to the questions:

1.How much time does your child spend watching TV?

2. Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?

3.What gears does he prefer?

4.Which program would you like to take part in?

5. How to prevent children from hearing from their parents: “Are you doing your homework again in the evening?”, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents: It must be remembered that the influence of television on the psyche of children is very different from its similar influence on adults. for example, according to research results, first-graders cannot clearly determine where the truth is and where the lie is. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do children begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Positive and negative emotions
Form: family council.

Meeting objectives: 1. Get acquainted with the self-esteem of the students in the class. 2. Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Progress of the meeting


Takyryba: “Rukhani-adamgershilik bilim take udarisindegi otbas men mekteptin arekettestigi”


Topic: “Interaction between school and family in the process of spiritual and moral education”

“The child is the mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

In all centuries, people valued morality and good manners. The socio-economic transformations taking place in modern society make us think about the future of Kazakhstan and its youth.

The general education school is faced with the task of preparing a responsible citizen who is capable of independently assessing what is happening and building his activities in accordance with the interests of the people around him.

“Self-knowledge” is one of the practical answers to the emerging need to search for new approaches to the development of a child’s personality, to his moral and spiritual education.

The subject “Self-Knowledge” is aimed at teaching children and youth moral values, developing constructive communication skills, self-discovery of personal potential, and everyone’s search and discovery of themselves in the multifaceted world of human interactions.

And this work must begin from primary school age, since it is at this time that the active accumulation of moral experience occurs, moral self-determination and the formation of self-awareness begin.

At our school, we found ideal allies in the parents of our students. After all, it is the family that is for the child the world where he lives, learns to love and rejoice, sympathize and worry, learns the ability to live among people, comprehends the basics of good and evil.

A child, first of all, must recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then, a citizen of Kazakhstan and only then an inhabitant of planet Earth. Therefore, feedback is certainly necessary, that is, working with the family. The very problem of cooperation between school and parents is not new; today it requires a creative approach. The content of the Self-Discovery curriculum encourages close collaboration with the family. We carry out this joint activity through individual conversations, holidays, homework, open classes, and parent meetings.

Remembering the importance of family education, we try to involve parents in participating in the educational process. And a very important role in this direction is played by the textbook “Self-Knowledge”, the educational and methodological complex for it, intended for joint homework with parents.

Despite the fact that “Self-Knowledge” has only been used in Kazakh schools for only the second year, we realized that to implement this program we need not just the help of parents, but their direct participation in classes. We started with general individual consultations with questionnaires on the problem. Here we took into account the fact that parents are most interested in the development of their child, and they are able to effectively engage in the educational process if they see a way to practically apply the acquired knowledge. We also needed close cooperation with parents in order to receive feedback. During the first conversations with parents and during the survey process, we found out that they lack practical knowledge in raising and communicating with their children. We started getting parents to attend these classes because I? In this case, it was easier for them to complete their homework. Considering that modern parents are very busy, we have introduced some forms of correspondence communication into our practice, for example, “Recommendations of the month.” To do this, we select sayings, quotes about life, about education. We post the selected quotes on special information boards for parents, so they are remembered, imprinted in the mind and later used in practice.

When planning our work with parents, we try to give them the opportunity to understand that they themselves must be what they want their children to be, that children must be taught by the example of their lives.

Using material from the educational and methodological complex, we draw up scenarios for family holidays. Such joint holidays contribute to the spiritual renewal of adults and children, thereby turning into holidays of Love and Goodness, sun and light, joy for everyone. In addition, any joint activity brings parents and children closer, teaches mutual understanding, trust, and makes them real partners. As a result of such joint holidays, parents learn to understand and feel the soul of the child. Our teachers and parents really liked the themed weeks of the decade of self-knowledge held at school, various competitions and exhibitions, joint sports and entertainment events, and health days. And the result of working with parents immediately becomes obvious: they are the most active participants in all school events.

To conduct parent lectures and round table meetings with parents, we also use parables and video recordings of fragments of lessons on self-knowledge, where children reason and express their opinions on questions or problems. At such moments, parents rediscover their children, see them from an unexpected side. Very often it is difficult for them to hold back tears, and some are forced to think about this or that statement of their child.

In the opinions of children, according to parents, new, broader concepts of goodness, love, joy, respect, and friendship appeared. At the same time, 84% of parents note that their children have changed significantly for the better, especially in their relationships with those close to them and those around them.

As a survey of children shows, they really like the lessons of self-knowledge. Here is the feedback we receive: “I am growing up with my children and learning to be more tolerant and kinder in all situations.” We are sincerely pleased with this pedagogy of cooperation between family and school. Experienced work in our school shows the need for this unity. If a person is taught goodness, the result will be goodness. You just need to teach constantly, demandingly, persistently, taking into account the individual age characteristics of children.

We are confident that our students will become highly moral individuals: polite, attentive to other people, and taught to be careful when working.


Takyryba: “12 zhildyk bilimge koshu zhagdayyndagy bastauysh sons okushylarynyn belim money aser take”

Topic: “The influence of the learning process on the level of development of junior schoolchildren in 12-year education”

The influence of the learning process on the level of development of junior schoolchildren in the context of the transition to 12-year education.

A modern school requires radical changes that allow students to adapt to a dynamically changing world, to realize themselves creatively in their personal lives and in future professional activities.

The transition to a 12-year education is, in essence, a reform of the entire national education system, offering “the formation and development of a highly educated creative personality, capable of living in a dynamically developing environment, ready for self-development, self-expression and maximum self-realization both in their own interests and in the interests of society (“Concept of 12-year secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”).

Development of thinking.

By the time a 6-7 year old child enters school, visual-effective thinking should already be formed, which is visual-figurative thinking, which forms the basis for successful learning in primary school. In addition, children of this age should have elements of logical thinking. Thus, at this age stage, the child develops different types of thinking that contribute to the successful mastery of the curriculum.

What is formed visual-effective thinking? A child with a high level of development of visual-effective thinking copes well with any type of productive activity that requires the ability to work according to a visual model, the ability to correlate the sizes and shapes of objects (construction blocks, mechanical parts) to solve a given problem.

Visual-figurative thinking is characterized by the ability to solve a problem primarily in terms of representation and only then - on a specific subject basis.

Logical thinking presupposes that the child has the ability to perform basic logical operations: generalization, analysis, comparison, classification.

The visually effective is formed in preschool age in the process of mastering play activities, which must be organized in a certain way and proceed under the control and with the special participation of an adult. Only the full development of a preschooler ensures the formation of the necessary level of visual and effective thinking.

Children come to school with different levels of general psychological development, therefore, for various reasons, they may not only lack the rudiments of logical or visual thinking, but also have underdeveloped visual-effective thinking, the formation of which should normally be completed by the time they enter school .

What to do if the child still has not developed visual thinking? The most effective way of its development is object-tool activity, which is most fully embodied in the activity of design. Therefore, it is desirable that in each group, each class there is a set of a wide variety of construction sets (plastic, metal, wooden, etc.)

The following types of tasks contribute to the development of visual and figurative thinking: the above-described work with constructors, but not according to a visual model, but according to verbal instructions, as well as according to the child’s own plan, when he must first come up with a design object, and then independently implement it.

The development of this same type of thinking is achieved by including children in a variety of role-playing and director's games, in which the child himself comes up with a plot and independently embodies it.

You can offer a whole range of developmental tasks that are always very well received by children and contribute to the development of thinking in general.

These include: all kinds of puzzles, various types of tasks with sticks or matches (lay out a figure from a certain number of matches, move one of them in order to get another image: connect several points of one line without lifting your hand).

Exercises with matches will also help develop spatial thinking. For this purpose, in addition to those listed, you can also use the simplest tasks with paper and scissors, conventionally called “One Cut.”

Along with this, you can use puzzle games that allow you to comprehensively develop the thinking function by complicating the task conditions.

In any case, all aspects of the child’s personal developments should not be left without attention, and parents should be given full consultation on the issues that arose as a result of the examination.

Primary school age is very vulnerable, because it is at this age that basic habits and rules of behavior are formed. It’s not for nothing that people say, “When you sow a habit, you reap a character.”

Sample plan for holding a parent meeting

"My baby is getting older."

    Mini lecture.

One of the main prerequisites for the healthy mental development of a child is that he grows up in an emotionally warm and stable environment.

For a long time, there were debates among specialists - scientists and teachers - who is more responsible for the moral world of children - family or school? Finally, the majority came to the right conclusion - without removing responsibility from the school, more demands must be made on the family, because It is here that the foundation of a person’s moral values, orientations and beliefs is laid.

The importance of family education is undeniable. No one has more influence on children than father and mother.

To effectively raise a child in a family, it is necessary to comply with the mechanisms of family pedagogy.

According to teachers of mechanisms in family pedagogy

First of all, reinforcement is used, encouraging the child for correct actions and typically punishing and reproaching him for incorrect ones, you gradually introduce a system of norms, rules, and concepts into the child’s consciousness. They must be realized and perceived by the child, and become his need.

The second mechanism is identification (identification) of oneself with loved ones, which the child respects, adores, and strives to be like them. It is important that this mechanism is often based on love for parents, and in the name of this love, the child strives to be good in everything.

The third mechanism is understanding.

Its meaning boils down to the fact that, knowing well and feeling the inner world of a child, the range of his motives and motives, immediately responding to his needs and problems, you can actively influence his actions.

    Parent ring.

Target: studying the point of view of parents in solving problematic situations related to raising children in the family.

    Discuss together various educational situations and ways to resolve conflict situations in students’ families.

    To develop among parents an interest in jointly discussing problems that arise in the upbringing of students.

Ring progress.

    Explanation of the theme of the ring and its objectives. Reaching all parents in the room and working with them.

    Divide parents into 3 groups of 6 people (table, chairs, sheets of paper, markers). Parents discuss the proposed situation and choose a speaker who presents the group's response.

Situation one.“What to do if...” Recently, the child has changed a lot, communicates little with loved ones, is silent, sits for a long time thinking about something. Not all parents' questions are answered evasively or avoided altogether. Parents tend to think that the child is suffering, but hides the reasons. What to do in such a situation?

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation two. At the end of the school term, you received your child’s diary and see that the result of the learning is very, very successful. You are happy, praising your child for his achievements, but after a couple of days you are invited to school for a serious conversation, and there you find out that your son or daughter corrected the grades in the diary and signed for the class teacher. The results of the study are bad and your child deceived you?

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation three. The child has grown up, increasingly tries to sneak out of the house and lingers further and further somewhere. He still does everything, but you feel that he lives his own life, which is more interesting to him. You are suffering, but don't know what to do...

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation four.“What to do if...” You don’t recognize your child. He became rudely aggressive, and sometimes even cruel. Strangers talk about this, you observe the manifestation of such qualities yourself, sometimes it even breaks through to you.

(Backup option)

Consider the psychologist's answer.

During the period when parents are engaged in the task: psychologist reads recommendations.

    Creating a favorable family atmosphere.

    Remember: how the parents wake up the child determines his psychological mood for the whole day.

    If parents have the opportunity to go to school with their child, do not miss it. A common road is joint communication of unobtrusive advice.

    Learn to greet children after school. Don’t be the first to ask the question: “What grades did you get today?”

It’s better to ask a neutral question: “What was interesting at school?”, “What did you do today?”, “How were things at school?”

    Rejoice in your child's success. Don't get annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures.

    Listen patiently and with interest to your child's stories about events in his life.

The child must feel that he is loved.

How often do you tell your children...

    I'm busy right now)...

    Look what you've done!

    This is not how it should be done...


    When will you learn?

    How many times have I told you!

    No! I can't!

    You'll drive me crazy!

    What would you do without me?!

    You're always getting into everything!

    Go away from me!

    Stand in the corner!

All these “words” are firmly hooked in the child’s subconscious, and then don’t be surprised if the child moves away from you, becomes secretive, lazy, and unsure of himself.

These words caress the soul of a child...

    You're the most loved one!

    You can do a lot!

  • What would we do without you?!

    Come to me!

    Sit down with us!

    I'll help you...

    I rejoice at your success!

    No matter what happens, your home is your fortress.

    Tell me what's wrong with you

“My child is becoming an adult...”

How much human happiness has been shattered

to pieces just because

that someone didn’t say “Sorry” to someone?

I.D. Wilde.

Meeting objectives:

    Introduce parents to the reasons that stimulate children's bad behavior.

    To form among parents a culture of acceptance of difficulties associated with problems in raising their child.

    Develop the skills of finding a way out in difficult situations of communicating with such children. Form of implementation: discussion club.

Questions for discussion.

Preparatory work for the meeting:

    Testing students.

    Questionnaire for parents.

    Preparation of a parable for analysis by parents and recommendations for raising a difficult child.

Progress of the meeting.

Opening speech by the class teacher.

The reason for holding our meeting was observations of students in our class and other classes, not only in lessons, but also during breaks, in informal communication with each other and you, the parents. Many parents and grandparents, speaking about their own child or grandchild, most often use the following phrase: “I can’t get along with him. He started smoking, hangs out with big guys. It’s difficult with him.” The problem of childhood difficulties has become younger and it is necessary to talk about it already in elementary school in order to determine whether he has really become difficult or has matured. Or maybe he looks at the events and people who are next to him with real eyes? Or maybe he tells us, adults, the truth about ourselves, about our relationships? Observations and research materials of many psychologists working with difficult children indicate that a difficult child is often a child with a high level of intelligence and a heightened sense of justice. If they get out of control, it is very difficult to deal with them.

But first, let's try to determine who he is - a difficult child?

Parents identify the signs of a difficult child, and the class teacher writes these signs on the board. For example, a difficult child knows no limits in anything; disrupts daily routine; spoils household property; mocks young and old; bullies and fights with other children; interferes with conducting lessons, etc.

And so, we have defined a portrait of the child’s difficulties.

Let's all think together about the reasons for the appearance of difficult children. To make it easier for you to determine these reasons, I would like to provide materials for testing your children on this problem.

2. Test analysis.


The reason for children's uncontrollability.

    Fight for parents' attention.

    The struggle for self-affirmation.

    Thirst for revenge on the world around us, on adults.

    Lack of faith in your success.

    Analysis of the parable.

Different people lived in the same community. They were united by the desire for self-improvement. The community was led by a wise mentor. One day he needed to leave for a long period of time. In his place, he left his deputy, a sweet and pretty woman, to lead the community. When leaving, he gathered the entire community and, in front of everyone, handed the woman a notebook, in which he asked to record all the actions of the community members, regardless of their significance. While he was away, the main disturber of the community's peace was the only boy who lived in it. The deputy had the fewest violations.

After returning from the trip, the community leader called a meeting. At the meeting, he announced that he wanted to distribute rewards for behavior to members of the community during his absence. He was the first to call the boy over and handed him such a wad of money that everyone was dumbfounded. He also gave bonuses to others, but they were much smaller than the one the boy received.

His deputy received the least. At this point the meeting ended and everyone, perplexed, dispersed.

Only the boy did not want to put up with this state of affairs. He was eager to find out why he received undeserved money.

He came to his mentor with this question. "The money is yours.

You earned them. Without conflicts, my friend, no internal development is possible. The conflicts that you were the cause of most often cannot be organized on purpose. Unlike others, you behaved naturally, without looking back at the notebook that I gave to my deputy. And it costs a lot."

The boy turned and left, understanding little. Already after him, but as if for himself, the teacher said: “This story is not an indulgence for a bully. It is for those who see the need for condemnation and punishment behind any action. It is for all of us, standing together. First of all, it is important not for those who are being educated, but for those who are educating."

    Summary of the meeting.

Psychologist G. Dosmukhanova

Plan and summary of the parent meeting on the topic “Effective communications - the path to conflict resolution” - one of the classes in the Parent Academy program for working with parents. The material can be used by class teachers in preparation for parent-teacher meetings.

Form: parent workshop

Goals: developing skills for effective communication with children; increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents.

multimedia projector, markers, flipchart, handouts for conducting exercises, organization of space (four tables for four groups to work).



Parent meeting plan

on the topic “Effective communications - the path to conflict resolution”

The date of the: 19.11.2013

Time: 18.00

Developer: N.A. Morgunova, deputy Director for HR of MAOU Secondary School No. 25

Form:parent workshop

Goals: developing skills for effective communication with children; increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents.

Location: MAOU secondary school No. 25

Equipment, resources and materials:multimedia projector, markers, flipchart, handouts for conducting exercises, organization of space (four tables for four groups to work).

Event plan



Communicating the goals of the workshop.

1 minute

Introduction (parents write their names on pieces of paper with markers and attach badges)

3 minutes

Introduction to the topic of the workshop. Exercise 1 “Discussion of the situation”

7 minutes

Exercise 2 “Identify ineffective messages”

3 minutes

7 minutes

Exercise-game “A Place in the Sun”. Discussion

6 minutes

Reflection. Summarizing.

2 minutes


30 minutes

Summary of the event

Good afternoon, dear Parents.

The subject of our discussion will be the classic problem of intergenerational relationships. There has always been misunderstanding between “fathers” and “children,” but the scary thing is that this misunderstanding can cause conflict. Therefore, the topic of our parent workshop is “Effective communications - the path to conflict resolution” Step 1 (slide No. 1).

Life without conflicts is impossible, and their successful resolution depends on us – adults. I propose to consider one of the situations that almost every parent faces.

Exercise 1 “Discussion of the situation” (slide No. 2)

Situation: " Your 13-year-old child came home from school, ate in the kitchen, and once again left everything behind in a mess. And before that, you spent an hour getting it into perfect shape.”

What would you tell your child in this situation?

(Options for statements are written on a flipchart)

Parents, faced with such protest behavior of their children, use various ways out of the conflict situation. Some choose the path: “I win - you lose” and insist on their own, others “You win - I lose” and give in to the child, others cannot choose between these two and fluctuate from one to the other. There is another “win-win” approach, which requires a fundamental change in the attitudes of most parents towards their children, the time and skills to clearly communicate their feelings and effective communication between parents and children.

Adults express their feelings and emotions through the languages ​​“I-statement” and “You-statement”.

"You-statement"contains a negative assessment of another person, often an accusation, threat, advice, persuasion or sending a ready-made solution (what the child needs to do). For example (“Clean up after yourself immediately!”, “Always clean up after yourself!”, “I will be angry with you if you don’t clean up,” etc.).

Sending “You-messages”(slide number 3)

1) makes the child resist his parents and refuse to change behavior;

2) makes the child think that the parent considers him not very good;

3) makes the child think that the parent does not take into account his feelings;

4) causes the child to feel guilty;

5) reduces the degree of self-esteem for the child;

6) forces the child to defend himself;

7) provokes the child to attack the parent.

The child resists being told what to do. He may not like your decision. Delegating the decision communicates to your child that your needs are more important than theirs; that he should do exactly what you think is necessary, regardless of his needs

As a result, children resist, respond with defense or hostility. They feel belittled, destroyed, controlled. They "lose face". Some grow up submissively expecting others to make decisions for them. Hence the complaints of parents about the lack of independence of children, their inattention to the needs of their parents. A You message almost always begins with or contains the word You. All these messages are “You”-oriented.

Dear parents, how do you think the “I-statement” differs from the “You-statement”?

(Parents' expected responses: “I-statement”- this is a message about your feelings, it rarely causes protest because it does not contain accusations. “I-statement” presupposes an “equal” position in communication with a child, instead of a “on top” position. In these statements, you defend your interests, but at the same time do not put pressure on the other person. (“I’m upset that the room is not cleaned. What can I do to clean it?”)

Exercise 2 Identify ineffective messages

I bring to your attention situations and parent messages, after reading them, identify ineffective messages(slides No. 4-7)

Situation and message

Children are noisy around the TV: what program to watch. Parent: “Stop making noise and turn off the TV now!”

My daughter arrived at 12.00 instead of 10.00, as agreed. Her parents were very worried, thinking that something had happened to her. Her parents were relieved when she returned. "I see you can't be trusted. I'm very angry with you. You'll be grounded for a month."

My daughter arrived at 12.00 instead of 10.00, as agreed. Her parents were very worried, thinking that something had happened to her. Her parents were relieved when she returned. "Thank God you finally came home. I'm so glad, what a relief. I was so afraid something had happened."

The teacher sent home a note saying that a 13-year-old child was talking loudly in class. "Come and explain why you're making us blush with your crappy tongue."

Conclusion: It takes courage and inner confidence for a parent to express their inner feelings. The honesty and openness of the “I messages” in the third example creates a truly human relationship between parent and child. My child will know me for who I am; this in turn encourages him to reveal to me what he is like. Instead of moving away from each other, we develop relationships of intimacy.

Exercise 3 “Training in constructing “I am statements”

Work in groups (divide into 3-4 groups). Each group is given the task of reformulating the phrase from You - message to I - message. (the problem and “You are the message” are written on the cards)(Annex 1)

Then (if necessary) the group returns to the discussionsituation No. 1. Formulation “I am messages”

Exercise-game “A Place in the Sun”

Instructions: Imagine that while on vacation you find yourself at a very prestigious resort. The beaches are all crowded at this time of the season. Those standing in the circle arrived a little earlier and have already found their place in the sun. Those who are outside the circle arrived later, and therefore they were faced with the task of still getting onto the beach and finding their place there.


What does it mean to be rejected? How did you feel?

Can a “You-statement” turn a child away from you? How does your child feel when you reject him?

To penetrate the circle, what methods did you use? Which ones are more effective?

Summarizing. Reflection.

Dear parents, at our next meeting we will get acquainted and discuss three main approaches to resolving a conflict situation between parents and children. And now I ask you to express in one word your state and mood after the meeting.


  1. CM. Emelyanov Workshop on conflict management. S-P, 2000.
  2. R.V. Ovcharova Practical psychology. M., 1999.
  3. S.A. Levashova Psychologist and teenager. Yaroslavl, 2002.
  4. E. Lyutova Effective interaction with children. M., 2003.
  5. N.S. Karavaeva. Effective communication training. Tyumen, 2004.
  6. K. Thorne. D. Mackay Training. S-P., 2001.
  7. V.A. Rodionov I and others. Yaroslavl, 2003.
  8. K. Fopel How to teach children to cooperate? M., “Genesis”, 1999.